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Into Darkness: A RWBY RP

Drago Ryder

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@dragon4111@Ranger22@Drago Ryder

Yuki looked at the cage and back to Ghalan. She knew that he could handle himself in a fight, so there wasn't really a need to worry. Of course, that didn't stop her from cheering her partner and teammate on. "Give 'em heck, Ghalan." She cheered, smiling slightly.

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

"Fighting Grimm indoors for learning purposes? How quaint..." Vince muttered as he saw his teammate volunteer to participate in whatever Professor Port had in mind to test the virtues of a huntsman. Though he hadn't crossed it out as a possibility, Vince didn't expect that Ghalan would have to fight a grimm inside of a classroom, at least not this early in the year. What an interesting teacher. Vince thought as he saw a large and rugged cage be dragged out from somewhere in the classroom and in front of the faunus. Whatever grimm was inside obviously hadn't liked being captive. Which usually led to the grimm's death or an escaped grimm that leads to whomever nearby usually be slain, at least that's what Vince heard in the news. Not too big of a cage...makes sense to start fairly small. Though even a young beowolf was a recipe for disaster, guess that might be a lesson Port wanted to teach. Not that I think Ghalan doesn't already have that on his mind. Vince heard Yuki begin to cheer for Ghalan, something that garnered the attention of more than one student in the class. "Nice and supportive," Vince muttered under his breath with a smile. "Don't get thrashed boy!" Vince yelled at his teammate. Thinking of how nice it was for him to have the least chance of being affected by the battle considering he was in the back.

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"Rip it apart." Draco said, giving a light smile and a thumbs up. If the others were going to cheer the wolf faunus on, then he might as well join in.

Port nodded and opened up the cage door. What came out was a single borbatusk, but even that was a dangerous grimm. The armored boar then curled its body into a ball and practically charged at Ghalan.

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@Drago Ryder , @Acnologia , @Ranger22

Ghalan sighed as he watched the boartusk charge at him. He sidestepped it letting it charge at him for afew time. He was observing it for weaknesses. He saw armor above but not below. Now how to bring it down quickly? Ghalan looked to the wall and grinned. A he slid under the boarbatusk and slashed it's belly with his heated claws. But he saw the claws only did minimul damage. "Tough bastard," he muttered as he dodged out of the way once more and saw it stunned itself on the wall. So he was going for a lower strike but one of the prejudiced jackasses decided to distract him.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Drago Ryder@dragon4111@Ranger22

Yuki decided that it would be best to simply ignore the other students as she watched Ghalan fight the boarbatusk. At the very least, she figured that she'd be able to learn something after seeing the way he fought. That being said, she didn't want to see the wolf faunus hurt.

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"Ignore the peanut gallery, bud. Show them what you're capable of." Draco said, evaluating his teammate's performance. As the fight progressed, his emotions were dragged kicking and screaming into the back of his mind, leaving behind the part of him that had seen the darkness of the world. He was to tired to deal with prejudiced humans, so he simply foxused on what was directly in front of him.

"Yes. It is best to always keep one's mind on any possible threat." Port said.

It didn't take long for the grimm to recover and charged again at Ghalan, this time aiming to spear its tusks through his chest.

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@Drago Ryder , @Acnologia , @Ranger22

Ghalan calm himself as he then sliced the beast in two because his sword was super heated. It was glowing blue he was lucky but one of the parts grazed his chest into a jagged scar. The heat of his semblance causing it to cauterize. He panted slightly to himself as he slipped his sword into his sheath extinguish the heat.  He breathed in then out.  he felt sore but it was the good type of sore.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Drago Ryder@Ranger22@dragon4111

Yuki smiled as she watched her partner take out the boarbatusk, but also noticed that he was slightly hurt. The latter worried her slightly, but didn't let it bother her unless it hindered the wolf faunus. "Way to go, Ghalan." She said, her tail shifting sliightly in excitement.

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Port gave a hefty cheer as he watched Ghalan kill the grimm he had set loose. "Bravo! We are truely in the prescence of a true huntsman-in-training," He all but bellowed. It was at that moment that the bell decided to ring, signaling the next class. "Unfortunetly, that is all the time we have to the day. Hopefully this little demonstration gives all of you an idea of what is to come should you participate in this class."

As students began to file out of the classroom, Draco glanced at Ghalan and gave a slight nod in apporval. "Not bad." He said.

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

Vince was one of many who often read about the variety of grimm that were documented in remnant. The boarbatusk was one said grimm that Vince recognized from the books and stories his father had provided him. Though not as large as other grimm it was still around the size of a human, its strength and ferocity often catching many people/faunus off guard. Though Vince didn't know whether or not Ghalan had such knowledge of the grimm, he was certain that his companion would prevail one way or the other. Judging from the fight in the Emerald forest the previous day Vince was confident in his compatriots capability of adapting to a new threat. To Vince's expectations Ghalan had dodged the grimm's charge and spot a weakness on top of it. Vince smiled, not only due to the fact his teammate is succeeding in battle, but also Vince enjoyed a good fight in general. Not that I go looking for them myself anyway. To his surprise Ghalan's claws hadn't seemed to harm the boarbatusk too much, of course Ghalan had noticed that and baited out another one of the grimm's charges. Unfortunately being unable to take advantage of it due to a student from the crowd proving a distraction. Vince found his teeth clenched in annoyance as he saw the grins on the perpetrators faces. The pure lack of discipline when it came to a life threatening situation was something Vince didn't tolerate.

Though he obviously disliked the distraction, Vince also found it odd that Ghalan would prove susceptible to such a lowly distraction. Then again Ghalan had showed himself to be a rather hotheaded person. Guess the best thing to do here would just learn how not to get distracted, a painfully obvious lesson but one that is crucial to success when fighting grimm. Vince found his worry and annoyance disappear as he saw Ghalan draw his blade and skillfully slice the the boarbatusk in half, though the wound caused by the grimm had clearly shown itself. What a strange semblance that faunus has. Vince listened in to whatever Port had to say, almost drowning it out with concern for his teammate. Vince couldn't think about it too long, the bell loudly ringing right after Port had said his piece. With the other students leaving, Vince had glanced at Ghalan. "Damn fine work," Vince said instead of a monologue on bodily health and safety.

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It didn't take long for Draco to gather his weapon and the few items he brought to class, before he headed to his team's next destination. To be honest, he didn't expect Dr.Oobleck to do anything to out of the ordinary on the first day of class, but he could be wrong.   With that being said, the dragon faunus turned his attention to the fight he had witnessed. "Ghalan's strong, but how strong would he be without his semblance or weapons?" He thought to himself. If the answer wasn't satisfactory, that was something he would have to work on.

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@Drago Ryder , @Acnologia , @Ranger22

Ghalan chuckled as he grabbed his things but then the same perps decided to poke the sleeping dragon by trying to bully him. Well try is the word as they tried to punch him. But he blocked their attempts. Ghalan sighed as he cracked his knuckles. He threw a right punch into the perp's right side jaw. Then he clapped his hands over the would be bully's ears to disorient them. He then punched their diaphragms hard as he felt their ribs crack. He then cracked their jaws then dislocated them entirely. He then kicked them across the floor. hard. "Leave me and my team alone," he stated coldly as he walked towards his next class

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Yuki watched Ghalan's fight and knew that continuing down that path wouldn't help him in the future. That being said, it didn't take her long to catch up with the wolf faunus and put a hand on his shoulder when they were halfway to their next class. "I know they were the ones that started it, but pulling stunts like that will only get you into just as much trouble. I know you don't care what they think of you, but I don't want to see you get kicked out of Beacon." She said, her tone gentle. Sure she had a decent life, but the fox was no stranger to discrimination. 

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

Vince was just heading out when he saw the same people who attempted to distract Ghalan earlier had been surrounding him. He couldn't exactly hear what they were attempting to say, but judging from their faces and demeanor Vince could at least tell their intentions were less than pleasant. Not wanting to cause a seen right outside of a classroom with a veteran huntsman Vince was about to interfere. But before he could even get within five feet a punch was thrown and all hell broke loose. In what seemed like a fluid motion Ghalan engaged his harassers and skillfully beat them into submission. It was an impressive feat for an individual his age, Vince had to give Ghalan credit for his combat capabilities. But if he was being honest, Vince had to mostly point out the complete lack of defense the attackers put up. What huntsman, even in training doesn't know how to use aura? If they were going to be proper huntsman they would need to improve their discipline and combat skills greatly. Seeing Yuki approach Ghalan Vince had decided to let her deal with the issue. Walking over to the fallen students Vince had got on one knee and observed their injuries. "Guess you guys gotta train harder if you wanna beat him. Best not get into a fight over something stupid like that again, don't wanna see that potential wasted on juvenile disputes and prejudices." Vince had calmly stated before getting up and shouting to get medical attention before heading off to his next class in a rush.

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Draco glanced at Yuki and Ghalan as the former tried to start up a conversation with the wolf faunus, Figuring that they could work out whatever Ghalan's problem was without his intervention for the time being, he turned his attention to the lone human of the team and moved a bit closer to him so that they could talk in relative privacy. "Out of curiosity, what is your family like? I mean, Atlas isn't generally known for its stellar treatment of faunus, so you could've very well been like those idiots back in Port's class in some alternate universe." The dragon faunus then shrugged slightly, still tired and he would probably be that way for the rest of the day. "Granted, you aren't like that in this one, so I am thankful for that."

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@Drago Ryder , @Acnologia , @Ranger22

"You're quite adorable," Ghalan said with a gentle chuckle as he looked at her right in the eyes. "They would have beaten the crap out of me because of what I am," Draco stated with a sigh. he pulled aside his shirt to reveal the scar. "One moment of hesitation and distraction could have gotten me killed," he said simply as he looked at her with his gentle eyes. "I'm not saying your wrong my dear," he stated as his tail swayed as he grinned. "But this path I choose is of my own making," he said gently. "But for now I won't get into any fights,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@dragon4111@Ranger22@Drago Ryder

Yuki smiled slightly and tilted her head to the side. "That's good enough for me." She said, happy that he wouldn't be getting into trouble any time soon. Of course, she was caught off guard by his first statement, but decided to ignore it at the time.

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

Vince was making his way to his class before he saw Ignis walk up next to him. He was initially curious on what his faunus teammate had wanted from him, before settling on the thought that Ignis simply wanted to walk beside him to class. Vince's assumption was proven wrong as Ignis had popped out a question, one that Vince had expected from people considering his mannerism on top of the stereotypes of those from Atlas. Before giving an answer Vince wondered how long an explanation like the one Ignis would have expected take, Vince worrying due to already losing around a minute of time to get to his class. "Lets walk and talk," Vince said quickly as he gestured his teammate to follow him. "To start, my family was originally from Mistral, so if anything that may explain why I think the way I do. But to be realistic, prejudice is equally spread throughout Remnant...though said prejudices vary in appearance. Either way, my father was a huntsman and my mother a nurse, they moved to Atlas when i was little due to jobs being available at the time for both of my parents. They were a little conservative, rigid and strict about certain things...but they obviously cared and were very loving. I was given freedom to do as I wished, as long as it didn't get me into trouble or conflict with my studies. I was raised to focus on my family, friends, and myself...leave the politics and agenda to those who cared. There is a lot more to it of course, but I think I gave enough information for a person to understand why I am the way I am."

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Draco nodded slightly and gave a slight smirk. "Yeah. I think I learned enough for now." He said. The dragon faunus didn't exactly want to talk to much about politics with his partner and teammate at the moment, so he decided to leave it at that and walked ahead of the group, his tail falling from his waist and lazily swaying behind him. 

(2 hours later)

Thankfully, Doctor Oobleck, while being just as eccentric as Port, didn't do anything to out of the ordinary for the first day of class. He just went over what he expected out of each student and the material they would be required to learn should they feel the need to succed in his class, all while moving at a speed that rivaled Draco's own. 

After that and a rather uneventful lunch, the four now found themselves in the combat practice course, taught by one Glynda Goodwitch. Draco was correct the night before when he said that she was strict, but that did not mean that she cared for her students. She wouldn't have been a teacher otherwise. That being said, she felt that showcasing a few spars would be a good way to show what the class was about. "Vince Aurelius and Yuki Ryusaki, please report to the ring." She said.

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@Drago Ryder@dragon4111@Ranger22

Yuki was surprised to say the least when she heard that she would be fighting her teammate. "I guess that would be a possibilty. That way we learn about how the other members of our team fight." She thought to herself, before going to change into her combat outfit and retrieve her weapon. Thankfully, it didn't take her that long to do either.

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

The words that came out of Draco's mouth had made Vince assume that there would be further questions, each more intimate than the last. Truthfully it wouldn't have been a problem for the young student, after all there was nothing about Vince's past that were sensitive anyway. Vince simply responded with a nod and continued to follow the faunus to their next class. After some time Vince found himself sitting in a classroom that rivaled the size of professor Port's, and that room hosted fights! The teacher was a man by the name of Professor Oobleck. He dressed simply and professionally, a white button up paired with khaki pants and a belt. Circular glasses boldly stood out on his face and his hair was as wild as his personality. Wild in the sense that he seemed to move, talk, and see things in a way that were out of normal human boundary, or at least what Vince saw as normal human behavior. The teacher had explained the studies that would have took place in the class and the required materials for it, taking a sip from his rather large thermos. Vince could only assume that coffee was in the thermos, it was the only logical explanation Vince could find for his new teacher's behavior. Though hard for Vince to keep up he had found himself smiling for the entirety of it, his teacher's eccentric personality and subtle hints of greater knowledge were something that entertained Vince. 

In seemingly no time at all the bell for class had rung, Vince then thought of the saying time flies when you're having fun. Keeping a mental note for his needed materials he walked out of the class and headed off to the cafeteria. Vince had only briefly glimpsed the cafeteria a few times during his tour of the academy, but now that he was seeing it in all its glory Vince couldn't help but feel strange eating in such a large area. The ceiling stood higher than any cafeteria Vince had seen before, the large windows boldly shining down lights onto the students and staff eating below. Getting a tray filled with a nice selection of food Vince ate his meal quickly, eating a rather light amount considering the class he had next. Glynda's combat course was something Vince remembered from his list of classes, after all it covered one of the most important parts of being a huntsman...combat. The room was as large as expected, a large arena surrounded by a circle of benches for the other students to watch a fight before their turn. Vince sat through the general explanation given to the class before calling Yuki and him into the ring. "Wait, a fight already?" Vince had thought as the teachers at Beacon had continued to surprise him. Vince had expected he would eventually have to test his combat capabilities against one of his teammates eventually, he hadn't expected it to be Yuki. Understanding Glynda's intent Vince took the time to gear up fully, equipping his armor and loading his rifle specially. Vince stood ready for the signal to begin the spar, nodding at Yuki before anything began.

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Draco simply leaned towards in anticipation of the coming fight. "Both are somewhat capable at all ranges, so it's only a matter of semblance and tactics at this point." He thought to himself, still unaware of what the fox faunus had for a semblance.

Glynda nodded at both students, before stepping back to a relatively safe distance. "Begin!"

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@Drago Ryder , @Acnologia , @Ranger22

Ghalan chuckled as he looked at Vince with a grin stating "Kinda a bad match up for you since you have no close range weapon to fight her with," Ghalan stated simply as he watched the two closely. In the fox's case very closely. But it came down to two things luck and experience. Who would win? He didn't know as he sharpened his blade slowly with what looked like a good whet stone.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Ranger22@Drago Ryder@dragon4111

As soon as Glynda gave the 'all clear', Yuki rushed forward with her lance pointed forwards in an attempt to close the distance between herself and her opponent. While he may have had a sword as a close range weapon, her lance provided superior reach. The only problem would be getting close enough to stop him from using the ranged portion of his arsenal.

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

Vince had expected two things out of Yuki at the start of the match. That she either used her weapon and fired a barrage at range or attempt to use her lance to harass him using its superior reach compared to his weapon in its melee configuration. When Glynda had given the all clear Vince's mind was running the many possible scenarios he would have to deal with. The lance was a thrusting weapon, used to inflict devastating amounts of damage when given enough force. However, as a consequence it was significantly more heavy and harder to control, its movement restricted by its general weight. To use it efficiently one had to build up momentum to carry out the force through its tip and have enough strength to do it. Vince had no doubt Yuki knew how to use her weapon, underestimating a huntsman was something Vince knew would lead to his loss. Caught up in his thoughts he had barely noticed Yuki lunging forward, using her weapon to close the distance between them while attempting to use her weapon's reach as a safety measure. "Not a bad way to initiate." Vince thought as he had a split second or two to decide what to do next, trying to find a move that would provide the best positioning. With his mind made up Vince went for his weapon, making sure it was in its sword configuration. Using his right leg to propel himself, Vince pushed his body forward and slightly to the right. Drawing his blade as he aimed to get to the floor as quick as possible. Instead of dodging away Vince dodged towards his threat, barely parrying the tip of the lance as he hit the floor. Instead of hitting the floor Vince caught himself in a roll towards Yuki. With the distance closed in and her lance thrust being spent Vince swung his blade to Yuki's side.

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