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Since news broke out that im a brony, ive been having death threats and no end of Messages calling me a "child molester" or "a gay". I assure you, im quite the straight guy. Ive tried this "think powerpuff girls" stuff but it doesn't seem to work. Please give advice on how to counter troll these guys :( I feel really depressed now..


If ponies are treating you like this, they don't deserve your time. Ponies are in no way related to molesting (Except Molestia) or homosexuality. It is the insecurity of people accepting what other ponies enjoy on their spare time. Just stand your ground, and be confident, and trolls will leave you alone. They want an emotional reaction.


So I give all trolls nothing to work with, Or I blow them out of the water as I know 100X more of the show than most trolls and haters do these days. We are all here for you too, you are not alone :3 *Hugs*


Also, Don't let them get to you if you can, don't let other ponies ruin what you enjoy because of ridicule, ponies who love stuff will sick with it. :) You are already the better person if they are the ones attacking you, so work with that, and try to keep ponies on the down low in public if you want, but never get ashamed of it :D

Edited by Hayze
  • Brohoof 1


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If ponies are treating you like this, they don't deserve your time. Ponies are in no way related to molesting (Except Molestia) or homosexuality. It is the insecurity of people accepting what other ponies enjoy on their spare time. Just stand your ground, and be confident, and trolls will leave you alone. They want an emotional reaction.


So I give all trolls nothing to work with, Or I blow them out of the water as I know 100X more of the show than most trolls and haters do these days. We are all here for you too, you are not alone :3 *Hugs*


Also, Don't let them get to you if you can, don't let other ponies ruin what you enjoy because of ridicule, ponies who love stuff will sick with it. :) You are already the better person if they are the ones attacking you, so work with that, and try to keep ponies on the down low in public if you want, but never get ashamed of it :D


Thankyou, reading this post made me feel alot better :)
  • Brohoof 1


Gonna make your hooves move

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I don't know how to treat these things.


I think he should go to school in spite of them. Are they doing any of this to his face? Part of me doubts it.


On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said:


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Asking for trolling advice on a pony forum probably isn't going to yield many suggestions. But, I do have quite a bit of experience with trolls. Remain happy regardless of what anyone says, and remember to refrain from getting mad or showing any traits of being irritated under any circumstances. You have no reason to be sad or angry because other people choose to close their minds instead of utilizing their choices to have actual personalities, so shrug it off and stay calm. You'll always have us.


But, do tell, who are these close-minded people who are giving you such a hard time?

  • Brohoof 1


"Well," said Pooh, "what I like best—" and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn't know what it was called.

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Anyway, don't listen to the haters. If they send you a message just write a simple 'lol' or a 'k' c:


^ That.


Essentially, just ignore and delete. If somepony took the time to write a hateful message like that, that's not the kind of person you want to associate with anyway.


Also, I'm always here for you if you want to talk. Skype me at "Kodiak_Stallion" or just shoot me a PM. This forum is a family; we take care of our own. ;)


Storytellers of Equestria (Audiobook Group):


My audiobook series:



Semper Fidelis.

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Don't feel bad for your language...it is serious stuff if somepony is receiving death threats...that is immature...extreme...barbaric, and unnecessary. This has to be brought up with the police or principal immediately.


If people actually know what she show is and don't like it because it is not their preferred genre, that is fine and I respect that. However, to go out of your way to try to make someone miserable to seem superior because somepony likes a show most hesitate at?


That is wrong, and those people are what ruins society to me. I defiantly support anypony who is a victim to this kind of thing, as I have gone through it myself.


We are all here for anypony who is in distress.

  • Brohoof 2


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Thankyou, reading this post made me feel alot better :)


I am glad I helped make you feel better. Helping any and everypony is what I do best, so it is good I am not getting rusty ;)


No seriously though, I am delighted to know I helped in some way, I hope this gets turned around for you. You don't deserve it, and the ponies doing this to you have some serious issues. If anything else ever happens I'll always lend an ear to help and listen, just message me if you feel the need ;)

Edited by Hayze


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Thankyou, all of you, These people seem to be everyone at my school, coincidentally, sending me hate messages. Half of them i dont even know!


People are threatening you and refusing to be your friend because of a cartoon you watch? Wow, that's a whole new failure at social culture. How sad.


"Well," said Pooh, "what I like best—" and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn't know what it was called.

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Thankyou, all of you, These people seem to be everyone at my school, coincidentally, sending me hate messages. Half of them i dont even know!


Whoa, wait: this is happening in real life? Are they physically bullying you?

Edited by Kodiak


Storytellers of Equestria (Audiobook Group):


My audiobook series:



Semper Fidelis.

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People are threatening you and refusing to be your friend because of a cartoon you watch? Wow, that's a whole new failure at social culture. How sad.


It is quite depressing people go to those lengths to show their hate for a show. Why they can't mind their own business is beyond me. I do understand some bronies will be very outgoing with ponies, but it is up to the haters to handle the situation, and they for the most part are all bad at it. Expressing opinions is different than personal attacks. Edited by Hayze


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^ That.


Essentially, just ignore and delete. If somepony took the time to write a hateful message like that, that's not the kind of person you want to associate with anyway.


Also, I'm always here for you if you want to talk. Skype me at "Kodiak_Stallion" or just shoot me a PM. This forum is a family; we take care of our own. ;)


This is what I like about you, Kodiak. Always there to help out.

I actually asked Princess Luna if (s)he wanted to join our conversation on skype

to talk about it, because I know you can be good to talk with when somepony's got issues ^_^


-Anyways, I'm going to say what everypony here has said, ignore them and don't let them get to you...

That's always the best thing you can do with people like these, I know it is hard. But it's the best you can do.

  • Brohoof 2


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Huh, your school seems a like over their rockers. If your school si really full of infamous deliquients, then maybe you might have a problem, if not then it is a much more better situation.


I think of a few ways to deal with this issue.

1. Convert people, this option will be hard if NO ONE is a brony and if you're one of the people unluckily seperated for apparently no reason.

2. Hacking, this option is the more grand way of "getting back," by hacking into the school computers and playing brony music. Although you can be caught if you are the only person who would do such a thing.

3. Could other people add to this list? I'm thinking of too destructive things right now.

"Hell is full of good meanings, but heaven is full of good works"

I would love to learn how to shuffle. Just like this

Sneak peak to my next Fanfic (First Chapter WILL be prone to editting): http://www.fimfictio...cles-of-Harmony

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Also, you could check out this thread, Its about some of the supporting evidence I used to convince my dad why MLP is awesome. He now fully supports me and even let me use his bank account to donate to the website. Good Luck.


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Thankyou, all of you, These people seem to be everyone at my school, coincidentally, sending me hate messages. Half of them i dont even know!

And all of them quite frankly aren't worth knowing.


Seriously, anyone that feels as though they need to, or has a right to judge you over a bloody show you watch of all things is not worth your time or attention. If people are threatening or harassing you, inform the appropriate authority figures at your school and continue on with your life.

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Do what I do, don't care about what others think, and challange the threats being made (Reason for this is becuse the person makeing it would be in far more trouble then juu) and just live on life..........After all, juu won't be seeing all of these peaple forever

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2. Hacking, this option is the more grand way of "getting back," by hacking into the school computers and playing brony music. Although you can be caught if you are the only person who would do such a thing.



i'v done that, but it was before MLP, I RickRolled the school :P
  • Brohoof 2


I'm just your average Brony, Whovian, Sonic Fan, Yognaught, Mechanic, Drag racing........

Time traveler............................. Thats me SXCJ40


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Best thing to do is try and convert some people.


You know conversion may be the "best" thing to do, but from the sounds of things that sounds next to impossible!

I don't think he'll be converting anyone at that school since they seem to single out the Brony.


What I'd do...




Posted Image


I wouldn't take any of them seriously. Just ignore them.


...I just wouldn't give a damn and pass it off as me just being my insane self!

"Haters gunna hate, and it's a Brony's job to love and tolerate!"

That's my motto!


Though the same probably won't work for you I'm guessing...

You sure it's EVERYONE who's trolling? I'm sure there are a few people that are the rejects of society. There has to be some people that have their small group in the corner that are already separated from society that will take you in. The Outcasts!


Just lay low for a little while this will pass just give it time.


Though you do have me reconsidering my grand plan to march into the school with my shirt that boldly reads BRONY on top. hehe...

[New siggy in progress!]

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