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The My Fox Game

Vocal Analyst

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On a Sonic forum some ten years ago, the 'My Fox' game was created. A game where a small fox becomes a highly treasured ping pong ball. You lay your claim to it and then lose it with some hilarious results.

The format is as follows:

  • The poster above you has the fox... simple.
  • You then post something along the lines of: "Blasts 'insert individual here' with rocket launcher, fox lands in arms... ending the post with the declaration My Fox!!"
  • The next poster replies with a similarly insane way of getting the fox... MY FOX.
  • The cycle continues to the end of time.

Be creative and get your hands on that fox! It could be your lucky day! :D

Seeing as I am the creator of the topic, got to get the chain started...




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Discord grins wickedly as, having simply snapped his claw and having said critter appear in his possession, he turns and hands me the animal in question.

"Now... with THIS, we're even, right?"

"We are - don't worry; I won't tell anyone about your pony plushie collec-"

"YES, that's good enough."

"... oh, and by the way..."

... MY FOX.

=====  ( 0=====


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I think not my friend *radios in AT-ST support. Minutes later an AT-ST comes walking towards you and with one blast from its main cannon it launches the Fox upward and into the walker with me inside it*

Farewell, this Fox is now property of the Galactic Empire


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Behind the captain's chair comes a slight squawk... and out steps a rather innocent-looking penguin. He waddles up and stares you down, then opens his beak and croons in a rusty voice...

"Doobie Doobie Doo..."

He then ninja kicks the fox from your arms, snags it in mid-level, and slides across the floor and out of the AT-AT through a heat vent.

As he waddles over to me with my prize, the Thermal Detonators placed inside by the sly aquatic avian all go off at once, resulting in a massive explosion as the waddler reaches me and hands me...

... MY FOX.

=====  ( 0=====


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From above, the rythmic whup whup whup of approaching helicopters and the blaring tune of Fortune Son can be heard. Several Hueys are on the approach, and soon enough, fire erupts everywhere around the penguin as napalm is dropped with reckless abandon. In the ensuing chaos, the fox is grabbed by one of the helicopter crews and flown off.

Edited by Twofer
  • Brohoof 1
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*your hear over your radio* The Empire appreciates your service to Emperor Palpatine, but we will take it from here... and you can forget about the credits we promised you! *That being said four Tie Interceptors swarm and shoot down the helicopter, minutes later an Imperial Shuttle lands and extracts the Fox*


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Suddenly, a man with an M60 barges in and lays down a hail of gunfire, absolutely shredding anything in his path and taking the fox.


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I hate to do this but *throws a Cinder block at Him and then Takes the Fox*

This Fox is Mine!


Edited by Zachary

Rarity SIG 17 Standard Size.png

Thanks Kyoshi for the Signature

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After carefully assessing the situation, I set the most devious of traps for Zachary, the dreaded banana peel! Which he somehow masterfully dodge by taking one step to the left. I enact plan B; run right up to him while repeatedly yell 'Ska is coming back!', confusing him long enough for me to grab the adorable critter out of his grasp. I make a hasty getaway by sprinting the same direction I came from, narrowly missing my own trap, to disappear behind a chest-high wall conveniently placed to obscure Zachary's sight.

This Fox is now mine!


Edited by Hetairoi15
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*After seeing the mad pony run in the opposite direction with our fox I decided to take things in my owns hands. I pull out my blaster pistol and with a bit of skill and a lot of luck I manage to hit the fleeing pony. I walk up to them and grab the fox*. Don't worry I had it set to stun.... I think.


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*after a while of hiding in the ruins of the at-st I sneak up and temporarily freeze frostflame solid with my magic while leaving the fox intact, I then grab the fox and run towards the ruined at-st* HaHa!...   My Fox!

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*Being frozen in the ice brought back my memories... I'm not an Imperial Officer... I'am Snowflake Frostflame "The Master of Ice". I break free from the ice and freeze the lower half of your body* You stand no chance against a real cryomancer *I take the fox and begin to run away*


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*I use my magic to thaw my legs, then I summon a Skeletal dragon from tartarus and have it fly to you and snatch the Fox from your arms, and hand it to me* *evil laugh* My Fox.

Edited by Uniril
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*teleports next to you* You're trying waaaayy too hard my friend, unfortunately I'm pretty sure its against the rules to kill you soo. *kicks you in the face, takes the fox and teleports away.*


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*grabs a rock, covers rock in double sided tape, enchants the rock to track the fox, throws rock as hard as possible in random direction.* well, hopefully that will do something. * rock flys at the back of my head attached to the fox* Ow! Huh, it worked. My fox.

Edited by Uniril
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*teleports back* You're persistent I'll give you that. *charges you, throws you into the ground, while levitating the fox. I then freeze you in several layers of ice*


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A sixteen ton safe falls from nowhere, a keening whistle as it nears its' target. It slams into the ground exactly two inches from you, leaving you completely unharmed.

However, a small hatch pops open on the nearest side, and you're hit full in the face with a rutabega-and-toothpaste pie... then I reach out, grab the critter and run away like a parasprite out of Tartarus.

As I run away, I chortle excessively and loudly proclaim...



=====  ( 0=====


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*as I watch while frozen in ice I remember that I summoned a dragon earlier and try to get it's attention* mhhhmhhhmhmgghhmmff! *then, rather then pointlessly mumbling to myself in the ice I just call it with my magic. It then melts the ice with its fire breath, leaving me intact. Then I summon a large brick wall in front of randimaxis so that they smack head first into it and pass out. I then teleport over to Randi take the fox and climb into the ribcage of the skeletal dragon.* My fox.

Edited by Uniril
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After the stun eventually wears off, I shake the dust off of myself and see the large skeletal dragon with the Uniril and fox inside of it. Thinking quickly to the training that the 'mythical' dovakin undergoes, I do the best to shout in the dragon tongue, but it has no effect. I ran right in between the bones of the dragon while distracting them with well placed rock throws that capture their full attention, allowing me to sneak right up close to Uniril, switch the fox with a bag of burritos and make my escape to behind the large brick wall summoned by Uniril before either of them realise what happened. 

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Before you even know what's going on, everything is engulfed in flames. A flamethrower wielding soldier has completely razed the area, which in turn gives cover for several young servicemen wielding M16s and M14s to rush in and and take the fox. Another Huey comes and picks them up, with Sympathy for the Devil playing from its speakers as they flee.

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Mm*notices the fox is gone* aww, dang. Ooh, burritos! *eats the entire bag of burritos* mmmm, tasty. Oh no, too many burritos! *farts and blasts off like a rocket towards the fox, and grabs the fox as I pass over Vocal Analyst* HaHa! My fox.

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One of the previously mentioned servicemen runs up and steals it right out of Uniril's hands, shouting that's in the name of the Twofer Brigade.


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