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private Fallout: Equestria (Former 1x1 with Hazard Time and FancyHorse and Arid_Blitz and also Randimaxis)


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It took a couple seconds before Lance woke up. He absently rolled over, opposite of Fallskir. This was a mistake, and he paid for it. It woke him up plenty, however. "What the f- oh, for f***'s sake, will I ever get a break?" He wiped the toxic-smelling upchuck off of his snout, and attempted to stand up. He wobbled in place for a second before falling to his knees. "Jeebus." Back before the megaspells, Lance had been (though you would have never gotten him to admit it) a big drinker. Now, usually he saved the alchohol for when he got home-- so he wouldn't humiliate himself in public-- but the alcohol had long run out at the stable. This was the first he'd has in years. Was it worth it? No. Still, the fact remains he had developed a kind of immunity of alcohol. Not that he didn't get drunk, he simply was able to get a grip on things faster after he had slept for even a few minutes. The hangovers, on the other hand, were just as bad as always. Lance's head was pounding, and he felt like we would vomit if he hadn't barfed it all already. 

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  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@genessee @FancyHorse @Hazard Time


Odair watched as she just non-nonchalantly stripped in front of him to put on her new jacket, he grumbled some knowing the did that shit on purpose. After she was dressed in her new outfit he walked up to her as he tilted his head some "Seems to be perfect for you, hugs you just right and pretty sure you could sharpen those spikes up and give someone a very nasty hug." he chuckled some walking over to her jumpsuit and picking it up "Pretty sure these will come in handy should keep them." he tossed them at her before taking in a deep breathe, drip...drip...drip. Feeling weaker he moved himself against the counter as he chuckled "I'm gonna take another look, go check see what else they have out there....make sure that hacker didnt shoot himself being a drunken fool."


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"I think I'm gonna throw up man..." 

"Take your time son." he says, a slight fatherly tone in his voice, "Don't throw up everywhere." He added quickly to avoid questioning.

He approached to one of the office counters rummaging about. 

Counter: Rubbage, Bent scrap, First Aid?

Pulling at the plastic container opening it with haste: Nothing. Just rotted papers. With a huff he tossed it aside. 

"Had a nice sleep I take it?" He asked to the unicorn. Figured to ask about, maybe this one knew something back at from the vestige of society. He wore a Stable suit. 

"Welcome to the Stable little one...." 

Newcomer obviously. Or maybe not? Plenty of Stable dwellers could be amongst them.

"Im from one of the Stables underground. Good thing going..." 

Fallskir rummaged into his sack looking to the jewelry a bit.

Edited by FancyHorse
  • Brohoof 2

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"I would if I could, honestly. Already puked it all in that nice puddle over there." 

Lance motioned towards the toxic puddle from the floor.

"Yes. A nice sleep, I guess."

A bottle of water would be appreciated right now. He'd learned that drinking water lessened the effects of his hangovers. However, he was unsure that there was any drinking water around, so he'd probably have to tough it out. He vaguely remembered seeing a clothing store nearby. Maybe he could find a hoodie there? It had been so long since he'd been in his cozy black hoodie. Only one way to find out. Step one: Stand up. Lance slowly got up once again, this time using the wall for support. Success! Step two: Move away from the wall. This was going to take a while.


Edited by genessee
  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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"Uggh ima throw up..."

Fallskir followed along his side to make sure he didn't keel over. Any sign of stumble he resisted to put his paw out.

"There was nothing good I found. Maybe there's a gun shop or such. They had those before yes?" He thought out loud . Close by collecting Lance's carbine he shouldered it about as the two drew closer to the door.

"My aim was never the best."

"Be a lesson to not drink so much." He says to him standing close by to the door.  He looked about outside. No sign of movement. Or the other two. He looked back to the smaller one. He looked absolutely pitiful. A bit of mush to his lip, sunk eyes. 

"Boss won't like that you're drinking too much kid.."

Reaching to his pouch, a canteen he hand it over. 

"Come on. Drink up. But not too much. It may taste a little off." He says

Edited by FancyHorse

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Lance smiled halfheartedly as he struggled to follow Fallskir. Ooh! Water! I guess I was wrong about a lack of water. He greedily took the canteen, and ignored whatever Fallskir told him to do as he took a swig. He instantly regretted his decision as his body tried to process the immense amount of radiation entering his bloodstream. He handed back the canteen and stumbled back to the nearest wall to lean on to avoid collapsing again. So that's why water is so scarce, huh. 

"You know, uh, alchohol sounds very nice right now."

Lance, who was already looking rather ill, now looked even worse.


Edited by genessee
  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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Ametrine rolled her eyes, and begrudgingly stuffed the wadded up jumpsuit into her saddlebags.  Whatever materials they had, they wouldn't help in any task that she had any sort of skill in.  She was about to comply when she saw the puddle of blood underneath Odair.  Her normally sour look changed slightly, though still impassive.

"You're bleeding," she stated.  "I would fix that.  There's plenty of material for bandages in here."  She left Odair to his own devices, walking out to check on the others.

@genessee @FancyHorse

The sight that she came upon made her grimace and rub her temples in frustration.


"Could we not wait to get somewhere safer before we starting pounding drinks, like, I don't know, a slaver camp?  If you're going to screw me over like this, then you can learn your lesson the hard way, idiot."

  • Brohoof 2

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@Hazard Time

Lance glared at Ametrine, but it deteriorated to more of a pained, sad look. He almost felt too much like crap to fire off a sarcastic or straight up stupid remark. Almost.

"I believe I've already learned it the hard way, miss."

He nodded towards the putrid-smelling security office. Lance then heaved himself off the wall and brushed past Ametrine in the direction of the clothes store. 


@Randimaxis @FancyHorse @Hazard Time @Arid_Blitz

A New Hero/Heroine(?) Rises

Something feels... different. Like a new presence. An important presence, at that. You and I will find out what soon enough, right?

Edited by genessee
  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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He tried to whistle again.

The flap of his cheek warbled against his jawbone, flapping like the tube on a whoopie cushion as it gave out more the sound of raw flatulence than a whistle.  Still, Dip was smiling as he simply waltzed along.  His bad hoof wasn't giving him any trouble today, he'd managed to find a few Sparkle Colas in the last Vend-o-matic he'd stumbled across, and he hadn't seen a single raider all day.

Eeyup - things were looking up for ol' Dip, finally!  If the day kept going so well, he'd probably find himself a new home today - and maybe a new friend, to boot!  He was SO tired of having no one to talk to or sing songs with or even just someone to watch the sunset with.  Ever since the bright flashy-thingy, Dip had found himself alone more often than not.  He'd TRIED to make friends, but it didn't seem like anyone cared for his looks much.

The little filly that had started crying at the sight of him in the last town made him sad - he didn't WANT to be sad, so he was trying to forget about her.

Now, he was making his way up to one of the enormous buildings that had been here when he passed it a few days back.  The storefronts had been locked, but Dip had found a stairwell that still gave access to the roof, and he'd spent a jolly time there napping and watching the raiders and caravans.  He was really hoping to do that again; he had thoroughly enjoyed the idea that he could see so much from up there, yet not a soul had bothered to look up and see HIM.  It kinda felt like being a spy!

So, without any sort of stealth or even caution, Dip simply shuffled his way under the broken glass pane on the North end of the ruin, and started his way down the path that he remembered would take him to his hidey hole.  He could hardly wait to see what else this fuzzy-wuzzy day would bring him!

He tried to whistle again; the sound of loose cheek-flesh flapping against bone was terrible... but he didn't mind.

  • Brohoof 3

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@Randimaxis @Arid_Blitz

Lance was groggily searching the clothes store, ignoring Odair, when he heard what sounded to him like flesh-on-bone. He looked over to the mutilated raider corpses, expecting to see somepony messing with or looting the corpses, and was just moving around intestine. Nope, not a soul. So what's that noise? He glanced around the store, and then peeped his head out of the front and looked around there as well. Still, nothing. Finally, he shrugged. Probably nothing. Anyways, I'm so close to finding comfortable clothes! Lance made his way back to a small pile of assorted hoodies and jackets. He picked up a black cotton hoodie. It's tag read 20% PolyesterWow! I couldn't have ever hoped to afford this back when money was a thing. Well, I mean, I guess caps are money now. I think. He slung it over his shoulder and went into the store's dressing rooms.

  • Brohoof 2

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@genessee @Hazard Time @Arid_Blitz @Randimaxis

The two came back. Fallskir hanging along in case the younger one fell over. 

His eyes narrowed a bit hearing the harsh criticism from the mare. 

"Going soft on them pup?"

Fallskir hanged about, left with Ametrine. He held Lance's carbine overlooking it.

"He forgot his rifle." He says, not really to anypony in particular. He looked around the settings, nothing really changing. Faint creaking, soft wind blowing. He might have heard a separate noise? To faint? He dismissed it. 

"Did I catch your name?" He asked the mare unsure if he recalled. He rested the automatic weapon on his shoulders a paw on the stock. 


Edited by FancyHorse
  • Brohoof 2

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@FancyHorse @genessee @Randimaxis @Hazard Time


just stood there as she spoke of him bleeding and walking off after saying she could bandage him. As soon as she was out of eyesight he took off his coat and grumbled out "Damnit, didnt even get it on all the way." he thought on if he should ask for help from one of them or not. He could bleed out if he didnt, or one of them could see it as a chance to hurt him or kill him. He stumbled a bit before he begrudgingly walked towards the mare and dog hearing the question towards the Mare he answered "Odair..my name is Odair, can someone...redo my bandages before I pass.." he didnt get another word out before falling face first onto the floor, as he laid there he began to think of his past a bit. How did he end up like this? In a damn mall trying not to die after getting shot to protect some weak hacker who almost got blown up.


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There weren't any voices LAST time he'd been here - but there were voices now?

Dip stopped whistling; he at least had enough sense to realize he might not want anything to DO with the voices.  There'd been the time he'd heard those voices down by the big bridge-place... and those had ended up bringing explosions.  there were the voices that had been at the sanctuary, but those hadn't been real - at least, he THOUGHT they hadn't been real.  Maybe they'd just been in his head?

But no - THESE voices sounded real.  So real he could almost see whom they were coming from.  Almost.  From where he was, it was like they were right around the corner; just having a casual conversation in the middle of this place where he'd pretended to be a spy.  Now, maybe he really DID have to be a spy!  

After all, spies in the comics either got caught because they were the bad folks, or they got away because they were the good folks.  Granted, since that day when the first big flash popped off in the sky, Dip had seen a LOT of folks suffer - good AND bad - so he knew it COULD happen... he just really didn't WANT it to happen.  Well, spies are supposed to listen, right?  Maybe he should be doing that..?

Dip went stock still and quiet... right around the corner, somewhere behind the half-rotten boards was the source of the voices, and he was going to do what he knew would probably be the safest thing to do in this kind of a situation.  He listened carefully, intently to what the voices were saying, and not moving a single muscle - still and quiet.

Of course, he was simply standing there; not even a single thought at hiding.


  • Brohoof 2

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@Randimaxis @Arid_Blitz @Hazard Time @FancyHorse

Lance got out of the dressing room, clad with his black hoodie and carrying his Stable 184 suit. He was glad that the warbling had stopped, and he (somewhat) walked back to the group. He was about to ask if he looked good or what, but noticed Odair on the floor and said something else; "Did he find more alcohol without me? Oh, man, I'm going to kill him when he wakes up." He looked over again, and upon further examination he noticed fresh blood oozing from the stallion. He suddenly remembered the guy taking a bullet (Literally) for him. "Oh." Well, unlike hacking, I actually know how to bandage things from seeing it in those plays. You have to, like, wrap it around a bunch and then tighten it. That shouldn't be too hard. Anyways, I have my vault jumpsuit to use as a bandage if he took one to the chest. I probably shouldn't be doing this while under the effects of a hangover, but YOLO, right?He then semi-walked over to Odair, crouched down, and asked,

"Alright, punk. Show me the bullet wound. The doctor is in."

Edited by genessee
  • Brohoof 3

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@genessee @Hazard Time @Arid_Blitz

A loud crash and the blonde pony fell to his face. A hefty swear and he moved aside at his figure. He knelt down with Lance approaching. Rolling over the hefty pony and tossing aside his loose gadgets at the perfusing wound. He swore under his breath a bit. 

"Has anyone a bandage?" He looked to the two.

Edited by FancyHorse
  • Brohoof 3

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@FancyHorse @Hazard Time (The thread lives!)

Lance frowned at the unconscious blonde. He was too weak to lift him up to look for an open wound, so he turned to Fallskir.

"I can try to salvage this Stable suit and make a makeshift bandage. You and Ametrine--"

Lance looked over to Ametrine and motioned for her to come over to him.

"--need to look for the source of bleeding on this guy and make sure he doesn't die. Or let him die, I don't really care."

Lance turned to walk away, but stopped. He reached into his coat and pulled out his syringe, or 'stimpak', that he had grabbed earlier.

"I don't know what this is, but it looks medication-y. See what you can do."

He tossed it to Fallskir and walked away towards the clothes store. Maybe I can find a cutting tool there.


As Lance made his way to the store, he whistled audibly, enough for the nearby ghoul to hear him.

  • Brohoof 2

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@FancyHorse @genessee @Hazard Time @Randimaxis


Odair laid there his side bled more, if they took his jacket off they would see he already had a pretty badly made bandage over his wound soaked with blood. If they took it off, they would see a few gun shot wounds from a 10 mm gun in his left side. As he laid there his mind began to remember things, back to the caravan days. It seemed like it was somewhat more simple those days. Jesus just a few hours with three new associates and already fighting for his life against a few gun shot wounds. If they fixed him up he was gonna have to thank them...then shot each of them in the side to see how they enjoy it.


[Sorry not all that big didnt know what else to do x.x]





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From everything he could hear, it seemed like these particular folks might've been raiders... but they weren't acting like raiders. 

The last raiders Dip had come across had been nasty and foul, talking in strings of swears about stuff like eating other ponies, beating them up or even worse things that Dip didn't like hearing or even thinking about - particularly the mares; they usually got some worse stuff that he wasn't going to even consider right now, thank you very much.

On 8/30/2017 at 8:18 AM, genessee said:

"Did he find more alcohol without me? Oh, man, I'm going to kill him when he wakes up."

Then again... that kinda/sorta DID sound like something a raider would say.  Maybe they WERE the kind of folks he wanted to steer clear of?

On 8/30/2017 at 8:18 AM, genessee said:

"Alright, punk. Show me the bullet wound. The doctor is in."

... well, if they were helping each other, maybe they weren't-

12 hours ago, genessee said:

"I can try to salvage this Stable suit and make a makeshift bandage. You and Ametrine need to look for the source of bleeding on this guy and make sure he doesn't die. Or let him die, I don't really care."

... or maaaaaaaybe not.

Dip felt absolutely confused; on the one hoof, they seemed like they were just as much raiders as any others he'd ever known - yet they also kinda seemed like they were simply regular folks from the wastelands.  Or, to be certain, there was also the chance that they were just kinda lost and a little slow on the pickup.

Just like HE was!  Maybe they WERE friends after all!

But it was when he heard one of them whistle that he simply couldn't resist anymore - his social nature got the better of him, and his brain made the conscious decision to make himself known.

"Hey!  I haz a bandage!  I haz a BUNCHA bandages!  How many ya need?"

Not even a thought to his own safety, Dip simply trotted around the corner with a big smile plastered to his muzzle... which, as a half-melted looking ghoul, may have come across as a grimace of pain, or maybe even a snarl of ravenous cannibalistic hunger... but then, why would he be offering a bandage?  What's more, his voice had a dopey-sweet lilt to it - he sounded a bit like a well-meaning child than an adult feral monster.


  • Brohoof 2

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"Proud Ametrine.  I don't remember your name, either.  Might have been the adrenaline.  Or the endorphins.  Either or."

Ametrine hefted the super sledge back over her shoulder, shifting her new jacket into a more comfortable position.  That was always a good thing, when others were asking to learn your name.  Most of the time, it was only the coldest killers who could betray a pony whose name they knew.  It made it a lot easier when they were just another nameless bag of flesh with a gun.


"Also, tell me I'm not the only pony who would rather keep any and all weapons out of his hooves.  When we get back to civilization, Lance, you and me are having ourselves some target practice, and until you can hit a pony-sized target at 50 feet, I'm not trusting you with a BB gun.  Got it?"

@Randimaxis @Arid_Blitz

The mare only rolled her eyes as Odair fell over.  If he didn't know how to treat a gunshot wound, how had he survived this long?  Just as she was about to go looking for more bandages, the dark figure suddenly grabbed her attention.  For a moment, she stood stock still, looking him up and down.  A ghoul, that much was obvious.  The fact that it wasn't growling or charging at them while screaming bloody murder implied that this one was still sane(?), though that smile seemed a little creepy.  Thankfully, she didn't have foals, or she'd be watching him extra closely around them.

Why did the thought of having foals depress her so much?

"You have bandages?  We could use a few!  No idea how many, but enough!  You wouldn't happen to have any bloodbags or stimpacks on you too, would you?"

  • Brohoof 3

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Lance froze. That didn't sound like any of his companions. He looked towards the voice, and saw-- wait, so zombies are a thing now? Seriously? Luckily, Lance knew a lot about zombies. Unfortunately, his legs decided to shut down before he could book it. So, instead, he smiled weakly. "Uh, b-bandage? That'd be g-great, actually. S-see those ponies over there? Just g-go over and, uh, give them a bandage. Or, uh, a l-l-lot. I don't know how big the b-bullet wound is."  His legs then decided to work again, so he sprinted back to the group.

@Hazard Time

Lance was too shaken to answer Ametrine's snide remark on his shooting. In reality, while hunting, he had been able to hit a moving target. Sometimes. Either way, he could hit a pony-sized target from 50 feet away. Honest. Lance just decided to keep his distance from the creature, even if it was friendly, just to be sure it didn't decide to bite him.

  • Brohoof 2

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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Little thought ran in his mind catching the stimpak and giving it a good sticking into his thigh, the hissing pressure dispensing the potent cell generating liquid streaming into his vessels. It shouldn't take much effect long though he might feel nauseous.

@genessee @Hazard Time @Randimaxis

Back to his feet, before returning his answer for Ametrine an off cheery tone caught to them. The service carbine in grip in alert fashion he darted his direction at the approaching.

It's a ghoul. 

"I don't feel so good guys... "

"His fucking coat is clumping apart..."

He lowered a bit. He didn't look armed. What was it? Bandages? Now that he processed what he heard. Ametrine conversed, his head nodding a bit before looking down to the sickly Odair. He gave a gentle push with his foot. It should aid in holding him.

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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On 9/7/2017 at 0:27 AM, Hazard Time said:

"You have bandages?  We could use a few!  No idea how many, but enough!  You wouldn't happen to have any bloodbags or stimpacks on you too, would you?"

"Oh, I gotz LOTSA stuff!"

Dip, eager to please, reached back and grabbed his heavily-patched satchel and, undoing the tie latch, upended it in front of (what he hoped were) his new friends.  From the contents of the sack dropped four small boxes of gauze, two first aid kits (one opening and spilling what appeared to be candy all over the ground), a dented canteen and six Stimpaks... not to mention a flurry of papers, a tin flute, some tied-together colored chalk, a half-rotted notebook, a number of pencils and pens, three bottles of Sparkle Cola, a box of something... edible?... and five tarnished bits that rolled away from the pile.

The process wasn't tidy... OR quiet... but Dip just KNEW they'd accept him after being so very gosh-darn generous!  They HAD to... okay, well... they didn't exactly HAVE to - but he hoped they would, instead of trying to hurt him.  He didn't want anypony hurting him, though it DID happen from time to time...

His mind wandered back to the memory of a crying filly, and he shook his head to clear it; get caught up in THAT one, and he'd be useless.

Dip smiled broadly instead, and rushed to try to gather the stuff from the ground; a comical sight, as he fumbled and dropped more than he was able to pick up.  His eyes held a merry twinkle, and appeared innocent and sweet - he even let out a "awwww, c'mon now" as he tried to chase down the random bits, dropping something else and causing more foolishness.

"Here - you can haz it all, if you wanna... but not my notebook; I want dat.  But yeah - I gotz bandages, an' burst aid kitz, an' a buncha Stimpies!  LOTZA Stimpies!  An' I LOVE ta share!  I'd share with you, 'cuz you look like you needz it more dan I do... an' sharing is how you make new friends, right?  Den I'll share, an' we can ALL be friends!"

He looked honestly overjoyed just to be talking to someone else.

6 hours ago, genessee said:

"Uh, b-bandage? That'd be g-great, actually. S-see those ponies over there? Just g-go over and, uh, give them a bandage. Or, uh, a l-l-lot. I don't know how big the b-bullet wound is."

"Yeah yeah!  LOTZA bandages!  'Nuff ta make a MUMMY!"

He laughed, which was almost a foal-like quality in its' bubbly joy.  Dip started to make his way over to Odair, but he tried to hand off a box of bandages to Lance... yet, of course, he dropped it before he even got close, and in reaching down to pick it up, he dropped the first aid kit.  He stood there for a moment, looking all around himself at the ring of detritus that his meager possessions had made... then he laughed and set down what he was still holding.

"Maybe YOU oughtta get dis stuff - I'm so 'citeds, I can't hold it all!"

He waited to see what they did; he hoped they'd smile, laugh at his silly antics, and become his best friends ever.  Of course, there was also the chance that they'd either ditch him or try to kill him... and he really, REALLY hoped they didn't try to kill him.



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Lance couldn't help smiling. This guy gave off the younger sibling vibe. I mean, sure, he's a zombie or whatever, but he's pretty fun to watch. I don't think he could hurt a fly. Lance helped pick up some of the first aid kits and other things, bandages and whatnot, and stood, waiting for what the creature had to say next. Hey, I forgot to say my name. "My name is Lance. What's yours?" If zombies even have names. 

Edited by genessee
  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@FancyHorse @genessee @Hazard Time @Randimaxis

Odair laid there as he felt something stab into his side, his bleeding began to slow down as the stimpak went to work. Opening his eyes some he groaned out as he felt something poke him..it was doggo's foot. Vision was still a bit blurry looking over to see the ghoul there, he squinted his eyes to focus some before speaking "Damn...that mare looked better before." he was referring to Ametrine, starting to close and open his eyes a few times trying to get his barrings he looked at the others "How long was I out? Also that damn hacker is going to get a boot to the head...reason I got shot up anyways."

He stretched his front hooves out before grimacing letting out a groan of pain "Sorta happy I woke up, you guys could of left me or even shot me to put me down." he chuckled some starting to try and move up so they can bandage him "It'll be better if I stood up...if you dont mind."

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@Arid_Blitz @Randimaxis @FancyHorse @Hazard Time

Lance frowned and glared at Odair. "Pal, in your state you couldn't kick a broad side of a barn, much less my head." He was beginning to have regrets of not just straight up killing the ***hole instead of helping him. Honestly, just putting up with him was enough to pay him back for taking the brunt of a gunshot. Anyways... "Well, now that you're good, you should be able to patch yourself up, right?" Lance threw a bandage at Odair while smiling an evil smile. It was pretty obvious Lance didn't plan on helping to apply it. He put the variety of trinkets and medical items in a pile at his own hooves, and then noted to the rest of the group; "I'm going to go wait outside for you guys. I think I need a breath of fresh air." Fresh was an overstatement, but he briskly turned and made his way for the door. His headache was starting to kick in again, and he didn't want to look needy again in front the his comrades. I like this feeling of bad***edness. I don't want to lose it because of a headache.

Edited by genessee
  • Brohoof 2

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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