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SoL 1x1 with Kitsune and Dynamo Pad


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@Dynamo Pad

Kitsune had just setttled in her new home just on the outside of Ponyville. She was really starting to enjoy the slower pace of the little village. She was just starting to get back into the swing of things. She had a few other pieces to finish up but then the concert and play season was over for a few months. 

She decided it may be time to try and get out there. Put some energy into meeting a few ponies or going to a few town events. She knew she couldn't stay cooped up forever. 

She bucked up and made her way into the town square. She remembered the little sweets shop and headed straight for it. Having a little chocolate seemed right. 

As she made her way, she took time to notice how pretty everything was. How quaint it was. How friendly the ponies were. Wishing her well as she passed by. Gripping her bag she took a deep breath to steady her nerves. "Today is a new day."

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The train whistle blared as the express made it's way into the station. Once the train came to a complete stop, ponies upon ponies began to make their exit. Dynamo Pad, a blue unicorn, made sure he had all of his belongings before taking a step off onto the platform. The blue unicorn sported a purple shirt, navy blue jeans, black shoes and a black jacket. He also carried on him a golden/yellow book bag on his back. Taking a deep breath, he started to make his way toward the town of Ponyville.

As he walked, his orange eyes scanned everything around him. Taking in the sights, he could see ponies beginning to set up shop. Indicating that it was still early in the morning for everyone. He wondered if he would be able to fit in, but shook his head while trying not to overthink things. "I hope I'm going in the right direction. I remember my Parents and Mr. Pinball told me to go to the Mayor's office when I arrived." He began to search around, but realized he had been wandering aimlessly. He groans in frustration while running a hand through his mane. "I guess I should have stopped for directions when I had the chance. Ponyville doesn't seem like that big of a place, but I should have known better. I really didn't expect to get lost that easily." He was brought out of his musings as he heard a low guttural noise. He chuckles softly as he felt his stomach begin to growl.

Looking at the nearby clock tower, he decided that getting something to eat would be the next best thing. He thought he remembered seeing a sweet shop a few blocks back. He turned on his heel as he began to jog his way toward the sweet shop. "Once I get something to eat, it's back to finding that office. Today is going to be a great day! I just know it!"


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@Dynamo Pad

Kitsune made it to the sweets shop and without missing a beat an over friendly pink pony was at the door. Holding a tray of chocolates in her hand. After a bit of cheerful banter she finally offered some chocolate to Kitsune. "Thank you." She said and gave the pony a dollar and some change. She turned to go to the fruit and veggie stand for some fresh berries and kiwi for her famous cream cheese and fruit tart. And the veggies would go well with her fresh fish that she had caught in the stream that goes right through her property. 

As she started walking in that direction she noticed a blue pony in her direction. Even only being in the town for a short while she could pretty much recognize all of the ponies in the town and have at least seen all of them once or twice. But this pony, she had never seen before. 

She tried not to be obvious that she was looking at him. Have I ever seen him around before? No.. eh oh well. I didn't say I was going to try and strike up a conversation with a COMPLETE stranger... I was thinking more like... the apple cart pony. She fumbled a bit, paused and straightened out her shirt, placed the chocolate in her satchel and brushed her hair out of her face then she was off again. 

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After a couple more minutes of searching, Dynamo finally made it to the sweets shop. He sighs in relief while feeling thankful he found something today. As he ran toward a shop, he noticed an orange creature walking in the opposite direction. He glanced at her for just a brief moment, but the howling of his stomach brought him out of his thoughts. He walks up to the shop door to find a pink pony handing out treats to ponies. He walked up to the pink pony and decided to go with a chocolate cupcake. Receiving a nod and the cupcake, He also received a paper bag for his cupcake, so he could store the dessert for later. Dynamo smiles generously and hands her a dollar. "Thank you so much. This cupcake look delicious." His eyes widen a bit in surprise, as the pink pony started to circle him in suspicion. He suddenly heard a gasp and in a blink of an eye, she was gone. Dynamo blinked a few times in confusion as to what had just happened. His opened his mouth to speak, but found that no words had come out. Eventually, he was able to find his voice. "O...kay. That just happened. I guess that's a normal thing around here."

He never met another pony like that, so he decided to file that under worrying for later. He places the cupcake in his paper bag and headed off to find a place to eat said cupcake. As he was heading out, he remembered passing the orange creature from earlier. He had never seen a creature like that before back in Fillydelphia. 'I wonder who she is? She seems pretty nice. I wonder if she could help me to find the housing office. Only one way to find out.' He places the cupcake in his back and into his book bag and took off once more. He felt like he was in a maze trying to look for said orange creature. He thought he saw their tail while going around the corner of a building. 

As he made his way around the corner he smiles in relief in finding who he was looking for. She appeared to be ordering some fruit, so he decided to keep running over to her. "Hey! Uh...excuse me! Can I ask for..." He was unable to finish the sentence as he felt himself trip over his feet. His eyes widened in shock as he felt his whole body leaning forward toward the ground. He couldn't do anything to stop himself as he landed face first into the dirt. He slid a few feet before coming to a complete stop. He felt his legs were up in the air from the sudden fall, but gravity did it's job as his legs finally reacquainted themselves with the ground. Dynamo wearily pushed his hands on the ground to try and sit up, but was still feeling disoriented. Failing to do so, he turns over until he was lying on his side. He felt the world spinning as he tried to gather his bearing on what had happened. "D-Did someone get the number of the taxi?" 

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@Dynamo Pad

Kitsune was looking at all of the produce and making her decisions on which ones to pick. She was placing her last piece of fruit in her bag and about to pay the pony that ran the cart when all of a sudden she heard a voice calling out. "Hey! Uh...excuse me! Can I ask for..." She turned to look to see if someone was trying to get her attention. But then all of a sudden instead of finding a pony who wanted to ask a question, she found him face first on the ground babbling about a taxi. She took a closer look and noticed that it was the same pony that she passed after the sweets shop. She found it a bit odd that he would want to talk to her about anything, they didn't even know each other. She made her way over to him bending down, "Uhm... are you okay?" She asked, she set her bag of produce down and reached out her hand. "Here, let me help you up." 

She wasn't really sure what was going to happen next, she hoped the guy was okay. She had her suspicions and was playing it safe, maybe he recognized her from Manehattan, maybe he was a fan, then again... maybe he was just looking to honestly ask a question. She was hoping he would snap out of it long enough to at least answer her questions.

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After resting for a few minutes, Dynamo was able to sit up and gather his bearings. He then heard a voice calling out to him. "Uhm...are you okay?" He looks up to find it was the creature bending down next to him. He then notices her reaching her hand out to him. He smiles softly at the kind gesture before accepting the hand with his own. "Yeah, I'm okay. I was running a bit too fast. Either I tripped, or someone tripped me up at the last second. I'm hoping it's the former option. Thank you for the help." He says, getting to his feet while bringing her up to her feet as well. He notices the bag of produce and proceeds to pick up her bag. He then holds the bag out for her to take. "I believe these are yours. I don't want anypony to steal them or have it misplaced." 

He rubs a hand through his mane and blushes in embarrassment. "I'm really sorry about earlier. You see, you seemed like someone that's been here for a while. I'm not from around here and I just moved here today. My boss and teacher told me that I was supposed to go to the housing office. Something about meeting a Mayor Mare, or something along those lines. If it's not too much trouble, can you help me find the housing office. Can I also get a tour around Ponyville? I'm not exactly the best with directions and I get lost somewhat easily." 

He didn't know who or what she was, but hoped she could help him out. He felt that she was kind and could be trustworthy. He also didn't want to make a bad first impression on anyone his first day in town. The curious, yet defensive look in her eyes wasn't helping him in any way. However, he decided to go with it and try and be honest and kind towards her. If all went well, then maybe he could make a new friend, as well. 



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@Dynamo Pad

Kitsune was a bit caught off guard, she was new to the town as well. Granted she grew up just in the next area over from Ponyville but didn't really do much other than get a sweet treat when she came with her parents. Plus, not having been back for a few years things had changed a bit since she had left. She wrinkled her brow at the question, and gave a bit of a frown. She reached out for her bag of produce he was holding for her.

"Well... you see, I'm not necessarily the best one to do that... You see I've just only moved back and things have changed a bit. I mean... I guess if you don't mind if we get lost a bit on our way we can try and find where you are looking for and I guess ask for directions if we need to. I'm sure once we start walking around we will come across it eventually." 

She chuckled a bit, then asked, "Why would you ask me to show you around? Wouldn't it be a bit more obvious to ask another pony?" She wasn't trying to sound rude, but she was really surprised he would be even asking her about anything about a pony town. "I mean... not many ponies have intentionally asked me...a fox... much about anything pony related. I guess there is a first for everything." 

She paused for a moment. Thinking about how this was going to work. A pony she has never met before wanting her to take her on a tour. She was thinking about it for a second. She had already blurted out that she would be able to at least walk with him while he tried to find where he was going. But she was really unsure about it. She could just say that she forgot about some work she had to get done. But she also had to do a bit more shopping and she didn't want to run into him again by accident and really look like a jerk. 

She reached out her hand again as a sign of good will. "Well... Might as try this again and start over. My name is Kitsune, it is nice to meet you."

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Dynamo frowns slightly at the look upon her face. He scratches his cheek with a finger while nodding in acknowledgment. "If we get a little lost, then I guess that's okay. It's fun to explore every now and then. I'm sorry and I didn't know that you moved back recently. I was under the impression that you lived here for a while. I should have asked, but I wasn't really thinking. Although, it would help us to see where everything is. Plus, we can see what's changed since you've been gone." He says while hoping he wasn't trying to sound rude. He then felt her take her bag of produce out of his hand. 

He shuffled his feat a bit while looking down at the ground. "You see, I was also wondering what kind of creature you were. You said that you're a fox, right? I've never really seen a fox in real life before. I mean I've seen other pony races, some griffons and even the occasional changeling, but never a fox. You looked really cool and friendly, so I wanted to try and talk to you. I guess I just...never mind. I-I should just go. I'm sorry to have bothered you." He tries to cover his mane over his face, so she wouldn't be able to see the look of shame in his eyes. He turns around slowly and begins to walk away. 'Way to go, Dynamo. You probably went and ruined a great and possible friendship. Now things will be awkward if you see her in town.'

He was brought out of his thoughts as she spoke once more. He turns around to face her with a look of surprise on his muzzle. He looked down at her hand before looking back into her eyes. Her eyes showed no ill will towards him, so he decided to see where this would go. He smiles softly and nods before walking back over to the fox. He reaches his hand out and shakes her own hand. "That's a really nice name. My name is Dynamo Pad and it's really nice to meet you, Kitsune." He says while offering her a kind and warm smile. 

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@Dynamo Pad

"It's nice to meet you Dynamo, now, why don't we get started." She turned around and started heading to the center of town. As she walked she thought about what to talk about, I mean she could mention the few things that she has noticed has changed. She decided to go for it. "Okay, so this water fountain is the same, but the flowers around it is a new touch. And if you look over there', she pointed to a little cottage with a white picket fence, 'That is my parents home, I wanted them to be in the town since they have produce to sell and it saves them from having to pack up every morning just to come home late at night where they used to live." 

She turned to her right still pointing, "That is the flower shop, who probably planted these flowers by the fountain. And next to that is the Sweets shop, and if you keep going you can see a few more shops and a few homes as well." She glanced up at Dynamo making sure he was following along. "On the other side is a vegetarian restaurant, which is fine, but every now and then I like to have fish and on really special occasions a rabbit, oh and some chicken." Her stomach started to grumble as she was thinking about all of the things that she enjoys to eat. 

"Anyway, there is a little coffee shop and a toy store. Right in the middle is town hall, now if you want to make our way over here we can see what is on the cross street, I think there is an arcade if I remember right. I've never been in there myself, but the younger ponies that I saw growing up would always run in there... usually to hide from me. Sometimes I would scare them on purpose. But anyway, let's go." She began walking in the direction of the town hall.

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Dynamo turned his attention to wherever Kitsune pointed. Intent on making mental notes in his mind. "I think the flowers bring life to the fountain. I'm not a flower expert, but I guess that's what the gardener's intentions would be." He notices the house and smiles at the kindness she had in mind. "It really shows how you take you're parents into account. They always helped me when I was younger back from where I lived. I always made sure to do the same because I cared about them. You must have really loving parents." 

He raises his eyebrows in curiosity on her food choice. He didn't have much of a problem with it. Although, it's something he never experienced before. Meet, fish and certain other food were never in a pony diet. "I've never really had a fish, or anything in that category. I guess we're different when it comes to food, but I can respect that." He smiles while still paying attention to the locations of stores. He frowns slightly from her explanation, but nods while following her to town hall. He made sure to keep their distance, so as to not be in her personal space. "I'm glad to know there's a lot to do around here. Sounds to me that this town can be lively from time to time. Although, if I may ask you a question. Why would any pony want to hide from you. You seem really nice and kind, in my opinion." He says while offering her a kind smile.

His eyes widen at her mentioning an arcade along the way to town hall. "So, the arcade is still going strong, huh? I remember my boss telling me that he used to open an arcade in Ponyville. He comes to visit here every so often, but his work remained in Fillydelphia. His house is right around the corner of the arcade. From what he told me anyway, but that's great to hear. He told me to go the arcade when I got the chance. He wanted me to talk to the owner and notify him that I was to work there."


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@Dynamo Pad

 Although, if I may ask you a question. Why would any pony want to hide from you. You seem really nice and kind, in my opinion." He says while offering her a kind smile.

"Well, like you, the ponies around here had never seen a fox, and well.. when foxes smile very big they can see our teeth... so they thought I would gobble them up." She said as she brushed a rock out of the path. "It's fine though, eventually they kind of got the idea that I wasn't going to eat them, and they began to play with me a little bit, but sometimes their parents would see us and take them home, or at least away from me." 

His eyes widen at her mentioning an arcade along the way to town hall. "So, the arcade is still going strong, huh?

"Well, I haven't seen the arcade in a long time, but I'm sure that if your boss sent you here to work then it must still be doing well." She gave him a small smile. They had just rounded the corner and the arcade was in sight. As her stomach growled again, this time a bit louder, she reached into her bag and grabbed a handful of the chocolate covered almonds that she had purchased and popped a few in her mouth. Hoping to satisfy her hunger for now until she could have a proper meal. 

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Dynamo couldn't help, but chuckle lightly at the idea. He soon nods with a neutral expression on his muzzle. "That makes a bit of sense when you put it that way. I guess when you're little and you don't understand. You tend to overthink something and it may end up being untrue. I wouldn't think of your grin as something scary. I can tell it shows that you're really happy about something. I'm like that in a way when I'm happy about something as well." His ears perked as he heard Kitsune brushing a rock with her foot. "I know this doesn't help, but I never had friends to hang out with. There were some bullies in my school who took advantage of my kindness. That, or some just told others to stay away from me. When I discovered my talent, I mostly kept to myself in games. I played some games with other ponies, but I was afraid they would act like my classmates." He saw the rock before kicking it a few feet away.

The blue unicorn chuckles and nods. "That's Pinball Wizard for you. He always knew how to attract his future customers. Whether it would be the lights, the sound, or the video games in general. You just knew you entered paradise. Ever since I gained my cutie mark, I knew video games were for me. That's why I always played games after school, or I helped Pinball around the arcade. It was sort of like a job, but I always got free games instead of bits." He was brought out of his rant when he heard a slight growling noise. He turned his attention to the fox as she took out her chocolate covered almonds. He turned to see the arcade was in sight, but he places a hand under his chin in thought. "I guess since we are near the arcade, then we are near town hall. After I get the house documents under control, did you want to get something to eat? I feel as though I interrupted your shopping. Maybe we can finish shopping after town hall and get something to eat. If we have time, then maybe go to the arcade." He says while speaking his thoughts out loud.

He takes his book bag and levitates the cupcake from the bag. He holds the cupcake while presenting it to her. "Would you like to have my cupcake? If not, would you want to split it? While I do like chocolate, I can't eat too much. If I do, then I'll get sick. It's happened a couple of times, but chocolate is so good." He says while drooling at the thought of chocolate.


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@Dynamo Pad

It was fun listening to how Dynamo had gotten his cutie mark, the thought of ponies being mean to other ponies made her sad. It was one thing for them to act different about another creature, but to another pony... it was just sad.  "I guess since we are near the arcade, then we are near town hall. After I get the house documents under control, did you want to get something to eat? I feel as though I interrupted your shopping. Maybe we can finish shopping after town hall and get something to eat. If we have time, then maybe go to the arcade." He says while speaking his thoughts out loud.

"That sounds good. I am rather hungry, I really didn't think I would have been out for this long, I missed breakfast. So some lunch does sound good, even if it is a salad. And I guess I could finish up my shopping while you go to town hall. We can meet back at the restaurant in an hour?" 

He takes his book bag and levitates the cupcake from the bag. He holds the cupcake while presenting it to her. "Would you like to have my cupcake? If not, would you want to split it? While I do like chocolate, I can't eat too much. If I do, then I'll get sick. It's happened a couple of times, but chocolate is so good." 

She watched as he used his magic to pull out the cupcake, "Oh, no, it's okay, thank you though. I'm not a big sweets fan, what I have is enough, you enjoy it." She smiled at him. "So what do you say? See you in an hour?"

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"That sounds good. I am rather hungry, I really didn't think I would have been out for this long, I missed breakfast. So some lunch does sound good, even if it is a salad. And I guess I could finish up my shopping while you go to town hall. We can meet back at the restaurant in an hour?" 

Dynamo smiles while noticing town hall was up ahead. "That sounds perfect to me. An hour is just enough time to get the papers filled out. Once we meet back up, we'll have lunch and visit the arcade." He nods while going over the plan one more time.

She watched as he used his magic to pull out the cupcake, "Oh, no, it's okay, thank you though. I'm not a big sweets fan, what I have is enough, you enjoy it." She smiled at him. "So what do you say? See you in an hour?"

Dynamo smiles back at her and levitates the cupcake back to himself. "You're welcome and it's no problem. I say you've got yourself a deal, Miss Kitsune. I'll see you in an hour." He raises a fist to her before giving her a thumbs up. He walks away and turns back to wave at her. He soon turns back facing forward and makes his way to town hall. Taking a bite of his cupcake, while savoring the tasty treat. 



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@Dynamo Pad

Kitsune waved back and made her way to the few other shops that contained the spices that she required to make her meal for dinner tonight. After purchasing all that she needed she headed back to her home. She put things away and started a marinade for her fish. She placed the fish and the marinade in a bowl and put it in the fridge. She looked at her watch and noticed that 45 minutes had already passed. Her stomach growled again, and she was ready to head back into town to to the restaurant. She was a few minutes early made arrangements to sit at an outside table for two. This way Dynamo wouldn't think she was standing him up, and so he wouldn't have to look all over the restaurant to find her. She placed her order already, a large salad with dried berries and nuts, with some garlic bread sticks and a cheese and fruit platter with some fried zucchini. She was REALLY hungry at this point and she knew that the cheese and fruit and fried zucchini would be for the two of them to share. She had already paid and made sure to give enough for anything that Dynamo could order. 

She noticed him in the distance, she was sipping some iced tea and just waiting patiently. Taking a few deep breaths hoping she could keep the conversation going without sounding awkward or boring. She hadn't been on a date in a very long time. Not that she was thinking this was a date, but she was just nervous. Why do I do this every time.... just chill out, take a few deep breaths, just calm down. seriously, it is just lunch, it's not like we are getting married. Get a hold of your anxiety Kitty.

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After a couple minutes of walking, Dynamo finally made it to town hall. After heading inside the building, he reached the front desk and asked for the mayor. Once he could get a meeting with said mayor, the blue unicorn was given documents to sign. He read each document carefully while signing on the appropriate line. Once everything was taken care of, Dynamo was given a spare key to the available building. He thanked the mayor and made his way out of town hall. He looks to the clock tower to find that it 45 minutes had passed. He decided to quicken his pace to the restaurant, but not so fast as to trip once again. As he began to reach the restaurant, he notices Kitsune sitting at a table while sipping a drink. He smiles and waves at her to know he was almost there. Suddenly he blushes slightly at the thought of this being a date. 'No. This isn't a date. It's just a friendly lunch for Celestia's sake. I just met her and we barely know each other. Don't go jumping to conclusions, Dynamo. Just take a breath and relax. Everything will be okay.' He shook his head back and forth while mentally preparing himself.

As he reached the table, he slowed his power walk to a stop before placing a hand on the chair. He pants lightly to catch his breath from the quick walk. He offers her a kind smile before taking a seat. "Hey, there. I'm sorry about that. The document signing took a bit longer than I thought. I hope I didn't keep you waiting."



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@Dynamo Pad

As he began to reach the restaurant, he notices Kitsune sitting at a table while sipping a drink. He smiles and waves at her to know he was almost there. 

Kitsune waves back and takes another drink of her tea. 

As he reached the table, he slowed his power walk to a stop before placing a hand on the chair. He pants lightly to catch his breath from the quick walk. He offers her a kind smile before taking a seat. "Hey, there. I'm sorry about that. The document signing took a bit longer than I thought. I hope I didn't keep you waiting."

"No worries, you are right on time, I was a bit early really. I ordered a couple appetizers for us to start with, hope you don't mind. They should be out soon." She said as she placed her tea back onto the table. "So, did everything get figured out? Do you have a place to stay now?" She was trying to keep the conversation going, without seeming like she is trying too hard.

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"No worries, you are right on time, I was a bit early really. I ordered a couple appetizers for us to start with, hope you don't mind. They should be out soon." She said as she placed her tea back onto the table.

Dynamo smiles and shakes his head. "Thank you and I don't mind. It gives me some time to order myself. I might go ahead and order myself some daisy sandwiches. With all the food we got, I can just make my own custom sandwich. Can't have this good food go to waste. This is really kind of you, but you didn't have to do that for me." He says before taking a few bread sticks and some fruit. While he was eating, a waiter came to their table as Dynamo gave the stallion his order.

"So, did everything get figured out? Do you have a place to stay now?" She was trying to keep the conversation going, without seeming like she is trying too hard. 

Dynamo sighs happily as he swallows a portion of his appetizer. He looks to Kitsune and nods with a grin. "Everything went smooth sailing. I got everything figured out with Mayor Mare. I was able to get my boss' old home. He told me to give the mayor his name and that I would take the house in name. It was a bit complicated, but I was able to get it sorted out. The house has furniture and everything, so I don't have to worry on getting anything. True, I need to get food and refreshments, but I can worry about that later." He says before taking a sip of his water. "So, how long have you lived in Ponyville? I remember you telling me that you just moved back here? Have you lived in other places in Equestria? If so, then where?" He wanted to keep the conversation going, but he wasn't sure what to talk about. He decided to start off small and ask some simple questions.



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@Dynamo Pad

"So, how long have you lived in Ponyville? I remember you telling me that you just moved back here? Have you lived in other places in Equestria? If so, then where?" He wanted to keep the conversation going, but he wasn't sure what to talk about. He decided to start off small and ask some simple questions.

"Ah, well it's only been a couple weeks really. I was living in Manehattan for a few years. But things kind of got a bit too much for me out there, so I made my way back here. I grew up living in the Everfree forest just south of here. My parents would make their way into town once a week to sell their produce and crafts. When I was younger I would have to go with them, but after I could stay home alone I would usually just venture off into the castle that still lies there and practice my music." She paused slightly, not wanting to get stuck on the topic of music. 

"But....uhm, yeah I came back and got my parents settled in their new home that I purchased for them, and then found the perfect place for me just outside the town. On the base of the forest with a pretty large stream running right through my property. It's absolutely perfect in every way." She smiled thinking about her home. The way that the sun hit it in the morning warming her music room so she could spend the morning hours playing a few of her songs on the piano. She loved having a large room with a little staircase up to the attic, she used as her library. Her kitchen wasn't the biggest but it was just perfect for her. In her yard she had a few flowers, a few large trees and of course the stream. Not right next to the house, it was about a 10 minute walk before she reached the water. 

"So that is kind of my story, you said you were from Philidelphia?" She asked.

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"Ah, well it's only been a couple weeks really. I was living in Manehattan for a few years. But things kind of got a bit too much for me out there, so I made my way back here. I grew up living in the Everfree forest just south of here. My parents would make their way into town once a week to sell their produce and crafts. When I was younger I would have to go with them, but after I could stay home alone I would usually just venture off into the castle that still lies there and practice my music." She paused slightly, not wanting to get stuck on the topic of music. 

Dynamo whistled at what he was hearing. "Sounds to me like you've been traveling a lot. It must be nice to finally be back home. I've never heard of the Everfree Forest, but it sounds interesting. Manehatten even sounds busy. I've never been to many towns, but Manehatten sounds crowded." His eyes widened at the mention of a castle. "There's a castle in the forest? I can see a castle in town, but never a castle in a forest." He says while pointing the castle in the distance. He raises an eyebrow in curiosity at the mention of music. "You like to play music? That's pretty cool if you ask me. What kind of genre's do you listen to? I hope I'm not intruding or being personal."

"But....uhm, yeah I came back and got my parents settled in their new home that I purchased for them, and then found the perfect place for me just outside the town. On the base of the forest with a pretty large stream running right through my property. It's absolutely perfect in every way." She smiled thinking about her home. The way that the sun hit it in the morning warming her music room so she could spend the morning hours playing a few of her songs on the piano. She loved having a large room with a little staircase up to the attic, she used as her library. Her kitchen wasn't the biggest but it was just perfect for her. In her yard she had a few flowers, a few large trees and of course the stream. Not right next to the house, it was about a 10 minute walk before she reached the water. 

Dynamo smiles while folding his hands together on the table. "It sounds like a lovely house to live in. I hope I get to visit someday. I'm always up to explore new places."

"So that is kind of my story, you said you were from Philidelphia?" She asked. Dynamo nods while looking up to the sky. "You've got that right. I was born and raised in Fillydelphia. My parents were a pegasus named Quick Fix and a unicorn named Gentle Step. Both had their own trades while living in Fillydelphia. My dad was a welder and a carpenter who helped make things for others. He also occasionally traveled to race tracks. There he would race against other ponies like you see on TV. He was pretty good and was a bit of a joker. My mom was a professional dancer in her time, but after giving birth to me, she decided to teach others. She opened her own dance studio, in hopes of finding ones who would find their own dance and carry on her ways. I went to school, but was bullied for my kindness. Some bullies there just couldn't handle it and thought friendship was a sin. I wasn't even good with my magic until I gained my cutie mark." Dynamo closes his eyes and began to think back. He sighs as he couldn't help on remembering some of the bad times. 

"The bullies names were Cheat Code and Cosmic Clown always kept on harassing me. One day, I tried to outrun and outsmart them, so I wouldn't get picked on. It was then that I managed to find this arcade. You wouldn't believe how lively the place was. The lights, the sounds and everything was amazing. It was as if I had awoken from a long and deep sleep. The owner of the store, Pinball Wizard, showed me around on how things worked. That's when Cheat and Cosmic found me. Pinball didn't want any of it and decided that there would be a showdown. We'd fight in a game and see who was better. In the end, I won and I gained my cutie mark in video games." He says before opening his eyes once more. "That's about the gist of it. I worked in the arcade for a few years and recently graduated last year. I then decided to move to Ponyville and now here I am."

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@Dynamo Pad

 I've never heard of the Everfree Forest, but it sounds interesting. Manehatten even sounds busy. I've never been to many towns, but Manehatten sounds crowded." His eyes widened at the mention of a castle. "There's a castle in the forest? I can see a castle in town, but never a castle in a forest." He says while pointing the castle in the distance. He raises an eyebrow in curiosity at the mention of music. "You like to play music? That's pretty cool if you ask me. What kind of genre's do you listen to? I hope I'm not intruding or being personal."

"The castle in the forest is just an old abandoned one from probably hundreds of years ago. But things in there are really well preserved and that's where I taught myself how to read, write, and play music." She was interrupted by the delivery of the main course of their lunch. "Thank you." She said as she placed a napkin in her lap. 

"Well, as for music I really enjoy classical, that's usually what I deal with the most. I do like to write my own stuff though. But enough about that." She looked up at him and smiled a shy painful smile, trying to avoid any further talk about music, especially her own. 

He says before opening his eyes once more. "That's about the gist of it. I worked in the arcade for a few years and recently graduated last year. I then decided to move to Ponyville and now here I am."

"I'm sorry that you had to experience such hurtful experiences. But it seems to have turned into something great for you. That is fantastic. Foxes don't get cutie marks. So It is interesting to hear how a pony got theirs. I have always seem them but wasn't quite sure how it all worked." She took a bite of her food and sip of her tea. "So your job here is now going to be running the arcade then?" She asked.

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"The castle in the forest is just an old abandoned one from probably hundreds of years ago. But things in there are really well preserved and that's where I taught myself how to read, write, and play music." She was interrupted by the delivery of the main course of their lunch. "Thank you." She said as she placed a napkin in her lap. 

"That's pretty interesting. I wonder who would leave a castle out in the middle of the forest. It's nice to hear that everything was preserved in the castle. Although, it's surprising to hear that they are kept in good condition for about 100 years. I would expect some things to wear down, rust up, or gain dust from all that time. I guess I'm looking way to into it." He chuckles while rubbing the back of his head with his hand. "It's nice to see you were able to take advantage of the castle. You must have found some pretty neat stuff in there. I guess there must have been books in there to help you in your reading and writing." He was brought out of his thoughts when the waiter brought him his food. "Thank you so very much, sir." He says while taking the napkin and places it on his lap.

"Well, as for music I really enjoy classical, that's usually what I deal with the most. I do like to write my own stuff though. But enough about that." She looked up at him and smiled a shy painful smile, trying to avoid any further talk about music, especially her own.

"I watch a lot of anime from time to time. I mostly likes some of the songs in their intro themes. To be honest, it's kind of funny. I can't understand the lyrics because I think it's in Japanese, but I digress. Even while I don't know what they are saying, I can't help, but get into the song. I also like it when others try and create an English cover of a song. It shows what one thinks about what the lyrics mean. Sort of like when you said you like to write your own stuff. It's more or less writing what you're feeling or passionate about." He smiles back to her, but felt the smile was somewhat forced. He frowns slightly before deciding not to bring up the topic again. If something was wrong, he would wait for her to say something to him.

"I'm sorry that you had to experience such hurtful experiences. But it seems to have turned into something great for you. That is fantastic. Foxes don't get cutie marks. So It is interesting to hear how a pony got theirs. I have always seem them but wasn't quite sure how it all worked." She took a bite of her food and sip of her tea. "So your job here is now going to be running the arcade then?" She asked.

He nods while adding the zucchini and some cheese to his daisy sandwich. "Hey, it's okay." He says before taking a bite of his food and a sip of his water. "I'm glad I decided to stand up for myself instead of just dealing with the harassment." He arches and eyebrow in wonder. "Foxes don't get cutie marks? That's something you don't see everyday, but I guess it makes sense. My parents told me only ponies get cutie marks. I guess you don't have to worry about finding that one special talent throughout your life." He says while looking down at his cutie mark emblazoned on his shirt. He places a hand over the mark and smiles softly. "I guess it's all about feeling in one with what you are passionate about. When I played against Cheat Code, I...felt this sort of connection. Whenever I pressed a button on the controller, my character would follow. It's weird since that's what a game is meant to be, but it felt different. I felt like I was in the game myself. Not only that, I felt I was the character I was playing. When I defeated my opponent, I felt as if I blew him away from the competition. I guess that's one way to think about it. If that makes sense actually."

He takes another bite of his sandwich and nods. "That's pretty much it. I might be trained for a couple of days, but I might be the new owner of the arcade here in Ponyville. Pinball Wizard said he couldn't trust anybody more than me. I guess he put a good word in to the boss here, so I'll just have to wait and see. I hope that doesn't cut in from our time to hang out every now and then. You seem like a great individual to hang out with." He chuckles while giving her a warm smile. "Anyway, besides music. What other things are you into? Are there any hobbies that you like?"


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@Dynamo Pad

He chuckles while giving her a warm smile. "Anyway, besides music. What other things are you into? Are there any hobbies that you like?"

"Well, I like to fish, hunt, read, write, I go on hikes through the woods and up into the hills around the area. I have a couple chickens that I care for, I have my own channel on... uhm. I mean... I subscribe to a lot of music on PonyTube just to see what is out there." She smiled. 

"What about you Dynamo? Aside from playing games, what are you interested in?" She had finished her plate of salad and took a few pieces of fruit from the middle of the table. 

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"Well, I like to fish, hunt, read, write, I go on hikes through the woods and up into the hills around the area. I have a couple chickens that I care for, I have my own channel on... uhm. I mean... I subscribe to a lot of music on PonyTube just to see what is out there." She smiled. 

"I subscribe to a few channels myself on PonyTube. I also have a channel and I make some video game related videos. Sometimes they rage at games and I get a good laugh out of it. I mean, I rage at times, but some ponies are just worse. I thought I was bad." He snickers before smiling and nods at her list of hobbies. "I think those are pretty interesting. Seems as if Ponyville has a lot to offer with those activities. It also sounds like the Everfree Forest is perfect for hikes."

"What about you Dynamo? Aside from playing games, what are you interested in?" She had finished her plate of salad and took a few pieces of fruit from the middle of the table. 

Dynamo took a drink of his water after finishing his lunch. He took the napkin from his lap and blotted his muzzle. "For me, I like to play video games, watch anime, read manga and other fictional stories, swimming, cosplay, making videos and going to tournaments." He grins, "Do you have any dreams that you wish to accomplish in the future?" He says while taking a piece of grape before eating it. 




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@Dynamo Pad

"I subscribe to a few channels myself on PonyTube. I also have a channel and I make some video game related videos. Sometimes they rage at games and I get a good laugh out of it. I mean, I rage at times, but some ponies are just worse. I thought I was bad." He snickers before smiling and nods at her list of hobbies. "I think those are pretty interesting. Seems as if Ponyville has a lot to offer with those activities. It also sounds like the Everfree Forest is perfect for hikes."

She nodded in agreement. "The forest is a pretty interesting place as long as you know where you are going. It can get pretty dark and foggy in there and you can get turned around in no time. You should either have a map or someone who can be your guide. That's why almost every pony in Ponyville is scared to go into the forest. There have been many stories that ponies have gone in and never come back out. I have never experienced such a situation, but because it gets foggy some of the ponies think it's haunted or whatever. It's really not that bad." 

 He took the napkin from his lap and blotted his muzzle. "For me, I like to play video games, watch anime, read manga and other fictional stories, swimming, cosplay, making videos and going to tournaments." He grins, "Do you have any dreams that you wish to accomplish in the future?"

She pauses to think for a moment. "I think my dream would be to publish some of my music, not just in what I do for a living. I get satisfaction out of that, but sometimes I kind of wish that the ponies knew it was me behind the words and the music that just caused them to blubber like a fool, then all of a sudden explode with joy. I love to hear the cheers after a play or performance but sometimes I would like to just be the one to see it first hand. But it probably won't happen too much. I'm too shy to do anything big like that. I could never be on stage like the actors or musicians." She took a deep breath, and let out a sigh. 

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