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SoL 1x1 with Kitsune and Dynamo Pad


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@Dynamo Pad

After Kitsune posted the picture she watched Dynamo reply. Her phone pinged and she read the comment.

- Ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime to Canterlot, with the love of my life ❤️

Her heart jumped into her throat as she read the last 6 words over and over.

"I don't know if I had the chance to tell you this today, but you look really cute today, sweetheart. That flower hair clip in your hair makes you look even more cuter than you already are." 

She smiled and leaned in giving him a kiss  on the cheek. She decided to muzzle him and placed her head on his shoulder as they waited. “What do you think your friends will say knowing you are dating a fox? I know my parents really like you, they will be happy to know we made it official.” 

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Dynamo's heart soared as he felt his girlfriend kiss his cheek. He chuckles as he felt her muzzle him, before feeling her head rest against his shoulder. He leaned his head to the side, so he could rest his head against hers. He sighs in content and closes his eyes. Basking in the comfort and warmth of his special someone. His ears perked while pondering, as he heard her question. "Hmm...I know my parents will be ecstatic. They ask how you and I are doing at times. My dad would always tease me and called us boyfriend and girlfriend before we made it official." He chuckles a bit before calming down. "I also know Button and my old teacher, Pinball Wizard, will be happy to hear the good news." He fidgeted slightly in his seat while feeling nervous. "I...don't really exactly had that many friends back home. I was bullied for being kind and for not being able to use magic. I never really had a good friend from school. There were a few ponies who showed up frequently at the arcade. Thankfully, they weren't from my school, so we were always nice to one another. We would always be competitive in games, but it was always in good sport. I've even kept in touch with them on Ponybook, so I know they'll like the good news."

He took a shaky breath and exhaled. Feeling nervous about bringing this pony up. "If I can be honest. There is one pony who I don't ever want to know about us." He sat up and looked down into her eyes. "His name is Cosmic Clown. This guy was one of my original bullies. He treated me badly for my magic and kindness and rallied the other kids into following him. I finally stood up to him in a game, thanks to Pinball Wizard's help. I even gained my cutie mark for standing up to Cosmic. He left me alone for a while after that, but it never stopped him from wanting to cause mischief and torment to others. He always believes in destiny and thought that he deserved to the best. He would sneaky, underhanded and would do the worst things imaginable. He..." He took another breath and stayed calm to the best of his abilities. "He was the one who got my old girlfriend to use me. I found out a month later and just gave up relationships for a while. Pinball Wizard helped me to realize that Cosmic wasn't worth the effort, but it still felt painful. I wanted to move to Ponyville to get a head start in the gaming community. I guess I also wanted to start fresh and to get away from that guy. He's a lunatic and stops at nothing stay in one's life until he breaks them like a toy." He says as his mane covered his eyes. He looks up and gives her an apologetic look. 

"I'm really sorry that you had to hear that. I don't want to do anything to ruin the trip. To be honest, you gave me hope when I met you. You weren't like the others from my old hometown." He says, giving her a kind and caring smile. "You were kind, patient, funny, caring and all around endearing. I liked how we have a lot in common and can tell each other what's on our minds. To me, you gave me hope in finding that special someone again. Here we are now and I've said it before and I'll say it again. I don't regret this for a second. I'm happy to be here with you now and I'm happy to have you in my life." He pulls her towards him and wraps her in a hug. He felt his heart race as held the female vixen in his arms. He felt true happiness and warmth wash over him, knowing how much he cared for Kitsune. "I'm so glad we met that day all those months ago. Thank you for being in my life and giving me hope again, Kity." He says as he felt a lone tear cascade down his muzzle. 

He pulls back and wipes the stray tear away. "I wonder what everypony in Ponyville will say. I know some will be happy and some will question and judge. However, I don't care what the negative ponies say. They're just jealous that I have a sweet, caring and beautiful girlfriend." He chuckles with a grin and gives her a small, yet warm smile. "All that matters to me is that I have you in my life. When you're with me, I feel truly happy and that my life feels complete."  

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad

Kitsune listened to his story of his past. She wrapped her arms around him as he continued to explain. She didn’t like that somepony could be so cruel to him. 

“I’m sorry that happened to you. It is horrible. I promise that nothing like that will ever happen again.” She held him tight. 

She continued to hold him as he finished his story. And expressed how happy he was to have met her. She felt the same way. Ponies had been so fearful of her from such a young age she never truly had friends. But it wasn’t until she figured out that it doesn’t matter what others think, it matters what you feel. And the way that she felt about Dynamo was real, and true. 

“If any pony has a problem with us in Ponyville, they will have to answer to me, and Mr. Rich.” She let out a small snort as she giggled remembering the arguing she heard from the flower shop after giving the flower pony that note. 

As they continued to talk she heard the whistle of the train. “Oh! The train is here!” She sat up and quickly grabbed her things. She watched as the train pulled into the station and began to open the doors to let off the ponies that were stopping in Ponyville. 

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Dynamo found comfort as he felt Kitsune wrap her arms around him. He nods in appreciation and returns the hug. "It's okay and you didn't know. I'm glad that I'm able to tell you and that everything is okay. I'm also happy that I didn't give up. If I'd given up a long time ago, then I might not have ever met you. I don't want to begin to imagine that, since I'm happy and grateful with everything that I have in my life now." He leans forward and kisses her cheek tenderly. "Just like you promised, I promise the same. I promise to nothing like that will happen to you, either. I'll always be here and I'll always protect you, sweetheart." He chuckles at giggling and how cute she was being. He raised an eyebrow in confusion and curiosity at what she meant. "The same goes for me. If anypony has a problem with us, then they'll have to answer to me and my gaming. I am wondering something though. You said that they would have to answer to Mr. Rich. Did something happen to receive the wrath of Mr. Rich?"

He was about to ask further questions, but any question disappeared as soon as the train whistle blew. His ears perked, as he looked around to see the train making it's way towards the station. He grinned and got up from his sitting position to grab his suitcase. Making sure that they didn't forget their belongings, the duo made their way towards the platform. Dynamo waited until everyone who was stopping in Ponyville had all gotten off the train. He turns to his girlfriend and nods while stepping onto the platform and onto the train. "Okay, let's go. Together." He starts to look around for good seats for them to sit down in.

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@Dynamo Pad

She walked with Dynamo and steps onto the train. She waits for him to pick out the seats. She walked down the isles of seats until Dynamo picked the perfect one. They sat down and she could now answer his question about Mr. Rich. 

“You remember when I told you about the pony at the flower shop who refused to sell my dad flowers? Well, he had been going around to other shops and telling his patrons not to let my family buy anything and not to buy my honey or things from my parents cart. So the news got to Mr. Rich and he sent the flower shop pony a jar of my honey with a note on it. Basically saying that if he doesn’t stop, he will be very, very sorry. Because Mr. Rich would purchase the shop and fire him as an employee and announce that he couldn’t work anywhere in Ponyville without fist having to work for my father or for me for a full year.” 

She laughed. “Then he had me make the delivery to the shop and as I was leaving I could overheat him and his sister fighting about it. It was hilarious.”

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Dynamo looked around until he found the perfect spot on the train. It had a good overhead compartment for their suitcases and a nice view outside for them to enjoy the view. He placed his suitcase in the overhead, before taking Kitsune's suitcase and doing the same. He took a seat with his girlfriend and relaxed to enjoy the view. He turned to face her as she began her tale of what happened the day before. His eyes widened in shock before snorting in disgust. "I just can't understand what's wrong with other ponies. Every creature is equal in their own rights and should be accepted like everyone else." He felt a few chuckles ringing in his throat as she heard how she and Mr. Rich got some revenge. He began to laugh hysterically, as the guilty pony got his comeuppance.

The blue unicorn laughed so hard that he literally fell out of the seat. He had tears in his eyes, but he didn't care. He rolled around on the floor a bit, due to the movement of the speeding train. He came to stop, but couldn't stop the laughter from continuing. After a few minutes of settling down, he stood up and grabbed a seat, so he wouldn't lose his balance again. He made his way back over to their spot and sat down. "That sounds like something Mr. Rich would do. He's a take no prisoners kind of guy, but he does mean well. I'm glad to hear that jerk won't bother with your or your dad anymore. He put that instigator in a no win situation and that's really funny and cool. I sure wish I could have seen it though, but I'm glad it's taken care of. You don't deserve that kind of bad treatment like that, sweetheart." He took her hand into his own and gave her hand a gentle squeeze.   


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@Dynamo Pad

Hours later the train pulls into the Canterlot Station. 

Kitsune has fallen asleep and woke up as she felt the train begin to slow down. She stretched and yawned. “Oh wow, I didn’t think I had been asleep that long.” She waited until the trains whistle blew signaling it was safe to stand and begin to depart from the cars. She looked at her watch and noticed it was 5pm on the dot. “Leave it to the trains to always keep their schedule. When we get off we should call for a taxi. The B&B is a bit too far to walk.” She said to Dynamo. 

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Hours later the train pulls into the Canterlot Station. 

As the train kept moving, Dynamo was enjoying the view while seeing the castle appear in the distance. He wanted to let Kitsune know that they were almost there, but he felt a bit of weight on his side. He looked down to notice that she had fallen asleep. He smiled and kept her close as the train was making it's way to it's final stop. He felt a little tired on the train, but he tried to stay up for the both of them. Just in case the train made a trip back to Ponyville. As the train came to a stop, he felt Kitsune slowly start to awaken. He grinned and chuckled. "Good morning, sleepyhead. I guess riding in a train, or other vehicles makes you tired. Here I thought I was the only one. It happens sometimes if I'm in the passenger's seat of a vehicle. I try to stay awake, but I usually end up passing out and waking up when we reach the destination." He laughs at the countless times that he's done that. 

Once he made sure that the train made a complete stop, he got out of his seat and got their suitcases down from the overhead. He looked down at her watch and whistled at how accurate the train had been. "Glad to see that train schedules can be consistent. You'd think some transportation would arrive late when they should show up on time like they say." He says, noddin in agreement to the plan. "That sounds like a plan. When pulling into the station, Canterlot looks huge in comparison. I think you can see it off into the distance in Ponyville and it looks so smaller." He took his phone out of his pocket and opened up his Uber app. He called for a taxi and made sure to pick them up and drop them off from the station to the B&B hotel. "I called in for a taxi and they're on their way. They should be here in a couple of minutes." He says, as they made their way off of the train. He kept his phone out to make sure that taxi would show up. 



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@Dynamo Pad

"I called in for a taxi and they're on their way. They should be here in a couple of minutes." He says, as they made their way off of the train. He kept his phone out to make sure that taxi would show up.

"Thank you babe." She gave him a warm smile. "Let's go to the pick up area right over here." She leads the way and they wait for the taxi. When it arrives the driver gets out and puts the bags in the trunk. They get in and make their way to the hotel. Kitsune pulls out her phone and she has over 35 notifications on her Ponybook app. She pulls it up and starts to filter through them. Many of them were likes, there were quite a few comments on not only the relationship status update but also the picture that she had posted. She saw some of her friends post that she had in Canterlot when she was going to school and working. She saw her mom post, -So happy for you both! Welcome to the family Dynamo- She saw a post from her friend Lacy -OMG OMGOMGOMGMG!!! YOU GUYS ARE TOTS ADORBS!!! <<<33333 YOU NEED TO COME BY MY STORE!! I MISS YOU!- She continued to scroll down and the rest of the comments seemed to follow suit. They arrived at the hotel and they got out, thanked the taxi driver and made their way into the building to check in. 

"Room for Kitsune." She said to the pony behind the counter. She signed the paperwork and the pony handed her two keys. She looked up to Dynamo and said, "We should get the bags to the room and then we can make our way down to the dining room for some dinner." 

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Dynamo smiles and nods while they made they way towards the pick up area. "You're welcome sweetheart and okay." He kept a constant check to make sure what the license plate would be, as well as the type of car that would show up. As the taxi arrived, the driver came out and helped put the suitcases into the trunk. The couple got into the taxi before the driver took off towards the hotel. While the taxi was on it's way to it's destination, Dynamo closed the app, to see that he had received a lot of notifications on Ponybook. His eyes widened in surprise while he checked to see what was going on. He soon relaxed and smiles at all the likes and comments on the status and picture. He saw a comment that was from Kitsune's mom and some comments that he didn't know the individual at all.

-Thank you, ma'am and I'm happy and honored to be a part of the family. I promise I'll take really good care of your daughter. You have my word.- He liked the comments and was happy that everyone thought that they look great together. He kept scrolling and saw that his mom had posted. He chuckled lightly, as he knew his mom would know eventually. -When did you two become a couple!? Just kidding lol. Your father and I are really happy for you two. It was only a matter of time before you two started to go out together. Come visit back home sometime. We would love to meet your girlfriend eventually.- Dynamo smiled softly as he replied to his mother. -Thanks mom and I'm glad you and dad approve of the relationship. Maybe we can stop back home if we have time after our vacation. I'll let you know later. I love you mom and dad.- He entered the comment and put his phone away. As he did, the couple soon reached the hotel building to check in. 

They got out of the car as they thanked the driver for all of their help. They got their stuff from out of the taxi and they made their way inside the hotel. He waited patiently, as Kitsune signed them in, so they could go up to their room. He smiles as he was given his key and nods in agreement. "It looks like we need to go up a few floors, but that's okay. Let's go get some dinner and then we can plan out what we want to do first while we are here." He says as they take the elevator up to their set floor. The couple had to walk a little bit, but they soon made their way to their hotel room number. Dynamo tries to open the door, but has trouble using his key to get into their room. He soon sighs in relief and laughs as he eventually figured it out. "I hate when one has to use a key card to get into a room. To this day, I can never figure it out for the life of me. I do the steps right, but the card doesn't ever seem to want to work for me." He shook his head as they made their way inside. 

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@Dynamo Pad

He soon sighs in relief and laughs as he eventually figured it out. "I hate when one has to use a key card to get into a room. To this day, I can never figure it out for the life of me. I do the steps right, but the card doesn't ever seem to want to work for me." He shook his head as they made their way inside.  

Kitsune giggles as she watched him struggle a bit and finally get the door open. They make their way inside and put their things away. “Ready for dinner? I’m starving!” They made their way back down to the main floor and locate the dining room. The food smells amazing. They have a little buffet set up with vegetable casserole, salad, a baked potato bar, some sort of jello looking thing and a dessert bar. She kept eyeing the cheesecake. She knew that was going to be her dessert! She gets her plate and fork and goes for the salad and baked potato bar, filling her potato with butter, cheese, sour cream, tofurkey ‘bacon bits’ green onions salt and pepper. She waited for Dynamo and they made their way to a table. 

“So, first night here, do you want to stay in tonight, or go out?” She asked in anticipation. She was hoping he would say he wanted to stay in, she had planned a little surprise for him if he decided to stay in the first night. 

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Once they put their belongings down, Dynamo nods while feeling his stomach beginning to growl. He was feeling pretty hungry since they only had breakfast before taking the train. "I sure am. I'm so hungry I think I could eat the whole buffet tables, if I'm not careful." He chuckles as they started making their way back down to the lobby towards the dining room. The smell of food was wafting through the air, as Dynamo almost drooled at how much food was available. He grabbed a plate and utensils, as he began piling food onto the plate. He noticed that there was meat and non meat for both ponies and other creatures that would stay at this hotel. He smiles as he knew exactly what he wanted for dinner. He chose to get some Tofurky meat, with a side of mashed potatoes and corn. He decided to wait on dessert, but noticed the hotel had an ice cream vendor. He makes sure that Kitsune had her dinner all completed before making their way towards a table. 

“So, first night here, do you want to stay in tonight, or go out?” She asked in anticipation. She was hoping he would say he wanted to stay in, she had planned a little surprise for him if he decided to stay in the first night. 

As they sat down, Dynamo placed a hand under his chin to think, while contemplating on what to do. He placed his hand down and nods. "While it would be cool to go out tonight, I think it'd be better if we stayed inside. We can still explore the town and figure out where to go during the night hours. Plus, we can plan out what we want to do each day during this week. What do you think, babe?" He says as he cut his tofurky with a fork and knife and took a bite of his dinner. 

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@Dynamo Pad

So, first night here, do you want to stay in tonight, or go out?” She asked in anticipation. She was hoping he would say he wanted to stay in, she had planned a little surprise for him if he decided to stay in the first night. 

As they sat down, Dynamo placed a hand under his chin to think, while contemplating on what to do. He placed his hand down and nods. "While it would be cool to go out tonight, I think it'd be better if we stayed inside. We can still explore the town and figure out where to go during the night hours. Plus, we can plan out what we want to do each day during this week. What do you think, babe?" He says as he cut his tofurky with a fork and knife and took a bite of his dinner.

Kitsune nodded in agreement as she began to eat. She was less nervous than this morning, but she thought that her hunger overruled any nerves she had at the moment. “Hopefully they will have some good channels or at least some Poniflix.” She was trying not to think about the plans she had. She would just relax, go upstairs, talk, cuddle, watch some tv. She didn’t want to build up the nerves because she knew that if she did, she would end up chickening out. 

“Oh wow, this food is so amazing!” She looks down at her empty plate. “I think... I shall get that cheesecake that has been calling my name all evening!” She got up to go to the dessert side and pick up a slice. She made her way back to the table and took her first bite. “Oh my god!” Is all she could say ans her body shot with a sensation of happiness. She giggled and continued to eat. 

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Kitsune nodded in agreement as she began to eat. She was less nervous than this morning, but she thought that her hunger overruled any nerves she had at the moment. “Hopefully they will have some good channels or at least some Poniflix.” She was trying not to think about the plans she had. She would just relax, go upstairs, talk, cuddle, watch some tv. She didn’t want to build up the nerves because she knew that if she did, she would end up chickening out. 

He nods as he took a drink of his water that was given to them at the table. "I hope they do, as well. Hotels usually don't have the best channels in the world. Sometimes they have channels that I've never heard of before. It would be great if they have Poniflix. If all else fails, then we can watch some anime on my console." He says and playfully sticks his tongue out at her. "Yes, I did. I brought my NeighStation 4 with me, but no video games. I brought some anime DVD's and it does have Poniflix, just in case. We can check and relax when we get back upstairs." He says before continuing to eat his dinner.

“Oh wow, this food is so amazing!” She looks down at her empty plate. “I think... I shall get that cheesecake that has been calling my name all evening!” She got up to go to the dessert side and pick up a slice. She made her way back to the table and took her first bite. “Oh my god!” Is all she could say ans her body shot with a sensation of happiness. She giggled and continued to eat.

"It really is delicious! I'm surprised they don't have some of this food here in Ponyville." He sighs in content while patting his belly. He eyed his empty plate before looking back at the ice cream vendor machine. "I know what you mean. It's a long shot, but I think I'll get myself some ice cream. If I end up with a stomach ache, then it's been an honor coming to this hotel." He says dramatically before laughing and going to get himself a cup of vanilla ice cream. He make his way back to the table and takes a bite. He hums in delight with the spoon in his mouth. "This is so good. The ice cream they have is extra sweet." He continues to eat but smirks, as an idea began to form in his mind. He took a small dab of ice cream and placed it on her nose. He then leans over and kisses the ice cream off of the female vixens nose. "Sweetheart? Why didn't you ever tell me you tasted so sweet?" He chuckles before taking another bite of his dessert. 

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@Dynamo Pad

He continues to eat but smirks, as an idea began to form in his mind. He took a small dab of ice cream and placed it on her nose. He then leans over and kisses the ice cream off of the female vixens nose. "Sweetheart? Why didn't you ever tell me you tasted so sweet?" He chuckles before taking another bite of his dessert

Kitsune wrinkles her nose and laughs. “Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet.” She gives him a smile as she finishes up her dessert. She places her dishes aside and waited as Dynamo finished up his ice cream. 

Mince they were both full they made their way upstairs. Kitsune opened the door and they made their way inside. She looked at her bag and her heart started to go a bit faster. She took a couple slow deep breaths to help her calm down the oversized bed was incredible. She laid down and her eyes widened. “Come lay down!” She said excitedly, “this bed is amazing!” 

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Kitsune wrinkles her nose and laughs. “Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet.” She gives him a smile as she finishes up her dessert. She places her dishes aside and waited as Dynamo finished up his ice cream. 

He blushes slightly as his eyes widened slightly, as well from her previous comment. He smiles back and began to finish up his dessert. He places his dishes aside and sighs happily. "Everything was amazing. Let's get back to our room and relax for the evening." He says while taking her hand in his and made their way to their room.

Mince they were both full they made their way upstairs. Kitsune opened the door and they made their way inside. She looked at her bag and her heart started to go a bit faster. She took a couple slow deep breaths to help her calm down the oversized bed was incredible. She laid down and her eyes widened. “Come lay down!” She said excitedly, “this bed is amazing!” 

He allowed her to open the door and was thankful that her key worked for her. As they stepped inside, Dynamo went over to his suitcase and pulled out his game console. He set it up next to the TV and started hooking everything together. His ears perked as he heard his girlfriend calling him from behind. He chuckles while making sure everything was all set up. "Just a minute, babe! I just need to see if the console is hooked up right. I don't want anything to happen if we watch something on Poniflix and the console doesn't work." He smiles and nods as everything was in working order. He turns around and leans back, before taking a running start at the bed. He jumps into the air and lands right next to his girlfriend on the bed. He bounces on the bed a little and soon feels completely relaxed. "Ah. You were right about the bed feeling amazing. It's so soft and comfy for your back." He says while levitating a controller from his console over to the nightstand, so they could watch Poniflix, if they so choose. 

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@Dynamo Pad

“Okay, let’s see what we have to watch. Something that we won’t like get too sucked into, don’t want to start a binge now. But something that will be amusing.” She said as she watched Dynamo get things started up. 

She leaned into him and rested her head on his chest. She could hear his heart beat, a steady beat. Hers was starting to slow down, and for the time being she wanted to keep it that way. 

“Oh! That looks like it might be good. She mentions the title of a cop drama. Something not too intense, and something we know we can shit off at any point.” She said. 

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“Okay, let’s see what we have to watch. Something that we won’t like get too sucked into, don’t want to start a binge now. But something that will be amusing.” She said as she watched Dynamo get things started up. 

"You make a really good point. If we picked an anime, then we'd be binge watching it until we get tired and fall asleep. We don't want to do that when we're on vacation." He chuckles while trying to find something to watch, but was finding it difficult to pick a show. He felt her lean into him as she rested his head on her chest. He felt his heart quicken, but soon relaxes and smiles as he wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close to him.

“Oh! That looks like it might be good. She mentions the title of a cop drama. Something not too intense, and something we know we can shift off at any point.” She said.

He stops searching the list of shows immediately to where she was pointing on the TV. He sees that he stopped on a show that focused on cop drama. "You know what? Why not. This could be interesting to watch." He says, clicking on the title as the couple began to watch the show. 

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@Dynamo Pad

As the show began, Kitsune fell into place and relaxed in her boyfriends arms. She was content. The cop drama was rather interesting and she could even see herself starting to watch it back home. 

Mad the show got about half way through her mind started to reel. She wasn’t sure if it was the right time, did they want to watch another episode. Should she suggest turning it off, but what if Dynamo just wanted to go to sleep? She just wasn’t sure what to suggest. But she needed to think of something quick before the episode was over. 

She had roughly 10 minutes left before the episode came to a close. “Hey after this do you want to find some soft music and we can get ready for bed and discuss what we want to do for tomorrow?” 

She figured that would be a good start. Giving her time, and he wouldn’t be ready to fall asleep quite yet. 

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As the show began to play, Dynamo was finding the show to be somewhat interesting. It isn't what he would usually watch, but he had to admit that it was a good show. He could imagine his mom watching it and freaking out at random times, which caused him to internally laugh. While the show had a few minutes left in the episode, he looked at the time on the clock on their nightstand. It was roughly around 8:30 PM. He felt a little tired, but he still felt pretty good at the moment. It was still early and he didn't want to go to bed yet. 

She had roughly 10 minutes left before the episode came to a close. “Hey after this do you want to find some soft music and we can get ready for bed and discuss what we want to do for tomorrow?” 

He looked down and nods happily at her girlfriend's suggestion. "I'm okay with that. We'll figure out what to do for tomorrow and go right from there." He kisses the top of her head while they finished watching the episode. As the episode came to an end, Dynamo turned off Poniflix and placed his game remote on the nightstand next to him. He sits up and looks over to Kitsune. "I'm guessing you brought some music with you? I guess we couldn't leave Ponyville without bringing something that makes us who we are." He chuckles before calming down. "By the way, how's your music coming along? Have you come up with some new songs while you've been teaching your students in class?" 

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@Dynamo Pad

“you know me so well.” She giggled and got out of bed and grabbed her backpack which held her iPod. She quickly plugged it into her little speakers and turned it on. “Things are going well with my music. I finished up some sheet music for the university orchestra. The teachers there really like my work.”

she gets to the right song and hits play. 

“This is one of my favorites.” She sways to the beginning of the song and then picks up her bag again. “I’ll get changed in the bathroom.” She said as she slowly made her way there. She shut off one of the lights on her way so it wouldn’t be too bright. She was trying to set the mood. 

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Dynamo lightly chuckles and smirks. "I should hope so. You're my girlfriend, so I hope I should know everything about you." He watches as she went over to her book bag and brings out her iPod. He notices her putting the device in the speakers and turning everything on. He smiles widely and nods happily. "I'm really glad to hear that, sweetheart. It's great to hear the teachers enjoy your music. They'd be fools to think otherwise. You've really got an ear for music." He says as he begins to hear the song that she chose.

He taps his finger lightly on the bed and closes his eyes. "This song is pretty good. The tone, the chorus of instruments and the lyrics sound beautiful." He says, feeling captivated by the song. He opens his eyes and nods as she made her way towards the bathroom. "Okay. I'll make sure to get changed in the bathroom when you're all done." He says while continuing to listen to the song. He looks up to see the lights becoming dimmer, but shrugged it off. Thinking that it was soon getting closer for them to go to sleep. 

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@Dynamo Pad

As she was in the bathroom she pulled out her pajamas. Which consisted of a top and bottom. They matched and were some of the softest material she could find. She quickly got them on. Put her robe on over that and quickly brushed her teeth and straightened out her hair. She picked up her other clothes and made her way out to the room. 

“Your turn.” She said as she emerged. She made her way to the bed and got tucked in. The songs on her iPod continued to play on random, but she knew her playlist she had chosen would be perfect for what she had planned next. Nothing too fast or too slow. Something with a medium tempo. 

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As the song was beginning to end, he heard the bathroom door being opened. He watched as the female vixen emerged from said room with pajamas and a robe on. He smiles softly at how adorable she looked. "You look really cute, sweetheart. Those pajamas suit you very well, in my opinion." He says as he starts to make his way out of the bed.

“Your turn.” She said as she emerged. She made her way to the bed and got tucked in. The songs on her iPod continued to play on random, but she knew her playlist she had chosen would be perfect for what she had planned next. Nothing too fast or too slow. Something with a medium tempo. 

He nods and goes to his suitcase and pulls out his sleepwear for the evening. "Okay. I'll be back in just a moment." He looks back to her with a smile, before making his way into the bathroom. He got changed from his regular clothes to his pajamas, which consisted of a plain purple shirt and black sweatpants. They seemed like regular clothes, but he felt pretty comfy in them. He got his clothes together and folded them before brushing his teeth. He perked his ears as he could hear more music being played in the background. He liked her choice in music and could feel like he was one with the song. He finished his teeth, grabbed his clothes and started to emerge from the rest room. 

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@Dynamo Pad

As Dynamo had finished getting changed she had taken off her robe and had tossed back the covers. Her heart was racing a mile a minute. She watched as he made his way back towards the bed. She knew it was now or never. She leaped out of bed and walked with a purpose to him. She put her hands on the sides of his head and pulled him into her. She kissed him and she could feel his surprise. She pushed him against a wall and continued to kiss him. She felt his arms grab hold of her waist and she gently pulled away. “I love you Dynamo. More than you could even imagine. I love you and I want to show you just how much you mean to me.” 

The music continued to play as the couple went to bed. 

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