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SoL 1x1 with Kitsune and Dynamo Pad


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@Dynamo Pad

Just then, an idea began to form in his mind. "How about this? You just rest up for the day until I get done work. Then, we can check out the bike and go into town. Maybe go and see if there's anything that can be done to repair your bike. What do you think, Kity?" He asks as he turns around to direct his attention towards his girlfriend. 

"I think I would like that a lot. Maybe we can grab a bite to eat or see if there is a good play down at the theater. OH! There is a new place that is a dinner and a show!!!" She got over excited for a moment, and tried to calm herself down. "Well.. anyway, heh, maybe we can do one of those things." She walks with him as he heads to the front door. She opens the door and notices that her bike is not where she left it. 

"Hey... did you see my bike and wagon right here when you came to the door?" She asked as she pointed to the side of the walkway next to the bushes. "I swear that is where I left it last night, I didn't even think to check on it this morning. I just focused on my chores in the back yard." She said as she wrinkled her brow. She started to get very upset, her muzzle started to twitch and she nearly bared her teeth. Not something she has really done in a long time, not since she was younger. 

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"I think I would like that a lot. Maybe we can grab a bite to eat or see if there is a good play down at the theater. OH! There is a new place that is a dinner and a show!!!" She got over excited for a moment, and tried to calm herself down. "Well.. anyway, heh, maybe we can do one of those things." She walks with him as he heads to the front door. She opens the door and notices that her bike is not where she left it. 

Dynamo attempted to hold his laughter in, but a few chuckles escaped from his lips. "You are just plain adorable, you know that? Yet, I really like how enthusiastic you can be. That's one of the many things that I like about you, Kity." He calmed down from his laughing fit, while giving her a warm smile. "I think those ideas would be perfect. We can do one idea today and maybe one idea tomorrow, or sometime during the week." He says as she opens the door for them to exit the house.

"Hey... did you see my bike and wagon right here when you came to the door?" She asked as she pointed to the side of the walkway next to the bushes. "I swear that is where I left it last night, I didn't even think to check on it this morning. I just focused on my chores in the back yard." She said as she wrinkled her brow. She started to get very upset, her muzzle started to twitch and she nearly bared her teeth. Not something she has really done in a long time, not since she was younger. 

As he stepped foot out of the house, he looked to where she was staring to notice her bike wasn't there. He raised an eyebrow as he found that to be strange. He turned to her and reluctantly shook his head negatively. "I'm sorry to say, but I didn't see your bike or wagon on my way here." He says, but starts to notice how upset she was becoming. He felt almost fearful, but he couldn't blame how she was feeling from this dilemma. He walked slowly, but calmly to her and placed his hands upon her shoulders. "Hey Kity? Just stay calm and take it easy. I know how you feel, but I promise that we'll find your bike. I've been through this before with my mom. She loses something that's important to her and starts freaking out. I always tell her to trace her steps and that she'll find it. Trust me, sweetheart. We'll find your bike and wagon together." He says steady and calmly, while looking into her eyes with his soft, yet caring ones. "Now let's retrace your steps. You said your bike accident was near the last customer you gave honey to, right? Do you think you could have left it there? It was late and a lot of things were happening in quick succession."





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@Dynamo Pad

"Yeah, everything did happen really fast. But I swear the red pony picked up my bike and brought it home when he took me home. But maybe I am just imagining it. I don't know." She stated to say. She was trying to calm herself because if she can't quite remember then why is she getting so upset. She took a deep breath, "Okay, let me rest up, and when you get back we will go over to the apple farm and see if it is still there or if it is still on the side of the road. I am going to go take some more pain killers and ice my ankle so I can walk that far." 

She hadn't taken her eyes off of the bush until now and as she looked at Dynamo she instantly had tears in her eyes. She realized that she had started to snarl... She could see some fear in his eyes. She had become so comfortable with Dynamo over the last few months that she didn't even think about what happens when she gets upset. She knows that ponies get scared when they see the timber wolves and with her being a fox... and eating meat... she has trained herself to keep control of her emotions when she is around ponies. 

"I'm so sorry. Please forgive me, I didn't mean to get so upset, I think it is just because I am still so sore and mad at myself for letting this happen. Please don't think that I am a crazy vixen. I didn't mean to bare my teeth.... please.... I'm so sorry..." She put her head down and a tear fell down her face. 

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"Yeah, everything did happen really fast. But I swear the red pony picked up my bike and brought it home when he took me home. But maybe I am just imagining it. I don't know." She stated to say. She was trying to calm herself because if she can't quite remember then why is she getting so upset. She took a deep breath, "Okay, let me rest up, and when you get back we will go over to the apple farm and see if it is still there or if it is still on the side of the road. I am going to go take some more pain killers and ice my ankle so I can walk that far." 

Dynamo gathered the necessary info from Kitsune and nods. "Okay and I take your word for it. It's just like you were saying. Everything happened so fast that there wasn't enough time to process what was going on at the current time." He smiles softly as he saw her taking a deep breath and calming down. "Okay and it sounds like a plan to me. I promise we'll find your bike safe and sound. You have my word on that, Kity." He clenched a fist while placing said closed fist over his heart. A way of making a promise to his girlfriend.

"I'm so sorry. Please forgive me, I didn't mean to get so upset, I think it is just because I am still so sore and mad at myself for letting this happen. Please don't think that I am a crazy vixen. I didn't mean to bare my teeth.... please.... I'm so sorry..." She put her head down and a tear fell down her face. 

As he began to see tears forming in her eyes, the blue unicorn felt very concerned for the female vixen. He was about to reply, but was stopped as he heard her tearful confession. As she explained, the blue unicorn had a guilty look on his muzzle. A look that could sum up as instant regret of his earlier fearful expression. He placed a finger under her chin and gently raised her head, so their eyes could meet. "Kitsune, I'm so sorry. You shouldn't have to apologize for anything. If anyone should be apologizing, then it should be me. I've known you for a few months now and I didn't know that would happen. Everyone gets upset and frustrated, but I should have known better. You have every right to act how you're feeling. Nobody would know that you would get into an accident and end up in this situation." He moved his hand from her chin and gently caressed her cheek. He sniffed, as he could feel his eyes glisten with tears. He shook his tears away and tried to compose himself. "I can promise you this and will never lie to you, sweetheart. You're not a crazy vixen. You're a fun, loving, kind, caring, sweet, interesting and all around amazing vixen. A vixen, whom has become very precious and special to me. I'm glad that you're a part of my life, Kitsune. I don't and I will never regret meeting you. So, please don't apologize. I like learning more and more about you. Every new thing I learn from you makes me look forward to what other mysteries about you. You're my girlfriend Kity and I wouldn't trade that for anything in all of Equestria. Not even the title of the world's greatest gamer." He says as a stray tear cascaded down his face.  






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@Dynamo Pad

Tears were rolling down her face as she felt Dynamo's hand lift her chin. As she was listening to him she started to feel better. She is still learning that she can be herself. She is not used to being in a place and in a relationship that she doesn't have to hide.

"Thank you, sometimes I think that I don't deserve you. You are so good to me." She leans in and hugs him, she whispers in his ear "You are amazing." 

She stepped back and began wiping her tears away. "Maybe not today, but we should talk about this..." 

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"Thank you, sometimes I think that I don't deserve you. You are so good to me." She leans in and hugs him, she whispers in his ear "You are amazing." 

He accepts the hug, as he returned the embrace. He holds her close in a protective and comforting manner. He pulls back from the hug before smiles and nods. "You're welcome and I can honestly say the same thing to you. There are times I feel like I don't deserve you, but you always make me feel that I do deserve you. You're good to me as well, as well as kind and caring." He shakes his head and chuckles. "I'm not amazing. If there's anyone who's amazing, that that someone is you. You're the one who can kick my butt at video games, remember?" He says while giving her a small, playful smirk.

She stepped back and began wiping her tears away. "Maybe not today, but we should talk about this..." 

Dynamo let go of the hug and nods. Using his hand to wipe away the stray tear from his muzzle. "I think that would be nice. Just remember that you should never hide anything about yourself from me. You don't ever have to be someone that you're not. Always stay true to who you are and what you want to be. I developed feeling and like Kitsune for who she is. The you I see now is your true self and I could never ask for anyone better than that." He took out his phone and checked for the time. He frowned slightly, but nods in understanding. "I should get going. I'll message you when I'm all done work and we'll go to the apple farm to look for your bike. Then we can figure out what we want to do later on in the day." He steps forward and wraps her in a quick hug, while kissing her cheek. He moves back from the hug and starts to make his way down the path back to town. "I'll see you soon, sweetheart! I hope you feel better and stay safe!" He says while waving back to her.  






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@Dynamo Pad

Kitsune makes her way inside the house and goes to the kitchen to grab some ice. She goes into the bedroom and unwraps her ankle. The swelling was going down nicely but it was still pretty sore. She placed it back on her stack of pillows and pulled out her phone. She noticed the missed text message from Dynamo when he first arrived. She smiled as she read it. 

She opens up a new text to Sasha. "Hey, what's going on?"

"Just woke up.... took the day off. Boss told me to take a vacation a while back so figured this week is as good as any."

"Well, time away from work will be nice, you can relax and start to work your way through everything."

"Yeah, after talking to you yesterday I have been feeling a lot better. Just hearing your voice for that little bit made me think of the good times." 


"I miss you Kity." 

"I miss you too Sasha, you are my best friend."

"oh.. yeah. I know. And you.... will always be my best friend too..."

"What does that mean?"

"It means.... I think I figured out what was so wrong so long ago."

"Uhm... I told you I got into an accident right?" Kitsune was trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, I got your message this morning, I was really worried, but I figured you would be asleep for quite a while today. You still need to talk to me about your feelings." 

"Yeah, I twisted my ankle, my bike was smashed up and now I can't find it." 

"Please stop avoiding the question." Sasha was persistent. 

"It's in the past Sasha, just leave it there."

"I can't. Not now."

"Why... what is so different now?" She was starting to get irritated. 

"Because I'm in love with you. And I think I always have been. I want to be with you. I want you to be mine." 

She didn't respond. She was just laying in bed, her heart was pounding so fast it felt like she had just run 10 miles. 

Her phone begins to ring. It is Sasha. She lets it go to voice mail.

"Please pick up your phone, I want to talk to you."

"You can't do this, this is not fair, not now. I am with Dynamo, you can't use your break up to try and toy with me like this. I got over us a long time ago."

"If you are so over it, then why are you avoiding my call?"

Her phone rings again, she lets it go to voice mail.

"Please, answer your phone."

"I can't, I don't want to feel those feelings again. I have somepony that is so special. I will not do this to him. I will not. It is true, I did have feelings for you years ago. I wanted nothing more than to be with you on a more intense level. But after so long of you playing the 'Little sister' card on me all the time, I figured that is what I will always be to you. I am not going to be put in that situation where I put myself out there again. I am not going to be the one that you think you have feelings for only to realize that it was only because I am finally in a relationship for once and you are the one that is the third wheel." She felt harsh for saying it, but she needed him to understand. 

"You never once tried to be anything more than friends."

"Not true, you and I ended up in bed together one night after you came home after partying and you said some things that really struck me heard. You made my heart swell up so much and you didn't even seem that drunk. You were so collected that I thought that was the night, I thought that was all you needed, was just a little bit of courage and we would have ended up together. You kissed me and my body shook with electricity." 

"You never told me about this."

"That is because I was embarrassed. After making out for a bit you got up and said you were going over to Cherry's house, that you and her were getting back together. And at that point I hardened my heart, I cried myself to sleep and understood that all I will ever be is your friend. I accepted it. You cannot take that away from me now."


"I am telling Dynamo about this whole thing, I will probably just have him read the texts, I will not keep anything from him anymore. And... I think you should probably cancel your trip out to Ponyville this summer. I don't think I can have more than just a texting conversation with you for a while. I'm sorry, but I just can't." 


She threw her phone across her bed and it landed in the bottom corner. She cried herself to sleep and took a much needed nap.

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After a couple of minutes walking back into town, Dynamo had finally made his way back to town. He decided to quicken his pace, as he power walked to the arcade. Once he made it to the shop, he walked in and rushed over towards the counter. "H-Hey, Button. S-Sorry about all of that. I wanted to make sure that Kity was okay and thankfully she is. Plus, she lost her bike, but we might have a good idea on where it might have gone." He panted while trying to catch his breath from the mini jog. Button waved his hand and smiled. "I'm just glad you were able to make it in for work. Don't worry about running late. I told you that you could be a little late, since you had to make sure that she was okay. Hopefully she'll be able to find that bike of hers." After calming down and catching his breath, Dynamo smiles and nods. "I know we'll find it. I gave her my word and I would never abandon my friends. We're going to find her bike later and then we might go see a movie, or a dinner show kind of restaurant." Button slapped Dynamo on the back playfully and chuckles. "This is why I'm glad to have you working here as my employee, my good sir. However, you will get to do those things later. For right now, we must get to work. These game machines won't run themselves, you know." He says, while dawning a serious, yet determined look upon his muzzle. With a single nod, Dynamo began to get to work.

[A few hours later]

Dynamo sighs in relief while taking a seat behind the arcade counter. He was helping in running the machines and it was a storm of ponies bombarding the arcade. "Whew. I'm glad that's all said and done with. Does that happen a lot?" He asks while spinning a little in his chair. Button wiped a stray bead of sweat from his brow and nods. "Oh, you have no idea. That usually happens every so often, but mostly once a month. Trust me, it's been dry these past three months. School and new game releases are a thing, but things are starting to pick back up." He says while looking up at the time to see that it was around 3:00 PM. He looks back down and stops the chair, which caused Dynamo to yell and promptly fall out of said chair to the ground. "Looks like your time is up in here, buddy. So you're free to go and help Kitsune out. I'll see you bright and early tomorrow, but if you are late, then I completely understand. Just make sure that doesn't become a bad habit, okay?" Dynamo's eyes were spinning, but was able to hear Button loud and clear. "O-Okay. You've got it, boss. Bright and early and I won't be late. Oh, look at all the pretty colors and the lights are spinning." It took a few minutes, but Dynamo sat up after gathering his bearings. "Very funny, but thanks for letting me know, Button. Thank again and I'll see you later, boss." He stood up, waves back to Button and made his way out of the arcade. He stretches his arms over his head and was ready to begin the rest of the afternoon.

He begins to make his way back over to Kitsune's house, as he pulls his phone out of his pocket. "Hey, sweetheart. I just wanted to let you know that I got done work today. I'm starting to make my way back to your place and then we'll go on our search for your bike. I'll see you in a little bit. <3"

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@Dynamo Pad

Kitsune had woken up from her nap a few hours ago and just left her phone where it was. She pulled out some books and decided to just rest and read. She kept hearing pings, and her phone would ring every now and then. But she just ignored it. Until it started to get a bit later. She figured she would pick up the phone so she wouldn't miss Dynamo's text.

She had 3 more missed calls from Sasha, and about 6 more texts from him which read. 

"Can we talk please?"

"I'm going to call now, please pick up the phone."

"Kitsune... you can't ignore me, this is not fair. Why are you doing this?"

"Seriously.... now you are being a b***h."

"I'm sorry.... I'm just really confused, please... I just want to talk. I love you Kitsune."

"Fine.... I will leave you alone... please text me or call me when you are ready."

She fights back tears and anger until she hears her phone ping again. She was almost afraid to look.

He begins to make his way back over to Kitsune's house, as he pulls his phone out of his pocket. "Hey, sweetheart. I just wanted to let you know that I got done work today. I'm starting to make my way back to your place and then we'll go on our search for your bike. I'll see you in a little bit. <3"

She sends a quick replay. "Okay, I will be ready to leave when you get here." She rewrapped her ankle and made her way to the front door. She opened up her door and sat down on the front porch. As she looked out watching for Dynamo, she noticed a little cloud of dust in the area of the apple farm. She wondered if the ponies were herding the cows. It was just a little cloud though..... she was curious, but didn't think too much of it. She looked towards town and could see Dynamo in the distance. She looked back over towards the apple farm, and the dust cloud started to form into the large cart that took her home the night before. Maybe they are taking apples to town... but why come this way? This way is a lot longer....

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She sends a quick replay. "Okay, I will be ready to leave when you get here." She rewrapped her ankle and made her way to the front door. She opened up her door and sat down on the front porch. As she looked out watching for Dynamo, she noticed a little cloud of dust in the area of the apple farm. She wondered if the ponies were herding the cows. It was just a little cloud though..... she was curious, but didn't think too much of it. She looked towards town and could see Dynamo in the distance. She looked back over towards the apple farm, and the dust cloud started to form into the large cart that took her home the night before. Maybe they are taking apples to town... but why come this way? This way is a lot longer....

While making his way back towards Kitsune's house, the blue unicorn had received a new message on his phone. He pulls the cellular device out of his pocket and smiles at the response. He put his phone back into his pocket, as he was pretty close to her house at this point. As he saw the female vixen at the front porch, he decided to quicken his pace towards the building. As he neared the destination, he smiles and waves to her so he would get her attention. He stopped briefly, as he saw that Kitsune was looking off into the distance. He decided to turn his head to see what she was looking and was greeted with a small dust cloud. Soon the dust cloud cleared up a little, as a larget cart took it's place. 'Now that's pretty strange. Why would there be a cart roaming around in these parts. I know ponies have said that the Everfree Forest can be dangerous, but these parts are genuinely safe. It looks as if the cart is heading towards Kity's house.' He raised an eyebrow in confusion and chose to run the rest of the way, so he wouldn't get caught up in it.

As he reached the house, he placed his hands on his knees to catch his breath. He looked up and gave her an apologetic look, which turned into a confused expression. "Hey sweetheart and I'm sorry if I'm late. I would have gotten here sooner, had it not been for Button for making me feel dizzy. Long story short, I was spinning in my chair and he kicked me out of said chair." He chuckles slightly before looking back to the cart and then to her. "By the way, do you know why there's a cart coming over towards your house? I just noticed it now, but didn't know why exactly. Maybe you would have a better idea on what in the world's going on."

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@Dynamo Pad

As he reached the house, he placed his hands on his knees to catch his breath. He looked up and gave her an apologetic look, which turned into a confused expression. "Hey sweetheart and I'm sorry if I'm late. I would have gotten here sooner, had it not been for Button for making me feel dizzy. Long story short, I was spinning in my chair and he kicked me out of said chair." He chuckles slightly before looking back to the cart and then to her. "By the way, do you know why there's a cart coming over towards your house? I just noticed it now, but didn't know why exactly. Maybe you would have a better idea on what in the world's going on."

"I think it's the pony that took me home last night. But why would he be coming back this way?" The cart kept getting closer and closer until the bull came to a stop and the red pony jumped down and greeted the couple. 

"Uhh, Sorry to interrupt..." The red pony's voice was very deep. Kitsune moved forward and took Dynamo's hand in hers. The red pony went to the back of the cart and pulled out Kitsune's bike and placed it on the ground with the kick stand down, and then grabbed her wagon. She noticed that her front bike tire was brand new, and her cart had a fresh coat of paint. "I didn't feel right leaving you last night with so much work to do when you were hurt. So I came back and picked it up to fix it up so you wouldn't have to worry." The red ponies cheeks turned a darker red.

"Wow, you didn't have to do that, that is incredibly generous. Thank you very much." Kitsune walked forward to inspect the bike and wagon. "They look fantastic! Better than new!" She walked up to the red pony and gave him a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. "Tell your granny the next 5 jars of honey is on the house." 

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"I think it's the pony that took me home last night. But why would he be coming back this way?" The cart kept getting closer and closer until the bull came to a stop and the red pony jumped down and greeted the couple. 

Dynamo couldn't help, but to keep seeing the incoming pony with a cart. He didn't really have much to say, but to wonder what he would be doing here. "I guess he's bringing you something from last night.I guess after everything that happened yesterday, he and the others from the apple farm wanted to bring you something." He says as the red pony got down from the wagon to greet the two before him.

"Uhh, Sorry to interrupt..." The red pony's voice was very deep. Kitsune moved forward and took Dynamo's hand in hers. The red pony went to the back of the cart and pulled out Kitsune's bike and placed it on the ground with the kick stand down, and then grabbed her wagon. She noticed that her front bike tire was brand new, and her cart had a fresh coat of paint. "I didn't feel right leaving you last night with so much work to do when you were hurt. So I came back and picked it up to fix it up so you wouldn't have to worry." The red ponies cheeks turned a darker red.

The blue unicorn gasped audibly at how the red pony spoke. He was told by other ponies that this red pony rarely ever talked. Hearing this pony talk had completely caught him off guard. He was brought out of his shock, as he felt Kitsune take his hand into hers. He looked back and nods before giving her a slight squeeze. Dynamo whistled as he saw how brand new the bike looked. "It looks like you really worked hard on it. We were actually going to retrace Kity's steps to see where the bike was last, but I guess we don't have to worry about that now." He says with a slight chuckle. 

"Wow, you didn't have to do that, that is incredibly generous. Thank you very much." Kitsune walked forward to inspect the bike and wagon. "They look fantastic! Better than new!" She walked up to the red pony and gave him a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. "Tell your granny the next 5 jars of honey is on the house." 

Dynamo's jaw dropped as he saw Kitsune kiss the red pony on the cheek. He could feel his cheeks redden as he was feeling a little jealous. He puffed his cheeks out and looked off to the side. Dynamo knew that jealousy would happen in a relationship, but he didn't want jealousy to control him and ruin anything between himself and Kitsune. 'I need to stay calm and relax. I shouldn't have to be jealous about anything, whatsoever. Besides, Kitsune is being appreciative from all the help she's been given. That, and I think that red pony has a marefriend of his own. I remember seeing him with a pink unicorn once or twice since living in Ponyville.' He shook his head to erase any doubt, took a deep breath and smiles. "Thank you and your family for helping and taking care of Kitsune." He says appreciatively towards the red pony. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Dynamo's jaw dropped as he saw Kitsune kiss the red pony on the cheek. He could feel his cheeks redden as he was feeling a little jealous. He puffed his cheeks out and looked off to the side. Dynamo knew that jealousy would happen in a relationship, but he didn't want jealousy to control him and ruin anything between himself and Kitsune. 'I need to stay calm and relax. I shouldn't have to be jealous about anything, whatsoever. Besides, Kitsune is being appreciative from all the help she's been given. That, and I think that red pony has a marefriend of his own. I remember seeing him with a pink unicorn once or twice since living in Ponyville.' He shook his head to erase any doubt, took a deep breath and smiles. "Thank you and your family for helping and taking care of Kitsune." He says appreciatively towards the red pony. 

"Yup." The red pony said as he moved the bike and wagon to Kitsune's front yard. He hopped back up on the wagon and gave the couple a slight nod and whipped the reigns and the bull sprang to life and the cart turned and just as quickly as he arrived he was in the distance.

Kitsune turned to Dynamo and could see some frustration in his face. She went and embraced him and passionately kissed him. She then took his hand and started walking towards the house. "I am very thankful for that pony to have done that for me." She got to the door way, sighed and looked back at Dynamo, "We need to talk...." She opened the door and went inside.

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"Yup." The red pony said as he moved the bike and wagon to Kitsune's front yard. He hopped back up on the wagon and gave the couple a slight nod and whipped the reigns and the bull sprang to life and the cart turned and just as quickly as he arrived he was in the distance.

Kitsune turned to Dynamo and could see some frustration in his face. She went and embraced him and passionately kissed him. She then took his hand and started walking towards the house. "I am very thankful for that pony to have done that for me." She got to the door way, sighed and looked back at Dynamo, "We need to talk...." She opened the door and went inside.

Dynamo watched as the red pony moved the bike and wagon back to their original places around her house. He soon left just as soon as he had already arrived. Dynamo waved to the red pony as soon as he was out in the distance. He was caught off guard, as he felt Kitsune embraced and passionately kissed him. His eyes widened as a result, but he returned the kiss and embrace. As they parted, he felt her take his hand and was lead towards the house. "I'm really glad that he was able to help you out, sweetheart. It was also really nice of him to make the bike look like it was brand new. I'm glad there are nice ponies like that living here in Ponyville." He smiles with a nod. As they neared the door way, his ears drooped at the sound of her sigh. He walked inside and audibly gulped. "D-Did something happen? Did I do something wrong, or was it something I said? I-I'm really sorry for acting jealous like that. I'm never usually jealous and I guess I overreacted. I'm really, really sorry Kity." He twiddled his thumbs as his ears drooped in worry.



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@Dynamo Pad

He walked inside and audibly gulped. "D-Did something happen? Did I do something wrong, or was it something I said? I-I'm really sorry for acting jealous like that. I'm never usually jealous and I guess I overreacted. I'm really, really sorry Kity." He twiddled his thumbs as his ears drooped in worry.

"Please, come sit down, I have to show you something." She made her way to the couch and patted the section next to her, motioning Dynamo to sit next to her. "You remember yesterday at the café? I told you that my friend was having problems with her mom and that she was sick...." 

She was fighting back tears, her lip was quivering. 

"That's not the truth."

Tears started to make their way down her cheeks. She took a slow deep breath as she pulled out her phone. Trying to calm her nerves and steady her voice. 

"It... it was Sasha..." She wiped a tear away. She couldn't even look Dynamo in the eyes. 

"Here.... just... here." She handed him her phone unlocked and open to the conversation with Sasha. "Just read that." 

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"Please, come sit down, I have to show you something." She made her way to the couch and patted the section next to her, motioning Dynamo to sit next to her. "You remember yesterday at the café? I told you that my friend was having problems with her mom and that she was sick...." 

She was fighting back tears, her lip was quivering. 

"That's not the truth."

Tears started to make their way down her cheeks. She took a slow deep breath as she pulled out her phone. Trying to calm her nerves and steady her voice. 

"It... it was Sasha..." She wiped a tear away. She couldn't even look Dynamo in the eyes. 

"Here.... just... here." She handed him her phone unlocked and open to the conversation with Sasha. "Just read that." 

Dynamo was brought out of his musings by her voice. He looks up and was motioned to sit next to her on the couch. As he did so, he could feel a heavy, yet serious tension in the air. He remembered the events from yesterday before the had to part ways for the evening. "Yes, I remember what you were telling me about your friend. Is everything okay? Is their mother still not doing too well?" He asked in concern and hoped that things were well. He gained a lost look upon his muzzle as he was being told the truth. His heart felt like it was breaking from the tears that started to pour down her cheeks. He shakily tried to raise and arm to wipe her tears away, but chose to lower his hand in fear of distracting her. She had something important to say and he was here to help support her if she needed to get things off of her mind.

He raised an eyebrow in confusing. "Sasha? What does Sasha have to do with this, sweetheart?" He curiously asked, but was more concerned by the face that she couldn't meet his eyes. He was given his answer as she unlocked her phone and showed him her messages. He tentatively took the phone out of her hands and began to scroll through the messages. At first, everything seemed to be just fine. However, his eyes widened in surprise at how Sasha was saying to Kitsune. He softly gasped at everything he was learning now. Once he finished reading, he gently placed her phone back onto the couch. He almost felt a little nauseous at what he had just previously read. He looked to the female vixen and knew that what she was hid from the blue unicorn had really bothered her. He closed his eyes and knew what he had to do. He nods, slowly opens his eyes, while leaning over and pulling Kitsune into a tight hug. He rubbed her back softly to try and help calm her down. "Shh...it's okay Kity. Everything is going to be okay. I'm right here and I will always be here with you, sweetheart." He says with care and compassion in his voice.  




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@Dynamo Pad

She fell into his chest and quietly sniffled and took slow deep breaths. "I know I should have told you from the beginning, and I'm so sorry. I just didn't know what was going on and then when he said all of that stuff... I just I didn't know what else to do." She started to calm down. "You have every right to be mad at me, I saw you just outside. I know how it feels." She leaned back and wiped away her tears. 

"I am so sorry." She sank down into the couch. "You are being too kind. Please, just tell me how you are really feeling. If you get up and leave I would completely understand. But if you stay please tell me what you are thinking, tell me what is in your heart. Tell me if you don't trust me, tell me if you need time. Tell me if you want to work it out....." She caught herself. She was so good at making an awkward situation into an even worse situation. 

"I'll stop talking... I know I blow things out of proportion sometimes."

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She fell into his chest and quietly sniffled and took slow deep breaths. "I know I should have told you from the beginning, and I'm so sorry. I just didn't know what was going on and then when he said all of that stuff... I just I didn't know what else to do." She started to calm down. "You have every right to be mad at me, I saw you just outside. I know how it feels." She leaned back and wiped away her tears. 

Dynamo could hear her sniffle, as he held her close to his chest. He places his head atop of hers and continues to keep her calm. He could feel tears build up in his eyes at the mention of today's previous events. He felt guilty for making her worry, or making her feel terrible. He pulls back from the hug and shakes his head. "You don't have to apologize, Kity. I should be the one apologizing here. I know I shouldn't be jealous, but I'm always afraid that I'll lose you, in the end. I know I'm nothing special, but you found something special in me. Just the same way that I found something special in you. I don't blame you for hiding this from me. I guess there really isn't that many others to confide into this. It must have been difficult on having to hide this problem and dealing with it."

"I am so sorry." She sank down into the couch. "You are being too kind. Please, just tell me how you are really feeling. If you get up and leave I would completely understand. But if you stay please tell me what you are thinking, tell me what is in your heart. Tell me if you don't trust me, tell me if you need time. Tell me if you want to work it out....." She caught herself. She was so good at making an awkward situation into an even worse situation. 

"I'll stop talking... I know I blow things out of proportion sometimes."

He watched as she sat back and sunk down into the couch. He closed his eyes and sighs. He hated seeing her in this pitiful state and wanted to do all that he could to make her feel happy, safe and loved. "To be honest, I felt upset that I wasn't told of this sooner. I didn't know that you two almost became a couple and kissed. Yet I can understand that because it's a part of your past that you probably didn't want to remember. I trust you and I know you trust me. However, if there's ever a problem that you're facing, then don't ever hesitate to come talk to me about it. Unless it's very personal, then I can understand that. I know I would be concerned and all, but I would be very understanding." He says while almost hesitantly looking at the door, but decided against it. "All I can truly feel is you within my heart. You mean a whole lot to me, Kitsune. What I said yesterday was the truth and nothing, but the truth. You've become an important part of my life and I don't ever want to lose that. Sure, you lied about the messages, but you were worried and concerned. That happens to all of us when we are afraid or worried about one thing to another." He got off of the couch and was kneeling on his knees. He took her hands into his and looked directly at her. "There is nothing you do that will ever make me hate you, or stop caring about you, or anything like that. I trust you and I don't need time to wait. There is just one thing that I want to know from you. I just want to know the truth." He squeezes her hands to give her comfort, but also reassurance that he'd be there. "How do you feel about Sasha and how do you feel about me? I'm not asking to compare us, but to ask how do you feel about us individually."


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@Dynamo Pad

Kitsune listened to his words intently. She internalized them knowing that she was always so hard on herself and she really didn't want him to pity her. She did enough of that on her own. She took a deep breath as she watched him get off the couch and take her hands. Her heart began to race. She wasn't sure what he was doing. 

He squeezes her hands to give her comfort, but also reassurance that he'd be there. "How do you feel about Sasha and how do you feel about me? I'm not asking to compare us, but to ask how do you feel about us individually."

Her heart sank, she was not expecting that question. She was mortified. She was silent for what seemed like an eternity. She could tell that he was being very patient with her, he was being so kind and loving. She knew that he was genuine and that is maybe what hurt the most. She was so used to ponies being fake with her, using her and then stabbing her in the back. Or with Sasha confusing her and then dredging up the past. 

"I...I" She hesitated and the room started spinning.

"Sasha is my past." She said as she sat up a bit straighter, "You, you are my future."

Realizing that is not what Dynamo wanted to hear, he wanted to hear more than just that she took a deep breath and started to slowly give her answer. 

"Truthfully, until today I had no emotional attachment to Sasha other than a 'best friend/big brother' feeling towards him. Then he brings up the past and my head is swimming. I know I don't love him, and I don't hate him at the same time. I don't feel attracted to him, and I would never be in a relationship with him. The feelings that I am having right now towards him is more of a gut feeling of just pain, and pity for him. He will never be anything more to me than a friend, and who knows... he may not even be my friend for much longer." She looked deeply into his eyes as she prepared to speak again.

"Dynamo, I like you, I like you so much. You have brought out so many good things in me that I didn't think I could do. You have pushed me in ways that I didn't think possible and try new things that I was too scared to try. When I am with you I feel so happy, you make me happy. I always get butterflies in my stomach and you make me just smile when I think about you. I hope that answers your question. That is the truth." 

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"I...I" She hesitated and the room started spinning.

"Sasha is my past." She said as she sat up a bit straighter, "You, you are my future."

Dynamo waited patiently for when Kitsune would give him her answer. He was growing concerned, as he could see the female vixen beginning to look unwell. He felt awful making her feel that way and was afraid of making her feel more pain. "You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to, Kitsune. I shouldn't be putting you on the spot like that. That's a difficult question for anyone to answer and I'm really sorry about that." He was stopped from any further words from her response. He was confused, yet interested in the meaning behind her words. He noticed her sitting up straighter and moved back to give her some room. 

"Truthfully, until today I had no emotional attachment to Sasha other than a 'best friend/big brother' feeling towards him. Then he brings up the past and my head is swimming. I know I don't love him, and I don't hate him at the same time. I don't feel attracted to him, and I would never be in a relationship with him. The feelings that I am having right now towards him is more of a gut feeling of just pain, and pity for him. He will never be anything more to me than a friend, and who knows... he may not even be my friend for much longer." She looked deeply into his eyes as she prepared to speak again.

"Dynamo, I like you, I like you so much. You have brought out so many good things in me that I didn't think I could do. You have pushed me in ways that I didn't think possible and try new things that I was too scared to try. When I am with you I feel so happy, you make me happy. I always get butterflies in my stomach and you make me just smile when I think about you. I hope that answers your question. That is the truth." 

He listened intently as she went over both himself and Sasha. He felt bad for Sasha, but understood her reasoning at the same time. He let out a breath of relief that he didn't realize he was holding. When it came time for her description of him, he felt frozen in time. He knew she was happy with him, but he never knew she made her feel this way. He felt a blush creep up upon his cheeks, as a small smile graced his lips. He nods slowly before standing up on his feet. He gripped her hands and gently brought her up to her feet. He let go of her hands, but wrapped his arms around her in a hug. He savored the embrace, before pulling back to look into her gaze. "You don't have to say anymore, Kitsune. What you said is the absolute truth. You never looked away from me when you told me all of that. One who lies, would always look away in doubt, but you never did." He gently placed a hand upon her cheek and caresses said cheek, as well. "I like you so much, too. You've given me confidence to try different things. Confidence to fail and try again. Enjoyment whether I win or lose at games or anything in life. You helped push me to work harder, as well. When I'm with you, I feel like I'm the happiest pony in all of Equestria. I always feel nervous around you, but in a good way. You are always on my mind and I always worry and care about you." He says, before leaning forward and pulls the female vixen into a passionate kiss. 

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@Dynamo Pad

She pushed her body into his, she hadn't felt this much passion since they had been together. She felt like her body was on fire, she was so free. Thoughts were running through her mind as she continued to hold him, she got even closer as she stood on her tippy toes. A jolt of what felt like lightning shot down her back and she very slightly pulled away whispering in his ear. 

"Why don't we just stay here, we can call and order a pizza for delivery." She pulled away, grabbing his hand and pulling him as she walked down the hallway. She wasn't sure if it was all of the openness or all of the crazy emotions she had been feeling for so many days but she wanted to see where things would take them. She makes her way past the guest room and pushes the door open to her room. 

Times passes, the door bell rings.

Kitsune sits up and grabs a hoodie. "That's gotta be the pizza." She goes to answer the door.

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Dynamo was momentarily caught off guard from how bold Kitsune was being, but he continued to kiss and hold the female vixen in his arms. They had been passionate here and there from time to time, but never this passionate. He felt warm, while his body felt like it was weightless. As if he was flying through the air, even though he wasn't a Pegasus pony.

"Why don't we just stay here, we can call and order a pizza for delivery." She found her way back to his lips and then pulled away, grabbing his hand and pulling him as she walked down the hallway. She wasn't sure if it was all of the openness or all of the crazy emotions she had been feeling for so many days but she wanted to see where things would take them. She makes her way past the guest room and pushes the door open to her room. She then closes the door. 

He felt her pull away from the kiss, albeit slightly. "That sounds perfectly okay to me, sweetheart." He quickly replies, before quickly leaning back into the kiss. She felt her grab his hand as she pulled him down the hall. His mind almost felt hazy, but he knew how he truly felt about her in his mind and heart. He didn't know where the future would take them, but he wanted to see where things would go for them both. They make their way past the guest room and towards her room.

Times passes, the door bell rings.

Kitsune sits up from her bed and grabs a hoodie. "That's gotta be the pizza." She goes to answer the door.

Dynamo looked up, as he saw Kitsune getting out of her bed. He reaches out for her, but he felt slightly lazy. "I'll be out to get some pizza in a little bit, sweetheart." He says as she goes to answer the door. 



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@Dynamo Pad

She paid the pizza pony and made her way to the living room coffee table. She placed the pizza down and went to the kitchen for some soda's. She goes back into the living room and calls for Dynamo. 

"I am putting on Fairy Tail, so we can have the dinner and a show date." She giggled to herself. 

She knew that Dynamo was the one for her, she just had to be real with him. She had to let herself be vulnerable and honest with him and herself. She knew that now they have past that hurdle they would only get stronger. 

The new episode of Fairy Tail began and she cracked open her soda and flipped open the box of pizza, instantly her nose filled with the intense smell of cheese, sauce, mushrooms, onions, peppers, and garlic. Her stomach growled as she picked up a slice, she really wished there was some meat on the pizza but not many ponies like that on their pizza. She was used to it, and she was too hungry to complain much. 

She sat on the oversized chair and started eating. She was very happy to be at home with somepony who knew her inside and out, and accepted her for who she was. 

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She paid the pizza pony and made her way to the living room coffee table. She placed the pizza down and went to the kitchen for some soda's. She goes back into the living room and calls for Dynamo. 

"I am putting on Fairy Tail, so we can have the dinner and a show date." She giggled to herself. 

Dynamo sat up in bed and grabs his jacket. His ears perked as he heard Kitsune call out to him. "That sounds good to me. I'm still taking you out to that dinner and show place later this week, sweetheart." He chuckles and blushes, as he heard her giggle. It was angelic to his ears, in his honest opinion. He sits up from her bed and leaves the room. 

The new episode of Fairy Tail began and she cracked open her soda and flipped open the box of pizza, instantly her nose filled with the intense smell of cheese, sauce, mushrooms, onions, peppers, and garlic. Her stomach growled as she picked up a slice, she really wished there was some meat on the pizza but not many ponies like that on their pizza. She was used to it, and she was too hungry to complain much. 

She sat on the oversized chair and started eating. She was very happy to be at home with somepony who knew her inside and out, and accepted her for who she was. 

As he made his way to the living room, he could heavy smell of pizza sifting through the air. Once he reached the living room, he stopped and leaned against the door frame. He couldn't help, but look at the female vixen who had captured his heart. He could feel as if his heart was racing a mile a minute, as if he had been running a marathon. He knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that she was the one for him. He knew that they would have some obstacles to overcome. He even knew that he had to get past certain insecurities. However, he knew they would become strong together and move past everything as a couple.

He pushed off against the door frame and made his way over to the oversized chair. He grabbed his food, opened his drink and sat next to Kitsune in the chair. "I hope you don't mind having some company on this chair." He chuckles as he began eating.

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@Dynamo Pad

He pushed off against the door frame and made his way over to the oversized chair. He grabbed his food, opened his drink and sat next to Kitsune in the chair. "I hope you don't mind having some company on this chair." He chuckles as he began eating.

She giggled, "Only if you don't mind me putting my legs over your lap so I can put my ankle up." she swiveled her body around and gingerly put her legs over his lap and her ankle on the arm rest of the chair. She let out a very loud sigh. "Ahhh, much better." She took another big bite and finished off her first slice, reaching from the chair to the coffee table she grabbed another slice, took a quick drink of her soda and then wiggled back into place. 

A few hours later

As another episode came to a close she noticed the clock, it was nearly 10 PM. They had eaten all the pizza and had just zoned out binging the show. "Oh no, it's getting late, you said you had to be to work early tomorrow." She stood up, and started collecting the pizza box and soda cans. "I don't want you to be too tired or be late." She made quick work of throwing away the garbage and went back into the living room.

"I'm not trying to rush you or anything, I mean... I do have the guest room if you want to crash here again. I wouldn't mind it." She smiled at him, the oversized hoodie gently falling down her shoulder as she crossed her arms. "I feel safe when you are here."

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