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The Equestrian claw of Vangeance (5X5)


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@Mickey Adaptus @Maple Bat

In the camp, Supersonic was awoken by a purple gem on a wristband that suddenly started to glow. "EVERYONE! WE NEED TO MOVE! My forces have alerted me that they are in peril or are fighting, and, in all honesty, any skirmishing is MOST DEFINITELY our concern!"

  • Brohoof 1

“And for that, you ain't seein' the boss just yet. We're gonna play a little game first!”

-King Dice

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Elyssios got into action instantly as he rushed out of the Strike cruiser, having only his chainsword and bolt pistol with him as he sprinted towards the battle with an great speed.

After a while, he saw something that made his fury quadruple by 10 fold.

"Heretic..." Elyssios said with pure anger in his tone.


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(At the campsite.)

Maple was so started at that, she snapped out of her dream. And fell off the branch she was on. "Wait your forces. That must mean mine are too. I wouldn't worry too much about it my second in command, Moonshadow has proven himself as I have, Best we join though to prevent casualties." Maple put her armor back on her wings poking through the holes that where put there for her. After making sure her bow was secured in the slot on the side of her armor she flew off.


(At the battle field. A few minutes later.)

Moonshadow had switched his weapon back into a spear the blade of his weapon was still sharp and heavy. He issued an order for the phalanx to move to retreat "Things don't look good" he said He stabbed the armor piercing blade through his enemy. After which the berserker (His class) quickly backed up covering the armies retreat. He though he spied a Yellow fruit bat in the sky. "I see the cavalry has arrived." He said with a change of tone "Charge!" He lead the way of a spear headed attack formation. With Maple circling around to join them.

  • Brohoof 2


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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@Mickey Adaptus @Pripyat Pony @Maple Bat @Techno Universal @Derplight Sperkle

Supersonic charged forth, crossbow in hand, and shot a purple bolt at the nearest cultist, and found that it penetrated the cultist and several others before dissipating. She then pulled out her shortswords and sliced the arm off one cultist while stabbing another. She activated her Avatar and pummeled yet another cultist with her bare hooves. She then beat her massive, fourteen-foot-wings (her wings' massive size is because of her Avatar) and took to the skies, shouting "All units under my command! Provide aerial support! Stormbringers, attack the armored human with the sword!"

(My second-in-command)

Flare Blitz acknowledged her leader and called together her troops, then charged alongside her leader.

Edited by OracleOfTwilight
  • Brohoof 1

“And for that, you ain't seein' the boss just yet. We're gonna play a little game first!”

-King Dice

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Elyssios had arrived and had been scanning the battle, and destiny has finally given him a purpose, Cleanse the servants of chaos from the face of this planet.

"For the Emperor!!" he shouted his warcry and he tackled the chaos champion from behind.

The 2 started into a big dual of constant melee attacks, but the Chaos champion possessed a power sword, wich could easily penetrate his opponents power armour, while the Loyal space marine had a chainsword, wich was not the ideal weapon for that.

During their battle, Elyssios had the advantage because of his experience, being a Veteran of a thousand campaigns. But he held one big disadvantage, his chainsword would break and cease to function should he try to deflect a certain amount of blows from his opponents weapon.

And Elyssios worry came to pass as his chainsword shattered in his hands from the force of the Power sword.

But before he could be further attacked, The storm bringers attacked the Champion from multiple sides, leaving him open for an attack.

When the chaos champion was under the barrage of attacks from the storm bringers, Elyssios rejoined the fray and charged at the traitor marine, he slammed both hands next to the Champion's head and started to fracture its skull, eventually, its head exploded from the massive strength of the Astartes.

There where only a few heretics remaining.


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@OracleOfTwilight @Mickey Adaptus

Maple's army quickly swept up the rest of the heretics with the help of the Moonshadow's blade. After which He held the blade to Elyssios "So why did your people attack us then." The pony said intimidatingly "Equestria was put in danger by your people so how do I know that you don't have the same intentions."

Maple pushed the earth pony's large blade away from Elyssios "Stand down. He assisted us in combat against his own obviously there's a reason he did." Maple walked over to a pegasus soldier. "Deliver a mission report to Princess Luna about the events that happened here." The soldier nodded and flew off. She turned to face the space marine "So... care to explain?"

  • Brohoof 2


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Supersonic called to one of her soldiers and told her, "Send this letter to Princess Celestia. She will know who sent it, why I sent it, and she will know what I am asking her to do. 

Edited by OracleOfTwilight
  • Brohoof 1

“And for that, you ain't seein' the boss just yet. We're gonna play a little game first!”

-King Dice

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When the pony assumed that Chaos was a part of Humanity, every Viber in his body screamed to tear that pony limb from limb, daring to think that he was aligned with those traitors. But knowing that would solve nothing, he remained calm.

He relaxed a bit when Maple decided to intervene.

"Those traitors were far from MY people, they were agents of chaos, servants of the Ruinous powers, the exact danger I had warned you about before." Elyssios explained.

"Tough it still puzzles me why one of the traitor legions would be on this planet, other than sacrificing your race to their foul gods, there must be a deeper purpose behind it."


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@Maple Bat @Mickey Adaptus @Techno Universal @Derplight Sperkle @Pripyat Pony

Suddenly, armored Pegasi, about two hundred of them, flew down and arranged into formation behind Supersonic. "This is the magnitude of my force, friends. Any further conflicts, and my army will assist in any way possible." Flare Blitz, Supersonic's second-in-command, stepped forth and brandished her scimitar. "I'm with Moonshadow. How do we know he ain't out for our destruction? She spat on the ground. Supersonic nodded. "I'm sorry to say that I agree with Blitz. Please provide a good explanation to garner our trust, Elyssios."

Edited by OracleOfTwilight
  • Brohoof 1

“And for that, you ain't seein' the boss just yet. We're gonna play a little game first!”

-King Dice

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Elyssios was still thinking in his head how he should handle the situation, he was not an diplomat after all.

"I am afraid I won't be able to show any evidence. Only in coming time will I be able to provide a good explanation once more of the traitor legions show up. The least thing I can say is that If I were aligned to chaos, I would have had the chance to slaughter each of you, but I didn't."

"But if you want to know the full threat we are facing, we are facing a full-fledged heresy, the corruption will slowly spread among your race, and rebellions will come, and will lead to eventual insurgencies that will pledge themselves to the ruinous powers of chaos."

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Hearing that Maple Stepped in. "I said stand down!" She shouted "Why would he help us not only with the hydras but against his own people as well. If he meant to harm us then He would have already. Now. Stand. Down." After calming down for a second she turned to Elyssios "Chaos here doesn't work the same way as where you're from Ponies aren't gonna betray the princess they aren't tyrants. Without princess Luna's assistance I would probably still be alone. And Dad's powers aren't Ruinous he's done wonderful things with them. I recommend we go talk with him about this. He knows more than I do."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Supersonic nodded. "You make a good point, and the right one. He has only good intentions, for why WOULD he combat the Hydra and battle invaders? The only thing that I do not understand is your concern with Maple's chaos magic. Here in Equestria, chaos magic is as natural as a butterfly or snow."

Edited by OracleOfTwilight
  • Brohoof 1

“And for that, you ain't seein' the boss just yet. We're gonna play a little game first!”

-King Dice

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"You are wrong, the influence of chaos is unpredictable and subtle, I used to think myself that my brother's in arms, that they were one of the

Purest that could serve our chapter. But they ended up succumbing to chaos, my whole chapter succumbed to this state as my chapter master had pledged his soul to the ruinous powers, and so dragging almost the entire chapter with him to damnation."

"It may be hard to understand now but just wait, no matter how loyal someone is, should a specific thing happen, some of your own soldiers will pledge their allegiance to chaos after all the lies of power that have been spread into their heart. It is how chaos came to be in the first place."  Elyssios said

Edited by Mickey Adaptus
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Supersonic raised a hoof and 350 spears bristled. "Who is our next target, team? While we sit here, we bicker and argue. We are unoccupied, and we cannot concentrate otherwise. So regardless, we need to go."

  • Brohoof 1

“And for that, you ain't seein' the boss just yet. We're gonna play a little game first!”

-King Dice

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@Maple Bat @OracleOfTwilight

"Agreed, while those heretics roam free there can be no peace." Elyssios said.

"I will be looking for those traitors, their encampment might be close or not, Emperor knows what these Heretics have in store for us,"

Elyssios seemed to be thinking for a second before he finally made up his mind.

"Put this in your ears" He said as he handed both Supersonic and Maple some sort of device.

This device is a small vox communicator that is regularly used to vox casters and sergeants of the Imperial Guard


Edited by Mickey Adaptus
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@Mickey Adaptus @OracleOfTwilight

Maple put the device in. "Alright. You two go I need to help tend to my wounded given the recent attack left many ponys injured. As their captain I need to over see they're getting well good luck to you both." She waved a hoof good bye and walked over to her army.

  • Brohoof 2


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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@Derplight Sperkle @Pripyat Pony

Elyssios nodded and activated his vox.

"Techmarine, very grave news, the traitor legions of chaos have been spotted on this planet, we managed to counter attack one of their patrols, but I fear the Alpha Legion will wipe us all out if we are don't act fast. But I will need a favour of you, you will need to reawaken the Venerable Dreadnought in the strike cruiser, we will need every advantage we can get, Should the traitors possess daemon engines, then we won't live to fight another day." he voxed to the Techmarine.

"Also, could you contact that Princess who is present at our encampment? We will need her physic powers, especially since they summoned Daemons straight from the warp, wich means they have a Sorcerer with them."

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Supersonic nodded and put in the device. "Maple, do you need any healing supplies for your forces? My soldiers were not hurt, as they were flying, and we have many supplies such as dock leaves, nightshade extract, foxweed, thornwhip stems, and other. Ya need any?"

  • Brohoof 1

“And for that, you ain't seein' the boss just yet. We're gonna play a little game first!”

-King Dice

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Maple nodded. "Not sure the severity of the damage caused by the attacks. I'll need to asses the damage first. I have about 40 healers in my army so I think I'll be mfine hang around a bit longer just in case." after a few minutes of looking at pony's wounds she knew they had enough supplies for it as long as they didn't get attacked. She spoke through the device she had put on "Supersonic? We don't need anything over here."

  • Brohoof 2


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Elyssios walked back to the strike cruiser.

He walked to the Armoury, he equipped with a Power Axe, a plasma pistol, a couple of melta bombs and a Jump pack, a loadout that you would see pretty often amongst Veteran sergeants of the Assault Marines.

"By Chapter and Emperor, Humanity shall prevail against the horrors of the galaxy." Elyssios said with a quick prayer trough his vox as he headed towards the Everfree forest again.


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Supersonic walked among the ranks of her soldiers and assigned her healers to different areas of Pegasi. She then had them all upgrade their weapons and each and every soldier had a spear and a shield, as well as a shortbow. 

  • Brohoof 1

“And for that, you ain't seein' the boss just yet. We're gonna play a little game first!”

-King Dice

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Techno's system then froze and started to do some really weird things. His head started to vibrate and he was beeping loudly now. He was shooting magic lasers randomly into the sky and his eyes were flashing blue... 

  • Brohoof 1


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Maple saw somepony randomly firing Beams in the sky "Moonshadow's in charge 'till I get back." Maple flew over to the source of the laser fire. She saw it was a pony it looked odd. She landed next to them and kicked them "Hey. Are you ok? Seems like you where trying to get attention. Oh! and don't worry I'm Captain Maple. Meaning I'm not gonna hurt you."

  • Brohoof 2


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Elyssios had been striding trough the Everfree forest for quite some time until he noticed something in the distance.

"Supersonic, I need you and your army to gather behind me ASAp, I have found one of their encampments, and it seems they are not playing around." Elyssios voxed with a hint of grim in his voice.

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@Mickey Adaptus

Hasdiel's sacred weapon maintenance was interrupted by Elyssios on the vox. Since this ritual was forbidden to leave before it was complete, he just responded with a simple "Affirmative"

After the ritual was complete, Hasdiel did proceed with the order. He found himself in front of the ancient Dreadnought after navigating through the half destroyed halls of the cruiser. Hasdiel searched the data banks of his modified brain to find the proper ritual for rising such a prominent relic and warrior. After a few seconds, he knew exactly how to get the Dreadnought awoken. 

"Brother Elyssios, I am proceeding with the ritual to rise the Venerable Dreadnought. I do not know it's condition. I will proceed with the ritual nonetheless."

  • Brohoof 2


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Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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