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We stand united 1x1 Maple Bat


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+If you're heading with me that's great but try not to get in the way don't want to hit the wrong people+ Ember jokingly stated. She spun her axe ran up to the closest soldier cutting them in twain. +They fall a little easier than I anticipated+ She readied her weapon to block shots.

+I've got it. Seems the little drones are a pain to you but... I can't fly... Wait I've got an idea!+ Maple ran up to the mech and her claws extended out as she lept onto Kiran's mech her claws catching the metal "Ok... I got this..." She ran up the side of the mech and once she got up there she lept hooking onto a drone and proceeded to tear it apart.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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+Right, we will follow your six, engaging now!+ Sounded trough the radio as those who had followed Ember where now shooting, a big firefight ensued, but despite the enemy having more in number, the soldiers of Karthspire's army were well trained, that seemed for sure as they were killing more enemies then that they were taking losses.

But things got hectic, one of the enemy soldiers threw a grenade straight at the group, and it landed near them.

+Grenade! Take cover!+ Someone screamed on the radio as the others tried to jump out of the way before it exploded, but this gave the enemy soldiers a chance to advance.


"That's right! Cry for help!" Kiran taunted towards the enemies.

The mech was stomping through the enemy lines like a bulldozer, it was convenient that so far they hadn't encountered any enemies with anti-tank weaponry, considering it was assumed that the war machine would take care of any vehicles that would get close, but so far it hadn't spotted them yet, it was still moving forward.

The mech itself shot a rocket that killed a cluster of enemy soldiers, killing around 6 of them. But while the mech was holding a steady advance, the other drones started shooting at Maple, noticing that one of their fellow drones had gotten under attack, and said attacked drone was now falling to the ground as it had been destroyed.

The Gatling guns were roaring at a fast rate, showering at her with bullets, tough at the same time it was only 2 drones, which was better than 5.


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Ember was having a lot of trouble, she still barely understood guns yet alone a small handheld AND fuseless bomb. She'd seen a few of them but she was hit by that one, she now had a wound on the left side of her back under the wing from the shrapnel of the grenade. Ember fell over but didn't stay down. Something that small wouldn't keep her down long. "That won't keep me down! Who threw that!" Ember rushed up to the nearest group standing in the middle of them and then spinning with her axe.


Maple was enduring the maelstrom of bullets she tore open the drone she was on and lept with her claws in it throwing the drone at one of the other 2 shooting her She landed on the mech and jumped to the drone that she hadn't thrown the other one at adn scratched deeply and harshly across whatever it used to view the battleground in a attempt to destroy it.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The group was in a bit of disarray as they were now spread out, fighting back againts those soldiers who were attacking them.

+Contact! Left side!+ Someone shouted through the radio, as the enemies were fighting back with all they had, however, that wasn't stopping the group itself from doing the time same.

+One more push, and then we got them! One final Push!+ Someone else shouted through the radio with vigour.


Kiran himself, however, wasn't engaging much of the soldiers around him, he was instead making straight a b-line for the war machine.

"Here we go again..." He muttered to himself, but he suddenly ceased his movements and then started firing, specifically at the left leg of the war machine, causing the machine itself to turn around and trying to locate its attacker, Kiran used this opportunity to make the mech move towards one of the very big desert rocks and moved closer to it, and then started firing with a combination Gatling gun fire and missiles at the same spot again, but one thing was for sure, he din't want anyone to interfere, as he couldn't afford to take the risk of having to save somebody midways who would attempt to attack the war machine's themselves.



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+The last one? Well kinda think I agree with you for once+ Maple said, again sarcastically, to the leader of her squad After tearing apart another drone and landing on Kiran's mech. She reared up waiting for the next drone to get close enough for her to pounce on. +Kiran the drones are too far for me to attack... Think you can close in a few of them.+


Ember saw the Warmachine and hesitated "Everyone! We cannot Take that thing head-on we need to help Kiran as he takes care of it. For the future of the universe!" She held her axe up after the rallying cry, She threw her axe at a nearby target and drew a rifle that she should've remembered she'd been carrying earlier. After making sure the weapon was good to fire she held it up and aimed... She was still kinda novice using on but she knew generally how to use it she fired a few shots most of them missed.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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+What are you still doing up there? That machine is about to fire!+ Kiran warned Maple, not understanding why she was still trying to stand on his mech despite the Warmachine had already started to locate him, so Kiran made a last-second decision and moved his mech to such a degree where he threw Maple straight off the roof towards the drones, he just didn't have time to move closer to them, not with how he was about to be bombarded by the machine's ordinance.

He then started to move the mech quickly behind the rock, just in time, because a rainstorm of ordinance started impacting close to him. But he knew how he was going to handle this war machine, as even with the strong armour of his mech, it wouldn't last long againts such ordinance, meaning he was going to play a bit of a cat and mouse game, using the rock to constantly get out of the war machines sight and appear on the other side of the rock, firing back, hence and repeat, because this worked ideal againts the slow rotation of the war machines head.



The other looked a bit confused when Ember mentioned the name Kiran, but nonetheless, they got a vigour of their own as well. "For the future of the universe! For Raukan!" Some of them shouted with glory, as they started following her head on into battle. As the battle was raging on, the enemy soldiers where almost all killed in where Ember and the others were at.


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+Kiran... I'm not sure what you want me to do now?+ Maple had landed on another drone but she only sunk her claws in to not fall off +Oh, Wait you want me to destroy these but stay away from you mech right? Since it's about to keep firing? Well actually... I think I could help you with the Warmachine. If you need help of course.+ She knew Kiran didn't need help with it, but offered anyways to be nice and maybe get a chance


Ember fired several shots from the gun but then it jammed "Shoot!" She discarded the weapon and drew the axe out of the chest it had embedded itself in "This is more reliable." She said with a nod stepping up to defend her allies once again

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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+Your friends need your help alot more then me right now, given how i can handle this, don't abandon them now.+ Kiran admitted as he couldn't risk having to save Maple or anyone else during this moment, especially with how hard his current task was.

Wich was rather obvious as he would be doomed if he didn't pay attention for a moment, given how he has to dodge the incoming ordinance with a mech that wasn't exactly fast in terms of walking and turning.

He quickly circled the big rock and kept pulling out the same manoeuvre, with consisted of shooting and quickly moving back behind the rock, and then appear on the other side of it and attack, with a constant repeat, as he could outmanoeuvre the rotation of the war machine this way.


While on where the others were fighting, it was going in their favour, but things where going on, in particular, when Torval got into a fist fight with one of the enemy soldier, the creature trying to lash out while Torvan was dodging its attack and then grabbed the creature and tried to snap its neck, but then a bad thing happened, as the other soldier saw this and started to fire at the 2 of them, the soldier and both Torvan got riddled with bullets, one of them hitting Torvan's lung.

"N-no.... YOU BASTARDS!" Arkan yelled as he violently tackled the soldier, and then emptied his entire magazine in the soldier's face, destroying its head into a bloody mess.

"I will kill all of them... ALL OF THEM!!!" He yelled even louder as he threw away his weapon and drew his combat, starting to run towards his enemies like a crazed berzerker.


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Maple smiled +Alright, I leave the giant machine to you!+ Maple tore the drone as she had the others. There were few drones but she cared very little to take them out since they now where very little of a threat to anyone she fell to the ground and ran back over to the mess of a battleground things didn't look like they were going well.


Ember grabbed Arkan "Hey! What do you think you're doing! If you do that you're going to get shot! If you want to avenge him properly do it without dying!" Ember threw him behind her and a shot glanced off her wing thankfully not piercing anything. "C'mon! Show me your mettle!"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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As the battle was raging on, Kiran was forced to change his tactic, as the war machine was now moving forward, walking at a very slow rate given its size, but still getting closer, which forced him to move backwards and keep his distance, but what was impressive about the mech's design was that it was capable of firing its weapons while on the move, not losing much of its accuracy.

But he kept shooting on the same spot on the war machine's leg, but it was tricky nonetheless.




Arkan started at Ember with a bit of surprise, but he didn't know what to say, but he did calm a bit, but the rage in his eyes never leaving.

+How many of them are there still?+ Someone asked through the radio.

+Atleast still a good amount of them, around 19?+ Illiana replied back.

+But where is Maple at, did she just run off? I haven't seen her anywhere.+ Martin asked

+She had been fighting a bit further away from here but seems to be heading back to us now, though let's not focus on that but instead the fight!+ Illiana remarked back

And it became apparent that the enemy soldiers were changing tactics, as they were now throwing grenades frequently in order to flush their enemies out of cover.

A surprise attack occurred when one of the enemy soldiers suddenly showed up from behind the snow hills and ran up towards Ember, going for a straight head-on charge, and held on to one of her scales as he started to attack her.

But that was not the only thing going on, as Merra seemed to be in hand to hand combat with 4 enemy soldiers at once, and started to lose the struggle.


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+19... Well, that means there's going to be a lot of bo+ Ember stopped talking when the enemy got on her, she reacted swiftly and well. When they grabbed her response was to grab the soldier and she forced him to the ground, going with him down, after a shine of her axe she was heard on the radio again +18. 18 left.+

After the kill Maple got there "Yeesh you think that would've stopped you" Maple said offhandedly, with a chuckle before helping her up.

"Says the one who died and came back" Ember replied, both of them laughing. "Lets get to work!"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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While the battle was going, Merra was still struggling, she had managed to kill one of the 4 assailants, but got incredibly unlucky when one of the enemies sunk its teeth into her shoulder, making her throw the attacker of herself as she was clutching her now bleeding shoulder, but was going to get killed  if she didn't watch out.


Seeing this, Arkan became furious and pushed Ember aside as he started sprinting towards the attackers, it was when he got close that he drove his knife straight into the back of the enemies neck, and went on a violent rampage againts the other 2.

When he was done killing them, he stood there panting as he was covered in blood.

"Arkan what are you-" Merra tried to say.

"No more of us will be dying... NO MORE!!" Arkan yelled with fury, running towards his enemies, where Ember had once managed to calm him down, there was now no stopping him, and it was apparent he had dropped the aspect of sensing danger as he was sprinting straight towards enemies who are where aiming towards him.

As they were firing upon him, 2 bullets hit him, one went straight into his left hip while the other one grazed the left side of his face.  

Having a burst of instinct enveloping his mind, he grabbed a grenade from one of the enemies and drove it straight into his enemies mouth,  only to remove the pin and throw the enemy straight into a cluster of the 3 soldiers that had been firing at him.

It created a violent explosion that killed the 4 of them, leaving only a bloody Arkan to stand close to the smoke as he was breathing heavily.


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"Maybe I shouldn't have held you back!" Ember chuckled, noticing what Arkan had just done. "That was seriously impressive! Maple, let's get moving!" Ember flew over landing near Merra and trying to help her by attacking 2 of her assailants with the heavy axe.

Maple nodded and ran up near Arkan getting in the way to at least provide minor cover for him she felt a bullet bounce off her. "Yeesh... Don't they ever run out of ammo..." After gathering what was going on around her she aimed the gun on her back and shot at a rather far off group. "I've got your back. I don't want to see you die trying to protect the others"

Edited by Maple Bat
  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Arkan gave a nod in response to Maple as he catches his breath, and then ran over quickly to the enemies that he had killed only moments ago, grabbing one of their weapons with some magazines, and then ran back, taking cover behind Maple, shooting at the enemies back. "They are stockpiled on weapons and ammunition, and-" He got quickly interrupted as a bullet nearly grazed him in the neck, only missing him by inches. "And they manufacture weapons like at a rate that they could throw them off a bridge and not lack any! Laughing in our faces as we are underequipped, and undermanned at that!" Arkan said back.

While Merra and Ember fighting some of those enemies in close combat, and then some of the other team members now making a strong counterattack againts the remaining enemies, there came a sudden radio message through the radio's, although this one wasn't from anyone of the team.

+Telorian Command here, we have gotten confirmed reports of the new conversion process, 3 new strains have been identified by Sergeant Major Leila and companion Yedig Karthspire, All- Hold it, we are on the wrong frequency, changing channels.+ A voice said before suddenly switching channels.

+Hold on. Was that Telorian Command? What in the bloody hell? How did they get into our radio channel?+ Martin asked.

+Could have found our frequency by accident, but did you hear the second name that they mentioned? Yeah, you know who they are referring to.+ Enoch responded with a sigh.


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"Do they happen to be storing any on this planet? Perhaps after we're done here we could raid it?" Maple stated hearing multiple shells bounce off her. "It does feel like they don't run out of ammo huh?" She said with a chuckle "But I can take as much as they've got! You just sit behind me and I'll be your shield." The combined fire of Maple and Arkan wasn't overwhelming... But it would do significant damage if left alone

+Sounds like Allies to me+ Ember said slicing an enemy in twain +Seems to me that Karthspire gets his intel from them. He would've told us should they have been good in a fight, and they found it by accident judging by that response. We need to focus for now. Go, go go!+ Ember waved her axe motioning for everyone to move forward she was trying to inspire as she pressed her own attack to finish this battle fast.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Take a guess where we got most of our weapons from," Arkan replied to Maple, as he started firing in a slow burst in order to preserve his accuracy. "Normally I would have gladly complied at the sound of starting a raid, but today isn't the time for that, remember we were specifically tasked to take out said war machine?" 

"You can expect Karthspire would want us to regroup with everyone again and meet up with the others because attacking that conversion centre was the whole purpose of this travel in the first place wasn't it?" He said with a loud volume as he couldn't be heard well throughout the sound of all the gunshots and fighting going around.

"Actually, forget about talking, we need to wrap things up here!' Arkan mentioned as he took the opportunity to reload Maple's machine gun for her, and then got back into cover.


+She is right one final counter-attack should do the trick!+ Someone said trough the radio.

And so it happened, as they started to attack the remaining enemies with head-on assaults, catching off guard those who tried to hide behind sandhills.

it got from 16 enemies to 10, and eventually, with all the effort, the soldiers had been beaten after a good 15 minutes of fighting after.


But things where not completely done, but things actually took a turn for the good,   as while everyone had been fighting, Kiran had been battling the war machine with his mech,  and by using alot of bait and fallback tactics, he had managed to get one of the big feet from the war machine stuck into one of the bigger sandhills, where Kiran had fired rockets upon in order to create a small dune crater.

Deciding that the weapons on his mech wouldn't be able to get the job done of piercing the armour from the war machine itself, he took a different approach, he climbed out of the Mech via a latch on the top, but he had something in his hands... The power core of his own mech. 

He walked cautiously towards the War machine's leg, planting the power core near it, but seeing as a normal explosion of it wouldn't be good enough, he took it a step further, cutting some of the inside wires from the war machine and using those to electrify the core itself, overloading the power core, creating a even more devastating detonation.

And in the aftermath of the explosion, it had created an opening in which Kiran had sought the point that he had needed to attack, the point that a particular somebody had told him about.

"Would you look at that, the once massive monstrosity now lies inside the sand, crying like a whining baby! I guess what they say is true, a tin can will always remain a tin can." Kiran mocked as he drew his rifle and chambered it.

He then fired at the glowing energy pipe that was inside the leg, riddling it completely with bullets until it exploded, leaving on the war machine, still somewhat intact but unable to do anything.

He then looked into the far distance of the others and shook his head. "I am being too soft, no use in hanging around longer than need to be." He muttered to himself.


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Maple had unloaded her gun again and it had been reloaded for her after the fight was over on foot. "Stolen weapons and other gear... Hmm... I wonder what the limits of that are... We could take vehicles but not something like that mech..." She stopped thinking about this war and was now talking to herself... not that there was anyone listening in the first place "I wonder how Equestria is doing... Feels like we've been here for a long time." She looked up to the sky truly wondering how their home was doing... After that she confronted Arkan "Are... you going to be alright? I mean... after what happened I don't think I would be."

Ember hurried over to Festus "Good work kid! We got them. You're not too hurt are you?" She was quickly examining the small dragon. She was showing some genuine concern for him that she didn't seem to show herself when she was hurt. After examining Festus she saw that overall he was fine. "Well... It seems you'll live but you do need to be a bit cautious, you're not made of metal."

"Don't worry Ember... I'm alright really. I know what I'm doing with a shield" He said in return. He got up going over to Enoch the one who saved him before "Thanks for helping me earlier. I don't really know how to thank you other than to really just say it to you."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Physically? Perhaps, a few bullet wounds don't stop me, but mentally? I doubt it because the bastards killed Torval!  I don't know what you guys where chuckling all about earlier on, but there is nothing funny about any of this." Arkan said with a deep sigh as he rubbed his face.

"Want to know the worst part? He was going to get married soon, but now? He never will, and now his wife will be told that instead of her husband coming back like he had promised, she will end up being told that her husband is now dead.

So I am not sure what you guys think about any of this, but I won't be forgetting what happenend today, because he was a close friend of mine..."

"Anyway, I would appreciate it if you guys would leave me alone for a while, I need time to think, and bury the body of my friend as well," Arkan said as he gave her one last glance before he wandered off.



"No problem Kid, I am just doing my duty, and besides, we all have to look out for each other, especially when the universe itself is trying to tear it apart with all these different factions attacking each other," Enoch said to Festus with a nod.

He hesitated for a moment of walking away, as he wanted to say one last thing, which was pretty strange for him, given how he usually didn't like to participate in the whole friend thing.

"And listen to the dragoness over there, if you get the right guidance, your chance of survival will be far higher then someone who tries to do things alone," Enoch advised him.


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Maple nodded to Arkan as he walked away and she went to go check out the other soldiers, more worried about them that her body since it had only been scratched by a few rounds of ammo. She wasn't sure how she could help however she kept moving looking for anyone who was on the ground to take them to someone better trained to handle the situation.

Festus looked at Enoch as he left and ran after him "H-Hey! Wait I wanted to ask you something!" Festus, after getting closer to him looked him in the eyes and stated "Can you please teach me to shoot how well you do? You're so accurate and I want to be able to help the others like you helped me, you did say I need guidance, and I think you could be proper guidance!" Back over where Ember was standing she was both happy Festus went to try to make friends with him was also a little upset it wasn't from her.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The battlefield was littered with the bodies of the enemy, but some of the other party as well, and everyone seemed to be taking a breather after the devastating event that had taken place.

+Maple, keep everyone busy, and do not question why just do this one for me alright? Ember already blew my cover and I am not in the mood for yet another confrontation.+ Kiran told Maple through the radio, but on a private channel.

+And don't look back,  you got that? Because I am going to put my trust in you, so don't make me regret it.+ Kiran said, as he was acting rather suspicious, and cautious at that for an unknown reason.



Enoch looked at Festus, his face as serious as ever, giving a glance at Ember, then looking back at Festus.

"I can't give you the proper guidance that you are talking about, considering it would take a couple of months or even a year at the very most, but I can give you some advice and pointers so that you can practice that between yourself and your guardian," Enoch said, as he then walked over to grab his sniper rifle and walked back to Festus, and started to prone on the ground, setting the bipod of his sniper on the surface as he started to aim.

"First clear your thoughts, don't think about anything, else your focus is going to waver, this also goes for any major emotion, fear, anger, sadness, drop all of those things and focus," Enoch explained as he then started to look through the scope.

"Keep your ears peeled, use your ears to take awareness of your surroundings while your eyes look through the scope, this is a requirement, it will make you able to spot and react faster trough any assailants from behind."

He then grabbed a bit of sand in his hand and threw it into the wind.

"Check the direction of the wind, and how fast it goes, the shots that you fire will be judged by the wind itself, if the wind is too strong or the direction is different then what you had anticipated, you will miss your shots, and give away your one advantage, your seclusion."

"Calculate where your shot might land, which could mean that you would have to figure out where to figure, firing straight at the target won't work at the stronger winds, in some cases, you will have to fire a bit to the right, a bit to left, whatever the situation might require.        Not too far off from firing a bow, I would say, but still vastly different in terms of calculation."

"And then, you aim again, when you have done all the steps and are ready to fire, hold your breath so that your heart beatings will slow down, and then you fire," Enoch explained, and out of the sudden fired his sniper, the bullet going at a high-speed straight through the heart from one of the dead infected soldiers, at the range of 800 meters.

"That is what you must remember at all times if you are going to use a sniper rifle, it is the very training that I have been taught during my initiation into the thundershock 54th regiment," Enoch said as he stood up. "Train this routine with your Guardian whenever you have time, keep practising. That is all I can teach you for now, because while I may have trained initiates in the past, I am still a soldier, and I don't have time to teach others so many things when there is the time for war." He mentioned.


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  • 3 weeks later...

+But You should...+ Maple sighed +Alright... I'll just keep them away... for now, but you owe me later...+ Asking something in return was out of character for Maple but something was off about this situation... She could feel it from a mile away. With a reluctant sigh, she went to go distract the others.


Festus watched and decided to try things he was told without firing his gun. "I'll have to tell Ember about all of these things, thanks. I promise you I'll do all I can for these people! Everything we do now is for the good of all. I'll see you around... I really do hope to see you... safely soon." With that Festus broke into a sprint to tell Ember what He'd just learned, Happily.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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  • 2 weeks later...

Enoch looked at Festus running towards Ember and then turned around and started to walk towards the others.

'What an eager boy, you don't see that type of confidence in a cause around much anymore.' Enoch thought to himself.

+Ember has already done the very thing that I told her really not to do, and as you may not have known yet, the others don't exactly like me, so I am not exactly excited to have the bunch of them attacking me.   Only fair that Ember's mistake already counts as payback to what you are doing now for me don't you think?     Oh forget it, I am not going to argue about this now, don't have time for this.+  Kiran said back through the radio.

+Anyway, I am going to cut off the radio communication between us now, and yes, I am leaving for a while, I have my reasons for doing this, not something that you would or anyone else would understand. Personal reasons..+ He said before he cut communication completely.


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After a few minutes Festus had explained the basics to Ember, She responds "Geez kid... quite the interest in these weapons... too unreliable in my findings... I'll just stick to me blades and armor... It's been helpful thus far and I don't expect it to change... but I know you've got my back with "gun" Of yours!" Ember said giving him a rough pat on the head. "You're much better at learning them than me. While I'm stuck to tradition..." She shrugged


Maple rolled her mechanical eyes "Whatever... I guess I trust you..." Maple then walked to the center of the Camp "Hey! Who's in charge! I need to speak with them about a plan of action for the next Battle! This cannot be argued the plan needs to be prepared in advance and now a backup plan!"


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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One of the soldiers heard Maple's comment and walked towards her.

"No worries there, there is already a plan in place, or rather, there has been an end plan established ever since we left,  Karthspire had ordered us to meet up with the other 2 groups at a specific place once we would have disabled the war machine. I guess nobody had brought you up to date about that?    Well, atleast you now know.  Perh-  What in the bloody hell?" The soldier suddenly stopped talking as he looked behind Maple moving and saw somebody moving, somebody very particular.

"Hey, you! Stop there!" The soldier said to the person, and that person was in fact Kiran.

The soldier moved closer, and then his eyes widened. "It is you!!" He said before quickly drawing his pistol.

Kiran turned around and stared at the soldier. "You sure are feeling confident with that little toy in your hands, don't you? "Kiran said with a scoff.
"I thought you had been told to never come back here, but it seems your ego certainly didn't stop you from doing that." The soldier responded.

"So what are you holding me at gunpoint for? To kill me and loot my corpse?"  Kiran joked.

The soldier tightened his grip on his pistol. "Right, I forgot the fact that Karthspire now allows amateurs in his army, because of you sure are one.

What did you even expect to do once you hold me at gunpoint? did you even think that trough? Right, you didn't, you just presumed that would be the right course of action, holding others at gunpoint, trying a silly attempt at intimidation.  Well, Bravo Sherlock! You failed the exam." Kiran mocked.

"Enough of your empty bravado's, on your knee's." The soldier responded back with irritation.

"Right, so now I am a criminal now out of the sudden," Kiran said with a shrug.

"I said on your knees!" The soldier shouted, now aiming at Kiran's head.

"Would it be considered a crime if I spat in your face and told you that I don't take orders from others?" Kiran asked. "Because it really seems like that would be my response," Kiran said as he stretched his back a bit.

Edited by Mickey Adaptus


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Maple heard the shouting and wondered what the commotion was about when she noticed she quickly reacted by placing herself between Kiran. "Don't even think about it. This person saved us when you all realized the explosives were gone, I don't know about you all but in my culture that deserves a pass. If not for them we would've failed to get rid of the war machine and I'm willing to take a bullet for them." She stood between Kiran and the soldier not caring about what might happen to her.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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