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private Bendy Roleplay (Rp)


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@Drago Ryder @Techno Universal
Sorxir nodded and said, "It won't be that bad, maybe it'll fall off once you're outside." She didn't know for sure if that's the case, but it's better than just leaving her. She stepped through the portal and saw that they were on the first floor.

Rose heard movement and opened one eye to see Kyubi, Maia, and Sorxir standing there

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4 hours ago, reader8363 said:

@Drago Ryder @Techno Universal
Sorxir nodded and said, "It won't be that bad, maybe it'll fall off once you're outside." She didn't know for sure if that's the case, but it's better than just leaving her. She stepped through the portal and saw that they were on the first floor.

Rose heard movement and opened one eye to see Kyubi, Maia, and Sorxir standing there

TU: Alright let's just get out of here!


Techno then jumped through the portal...

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Gale sighed as she thought over what Sorxir had said. "I guess I'll find out one way or another." She said, before walking through the portal. The dragoness then looked over the others that had gathered.

Maia gave a slight smirk as she noticed that everyone had made it through. "So, what do we do now?" She asked.

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Kyubi sighed as she sat on the ground. They were close to getting out of this nightmare, but she didn't know if Bendy was still around, or if he had disappeared like the ink blobs. "This seems almost to easy." She thought to herself.

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@Drago Ryder @Techno Universal @Acnologia
Sorxir tried to clean some ink off as she looked around on the first floor, then she said, "Why don't you all look around and I'll check the machine."

Rose got up on her shaky legs. She tried to open her wing and a jolt of pain went through her. She looked at her wing to see that most of her feathers on the wing was burnt. She clenched her teeth was closed her wing and started walking away from the lever with her knife still stuck in it.

Edited by reader8363
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7 hours ago, reader8363 said:

@Drago Ryder @Techno Universal @Acnologia
Sorxir tried to clean some ink off as she looked around on the first floor, then she said, "Why don't you all look around and I'll check the machine."

Rose got up on her shaky legs. She tried to open her wing and a jolt of pain went through her. She looked at her wing to see that most of her feathers on the wing was burnt. She clenched her teeth was closed her wing and started walking away from the lever with her knife still stuck in it.

TU: Okay I remember where the machine is so I'll see what I can do with it!


Techno then walked over to the ink machine...

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@Techno Universal
The machine was dripping ink, but the gears weren't turning

@Drago Ryder
Sorxir stopped next to the hole next to the door. She decided to see if Gale could help. She walked around till she found Gale, but she just watched her. The ink started oozing into her eye, but she didn't care.

Rose smiled weakly and said, "I'm a bit burnt, but other than that, I'm fine. How many made it?"

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4 hours ago, reader8363 said:

@Techno Universal
The machine was dripping ink, but the gears weren't turning

@Drago Ryder
Sorxir stopped next to the hole next to the door. She decided to see if Gale could help. She walked around till she found Gale, but she just watched her. The ink started oozing into her eye, but she didn't care.

Rose smiled weakly and said, "I'm a bit burnt, but other than that, I'm fine. How many made it?"

TU: That's rather strange. It looks like the machine is already shut down!

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@Drago Ryder
Sorxir said as she sat down, "I decided to check on the door, I couldn't get past the hole. So I was going to ask you could help me with finding something to get over the hole

Rose started to shake her head, but it hurt, then she said, "I don't think so. Above all, this was Bendy's idea, leaving you all down there.

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Kyubi nodded slightly, but was a bit surprised at what Rose had said, How did she know what Bendy was thinking? The bat pony then shook her head, figuring that she was just being paranoid "Good to know." She said, before sitting next to Rose.

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Gale nodded slightly, and it didn't take long for her to think of a solution. "Right. That would need to be taken care of if we want to get out of here." She said. The dragoness didn't know if she could jump it, and she dodn't exactly want to go to the lower levels again.

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Gale followed Sorxir and looked around. It hadn't exactly changed much since they had fallen down to the ower levels, but she doubted that she could cover it. The dragoness then looked down the hole, and felt a bit nervous for some reason.

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Kyubi followed Roae to the room where Techno was and noticed that he was messing with the ink machine. "Maybe we should leave that alone. The last thing we need is to turn it back on." She said, moving a bit closer to the device. 

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7 hours ago, reader8363 said:

@Techno Universal @Acnologia
Rose heard Techno complaining and walked over there while sighing. When she got there, she said, "what are you complaining about?"

@Drago Ryder
Sorxir headed there and looked at the hole. there was very little space between the door and the hole.

TU: Ohh hey Rose! It's just the machine appears to be shut down when it's somehow running. It's really confusing me.

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@Drago Ryder
Sorxir looked at the hole and got an idea. She hurried over to the cut out of bendy and grabbed it. Then she ran over and placed it across the gap. It barely reached. 

@Acnologia @Techno Universal
Rose sighed and said, "If it was on, I'm guessing it would be dripping more than this." She walked over to it and kicked it. As her hooves hit it. the gear wiggled and she spread open her wings to steady herself. she cried out in pain of moving the burnt wing.

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Kyubi sighed as she put a hoof in a puddle of ink. "Careful, Rose. You're already hurt enough." She said. The bat pony then traced a hoof over the casing of the machine and felt a chill run down her spine. "And to think, we don't even know why this was made."

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Maia had decided to follow Gale and Sorxir after making her way through the portal and was a bit wary of the cutout. "Are you sure it'll support enough weight? Some of us aren't exactly small." She said.

Gale tilted her head out of curiosity, before deciding to test the makeshift bridge. The dragoness slowly moved onto the cutout, and felt nervous. If it fell, she didn't know if she'd be able to make it back up to the first floor.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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2 hours ago, reader8363 said:

@Drago Ryder
Sorxir looked at the hole and got an idea. She hurried over to the cut out of bendy and grabbed it. Then she ran over and placed it across the gap. It barely reached. 

@Acnologia @Techno Universal
Rose sighed and said, "If it was on, I'm guessing it would be dripping more than this." She walked over to it and kicked it. As her hooves hit it. the gear wiggled and she spread open her wings to steady herself. she cried out in pain of moving the burnt wing.

Techno then quickly closed Rose's wings...


TU: Rose please don't! You'll just do more damage to yourself and we don't need that right now!

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