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Silver smiled,

"The more verses the better, there is an exact verse that will send him back to the realm that he came from," he said, dodging a chair,

He needed to cut off his magic,

"Hey Noctus, you seem to like forcing ponies to the ground, how about a taste of your own medicine," he used his magic to summon a force that pushed against the possessed cook.

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"Ah, crap..." She muttered as her eyes accompanied the furniture taking flight across the inn's airspace. In horror, she watched as tables and chairs alike were thrown around the area. It didn't take too long until one specific table was flung dead-straight towards her direction.

Lory's pupils shrunk in size and her ears drooped down. In an instant act of reflex, she threw her body to the side, jumping out of the way just milliseconds before the table crashed against the ground. Rapidly getting back up, she began running, paying attention to the levitating objects while trying her hardest to avoid their trajectories.

"I haven't the slightest clue why y'all are reciting poems right now..." She said, progressively moving closer to the demon. "But if it's a distraction you need... I sure as hell can PROVIDE IT!!"

As she exclaimed that, the reckless mare took a leap towards where the cook was standing. She reeled her lead pipe backwards and aimed a swing at him, praying it would connect.

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 StarSnow pushed Lory forward with her magic,causing the pipe to connect with the cook demon's face.She raised her icy blade,and started walking forward,icy wind pushing against the cook,and pushing her forward.

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28 minutes ago, silvermoon15000 said:

Silver smiled,

"The more verses the better, there is an exact verse that will send him back to the realm that he came from," he said, dodging a chair,

He needed to cut off his magic,

"Hey Noctus, you seem to like forcing ponies to the ground, how about a taste of your own medicine," he used his magic to summon a force that pushed against the possessed cook.

"Lead em over here!" Elias shouts, finishing his chalk pentagram and grabbing a jagged piece of glass from the rubble on the ground."This should do it!" 


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StarSnow thrust her blade up.The arctic wind that surrounded her,followed it,pushing the cook over the counter.She walked behind him with her blade out,driving him forward. She narrowed her eyes,and they again turned white.

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Silver looked back at Elias and nodded,

"Hey Noctus, do you remember why Ectus couldn't be with you," Silver ran past the chalk.

"Because she chose an angel over a drunk!" He taunted,

"You're a fool Noctus, Ectus may of liked you but you became a drunk, worthless to her cause,"

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@Biohazarddallas @Driz @silvermoon15000 @Techno Universal @Star48955

The demon was overwhelmed by the sheer combination of powers from all the magic in the room. He even began to spasm and cringe as the incantations began to take effect. Too distracted to really act, he was slammed off the counter by a lead pipe and a magically propelled pony, before being hurled back over the counter in the main room. There was really little he could do, completely overwhelmed. 

Now, the cook found himself within the center of the rune drawn in chalk on the floor. He looked about frantically, eyes landing on silver for only a moment. It was a vicious look he gave her, one of pure malice. If he could, he would have leaped at her at torn her to pieces with his teeth alone. 

Slowly he rolled over to rest his gaze on the frost pony, his fur coated and partially frozen due to her efforts. He felt no pain though... not externally at least. He blinked a hard blink, before gulping, then with an extraordinary burst of strength and will he jumped forward for Starsnow. The demon had no weapons of his own to counter her sword, but he pushed through her magic with his own sudden surge to tackle her to try and tackle her to the ground, and tear at her with his teeth. 

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"Quae." Elias said as he sliced a shallow cut into his finger with the glass. The blood dripping down onto the edge of the circle, activating it and causing the demon to be sucked back into its confines. The circle glowed with a soft blue light and a half bubble formed along the edge. Trapping the cook inside.


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StarSnow bared her own teeth in reply,and everypony found they were sharp as a razor,not normal for a pony.She pushed the tip of her sword under his chin. Her magic spread through it, paralyzing the demon's body. She snarled. "Stay down."

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@Biohazarddallas @Driz @silvermoon15000 @Techno Universal @Star48955

Their combined efforts were too much for the single demon to match, with a fearful, even pitiful look in his eyes he fell back into the circle. He looked about the group frantically, begging with his eyes for them to stop, but it was already over. 

Red streaks and cracks began to form across the cook's body as if his skin were the earth of a blasted volcanic landscape. Patches began to singe and smolder, just as the demon within flailed about within the circle frantically. In another moment, he spasmed, bridging his back. From out of every crack across his now crackled flesh a dark blackened smoke exploded and fumed upward in a torrent. 

The demonic form struggled to rise, tendrils of its form slowly being sucked within the glowing ethereal rune drawn about the floor. As if he simply surrendered to his fate, the smoke fell away, disappearing completely. 

Shaking, the cook looked up at a few of the ponies surrounding him. They were his eyes, he was afraid, confused. Still, his body was covered in the red glowing cracks and smoldering skin. Without warning the red cracks glowed like hot magma, and a bright light engulfed the room. 

The light. An explosion. Things crashing down in a cacophony of noise and destruction. The explosion sent everyone through weekend walls and broken windows out onto the nighttime stone streets among the rubble of the Inn. The fire from what was left of the inn in front of them casting an orange glow across the group now lying battered and bruised in the streets, a few pieces of wood on fire around them. 

No one else from inside the inn had been blown clear, those sleeping soundly upstairs now engulfed in flame, while the cook and his staff were even further doomed. 

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21 minutes ago, GoldieS said:

@Biohazarddallas @Driz @silvermoon15000 @Techno Universal @Star48955

Their combined efforts were too much for the single demon to match, with a fearful, even pitiful look in his eyes he fell back into the circle. He looked about the group frantically, begging with his eyes for them to stop, but it was already over. 

Red streaks and cracks began to form across the cook's body as if his skin were the earth of a blasted volcanic landscape. Patches began to singe and smolder, just as the demon within flailed about within the circle frantically. In another moment, he spasmed, bridging his back. From out of every crack across his now crackled flesh a dark blackened smoke exploded and fumed upward in a torrent. 

The demonic form struggled to rise, tendrils of its form slowly being sucked within the glowing ethereal rune drawn about the floor. As if he simply surrendered to his fate, the smoke fell away, disappearing completely. 

Shaking, the cook looked up at a few of the ponies surrounding him. They were his eyes, he was afraid, confused. Still, his body was covered in the red glowing cracks and smoldering skin. Without warning the red cracks glowed like hot magma, and a bright light engulfed the room. 

The light. An explosion. Things crashing down in a cacophony of noise and destruction. The explosion sent everyone through weekend walls and broken windows out onto the nighttime stone streets among the rubble of the Inn. The fire from what was left of the inn in front of them casting an orange glow across the group now lying battered and bruised in the streets, a few pieces of wood on fire around them. 

No one else from inside the inn had been blown clear, those sleeping soundly upstairs now engulfed in flame, while the cook and his staff were even further doomed. 

Elias groaned as he arose from the rubble. He had managed to bring up a quick shield spell before the explosion. Luckily he was thrown clear of any flaming wreckage but it still hurt to breath. He sighs, "yeah sure, why not bloody blow up and take some souls with you. That'd be F****n GREAT!!" He says as he kicks a piece of burnt wood. Fuming with rage. He soon calmed and began to search for the others who had helped him with the demon.

Edited by Biohazarddallas
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1 minute ago, Biohazarddallas said:

Elias groaned as he arose from the rubble. He had managed to bring up a quick shield spell before the explosion. Luckily he was thrown clear of any flaming wreckage but it still hurt to breath. "Oh no..." he whispered as his eyes fell on the smoldering ruins of the inn. "Not again!" He said voice raising in pitch and cracking "I don't need any more blood on my hands!!!!" 

Silver wasn't ready for the explosion, or the death of the ponies as he went unconscious.

Silver kicked the rubble off of him and stood, he looked around at the surroundings. Most ponies in this situation would be screaming, like his feline friend who was close by. He groaned and rubbed his head,

"Demons usually don't cause an explosion like that, must've been a high class one," he trudged his way over to the panicking feline,

"Hey...hey calm down, deep breathes this could've been a lot worse my friend sometimes you've gotta sacrifice a few lives to save many more lives," he grunted and looked at his shoulder, a piece if glass stuck out,

"Well that's unfortunate,"

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1 minute ago, silvermoon15000 said:

Silver wasn't ready for the explosion, or the death of the ponies as he went unconscious.

Silver kicked the rubble off of him and stood, he looked around at the surroundings. Most ponies in this situation would be screaming, like his feline friend who was close by. He groaned and rubbed his head,

"Demons usually don't cause an explosion like that, must've been a high class one," he trudged his way over to the panicking feline,

"Hey...hey calm down, deep breathes this could've been a lot worse my friend sometimes you've gotta sacrifice a few lives to save many more lives," he grunted and looked at his shoulder, a piece if glass stuck out,

"Well that's unfortunate,"

(Ooc i kinda changed my dialogue, just thought you should know.)

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StarSnow floated gently down.The winds around her had thickened,creating a shield of cold against the explosion.As she landed,her magic dissolved,leaving her tired.She looked towards what remained of the building,sadness in her eyes.She shook her head. "May your lives have meant something." She then began poking around,looking for survivors.

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2 minutes ago, Star48955 said:

StarSnow floated gently down.The winds around her had thickened,creating a shield of cold against the explosion.As she landed,her magic dissolved,leaving her tired.She looked towards what remained of the building,sadness in her eyes.She shook her head. "May your lives have meant something." She then began poking around,looking for survivors.

Elias saw Star float down and trudged over to her. "You alright luv, he was a nasty piece o work back there. Nice use of that ice magic by the way."

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@Biohazarddallas @Driz @silvermoon15000 @Techno Universal @Star48955

The night was dark as pitch, the very darkness a black vale over everything it enveloped. It was a sharp contrast to the few lights spilling out from windows, and of course that from the fire as well. You might as well be stepping off a cliff, stepping over the sharp boarder between light and shadows. 

And yet, standing quite a distance down the street was the crisp outline of... something, standing in the dark. It was something tall, perhaps as tall as Celestia herself, but skinny to the point of malnourished with a long slender body. While it stood on four narrow legs, it was impossible to tell precisely what it was. It's head wasn't in the shape of a pony, but came to a point like a worm's head. 

A set of lights rounded the corner of the intersection the creature stood in, barreling through it and causing it to vanish in the blink of an eye. Fire ponies were rushing over to the scene. A few pegasi showed up overhead to begin dousing the flames with low hanging rain clouds. 

So far, there was no evidence of survivors. The upper floors of the inn were gradually collapsing, the entire building completely engulfed in fire. 

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9 minutes ago, Biohazarddallas said:

Elias saw Star float down and trudged over to her. "You alright luv, he was a nasty piece o work back there. Nice use of that ice magic by the way."

"I'm fine.Just a bit tired." She looked at the building again. "And I was looking forward to a bed too...." She sighed unhappily. "We should see if anyone else survived that."

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1 minute ago, Star48955 said:

"I'm fine.Just a bit tired." She looked at the building again. "And I was looking forward to a bed too...." She sighed unhappily. "We should see if anyone else survived that."

Silver pouted,

"Oh I feel the love, dear...am I invisible or something,"

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Lory came to her senses after a while. When the explosion took place, she had momentarily lost consciousness. She woke up to find herself trapped among a few pieces of rubble and the remains of what used to be the inn. In a desperate push, she emerged from the wreckage, completely covered in dust and small scratches and wounds. Luckily enough, she wasn't hurt by the explosion as much as some other unfortunate souls.

She looked around her to witness just how big the destruction had been. With a grunt of annoyance, she lifted herself up, shook some of the dust off and walked over near the group of ponies that were with her during the fight.

"You freaks owe me an apple cider..." Lory told the bunch. Soon enough, she took notice of the commotion that gathered around them, as onlookers jumped into action to douse the flames. "By the way... just what the hell was that chanting all about?" She asked them group of exorcists.

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StarSnow looked at Silver."....Sorry.Still though.We need to check.At least we should cast a life detection spell."She looked over as Lory approached. "Don't ask me.I didn't do it. Although I do know what it was,somepony else could probably tell you better."

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2 minutes ago, Driz said:

Lory came to her senses after a while. When the explosion took place, she had momentarily lost consciousness. She woke up to find herself trapped among a few pieces of rubble and the remains of what used to be the inn. In a desperate push, she emerged from the wreckage, completely covered in dust and small scratches and wounds. Luckily enough, she wasn't hurt by the explosion as much as some other unfortunate souls.

She looked around her to witness just how big the destruction had been. With a grunt of annoyance, she lifted herself up, shook some of the dust off and walked over near the group of ponies that were with her during the fight.

"You freaks owe me an apple cider, by the way..." Lory told the bunch. Soon enough, she took notice of the commotion that gathered around them, as onlookers jumped into action to douse the flames. "By the way... just what the hell was that chanting all about?"

"That luv, was an exorcism. When demons possess a mortal vessel an exorcism is required to sever the connection. It's a removal of the possession if you will. Sometimes shite like that happens and you get a powerful one that likes to send a little FU as they're being dragged back to tartarus."

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3 minutes ago, Biohazarddallas said:

"That luv, was an exorcism. When demons possess a mortal vessel an exorcism is required to sever the connection. It's a removal of the possession if you will. Sometimes shite like that happens and you get a powerful one that likes to send a little FU as they're being dragged back to tartarus."

Lory tilted her head and perked up her ears. "Exorwhat now?..." She asked, legitimately confused. "...I thought you just needed to beat the crap outta them 'til they stopped moving!" The mare said. Truly so, she was unaware that such ability existed.

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3 minutes ago, Star48955 said:

StarSnow looked at Silver."....Sorry.Still though.We need to check.At least we should cast a life detection spell."She looked over as Lory approached. "Don't ask me.I didn't do it. Although I do know what it was,somepony else could probably tell you better."

Silver nodded

2 minutes ago, Biohazarddallas said:

"That luv, was an exorcism. When demons possess a mortal vessel an exorcism is required to sever the connection. It's a removal of the possession if you will. Sometimes shite like that happens and you get a powerful one that likes to send a little FU as they're being dragged back to tartarus."

"Couldn't have said it better myself,"

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1 minute ago, Driz said:

Lory tilted her head and perked up her ears. "Exorwhat now?..." She asked, legitimately confused. "...I thought you just needed to beat the crap outta them 'til they stopped moving!" The mare said. Truly so, she was unaware that such ability existed.

"Well that's one way of doing it. If you want to kill the poor soul that's being used as a meat puppet that is. It's usually better to sever the connection with as little harm to the possessed as possible, much cleaner that way."

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