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private Skittles n' Apples: My Best Friend & Sister


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(Indeed ^^ One hint for cute scenes is to focus a bit more on detailed actions of the there and now, and thoughts pertaining to that interaction, rather than overall analytical review of the character's 'big picture' thoughts :3 The key is to focus on the actions so it has the most emotion shown through actions as possible, ergo, more cute. I think you're doing a good job overall, but I do want to put that out there. Knowledge is power after all 8D)


The cool room made huggling Dash's azure torso that much more comfortable. Scootaloo was lost in her own thoughts, and only moved once in order to reposition herself so that her hooves and wings weren't in such an awkward position from her initial leap. Before long she was curled up to the older pegasus, head burrowed into her stomach. Dash's non-hurt, large blue wing extended from it's fold, and came down like a blanket over the filly. Scootaloo felt a shiver of warmth spread through her at the covering, combined with the mare's natural body heat and hooves around her.


"...Dash." Scootaloo said quietly, her voice reflecting the sleepiness that had naturally come over her due to the quiet, warm, relaxing position she was in. "If you're gonna be my sister...does that mean you'll teach me how to fly? And, as well as you can?"


Her voice was full of hope, but lacked the excitement that she'd normally have had, if she wasn't drowsy.

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
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(thanks, I'll try to use that helpful info moar. I just hope I won't die from all the cuteness and high-quality descriptions |,D)


“Scootaloo....as my new sister....I'll do whatever you want...forever.....” She yawned as a result of the action-packed day, not even filled with anything that involved flying, or running fast, which was surprising for Rainbow. She too felt warm and comfortable all over from all the emotion and fun that has happened in the past several minutes. Just the feeling of having a sisterly figure and the many things that has been opened up in her life, all the possibilities made her feel accompished. But, it was getting very late. The two were facing the window, and had a perfect view of the full moon.


“Hey, sis....you see that? Every time you look at the moon, I want you to think of all the memories and good times and unforgettable memories we will start to have starting tomorrow......” Dash rubbed her cheek with the filly's. All of this experience, had and soon-to-be-had have given her enough emotional confidence to heal her wing, spiritually. “...and the first thing we'll do tomorrow? Flight training.”


She smiled, filled with more love than pride, as a tear rolled down her cheek.

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The young filly gave

, and her eyes lit up as she smiled happily, and affectionately rubbed her cheek against the older pegasus' in return. This was the greatest night of her life...new sister, that happened to be her idol and aspiration...and flight lessons in the morning! She was finally going to see an end to her lack of flight! Because Rainbow Dash, the greatest pony in all of...no. Her big sister, Rainbow Dash, was going to show her how to!


"I...I sure will, Rainbow Dash!" She burst out excitedly, her own purple tail wrapping around her small body, looking out the window an staring at the moon with pleasure. After a second, she looked back to see Dash giving her a playful smirk and half-closed eye expression, and the filly blinked, then chuckled a bit. "I mean uhh, I sure will, big sis Rainbow Dash!"

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Rainbow let out another slight snicker. “You've got that right lil’ sis....” Just then, an idea appeared into her head. She thought, after all this time it was Applejack who helped who get to this point, she wanted to really show how far she's come with this whole affection thing.


“Say, Scootaloo....it feels kinda....cold up here....you wanna see what the others're up too?” Knowing that the filly would soon follow, she jumped up from the bed, slowly heading towards the door leading to the hallway, always smirking and winking at her new sister figure every 5 seconds. When she poor one hoof on the door, she winked once more and said “Well, ya comin’?”

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"Right behind you, big sis!" Scootaloo said excitedly. She was never going to get sick of using that new term for her blue hero. Leaping off the bed, the orange, purple-maned filly trotted after the older pegasus like a baby chick would with her mother. She grinned happily and stayed on Dash's tail all the way out the door, and down the stairs.


As soon as they had reached half-way down them, both Dash and Scoot found a warmth suddenly hitting their bodies, along with a warm glow emanating from the living room. The rest of the lights in the house where now turned off, making the house quiet, dark and a bit eerie. But that warmth and light was from the big, roaring fire in the living room...and it attracted the pegasi like a moth to the flame.


(Officially forfeiting Scootaloo role, taking over Applejack & Rainbow Dash)


"And so, Big Macintosh and I spent the whole darn day mud-wrestlin' and seein' who was the stronger work pony," came the familiar voice of Applejack. But the volume in her voice had lowered from earlier, and now, it was softer, more calm. Dash and Scootaloo followed the sounds of her voice. "You wouldn't believe how livid Granny Smith was when she saw how dirty we were, heh! And I only thought Rarity was ever that stubborn about cleanliness."


There was a large, soft, hoof-woven rug in the center of the living room. Laying down on it in a quarter of a semi-circle shape, Applejack had her hooves resting over one another, as she looked into the crackling flame of the fireplace. Down by her stomach, chest and neck area, was Applebloom, laying with her head on her hooves, smiling with her eyes half-closed. Applejack had untied her tail, which now acted as a long blonde blanket for the younger filly. Suddenly, Applejack turned to look over her shoulder.


"Aw, I was wonderin' when you two'd pop on down here again," AJ said chuckling. "You're lookin' better Rainbow, at least now you ain't weak and tired as much as you was earlier."


"Pfft, a pegasus of my caliber is never too tired to at least walk around," Dash proclaimed cockily, lifting her head proudly for a moment, before rubbing Scootaloo's head affectionately. "Right, pipsqueak?"

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(not on my iPad this time, as you might notice the slight change in the quotation marks... ^-^')


"You, got it sis!", the cute little filly winked at her idol slash new sister and best friend. She still had no idea how she was able to comprehend these recent events, but she undoubtedly still felt excited from the treatment that was given to her. "Hey Apple Bloom, what are you and Applejack doing down here?


The fellow Cuite Mark Crusader blinked, somewhat drowsy, yet she still could understand what was going on. "Well, Applejack here was jus' spinnin' some yarns from her old days workin' here at the farm!" Even mildly drowsy, the yellow filly was filled with expression and life, powered only by her caring, loving, and responsible sister. Just the thought of this and having her sister always by her side in a dependable state made her feel optimistic, cheered, and warm all over. "What're you two doin' down here?"


It took Scootaloo not even a second to respond, aforementioned still being excited and overjoyed from her new sisterly relationship, she still couldn't stop thinking of all the possibilities. Her voice filled with much more enthusiasm and emotion. "Oh, Dash said it was too cold upstairs and she also wanted to see what you guys were doing. Right, big sis?" She looked up to her new sibling with a smile that only Pinkie Pie could bring to a pony's face.

Edited by One Reliable Gamer (NF160)
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"Right!" Dash responded, winking at the filly, then turning to Applejack. She sized up her rival and cocked an eyebrow. Now, the athletic pegasus was probably on the lower half of the totem pole when it came to affection among her five other friends, but when competition was involved, she'd go to any lengths. And she was going to use that to her advantage this time.


"Awww, isn't that cute?" Dash said, overdoing the cuteness in her voice on purpose. Admittedly though...it really was. She always smiled when AJ was spending time with her little sister. And she'd never admit it, but now, Dash wanted to try that in front of her close friend as well. Smirking at the work horse, the pegasus trotted over right next to her, and laid down on her side as well. She stretched her hooves out, then semi-retracted them into a mildly cute, curved position.


"Ah, hold on a sec," She said out-loud, twisting her head a bit, and dislodging her tail out from underneath herself. Flicking it, and making sure her rainbow colored mane was free with a twitch of her hair, Dash lay comfortably there, and looked at the young filly, whom had been standing there in-between the two older ponies. Dash smiled brightly, reflected in the fireplace's light.


"Alright kiddo, come here." She said, her own voice sounding quieter and more relaxed as well. "If our hosts are settling down for the evening, we might as well, too."




Applejack watched in silence, a small smile breaking her mouth. Rainbow being openly affectionate? Like, cuddling, affectionate? This she had to see, and not miss a moment of it.

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(ugh... =.= Sorting out all that followed content, man....I'll tell ya, my head hurts now....but at least I can concentrate on the cuteness. <3)


Scootaloo wasn't sure quite what Rainbow was doing, but if it had to do with this new affectionate sister stuff, then she was all for it. She happily trotted towards her, and sat beside her, filled with glee and joy. She couldn't resist rubbing her head against her new sibling.


Apple Bloom nearly woke up from how surprised she was to see her friend the way she was acting. "Scootaloo...Ah..Ah can't believe....sis, what's Scootaloo doin'? Ah thought she didn' do all that affectionate girly stuff ya' always do to me." Apple Bloom wasn't really sad, or angry, she was just a tad confused and a bit surprised, as she looked up to the reliable Applejack. She almost looked as if she was a tad envious of the fact that her friend was into this kind of activity all of the sudden.

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"Heh, you're right. However, with some ponies..." Applejack began, replying to her sister softly, but keeping her emerald eyes on the adorable scene. Rainbow had gripped the filly tightly around her mid-section the moment she had gotten too close, pronounced that Scootaloo had fallen into the 'Rainbow Snare Trap', and then proceeded to squeeze and tickle her. Applejack couldn't help but smile and feel herself giving an awww.


"With some ponies, it takes that one special person, sugarcube. It takes that one person and that one person only who you feel comfortable opening up with."


Applejack took a deep breath and returned her attention to the younger, wide-eyed filly. She peered at the ticking clock up in the corner, then made herself a bit more serious in tone.


"Alright, come on now. Everypony whose still classified as a filly in this household outta be gettin' to bed real soon," She said firmly, eyeing Rainbow as she continued to torture the trapped Scootaloo in her clutches. The pegasus mare stopped, looked back, then rolled her eyes.


"Yeah yeah fine, I'm on it." Dash said, the renegade teen in her that simply didn't exist in Applejack firing up. She laid back down on her side, and, using her hoof and tail, dragged her #1 fan and surrogate sister up close to her. Her good wing folded down over her, and the blue pegasus felt accomplishment in seeing the younger pony look rather relaxed and comfortable.


Applejack tended to her own sister, and wrapped one hoof around her, holding her tightly to her own orange frame, and curling into a closer, tight half-circle shape. The gleam in her eyes that Dash and Dash only could understand was transmitted, and the mare just grinned cockily in return.

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Apple Bloom, becoming more and more tired amd drowsy over the minutes, didn't really understand what was really about to go on. Instead, she just played along, returning her sister's love with a nice little giggle, and a couple of head rubbings against Applejack's chin.


Scootaloo liked the idea of what was seemingly about to happen, and decided to chin-hug her own sibling as well. While relaxed, she was up for any kind of "competition" that came with this affectionate sisterly figureness. She winked, trying to get the Apples' attention, as she squeezed Rainbow under her belly lovingly tight with her hoof.

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"Awww, sugar cube you're just too adorable..." Applejack murmured under her breath, feeling Applebloom nuzzling at her neck gently. Ignoring Rainbow's taunting purple eyes, the earth pony used her sister as a means to distract herself from engaging the pony in yet another competition. She closed her eyes and laid her head down next to Applebloom's, so that their noses touched softly. The heat from the fire and the dim lighting, as well as the soft carpet beneath her hooves and body made her begin to drift off as well. If Dash wasn't there, they'd probably be asleep already...


"Urghh..." Dash huffed quietly, mimicking the pony and laying her own head down. She adjusted her position, and softly tightened the grip of her wing over the young filly. Her majestic, vibrant tail wrapped about the two of them, and pretty soon, Scootaloo was starting to feel like a burrito, rolled up in Rainbow's wing. But sleep was descending on everypony faster and faster even Dash, with the will left in her to beat AJ, was feeling her eyes become heavy.

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Just then Scootaloo gave out a loud yawn, mostly out of boredom. This made the others wake up a small bit. But it still wasn't helping that much. Apple Bloom yawned herself too, except this was a gracious, gentle, soft, tired yawn. Then, Applejack and Rainbow did the same thing. When sudden realization hit them, they all muttered a little chuckle, then went straight back to their orginal motives and behaviors.


While Applejack and Dash were giving eachother a mutual staring contest, Scootaloo herself was starting to feel more woozy, as she tried to pay attention to her new sister, who she thought was winning. Slowly blinking, the filly kept on shaking her head to stay awake. Thinking it would help more, in all of the drowsiness of her train of thought at that state, she decided to just join in on the fun, and focused her stare on Applejack, whilst not forgetting to squeeze her favorite Pegasus every 10 seconds, of course.

Edited by One Reliable Gamer (NF160)
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"You...ain't winnin' this here little go around, Rainbow." Applejack said, feeling her consciousness and alertness levels dropping dramatically. She was so tired...the softness of the rug underneath her frame and hooves, the warmth of the fire, the dim lighting massaging her eyes, and feeling the shallow, relaxed breathing of her sister, snuggled to her side as she was...it was all ordering her to lower her head, close her eyes, and let Rainbow gloat in victory if she must. But the orange pony held her head steady, and glared back at the pegasus stubbornly. She wasn't going to loose to her; especially in something like this! She loved that Rainbow and Scoot had finally come to terms, but she and Applebloom were still the more intimate siblings, and she had to show the pegasus that first-hand. You can't just meet your surrogate sister and expect to beat-out a sisterly relationship that's been going on since the younger one was born, after all!


"Come on AJ, give it up!" Rainbow ordered, stroking Scootaloo's mane a bit. "No wings means less comfort to offer for getting your sister to fall asleep~"


"Will you cut it out with your wing-talk, alreadah?" Applejack retorted, her sleepiness leading to a raised voice from the tension and annoyance of Rainbow's intent to compete. "Body parts aren't what count; Applebloom and I have been sleepin' together on this here rug for years, ever since she was a teeny tiny filly. You just got Scoot to be your official surrogate sister less than a hour ago!"


"She's been seeing me as her idol and sister-like figure for more than a year," Rainbow said confidently, winking down at the filly in the folds of her feathered wing. "We may not have experience, but she's probably way too excited at the prospect of sleeping with her new big sis to NOT fall asleep first."


The two rivals glowered at each other, shooting daggers.


(You can probably have Scoot and AB say something along the lines of how they aren't about to fall asleep anytime soon with them arguing xD Since AJ and RD are far too oblivious)

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Apple Bloom had an even harder time trying to figure out what's going on. In fact, she wasn't even half-asleep anymore, she couldn't really doze off with the two mares going at it at this level. “Ah...Ah'm not sure how Ah'll fall asleep now...” She didn't even bother tried to get her sister's attention.


“I'm not sure whether this is an affection competition, a staying awake competition, or an argument...” Scootaloo started to feel confused and a little bit bored at this point. “Hm....?” She caught the other filly looking at her as well, as if she were trying to tell her something. Apple Bloom motioned her eyes towards her sister, and then to Dash. Scootaloo thought she knew what this plan she was thinking of was. She then nodded to her friend for approval.


At that point, both of the fillies looked up to their sisters with emphasized cuteness of puppy dog eyes and whimpers, as they had no other way of getting their attention.

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"Experience can't just be summarized from previous-..." Applejack began, suddenly loosing her train of thought, as she saw something glimmering out of the corner of her eye. She felt a tug, and looked down to see the quivering lip, and wide, bright eyes of Applebloom staring up at her. The green eyes of the older mare melted into a narrowed smile, and all at once, she forgot about the pegasi. Yearning affection exploded from the orange pony at her sister's beyond adorable eyes.


"Umm...ya know on second thought, I think we outta can our yaps for the evenin' RD," She said softly, nuzzling the filly and then laying her head down against the soft rug. "Our arguin' is just gonna keep us all up longer. And ah'm in charge of this one right here. If she doesn't get to bed on time Granny Smith'll chew me out when she's not at er' best when we're doin' chores, hehe."


Rainbow blinked a bit, then quickly turned to face the orange filly next to her. She too was giving the same expression, and it almost made Dash jump. Though not as sentimental as AJ, she smiled at the young fillies' cuteness, and too fell for it's charm.


"Yeah, I guess you're right..." She muttered, laying down and curling up with Scoot against the warm rug. The four ponies soon fell asleep to the pleasures of the warm, comfy, quiet room.

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It was a very calm, dark, tranquil night. Everypony was sound asleep in under 5 minutes. The fire had been extinguished, so it was complete darkness in the room, except for the brightly moonlit area where the 4 ponies were sleeping peacefully.


Just then, the faint sound of a howling dog creature woke up the innocent Apple Bloom. She blinked for a bit, then opened her eyes. “Wha....huh..?” She heard the sound again. This time it really caught her attention. Shocked, she ran, quietly, to look outside the window. Nothing unusual, just a typical peaceful night at Sweet Apple Acres. Not a moving object in sight, like it was supposed to be. The noise was heard another time, no louder nor softer.


“T....Timber Wolves...? But Zap Apple season was jus’ a couple weeks ago....Applejack!” She walked up to her big sister, nudging her softly in the torso. Applejack just kept on snoozing, not paying any heed. “Applejack....?” The filly probably realized that this wasn't really the time, and there was probably really no matter in worrying about the Timber Wolves. Besides, they've never had any trouble with them before, unless anypony went into the Everfree Forest, which is their natural habitat.


“Ah guess there really isn't any point....I better git mahself summore sleep....” Without much emotion, she lay her head down next to her trustworthy sister's, and attempted to fall back asleep.

Edited by One Reliable Gamer (NF160)
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Applejack was, for all intents and purposes, dead to the world from how deeply asleep she was. Not Applebloom's words, pokes, prods nor the gentle nudge from the young filly adjusting herself under her sister's free-hoof again, which had been draped over her before she had gotten up, even began to make progress on waking her up. She did smile in her sleep though, and pulled the filly closer to her, muttering "Nah now...you stay here n' keep me company, silly filly~". She must have been dreaming about the two of them...


However, not everyone was such a thick sleeper.


"You heard it too, huh?" Scootaloo whispered, looking humorous, completely pinned down with a hug from Rainbow Dash's wing and tail. It took quite a bit of tricky maneuvering, but eventually, the purple-manned filly squeezed out of the older ponies' embrace, though she had been enjoying it, and walked over to the window. Unlike Applebloom, she was curious about the wolves.


"I wonder what they look like..." Scoot began, peering into the dark, but not seeing anything. "I bet they look pretty sweet, they're supposed to be made of sticks right?"

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Just then, a little shiver of foreshadowing fear overcame the yellow filly's body. With a worried, despite cute, expression on her face, she carefully looked around and said softly, to not wake up the mares, “Oh, er-uhm...oh.....the-uhh...the...Timber Wolves...? Yeah, uh...there...pretty cool, Ah guess....Um...Applejack ‘n’ Grannt says we're not supposed tuh go out this late at naght....”


She grinned with a somewhat suspicious look of fear in her eyes, as if there she hoped Scootaloo wasn't thinking what Apple Bloom thought she was thinking.

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"Yeah! The Timber Wolves...come on, I got an idea! Even if we aren't the full Cutie Mark Crusaiders right now, we can still act as observers, right?" Scoot explained, coming from from the window and watching the two older ponies back on the rug, making sure they didn't awake as she tried to slowly open the door. "Nothin' wrong with finding a safe place to look out for some, right? Maybe get a little closer if we can. Nopony's ever gotten a picture of one before cuz of how scarce and elusive they are, only comin' out in the dead of night and all. I wanna see one."


She began to open the door, and being the headstrong filly she was, didn't pay attention to Applebloom's concerns.

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Now Apple Bloom was starting to really get nervous. She could feel the beads of sweat dripping down her face. Stuttering, she said “Sc-coot...A-AAh don't think we should r-rreally b-b-be.....d......d....” She felt intense fear, as she never witnessed one up close, like her big sister before her. The only one in the family to have an encounter with one is old Granny Smith, who nearly escaped just as a filly. She tried to shove her friend away from the door that led to danger. She'd gone on an immeasurable amount of crazy quests and crazy schemes with the other crusaders, but none have never been as daring as this, despite Scootaloo's feeble attempts to dumb down the situation by making it sound less dangerous, which didn't really help at all.


“Apple....jack....said....we....CAN'T!-whooah!” With one final effort, Scootaloo delivered enough force to push her friend away from the door, but a little bit too much to make her lose her balance, until backing into a desk nearby. “Uh....oh...” The lack of stableness of the desk made it wobble, which made the narrow vase on top tip over and crash onto the floor. A crash that was audible to a certain mare.

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The glass vase smashed into the ground, and the crash that followed split the quiet, tranquil atmosphere like a gunshot. As the pieces of the sharp object scattered across the wooden floor, Applejack twitched awake within a few moments, and groggily peered around her. It only took her half a moment to realize Applebloom was no longer laying next to her, and only another moment to see the two of them by the door. A master of overcoming grogginess, she shook herself awake and stood up promptly, walking over to the pair of guilty looking fillies with a disapproving, cautious and skeptical look in her emerald eyes.


"...And just what in tarnation are you two doing up this late?" She asked sternly, closing the door with a smack using her hoof, not removing her eyes from either filly. She scanned one face and then the other. "Well?" She added, her voice a bit louder. By this point, Rainbow had begun to stir. She rolled over from her place on the rug onto her back, hooves curled up in the air a very 'belly rub' reminiscent pose.


Just as Applebloom opened her mouth, another chilling howl came creeping to their ears, faintly, but fully audible. AJ, like Rarity, had been watching after the CMC long enough to make a connection within seconds.


"Oooh no, no, don't you dare tell me you were thinkin' of heading out towards the forest with Timber Wolves lurkin' about." She muttered, voice low and full of warning. On instinct, she moved behind her sister, placed her head down, and gently began to push her back towards the carpet. "I can tolerate most of yer' crusadin' ideas fine, but this is an absolute no. Scoot, come on, you too. While yer under this roof, and ahm' in charge, I kindly expect you to follow mah orders."


"Nnnnn...what the hay is going on?" Came the sound of a groggy Dash, rolling over again and getting her colored mane in her face. She shook her head and yawned with half-closed eyes, watching Applejack corral her little sister back to the carpet, and laying down with her once more. This time, the orange pony hugged her sister to herself with her hoof, but for security just as much as affection.


"Nothin' Rainbow. Scoot n' Applebloom were just-"


"Getting some water..." Scootaloo interrupted. She put on another cute face, and trotted happily back over to Dash. Too tired and confused to say much, the pegasus shrugged and rolled over again, allowing Scoot to grab her wing and tuck herself under it again, as she had before.


As Applebloom curled up by her sister nervously, AJ stared at Scootaloo firmly, who just smiled sheepishly. She knew that AJ knew she was the ring-leader. She always was.

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Apple Bloom couldn't take it much longer. Suddenly, she felt more serious then ever. She stood up on all four of her small hooves, and said "Applejack...", with the mare turning around, having her attention.


"It....it wasn't me! It was Scootaloo's fault!" With a pouty smolder and a grief look in her eyes. Not surprisingly, she had begun to act like a small child.


Disgusted, frantically shaking her head, the orange filly pitched in "Nuh-UH, it was totally Apple Bloom's idea. She went on and on, on how about she wanted to see those Timber Wolves up close!", same expression and all.


"Applejack, it was Scoot's fault!" "No, it was yours!" "No, yours!" The fillies broke into argument over whose crazy idea this was, as they started to go at it, pushing eachother's heads with varied force. Then they began tumbling over eachother occasionally in all this fighting.

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Applejack stood and looked over the two arguing fillies with a seemingly blank expression. However, after a moment, she cocked an eyebrow and a small smile came over her rather whimsically. While the fillies rolled around on the ground arguing, seemingly having forgot about her and were now focused on fighting each other, the earth pony walked up to both of them, and crouched low to the ground, a vile smirk coming on her face.


"Huh, what's this we got here?" She asked dangerously. "A case of the Blame Game, hmm? Well, alright then, guess there's no helpin' it."


Rainbow Dash had just barely gotten herself up to once again make sense of all the pointless noise going on that kept her from her pegasus sleep, when she witnessed Applejack pounce through the air and tackle both Applebloom and Scootaloo. The orange pony pinned the two small fillies with her lower hooves, and then winked playfully as she dug her front hooves into the two of them, one hoof per tummy, and tickled them relentlessly. Pinned next to each other on the carpet, the two of them broke out into a series of high-pitch giggles, squirming from the sudden attack.


"Heh, I don' care who started it, who thought of it, or who wanted to do it," Applejack said, smiling genuinely, watching her sister and her friend practically beg for mercy. "Cuz ahm' finishin' it. That sound good to you two?"


Applebloom and Scootaloo nodded rapidly as AJ's hooves rubbed against them, causing them to squeak and squirm cutely. After another second, Applejack subsided her attack, and made her way back over to the main mat, where Rainbow was suppressing a happy smile from the warm moment.


"Now, for the last time, everypony in this here room needs their sleep, and pronto," Applejack concluded, allowing the fillies to approach her and Dash by themselves this time. As they did, AJ winked to Dash, and she grinned goofily back.


"Yeah, come on pipsqueak, if you don't get to bed now, you can kiss flying training good-bye tomorrow morning~" Dash smirked, looking nowhere in-particular, but knowing that behind her, Scootaloo was giving a wide-eyed gasp in response. Within seconds, the orange pony dove onto the rug, curled up, and closed her eyes. Applejack nodded at the pair of pegasi, then patted the rug to catch her own sister's attention, as she trotted over.


While Applebloom situated herself between her big sister's front hooves and upper body, the orange pony wrapped her tail about the both of them, and laid her head down. She muttered, "I know it was Scoot, by the way. Heh. Goodnight, Applebloom." before closing her eyes, and drifting into sleep within minutes.


(Aaaaaaa attention all passengers, this is your captain speaking. Aaaaaah we're now in full flight, you may proceed to HNNNNG about the cabin.)

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While in the cuddly, comfortable, warm grasp of her sweet sister, Apple Bloom was slowly recovering from all the energy from the sudden attack. Once again, she thought and looked back on how she was lucky to have a reliable, caring, honest, sweet sister such as her, as well as the fact that she was full of unexpected pleasures. She looked up to her snoozing sibling smiled with a blush. Then, she looked back at her friend, Scootaloo, who she was happily proud of to be introduced to this wonderful experience, regardless not having a blood sister. She let out a pleasant sigh, lay her chin next to the neck of Applejack, and slowly and peacefully nodded off.


Scootaloo contemplated for a moment, looked to her side too see Rainbow Dash right beside her, and looked back to the ceiling. She felt an overcoming sensation of happiness and joy. "My first flight training session....with my new sister...and...best...friend...for...ever....this will be the best day...of....my..." With a scrunched face, she looked at her let out a handful of tears of joy mixed with sadness, as she dug her head softly into the blue pegasus' belly for a few minutes, then, with a shaky grin, lie down under her idol's wing. as she peacefully cried herself to sleep.

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The anxiety and uncertainty of the night, and the Timber Wolves it concealed was now gone with the rising sun. The two ponies and fillies were just beginning to become exposed to Celestia's brilliant sphere of warmth and light, as it pierced the room via the window. Having shifted around in their sleep, the four ponies looked both comical and cute in their positions on top of one another. While Rainbow Dash had started her night in a straight-lying position, she was now, once again, flat on her back, wings flopped open across the carpet at her sides, and hooves curled against her body. Scootaloo had wrapped herself around the azure pegasi's tummy in a sort of hug, wings flattened, head facing to the side. Rainbow was snoring rather loudly.


Meanwhile, Applebloom's big sister had moved very little. The gentle orange pony had only repositioned her lower hooves once or twice, and curled into a tighter ball than when she first fell asleep, resulting in an utterly wedged Applebloom in the center.


"...Nnnn..." Came the shallow grunt of the athletic blue pegasus, the bright light warming her body and teasing her closed eyes. It made her transition from sleep rather quickly. She squirmed a bit and tried to roll over in order to sit up, and get out of her awkward sleeping position, but she found something clinging to her belly. After only a few moments, she picked her head up and looked down between her curled front hooves. There was Scootaloo, breathing softly and hugging her tightly. Even a tomboy like Rainbow couldn't help but aww softly.


"Alright Dash, time to get up. Time to...get up-ughh, man this is hard!" She whispered to herself, trying not to disturb the trio of sleeping ponies. But it was becoming abundantly clear that she was going nowhere anytime soon with a weight on her abdomen. Sighing and blowing a tuft of her mane out of her eyes, Rainbow jerked herself to the side to face Applejack.


"Psst! Applejack...wake up!" She hissed. Applejack awoke after the third time of trying, and Rainbow sheepishly chuckled as the orange mare blinked tiredly at the situation. "I kinda got a little problem here. Think we should wake em up now? My back is stiff as heck!"

  • Brohoof 1
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