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ooc FRACTURED FUTURES: Crystal Expedition (closed/OOC)


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Very true, but they could still project their power and wreak the rewards of their military standing. You know, taxes for protection, resources, and conscripts, all that fun stuff. Fund private militias on their behalf for following their laws and providing taxes, and send of military advisers. But, as far as I know, Lektra and Twilight don't have imperial ambitions, so that's pretty much out of the question. 

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To put things into perspective take this:


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combine it with this:

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And blow it up to the size of this:


Image result for world's largest plane

And having Hippogrifs and Griffons in the force? Aren't they a bit too endangered for them to be on the front lines? I don't really see how the city can have a stable enough non-pony minority for there to be enough serving in the military. Griffonstone and the Stormlands are way too far to have been helped by Equestria in any way during the outbreak. As I see it, the two species are endangered if not extinct. 

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You also have to think about the mechanisms that make it function. Some of it may seem impractical, but we don't know if they serve some unknown function to us cus, well, it's magitek. That's the great part about fantasy, you can make anything serve a reasonable purpose and still make things look cool XP

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1 minute ago, Lektra Bolt said:

Exactly this. High technology through magical progress. Magical enchantments can make the RL impossible possible. It's like the entire philosophy of MLP and what Magitek is extrapolated from :)


3 minutes ago, GoldieS said:


You also have to think about the mechanisms that make it function. Some of it may seem impractical, but we don't know if they serve some unknown function to us cus, well, it's magitek. That's the great part about fantasy, you can make anything serve a reasonable purpose and still make things look cool XP

But at the same time, all that rather jars with the feel of the RP were trying to establish. A post apocalypse should be more grounded and gritty. Having space ships w/ perpetual energy reactors pretty much contradicts that. Characters should be aiming for the practical, not the idealistic.

Think, why would a city state that has barley managed to cobble itself together in the century following a caticlysm, ever want, need or dedicate the limited resources needed to build what amounts to a space worthy vessel? Or even better, would our own militaries ever build something like that in a time of crisis and ruin? 

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hmm, you're definitely not wrong. Precious resources after all. I doubt our version of the same airship would be space worthy, or with never ending energy, just with a more significant power source compared to past vessels. Believe me, I thought the same thing about the Prydwin in fallout 4... but, who's to say these airships aren't extremely expensive and one of only a small fleet that the city has managed to create over the years for defensive purposes and ranging out to outlying settlements? 

Perhaps the fleet is only a small thing with no more than twelve or so of these ships, the rest being traditional easy to make airships used for trading? Certainly adds a bit of risk to using them, that's for sure. 

Edited by GoldieS
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@Lektra Bolt

I see where @Denim&Venom is coming from. A lot of it has to do with keeping things from becoming over powered. Giving ourselves limit and risks for our actions instead of there being no real consequences. 

I look at it this way. Everfree City is in a single location, with limited inorganic resources. The ships and weapons are made via magitek, using composite materials and what not created once again, by magic. They're pretty strong, but they won't compare to things like iron and steel, which are an extremely limited resource. Basically, while New Everfree is self sufficient, it sacrifices some aspects of quality for quantity to fill the needs with the lack of actual mineable resources. 


I promise you, regardless of your guys' decision, I will make things desperate for the city. Believe me, once this RP really gets started. 

Edited by GoldieS
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Then... well... I'm afraid if they wish to continue their way of life... they need to start reaching out for more resources... mu ha ha ha! I can already see another RP in the future involving a little bit of civil strife... 

anyways, your guys' call. I'm just here to bounce ideas back at you to help find a comfy compromise. 

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7 minutes ago, Lektra Bolt said:

Whoa whoa whoa. Cobble itself together? Limited resources? What ever gave you this idea? Inside the city our resident enjoy  a very high standard of living in an almost utopian society.

Not only has it been 300 year so much progress to occur, but Magitek is very possible in the time of the show right now, in much smaller capacity. Food is just enough and constantly expanding, but Magitek is perpetual.

We have a highly advanced magical technology with no pollution (only waste from the residents, and a lot if recycled)

What gave me the idea is that we're playing in a world where most of the population has died, entire nations and societies have collapsed, and the continent has become a dangerous no pony's land.

That is way too idyllic for a post apocalypse world. No place on earth short of a government bunker should enjoy a high standard of living. Compared to the outside, it would be idyllic, but life inside NE should not be perfect, especially compared to the show.  

6 minutes ago, GoldieS said:

@Lektra Bolt

I see where @Denim&Venom is coming from. A lot of it has to do with keeping things from becoming over powered. Giving ourselves limit and risks for our actions instead of there being no real consequences. 

I look at it this way. Everfree City is in a single location, with limited inorganic resources. The ships and weapons are made via magitek, using composite materials and what not created once again, by magic. They're pretty strong, but they won't compare to things like iron and steel, which are an extremely limited resource. Basically, while New Everfree is self sufficient, it sacrifices some aspects of quality for quantity to fill the needs with the lack of actual mineable resources. 


I can't imagine the area between Ponyville and Canterlot being very resource rich, nor the residents mining where they live. So unless NE has managed to secure a quarry and are heavily defending it, they might be closer to imperialist Japan, being conservative w/ what they build and how much metal they use due to their isolation and the metal they have to work with having significant impurities. Or having mass production follow the Soviet model of utilitarian design while maybe citing a few corners. 

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@Denim&Venom @Lektra Bolt

Oh yah, you're totally right there. Most of the pop has died, and there is indeed a wasteland or wild lands as the case may be. But... perception is reality in this case. Resource issue aside for now, I compare the city kind of like the Institute from fallout 4. Not in the literal sense, but in that they have a functioning society where things are relatively stable. 

However... I know I've barked up this tree before about people and what not, but the perception is reality thing applies to this place for sure. I still don't think the city's residents are as happy as they seem, more of it's all they really know so why risk it? Plus, we all know what directions good intentions can lead to. Doesn't mean it applies here, this is all more or less a conspiracy theory on my part, so don't take it literally! But it looks too much like a brainwashed society for me... XD Err... I mean! Don't tell the director I said that!!

All about perception ladies and gents... 

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Gah!!! I keep saying it!! DYSTOPIA!!!!! No one believes me!! No one's free! We're all just puppets for the Director!!! Why won't you believe me!?!?!


Also, I imagined it was at least a little more... open? Oh well, just more reason for Zephyr to hate it in our other RP...

Edited by GoldieS
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@Lektra Bolt @GoldieS @Denim&Venom

Sorry! I kinda missed the whole convo:scoots:...I filled myself in though!

20 minutes ago, GoldieS said:

Gah!!! OFF TOPIC!!! 

If you two don't decide how many of what ships we're sending soon, Captain Candor is just gonna walk out the city with his thousand troops and AJ. 

AJ agrees


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beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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2 minutes ago, Lektra Bolt said:

Pic if one of the streets as I see it. Notice the flying. I see that as a mix of constructs and transportation vehicles, both public and private

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Jeeze louise. That looks way to thriving to me. 

I was imagining something like this:

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14 minutes ago, GoldieS said:

@Denim&Venom @Lektra Bolt

Oh yah, you're totally right there. Most of the pop has died, and there is indeed a wasteland or wild lands as the case may be. But... perception is reality in this case. Resource issue aside for now, I compare the city kind of like the Institute from fallout 4. Not in the literal sense, but in that they have a functioning society where things are relatively stable. 

However... I know I've barked up this tree before about people and what not, but the perception is reality thing applies to this place for sure. I still don't think the city's residents are as happy as they seem, more of it's all they really know so why risk it? Plus, we all know what directions good intentions can lead to. Doesn't mean it applies here, this is all more or less a conspiracy theory on my part, so don't take it literally! But it looks too much like a brainwashed society for me... XD Err... I mean! Don't tell the director I said that!!

All about perception ladies and gents... 

Perhaps it's something Twi and the city's older residents have observed. Newer generations lacking that curiosity, that exuberant spark, that diversity is lacking. the need to experience life and the devotion to ideals of love and friendship have been replaced by a devotion to duty, efficiency and nationalistic zeal. The wild stallions as it were, have been replaced by work horses. Work to keep the city running and expanding, or else we'll all die. That's probably the mind set that Twi and Leks have unintentionally cultivated. Sorta like starlight's village, except instead of equality, it's collectivism. Everything is done for the betterment of society, rather than the individual. 


2 minutes ago, Lektra Bolt said:

@GoldieSis right. How many Carriers for each 250 are we taking @Denim&Venom? Let's lay out the numbers in total.

How many of of the 250 should be each type of division? How many golems?

I say one or two should fit all of them, with the reinforcements following in the same setup. Carriers are really big so they need a lot of metal to have been mined

No, the carriers won't be big because where is all that metal coming from?

There's no way a city state in a devastated wasteland remains only such, while possessing dreadnought sized air ships at their disposal. That'd be like the city of Baltimore constructing it's own fleet of air craft carriers. With what? 

We're not proceeding to the crystal empire on war ships. That's too OP. Equestria isn't gonna go from early 20th century levels of tech to Star Trek in 300 years, especially after the near extinction level event that had transpired. 

Air ships the size of our largest air craft make the most sense. Probably 125 Earth Ponies. 75 pegasai. 50 unicorns. Probably 4 mini-tank golems. 





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8 minutes ago, Lektra Bolt said:

Thriving is the idea. We're not going to be using real life or real life partly destroyed buildings. We're a thriving futuristic society, maybe not Star Trek but futuristic and looking nothing like IRL. It's a domed futuristic paradise, at least compared to the harsh outside world that threatens everything. We use our resources wisely and efficiently, because we need metal to make alloy for the vehicles, golems, armor, as well as roads and buildings. Everything is made of a type of metal, as Magitek is based on needing metal that is either conductive or magnetic, for balance purposes. We only use rock for parts that aren't enchanted, but if something is enchanted it needs to contain metal. There's alloy in everything.

Though we're not quite a utopia, we're very far from dank and horrible dystopia.

And I never said they were the size of actual spaceships. No space travel for anyone remember. They're definitely the size of the largest of our aircraft, but not shaped like anything of ours. That's the point here

You say that, but not say where this is all coming from. Maybe that can be the skeleton int he closet of NE. They've become so thriving by effectively strip mining Equestria and destroying the surrounding environment just to sustain their little city. 

And while they're not the size of space ships, why do they have to look like them at all? What purpose does it serve? What aero-dynamics engineer would green light their air craft looking so alien? Other than to simply look the part? 

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2 minutes ago, Denim&Venom said:

You say that, but not say where this is all coming from. Maybe that can be the skeleton int he closet of NE. They've become so thriving by effectively strip mining Equestria and destroying the surrounding environment just to sustain their little city. 

And while they're not the size of space ships, why do they have to look like them at all? What purpose does it serve? What aero-dynamics engineer would green light their air craft looking so alien? Other than to simply look the part? 


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beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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1 minute ago, Lektra Bolt said:

Well just like Techno were not actually strip mining. We get enough over time sending out golems and mining teams. The caverns by Ponyville in the show are probably long empty of anything useful, unless you feel we would still have enough to be using it all this time.

Why look that way? It's the theme. We're futuristic ponies and our stuff doesn't look like IRL 

To have that much metal to enchant, to build a city, to build golems, armor, weapons and war ships, you need a lot of metal. And that much metal isn't gonna be taken without some environmental consequences. Maybe not strip mining per say, but I can see areas becoming desolate because they've been plundered of their last resource. 

There has to be a cost for NE to be "thriving" . 

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Guys Equestria is not a unlimited resource...

when are we gonna deal with metal shortages


Edited by woodchunks66
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beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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>.< I'm gonna start murdering people. Though the thought process is a good thing, and I encourage it, let's discuss it while we're underway with our RP. I'll give us each two more posts to decide what's going on with the travel arrangements before the Captain just starts without you with his thousand strong. 

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