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Tom The Diamond

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Oh heeeeellll yeeessssss!




Castlevania: Lords of Shadows 2 and a new 2D Castlevania called Mirrors of Fate are likely to be announced at E3. This is definitely something to look forward to because I wanna see what happens in LoS2 and I'm interested in MoF, it'll just give me one more reason to get a 3DS. :D

  • Brohoof 1
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If any, I hope we get more remakes for the 3DS, especially remakes of Nintendo 64 games.


Star Fox 64 and OoT look so beautiful in 3D...

Edited by One Reliable Gamer (NF160)


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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If any, I hope we get more remakes for the 3DS, especially remakes of Nintendo 64 games.


Star Fox 64 and OoT look so beautiful in 3D...


Yes! Banjo Kazooie/Tooie, Castlevania 64: The Dark Legacy and Mischief Makers pl0x. :D

  • Brohoof 1
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Yes! Banjo Kazooie/Tooie


Unfortunately, that is impossible unless Microsoft becomes intelligent and gives back Nintendo the company who owns the franchise... :(


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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I'm quite shocked, a new Mario game, and a new Zelda game. The 3DS is totally going to pwn this year.



Pikmin 3 better be there. I mean I know it probably will be, but it better be! ;)


It will be.


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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That's our Regginator!~


AWWWWW YEEAAH! Meh.....he didn't spill any beans, so I'm kinda dissapoint. :P Also, I don't have a FB, so that kinda reeks for me.


Also, LOL at the comments. xP


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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Aww, seems I was wrong about their being two different Castlevania games. It's only one: Lords of Shadow 2 and Mirror of Fate are the same game. Oh well, gives me one more reason to get a 3DS. :P




Okay, once again I may be corrected. Lords of Shadow 2 and Mirror of Fate may be two different games. LoS2 on PS3/360 and MoF on 3DS like I originally thought. This is the trailer for LoS2 and I think that guy at the end may be Alucard.




Talk about making Gabriel look like a colossal badass though. xD

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I fully disagree. I want there to be a Starfox game that plays more like Adventures or Assault than the gameplay of SF64. Obviously that would include SF64 gameplay but I love the on-foot missions.

  • Brohoof 1
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TBH, I only want to know more about Black Ops II and GTA V.


I really do miss GTA IV after mah dad threw it away 'cause he thought it was age-inappropriate. Yeah, and Black Ops was so much better for mah age http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png. Whatever, at least I was introduced to CoD thanks to mah dad :).



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StarFox Adventures altered the franchise in a similar way that Mario Kart: Double Dash!! did. It included a single element that was new, and possibly not welcome at first, to the series, and is unusual in a way that people might think would not be necessary to include in future games.


But in the StarFox franchise's case, I'd say that on-foot mission make it actually feel more like a realistic game. Doesn't that seem like what the team would do? Travel the Lylat system endlessly here and there, going on random planets and just doing air assault missions is definitely not enough, I love the on foot third person combat modes they introduced. It felt like a typical third-person shooter, especially the ones with vehicles similar to the Arwing and Landmaster. I hope they include this in the next SF game, but still focus on air combat like Arwings, Wolfen, and the Great Fox, becuase that is the origin of the franchise, all the way from the graphic revoltutionary SNES game, the series will live on as it traditionally should do so.

  • Brohoof 1


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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Nintendo can honestly suck the big one for me. They released the 3DS and what have they done with it? Not a dang thing. Just more re-hashes of the same things over again. I mean jeeze, if they're going to put out the same thing over again, at least put out Pokemon BnW V2 on it. But no. Regular old DS release. The WiiU has already been said to not even be as graphically powerful as an Xbox 360, which has now been out for over 6 years. That to me is *absolutely* inexcusable. Nintendo: If you're GOING to do a new generation of system dear GOD at LEAST catch up to and surpass a LITTLE, the technology that was put out SIX YEARS AGO. That is shameful. Give up your gimmicks and come back to developing some new and original games. I honestly miss the days when Nintendo's games thrilled me, and didn't disgust me for their complete lack of originality. I would have liked to have seen an open world style Zelda game. That would've been fun. Almost a choose your own adventure sort of thing. And as far as the tech demo for zelda we saw for the Wii U last year, Nintendo said it was going to STAY just that: A tech demo. Don't get y'alls hopes up :


As far as the Xbox goes, I'd be happy for some Halo 4 news, Mass Effect DLC would be nice, Skyrim stuff, the new Elder Scrolls MMO, Kinect-y news, I'd love even some dropped hints about the Loop <- The proper code name for the next gen Xbox...


The PS3 never has really excited me, since pretty much anything of interest on the PS3 you could get on the Xbox. EXCEPT for Ni No Kuni. GOD I NEED THAT GAME IN MY HANDS NOW. And pictures of it, and video and a soundtrack and...You get the picture. In case you don't know, Ni No Kuni is a Japanese Rpg which was developed with Studio Ghibli. The entire game is done in the Ghibli art style and it is GORGEOUS. I'm so excited <3


Anyway, sorry for the Nintendo rant. After having not touched my Wii for.......*checks calendar* a year and a half...you know, since I cancelled netflix....And having not bought a new 3DS game since.....Ocarina of Time....I've gotten a little bit disgruntled with Nintendo's lack of competence :(

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't hate Star Fox Adventures but...it was more of a zelda clone. That's not bad but it wasn't a Starfox game. I didn't care for it and Star Fox Assault certainly was much better, but the on-land missions weren't all that great but with improvements it could work


Still, I just want a proper sequel to Star Fox 64, I don't mind Assault for what it did but that's just me

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I don't hate Star Fox Adventures but...it was more of a zelda clone. That's not bad but it wasn't a Starfox game. I didn't care for it and Star Fox Assault certainly was much better, but the on-land missions weren't all that great but with improvements it could work


Still, I just want a proper sequel to Star Fox 64, I don't mind Assault for what it did but that's just me


A Zelda clone...? Please elaborate, good sir. :0


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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A Zelda clone...? Please elaborate, good sir. :0


Well, you have the Hearts indicating health, you use a staff like weapon for combat, you use a variety of weapons, items, and etc to aid you in the game's setting, plus you have your own sidekick to help you out


The way the game plays, it's zelda. Again, not to say that zelda clones are bad, it's just that I prefer Starfox to be in a rail-shooter like with the N64 game.

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Nintendo can honestly suck the big one for me. They released the 3DS and what have they done with it? Not a dang thing. Just more re-hashes of the same things over again. I mean jeeze, if they're going to put out the same thing over again, at least put out Pokemon BnW V2 on it. But no. Regular old DS release. The WiiU has already been said to not even be as graphically powerful as an Xbox 360, which has now been out for over 6 years. That to me is *absolutely* inexcusable. Nintendo: If you're GOING to do a new generation of system dear GOD at LEAST catch up to and surpass a LITTLE, the technology that was put out SIX YEARS AGO. That is shameful. Give up your gimmicks and come back to developing some new and original games. I honestly miss the days when Nintendo's games thrilled me, and didn't disgust me for their complete lack of originality. I would have liked to have seen an open world style Zelda game. That would've been fun. Almost a choose your own adventure sort of thing. And as far as the tech demo for zelda we saw for the Wii U last year, Nintendo said it was going to STAY just that: A tech demo. Don't get y'alls hopes up :


That's not what I heard. I heard the Wii-U was supposed to be more powerful than the 360 and PS3 combined.


Well, you have the Hearts indicating health, you use a staff like weapon for combat, you use a variety of weapons, items, and etc to aid you in the game's setting, plus you have your own sidekick to help you out


The way the game plays, it's zelda. Again, not to say that zelda clones are bad, it's just that I prefer Starfox to be in a rail-shooter like with the N64 game.


That's called being an adventure game, not a Zelda clone. Darksiders and Okami are also the same way. They play LIKE Zelda but they are nothing like Zelda aside from the similar gameplay style. It's the sign of the genre, not that Zelda is the only one who should be doing it.

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I mean jeeze, if they're going to put out the same thing over again, at least put out Pokemon BnW V2 on it. But no. Regular old DS release. The WiiU has already been said to not even be as graphically powerful as an Xbox 360, which has now been out for over 6 years. That to me is *absolutely* inexcusable. Nintendo: If you're GOING to do a new generation of system dear GOD at LEAST catch up to and surpass a LITTLE, the technology that was put out SIX YEARS AGO. That is shameful. Give up your gimmicks and come back to developing some new and original games. I honestly miss the days when Nintendo's games thrilled me, and didn't disgust me for their complete lack of originality. I would have liked to have seen an open world style Zelda game. That would've been fun. Almost a choose your own adventure sort of thing. And as far as the tech demo for zelda we saw for the Wii U last year, Nintendo said it was going to STAY just that: A tech demo. Don't get y'alls hopes up :

First off, you do know that Nintendo doesn't really run Gamefreak, the guys that make Pokemon. They're second party, and for the most part, they're left to their own devices. So if you don't like the fact it's on the DS and not 3DS, blame Gamefreak, not Nintendo.


And you do realize that the we don't know the final WiiU specs, and many developers have been praising the WiiU and it's power. I'm sure it's far more powerful then the PS3 and 360.

  • Brohoof 2


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Well, of course the Wii U will be more powerful to the 360 and PS3. It's a different generation. It's like comparing the N64 to the Xbox and PS2. Nopony ever intended it to be compared to a different generation; we don't know anything about the "720" or the "PS4". Only time will tell if Nintendo is ahead or behind in the technologically-advanced game.





Well, you have the Hearts indicating health, you use a staff like weapon for combat, you use a variety of weapons, items, and etc to aid you in the game's setting, plus you have your own sidekick to help you out


The way the game plays, it's zelda. Again, not to say that zelda clones are bad, it's just that I prefer Starfox to be in a rail-shooter like with the N64 game.


Okay, thanks for elaborating. I have never played Adventures, so I don't know that many elements about it.


And I totally understand your opinon. The series has always been innovative by its surpassing graphics (even for the SNES. 3D polygons were nearly impossible to accomplish, it's definitely one of the best revolutions in video game history, I think), they are always inventing ways to alter and chane the series, which isn't bad. I'd honestly prefer either a air-combat-only game like SF64, or a game like Advnetures.


Considering the already superlative graphics that seems to come with the series within itself, I'd love to see some kind of, at least tech demo for a Star Fox game at E3.

Edited by One Reliable Gamer (NF160)


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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I'm excited to see what Nintendo has to show! I've always been a Nintendo fan, most vidya games i play are Nintendo, haven't really got into all this Skyrim or Diablo stuff...yet at least.


Love Nintendo :3

  • Brohoof 2




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Just becuase Nintendo will have more 8th gen content (two systems, console and a handheld) to reveal and show off, doesn't exactly mean they'll “win” E3, but that will most likely give them a jump start advantage. Sony and Microsoft for the most part are still stuck in the 7th generation, yet they are still having tons of success.


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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