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Our story here starts in the bustling town of Ponyville, where a lean Earth Pony with a scabbard at his side was checking a map.

"So the train station is over there... If I get a ticket, I could find someone to come with me and we could be off." Said the Earth Pony, who's name was Mike McGuffin.  As Mike checked the map, the bustling of the stands and stalls around him continued. "Now where could I find a fellow adventurer?" Mike thought...

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Victoria, a young earth pony mare with light brown fur and a very well kept mane, stood amidst the crowds of ponyville having just delivered a birthday cake to an adorable young filly's birthday party. Having spent the day with the foals playing fun games and sampling the wonderful cakes brought by other baker ponies she headed now towards the train station. Her pretty purple eyes darted about nervously as she tried to avoid eye contact with the loud and excitable ponies around her.




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Summer Haven was sitting on a bench at the train station. She was waiting for her train to arrive though deep down she didn’t want to go home just yet. She had a great time in ponyville. She met lots of new ponies with similar interests, but this would the last train back to her hometown of vanhoover until next week. 

Suddenly a light brown stallion carrying a large sword entered the boarding area. She was intrigued, as this pony appeared to be dressed for an adventure of sorts. However, she assumed he was busy and didn’t want to get in his way with her silly questions.


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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Mike was heading towards the train station. His saddlebag was bulging with supplies, as he figured that this would be no easy feat. Since this was his first time in Ponyville, he occasionally paused to ask for directions. He noticed a Unicorn sitting on a bench. Mike went to the Unicorn and queried“Do you have any idea when the train leaves?” 

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Summer was a bit startled by the fact that the pony approached her, but she quickly shook it off.

”Um, my train doesn’t leave for another hour, but there’s some before it.” Summer glanced at the overly stuffed bag on the stallion’s back. “Where exactly are you going?” She asked as a slight squeaking noise peeped from her own saddlebag. 


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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Mike who was oblivious to the squeaking noise, thought for a second and said “I’m heading north. There are some ruins in the Crystal Mountians that could lead to an ancient underground city. What about you?” Mike was excited to go on a new adventure, but he was disappointed that nopony else in this new village shared the same interests.


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Summer subtly nudged her bag to quiet the noise.

”Oh I was just heading back home to-wait. ANCIENT UNDEGROUND CITY?? That sounds super exciting!” She pointed at his bags. “And would explain the equipment.”

She put her hoof on her chin. “I feel like I’ve read about that place before, but not much is really known about it. Nopony ever dares to go that far north!”


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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“Wow, that sounds interesting! Though I doubt I’d feel safe living in an uncharted area like that...” Summer briefly zoned out imaging what it would be like.

“Anyways!” She hopped down from the bench where she was sitting. “The ticket booth is this way. I’ll show you.” She said cheerfully as she led the stallion around the corner. “Oh also, my name is Summer Haven. But you can call me Summer, or...whatever really.” She said smiling.


Out of the corner of her eye she saw another pony approaching the boarding platform.


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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@SummerHaven @Pr0m4NV14

Victoria was too busy worrying about her surroundings to notice where she was walking and before she knew what was happening she had walked right into a blue mare who was trying to have a conversation with a young brown stallion. She stood up and brushed the dirt off herself, brushing her mane out of her face and huffing.

"Watch where you stand you filthy..." She stopped, re-evaluating the situation. "I-I mean, sorry. I should have been looking where I was going."

She reached out hoof and helped the mare to her feet. "And sorry for shouting at you, I'm not great with other ponies and socialising. When I get stressed out the horrible pony I used to be seeps out... The name's Victoria Sponge, I hope I haven't interrupted you two." She held out a hoof to shake, smiling sheepishly.




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@Battenberg @Pr0m4NV14

Summer was chatting with her new friend when suddenly she felt somepony bump into her. Startled, she let out a loud "Eeeep!" and backed up a few steps. 

After a few seconds she recollected herself. "No no, we shouldn't have been standing in the way here. Sorry about that. I can get easily startled sometimes." She offered her hoof. "Anyways, I'm Summer Haven. Nice to meet you! This train station seems to be  the hot spot today. Where are you headed?"



My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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@SummerHaven @Pr0m4NV14

"It really wasn't your fault, I'm just a jerk sometimes. I'm headed to Manehattan, what about you?"

Victoria wasn't sure why she was still talking to these ponies, she just wanted to get home and return to her own company. Something drew her to them though, for once she actually wanted to socialise.




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@Battenberg @Pr0m4NV14

Summer turned to Mike. “If you’re heading north, then we may be catching the same train! I’m heading back home to Vanhoover. It’s in the same general direction.”

She glanced back at Victoria. “I’ve never been to Manehatten, but it’s certainly on my list of places to visit! I’m sure there’s lots of neat things to see there.” 

Summer repositioned herself so she was away from the ticket line. Her bag started to rustle again and she started figetting in embarrassment. She hoped nopony would notice.


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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Victoria seemed excited to hear about the Crystal Mountains, her eyes sparkled a little as her ears pricked up. 

"Crystal Mountains! Are you going to the Crystal Empire? I love it there, it's so beautiful. I'm in Ponyville making a delivery of mine and my sister's cakes to the sweetest little filly for her birthday. I was going to head back to Manehatten now but I'd love an excuse to head to the Crystal Empire!"

"You should definitely visit Manehatten... Summer wasn't it? It's gotten a little boring to me now having lived there for about 10 years now, especially since my father has taken me to see the most wonderful places in Equestria, but it's definitely a beautiful city, amazing the first time you see it. I remember when I moved there from Trottingham, going from a small town to a huge city was mindblowing, so many lights, so many ponies, so many wonderful shops! If you do go you should look for a shop called Battenberg's Bakery, that's my sister's shop where I work."

Edited by Battenberg




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@Battenberg @SummerHaven

“I’ll be passing through the Crystal Empire, yes.” Mike said. He had a case open on the floor, and he was putting what appeared to be his sword inside it, amongst a lot of extreme weather gear. The conductor of the train was yelling something. “I think this is our last chance to get on the train.” Mike remarked, before running off to get a ticket.

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@Pr0m4NV14 @Battenberg

“The Crystal Empire? That sure sounds like fun...” Summer said pawing at the ground with her hoof.

She heard the announcer calling for the passengers to board the train. His voice belted through the speakers causing her to jump.

“Oh goodness! Where’s my ticket?”

She fumbled through her bag and pulled out a small voucher. Suddenly a squirrel burst out of her side bag and scurried up her back and onto her outstretched front leg. 

“Snickers you know you’re not supposed to come out yet!” She she said sternly to the squirrel and its ears drooped. “Ohh but I guess it can’t hurt for a little while.” She used to magic to place the excited squirrel onto her head. She saw saw Mike and Victoria making there way in the other direction and followed them onto the train.


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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@SummerHaven @Pr0m4NV14

Having bought a ticket for the Crystal Empire, rather than one for Manehattan, Victoria followed the others onto the train and sat down. She seemed interested in the little squirrel smiling at it and watching it closely.

"Is that your pet?" She asked Summer politely "It's awfully cute" 

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@Battenberg @Pr0m4NV14

Summer Haven trotted into the train car and claimed a spot by the others. 

She smiles back at Victoria. “Yep this is Snickers. He HATES being left home when I’m out traveling, so I always bring him along.” She said scratching his chin. 

Summer looked out the window as the other ponies were still boarding.

”So I guess we are all going to the Crystal Empire then? That is, if you two don’t mind me coming along. I could offer...moral support!” She said laughing. Summer tucked the voucher back into her bag. 


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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Mike handed his ticket to the Conductor, who was a old Pegasus with a Salt-and-Pepper mane. He put his case and bags under his seat. “So, we’re off. I hope this train has somewhere to sleep, This is an overnight tri- oh hey, is that a squirrel?” Mike’s attention changed abruptly, as he leaned to get a closer look. The train shuddered, and started moving. The trio were on their way.

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@Pr0m4NV14 @Battenberg

The squirrel hopped down and scurried over to where Mike was sitting. He sniffed Mike's bags curiously. 

"Sorry about that!" Summer laughed. "He probably thinks you have food."

Summer opened her bag and pulled out some acorns. She gave them to the squirrel, who took them immediately.  

"This is so exciting! Oh, but I better let my mentor know I'll be delayed coming back." She pulled out some parchment and began writing a letter. 

"Mike have you ever been to the Crystal Empire before?" 


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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@SummerHaven @Battenberg

“Oh, I’ve been there once or twice with my dad, I was really young though.” Mike said, reminiscing about his previous adventures. “ I won’t be able to tell you much about it.” He added, before getting up. “I’m going to find the sleeper car. It’s going to be a while before we get there.” With that he went off towards the rear of the train.

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@Pr0m4NV14 @Battenberg

“Alright, see you in the morning.” Summer said to Mike as he trotted away. “I guess I’ll go find the dinning car.”

She hopped down from seat, and walked over to the door of their car looking for a map. 

Once she found the dinning car, she purchased a muffin and sat down at an empty table with a window seat. She watched the evening colors rush by as she reflected on today’s events. She had to admit to herself that she was a bit nervous about the expedition, but was greatful to have met some new friends. 

“It’s going to be great! Everything is going to be fine.” She said to herself as she finished her muffin and put Snickers back into her saddlebag. “I just hope I don’t get in the way.” 

She continued watching the everchanging landscape outside until she dozed off in her seat. 

Edited by SummerHaven
Grammar error


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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