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private Artificial Love. (with Dynamo Pad)

Catpone Cerberus

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@Pvt. Cerberus

Dynamo nods with a chuckle. "Your conviction and willingness to help others. It reminds me of Naruto Uzumaki." He saw the confused looks in their eyes and smiles. "It's an anime/cartoon character I've seen. He has a will of never giving up. When he says he'll do something, then he'll do it. No matter how difficult the task before him is. He's a ninja, who never goes back on his word. It's one of my favorite shows to watch when it's on. It's that character that's taught me to never give up and to fight for your dreams." He nods once more in understanding. "My mom once tried to teach me some spells that she knew. Some spells were too difficult to master. Other spells were challenging, but after time, I was able to get it. I can only do the basic levitation and light spell. So, at least we're in the same boat, but you're improving every day." He praised her, even though it was as if they were facing the same situation.

Dynamo was taken aback by their understanding and words. He was caught off guard by Sunlight's conviction and sympathy, but he smiles at them both. "You don't have to apologize. The past is in the past and I was able to move on and make a better future." He says before turning to Sunlight. "I guess we have a bit more in common than we thought. I'm glad you were able to find friendship with your brother by your side." He places a hoof upon Sunlight's shoulder and smiles softly. "At least you have a new friend to add to your list of friends. I know we met, but no matter what, you two are my friends."

Dynamo listened intently as they explained the things that they liked. "I think those are some pretty cool things to like. For me, I like video games, anime, swimming, cosplay, listening to music, reading from time to time and spending time with my friends." He thought for a moment on what kind of other questions to ask. "What's your favorite color?" He awaited for a response, but was caught off guard by the shouting at the card game area. "FINAL TURN!" He turned around to see what card game the other ponies were playing.

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@Dynamo Pad

Jade and Sunlight listened as Dynamo explained and nodded in understanding when he finished, not really having anything to add to that, this time Sunlight didn't blush from the praise since it was so minor and because she had started to getting used to Dynamo's constant praise. Dynamo's words about having something common made Sunlight think, she had noticed it too but it wasn't until now that she connected it to the feeling comfort she was having, it was new feeling for her, but she had the knowledge to connect it to Dynamo, but  she didn't know for sure if it was part of being friends, or something different, something more complicated....she smiled at Dynamo "Thank you, that means more than you probably think."

Again both of them thought for a moment, this was harder question, because neither of them had really ever thought about their favorite colors because they liked different colors in different places, but eventually they both got a color to their minds, but before they had time to answer Dynamo's question, the shouting from the card game interrupted their thoughts, and they too turned towards the source of the voice. 

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@Pvt. Cerberus

Dynamo could only look at Sunlight in awe and confusion. He didn't understand what she meant, but he smiled nonetheless. "You're welcome, Sunlight." He says before walking over to the group of card game players. He noticed that the siblings were behind him, so he thought he should explain what was going on. "This is a type of game called TCG, or trading card game for short. You build a deck of about 40 to 50 cards. Card games can range from monsters, to magic, to pretty much anything. This type of game is called Cardfight Vanguard. It's all about the power of your imagination." He smiles as he looked at the units on the board. "You have 6 rows of units. A row of 3 across and 2 behind each circle, which results in 6 circles. Your have the two sides and back row as rear guards, or supporting units to help aid you. Your center is what you are. You are the leader of your cards and the one that guides your image to victory." He looks back to them with and grins in excitement. "The game takes place on a planet that's similar to our own called Planet Cray. There are units from robots, to dragons, to knights, to oracles, to the circus, to football players, to demons and so much more. Cray has so many units and clans that each unit comes from."

"The object of the game is to keep riding your vanguard unit until you hit grade 3. The units called can only match your vanguard grade and lower than that. So if you have a grade 2, then you can only call grade 0, 1 and 2 units on support. The object of the game is to deal 6 damage to your opponent. Once that happens, then they automatically lose the game. When your vanguard attacks, then you get to draw cards into your hand from your deck, while at the same time, you get additional effects. The cards in your hoof aren't just for attacking, but to defend as well." He grinned sheepishly and chuckles in embarrassment. "That was a pretty big explanation, but I really do like this game. It's a lot of fun and imagining yourself as a unit is pretty cool." He looked back to the game to see the one who called 'Final Turn,' had claimed victory. "What a weak opponent and you call that strategy? A rookie can even take you down, so get on out of here." The player scoffed at his opponent. "You pathetic loser." He muttered under his breath.

Dynamo frowned at how disrespectful this player was being. He wanted to ask what the problem was, but stopped at who the pony was. He was a ebony colored Pegasus, with a mix of red and purple in his mane and tail. He knew this pony and he hoped that he wouldn't see him again. He wanted to back away, but the ebony Pegasus had set his sights on the blue unicorn. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Dynamo Pad. It really has been a while. Tell me, fox boy. What are you doing here?" Dynamo could only growl softly and hardened his gaze at the newcomer. "I have no reason to answer to you. Besides, what are you doing here in the first place, Frozen Abyss?" 

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@Dynamo Pad
Both of the siblings listened quietly as Dynamo explained, but either of them didn't fully understand the game from his explanation, but they figured that if they were to see a match of it played, they could use the explanation with what they see to figure it out in their heads, so they nodded when he had finished. "It sounds interesting." though she didn't necessary agree on the last sentence, but it wasn't because she didn't believe it was fun or cool, but because while knowledge was her strength, her imagination was limited, not that she didn't have imagination, but it was fully based on what she knew, so imagining herself as a card in a card game wasn't something she saw herself doing.

When the siblings heard the ebony pegasus insulting his opponent, both of them looked almost disgusted and Jade whispered to her sister "Well isn't he a charmer." and she whispered back partly jokingly "Maybe we should challenge him to some memory games so he would feel what real defeat feels like.". As the siblings observed the interaction between Dynamo and Abyss, and they could tell that they weren't exactly friends, in fact, they could guess what type of relationship there was between them. Sunlight walked next to Dynamo, not too close, but close enough for it to be clear that she was accompanying him, while Jade stayed back for now, watching the situation.

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@Pvt. Cerberus

Dynamo could see that they were still confused, but smiled as he felt the game had somewhat grabbed their attention. "I'm glad you think it's interesting. It may seem confusing at first, but when you play, you'll see how it goes." He nods at Jade's remark and sighs. "You can say that again. Honestly, he's always too strict on card games. Always feeling as if his strategies are top notch."  Frozen had noticed the orange unicorn getting close to Dynamo, while a green Pegasus stayed in position, but kept an eye on him. "Huh. I didn't think you'd have it in you to get a girlfriend, Dynamo." He joked. "Although, I think the mare could do better in finding a more suitable boyfriend." Dynamo blushed slightly and shook his head. "She's not my girlfriend. Both she and her brother are my friends." This only caused Frozen to laugh hysterically. "F-Friends?" He wiped a tear from his eye from laughing way too heard. "Oh, that's rich. You're still going on about this friendship nonsense? Oh, please. Who would ever want to be friends with you."

Dynamo sneered, while trying not to let the ebony Pegasus get to him. "I asked you a question. What are you doing here, Frozen?" The Pegasus shrugged his shoulders while kicking back in his seat. He gathered his cards together as he talked. "I had heard there was a regional for Vanguard down in Manehatten. So, I decided to come here and make sure I was at the top of my game. I have to be honest, this shop is really lacking in the card game department. All talk and no talent." He glanced at the orange unicorn while narrowing his eyes at her remark. "Oh, really? I heard that, you know. Memory games and card games go hoof in hoof. You need to memorize all the cards in your deck. Remember every strategy that goes into making a winning scenario. If all else fails, then use another strategy to win. Play until you are perfection itself." He smirked before getting back on topic. "I answered you. Now you answer to me. What are you doing here in this poor excuse of an arcade." Dynamo narrowed his eyes at the comment, but ignored him for the time being. "I live here in Ponyville. Plus, this is a part of my job. I work at the arcade from time to time and I play video games."

Frozen shook his head in shame. "So, this is where you go off to all this time. Here we thought you ran away from home. Cosmic as been looking everywhere for you. He says he misses his favorite little punching bag. Maybe I should tell him to pay this place a visit." Dynamo shuddered a little and grit his teeth. "I don't want to see him. He's nothing, but trouble and he's wasting his time." Frozen began to shuffle his deck before placing the deck on his game mat. "That's a shame. It'd be one big reunion. Tell me...how's the old fart doing?" Dynamo could only raise an eyebrow at the remark. "What are you talking about? If you mean Pinball Wizard, then I don't know. I know he's doing fine and all. He said he's been getting ready to leave for Las Pegasus pretty soon." He explained, but Frozen's deadpanned expression had said otherwise. "Don't play dumb with me. You know exactly who I'm talking about." The gears in the blue unicorn's mind began to turn, until the realization had hit him. It was as if his breath was caught in his throat. He stood frozen in place and his eyes widened a little. "What do you know, Frozen?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Sunlight kept neutral expression as Frozen talked about her and through his laughing session, even though inside she felt indescribable despise towards the Pegasus, wondering if he really thought he could impress her with that type of behavior. When Frozen asked who would be friends with Dynamo, Sunlight made sound of clearing her throat and tilted her head a bit to the side with an expression of 'seriously?'.

For the comment about the memory games, both Sunlight and Jade smiled, Sunlight looking flirty and speaking with overly flirty tone "Well little charmer, if that's the case, why wouldn't we play a match of basic memory game." "If you're so good at card games, you shouldn't have a problem against someone like me who has never played them." she felt uncomfortable acting like this towards this pony, but she continued "Maybe if you win I could consider getting to know you" she hoped that Dynamo wouldn't think that she was really interested in Frozen.

the mention of punching bag confirmed what the siblings had thought, this was one of the bullies Dynamo had told about, but how they talked about 'the old fart' and Dynamo's reaction made Jade consider stepping in to unravel the situation because it seemed that this could get serious, but he decided to still wait.

Edited by Pvt. Cerberus


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@Pvt. Cerberus

Frozen laid his head over his hooves and sat their with a small smirk. "Why, I'm talking about your father. He's been gone for a while, so I thought I'd check in on him." Dynamo blood ran cold. It was as if the temperature in the room had dropped drastically. "I never told anyone about that. How in Equestria did you know about that?" Frozen could only shrug in response. "Who knows? Let's just say that I...may know a pony, who knew a pony." He looked to the blue unicorn. His eyes stared into his soul. "It's all your fault, anyway. If you had been more more responsible and such, then you wouldn't have lost him, am I right?" Dynamo shivered slightly, but he glared right back. "You don't know anything, do you? What your speaking of is lies and twisting words around. So, why don't you mind your own business!?" Frozen grinned and chuckled deviously. "Oh, look at you. It seems like I hit a soft spot. Spare me the sob story. Why are you even concerned? I don't care that my old man is not with me." 

The words Frozen spoke had echoed within Dynamo's mind. "Y-You're serious? This has to be a joke, right?" Frozen could only shake his head slowly as a response. "It's no joke. When I was old enough to be on my own. I denied my father's existence and never looked back. It's a good feeling, so you should revel in it." Dynamo narrowed his eyes and shook his head. "Your'e insane, you know that? You should even consider yourself lucky to still have a dad. I don't have a father anymore and I miss him a lot. You have some nerve to go and make a statement about that!"

Frozen could only ignore the blue unicorn as the orange unicorn caught his interest. "Well if it's a memory game you want, then I think I can oblige. I mean, my talent is all about strategy and I'm an excellent tactician. So, no strategy becomes ruined in my hooves." He raised his eyebrows at the offer that was set before him. "So, would it be a memory game or a card game? I'm fine with either or, but how about we raise the stakes. I win, then it's like you said. You get to know me better and I get to have you as a girlfriend. Plus, you get to kick Dynamo to the curb and stay away from him. Same rules apply to your brother on staying away from Dynamo." He says while grinning as if he had already won. "If I lose, which I won't, then I'll leave you all alone and then I'll go away. How's that? Sound fair and simple enough?"

Dynamo eyes widened as he listened to the deal. He looked to Sunlight and was shocked to see that she looked interested in Frozen. He placed a hoof over his chest as he felt a pain in his heart. He wanted to say something, but then he took a closer look in her eyes. her eyes seemed to tell a different story. As if to say that she knew what she was doing and to trust in her. He looked back at the scene before him and decided to wait and see what would happen.


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@Dynamo Pad
Jade could be seen looking towards the floor as he listened the interaction between Frozen and Dynamo, how could some pony even be so ill-mannered, he could feel the hate inside himself, it was new, he didn't even know he could hate somepony, but it was the reason why he kept his eyes towards the floor, he didn't want that other saw his anger, that and he felt that he could accidentally do something he did't want to. He just needed to trust Sunlight.

Sunlight felt almost sick from the thought of promising something like that for Frozen, but she knew that it wasn't going to happen, "Deal." she then quickly scanned the arcade and spotted two machines that would fit the challenge perfectly "And there is the game." she pointed at the machines, they both were the same game, a basic memory-card game where you flip cards to match pairs. "We'll choose whatever is the hardest difficulty in the game, and the pony who finishes it in less time wins." The hardest difficulty for the game was 20 rounds with 50 pairs per round, and only 1 second in start of the round to memorize the places of all the cards, that was more than enough time to Sunlight, but for normal pony it should be impossible to memorize all the cards in that time.

Edited by Pvt. Cerberus
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@Pvt. Cerberus

Dynamo looked back to Jade to see how he was holding up. He was concerned as Jade seemed to be more interested at what the floor looked like. The blue unicorn almost felt animosity, but it wasn't directed towards him. He knew Frozen was being annoying, but he didn't expect it to bother Jade. He made sure that he would stay out of Jade's way if anything were to happen. He chose to not worry and watch, as Sunlight began to select a game for both her and Frozen to play. 

Frozen smirked as he knew he would make her play into his hooves. "Excellent. Now, that wasn't too difficult, right? Go ahead and we'll get this game done and over with." He waited, but was starting to feel impatient. He didn't care what game it was. All he knew was that he would win and that Sunlight would be his. He kept his eyes on her as she looked around and selected a game. He choked back a laugh as she explained the game and the maximum difficulty. "Don't you think you're making it difficult for yourself? I mean, you and I will be making some random guesses, if we happen to miss some pairs." He thought he smelled a rat and thought there was something going on. He shrugged while getting out of his seat, before making his way over to Sunlight. "I guess this sounds good. I'm not going to hold back, so make sure you're set. Set to lose, that is." He smirked as he got ready to play their matching game.


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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight just shrugged as she walked in front of the machine and got ready, she didn't like Frozen's cockiness, but at the same time she was happy that he was so cocky, after all, bigger the ego, bigger the hit. As she started the game, she was surprised, she was expecting it to be harder, but instead she played it through in record time, finishing each round without any missed pairs in 10 seconds, coming up with total of 3 minutes and 20 seconds, crushing the last high score that was closer to 15 minutes. After she had finished, she turned towards Frozen with a almost mocking smirk as she knew that he couldn't be even close to end, "Game Over".

Meanwhile Jade kept staring towards the ground unaware of the situation, he could feel his eyelid to start twitching, and then he felt something else.... "Horse feathers" he raised his glance just enough to look around, he needed to get out of sight, quick.....he spotted the bathrooms, good, he quickly ran in to stallion's room, still keeping his pace slow enough to not to raise any questions.

Edited by Pvt. Cerberus
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@Pvt. Cerberus

As the game got underway, Frozen leaned against a nearby machine as he waited for the mare to miss a bunch of pairs. Once the game started, he soon learned that she was hitting every pair in rapid succession. He tried to keep his cool, but his almost had a look of disbelief upon his muzzle. 'This can't be right. Nopony can be that fast when they just saw the cards for a second.' He thought as she finished with a time of 3 minutes and 20 seconds. His jaw dropped at how Sunlight crushed the high score. He growled softly as he heard her mocking tone. "That was all a fluke. Nothing more and nothing less. Watch, you'll see." He walked up to the machine to take his turn. As he began, he tried to keep an eye on easy pairs, while making sure to remember some difficult pairs. He was starting off strong, but he soon began to mess up on card selections. He slammed a hoof on the machine in frustration, as each wrong mistake costed him more and more time. He finished with a time of 12 minutes and 50 seconds. "I-I lost..." He muttered softly to himself. 

Dynamo watched as Sunlight crushed the competition without even trying. He was surprised, but he knew by her talent, that she was smart and capable of breaking the game mechanics to attain victory. He grinned and cheered as she was able to beat Frozen at his own game of strategy. "That was awesome, Sunlight! I knew you could do it and you were awesome! Congratulations." He says as he walks over to her. "Hey, Jade! Did you see that?" He turned to look for Jade, but found that he wasn't there. In fact, he wasn't there within the crowd. He wanted to go look for Jade, but he didn't know where to look. He hoped that the green Pegasus would be okay.

Button could hear all the commotion that was going on behind the counter. He narrowed his gaze at the ebony Pegasus. He had heard enough and wanted to take action, but decided to wait and see what would happen. If things had started to become bad, then he would throw the Pegasus out, no questioning it. He could hear the sirens from the machine was going off. He whistled in amazement that Sunlight had managed to set a new high score in the arcade. "Congrats Sunlight! I guess we'll need to put your name and picture up on the wall of fame! Seeing as how you and some others were able to set a new record in the gaming machines." He chuckles and relishes in the fact that Frozen had been beaten at his own game. 

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight had still smirk on her face as she reached closer to Frozen and said quietly to his ear "Goodbye" before walking back to where Dynamo was and smiling at his cheering, "Save your praise, it was just simple memory game." her tone had still a slight hint of embarrassment because though she was getting used to Dynamo's praise, she would never get fully used to it. When Dynamo called for Jade, Sunlight too noticed his absence "I wonder where he went." "But well, I'm sure he'll be right back" 

Sunlight was surprised by Button's suggestion and replied with slight hesitation "Thank you" "And sure, if it's the custom here, but you don't need to."

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@Pvt. Cerberus

Dynamo shook his head and chuckled. "I can't help it. You were able to make him be quiet. He thinks strategy could save him, but it looks like you proved him wrong. I know he'll never forget this. Maybe he'll start to change his ways for once." He says, before smiling at her. "Besides, that was pretty awesome. I have to thank you. That was really nice of you to stand up for me. Not a lot of individuals would stand up to somepony like him. I really do appreciate it." He leans over and gives the orange unicorn a quick hug. The blue unicorn nodded in agreement. "I sure hope he's okay. It looked as if something was bothering him." A look of concern adorning his face. 

Button nods in approval at her decision. "You're very welcome and it's no problem, really. Everypony deserves to get some recognition on how far they've come since being here. Some rookie gamer's become professionals. Some leave their name on the leader board and are remembered for all time. You deserve to have your name be remembered for making a high score of that caliber." He says, before helping other customers at the counter. "Just remind me before you leave. We'll take a picture to commemorate the occasion."

 Frozen slowly turned around and saw the praise that Sunlight was receiving. "Hey!" He stomped his way over towards Dynamo and Sunlight. Seething with anger over being humiliated like that. "Don't you ever tell me it's game over and goodbye! That doesn't count because you tricked me. You must have known that this would be your strength in talent and gaming. You had to have memorized the board and used the tricks to your advantage." Dynamo sighed in frustration and was tired of Frozen's nonsense. "Okay. That's it. Why don't you learn to grow up and move on? You have to learn to accept the loss, Frozen. Remember that one time at the card shop. You thought you were on a winning streak and then some mare came into the shop. She battled you and you lost." Frozen sneered at both Dynamo and the memory. "Don't you remind me of that, Fox Boy. That doesn't count because nopony is that lucky. They had luck of the draw and nothing more. If you use a real deck and use the mechanics to your advantage, then it counts as a win."

Dynamo knew there was no way in getting him to agree, so he decided to end it the only way he knew how. "Then how about we settle it in a card fight. One match of Vanguard. I win, then you get a rematch and we'll see how things go. You lose and then you take you and your sorry excuses out of here." Frozen grinned and scoffed at the wager. "Why should I fight you when I know I'll win. I mean, if you want to embarrass yourself further, then by all means. I win, I'll still get a date and then get a rematch, but I pick the game. I lose, then I'll consider the loss was legit." He started to make his way back to the card game table and got his deck of cards out. He looks to his current opponent and his previous opponent. "Is your girlfriend okay with the wager? Will she allow you to fight your battles?" He smirked as he began to shuffle his cards.


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@Dynamo Pad

"I wouldn't bet on that, I may have hurt his ego, but that doesn't mean the ego is going anywhere." Sunlight pointed out. "And don't mention it, I wanted to see him defeated as much as you probably did." she shook a little "I hope I never have to do that again, acting nice towards him was highly uncomfortable." Dynamo mentioning that something had bothered Jade made Sunlight thoughtful "I have to ask him about that then" though she had a guess what it could have been, but she didn't say it out loud. After Button's words Sunlight nodded and replied with a smile "If you insist".

Sunlight rolled her eyes when Frozen came to complain "Oh come on little baby, someone can't take a defeat huh?" "What a surprise." her voice was calm, like she was stating facts "Firstly, you can ask from the owner of this place, I have never been here before, thus I have never seen that game" "And what it would matter if it was the case?" "I challenged you thinking that games like that would be your talent, in fact, you said....." she changed her tone a bit as she quoted Frozen  "....Memory games and card games go hoof in hoof. You need to memorize all the cards in your deck. Remember every strategy that goes into making a winning scenario. If all else fails, then use another strategy to win. Play until you are perfection itself." she returned to her normal calm voice "That tells me that you knew you were good at memory games, yet I still challenged you."

Sunlight just glanced at the pony, she didn't want to risk being forced to have anything to do with Frozen, but she figured that Dynamo knew what he was doing, and in the end, even if he did lose, she never specified how long she would have to comply to the deal, that and the fact that nothing stopped her from breaking the deal like Frozen had, she knew he couldn't force her to anything. But still she didn't like the idea "He can do whatever he wants, I'm not his mother." she then whispered to Dynamo quietly so Frozen couldn't hear "If you make me to have date with him by losing, I'm going to kill you." it was obvious she didn't mean it literally, but it did sound she meant it, as her tone was almost unnervingly cold.



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@Pvt. Cerberus

Dynamo sighed while offering her a sad smile. "Yeah, I guess you're right. I should know better, since he's always been like that. Your hurt his pride, then he'll just rebuild that pride and never stop in his ideals." He chuckles softly and nods in agreement. "It was pretty nice to see him being knocked down a peg or two." He kept a neutral expression on his face while nodding to Sunlight. "I don't blame you. I almost thought you actually liked him. However, when I looked into your eyes, it felt as if you were telling me that everything would be okay. I'm glad I was able to put my trust in that feeling. I hope Jade will be able to tell us what's wrong. Since you two are siblings, it would make sense for him to tell you what's going on. Just let him know that I've got his back, as well." He says while offering a kind smile.

Frozen just looked at Sunlight with nothing but, disgust and hatred. "That makes it even worse! If this is your first time being at this arcade, then losing to you is more degrading." He could feel himself shaking. The anger that was inside him was rising and losing control. He knew that if he didn't get payback, then he would surely lose his mind over this defeat. He listened as she quoted what he had said previously. 'This pony dares to mock me? Oh, she and everypony else will pay dearly for this.' He thought as she continued to berate him. "That doesn't matter! You probably have an advantage with your special talent. I accepted the challenge because I wanted a fair battle! Although, you made it certain that I would lose, on purpose. I won't sit here and take this lecture from you, or anypony here! I will win and I will prove that it was all nothing but luck and no skill."

Dynamo watched the exchange of words between Sunlight and Frozen. He stifled a chuckle as she imitated him. "That wasn't half bad. You really know how to throw your voice to sound like somepony. That almost sounded exactly like him." He started to make his way to the card game table, but stopped as Sunlight whispered her remark into his ears. He could see the seriousness and cold look in her eyes. He would have been scared, but he knew he had something to prove to the ebony Pegasus. He then narrowed his eyes slightly, but his look held some warmth within his eyes. "You have my word that I will defeat him. I'll win this for you. I'll win this for me. I will win this for the both of us. I won't let him get away with disrespecting my friends." He slowly turned around and made his way over to the table. He sat down and pulled out his own deck of cards for the card fight. Dynamo sat on the right, while Frozen sat on the left. "I'm going to show you that you lost fair and square to Sunlight. You'll see that no strategy is perfect." Frozen sneered as he drew his opening hand. "Prove that to me after you win. Now let's get started." Dynamo nodded as he drew his own opening hand. "Enough talk, Frozen. Now, let's get this game underway." He says as the game began.

As the fight began, both players were being cautious while using their cards to their full potential. Dynamo had a good idea on how Frozen's clan worked, so he made sure to take some countermeasures, in case things didn't turn out well. Frozen attacked with high numbered columns, but Dynamo held on strong until the very end. As the fight reached it's conclusion, Dynamo managed to land the decisive blow and defeated Frozen, once and for all. Frozen dropped whatever cards that he was holding in his hoof. A look of defeat and disbelief were present upon his muzzle. Dynamo smiled and was thankful that he was able to win. He looked at Frozen, before gathering his cards and putting his deck of cards away. "I told you that you're strategies wouldn't win. You said that if all else fails, then try a new strategy. Now, what would happen if I made it, so you wouldn't have a strategy left to use? You didn't have any options left and you brought your own downfall upon yourself. It's game over for you, Frozen." He got up out of his seat and made his way back to Sunlight.

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@Dynamo Pad

Sunlight couldn't believe Frozen, he still kept talking, couldn't he just accept he lost and continue with his life, it was just a game after all. Sunlight didn't reply to Frozen's rant in any way, but her expression showed that she was starting to get tired to his presence. When Dynamo mentioned her imitation, she gave a small smile but didn't say anything as she didn't have anything to add to it, and when he promised to win, she nodded with a deadpan expression, she trusted Dynamo, but at the same time she worried that he would lose, not knowing how good he was at card games.

When the match started, Jade came back, but instead of staying to watch the game, he whispered something to Sunlight and they both walked to the side where nopony would listen them talking, and talked about something that from looks of it was something relatively serious, and in the end of the conversation Sunlight put her hoof on Jade's shoulder and said something before both of them came back, conveniently arriving just before the match ended. When Dynamo came back to them, Sunlight first looked at Frozen "You lost the second time, it's time for you to bug off, so skedaddle." she then just to put salt on the wounds hugged Dynamo as she congratulated him "Good job, I knew you would win, too bad I wasn't here to see the whole match."



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@Pvt. Cerberus

Frozen couldn't believe that he was defeated once again. First he lost to that orange unicorn and now he lost to Dynamo. He grit his teeth as he glared at them with such ferocity. "That still doesn't count as a win! I will never accept a loss because he cheated! He had to grab cards that would nullify my attacks. He made sure what was in his hoof the entire time throughout the game! I want a rematch and I want it now!" He slammed his hooves onto the table. His cards were sent sailing to the ground from the sudden impact of the table. Dynamo gave a look of disbelief to Frozen, as he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Seriously? That's what the clan was all about. You basically have two hands to play. One with the cards you have in your hoof and one in the damage zone. Each clan has their own way of playing, so why are you complaining?"

Frozen was about to retort, but was stopped as Button Prompt stepped in. "Okay. That is quite enough! I won't allow you to ruin the atmosphere of this establishment. It's one thing to be competitive, but it's another when one is a sore loser. So get out of here right now, or I will throw you out by force. A gamer like you doesn't deserve to play here." Frozen could see all the looks of disgust, hate and annoyance in the eyes of the crowd. He scoffed while picking up his cards and putting his deck of cards away. "Fine. I know when I'm not needed here. This place was getting boring anyway. Besides, I have a regional to get to and win." He began to make his exit, but stopped a few inches from the door. He turned to look in the direction of Dynamo and the two siblings. "Just you wait. I will be back and I will bring some backup with me. You'll be sorry you crossed paths with me again, Dynamo Pad." He faced forward and walked out of the arcade.

Button watched and made sure that the ebony Pegasus would not return. He sighs and shakes his head, before looking to the crowd and smiling. "Well, at least he's finally gone. So, let's get back to having fun and enjoying some video games!" He cheered which got a positive cheer from the crowd. Dynamo was surprised from the out of nowhere hug, but he smiled and returned the embrace. "Thank you and it's no worries. Somepony might've caught the game and will put it up on the internet." He says before giving her a playful smirk. "I told you that I would win it for the both of us. He'll never learn that his way of playing will get him nowhere." He pulled back from the embrace and smiled as he saw Jade had rejoined the group. "It's great to see you again, Jade. It seemed as if you disappeared out of nowhere. Is everything okay?" He asks in concern for his friend. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Jade and Sunlight could believe their years and they shared a look of disbelief, this pony really was a sore loser, they understood that somepony would be like that when getting crushed like with Sunlight, but now from sounds of it he was mad about Dynamo playing like the game is meant to be played. They were going to join the conversation but then Button came to throw Frozen out, and when he said his threat, Jade muttered under his breath "I hope he won't be back, he will come to regret it." 

Sunlight smiled "It's good that you kept that promise" her smile then changed to slightly awkward one as she continued sheepishly "And sorry about that.....warning of mine" "The thought of being stuck with him even for a one date was......undesirable.". Jade replied to Dynamo's question "Yeah, everything is fine." "I just needed to...calm down." It was partly the truth, but there was a detail he wanted to keep between him and her sister, it wasn't that he didn't trust dynamo, but because he wasn't sure how he would react, that and the fact that they were surrounded by strangers. 

Sunlight then spoke again "I think I have had enough games for today, do you want to come with us somewhere Dynamo?" "I was thinking heading to Sugarcube Corner to get something sweet to eat."


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@Pvt. Cerberus

Dynamo's eyes turned the the muttering of Jade's remark, but the blue unicorn kept his eyes to the entrance of the arcade. He could only sigh and shake his head sadly. "Unfortunately, he will return. Maybe not now, but he will in the future." He turned to direct his attention to the green Pegasus. "Trust me on this, Jade. He's not the type of pony to throw empty threats here and there. Once he makes up his mind, then there's no stopping him. That's just how he and the clan he's in works. That pony he mentioned, Cosmic, he'll be here as well. That pony is just as worse and is sneaky, underhanded and plain unbearable."

He chose to ignore the potential threats in the future and decided to focus on the here and now. He smiled and nods to Sunlight. "I will always keep my promise to my friends. I would never allow that guy to take you away, Sunlight." He waved a hoof to her to ease her worry. "You don't have to apologize. I could understand how you felt and I would have felt the same way. Besides, I was worried when I thought you were actually flirting with him. So, I guess we can call it even." He chuckles sheepishly. His grin fades to a neutral expression upon his face, before nodding to Jade. "So long as you're okay, then that's all that matters. If you ever need to talk about anything, then you and Sunlight can come to me. It's better to talk about one's problems then to bottle it up inside."

Dynamo wanted to keep playing games, but he felt his stomach beginning to growl. He blushes a little and nods with a chuckle. "I guess it's time to take a break from gaming. I'm starting to get a little hungry, myself." He says and nods at her offer. "If you don't mind me tagging along, then I'll be happy to join you. It'll give me some more time to get to know you both."

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@Dynamo Pad
"So there is more ponies like him, huh, it seems we were wrong about Ponyville after all." Jade sighted, he continued before Dynamo could say anything "And before you ask, we had understood that Ponyville was friendlier place than Manehattan, that's why we came here." "But it seems that it's exactly the same." "I guess there is rotten apples in every tree."

Sunlight smiled "Thanks....for understanding.....and just for the future, you don't need to worry if something like that happens again, because you can be sure it's faked if I flirt with somepony" she looked at him "Because I don't flirt." she wasn't a type of pony to actively seek partner for herself, she believed that if she was to have a special somepony, it would happen through happy accident rather than through deliberate effort. Jade nodded and replied to Dynamo "Thank you, we appreciate it." "You also can come to talk to us if you need to." Sunlight then cut in adding with a small chuckle "Just don't tell anything you want to us to forget, because that won't happen."

Sunlight nodded smiling "Let's go then" she wasn't too hungry herself, but she wanted something sweet to bite, one of her bad habits, but she didn't gain any weight from the snacking so it wasn't that big of a deal. She made sure that Dynamo was ready and then started walking towards the exit with Jade going before her, mostly to make sure that Frozen wasn't there anymore.


Edited by Pvt. Cerberus
fixed the wording a bit
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@Pvt. Cerberus

Dynamo frowned slightly from Jade's feelings about Ponyville, but he couldn't blame him. "Actually..." He spoke up, so he could gain the siblings attention. "Ponyville is a really nice place. It's just that they're bad ponies who try to visit the town. Both Cosmic and Frozen live in Fillydelphia. I grew up in Fillydelphia, as well, but I moved to Ponyville about half a year ago. I was told Ponyville was the epicenter of all things video games, so I decided to start my goal of being a professional gamer." He says in hopes of trying to change their minds of the town. "I know it might not be much to change your mind, but I can assure you, that this place is friendly and welcoming." 

Dynamo smiled softly and nods towards Sunlight. "Thanks for the heads up. I think I understand what you mean, too. When I looked into your eyes, it was as if I could see truth and meaning. It was like I could trust you, if that makes sense." He turned to face Jade and nodded to his remark. "You're welcome and it's no worries. That's what friends are for, after all. Also, thank you. It's good knowing that I can come to you guys if I ever have a problem." He blinked a few times in surprise to Sunlight's words, before stifling a chuckle. "Thanks for the warning, but you know me. I'll say something random and then you'll never forget it."

The blue unicorn nods and made sure he had everything, before following the siblings. "Then lead the way, my friends. Onward and Upward!" He shouted as they exited the arcade. He waved to Button as he left the arcade shop. "So, I think I asked a question earlier, but we were all interrupted from card game events." He says while recalling the past few moments from the arcade. "What are some of your favorite colors? I don't know if I said anything, but my favorite would have to be purple." He says while trying to make some conversation on the way to Sugarcube Corner. 


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@Dynamo Pad
"That's good to hear" 
Jade simply replied "Then I just hope they would go back home as soon as possible." he didn't say anything else, but he gave a glance at her sister who in turn gave a glance to him, it was clear that there was something they weren't telling, and it seemed that they were going to keep it that way. "But well, it's not like we could do anything about it, we have already came to conclusion that this is the best place to be, no matter what." Sunlight chuckled at Dynamo's comment about him saying something random. "True that."

 Both siblings replied pretty quickly to Dynamo's question, causing them to speak almost in unison "All of them." "Or well I mean, I don't really have a one favorite." "Same here" "Some colors look the best in one place while others fit in other place." "For example green sky in a painting wouldn't look too good, while green coat is absolutely handsome on a pony." his tone was humorous, he was clearly talking about himself, Sunlight chuckled amused "That is a good example" 

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@Pvt. Cerberus

Dynamo smiled as he was able to reassure them about how nice Ponyville is. He had a deadpanned look upon his face, but nods while narrowing his eyes. "Thankfully, they still live in Fillydelphia. Their not one for traveling much. Except, of course, if they travel to participate in video games and card games. If they do show up here, then we'll make sure to send them back home. If they aren't going to respect others and act how Frozen acted, then they get shown what happens when they mess with my friends." He says as they were nearing Sugarcube corner. The blue unicorn's eyes glanced to them and was about to ask them something, but he stopped as they had a somewhat serious look upon their muzzles. He wanted to ask what was wrong, but he decided against it. If they were going to tell him anything, then they would let him know. "I'm glad to know you feel that strongly towards Ponyville. I think you both will really like staying here." He raised an eyebrow as a thought came to mind. "Do you guys have a place to stay in town? If not, then you can always stay at my place. It's got a guest room, so you can stay until you find a place to live here."

The blue unicorn chuckled kindly at their choices in color. "I think that's pretty cool. Each color has their own uniqueness about them, so I can see where you're coming from." He grinned and stifled his laughter at Jade's example of the color green. "I can see what you mean by that example. Green is a pretty cool color and it suits you well. Just like how I like blue and it's a fitting color on me." He hummed in thought while trying to think of another question. "Do you both have any dreams for the future? Are there any goals that you're looking forward to in accomplishing? My dream is to be a professional video game player. To travel the world and compete in tournaments. I also want to try and make some video games for everypony to play and have fun." He says with a wide and infectious grin. "Also, is there any questions that you want to ask me, or is there anything that you'd like to know?"



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@Dynamo Pad
The siblings were little surprised by Dynamo's question, "Oh, we do yes, thank you for your concern though, it's heart warming." "We have a small apartment here." "Sure it's little small for two ponies, but we really only sleep there." "We are a lot outside."

When Dynamo asked about their future dreams and goals, both of them went quiet, they did have a dream, but it would have been too...telling to say out loud, so they looked thoughtful for a second. "That's admirable goal, for me...." she hummed thoughtfully "One of the goals would probably be to find the limit of my memory, to learn everything I possibly can" she kept a short pause "And one dream would be having a stable and normal life, maybe even having a family." "I have never really though about it." "Same here, though not necessary the family part."
"And questions for you...." "Not really, I don't really know what I would ask, is there anything you would want us to know?"

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@Pvt. Cerberus

Dynamo smiled while waving a hoof to them. "That's good to hear. You're welcome and it's no worries. I'm always looking out for my friends." He listened as they explained their house of residence. "At least it's better than not having a home outside. You're right about that. There's a lot to do here in Ponyville. It's a bustling town that never gets old anytime soon." He waited patiently as the siblings were thinking about explaining their goals to him. As Sunlight explained her dreams, a part of her answer had caught the blue unicorn off guard. 'I wonder what she meant by having a stable and normal life.' Was there something they weren't telling him? He shook his head and smiled. 'It's probably nothing serious and I'm probably looking too much into it.' He thought and nodded to their responses. "I think those are some awesome dreams. It would be pretty cool to learn any and all information from the world of Equestria. I also think you would make for a great mom, Sunlight. You're funny, sweet, kind and an all around great pony. Anypony would be happy to have you in their lives." He placed a hoof under his chin while deep in thought. "I'm not sure, to be honest. If there's anything on your mind and if I can answer said question, then I'll do my best to help. I was thinking we can ask each other questions to get to know each other more." He took the hoof from his chin and ran it through his mane, while he chuckled in embarrassment. "I'm not really good at breaking the ice. That, and I don't know many questions to ask, but it's fun getting to know others and becoming friends." He says as they reached Sugarcube Corner. 




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