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private Artificial Love. (with Dynamo Pad)

Catpone Cerberus

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@Simply Cerberus

Dynamo noticed a cup of water was being levitated over to him by Sunlight, which he took graciously. He gave his girlfriend a thankful look, before taking a sip of water from the cup. He hummed in delight as he felt the water helping him feel refreshed. "Thank you for the cup of water, Sunny. I'm really sorry to hear about that, Jade. I guess after what happened yesterday, along with the problem of being up early isn't a good combination." He raised a curious eyebrow at the exchange in dialogue between the two siblings. He cringed at the mention of being on loop from how Jade was feeling, but he couldn't blame the Pegasus. "I guess it's pretty much a sort of deja vu." He says, before nodding at his remark. "We woke up in the middle of the night and talked to each other, but we managed to fall back asleep. I still feel a little tired, but I blame that on being a morning pony." He chuckled slightly, but shook his head. "So, what's the plan for today? I guess it would be what we planned yesterday?"

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight just nodded to Dynamo thanking because she was already drinking her own water, and Jade let out a thankful grunt to reply to Dynamo's sympathy. For Dynamo's deja vu comment, Jade muttered, "It's worse.", but for Dynamo's answer to Jade's question and the remark about being morning pony, Jade smiled faintly and exhaled amused. 

"Yeah, I would say we go with what we planned, no point in changing anything." Sunlight said as she put her glass away, Jade answered to the question with the same tired muttering as before "I don't have any plans, so until you have planned something private, I could tag along, no use in tiring myself in home."

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@Simply Cerberus

Dynamo could only shiver at Jade muttered his comment. "What could be worse than that?" He muttered softly, before shaking his head. "On second thought, I don't think I should ask, nor should I know." He says to himself and nods to confirm his choice. He knew that he'd find out eventually. He would wait for them to tell him anything, especially from what he talked to Sunlight about the night before. After finishing his cup of water, he levitated the glass and placed it gently in the kitchen sink. "Okay, then. It sounds like a good plan to me. I wonder if there'll be something nice to do today." He spoke his thoughts out loud, while being quiet on not mentioning yesterday's events. He nods to Jade and chuckled slightly. "I'm sorry, but I know what you mean. Sometimes I can be bored and not do anything, then I fall asleep in my chair. I wake up and wonder how long I fell asleep for. Only to find out it was only an hour or two. I guess with my hyperactive nature, even I can become tired and lethargic." 

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@Dynamo Pad
As Dynamo wished, Jade didn't start explaining, but he did mutter "Perfect memory" before getting up and putting the coffeepot and -cup in the sink. "Hopefully" Sunlight replied simply to Dynamo's out loud thoughts, and Jade chuckled a bit to Dynamo's explanation about his experience on falling asleep from boredom, he yawned again "Exactly, and it doesn't exactly help that I'm already dead tired." "But the coffee should start affecting soon, so hopefully I'm not a zombie for too long." Sunlight chuckled a bit and then asked, "Are we ready to go?"

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@Simply Cerberus

Dynamo didn't have to speak any further on the subject as he heard Jade's response. "Right. That makes a lot of sense." He says as he closes his eyes and nods. Dynamo opened his eyes and looks towards Sunlight with a smile. "One can only hope." He says as he could hear Jade yawning again. "You keep yawning and then it'll become contagious. If one yawns, then another yawn occurs." He says, before yawning with a groan. "You see? Now I've been affected by the yawn!" He exclaimed, before chuckling at his little joke. "I'm guessing you're the type of individual, who gets more sleep than normal? I guess that makes you a night pony, or something along those lines." He spoke his thoughts out loud and shrugs. He turns his attention over to his girlfriend and nods. "Yup. I'm all set and ready to go." 

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@Dynamo Pad
Both Jade and Sunlight chuckled at Dynamo's joke, and it was only made funnier when Sunlight too suddenly yawned, even though she didn't feel that tired. To Dynamo's guess, Jade nodded and chuckled tiredly "You could say I like a good night sleep, though I'm more like a day pony, I wake up in middle of the day, and go to bed early.". Sunlight nodded and started making her way to the door, Jade thought for a second if he should join since he didn't get direct answer to his question earlier, but shrugged and walked after them, making sure that lights were off and that door got locked. 

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@Simply Cerberus

Dynamo faked a gasp and had a somewhat dramatic look upon his muzzle. "There! You see!? Now Sunny is starting to yawn. At this rate, everyone in Ponyville will start to yawn. Even Pinkie Pie, who is always so full of energy, will unable to help herself from yawning! We're all doomed I tell you!" He waved his arms to emphasize the dramatic effect, before smiling and trying to hold back a chuckle, but to no avail. He fell to the ground and held his sides at how silly he was acting. A few minutes passed, but he finally stood back up. All the while wiping a stray tear from his eye. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't resist in the joke. It's fun to joke around every now and again. You go through so much and don't laugh, then life doesn't seem always fun and enjoyable, or something along those lines." He says as he made his way out the door.

As they walked, Dynamo listened to what Jade had talked about and nods. "That makes sense, but I would say that you're more of a night pony." He raised an eyebrow in curiosity and confusion at Jade's remark. "You wake up in the middle of the day, but then you go to be early? How do you get all the things that you have to get done for that day? All within that time frame? It sounds difficult, in my opinion. Granted, I'm the same way. I get up early, but then that means I fall asleep rather easily and early in the day. I try to stay up, but my eyes get heavy and I don't realize when I fall asleep." 

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight and Jade just chuckled at Dynamo's joke and his over reaction, Sunlight wasn't sure if the joke was necessary a good one, but it didn't matter because she enjoyed Dynamo's sense of humor, she found it amusing, in a good way. 

"That's the thing, I don't have anything I have to get done." Jade explained to answer dynamo's question "Neither of us have a job so our days go mostly by walking around and finding new things to learn." he chuckled "Though now that you're slowly stealing my sister from me, I may actually bother to come up with something to do." Sunlight chuckled "Don't say that, I know that you're only glad that somepony else watches over me for once." 

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@Simply Cerberus

As the trio walked on, Dynamo listened as Jade explained that he had nothing to get done. "That's a surprise, if I can be honest. I know that you and Sunny walk around and find things to learn, but I would have expected you to have a sort of hobby." He says with a raised eyebrow. "You don't have a job? Then, how do you have the bits to pay for rent and such? I know my mom and dad paid the rent when it came to living in Fillydelphia." He says and shrugs his shoulders and chuckles along with Jade. "I wouldn't say that I'm stealing your sister away. I would say that I'm showing Sunny that there is somepony out there who truly cares for her. Not to mention I enjoy spending time with her." He says as he notices that they were just about in the heart of Ponyville. Everyone in the market was starting to set up and open up their shops to begin their day. 

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@Dynamo Pad
"Savings" Jade explained "We have done small jobs here and there and we had some fortune when we.......came to Equestria." he of course meant when they first woke up, but because they were in public he din't say it like that "And since our needs are....less than normal and we have always lived in the cheapest place we could find, not having enough isn't a problem"

Jade chuckled "Well, I guess you're right, and besides, can I really call it stealing when I have given my permission." Sunlight didn't say anything, she didn't really know how to react to the two stallions talking about her like she wasn't there "You're good-hearted pony Dynamo, I'm glad you're the one who stole my sister's heart away."

Suddenly Sunlight stopped, she had serious expression on her face and she seemed to be trying to listen something certain from the clutter of voices around them, Jade looked at her confused at first, but then he too pricked up his ears and started looking around them.

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@Simply Cerberus

Dynamo listened as Jade explained how they could afford their home and savings. He had a look of understanding on his muzzle and nods. "That makes sense when you put it that way. It's good to hear that you do small jobs here and there to keep on saving. It's better to be safe than sorry, if you ask me." He knew what Jade had meant, but he decided to play along in the act. He raised an eyebrow as a thought had crossed his mind. "That does bring up a good question. Did I ever ask for your permission if I could date your sister? If not, then that's my bad." He chuckles along with Jade, but smiles and nods. "Thanks for allowing me to be with Sunlight. I also wouldn't call stealing her heart. I would say more along the lines of holding onto and preserving her heart."

He kept on walking, but started to notice that the siblings weren't following him. He slowly turned around to see that they had a look of seriousness upon their faces. He raised an eyebrow as he had a look of concern upon his face. He was starting to become confused from both the siblings constant turning in place. As if they were looking for someone or something. "Is everything okay, you guys? Is there something that you're looking for? Would you like me to help in looking?" He asks as he wanted to help out his friends. 

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@Dynamo Pad

"You did, not that it's my business anyway, I'm not her father." Jade pointed out. Sunlight chuckled at Dynamo's comment about stealing her heart "You are too sweet." "And that's exactly why you have my heart."

Neither of the siblings replied to Dynamo's question, but Jade turned towards him and stared past him with hard to read expression on his face. Jade then moved next to Sunlight and put his wing in front of her in protective manner. Sunlight too was now staring to same place as Jade, but she was becoming clearly distressed about something before just taking off running. "Sunlight!" Jade hit the ground with his hoof "Dynamo, we need to talk when she stops!" he then took off and flew after Sunlight right after giving the deadliest look to the direction they had looked in. 

If Dynamo was to look in the said direction at any moment, he would see older earth pony looking back with faint smile on his face. 

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@Simply Cerberus

Dynamo sighed in relief knowing that he did ask Jade if he could go out with Sunlight. "That's good to know. I understand what you mean, but I feel it would be good to ask. To me, you're a brother who cares and looks out for your sister." He explained and chuckled along with Sunlight. "I wouldn't say that I'm too sweet, but I only speak the truth, sweetheart."

Dynamo grew concerned as the siblings didn't respond to hi question. He could only just look on as the siblings continued looking around their surroundings. Dynamo had felt nervous as Jade looked up to him with an unreadable expression. The blue unicorn squinted his eyes to see that Jade wasn't looking at him, but looking past him. Dynamo watched as he placed a protective wing in front of Sunlight as if to keep her safe. The blue unicorn became worried as Sunlight looked distressed and quickly ran away from the area. "Sunlight!? Where are you going!? Come back!" He called out to her, but it was no use.

His ears perked as Jade had called out to him. He nods as Jade gave one last look past the blue unicorn, before suddenly taking flight and chasing after the orange unicorn. "Okay. I'm right behind you, Jade!" He was about to follow, but decided to look behind him, to see what Jade was staring at. Dynamo was given his answer as he noticed an older earth pony with a faint smile upon his face. Dynamo narrowed his eyes and wanted to ask what was going on, but he decided to ask questions later. For now, he needed to catch up to Jade and make sure that Sunlight was okay. The blue unicorn ran off in hopes of catching up to the others. 

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@Dynamo Pad
It didn't take long for Jade to realize that Sunlight wasn't going towards home, as she had went to almost opposite direction, heading towards the hill she had been on with Dynamo at their first 'date'. When Sunlight ran to the hill and sat under a tree, wrapping her forelegs around her hindlegs and lowering her head between them, Jade was little confused why she had come to what for him was just a random hill, but didn't think about it any further. He flew circles above Sunlight for a while to make sure Dynamo would find them, and after seeing him to come to the right direction, he landed some distance away from Sunlight and waited for Dynamo to arrive. 

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@Simply Cerberus

Dynamo was in hot pursuit as he tried to keep up with Jade as he flew on ahead. His mind raced with many different questions. He couldn't understand why that pony had made Sunlight freak out that badly, but he'd find out when he talked to her. 'The only question is where she could be. I've been around Ponyville here and there, but I don't know every known place in town. She could be anywhere.' He thought to himself with worry etched on his muzzle. He then started to notice that Jade was flying circles in the sky to signal that he found her. He followed the trail and started to recall where he was going. "Of course. It's just like what Sunny and I promised. If we needed to find one another, then we would go to where we had our first date." He smiled, but the smile was short lived as he made his way towards the hilltop.

He was still tired from his morning jog, but Dynamo eventually made his way to his destination. He walked up to Jade as he noticed Sunlight was sitting away from both her brother and Dynamo. He looked to Jade with worry and concern. "I'm glad she didn't run off very far, but I don't understand. Why did Sunlight run away? I mean, I noticed some pony give a faint smile, but I'm not sure if that amounts to anything. Can you explain, Jade?" He asks the green Pegasus in a whisper, so as to not make Sunlight feel worried.

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@Dynamo Pad

"That's exactly what I needed to talk with you about." Jade replied "There's certain things you need to know before I let you to go to her." his tone was serious, and he kept is voice quiet enough so Sunlight didn't hear, "That old earth pony..." hate flashed in Jade's eyes "Was our neighbor back in Manehattan." "One of the few ponies who knows what we are, one of the two who didn't like it." "But he was never too nice of a pony, and it was well known that he spied on his neighbors, that's how he found out the truth."

He sighed "Now....why he caused this type of reaction on Sunlight?" "I don't know the details, I wasn't home when it happened and I have never asked about it because...well, the risk of this happening." "I only know that that pony did something, other neighbor told me they had seen him exiting our apartment. They had contacted the guards but I don't know how that went, we moved away that night." he looked towards his sister "She stayed like this until she passed out from lack of energy, and even after that, it took a while before I got her to go outside."

He cleared his throat and talked with more factual tone "What you're seeing here is the same thing I went through last night, a memory loop of sorts, a nightmare, but what makes it different from your nightmares, is that we remember every detail, and because of that, when it comes to memories with strong emotions, it can cause us to relive it like it's happening again."

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo felt almost fearful over the seriousness in Jade's voice, but after everything that just happened, he couldn't blame the green Pegasus. Dynamo couldn't explain it, but just the mention of that earth pony had begun to make him feel angry. His breath hitched as everything had begun to be explained to him. "I-I didn't know. I was surprised to hear that some ponies knew about your true selves. I honestly though I was the only one." He whispered softly, while shaking his head. He didn't really know what else to say at that point. The only thing he could do was listen and understand the situation at hoof. He shuddered at the mention of spying on other neighbors. "That's a little weird, in my opinion. I know because I had a few neighbors who acted in that way."

His eyes widened over the events of what had happened with the siblings and the earth pony. He wanted to ask, but his breath hitched as he was told that he didn't know much on the details. "I hope it was nothing bad. I don't even want to know and I would never forgive that pony." He grit his teeth as he turned his attention toward the ground. He shook his head to try and calm down as anger wouldn't get him anywhere. He kept on listening as to what was going on with Sunlight. He frowned as he could see the still form of the orange unicorn. He looked back to Jade and nodded in understanding. "I didn't know it could be this bad. I wouldn't wish that upon anypony, who would be in this type of state. I'd hate to keep reliving the nightmare of anything over and over. I don't think I'd be able to take it." He shook his head as he looked back over to Sunlight. "Hey Jade?" He called out to the Green Pegasus without even looking at him. "Is there anything I can do to help? I'm glad you told me everything, but what can I do? I want to help her and let her know that I'm here for her. I'm just confused, concerned and I want to make her fell happy and safe." He looked back to Jade as he felt tears were starting to build up in his eyes over how worried he was becoming. 

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@Dynamo Pad
"I have mentioned it few times but I don't blame you for not remembering it." Jade pointed out. "Little weird is understatement in my opinion, but that's besides the point."

Jade didn't say anything to Dynamo's comment about not wanting to know the details, as he knew he didn't need to, as his opinion about the matter was clear from his eyes that were burning in anger greater than it had been with the Frozen-situation, and for his mention about he not probably being able to go through the 'memory-loop', Jade just nodded understandingly as he didn't have anything to add and because it seemed that Dynamo was going to continue, like he did as he asked Jade if he can help. He answered looking and sounding oddly....unsure "I...Don't know, I can't really tell you what to do since it's something I never figured out myself......It was the only thing I couldn't help Sunlight with." he looked defeated, but then his tone got more confident "But I know you will come up with something, because I don't know what you have done to her, but you have managed to do in few days what I haven't been able to for fifteen years..." "...You have made her happy." he shrugged "So I guess do what you have done until now, your goal is to get her out of the memory.....so maybe you should try to get her to remember something else, something with strong positive emotion." he then turned away and started slowly walking away, but he continued talking "I'll be near just in case if you don't succeed, I'll also make sure that pony didn't follow us." he then walked off.

When eventually Dynamo was to go closer to Sunlight, he would be able to notice that she wasn't as still as it seemed from small distance away, but instead she was sobbing quietly and shaking a little, but other than that there was no movement, and she didn't react to any sounds or movements around her.

Edited by Catpone Cerberus
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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo blushed in embarrassment as he was reminded by Jade on being told that others knew, but he decided to not worry about that. He only decided to nod as the blue unicorn tried to worry about what he could do at the current moment. As Jade couldn't find an answer to Dynamo's plea on helping, the blue unicorn's gaze darkened. He could only sigh and nod once more in understanding. "I guess I was expecting that answer to appear. I have to realize that some things are never too easy to solve." He chuckled humorlessly as he felt the situation had been worsened than it already was. He quickly shot his head up to meet Jade's gaze over what the green Pegasus had said. His jaw dropped slightly over what he was hearing. "I-I made her happy? I...I guess I can see what you're talking about." He says as he recollected over what had happened these past couple of days.

Dynamo sighed once again and put on a determined look. "I guess I'll do the best that I can. I'm really sorry, Jade. Sometimes when the situation is bleak, I sometimes lose hope in myself. There are moments that I feel completely useless and I feel like I let others down." He shook his head as he knew this wasn't the time to think or feel negatively about anything. "Thank you for the vote of confidence, Jade. Also, don't worry. I'm not going to give up on my friends. Especially not on Sunlight." He nods once more on Jade's plan and he soon turned around to face the orange unicorn. Very slowly, Dynamo had begun making his way over to his girlfriend. As he got near the other unicorn, he could hear soft sobbing emanating from her. He could see she was visibly shaking from the encounter. He sat down a few inches from her and gently, but cautiously, placed a hoof upon her shoulder. He was concerned as it looked like Sunlight had a blank, yet almost far off look in her eyes. "S-Sunlight? Can you hear me? I don't know what just happened, but I'm right here. I'm here for you, Sunny. Remember when we first met? Remember when we first arrived at this hill and got to know each other? Try to remember that. Remember the good times we've had, so far." He says as he tried to help her out of her nightmare.  

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@Dynamo Pad
Jade didn't say anything more and just nodded in different ways to everything Dynamo said. 

Sunlight jerked a bit and the muscles around the area tensed up when Dynamo put his hoof on her shoulder, but besides that she didn't react to Dynamo in any way, though after few seconds, her shoulder relaxed, and it seemed that somehow only her shoulder had stopped shaking for a moment, before continuing like rest of her body.  

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo began to grow concerned as he noticed that Sunlight wasn't responding to him. He was thankful that she felt the touch from his hoof upon her shoulder. However, he needed to talk to her to help get to the bottom of this situation. He wanted to make sure that she would be okay and that they could get through this. "Please stay with me on this, Sunlight. Jade had told me what happened and I'm just as worried, upset and angry like you are. I don't know all the details, but I want to help you get through this. Nopony should ever have to go through this alone." He says as he lowers his gaze towards the ground. "I used to be treated badly because of my horn. I told you what happened when I was born. A lot of students thought I was weird or made me feel like I didn't belong. They didn't use violence, but their words hurt just as badly. Over the years, I just had to accept it and thought that other ponies were right. When I got my mark, however, I decided that their opinions were just that. Opinions and nothing more and nothing less. I know that my problem in the past might not be the same as what you went through, but I can understand how you feel."

He raised his head, so that he could look into her gaze. He noticed that she had stopped shaking, but she soon started to shake once again. "I really want to help you through this. I can't do that, unless you tell me what's bothering you. I know it might be difficult to talk about, but it's better to get it off of your chest. It's better to talk about it, than keeping it to yourself until it becomes too much to handle. If you're in the darkness, then I would plunge into the dark depths to help pull you out of your sadness. You're my girlfriend and I'm here for you, no matter what." 

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight's eyes kept staring through Dynamo, at nothing, she didn't seem to react to his voice in any way, confirming what Jade had said about her staying in same state for the whole time, but she seemed to be slightly raising her shoulder, almost like she was trying to get it closer to Dynamo's hoof, even though they were already touching. After few seconds something changed though, Sunlight still didn't acknowledge Dynamo's existence, but her ears were moving like she was listening something happening around her and her head turned a bit to a side. Her face then changed to a fearful realization and she buried her head between her hindlegs and put her front hooves on top of her head in protective manner (fetal position with hands on head) and she whispered very quietly "Please no Jade.......he's there....." she then pressed her head deeper between her legs. 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo gazed into Sunlight's eyes, but it seems as if she had a lost look upon her face. He couldn't tell if she was staring at him, or if she was staring past him. The blue unicorn soon felt her shoulder being raised slightly. He smiled slightly as he could see that she acknowledged that she heard him. Dynamo's face soon turned to confusion and wonder as Sunlight moving her ears. His eyes darted to the area surrounding them as he wondered if it was just the three of them. He looked back to Sunlight, who had gone into a fetal position. He thought Sunlight had said something, which prompted Dynamo to stand by Sunlight in a protective manner. "Hey Jade?" He asks as he became concerned. "Is it just the three of us here, or is there someone watching us?" He narrows his eyes as he got himself prepared for whatever situation befell him and the others. 

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@Dynamo Pad

"Only us!" Jade's voice came from above, he flew in place some distance away from Dynamo and Sunlight "I checked the are around us and even went to check the market, there's no indication that anypony followed us!" he was still looking around, thus he didn't see what was going on with Sunlight "Why you ask?!" he suddenly sounded worried, but he still kept his eyes on the area around them "Is something wrong?!"

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo looked around and noticed that Jade wasn't around. He gained a look of worry and concern for his friend, but stopped as he heard a voice from up above. The blue unicorn looked up to see that Jade was flying overhead in the sky. Dynamo assumed that Jade was trying to give some space, while making sure that there was nobody around. He raised an eyebrow in confusion over Jade's remark. 'That's odd. Then why did Sunlight say that there was someone here?' He thought as he cupped a hoof around his mouth to focus on raising his voice. "Sunlight was telling me that 'he's' there! I'm to assume it was the pony that you told me about in the market!" He quickly made his way back to Sunlight to make sure that nobody would get close and/or hurt her. He cupped a hoof around his mouth and looked back up to Jade. "I'm not sure if it's her nightmare or if that pony is actually here, but I'll make sure that Sunny is safe!" He calls out as sat down next to Sunlight. He then wraps his front hooves around her and pulls the fearful unicorn into a hug. 

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