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private Artificial Love. (with Dynamo Pad)

Catpone Cerberus

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo smiled as he saw Sunlight was still eating her cake. He turned back to Jade as he explained about the location of where they were meant to go. "Oh, wow. So, what we are looking for is something from back in the days of when Equestria was founded? I remember hearing about the wendigo's in the Hearths' Warming play that others put on. I didn't think that we'd be looking for writing and/or documents that date back to that time." He says as he gave Jade a curious look. "Are you going to stay with us after the info is gathered, or are you going right to Ponyville to Princess Twilight?" He knew that he and Sunlight would be spending a few extra weeks in Manehatten, but he knew that Jade deserved a vacation, as well. "By the way, did you want me to open the gift? I know Sunny is enjoying her cake, at the moment. I just wasn't sure if the gift was for her, or for the both of us. I guess I was just a little curious on what was in the box." He chuckled sheepishly, while rubbing the back of his neck with his hoof.

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@Dynamo Pad
"I'll be probably staying, since Sunlight needs to come too, after all, I can't read her mind and I have hard time understanding texts about magic." Jade replied calmly "And you can do with the gift what you want, it's for you two, so it is technically yours now." Sunlight tried to say something but her mouth was still full so it couldn't be understood, she repeated after swallowing "Don't you go hurrying with that Blue, let the lady to finish eating first." she chuckled before finishing the few last bites, she then looked at him with a grin "Now you can open it." to her it didn't really care who opened it, because knowing Jade, it was something for both of them.


There were two things in the box, a framed picture of the hill where everything had started, Jade of course didn't know the full importance of said hill, but he had figured that it was some importance since Sunlight had ran there day before, and medium sized glass statue of two unicorns hugging, those unicorns looking very much like Sunlight and Dynamo.

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Dynamo smiled and nodded at Jade's remark. "That's good to hear. I know we'll be looking for this information. However, it's good to take a vacation every now and again, you know?" He asks, before continuing. "I know what you mean though. I'm not the best when it comes to magic. I can understand some of the spells in the current spell books to a degree. If it's something to do with text from the past, then I wouldn't know that much. My knowledge on old ponish isn't that good." He was about to open the gift, but stopped as he heard Sunlight was trying to say something. After understanding what she had said, his ears fell as he chuckled sheepishly. "I'm sorry about that, Sunny. Sometimes I can be a little curious when it comes to gifts or how you have a surprise in the date. I remember once my mom got me a game for Hearth's Warming and said I could have the game early. I thought she was joking and I wanted to check. Seeing as the game was right on the kitchen table at the time, but I chose to wait. It's better to be surprised instead of ruining the surprise."

He waited patiently as Sunlight had finished the last few bites of her cake. He nodded at her last remark and began to carefully open the box. He lifted the top of the box open to see that there were two gifts inside. One was a picture frame of a hill. The other was a medium glass statue of two unicorns hugging. Dynamo levitated the two items out of the box and held them gently in his hooves. "These are amazing. I really love the picture frame. This is the spot where Sunlight and I talked and confessed to each other. In a way, it's a special meeting place if we ever need to meet, or see each other. I also love the glass statue." He says as he looks to Sunlight. "The two ponies look almost exactly like us, sweetheart." He smiles as he turns back to Jade. "Thank you so much, Jade. These gifts are the best. You're a really great friend, you know that?" He looks around the living room and tried to find a good place to put the gifts. "Hey, Sunny? Do you know where we can put these gifts? I was thinking of the entertainment center that the clock is sitting on, or maybe somewhere in our room?" He asks as he wanted to get his girlfriend's opinion.

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The siblings gave their usual smiles and chuckles.

"It is?" Jade asked when he got a chance, "I knew it had to be somehow special, but I had no idea it was that special." he had his usual smile, "Oh, and the glass ponies are you, I just didn't have any pictures with me, so they were created based on description.". Sunlight didn't yet say anything, and instead just looked at the gifts with pure happiness, but when Dynamo told Jade that he was a great friend, she quickly added after him "And a great brother.", to which Jade just nodded thankfully "You're welcome."

To Dynamo's question sunlight chuckled "Let's just put them somewhere here for now, we can choose a more permanent place for them later."

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo nodded as Jade asked him about how important the hill was to the couple. "It really is. We talked to each other and she told me about herself. She even showed me her true self, but I didn't run away. I thought she looked cool and cute. After we talked some more, we confessed and became a couple. We also made it a promise that if we need to find each other, then we would meet at the hill. That was the reason why Sunlight ran towards the hill the other day. I think we agreed that we would keep the hill a secret, but you deserve to know because you're her brother." He chuckled and nods in agreement. "I think that hill will always be special. It's where I met some new friends, but that one friend turned out to be someone, who's become very special to me. If I had the opportunity to go through that day again, then I definitely would. Only to show that my feelings for Sunlight will never change and that I will always be with her." He glanced over to Sunlight as he spoke with a blush and small smile on his face.

The blue unicorn's eyes widened slightly as Jade went on to explain that the glass ponies looked like the couple. Upon further inspection, Dynamo could see that the glass ponies did indeed look like him and Sunlight. "Wow. Now that's what I call great craftsmanship. You're right about the great memory to know how I look. It's not even a week and you know a lot about me. I guess it shows how great friends we are." He chuckled with a grin. He nods in agreement to Sunlight's remark, before continuing. "You've got that right. I know we've been friends for a few days, but I can see you like a brother. After some time has gone by, I know we'll be great brothers in the future."

Dynamo chuckled and nods at Sunlight's choice on where to put the gifts. He levitated the glass ponies and picture on the entertainment center. He adjusted the gifts, until they were right next to the clock. The glass ponies standing in front of the picture. "There we go. Now it'll looks like the glass ponies are right at the very same hill. Plus, with the gifts next to the clock, it'll be like a sort of memory that will last for eternity throughout time." He smiles as he explained his reasoning for placing the gifts where they were. "Do either of you two want any more cake? If not, then I'll put it away for later. That, and do either of you want anything to drink?" He asks as he looked between the two siblings.

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@Dynamo Pad
Dynamo was met with the usual reactions, though Sunlight blushed a bit after his last comment.

"You give me too much credit, me remembering something isn't really worth of praising since I can't forget." Jade replied humbly, and to Dynamo's brother comment he replied with the same humble tone "I don't think that's what she meant..." Sunlight chuckled.

Sunlight chuckled and smiled softly at Dynamo's reasoning for the placement, but she didn't have anything to comment, and Jade had his usual smile and he didn't say anything either. To Dynamo's question, Sunlight replied first "I want more cake but I won't take more because of how big my piece was." she smiled awkwardly "But I would like something to drink." she then looked at Jade who still hadn't actually eaten any of the cake, just broken it more to look like he had "I don't need more cake either, so feel free to put it away, and I don't need anything to drink either thanks."


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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo smiled and chuckled at Jade's remark. "I think having that good of a memory is worthy of praise. There are times I can remember some random things from years ago, but not everything." He says, but remembered the bullying he went through in the past. "On second thought, never mind. I can understand that there are times when it's best to not remember some things." He smiled awkwardly as he tried to change the subject. He soon chuckled once again at the brother comment. "That's true, but you never know what the future might hold, my friend."

Dynamo smiled at Sunlight's comment as he picked up the rest of the cake with a levitation spell. He made sure the cake was safe in the box, while taking the plates, utensils and everything else into the kitchen. "You can take more if you want, Sunny. I once took a big piece of cake and had more. Although I took the other piece of cake later in the day, so I wouldn't have an upset stomach." He chuckled as he entered the kitchen. He opened the fridge and placed the cake in the cold storage, so they could have the dessert later. He nodded at their choices as the blue unicorn looked through the fridge for drinks. "Is there anything that you want in particular to drink, sweetheart? I've got water, orange and apple juice, as well as regular and orange cola."

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@Dynamo Pad
Neither Jade or Sunlight reacted to Dynamo's memory comments in any special way, just the usual gestures of understanding and agreeing, and Jade just shrugged at his future point.

"Mare such myself has to have standards, and eating the whole cake isn't one of them." Sunlight said jokingly when Dynamo offered her to take more, before chuckling at her own comment. Jade too let out a short chuckle. When Dynamo asked what drink she wanted, Sunlight thought for a second before deciding, "Water is fine." Jade used the moment in his advantage and got up "Well, I think I'll be taking my leave, have fun day you too, and I'll see you at the train station tomorrow." he then started making his way to the door, and when he eventually was out of the house, Sunlight commented out loud "He didn't take a single bite."


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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo chuckled at Sunlight's joke and nods. "Fair enough and I understand. Perhaps we can have some cake later." He says, before taking two bottles of water out of the fridge. He wanted to grab some cola, but he decided against it. He remembered telling them he wanted to have more variety in his drinks. Plus, he knew they were going for a jog, so drinking cola wouldn't be necessarily a good thing. He closed the fridge and made his way out of the kitchen. As he entered the living room, Dynamo levitated the other bottle of water over to Sunlight. "Here you go, Sunny. One bottle of water for you and another bottle of water for me." He says as Jade got up out of his seat to make his leave. He nods and waves to Jade. "I guess there's still some things that needs to be taken care of for the trip. I understand and have a good rest of the day to you, as well, Jade. See you tomorrow and thanks again for the gifts." He called out to him as the green Pegasus made his way out the door. As Sunlight made her comment out loud, Dynamo took a drink of his water and nods in agreement. "Has he ever had some of the Sunshine cake before? I glanced at the piece of cake he took, but he didn't eat any of the cake. I guess he was preoccupied, or he wanted us to have the cake instead?" He shrugged his shoulders as he didn't know the reason. 

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight sipped pit of water "He has never been a fan but it's not like him to take a piece and then just break it into pieces and not eat it." she explained "He is firm follower of good manners and eating what you take is one of those." "If he doesn't want to eat something he tells about it before he's served any." she looked towards the door "He's not being himself, but when I questioned him about it, he just insisted he's fine....we have never argued before that." she was referencing the conversation that Dynamo had secretly overheard.

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo nods as he listened to Sunlight's explanation, while he drank more of water. "I was going to say he may have been distracted when he and I were discussing the trip for tomorrow. Although, one could talk and then eat their food to not let it go to waste." He noted as he placed a hoof to his chin. "It's good to know that he thinks that, but it's like he did the complete opposite." He frowns as he still felt bad for eavesdropping, but he then turned his attention towards the door. "I guess there's a first time for arguing. However, it does sound like something is wrong. I hope he can tell us about it, instead of bottling it up." He looked from the door to the ground. He felt he knew the reason for why Jade was acting the way he was, but he didn't want to assume. He looked up from the ground and chugged the rest of the water, before looking back at Sunlight. "I just hope everything will be okay. We'll find what we need to find and then have a nice time in Manehatten." He says with a reassuring smile.

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@Dynamo Pad
"I hope that too, I wouldn't be so concerned if it wasn't Jade who we are talking about, it not normal for him to be so.....not like him" Sunlight muttered taking another sip of her water, but she soon returned the smile to Dynamo "But I'll talk to him later, maybe he's just tired." she didn't really believe that, she knew his brother well enough to know that wasn't the case, but she was trying to stay positive for now. She narrowed her eyes playfully "So, what were these plans we had? I don't remember us planning anything."

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo nodded at Sunlight's remark as he didn't have anything else to add to her statement. He soon looked to his girlfriend and returns the smile with is own smile. "That sounds like a plan. We did have to go search for him and it was early. Plus, he was with Spike early in the morning, so he probably was tired." He says, while trying to reassure them both that everything was okay. He noticed Sunlight had narrowed his eyes as he had a playful smile on his face. At her question of plans, Dynamo couldn't help in chuckling slightly. "Well, I thought we could go for a jog around town. Seeing as we were busy following Jade to the castle. That, and I found a really nice jogging place to go around. Afterwards, I was thinking we could go to the hill and watch the sunset. Seeing that we won't be back in Ponyville for a while, then we might as well make the most out of the day. What do you think, sweetheart?" He asks with a soft smile on his face.

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight looked thoughtful for a second, but there wasn't really anything to think "Sure." she agreed with a smile, as she finished her water "I definitely don't have anything to against it." she then stretched her legs a bit, "So since you'll be leading, I'll let you get bit ahead at first so I can match my speed with yours easily." sure she had done so before without being left behind at any point, but she found it easier to get right right away when she was behind the things she wanted to match speeds with. She smiled "So don't slow down thinking I can't keep up."

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo smiles as Sunlight was on board for his plans for the afternoon. "Awesome and that's good to hear." At the mention of him leading, he smirked playfully at the orange unicorn. "Okay, but I hope I don't leave you behind." He chuckled as he got up from the couch and made his way towards the door. As the two left the house, he made sure to lock the door behind him, before stretching. "I was going to say that I have a proposition. If you can catch me, then I'll give you a present or a surprise. How does that sound?" He asks with a wink to his girlfriend. He nods with a smile at her remark. "I promise to not slow down in the run. I feel like you never slow down in the run and I've managed to keep up in the jogging. So, I think everything will work out." He chuckles, before taking off towards their usual jogging route. He glanced back after a few seconds to see that Sunlight was beginning to run and keep up with him. 'Just keep up the pace like that and the plan will work perfectly.' He smirked playfully, before looking forward and increased his running.

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@Dynamo Pad

Sunlight chuckled at Dynamo's proposition, and replied with faked cockiness "Sure, I'm more than happy to get surprises." But though the cockiness was fake, there was no question about what the end result would be, Sunlight had every time gone slower than her usual for Dynamo until this point, so she didn't see a reason why she wouldn't catch him. Sunlight stayed put for a moment after Dynamo started moving before taking off, but it didn't take long until she had caught up to him, staying a bit behind him so she would see what direction he would go since he was the one leading this time.

When Dynamo looked at her and sped up, Sunlight let out playful "Hey!" before increasing her speed to match his again, but she realized that if he was going to speed up more, she may actually fall behind, because running with stomach full of cake wasn't the easiest thing out there, even for a artificial pony. She laughed silently at herself.


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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo chuckled at how overconfident Sunlight was being, but he could see the playful look on her face. Which to him, had told him that the overconfidence was fake. "Well, then you'll still have to catch me first, Sunny. I won't let you catch me that easily." He chuckled as he continued to run. He could hear the surprise in Sunlight's voice as he sped up in his run. He couldn't help in chuckling as they raced through the jogging route. He glanced behind him to see that she was falling slightly behind. He raised an eyebrow, before realizing that the reason must have been the cake. He grinned playfully as he had an advantage on his side. "Don't give up on the jogging now, sweetheart. We're almost at the location." He called out as he continued the run, but slowed down slightly, so she could catch up to him.

A few minutes had passed, but the two soon arrived at their destination. A wide open and grassy field with flowers that stretch across the field for miles. He slowed down in his run, before stopping in place and turned around to Sunlight. "Okay. I'm right where you want me. I have nowhere else to run." He playfully smirked as Sunlight was about to catch him. He suddenly used a teleportation spell and disappeared, before she caught him. He reappeared a few meters away would soon wait for the time to be right to make his move. 

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight first didn't reply since she was focusing on keeping up, but when Dynamo slowed down a bit, she spoke humorously between breaths "Who said I'm giving up, you will get tired eventually Blue." that was true, because while the cake was now tiring her up, Sunlight had the advantage with energy because the cake would start generating more energy to her when it would start breaking up. 

Sunlight was going to point out that dynamo's sentence didn't make any sense because wide open area had in fact more places for Dynamo to run, since he could go to every direction, but she found it to be better idea to stop before saying anything, and she knew that Dynamo was just being playful. She was just stopping when Dynamo teleported further away, she stopped for a second "Okay, that's just rude, I didn't even know you can teleport" she was talking between breaths again, and her tone made it clear she was just kidding, she didn't mind what Dynamo was doing, in fact, she found it fun and refreshing to be the one fooled. She had figured out that Dynamo was clearly planning something, but she had no idea what, and she liked that.

She started walking towards Dynamo, her pace was faster than usual walking, but it was still walking.

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo didn't want to admit it, but she was right. He didn't pace himself in the jog and he became tired. Even as he hid in the flowers and tall grass, he was trying to catch his breath. He couldn't help in chuckling at her remark about him using a teleportation spell. As Sunlight walked towards him, Dynamo stayed quiet as she was walking into position. 'Just a little bit further.' He thought to himself as he waited to make his move. As he saw her walk past him and onto a big hill, the gaming unicorn jumped out of hiding. "HA! SNEAK ATTACK!" He shouted, before tackling Sunlight into a hug. As they fell, Dynamo chuckled humorously as they rolled down the hill. He grinned from ear to ear as his plan had been successful. As their rolling came to a stop, Dynamo was momentarily surprised as he felt Sunlight had pinned him down on the ground. He smiled softly and chuckled, while trying to regain his breath. "Oh, well. It looks like you caught me. To be fair, I know how to teleport, but I can't teleport to a long distance away. I'm still not the best when it comes to performing spells." He smiled sheepishly, before continuing. "At any rate, I guess you won the special prize. I didn't really think of a prize. However, I thought I could give you something of your choosing if you caught me."

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@Dynamo Pad
When Dynamo tackled her, Sunlight let out a playful scream that soon turned to loud and joyful laughter as they rolled down the hill, and was still laughing when they came to stop. She just smiled and listened when Dynamo spoke, before chuckling "Don't be silly, silly." "You are my special prize." she put her snout against Dynamo's in a way that their horn's were together "There's nothing else I need right now or ever again." 

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@Catpone Cerberus

As Sunlight gave him the answer of her prize, Dynamo's eyes widened in surprise. As she put her snout against his own snout, Dynamo blushed, while smiling softly at her remark. He leaned up from the ground and kissed Sunlight, before pulling back from the kiss and smiles once more. "Then I guess that makes two of us. You are and will always be my special prize, as well. I don't think I could ever ask for anything greater. Not even having the title of world's best gamer can compare to you." He says as he sat up and looked around them. "I hope you like the location that we went to. I remember seeing this during one of our jogging routes and I thought it'd be a nice change of pace." He says, seeing a bunch of sunflowers off in the distance. He levitated a sunflower from the ground, before placing the sunflower in Sunlight's mane. "There we go. A beautiful flower for a beautiful mare such as yourself." He chuckles, before continuing. "So, what do you think? Want to head to the hill, or would you like to stay here for a little while longer. It doesn't matter to me, since I'm just glad I get to spend time with you, Sunny."

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight returned the kiss and smiled widely, it was her turn to blush when Dynamo returned the praise. She let Dynamo to get up and leaned against him "Any location is good location when you're there." she said softly "And I love places like this.". She giggled shyly when Dynamo put the flower to her mane and praised her yet again, she didn't say anything, not that there was anything to say, she was happy, and that was visible from her in other ways, so there wasn't any words needed to say that. "There's no hurry to go anywhere, sunset does't happen any faster if we wait there." her tone was soft and quiet, she moved in front of Dynamo, putting her hooves against his shoulders and grinned "And you need catch me first." she then gently pushed Dynamo over and started running further to the field in playful manner.

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@Catpone Cerberus

As Dynamo sat up, he felt Sunlight was leaning against him. He smiles softly with a blush as he listened to her remark. He didn't have anything to say as there was nothing to truly say. He was honestly just happy to be spending time with his special someone. At the mention of not needing to go to the hill at the moment, the gaming unicorn chuckled. "That's true when you put it that way. There's still plenty of daytime and it's good to enjoy a new place like this." He blushed as he felt Sunlight put her hooves against his shoulders. He thought she was going to kiss him again, but was surprised by the grin. As he was gently pushed over, he was momentarily confused, but looked up to see Sunlight running to the field. "Hey!" He playfully called out to her, before chuckling and running after her. The flowers rushed past him as he ran, but he was having some difficulty seeing his girlfriend. He occasionally had to jump to make sure he was going on the right track. He was thankful he placed the sunflower in her mane. Seeing how he could see the sunflower moving from one place to the next.

After a few moments, he stopped running to catch his breath. He looked around and could see no Sunlight in sight. 'The cake must have worn off to give her a sugar rush.' He thought as he tried to think of a way to find her. He thought for a moment, before an idea had formed in his mind. "Today we are on the lookout for a very rare and exotic creature. Her name is Sunlight, but she goes by many names. Those would be Sunny, Sunshine, and Sweetheart." He narrated, before continuing. "She's an orange unicorn with a purple mane and tail. She likes long walks on the beach, playful flower fields and looking at the sunset. Her giggle is how you know that she's nearby. She's not harmful, but one must be careful. If she catches you, then you must be prepared for her kisses, hugs, cuddles and snuggles." He walked in a random direction as he hoped that Sunlight would hear him and play along.

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight just laughed loudly when Dynamo called out after her, she was clearly having fun. She wasn't really trying to hide as much as she was just running around aimlessly, she was actually bit surprised she didn't accidentally run into Dynamo since she didn't see where he was either.

Sunlight was close when Dynamo started his narration, and it didn't take long until her giggle could be heard, though she was still moving, circling around him like a predator stalking its prey. Her giggles were short and every time they came from slightly different location, but after some time they stopped. Then after moment of silence, she sneaked behind Dynamo and whispered "Boo"


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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo couldn't help in laughing along with Sunlight. She sounded like she was having a lot of fun. He grinned as he was having fun, as well. It wasn't long before he could hear Sunlight's giggling coming from different directions. "Do you hear that? That's the Sunshine's giggles. Which means, she's found her target and is ready to pounce." He kept moving, but stopped as soon as the giggles had disappeared. "It's quiet..." He mumbled, looking from left to right. "Too quiet..." After a moment of silence, a chill ran down his spine as he felt a presence was standing right behind him. "Do you ever get the feeling like your being watched?" He asks to nobody in particular. He heard Sunlight's whisper and jumped back in surprise. His back landed on the ground as he looked up to see Sunlight looking down at him. "You surprised me, sweetheart." He sighed in relief and chuckles, before taking on a fake look of trying to be serious. "I mean, oh no! It's the sunshine! She wants kisses, cuddles, hug and snuggles! Every pony for themselves!" He scrambled to his hooves, before taking off into the field. He slowed down a bit so she could catch him. He looked behind him and smiles to make sure that she was following him.

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