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private Artificial Love. (with Dynamo Pad)

Catpone Cerberus

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@Dynamo Pad
"You are doing right by not bringing up what I am, but it's also important...and necessary to remember the truth, because some differences just can't be ignored." Sunlight replied after Dynamo's first comment, but for other comments she didn't reply, as she didn't want to interrupt Dynamo, and waited until his last statement had passed "Sadly I can't just give you a list of things to avoid, if I knew them, I would avoid them myself." she said quietly, before moving her hoof to touch Dynamo's shoulder "But it means a lot what you try to do, and maybe that's the right way to go, or maybe not, all that's sure is that I can't just lock myself to the house because outside reminds me of a rain, so I'm more than happy that you will be there holding an umbrella when I need to face the rain, but just remember that you can't get mad at yourself if I still get wet." the rain talk was a metaphor, 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo nodded and stayed quiet, while allowing Sunlight to say what she wanted to tell him. His ears fell as she told him that a list of everything wasn't possible. He knew that to be true, but he wanted to help her through anything that was on her mind. "Yeah, you're absolutely right. I know I want to treat you as normal as possible, but I can't ever forget the truth. It gives a whole sense of meaning, or something along those lines." He says, looking to her as she placed a hoof upon his shoulder. He smiled softly as he listened to her statement. "I'm glad that you think that. I guess I try because you've made me really happy. I just want to show you each and every day how much you mean to me." He says, nodding in understanding to her metaphor. "That's true and I never really thought of it that way. You can't ever guarantee that you'll ever stay dry, while being under an umbrella. Sometimes the wind will change and kick the rain up. I've had that happen to me a couple of times when walking home from school, back in Fillydelphia." He chuckled softly, before continuing. "Even so, I'll always be happy to hold that umbrella for you. Even when things become difficult and you have to run out of the umbrella, then I won't just stand still. I promise that I would throw the umbrella away and run after you. I would never stop, until I catch you, hold you in my arms and never let go. Whatever you go through, you be rest assured that you won't have to go through things alone. I'll always be there with you through thick and thin." 

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight decided to not to say anything and instead she wrapped her hoofs around Dynamo in a tight but gentle hug, there wasn't really any words to reply with as thanking would have been unnecessary, and anything else could suck out the meaning from the situation. She stayed in the hug for quite a while, enjoying Dynamo's calming warmth and smell, letting her mind wander to the memories about their time together.

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo was momentarily caught off guard as Sunlight wrapped her hooves around him. At first he thought he had said something wrong, but he knew that wasn't the case. He soon smiled softly as he wrapped his hooves around her. He held her close, while returning the embrace. No words needed to be said as there was a comfortable silence between them. He closed his eyes, enjoying Sunlight's warmth and scent as they stayed in the hug for a while. After some time had passed, Dynamo opened his eyes and looked over at the clock on the nightstand. He noticed that some time had gone by and knew that they had work to do. He frowned as he reluctantly pulled back from the hug. He wanted to continue to stay in the hug, but he knew that they had some things to take care of. "It looks like it's almost time to go to the ruins. I didn't think two hours had already passed. I guess time flies when you're spending time with those you care about." He grinned with a chuckle as he soon got off the bed. "So, what do you say? Ready to go gather some information from this place? Then we can all finally enjoy a nice and relaxing vacation?" He looks to her with a smile, extending a hoof towards her for her to take. 

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight took Dynamo's hoof and pulled herself off the bed "I guess I am, not that there really is any other options." she looked around for a bit "And I don't think I need anything with me, I'm sure that if we need something specific, Jade has it." she went to a mirror to fix her mane and tail a bit, the annoying thing about long mane and tail was the it didn't take much to put them into a mess. When they eventually left the room, Jade was already waiting for them, carrying the same saddlebags as earlier, though this time the bags looked less full. 

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@Catpone Cerberus

As she pulled herself off of the bed, Dynamo nodded at Sunlight's comment. "That's true. On one hoof, I would of just relax and not be up to go to the ruins. However, that would be rude as I did want to help. I know you said that the ruins are more for you and Jade to explore, but sitting around and being lazy wouldn't do any good." He chuckled slightly, nodding once more about not needing anything. "I guess I won't be needing to take anything with me, either. I might take a jacket with me if it's chilly underground." He says, while Sunlight had gone to a mirror to fix her mane and tail. He wanted to tell her that she looked perfectly fine, but that was what he always thought of her. He remembered his dad telling him that beauty takes time and that it should never be rushed. He assumed that his mom had told his dad that a long time ago, so it was good for him to understand now and not later.

The blue unicorn had looked through his saddlebag and took out his handheld console. He was going to put it on the desk later to play when he had free time. As he levitated the console, his eyes widened as his mind went blank on him. His mind soon went back to the event of fighting Cosmic, as well as the nightmare he had. As the brief flashback ended, Dynamo lost control of the magical hold as the handheld fell back into the saddlebag. He didn't understand what was going on, but he glanced over to see that Sunlight hadn't noticed the event unfold. He front hoof trembled slightly, but he took a deep breath to keep calm. 'It's probably nothing. The flashback was weird, but it shouldn't be a big deal.' He thought with a nod, before eventually find his jacket. As Dynamo took his jacket with him, before the two had eventually left the room. They soon noticed Jade, who waited for them, while the saddlebag he carried seemed less full. He smiled and waved slightly as they made their way over to the green Pegasus. "Hey, Jade. I hope you weren't waiting long. We're all set and ready to go. I'm guessing we'll be needing to take a taxi to where the ruins are?" He asks, the trio starting to make their way down the hall and to the front lobby of the hotel. 

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@Dynamo Pad
"Don't worry, I've been here only few seconds." Jade assured on Dynamo's first point "And no, we need to go on hoof, there isn't any roads that lead there, and in Manehattan's traffic it's quicker to walk there, besides, it's only about two miles away, that isn't that much to walk." Sunlight then added with slightly humorous tone while also playfully hitting Dynamo's shoulder "After the jogs I have put you through, there shouldn't be a problem." Jade just turned away and started leading the trio out of the hotel.

Edited by Catpone Cerberus
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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo smiled in relief as Jade had told him that he just arrived at their meet up location. He raised an eyebrow in surprise as Jade had told them they would have to walk their on hoof. "Huh. I didn't think we would have to jog all the way over to the ruins. Although, I do see your point. You did say that the ruins are outside of the city. Also, the traffic did seem pretty crowded when we arrived at Manehatten. I guess it's one of the usual busy days of the town." He shrugged as he had never been to the town before. He recalled that there would be tournaments in the near future, so he would have been at this town at one point or another. At the mention of the ruins being two miles away, Dynamo's jaw dropped slightly. "Two miles away? That's basically the equivalent of running 8 laps around the track during gym class. I guess I would know that, considering that school had the students run 10 laps." He chuckled sheepishly as Sunlight had playfully his his shoulder. "I can't argue with that. It's good to stay up to date on the jogging plan, since we aren't in Ponyville for a while. Two miles of jogging really doesn't sound so bad and sounds somewhat easy." He says, playfully bumping his shoulder against hers, while he followed the others out of the hotel. 

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@Dynamo Pad
"Who said we jog there? but if you want we can do that, Jade can always fly above us."

The trio made their way to the ruins, nothing special happened during the travel, other than Jade being notably silent during it, until replying with words when asked something, and other than that just acknowledging everything with a nod, hum or a smile, depending on what was said. When arriving to the ruins, there was few ponies waiting, and after Jade explained some things to them and showed some kind of document, the trio were left to the old library, where they proceeded to explore and and make the plan how to proceed.

From that point on things followed a one pattern, Jade was reading all the time, only pausing to eat some snacks to refill his energy now and then, and Sunlight did almost the same, only difference being that she went to a jog with Dynamo in mornings and joined him whenever he was eating something, but like her brother, she didn't sleep during the time. This went on for a few days, after which the trio needed to put everything back to their places before finally exiting the library. During exit Jade stopped for a minute to adjust to the daylight, before heading to the other ponies working on the site to inform them they were done. They were then escorted out of the area and the could start heading back to the hotel to start their vacation.


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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo blinked for a moment, before realization had dawned upon him. "Oh, now I see. I thought we would have to jog in order to get to the ruins on time. Seeing how Jade said the ruins are about two miles away." He says, shaking his head and chuckling sheepishly. "That's my bad. I guess I shouldn't have assumed one thing instead of just asking." He says, humming at the idea of jogging. "While I think a jog is a good idea, I think walking we'll be good. It might take some time to get to the ruins, so it'd be better to conserve energy." 

There was a usual chat with the group as they made their way to the ruins. Nothing special in particular happened. Only because the trio were now beginning to make their way out of the city, while making their way into unknown territory. As they arrived at their destination, Dynamo watched as Jade had presented some documents to some ponies, who seemed to have been expecting them. After being allowed to pass, the trio proceeded into the ruins and made their way towards the old library. After dropping off their belongings, the group got together to figure out a plan on gaining the information at an even pace.

From that point onward, the trio fell into a sort of pattern. Dynamo would go on a morning jog with Sunlight, before the trio had to make their way back to the ruins. As they gathered information, Dynamo would grab a few books at a time, while handing some to each sibling that specialized in that specific book. The blue unicorn would take a break now and then to eat snacks to regain his magic, or to stretch. This pattern had gone on for a few days, until the siblings had acquired all the information needed for Princess Twilight. As they exited the hotel, he noticed that Jade had stopped momentarily to adjust to the daylight. He chuckled slightly as he couldn't blame his friend. He remembered that Jade had never returned to the hotel and was still working. As Jade had informed the working ponies that they were finished, they were all escorted out of the area and back into town. Now the trio began to make their way to the hotel and began to finally start their vacation. 

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@Dynamo Pad
When the trio reached the city streets, Jade opened his wings and looked at Sunlight and Dynamo, "Have fun, I'll be leaving you to alone for now. " and before anypony could say anything, he took off to the sky. Sunlight just blinked and looked after Jade, looking like she had been taken off guard, but she didn't look surprised, she muttered almost sadly "I'm surprised it took this long."

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@Catpone Cerberus

As the trio had finally arrived back in the city, Dynamo watched as Jade opened his wings, while looking back at the couple. He raised an eyebrow, but soon saw Jade had took to the sky and flew off. Dynamo frowned softly as his ears fell down. He knew that Jade didn't mean anything wrong, but the way he worded his statement felt cold and distant. "I just hope that he'll be okay. I don't get where he's going at a time like this." He muttered softly to himself. His ears suddenly perked as he looked to Sunlight, who sounded upset from Jade leaving the way he did. He almost didn't catch what she had said as she was muttering, but he walked over to her and placed a hoof upon her shoulder. "Are you okay, Sunny? What's wrong? What did you mean by surprised it took him this long? I'm guessing it revolves around hanging out with us, before taking off on his own?"

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@Dynamo Pad
"I simply mean that I'm surprised he waited until we arrived to the city before taking off." Sunlight said sighing "And he's probably going nowhere important, probably just to his hotel room" she sighed again "I just don't know what to think or how to feel anymore, I want to ignore it but I can's stop caring about it, I can tell there's something on his mind but also know that I can't do anything about it since he avoids me."

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo looked off in the direction that Jade left and nods. "That's true. I guess he was worried that we might get lost if we made our way back to the city." He looked to Sunlight, who sighed and looked concerned about what happened to Jade. He frowned as he felt the same way as she did. "I know exactly what you mean. To be honest, I want to talk to him, but I don't know how to put this situation into words. I don't want to say anything that might cross the idea of sounding rude. I want to ignore this worrying feeling in my heart, but I just can't." He walks close up to Sunlight, before placing a hoof upon her shoulder. "Maybe we can try to talk to him during this trip. Perhaps we'll notice something that will give us an idea on what's going on. There's got to be a clue as to why he's acting the way he is." He says, still worrying that he knew the answer to the question. The blue unicorn had begun trying to figure out a way to cheer Sunlight up. He thought for a moment, before an idea had popped in his mind. "So, now that we're back in the city. How about we go around, explore and have some fun. You said you wanted to look at something nice like jewelry, or we can visit some friends. What do you say?" He asks, giving his girlfriend a reassuring smile. He knew that while these He knew that these worrying thoughts couldn't be ignored. He also knew that it wasn't good to dwell on these thoughts for too long. They were on vacation, so they should make the most out of the trip.

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight stayed quiet for a bit, before replying only to Dynamo's last comment "I guess we can see what this part of the city has to offer, going to knock on my friend's door without informing them first isn't necessary a good idea because it's never nice to be unprepared for guests." she though for a second "I think somewhere there should be a new mall that was opened a month or so ago, we could go there." she pointed to a direction.

Meanwhile elsewhere in the city:
Jade had indeed headed to the hotel like Sunlight had guessed, but he wasn't there to stay, as he just dropped off his saddlebags before leaving again and flying some distance away, before landing near a flower shop and heading to a cafe that was next to it. He ordered a cup of black coffee and sat down to a table, but instead of drinking it, he just stared into it as he moved the cup a bit to make the coffee inside move. 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo looked worried as Sunlight had stayed quiet for a few minutes. He sighed in relief and smiled as she replied to his suggestion. "That sounds like a plan to me. I haven't been in Manehatten before, so I think it would be nice to explore the town. It gives us a chance to see what the city has to offer." He chuckled slightly, before nodding in agreement to her reasoning of visiting her friends. "That's understandable and it's just like what we discussed with about my mom. About how she wouldn't like to have uninvited company without knowing in advance. So, I guess we'll bet into contact with your friends somehow." He says, making a mental note that he would have to call his mother later. At the idea of a mall, Dynamo's eyes lit up in anticipation. "They have a mall here!? I haven't been to a mall in ages. The mall that's at my hometown is okay, but it's slowly running out of business." He nods with a grin, before continuing. "Seems like we have our destination in mind. Shall we be off, m'lady?" He asks, offering his hoof to her with a smile even if he didn't know where the mall was.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the city:

A doorbell had rang as the door to a flower shop had opened. What appeared from the shop was an ebony colored Pegasus mare, who had blue eyes and long purple mane and tail. Her name was Dew Drop and she was a gardener, who cared for her flowers. She had flipped a sign on her door that she was on break, while she wanted to go and grab herself something to drink. She noticed that the cafe next to her shop was vacant, so she decided that a good cup of coffee would be good. After arriving at the shop, she had shyly asked for a coffee, while waiting patiently for the drink she had ordered. After a few minutes, she had looked around to locate a seat that was available. She saw an open spot that was next to a green Pegasus and decided that seat would be okay.

As the ebony mare took her seat, she stretched her arms as she was glad to have a break from work. She enjoyed her job, but the customer's have been consistent in the purchase of her flowers. She was about to bring the cup of coffee to her lips to drink, but stopped as she remembered the green Pegasus from before. She tentatively looked behind her to see that he was hunched over, staring deeply into his drink. She bit her bottom lip as she was feeling nervous. This Pegasus didn't seem bad or rude, but she was always shy as she grew up. Gathering what little courage she had in her heart, she turned around and lightly tapped Jade's shoulder. "U-Um...excuse me. I c-couldn't help, but notice that you s-seemed down. A-Are you doing okay?"

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@Dynamo Pad
"I will contact them when we get back to the hotel." Sunlight simply replied. 
"There is actually several malls at Manehattan, and more are being build all the time. If I'm not incorrect, Manehattan is the fasted growing city right after Canterlot, so business is booming here." she explained as she took Dynamo's hoof, even though it was her who ended up leading since she knew where the mall was, or well, she didn't know exactly, since she had never been there, but she knew the general area where it was. "Like said this one opened not long ago, so it is possible that there isn't that many shops open yet, but it never hurts to check"

Jade didn't pay too much attention to his surroundings, so he didn't notice the ebony pegasus that had taken the seat next to him, and that was rather unusual for him, as he usually was almost overly observant due his protective nature. Jade was taken by the surprise when he felt a tap on his shoulder, but it didn't really show in any other way than his muscles tensing up for a fraction of a second. He was even more surprised when he heard the shy voice of a mare ask him if he was aright, but he didn't move, and instead just kept staring into his coffee as he replied with a rather faint tone "I don't really know if I'm doing okay or not. You could say it's complicated."

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
Dynamo simply nodded with a smile as he listened to her remark. "That sounds like a plan. Besides, they could have been busy and might not have had time to meet up. So, I can see that it's better to contact them later." He says, a look of awe was plastered on his face, while Sunlight had explained about the malls of Manehatten. "That's pretty impressive if you ask me. I guess that way, everyone wouldn't have to scramble to one mall that might be far away. I don't think it would be fun if a whole mall was packed. All to the point of nobody being able to move or get anywhere." He says, chuckling as he heard stories from other gamer's at the arcade. "I would say that's correct. I remember hearing that Rarity had opened her latest fashion shop in Manehatten. Right after the debut opening of the store, the whole place was booming with success. So if a fashion shop can excel in Manehatten, then I can see a shopping mall can, as well." He says as she took his hoof and lead the way to the mall. He didn't care how long it took to get to the mall, or wherever they went. He was just happy to spend time with Sunlight. He also wanted the two of them to have fun and to make sure that she was okay and happy.

Dew Drop: 
Dew had winced slightly as she saw the green Pegasus wince from the touch upon his shoulder. She placed the other hoof towards her, in fear that she may have bothered him. A couple of minutes had passed, but the green Pegasus had not moved a muscle. She had wondered in worry if someone had placed a time spell on him. After some time had passed, she sighed in relief that he had spoken. However, her ears fell as she could hear the faint, yet distant tone in his voice. "W-Would you like to t-talk about it? T-Talking is a nice way of getting e-everything off of you chest. I-I sometimes talk to m-my flowers when no one is around t-to talk to." She replied shyly with a slightly blush upon her cheeks. She felt somewhat embarrassed to mention something about herself like that, but she truly wanted to help the green Pegasus. "It's just...y-you seem like a wilted flower t-that hasn't been t-taken care of properly. A flower needs to be loved, cherished, talked to and cared for." She says without a stutter, before her eyes widened at how she described Jade. "I-I'm so sorry. I-I wasn't calling you a f-flower. I j-just...I-I'm sorry." She could only apologize, while waving her arms around as she was beginning to feel flustered.

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight chuckled with Dynamo, but she didn't have anything to add to the conversation, so she replied with nods as she lead Dynamo towards their destination. It was a very basic looking multi-level mall, there wasn't really anything special about it's architecture that would be worth mentioning, other than it was clearly lot newer building than the ones around it. When they got inside it was apparent that it had just opened, as the most shops were still under construction, and based on the map that was close to the entrance, the shops open at the moment were, Jewelry store, clothes store to both mares and stallions separately, a clothing store for non-ponies, a restaurant, a fast-food place, a book store, and few different general stores.

Jade chuckled quietly "I take it that you work at the flower shop over there." he nodded his head towards the direction of the flower store, but other than that he stayed put "There's no need to apologize, besides, the metaphor wasn't necessary that far off from the real situation", he was quiet for a moment before he continued with a more serious tone, unaware of any physical reactions of the mare behind him as he was still staring at his coffee "But if you really care to listen, it could do some good to get talk to somepony."


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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
Dynamo smiled as he was glad to hear Sunlight chuckling. It sounded like she was in good spirits, so he knew that everything was okay for the time being. The walk to the mall was pretty quiet, while the couple had fallen into a comfortable silence. Nothing needed to be said, except for pointing out to other buildings that they had passed along the way. As the couple had reached the mall, Dynamo stared up in surprise at how big the mall looked. The mall looked basic, but it seemed to have a few multi-levels to it. As they had entered the mall, it looked as if the place was deserted. The blue unicorn could understand as Sunlight told him that the mall had just recently opened. They stopped at a map directory, which was located at the entrance of the mall. As they looked at the map, some places were marked either open or closed because of some stores weren't open yet. As he looked, he raised an eyebrow as he saw that an arcade was available, but it wasn't open to the public for a day or so. "Aw, sugarcubes. Of course, they wouldn't have the arcade open. Although, to be fair, the mall needed to be opened with the essentials. Clothing stores and jewelry stores are always important. Plus, fast food is always good for anyone who's hungry." He says a he gave a fake pout, but soon noticed the jewelry store. He darted his eyes around so as to not be suspicious about an idea forming in his mind. "Maybe if we have time, we can visit the bookstore. There has to be a book that you haven't read yet, right?" He chuckled as he playfully bumped her shoulder. "At any rate, is there any place that you'd like to start visiting first? I'm up for anything, to be honest."

Dew Drop:
Dew had kept her gaze down at the table as Jade had asked her a question. She didn't speak, but nodded slightly with a blush still present upon her cheeks. She looked up as he nodded in the direction of the flower shop. "Y-Yes, that's correct. I-I've worked at the flower shop for about a year or t-two now. It's b-been a popular spot for ponies a-and creatures, who love the smell and design of flowers. B-Being next to a cafe d-doesn't hurt the business either." She says, smiling softly at his statement. "I-I'm glad that you t-think that way. Usually, some ponies w-would find that sort of train of thought t-to be weird." She says, noticing the serious look upon his face. She was slightly terrified, but she knew that it wasn't a look of anger, or hate. "I would l-love to listen to you. It's a-always nice to help a pony or creature out w-when they are in trouble." She says, fidgeting her hooves slightly, while building up courage on what she wanted to ask him next. "W-W-Would it be okay if I c-can see your face? I-I heard from my mother and father that the e-eyes are the gateway towards the s-soul."

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad
"Putting up an arcade isn't the easiest thing to do out there, it will take some time to install everything needed to upkeep a place like that, so it makes sense it's not the first thing to open." Sunlight commented. She chuckled at his book comment "There is plenty, since there's quite lot of new books coming out all the time, but most if not all of them are fiction, since you can't just add more facts into the world." After Dynamo's question, Sunlight looked at the map for a moment before replying "Since most of the open shops seem to be in the middle floor, I guess we should head there and see if any of the shops seem interesting."

"Only weird ones are those who think they are normal."
Jade said with a kind tone  "And when it comes to your metaphor, we tend to compare things to what we know the best, so it's perfectly normal.". He was going to start telling a few details, but Dew got to ask her question first, and it made him realize he was still staring at the coffee "Oh yeah, sorry about that, how rude of me." he then turned around with a polite smile on his face, he blinked surprised, he hadn't expected the mare to be a pegasus. He sighed as he started his explanation "Shortly put, something happened to my sister that I should be happy about, but for some reason I have only felt more and more...not happy to see her since." 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad
Dynamo listened intently on Sunlight's comment, before nodding in agreement. "You can definitely say that again. The truth is, back when I was still Pinball's apprentice, he told me it took him nearly a year and a half to set the arcade he was making in Ponyville. Granted, he was looking for all the games he could find and didn't know the theme he was looking for. He wanted a classic style, but one that could still be in touch with the present day." He chuckled, remembering hearing Pinball Wizard's vision of video games. "In time, he managed to accomplish the arcade, but it was never easy. Nowadays, he knows how easy it is to install the games and make sure everything is kept in order. I guess they'll be gathering some workers, who can set up the place." He says, nodding at how everything soon made sense. Dynamo grinned, before chuckling at Sunlight's book comment. "Not unless you have the power to jump into the future and learn all the facts you need to know. I guess there's more fiction because it's entertaining, in a way. Maybe it's a way of being able to relate to a character, or feeling like you're a part of some adventure." He shrugged his shoulders as he wasn't truly sure himself.

At the mentioning of the stores that were open were in the middle of the mall, Dynamo smiled and nodded at the plan. "I like that plan." He soon stood next to her, wrapping an arm around her, while holding her close. "However, just be careful when roaming through the ways of the mall. If you are separated in the sea of shoppers, then there is no hope of a safe return. Especially since new residents are going to the only stores in the middle of the mall." He says, his eyes widened in fear. He snickered, before breaking out into a fit of laughter. "I'm just kidding, Sunny. It really doesn't look that badly crowded. I guess everyone is waiting for the true, grand opening of the mall. Which means it gives us all the time we need to explore." He says, as the two started making their way to the middle floor of the mall.

Dew Drop
Dew smiled kindly at the words with a hesitant nod. She felt at ease when she heard the kind tone in Jade's voice. "I-I guess that's true. I-I've heard from some residents that it's better to be w-weird instead of being normal." She says, blinking in surprise as Jade had explained more about the use of a metaphor. She couldn't help, but giggle as he sounded interesting to her. "I-It sounds like you've gone t-through something like this before. Do y-you have a friend that's used a sort of m-metaphor like that?" She asks as Jade had turned around to meet her. She blushed slightly at the kind smile he had given her. The smile wasn't what made her blush. What made her blush was how lovely his eyes had looked. She shook her head to try and rid herself of any daydreaming. "Oh, I-I'm sorry. Where a-are my m-manners. I was asking to g-get to know you and what's wrong, but I h-haven't even told you my name!" She exclaims, tentatively holding her hoof out to him. "M-My name is Dew Drop. I-It's really n-nice to meet you." She says, with a soft, yet kind smile. 

As Jade had explained to her what was wrong, Dew Drop could only tilt her head to the side in confusion. "S-Something happened to your s-sister? What h-happened exactly? If y-you don't mind me asking, t-that is." She says, drawing a circle on the table with her hoof, before taking another sip of her coffee.


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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight acknowledged Dynamo's arcade story with a nod. To the book comment she shrugged "I would say the reason why there's more fiction is the simple fact that you can make more of it as much as you want, because when it comes to factual material, there is only so much we know, and there's no point in writing several books about the same exact thing." 

She chuckled at Dynamo's joke before simply replying "My guess is that everypony just have already visited the current shops, since this place has been open for a month already.".
When they made their way to the middle floor, not soon after a mare's voice could be heard from behind them "Sunlight?". Sunlight turned around to see who t was, and there was a three mares looking at Dynamo and her, a light blue unicorn with blond mane and tail, a lightly darker blue, dark maned earth pony wearing a red necklace, who had some kind of artifact attached onto her side where pegasus's wings usually were (wings not visible atm), and yellow, purple maned unicorn wearing a blindfold. "Girls?" the four mares then got together into a group-hug and all for said something, but because they all said it at the same time, there was no way to tell what actually was said.

"Not really friends necessarily."
Jade replied to the question "I just have met enough ponies to know a bit about things that are common with all ponies." He blinked again as the mare blushed, but he figured that it was because of her shyness that was rather noticeable instead of even thinking it to be even a possibility that it was because of him specifically. "Oh yeah." he said as the mare pointed out they hadn't shared names yet and told hers "I'm Jade Soar, Jade in short, It's nice to meet you Dew Drop." He took the hoof that was offered to him and shook hoofs with Dew.

For Dew asking him to specify, Jade started thinking, how would he word it so he didn't sound like jealous boyfriend "She met somepony who makes her happy, and I should be and I am happy for her about that, but for some reason I can't stand seeing them together."

  • Brohoof 1


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Dynamo Pad:
Dynamo smiled and nodded at her remark to the book comment. "That makes sense. I guess a reader can feel as if they are in that fictional world. Being able to explore alongside the character and feel like they are a part of the journey." He says, chuckling at the mention of several books being the same exact thing. "I guess that's how the Harry Trotter books became popular. Since the books focused on magic and school. Afterwards, they tried to also expand the world view of the series, along with other characters." He says, blushing slightly and smiling sheepishly to his girlfriend. "I guess you can say that I'm a bit of a fan to the series."

The blue unicorns' eyes widened slightly at the mention of how long the shop had been opened for. "Really? A month already? I honestly thought this mall had opened a few days ago, or a week at most. I guess this mall has needed more time in getting the other shops prepared. I guess this mall is starting to go into the final steps of everything being prepared." He says with a shrug. As they had reached the middle floor of the mall, Dynamo looked up to see other ponies were walking around on the upper floor. He was going to ask, but as he turned his attention back to Sunlight, he stopped as a voice had call out to her. He turned to see three mares, who Sunlight had instantly recognized. He watched as his girlfriend ran over to them as the four got together in a group-hug. He held a hoof slightly in the air, while tilting his head in confusion over what had happened. "Uh...hi?" He smiled sheepishly, while waving his hoof in a circular motion. 

Dew Drop:
Dew had looked to Jade, while listening to what he had to say on the subject at hoof. She nodded as she began to understand his remark. "I-I guess it's common f-from where you're from. It's the s-same here, in Manehatten. I-It's just, most ponies w-who use such metaphors are s-stage ponies. Since they l-like to use method acting and a-all other forms of acting." She says as the two shook hooves. "J-Jade Soar? T-That's a really nice name. Also, y-you don't have to call me by my f-full name. Dew is perfectly fine t-to me." She smiled softly as they were able to introduce each other.

As Dew had listened to Jade going into more detail of how he was feeling, she frowned slightly at how he couldn't stand to see this couple together. "S-So, this all began to transpire w-when she had found a special s-somepony. I-Is it perhaps that you're...j-jealous?" She asks, her eyes widening at her sudden claim. "Oh! I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be s-so blunt about the question!" She exclaimed with a whisper, while waving her arms in front of her. After a moment, she took a deep breath to calm down as she lowered her arms. "It's just that it s-sounds like they are s-spending a lot of time t-together. F-From what you described, it s-sounds like you and your sister are f-fairly close. W-Was there a reason for it? S-Such as, t-taking care of and looking a-after her, or s-something like that?"



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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight chuckled as she realized Dynamo's point of view, and the other mares had also noticed him as they started asking Sunlight about if she knew him and who he was. She waited until everypony was quiet before starting the introductions "Girls, this is Dynamo Pad." she pointed at Dynamo "He's my stallionfriend, we met about a week ago" there was some sounds of reactions from the mares, "Dynamo, these are Frail Spark, Lunar Charm, and Golden Melody" she then said, pointing at the mares as she said their names, first the light blue unicorn, then the earth pony, and lastly the blindfolded yellow unicorn.

Jade nodded as acknowledgement to Dew's hope to be called by her first name.

"Don't apologize, I have suspected jealousy too, but though I can't say it's fully absent, it can't be the only thing, because it just doesn't match what I'm feeling, and I have no ill feelings towards either of them." Jade replied "And yes, we are close, our parents...weren't the greatest, so we have always been each other's parents in a way." 

  • Brohoof 1


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