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private Artificial Love. (with Dynamo Pad)

Catpone Cerberus

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@The Cerberus

As Dynamo listened to Jade's explanation, he frowned as he felt awful for the two of them. "I'm really sorry about that. I guess I interpreted the statement wrong. I hope you can forgive me. Honestly, I wouldn't wish that sort of thing upon anypony. The feeling of not having to learn from a parent and all that. I guess maybe having a teacher would be somewhat close to a parent." He drew circles on the table with his hoof. "It might not be the same, but it still feels pretty close to family. I remember my old teacher, Pinball Wizard, had taught me a lot about video games. This took place after I gained my cutie mark. Ever since then, I always considered him like a grandfather, even if we weren't related."

He soon smiled and chuckled at Sunlight's enthusiastic nature. "I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that way. I think that would be cool to be taught by all the Princesses. I can imagine learning from their private libraries, as well as all the knowledge they could help grant you." Suddenly, Dynamo's eyes widened as an idea came to mind. "What if we could get them to be a teacher for you guys? Think about it. We can go visit them sometime and see what they think. I don't know if they take on just any student, but with the ability to retain all the knowledge you know now, then they'll take you in a heartbeat. Who knows? Maybe as time goes on, then they'll feel like family. Twilight as a sister, Cadence as an aunt or big sister and Celestia and Luna as mother-like figures." He grinned, but soon smiled softly as he calmed down from the crazy idea. "I know it sounds crazy, but you both deserve a family. You both deserve to have somepony to help expand your knowledge of the world. At least, that's what I think anyway." 

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@Dynamo Pad
"Don't be." Sunlight said with a smile "It's like we told you, past is past, besides, I shouldn't have even said anything about it" she sighed "It only made me feel unhappy about it."

Both of the siblings looked in surprise when he suggested about meeting the princesses, and when he had finished, Sunlight chuckled "It's very sweet that you think that, and I don't doubt that you would actually try to do that for us, but like you said, that sounds just crazy" "Not only would it be almost impossible for somepony like us to even get a meeting with the princesses, there's no way any of them would take us as a student." "After all, good memory itself doesn't mean anything in greater scale."

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@The Cerberus

Dynamo nods in understanding to Sunlight's remark. "That's true. The past is in the past and there's no changing it. The only thing we can do is live in the present and strive towards the future. Also, I'm glad you said it. I like to get to know more about you. I understand that it can probably make you feel that way, but at least you have a friend to talk about these things." He says as he goes over to her seat and gives her a hug of his own. "I was always told that talking about how you're feeling and hugs helps." The hug was brief, but he hoped that his message was helpful. He chuckles sheepishly and nods once more. "I'm a pony who has crazy ideas that sometimes works. I'm always told that Luna would never take me as a student. Even if it's a foolish dream, I still can be hopeful about it someday." He sis smile slowly faded as it was replaced with a neutral, yet thoughtful expression. "Even so, there has to be something I can do to help. Maybe the Princesses can't take you on as a student, but maybe they can guide you? I know good memory like yours means something in the greater scale. All types of talents have so much more meaning later down the line." He rubbed a hoof under his chin while in thought. 

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight smiled when Dynamo came to hug her, but she didn't really have anything to say, she could have thanked, but she felt that she had already thanked Dynamo about the same thing enough times for thanking to lose it's power so to speak, so she just nodded with a smile. 

When Dynamo insisted with the princess thing, Jade replied with friendly and calm tone "You are serious about it huh?" he kept a short pause "Maybe we can see about it someday, but maybe we should spend little bit more time as friends before you go telling princesses how great we are." Sunlight continued from that "Jade is right, it means a lot that you are so eager to help us, but it really makes us feel like we are using you to our advance, and we don't want that." 

Edited by The Cerberus
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@The Cerberus

Dynamo could only simply nod at Jade's question. "Yup I am. I know it's not having them take you on as students, but a little guidance couldn't hurt. Even if we wouldn't know where to go from there, a little push in the right direction can be pretty helpful." He feigned a hurtful expression upon his face. "I would do no such thing. I can't believe you'd say that." He says before smirking and shaking his head. "I'm just kidding, but I would never tell the princesses anything. I've actually never been in any of the castles. I know Princess Twilight is in Ponyville, but I've never been to the castle. It would be cool to visit every now and then." He chuckles and shakes his head at them. "I don't think you're using me for anything. I'm glad to help you out whenever you need help. Friends help friends. It's as simple as that." He smiles at them as he starts to stand up from his seat. "So, is there anywhere else you want to visit in Ponyville? It doesn't look like it's getting dark out, so we probably still have time." He looks at the time to see it was mid afternoon, before stretching from sitting for so long.

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@Dynamo Pad

"You may not think that but we do feel like that." Sunlight reasoned "It may be because we are not used to it, but it feels wrong that you want to help us so much while we haven't done anything for you yet." her tone was friendly and kind, but there was hint of seriousness mixed in to make it clear that she meant what she said. When Dynamo asked if the siblings wanted to go anywhere, they thought for a moment but shook their heads "Not really, there isn't any place we haven't visited before and we don't have any plans for today." Sunlight did have something but she didn't dare to say it out loud because she wasn't sure how Dynamo would react to it, she wanted to go somewhere with him, without Jade, just to get know him better now that she was certain that she liked him more than as a friend, but she didn't have the courage to ask him to a date, she felt it would be.....unexpected, and not knowing how he felt, it could make things awkward. 

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@The Cerberus

Dynamo smiled kindly at the two siblings. "If it's any consolation, I think you helped me already. Remember earlier when Frozen was bothering everyone? I could have dealt with him and he'd be on his way. He said some things, but you both stood up for me." He looked at Jade with a serious look. "You disappeared, but I know you would have stepped in to back me up. To me, that really means a lot that you have my back, as much as I would have your back." He turns his attention back to the two of them. "So to me, I think you've done your fair share, as well." He nodded to Jade's remark and looked to Sunlight, who hadn't said anything. He thought he noticed her looking nervous, but he didn't really think of anything or questioning it. He knew he would have to talk to Sunlight eventually, but he was afraid he'd chicken out. He took a deep breath as he resolved to steel his nerves on his choice. "Actually, Jade? Is it okay if I can ask you something, if that's okay?" He almost felt a blush was appearing on his cheeks, but he tried to remain neutral throughout the conversation. "Would it be okay if Sunlight and I walked around town for a little while? I had an idea in mind on where to go, but I was wondering if it can be just Sunlight and I." He inconspicuously winked at Jade. Making sure that Sunlight didn't see him, so he could understand what Dynamo was implying. 

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@Dynamo Pad
"Well, he did bother us too, we probably would have dealt with him regardless of you being there" Jade pointed out "But there also is a high change we would have never met him in that situation." he then quickly added "And don't take it as me blaming you for bringing that pain in a flank to our life, in fact, it's good variation."

Dynamo's suggestion took Sunlight by surprise, but it was pleasant surprise, she started wondering if Dynamo was reading her mind, but soon laughed internally to herself to even thinking about something so silly. Before Jade could say anything, Sunlight cut in with "Yes!" before shutting her mouth with her hoof and turning red as an apple from blushing, it had came out way more eager than she had planned, and she was pretty sure that it had revealed more about her feelings than she had hoped. Jade chuckled "Well, you got your answer." he looked at Dynamo "But there wasn't any reason to ask me in the first place." he got up and chuckled again "I'm not her dad."

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@The Cerberus

Dynamo nodded at how Jade's remark made sense. "That's true, but in the end, I'm glad that I somepony had my back through all of that. Usually, I'd be on my own and had to deal with more of their nonsense. It felt nice having friends who could help out." He smiles, before continuing. "I get what you mean. I know if he comes back, then I know I won't be alone. It's the same for you if he comes to bother you guys. I'll be there to help since he won't get away with messing with my friends." He says with a look of seriousness on his face. 

The blue unicorn blinked in surprise from Sunlight's outburst, but he chuckles at how cute she looked from blushing. He looked to Jade and nods in agreement. "I guess I did get my answer." He added, before continuing. "I know, but it still felt right to ask. You're her brother and it seems like you take care of her. Even though she's smart, strong and independent. I can tell you care and worry about her like a good big brother should. I promise I won't keep her out late. I don't want to make you worry." He says, before looking over to Sunlight while smiling softly. "Ready to go, Sunlight?" 

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@Dynamo Pad
Jade laughed "Keep her as long as you want, it does good for us both to be a moment away from each other, after all, we have been staring each other's faces 24/7 our whole lives." he shot a serious look towards Dynamo and was going to say something but he couldn't keep the serious face long enough to actually say it, he chuckled "Have fun you two." he then started walking away.

Sunlight looked at Dynamo smiling when he asked if she was ready, her blush had started fading away but it wasn't gone yet, "Yes, I'm ready" her tone was lot more composed now that she focused on keeping it that way, she got up and walked next to Dynamo, "So, what were you planning?"

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@The Cerberus

Dynamo could only laugh along with Jade's remark. "I'll keep that in mind. I guess when you're with someone all the time, it must be good to do separate things every now and then." He matched Jade's serious look with his own, but almost broke out laughing as soon as Jade couldn't keep a straight face. He blushed slightly at Jade's remark and chuckles slightly. "Thanks and you as well, my friend." He waved as Jade made his exit.

Dynamo smiled as he motioned her to follow him. "Then let us be on our way." He says as they made their exit out of Sugarcube Corner. He knew where they were going, but decided hum playfully in thought. "Hmm...I was thinking about walking around town and see where the wind would take us." He chuckled softly, before shaking his head. "I'm just kidding, but I do have an idea. I was thinking about going to this one place that's near Ponyville. It has this great view of the whole area, so I thought we could watch the sunset. That, and maybe get to know each other more. How does that sound?"

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@Dynamo Pad

"Sound good to me." Sunlight said, trying to sound dismissive, but it was clear that she enjoyed the idea, she was quiet for a second and continued with a slightly teasing tone "I didn't expect you to ask me to a date." Sure Dynamo hadn't said this was a date, but Sunlight wasn't stupid, asking a mare to watch a sunset was the most generic way to ask somepony out, not that she complained, she liked simplicity, and watching a sunset was like roses, you can't go wrong with it. She chuckled before she continued  "Not that I'm necessary complaining." She felt lot more comfortable being more open now, but she still wasn't fully ready to say directly out loud how she felt.

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@The Cerberus

Dynamo smiles as Sunlight agreed on the plan. Watching the sunset together wasn't anything fancy, but it wasn't casual at the same time. He blushed at her teasing tone, but tried to keep his composure. "In a way, I didn't expect that either. I thought all three of us would hang out a little more, then before you both left for home I was going to see if you wanted to spend the next day together. I guess this is a date, but I felt that a date can be better planned." He enjoyed the sound of her laughter. It felt like music to his ears. He smiled softly before he continued. "However, I'm not complaining about this either. I think this is still a nice date, nonetheless." He slowly walked closer to her, but kept his distance to give her room to walk. He looked at the road ahead and saw that they were just about outside of Ponyville. 

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight smiled "A date doesn't need to be well planned special occasion." "In fact I prefer simple things, because if you need something expensive and impressive to impress somepony, why bother, they clearly aren't interested." she noticed that Dynamo came closer but didn't say anything about it, she was now pretty sure that Dynamo had similar, if not same feelings towards her than she had towards him, since he did make it pretty obvious, but she still wasn't ready to bring it up in a conversation, because she didn't know how to do so without sounding awkward. "I have actually never watched the sunset before." Sunlight said with a soft voice, trying to keep the conversation going. "I mean, of course I know what it looks like but I have never looked at it for sake of looking at it." she chuckled a bit "It's actually funny when you think about it, considering that I'm named after the sun"

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@The Cerberus

Dynamo smiled. "That's true when you think about it. I guess if both ponies are happy and have fun throughout the date, then the date is a success, in the end." He nodded in agreement. "I guess I'm the same way when it comes to dating. Expensive and fancy things don't really matter to me. As long as my date is happy, then I'm happy too. Fancy and/or impressive is okay, but only if there's a special occasion, if that makes sense." He noticed that she didn't move away from him as he was close to her. He smiled, but decided to wait to talk about everything when they got to the location. He felt nervous that he didn't know what he would want to talk about, or how to put his feelings into words. He almost felt like running away and forgetting the idea, but he knew running would solve nothing. He would just do his best like he always did. He looked back to her as his eyes widened in surprise. He then smiles softly. "I remember you and your brother said that you both accomplished everything there is to do in Ponyville, or something along those lines. I guess it's something special that I get to show you something that you've never done before. I think you'll enjoy it." He chuckles a little as he realization hit him. "I almost didn't notice that. Your fur colors, as well as your mane and tail colors match the sun as well. A beautiful array of colors that captures the breathtaking, yet appreciative view of the sky." He blushed slightly as he described her to an actual sunset. After a bit of time, the two finally made their way to their location. A giant hill with a plain tree, that overlooked the entire town of Ponyville. 

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@Dynamo Pad
"I don't doubt it" Sunlight simply said, she knew she was going to enjoy it, but it wasn't necessary because of the sunset itself, since like said, she had seen it before, just not watched it because well, it wasn't something she wanted to do alone and it would have been....unusual with a brother, considering the romantic mood associated with it. She blushed when Dynamo compared her to a sunset, and even though she didn't necessary agree that purple matched the sunset, she ignored the fact, she knew that she had to try and throw logic and facts out for now, it only flattened the mood. She chuckled embarrassed, again she didn't know what to say, but she didn't want to say nothing, so she blushed a bit more as she said sheepishly "You're making me blush."

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@The Cerberus

Dynamo grins at her blush and remark. "That's the plan." He chuckles, before continuing. "Besides, I think the blush makes your look cuter than you already are." He spoke softly on that last part, but it was enough for her to hear him. The trekked to the top of the hill until they reached the base of the tree. He panted a little from the steep, uphill climb, but the travel was worth the view. He sat down as his back leaned against the tree. He took a deep breath and sighed happily. He closed his eyes as he felt the cool wind brush past him. He slowly opened his eyes as the magnificent view of the sunset, as well as the town, came into his view. "It never gets old no matter how many times I see the view." He said to himself as he patted the spot next to him. "Here, Sunlight. Sit, chat and enjoy the view."

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@Dynamo Pad

Dynamo's statement made Sunlight only blush more, and she was now even more speechless, she still wasn't good at taking praise, even if she did frankly enjoy it, especially coming from Dynamo. She looked towards the ground and said with quiet but humorous tone "You're evil." "Embarrassing innocent and defenseless mare like that." it was clear form her tone that it was meant as a joke.

Sunlight stopped when they arrived on the top of the hill, the view was breathtaking, why hadn't she came here before, she just stood there staring into the distance until she heard Dynamo saying her name, she looked at him, smiled and nodded, and walked next to him, before sitting next to him, 'accidentally' sitting closer to him than he probably anticipated. 

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@The Cerberus

Dynamo could only chuckle at her remark, before giving her a playful smirk. "I can't be good all the time. I can a little evil too, you know?" He stuck out his tongue playfully and chuckles once more. "I'm just kidding. I will say this though. I can't help it if what I say to you is the truth. That is something that I could never lie about to you, Sunlight." He was caught off guard as she sat down next to him. He blushed as she sat closer to him than he would've expected. 'I guess this is sort of payback from making her blush a lot today. I don't mind, but I didn't expect that, to be honest.' He thought as he decided to make use of the situation. He decided to fake a yawn and laid an arm around her shoulder. He pulled her in slowly until they were shoulder to shoulder. "I really like it up here. I usually come up here to think or to enjoy the view. I'm glad that I get to share this view with somepony." His blush became a little more visible as he turned to look at her. "I'm even more glad that the pony I get to share this with is you, Sunlight." Even though there were a few hiccups along the way, he truly enjoyed what today had to offer. "I know this is random and/or sudden, but I thought this could be a good start on getting to know each other more. How old are you and what's your birthday? For me, I'm nineteen years old and my birthday is on July 20th."

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@Dynamo Pad

Sunlight still didn't know what to say, so instead she just smiled widely when Dynamo told about telling the truth.

When Dynamo did the fake yawn hoof around shoulder-move, Sunlight didn't resist, it was obvious to her that the yawn was fake and all that, in fact, the trick was predictable, it being used in every book about romantic situations Sunlight had read, but she didn't mind it, she actually found it oddly pleasant that Dynamo seemed to follow all the cliches of romance, most likely because that way she could prepare for what was coming, avoiding unnecessary embarrassment. She decided to make a small effort too after Dynamo had told that he was glad to be there with Sunlight, first meeting Dynamo's eyes with her own, and then tilting her head in a way that it rested on Dynamo's shoulder, "I'm glad too."

When Dynamo asked Sunlight's age, she went into internal panic that wasn't apparent from outside in any other way than from her pupils dilating, she didn't know what to answer, she couldn't tell the truth, since it would reveal her....differences, and she hadn't planned a lie either. After what felt like a eternity for her, but actually was just little over a second, she came up with something, "You shouldn't ask a mare their age." she spoke with clearly faked offense, before chuckling a bit "However I don't mind." "20, and last of October" She felt absolutely awful for lying to Dynamo, but she didn't have a choice, the alternate could be lot worse.  

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@The Cerberus

Dynamo smiled softly as Sunlight rest her head on his shoulder. He was glad to hear that Sunlight was enjoying the moment as much as he was. "I'm glad to hear it. Maybe we can make this somewhat of a personal meeting spot. If we ever want to enjoy the view, to talk, or to meet, then we can come up to this hill. It'd be something special for the two of us, if that makes sense." He wasn't sure why he would say such a thing, but it felt right to him. Some ponies would visit here, but it felt like he would visit this place a good majority of the time. However, with Sunlight it felt right. It felt like there was a connection between the two. As he asked her about her age, he somewhat noticed that her pupils became dilated. He raised an eyebrow in slight surprise as he didn't understand the reasoning. He wanted to question it, but it probably be rude and to do so. Instead, he decided to keep that notice in the back of his mind and ask about it later. His ears perked as she came back to reality with a remark that sounded like a fake offense. He gave her an apologetic look and chuckles. "I'm sorry, but I was going to find out sooner or later on how old your were. Besides, knowing your brother, he would probably tell me either way." He wanted to ask her a more personal question, but decided to hold it off until later. "Do you have any pet peeves when it comes to friends or anypony in general?"  

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@Dynamo Pad
"Sounds good to me, this is a good place where nopony should bother us." she tried to sound as nonchalant about it as she could, but she couldn't hide the fact that she liked the idea of having a set meeting place with Dynamo that even Jade didn't know about. She chuckled at the Dynamo's comment about Jade "That's true, he probably would tell what I was thinking if he knew and you asked." "He has always been like that.". When Dynamo asked about her pet peeves, Sunlight thought for a second "Besides everything about Frozen?" she hummed thoughtfully "Maybe ignorance, you know, the type of ponies who just don't want to understand something, no matter how much facts you give them." "I haven't really thought about that before, I tend to focus on the positives."

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@The Cerberus

Dynamo grinned at her agreement of this being their personal meeting spot. "I guess I hit the nail on the head. I haven't known Jade for that long, yet it seems like I figured him out, somewhat. I can tell he and I will be awesome friends." He chuckles and nods. "It makes sense when you think about it. You both are siblings and I guess siblings have that sort of bond. You've been together for so long that I still think you both have ESP." His face became neutral as he took in her words. He laughed slightly as she mentioned Frozen as a pet peeve. "If one didn't truly know who Frozen is, then they would say that's harsh. I don't blame you and that was pretty funny." He nodded and hummed in thought of his own pet peeves. "I can still see what you mean. I always like to keep my mind open on things. If someone is talking nonsense like Frozen, then yeah, I'll remain ignorant. Everypony should be open on any and everything around them. It would help to give them a better understanding in their lives. I would have to go an say those who can't allow others to learn or try. As in, denying them a chance to try without even getting a chance. Another would be treating others horribly without getting a chance to truly know them. As well as lying, if that makes sense. I mean, true, we all lie from time to time. However, if said individual lies and has a legitimate and reasonable explanation, then I can understand how they feel. I don't like how others lie and take advantage of others for no good reason. Other than to make them feel bad and to use them for their own gain." He says as he remembered a couple of things from his past. He shook his head to rid himself of the bad memories and to focus on the present. "I agree on what you mean. It's better to look on the positive side of things, instead of focusing on the negatives."

He felt a bead of sweat trickle down his forehead as he was preparing to ask her his next question. "Hey, Sunlight? Remember when I asked earlier if you had any special somepony? As well as when I said I had my eye on somepony?" He almost started to tremble as he knew this would probably be out of nowhere, but he decided to push onward. "What if I were to say that somepony I had my eye on...was you?" He blushed as he finished his question. 

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight chuckled "We don't quite have that but we do know each other quite well." "To put it bluntly, when you are with somepony enough, they become predictable in certain things." "Thus we can guess what other is thinking based on what they say." Sunlight listened as Dynamo explained his pet peeves, and when he mentioned lying, Sunlight felt terrible, even after he explained more in detail what he meant, sure she could have shrugged it of on the basis that she had a very good reason to lie about things she did, but she simply couldn't get rid of the feeling that it was wrong for her to not to tell the truth to Dynamo. She went through her options in her head, she could tell the truth, but she knew she couldn't do it, maybe ask Jade to do it, no, that wouldn't be good either, but also if she kept hiding it and it got revealed later, it would be even worse.....she had to ask Dynamo directly what he would think about it, without telling about it...but how....she started thinking.

When Dynamo confessed how he felt, Sunlight blushed again, going redder than she had been in any point, she didn't know why, since it had been pretty obvious in the last few moments that there was more than 'wanting to be good friends', but somehow it still got her off guard, "Me?" she replied sheepishly, she was happy to get the confirmation, but it still felt weird to her that Dynamo would actually like her, she looked awkwardly towards the ground "I would ask you are you sure." "Then I would tell you...." she looked Dynamo to his eyes "....the same"

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@The Cerberus

Dynamo chuckled along and nodded. "That does make sense. I'm not the best when it comes to remembering things. That, or being able to predict what the other pony is saying, but I know I'd be able to figure it all out eventually." He noticed her starting to blush heavily from his partial confession. He nodded slowly as she asked if the blue unicorn was talking about her. He watched as she awkwardly looked toward the ground. He felt his blush intensify, if he could blush any more from what she had just told him. It seemed that she felt the same as liking him more than just a friend. He smiled softly, before continuing. "I would tell you that I am definitely sure and I can tell you this." He paused for a brief moment, before looking into her eyes. "I know that we just met today, but I really do like you, Sunlight. I know that it might be sudden and I don't know where this road will take us, but I want to walk down this road together with you by my side. So, what do you say? Would you like to be my marefriend?" He asked with kindness and caring in his eyes. As well as a warm smile upon his muzzle. This was it. He knew he put everything on the table, but he wouldn't turn back now. 

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