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private The Love Between Two Gamer's (1 x 1 between Dynamo Pad and AzureMoon)

Dynamo Pad

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@Dynamo Pad

Night would nod "He's just a bit shy around new ponies" she would say and nuzzle him "Alright well, how about we get some Neighponese or pizza?" she would ask him, getting out the specific menus and her phone.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Crescent Moon

"I guess everyone has that shyness to themselves whenever they meet new ponies or creatures. I remember being like that when I first met Pinball Wizard, while he was visiting in Ponyville." Button smiled as he returned the nuzzle. "Hmm...that's a difficult choice. I'm all about pizza, but Neighponese sounds good too. I would say you can choose, but how about we flip a coin?" He would suggest, while pulling out a coin from his pants pocket. "So, what do you think? Heads is Neighponese and Tails is Pizza."

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@Dynamo Pad

Night would smile with a nod "Sure we can flip a coin" she would say, taking the coin and flipping it. It landed on tails "well tails it is, guess it's pizza tonight" she'd smile "Any particular pizza you'd like dear?" she would ask, looking at the menu, choosing to go for the new yorker size double cheeseburger pizza.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Crescent Moon

As Button flipped the coin, it spun for a few seconds in the air, before it landed back on his wrist. His slapped his other hand on his wrist, while trying to be dramatic on the decision at hand. Upon removing his hand, he noticed that the coin landed on tails. "Alright! It looks like pizza is the winner this time!" He'd laughed with a smile. "Hmm...I guess we could order something and we each take a topping. Maybe I choose one and you choose the other. I'll take either pepperoni or pineapple. I know some ponies would find the latter of the two to be crazy on pizza, but it's so delicious!" He'd say as he looked to Night, who was looking through the menu.

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@Dynamo Pad

"Half half hmm? Yeah that sounds good" she would say "well I chose my half already and it seems you have as well" Night says, nuzzling him gently as she calls up the pizza delivery and makes their order before hanging up and cuddling up to him. "Excited for the weekend dear? A major thing like Dusky's party will certainly bring in more business to the arcade, right?" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Crescent Moon

"Glad to know we think alike at times. You chose your half of toppings? Excellent! What did you have in mind?" Button would ask, returning the gentle nuzzle, while Night called up the pizza delivery. "I'm definitely set for this weekend. Especially when it's our Dusky's big weekend. I think having more business to the arcade is nice, but I know it's all about Dusk. Good business comes and goes, but happiness lasts forever. Just like the happiness I have when I was able to meet you." He smiled, kissing Night as they cuddled.

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@Dynamo Pad

Night would smile "I got the double cheeseburger for my half" she would say, leaning back a little and closing her eyes "And you are definitely right, also, I know for a fact his new friend and his parents will definitely be there, as will the Princesses and Twilight's friends"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Crescent Moon

"Double cheeseburger on pizza? Is that even possible? If so, then that's crazy. Granted, some go and complain about pineapple not working on pizza, but that's just crazy talk. Still, I think that sounds like a delicious dinner." Button would say, leaning back as he leaned his head against Night's. "I remember seeing Dusk's new friend, Onyx. They met at the arcade and played games together. So, one can't deny having a friend at his party. I know his mother works as an employee, so we'll have to meet her husband. The princesses will be there too? Now that sounds interesting. Dynamo and Broken told me that Pinkie's daughter would also show up at the party. Something about having another friend that Dusk would meet. It sounds like this'll be an amazing party."

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@Dynamo Pad

Night smiles "You'll see babe" she says and nods "Seems our little grandson will soon have a small circle of close friends he can play with" she says, nuzzling him "which makes me really happy, and it will be, from what I heard, Broken and Dynamo are pulling out all the stops to make sure this will be a memorable party for Dusky"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Crescent Moon

"I sure will see when the time comes. I'm glad our grandson will have a few friends to call his own. He's growing up and he'll be able to spend time with friends, while in Ponyville." Button smiled, returning the nuzzle. "At least the friends he's making are all in Ponyville. That way, they can all be close if they ever need to be there for one another." He would say, raising an eyebrow in wonder of Night's remark. "Oh? I believe they said that they were getting some of our friends and family to visit, but I didn't think they'd be pulling out all the stops. What did they have in mind?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Night would smile "Well, for one they are bringing the Princesses and the mane six" she says with a smile "They also got Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich to make an amazing cake in the shape of Luna for Dusk, as we all know, Luna is his favorite princess, though I'm sure he loves them all pretty equally"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Crescent Moon

"I knew they were bringing Dusky's auntie Luna, but I wasn't sure if the other princesses would be there. Same with the mane six as I knew Pinkie, Cheese and their daughter would be at the party." Button smiled, before chuckling. "I can't say that I'm surprised by the whole cake shaped like Princess Luna. She is his favorite princess, after all. Let's just hope that nobody mistakes the cake as the real princess. Otherwise, I could imagine some very bad confusion/mix-ups."

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@Dynamo Pad

Night would laugh "Oh yeah, too true" she would say, answering the door as their pizza arrives "I'm sure there will be some obvious signs that it is a cake though" she chuckles, placing the pizza onto the coffee table before cuddling up to Button and enjoying a slice of her half.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Crescent Moon

"I suppose you're right about that. I mean, it'll have the words 'Happy Birthday' on the Luna cake. Of course, some could mistake that at Luna's birthday, but then again. The cake will have Dusky's name on it." Button chuckled as Night answered the door and placed the box of pizza on the coffee table. "Thank you for dinner, dear. Nothing beats having pizza along with your special someone." He kisses her cheek as she cuddled up to him, before enjoying his slice of dinner.

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@Dynamo Pad

Night would nod "It's going to be something special, that's for sure. I'm just really happy that Dusk and Dynamo get along so well." She says "If what I've heard about Dynamo's parents is true, then I'm not really surprised"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Crescent Moon

"I have no doubt about that. I'm glad that Dusk was able to form a father/son bond with Dynamo so easily. I guess since Dynamo acts like a goofball, then Dusky was able to relate to that. It's that kind of attitude that allows one's heart to forms so many connections to so many ponies and creatures. Just like I can get along so well with him." Button chuckled, before raising an eyebrow. "Hmm? What do you mean about his parents, Night? Is there something that you know that I don't?" He asks, leaning closer towards Night as curiosity was getting the better of him.

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@Dynamo Pad

She chuckles "Oh no, I just mean that I heard his father was pretty much the same way. Always acting like a goofball, except for the times he needed to be serious" she says with a smile and noms on her second piece of pizza. "I did get to know him a little, when he worked over time and I did some extra work as security for the factory that he worked at"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Moonstone Aura

"Are you talking about Dynamo's dad, or Dusk's dad. If you mean Dynamo, then that's what I heard about too. I've met him once or twice, but it was because he was always at the track. If you ask me, then it's like father like son." Button chuckled as he began to eat his second slice of pizza. "If not, then I think that's pretty cool. I know you told me that you work as Luna's right hand guard, but I didn't know you worked as security. What kind of factory work was it?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Night would nod "Yea, I met Dynamo's dad a few times. Mostly at the track but sometimes at the factory" she'd say "and it is pretty much like father like son" she would say with a smile "and I have a feeling, his fun loving attitude will rub off on Dusty soon enough" she'd say and then nod "and it was mostly a motorbike factory"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lazy Ferret

"Wait, really?" Button would ask with raised eyebrows. A look of shock and awe was present upon his face. "Dynamo never told me that, but I guess he didn't know either. I suppose you have something to tell him the next time Dynamo and Broken are visiting with Dusk. I guess that makes sense that the two of you would meet at a motorbike factory. With his dad being into racing, then there would be a competition to race down the trace in either cars or motorbikes." He pondered, before nodding with a smile. "You can say that again. Given that it's the old say goes with like father, like son. Do you think the fun loving attitude hasn't rubbed off on Dusky already?" He would ask with a chuckle.

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@Dynamo Pad

Night just chuckles "You're right there, we'd sometimes watch the races together" she would say "I liked to consider Quick a good friend, though I didn't really get to see him all that often" she would say but then smile and some nod a little more "And you're probably right, Dynamo's fun loving nature probably has already rubbed off a little on our little Dusky"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lazy Ferret

"I don't think I'd ever take you as a racing fan. Dynamo did tell me that his dad was pretty good friends/acquaintances with the Wonderbolts, but I always was skeptic on the whole idea. The Wonderbolts are some of the most well known aerial performance and racing teams in Equestria." Button shrugged his shoulders, before nodding. "If you got to see him from time to time, then I consider that to be good friends. We can't spend time with everyone all the time. We all have our lives to live, after all." Button chuckles, nodding once more. "I think I've seen Dusk in the arcade long ago, but he was always reserved. It was the same thing for you and Quick. I never saw Dusk all that often, but then again. It's the same for every other gamer and non gamer that shows up at the arcade. I'm just glad Dusky was able to change for the better after everyone got to meet each other."

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@Dynamo Pad

She would nod "Well you know, I love a good adrenaline rush, but being a mom and nana, I've got to be careful. So watching the races kind of fulfils that" she'd say with a smile, leaning on him "yeah, Dusk's always been quite reserved and shy" she'd say, snuggling closer, "Well, hopefully the party will help him see he has many friends who love and care for him"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lazy Ferret

"You? Miss Night? An adrenaline pony? No...I wouldn't have guessed that." Button chuckled, before nodding. "I can imagine you'd like a good adrenaline rush. Given what you said about loving racing events. I can also imagine that you might have to go through training as a guard, or even go through a battle at one point or another. So, I can see how you'd also have that sort of adrenaline rush too. Although, I get what you mean. It's better to be careful because I think too much of an adrenaline rush is not good." He would say, wrapping an arm around her as she leaned against him. "You wouldn't expect Dusk to be shy and reserved when you get to know him. However, I think this party will definitely help bring him out of his shell. I know he'll love to see Onyx and Cupcake and Auntie Luna, of course." He smiled as he nuzzled Night.

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@Dynamo Pad

Night just chuckles and nods with a nuzzle to Button "Guard work does indeed have it's adrenaline rush moments,  so it never truly gets boring. But just to watch the races and all also helps, I'd love to race, myself, but it's a bit too dangerous for me" she chuckles once more "And I know, I hope the party does help Dusky come out of his shell a little more as well, I did hear he got along pretty well with Onyx when they met"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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