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Ponyvania: Order of Equestria - Pony Castlevania fangame!


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This is Ponyvania: Order of Equestria. (a pun on Order of Ecclessia)

If you've played Castlevania games, you know what to expect. (NOTE: I've only played to Symphony of the Night.)

This game was started around season 2 or 3, and involves Discord's seal starting to come loose. As a player created pony, you have to find the Elements of Harmony before he is released.  (You can choose a mane 6 preset too.)

 Everyone has HP and MP and stats, equipable weapons and armor, as well as experience for levelling your character, like Symphony of the Night. 

You can pick from an Earth, Pegasus, or Unicorn pony, all three have their own benefits and features.

Earth ponies play most like Castlevania. You get the whip, and the special moves are all modelled after real Castlevania items like the boomerang and holy fire, made into dragon fire here. Their forte is in the main weapon, the skills are secondary.
Earth pony specific abilities include an uhppercut punch move, guarding, and a stomp move.

Pegasi are focused on mobility, flight, and weather moves, lightning and wind elemental. They primarily use spear weapons, and their weapon and skill usage is meant to be pretty even.

Pegasus abilities include flight, a dashing attack, being able to attack while walking, and the back dash move from Symphony of the Night.

Unicorns use their skills primarily, and their weapon as a second resort. You can use it, but it's not optimal. They use all different elemental magic. Fire, Ice, Rock, Light, and Dark. Unicorn specific abilites include teleportation, using telekinesis to hit with weapons instead of holding them, and a move called Illusion.

I read months ago, I don't know if this is an idea or something they put in, but they talked about playing as a filly, bat pony, or alicorn, with play styles of other characters from the Castlevania games. Maybe it's an unlock?

After the first stage, filthy Rich appears as a shop owner, where you can buy weapons, armor, items, and skills, which more become available as you beat more levels.

There are three difficulty modes, and I picked medium, cause I want to have that Castlevania toughness, but not in a super intense level.
I may try a super hard mode at some point, fitting playing as Lightning Dust, cause she likes it ball to the wall hard like on the Dizzytron. 

Here's examples of who I'm playing as.


I'm primarily playing as a Pegasus, specifically my pony-self, and this is the type of pony I seem to be best at in this game. Flying above boss projectiles isn't too shabby either.


As a Unicorn, I made Stygian, and I'm keeping this equipable cloak for him because that's what he wears, and omg it's really him, just look!


As a Earth Pony I just picked the AJ preset.

The bosses are all well programmed, the stages are real good, and it has that Castlevania feel and toughness to it.

I've only gotten to stage 5 so far, getting close to beating the game, but it's cool to play as all three pony types with their own play styles. (and apparently I'm not as fit to be a unicorn as much as a pegasus, cause I have the most trouble with that one. Blame the being dependant on MP, which at least can recharge.

Be warned: It seems in some stages there are things that if you take or don't take certain actions, it won't be good news for some characters.For instance:



In Cloudsdale, Derpy is your chapperone and carries you back from pits if you jump into one. (wish that could be useful in the real games, especially 3!) There is a Muffin health item which you can use, but if you do, Derpy won't have enough stamina to escape after the stage, and the monsters get her. But if you leave it, she will get the energy she needs and she is saved! (i didn't know that at first.)

And in Ghastly Gorge, Flash Sentry wants you to give some Sage to injured Royal Guards. I did that, but I'm guessing something happens if you don't.


If I learn how to hack the game save files, I may make a Daring Do but give her the whip, since that's Earth Pony specific. Or maybe I could make a Tempest and rely on strength and not use magic.


Have you played it? Be sure to put spoilers in spoiler tags.

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Yes, I've played this game for quite a while now and I gotta say, it's one of THE best fan-made pony games I've EVER played, without a doubt!!! :D (I'd say it's better than Legends Of Equestria)


"I read months ago, I don't know if this is an idea or something they put in, but they talked about playing as a filly, bat pony, or alicorn, with play styles of other characters from the Castlevania games. Maybe it's an unlock?"


I've been looking up some videos and one of them showed that you can have the eyes of a changeling on your OC. This is DEFINITELY a new addition as they didn't have this in the previous versions of the game :huh: Also, I found this:


Link: http://ponyvania-order-of-equestria.wikia.com/wiki/Races


The wiki gives a brief overview of these races. 



They also say that they're gonna be adding new areas to Canterlot Castle (which is the final area in the game) in a future update (this is gonna be for the bottom section of the castle)


PS: Those are some pretty cool OC's you have there :mlp_icwudt: here's my Ponyvania OC:




I like playing as a Unicorn ^^ it makes plat-forming SO much easier!!! :D 

Edited by SolarFlare13


This signature has been created by the almighty KYOSHI :3

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  • 7 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Big bump time here.After a long while, I decided to dust off Ponyvania and keep playing. And damn, the game really picks up!

Spoilers for story: Pictures to come soon possibly.



After you find all six elements, you bring them to Celestia, who turns out is being played to be the villain here! Discord was never in danger of breaking free, but she was the one who caused all the chaos in the world, and THAT started to set him free. And now that she has the Elements, she can't be stopped!

Though I'm really having a hunch she's actually Chrysalis. She has to. There ARE changelings in the game, and she's even in the intro to the game.


Anyway, you get access to Canterlot Castle, and that's when the game goes from standard levels to Symphony of the Night giant Metroid style map! And the game only gets harder from there, especially with the bosses. It's actually gotten to the point where I wondered if I shouldn't have picked Normal mode  instead of Hard mode.

The bosses have a huge amount of HP too, so it's going to take a while. Bosses I've had to face in the castle so far are Cerberus, the Tatzlwurm, and the Siren's Gem. And all three of them had to have some serious practice to beat. And that's not including King Sombra in the basement, which almost became a breaking point for me. But now I have a new breaking point in Nightmare Moon, who is extra difficult. Sometimes I wonder if I'm underleveled. I don't try to level too much because then it makes the game seem much easier, but on Hard mode I think I really should.

In the Castle, you'll even find maps that gain you access to other levels with bonus bosses.One of them is the Condemned Tower, which is a giant middle finger of difficulty, but it does have books which hold various tips and secrets. And at the top is 


Daybreaker! Not anywhere close to beating her yet, let alone seeing what's in that chest after her. She tough




The other place I found is the Forgotten Gardens.
After you get through that, you find



Starlight! She's looking for a staff (keep in mind this is her older haircut, hmmm...) And she found one that is powerful, but isn't the exact thing she's looking for. She is willing to give it to you if you beat her in a duel though. And it might be one of my favorite fights in the game so far.

She uses a variety of magic attacks, and some of which are taken right from Every Little Thing She Does, like in that duel she has with Twilight at the start. The fight goes along pretty smooth, but once you are about to beat her, she restores all her HP, and does her Similo Duplexis thing and creates a copy of herself, now you have to fight TWO of them! And it gets so much harder. I tried for dozens of times and lots of frustration... but I FINALLY beat her the second time!
...only to spawn a THIRD clone! And heal again!
...There's no way. I give up, Starlight. You win. You can keep the staff.


And this is all including the health restoring item you can carry one of and use. Using that feels so crucial.


I've played this for a few days straight, but I'm super stuck at Nightmare Moon, (which I believe is supposed to act as a stand in for Death from Castlevania, since she even has a scythe) so I'm taking a break to share all of this. I didn't expect to want to level myself out to the max cause I thought I could try not doing that, but it feels like every little bit counts, especially on hard mode. (And don't get me started on Brutal mode... not happening.)

And I'm almost done with the game, beating her will give me access to the highest regions of the castle where the final boss(es) should be.The one thing I'm worrying about is in the fifth level.



In the Appaloosian Mines, you can find Sweetie Belle and set her free. And during the boss fight with the giant spider, you can find Scootaloo wrapped in web, if you attack her, it looks like she gets defeated, she flies off the bottom of the screen, so I thought you're supposed to leave it alone.
But regardless of what happened, I couldn't find Apple Bloom. And to drive the point home, when you beat that level, you can see a bow flying out of the level, floating to the ground, as if to signify she didn't make it out... I even replayed the level and searched around, but I found nothing secret looking. I had to keep going with the game, so I resigned to the fact that I couldn't find her... I hope on another playthrough I find her. She's my favorite of the CMCs, too!




Anyway, I'll keep playing at some point soon, I hope I can find as many of the secret items and paths as I can!

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So I finally beat Nightmare Moon... [spoilers]


Oh man...

The fight with Nightmare Moon is based on the fact that Luna was turned into her against her will to fight the player. After you defeat her, you see Luna again... but soon after... she dissipates.

:( I killed Luna guys.




More game chat.

This game has lots of items, but some of them are quite freaking rare. Some enemies have item drops you can get, and they range in Rarity (hehe) from 1 star to 5 stars. 1 star is somewhat rare, 5 stars is OUTRAGEOUSLY rare! Don't even try. But if you find items that increase your luck, you have a better chance of getting rarer items. Not by too much though.

For instance, you can find an item, the Twisted Horn, glowing green, looks like Chrysalis, The Twisted Horn will boost your luck to 5, but prevent you from getting EXP. Sometimes I'm in the mood to do a rare item hunt, so I'll equip that. You can see enemy items in the enemy menu.Theory spoiler time:



You find it where Celestia was at the Order during the previous level, which seems to be a clue, another reason why I think the Celestia that's doing all these things is actually her.




Doing this really tests your patience. Even with the luck item that puts my luck at 10, it will be a while before you find even four-star rares. The two-star ones will be relatively more common then. However, today, I finally did it, I managed to snag a five star rare item! Turns out it wasn't as astoundingly useful as I would have hoped, but it feels good to have.

Another thing with this game is Trixie. She appears at the start of the castle segment, and you can find her in various rooms from there. She will help you by merging certain combinations of items, but she keeps wanting things beforehand. She wanted the healing water item, she wanted 10000 Bits, and even some of your EXP! You actually dip down one level. But every encounter with her gets you more items to create.



...but now she's a boss near the top of the castle, Having put on the Alicorn Amulet and being placed in charge as Celestia's castle guard. And like the other bosses, she tough! Some of those attack patterns are seriously difficult to avoid.

...however, I knew she was going to be a boss beforehand. Remember the Condemed Tower I talked about? That level has some books in it with tips and hints. One of which says you can obtain the Alicorn Amulet from the boss who has it, if you beat the boss in one of three circumstances. Either be below a certain level, beat the boss in 2 minutes, or equip a specific item and don't heal for the entire fight. Trixie is already hard enough, but I really want to try to get that Amulet. Though I dunno what happens to you if you equip it... it might even be bad.




One other thing, I found a super-duper secret room.



There's an item you can equip that shows locations of breakable wall areas, usually you just get items or money. But some of them actually destroy the wall, leading you to a secret room with a good item. Well one of these secret places is what I can only assume is Faust's art studio! You go there and you get the message from the Mysterious Alicorn who appears if you get beat too many times, surprised that you found this location. But she doesn't have anything yet, and she says a future version of the game will have something. Darn.

But you do get to find a Master Ball! If you equip it, you can guarentee a rare item drop from a monster, but the Master Ball gets used. I've used that to preview items to get from enemies, that way I can decide if I want to try to get them when I reload, or if it's not worth the patience.



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9 hours ago, You said:

Wait...you didn't know? I mean...the thing?

Shall I reveal, maybe in private or spoiler?

Actually, I think I know now... because HOOOLLY crap. Oh man.Mega spoilers here



I beat Trixie, though I didn't get the amulet. Regardless, I pushed ahead. I was thinking at first the Solar Fragments had something to do with saving Luna, but the last fragment was only available after you beat Trixie, so that wasn't it. I finally got to the final boss room and battle with Celestia, who yes, was actually Chrysalis!

Celestia isn't too difficult, but when Chrysalis drops her guise, it's much tougher. Thankfully, after a couple dozen tries, I beat her and freed Celestia!

But it turns out it was all for naught.

Discord has escaped somewhere, but because I didn't save the ponies I could have, my save file is stuck.

...I'm going to have to play the whole game all over again. 

It showed a few clips of all the ponies I failed to help... Derpy, Apple Bloom, Luna, even Lyra and Bonbon, who were in stage 6 and I didn']t even know! But thankfully the Mysterious Alicorn Faust gave some crucial hints on what to do to save them.

And so I begin a new save file, having to build everything back from zero. It feels frustrating, but now I can do everything right and try to get the things I missed.





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4 hours ago, You said:


I am confused TBH because I thought you have played the game quite some time ago already.

I played the game sometime ago, but only to level 5.

It was only a week or two ago I decided to dust it off and keep playing, since I was reminded of it a couple of weeks ago watching other videos.

I thought I was almost done with the game but i didn't know how much more I was getting into. So these are my legit experiences and impressions as I'm playing and it's sort of an on-the-fly review for this thread too. And already I'm finding what I did wrong.


But yeah, I figured out the clues for what I did wrong the last time. The Luna one at least, I had zero idea that was a thing I could do until I learned it was possible to save her.


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/10/2020 at 6:32 PM, You said:

Can your PC do parsec as hosting? We could try to play 2p.

Hey sorry to get to this weeks later, but I dunno about that. Main reasons being, 1, I don't know what Parsec is, and 2, my 2GHz computer just barely runs Ponyvania, and sometimes will even chug.

I don't believe it would do online play well.


Well anyway, I've replayed the game, this time righting all the things I did wrong in the other playthrough. And there's a lot of cool things to find when you do!



Clearing the CMC mission unlocks the Skeleton Cave, which is a series of difficult enemy rooms. Harder than it looks, especially when you unlock the second cave and the enemies get that much harder. (And when you do unlock the second cave, you actually find Daring Do there!)

Clearing the Manehattan mission unlocks Zecora's tree and a bunch of side quests, which net you stat boosts. But there's at least two bonus bosses you can do from there too, including the Whip's Memory, the Vampire Killer whip's memory of one of its owners... it's Pony Richter! And he's no walk in the park. I'm guessing you actually get the whip if you beat him, but I know the whips are Earth Pony specific, so I dunno what will happen when I beat him as my pegasus self.

Speaking of beating bosses, I managed to defeat Daybreaker! And in that chest behind her is Alucard's Spear! The most powerful spear weapon you start with as a pegasus in the game before you lose it. That feels good to have. Making good use of the secret moves and items is super helpful.


Right now I've made it to Chrysalis again and have to beat her again, after that, I shouldn't get the bad ending, but something new should happen and I'll eventually face Discord. (Oh and sparing Nightmare Moon was much tougher than beating her. She got so much more powerful and all you had to do was avoid, avoid, avoid. But eventually it worked!


Another small detail I like is with the Starlight fight. The first time you meet her, she remarks about looking for a certain staff. She found one, but is willing to trade for something of yours, to which she ultimately decides against.

However, hidden in the castle is the secret Staff of Sameness, and if you have it when she's looking at your weapons, she'll actually remark about it, intrigued! But it plays the same way, and she ultimately decides against it. It changes nothing, but it's such a cool detail!



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Oohhh boy. Yeah this last leg of the game is going to be a piece of work.



You gain access to the last level, the Realm of Chaos, but you can't go back out once you enter. There are some good items in there, so it's worth it to lose a few times to re-open the treasure chest in Act 1. Discord himself is quite the toughie. I didn't even know he had three forms! After dozens of tries, I've finally gotten a good pattern down to his first form, then his second form, which I thought was his last. But nope! He even speaks. "Behold my true form and despair!" And it goes into Round 3. I have to practice against him some more. (And remember, this is all on Hard mode! Brutal Mode sounds like an utter nightmare.)

Now I should mention that I haven't played Symphony of the Night all the way, in fact I've only played it for an hour because I need a new memory card. But I found that Discord's final form is based on the actual final boss of that game. I dunno what to think, cause I wanted to play that game too, but I'm enjoying Ponyvania regardless! One day I'll keep playing SOTN.





...unfortunately the game crashed due to a bug during the final stage, which even gave a crash report, and I'm going to mail it to the developers. (But alongside a huge amount of love and even a few ideas! I wonder if they'll spring for toggle-able voice acting? I would be willing to contribute!)

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11 hours ago, You said:

Wait lol why do you do start your second run on hard.

I struggle enough in normal so in my 4-5 playthroughs I have never chosen anything else.

The line is actually from SOTN.

SOTN is my fav CV and I think a masterpiece without being absolutely perfect. Alucard is just badass, and so is Richter in the game. I highly recommend playing it, and feel free to report back - I know roughly every secret in there which you will likely miss a lot of. :Daydreaming:


I picked hard because Castlevania is good tough traditionally, I felt I could do it. But Brutal is for masochists, so I'll skip.  And having gotten to Chrysalis on Hard before, I wanted to beat the game on Hard proper this time. Plus it was a little easier now that I played it once already. Any other playthroughs, i'll probably cut myself some slack.

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  • 2 weeks later...


"So ends the great battle."

I did it. This game is so good. And on Hard, too!

Now I get to play as the Bat Pony and Foal. And their moves are pretty fun.

The Bat Pony has average stats, but can transform into mist, a wolf, and a bat, just like proper Dracula does. Skills seem to be fire and dark magic.

The Foal has low HP and MP, but their attacks are supposed to be very strong. They play sort of like like Maria in Rondo of Blood. Birds are the primary weapons, and the skills are animal attacks, which look to be based on the Chinese Zodiac. (Tiger, Rooster, Ox...) they even have a move that summons a pony-like Stand from Jojo to give a flurry of punches.

Oh, and I beat the Pony Richter fight. You get the Stopwatch skill, the one from Castlevania that freezes enemies for a few seconds. I'm guessing you'd get the actual whip if you play as an Earth Pony.

Btw, I emailed the developer with the bug report and asked some things. It turns out the next update he wants to be the last one. (In my email I was sharing who my dream boss fight would be against, and he shared something; I know someone who's going to be in it in some capacity, dunno if as a boss... but I'll keep the identity secret.)

The enemy list has room for two more bosses, which I looked around, they're definitely not in the game right now, so they'll likely be in the next update. I'm quite excited!

After watching some videos and reading about things, I found that the Unicorns don't get the Alucard's Spear when they beat Daybreaker, they get this shooting star spell called Starswirl! Even though I beat the game as my pegaself, there's more things to look around for as the other pony types.


The only thing that I have to do in the game is the Deep Skeleton Caves. The Skeleton Caves are a series of rooms with enemies, but seemingly harder. The Deep Caves are the same but much harder,  I feel even harder than the Discord fight in some ways! The fifth room is against both the Creature and the Dullahan at once! And they can really hit hard. But I managed to beat it twice so far, and there's some really rare items down there. For instance, throughout the castle you can find the Keys of Harmony. The Rainbow Thread, the Breezie Flower, the Honest Bit, and Boneless. It seems the last two keys are in the Skeleton Caves. I got Scorpan's Medal, which lets out a wide array of color shape projectiles with different random properties when you attack.

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  • 6 months later...

It's time I decided to post here again, for two main reasons.

One is that the developer gave an update! There's going to be two more updates to the game, and a general list of what is to be included, with the first update in May:



After taking a look at all the content that I plan on adding to Ponyvania and how much work still needs to be done, I've decided that there will be 2 separate public releases. The first update will focus on the New Game + mode. The second and last update will focus on the Alicorn race as well as one final area for those players looking for an extra challenge.

The New Game + update should be ready for release in 2-3 months, so sometime before the end of May. The Alicorn update should then be out by the end of the year. I will release more public details as we get closer to each release. Here are just a few of the new things you can expect from the upcoming New Game + update:

Start a completed save file over from the beginning of the game, keeping all the items and skills you acquired on your previous playthough
2 new bosses
3 new enemies with special drops
A new quest involving the Mysterious Alicorn
Adjustments to Foal and Bat Pony
A few new skills for all races
New recipes at Trixie's shop
New weapons, armor, and accessories, including the items belonging to the Pillars of Equestria
Boss Rush: Fight against old bosses one after the other, you'll get a reward depending on how quickly you can beat them
Endless Challenge: Fight through an endless path of randomized rooms, the further you get the better the rewards will be



Pretty exciting! I love that the Pillars' items are getting involved. (Does this mean we are going to fight the Pony of Shadows...?)


Second, and on more of a personal level, I finally beat Castlevania: Symphony of the Night! As expected, it's a really good game. But being probably one of the only people who played Ponyvania FIRST before this one, I see a lot of the parallels and assets that Symphony of the Night provided for the game. Including the following:
-The enemies taken directly from the game, some of which were pony-fied
-Some of the rooms
-Some of the items and weapons, and in particular, those Holy Glasses Zecora gives you before the Manehattan mission, those are a VERY crucial item you get in Symphony of the Night if you want to get farther.
-The batpony's playing style is just like Alucard, which I knew was going to be a thing, but now I see how similiar it is with his spells and transformations.
-Some of the boss fights are inspired from this too, in particular the Trixie battle, which is modelled off the second-to-last boss Shaft and his magic floating orbs.
(And as a side note, playing the SOTN map as a pegasus would be very, very easy to get far in, because a lot of your progress depends on your jumping height and the bat transformation.)

Playing SOTN has made me appreciate Ponyvania even more, having played the real thing.

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  • 6 months later...

I've been playing a lot of this lately. Haven't finished it yet, but I'm having a good time. I'm using a unicorn in my current playthrough, but I'll probably do a couple more with the others when I'm done.

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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So I can't get a New Game Plus yet for some reason. I beat the game, I have proof on this thread, but I think it's looking for a JUST-beaten game save. I reloaded mine before to do other things I didn't get to. I emailed the developer to see if I have to beat the final boss again, but I dread having to do that again since I'm playing on Hard mode.

However, I started a new Earth pony file cause I messed up my Applejack one.


Somepony's done a little time travel shenanigans :) 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I finally have some interesting finds!

In the previous versions, you could find a room with the Mysterious Alicorn, who tells you to come back later, and she will only appear proper in a New Game Plus.


She revealed herself to be The Creator! She has the tempting promise of "the ultimate weapon", but first she wants you to obtain 13 rare legendary weapons before she can test you, and as you can see in this image I already have 7 of them. They're very rare item drops from specific enemies. After playing Castlevania Symphony of the Night, I wonder if the "ultimate weapon" is the Crissaegrim. It isn't the strongest sword by stats, but it attacks with four swipes in rapid succession on every button press, so it may as well be the strongest. It's certainly everyone's most desired weapon in the game! If I find that in Ponyvania, all bets are off.


Another thing: When you beat Cerberus, the first castle boss, you get access to Tartarus, which looks to be an endless enemy endurance gauntlet. You find Gilda, the first boss of the game, trapped in a cage, and you free her. (But she smacks you anyway for beating her before, then declares it's even.) The thing with this place is that you can't heal! You can find occassional items which do heal you, but that's it, none of your skills or your water item will do anything for your HP.

So far the most I've gotten to is 14 rooms.

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  • 5 months later...

I decided to brush off Ponyvania again and see if I could find some more major things in it. And boy, have I ever!

First, here's some of the other things I got:

You can find the items that belonged to the Pillars! So far I've got the Netitus, Meadowbrook's mask, and Starswirl's journal. 
The Netitus gives you a small defense boost, and a major defense boost against fire attacks.
Meadowbrook's mask will slowly start to heal you faster and faster if you stand without moving, which is very helpful between enemy fights.
Starswirl's journal is one of the equipable book weapons that helps boost your skill power, but it's the best one yet!

So anyway, here's the major find I found:

Once you get access to the final dungeon, Luna will now have an optional boss rematch gauntlet mode you can do. You can pick from the first six bosses in a row, which should be very easy at this point in the game, or six of the castle bosses, which is much harder. You at least get to refill your HP and MP between bosses.

However, what I didn't expect was when you beat both sets of bosses, Luna comes to you with a request... she wants you to defeat one more boss- one of that last two bonus bosses I wanted to see so badly!
And I love this fight!
It is...





The Tantabus!

Luna gives you the Lavender item, as equipping it is the only way to damage the boss.

The Tantabus can take on a number of different forms of other foes from the series, and switch out between them occassionally. 


The Storm King, using various lightning moves.



Tempest! Using various fireworks moves, athletic kicks and dives, and kicking one of those obsidian orbs at you.


The Sphinx, using stone blocks with spikes and glowing hieroglyphs.


The Mane-iac. with very well detailed animation of her whip-like hair attacking you in many directions.

And one that I was real excited to see:


The Pony of Shadows! He uses various shadow energy and object attacks.

I personally loved seeing this. In fact, this ties into something I posted a couple of years ago: I said I knew who was going to be in the game, and that would be the Pony of Shadows! I was sharing to the creator of the game my love for it, and offhandedly said my dream boss would be him, and he said he was going to appear! This must be what that meant!

In fact, I think the Tantabus's fighting style and many forms is a good method of putting together disparate boss fights for a number of different foes in the show all in one package!

I honestly expected that since you can find the Pillars' artifacts, that collecting all six would open a new quest where you had to fight the Pony of Shadows. It didn't work out that way, but I'm glad I found this boss fight anyway!


Now, a comment on Derpibooru I found DID say who the last of the bonus bosses is... but I'm not saying a word.

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