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private New Girl in Town (1x1 with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo listened to Scarlet's advice on conquering fear, while chuckling along with her. "I think I'll keep that in mind. I love playing video games. Even before I discovered my cutie mark, I felt like I could be the character's I played as. I just have to remember that being a pro gamer is what I truly want to be in my life. That, and I have to put my heart and soul in working hard at the game." He nods at his train of thought, before nodding once more in understanding. "I guess fear will always be there waiting for you. I remember hearing a speech on fear. If you ever give in to fear, then it'll stop you from doing anything. It'll stop you from being yourself and who you want to be." He says, remembering the video that had that part in the speech. "Thanks for telling me and I'll make sure to keep that all in mind. I want to be better than I was before and I won't give up."

He thought for a moment, before nodding in agreement to her remark. "I think I remember hearing about that. I try some other fighting games from time to time, but I tend to stick to what I like. I guess some games lose credibility over time, or something along those lines. If one keeps on making a game for so long, then sooner or later the game will not be as good as one would imagine." He says as he blushed from the kiss, while placing a hand upon his cheek. "I'll never wash this cheek again." He chuckles as he entered the arcade. He took her paw into his hand, while leading her over to the fighting games that she wanted to try out.

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet giggles and nods as she then walked into the arcade and looked around "It's nice to enter an arcade again, and to see so many classic game consoles too. Most of the ones back home are all up to date but they regularly phase out the older games" she says and looks at Soul Caliber "Ooh How about a round or two with me, Dynamo?" she asks, giggling again at his remark about not washing his cheek again "well if you don't wash it, how will you expect me to kiss it again?" she teases with a wink and goes to the console and looks around "ooh, let's start from the start of the franchise, shall we? I always love the feeling of nostalgia when playing the original ones." she says and then eyes the machine next to it "No way! The latest Persona game!"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo nods in agreement towards Scarlet's remark. "I'm guessing you have arcades back in your hometown, as well. It also sounds like they don't still have some classic games. That's kind of a shame. It's good to have the new up to date games. Even so, it's good to have old games to please all gamer's. I don't think there's anything wrong with having the old classics, in my opinion." He says, looking over to the female wolf, who was over at the Soul Caliber machine. "You're on! I've only played Soul Caliber 4, but I think I remember the controls. Just be careful. I can play a pretty decent Darth Vader." He chuckled with a playful smirk. His smirk suddenly vanished as he listened to her remark about the kiss. He blushes as she winked at him, before running a hand through his mane. "I wouldn't mind something like that, to be honest." He whispered to himself, but it was loud enough for Scarlet to hear. As she went to play from the original game, he noticed that she stopped and moved over to another arcade machine. He went over to her to see the latest Persona game was available. "They have Persona 5 here? That's pretty impressive. That game was just released for the public." He says, before chuckling and nodding as it all made sense. "I guess the game is only in Canterlot at the moment. Seeing how Canterlot is a fancy place and they must have gotten the game in advance." He says, looking to Scarlet with a grin on his face. "So, what do you think? Do you want to play some of the adventure mode of Persona?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet smiles as she nods "Sure, we can play some adventure mode of Persona, then we can have some fun on Soul Caliber too" she says as she goes to get some tokens. As she made her way to the counter, soda in hand, a stallion shoved passed her "Out of the way freak" he grunts towards her, putting special emphasis on the word freak. As she was pushed, she fell onto her rears, spilling her drink "W-well I..." she says, standing up "Certainly won't be sharing my treats with you, bully" she shouts back, looking at her spilled drink "Oh just wonderful, look at my jacket and skirt" she says with a sigh of indignation. She glowers as she looks in the stallion's direction "I came here to get away from jerks like you" she mutters, making her way to the counter. "Fifty bits worth of tokens and a Cheery Soda please" she asks getting out her bits.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiles and nods at the suggestion. "That sounds like a perfect idea to me. I haven't played Persona, but it sounds like you have. I'd be happy to learn more about the game. Maybe I'll pick the game up and play on my spare time. When I'm not competing in tournaments, that is." He chuckled, before continuing. "You're on when it comes to the Soul Caliber. Want to make the game a little interesting? Should we make a wager, or something like that?" He asks with a playful smirk. He stayed by the machine, while she went to go and get tokens for the machine. He then heard a bunch of commotion going on. So, he glanced around the arcade machine to see what had happened. His eyes widened as he saw Scarlet was shoved to the ground by some stallion. At the mention of one being called a freak, Dynamo narrowed his eyes as he was feeling angry. He didn't understand why, but he knew he didn't like bullies picking on others. 'That stallion was way out of line. He had no right to treat Scarlet, or anybody else like that.' He took a deep breath to calm down, before giving the female wolf a look of concern. 'I just hope that Scar is okay. It seems like that jerk knocked her drink away.' He thought as he waited for her to return to the arcade machine.

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@Dynamo Pad

The clerk just shook her head "Here you go miss, and the soda is on the house" she says "We've had problems with that stallion before, I'll have a talk with my manager" she says and gives her a reassuring smile" she says before giving Scarlet the tokens and a new soda. Scarlet sighs "thank you miss" she says, and then goes over to Dynamo "Well then, that was an event I'd rather not repeat" she says with a nervous chuckle. She smiles awkwardly at Dynamo before replying to him, "Yeah i've played the other Persona games back home" she says, "Ready to insert your token and choose your character?" she asks.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiled softly as he saw that Scarlet had returned. He chuckled slightly along with her, before placing a comforting hand upon her shoulder. "I saw what happened and what he did was very rude. He didn't hurt you or anything like that, right?" He asks as he listened to her remark. "That's good to hear. I'm in your capable paws of learning this game, sensei." He chuckled with a grin as he nodded to her question. "I'm definitely ready to choose my character. By the way, is this a fighting game or an adventure game? I'm all for co-op games. That, and this character, Joker, looks pretty interesting. He looks like a character I've seen in some other game. I'm not crazy for saying that, right?" He asks as he chooses his character. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet smiles "I'm fine, just a little shaken, as for Persona, they are role-playing games" she says "I haven't played much of the other games in the series, but I do like what I have played" she smiles and wags her tail, "The cashier was nice enough to give me a new soda for free" she says and places it down, She looks at Joker and laughs "I'm sure it's a co-incidence, but he does look an awful lot like Vincent from that game, Catherine"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo felt like it was more than that. It seemed like Scarlet was upset over the whole ordeal. However, he didn't want to make the female wolf feel uncomfortable. So, he decided to drop the subject altogether. "Okay. If you ever need to talk about something, then please let me know. You're my friend and I'm here for you, Scar." He says, giving the female wolf a reassuring smile. "I guess the Persona games will be right up my alley. I've played Kingdom Hearts and a bit of Final Fantasy. So, I should be able to figure out how this game will work. I feel as though there has been a fighting game for Persona. I could be wrong, so you can quote me on that." He chuckles, while nodding in agreement. "I know what you mean. It's the same for when I play certain games. Final Fantasy is one example. I've played the later titles, but I can't find the early games in the series. That, and certain Mario and Sonic titles. I can never play the 2006 version of Sonic. I heard that was very bad." He shuddered at the memory of the bad reviews.

"I'm glad that the cashier gave you a free soda. It sounds like there are some nice ponies living here, in Canterlot." He smiles, before his eyes widened at her remark. "Wait a minute. You said the game, Catherine? I love that game! That, and I think they are similar." He pulled out his phone to bring up an image of both Vincent and Joker. "Oh, wow. They do look similar. Actually, I don't think it's a coincidence. You see, there's a new Catherine game coming out sometime in the future. The game creators had said they are adding some downloadable content in the game. One of the things is a costume for Vincent that will have him look like Joker. I've heard somewhere that Joker is actually Vincent's son." He shook his head as he almost didn't believe in what he said. "We can look up that theory later. For now, let's enjoy some awesome Persona. Are you ready, my friend?" He asks, turning to look at her with a confident grin on his muzzle. 

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@Dynamo Pad

A few hours had passed and the rest of the day went by without further incident. "Whew, you weren't kidding when you said you do a mean Darth Vader, and you took me down on my best character, Revan" she says with a chuckle and shakes her head as she finishes off her last soda "I had loads of fun though, I think we also amassed nearly a thousand tickets too" she says and looks at him "and I'm glad that the bully got kicked out of the arcade" she says and then holds Dynamo's hand gently "Shall we go back to the hotel to eat in our rooms or..would you like to take me out now instead?" she asks, blushing slightly, but also had her tail lightly wrapped around his.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiled as the rest of the day went by without any incident. "I'm glad I was able to make a good impression. I'm sorry about spamming a few force chokes, while playing as Vader. I found there was a crazy glitch or something along those lines. I discovered it, while playing other ponies back in my hometown. We didn't think it was possible, but we laughed as we got the grab over and over. That's how the others and I had to unlock the secret apprentice in the game." He chuckled as he gave the female wolf and apologetic look. "I'm really glad that you had a lot of fun. After everything that happened, I think that you deserved to have a nice time playing video games. I'm even surprised by how many tickets we got. That's the most tickets I've ever acquired, while being in an arcade." He says, while placing a hand under his chin. "I wonder what kind of prize we can get for these tickets. Either way, I feel like you should use the tickets. I don't really need anything from the arcade, to be honest. All that matters to me is that I'm glad to spending time with you, Scar." He smiles as he looks to her. He nods in agreement as he felt Scarlet take his hand into her own. "It's good to see that bully got his comeuppance. Hopefully, that will teach them to not be rude to anybody, or any gamer's." He blushes slightly as he felt her tail lightly wrap around his own tail. "I'm okay with either option on dinner. I was thinking the former because there's not a lot of good places for dinner around here. Plus, I was hoping to take you out to dinner when we got to Ponyville, if that's okay." He says as the two made their way out of the arcade.

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet smiles "Alright, if you think I should use the tickets, i will" she says and then nods to what he said about dinner "I agree, I mean we can still have fun just getting room service or even just picking up some junk food and such and maybe some gaming sessions in one of our rooms, right?" she asks as she goes over to the counter and looks at what prizes she could get and smiles immediately as she spots a small fox plush, "I'll take that please" she asks the clerk before handing the tickets over and squees, hugging it tightly "Aaw, it's so soft and fluffy. Feral I know, but i reminds me of my little sis" she smiles over at Dynamo "You got a 3DS?" she asks.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiles and nods as Scarlet went to use the tickets. "That sounds good to me. I mean, I would get a prize, but I have no place to put the prize in my room. I have too many plushies and anime figures I got from conventions." He laughed and shook his head. At the mention of a gaming session and eating at the hotel, he grins. "I think that sounds perfect. A marathon of games, along with eating in the hotel room? One can't ask for anything better." He says, following the female wolf to the counter to claim her prize. He smiles at her choice in getting a small fox plush. "That's a really cute plush. Foxes and/or cats are one of my favorite animals. I mean favorite animals that one could have as a pet." He explained, so as to not create any confusion for his friend. "It's the same when it comes to the game Pokemon. Vulpix and Ninetales are some of my favorite Pokemon's. Although, I prefer the Alolan versions over the originals." He explained and chuckles as Scarlet hugged the plush tightly. "I think that's very sweet that the plush reminds you of your sister. It's like she's always with you now, in a way." He took her paw into his hand as the two soon left the arcade. As they left the arcade and walked to the hotel, Dynamo chuckled as he pulled his 3DS handheld out of his pocket. "The better question is when don't I have a 3DS?" He chuckled once more, while playfully sticking his tongue out at Scarlet. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet giggles and pokes her tongue out on him "Great, if you have Ponymon, we can battle and trade" she smiles and then listens to what he said about Vulpix and Ninetails with liking the Alolan versions over the regular, she nods "I agree with you on that, Alolan Vulpix just looks so cute and cuddly" she smiles "Oh but don't forget about Eevee and it's evolutions, Eevee is one of my absolute favorites" she says, hugging the fox plush in her arms as she looks to Dynamo "We can also play some Smash too, I would be surprised if you didn't have it" she chuckles and then follows him out of the arcade, "I would love it if Eevee's were real, wouldn't you? I'm sure if I had one, it'd definitely evolve into a Sylveon"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo chuckled along with Scarlet as she poked her tongue out at him. "I definitely have Ponymon. I have the Ultra Moon version, if you were wondering which game I had. I'm not the best at battling, but I'd be up to trade." He smiles and nods in agreement to her suggestion. "Speaking of Ponymon. What's your favorite generation of the franchise? I would have to pick Gen 4 as some of the designs were pretty interesting. That, and it was my first game I ever completed in the series." He admitted with a sheepish smile. "I'm glad that we can agree on Vulpix and Ninetales. The funny thing was that I didn't know that she was in Sun version. I went to the wonder trade feature and somehow got an alolan vulpix in my Moon version."

At the mention of Eevee, Dynamo could only grin at the female wolf. "I could never forget about Eevee. I think it's also a fox, or something along those lines. That, and it's the second mascot in the Ponymon series next to Pikachu." He says, before continuing. "I love how Eevee can evolve into different forms. It really makes Eevee feel more unique and diverse when it comes to team building. Who's your favorite evolution of Eevee? For me, it's a tie between Espeon and Umbreon. I love the sun and moon evolution duo." He says as she hugged the fox plus in her arms. He chucked and nods at the mention of Smash Brothers. "I definitely have that game. I've been a fan of the series since the beginning. I just picked up the game recently and it's a lot of fun. It feels like the game is different, but I can't complain. It really feels like the creators upped the difficulty and fighting styles." He hummed at the thought of Eevee and other Ponymon being real. "I think that would be amazing. If it was possible, then I would love to have a real life Alolan Vulpix." He chuckled, before smiling at the mention of her favorite Eeveelution. "So, you like Sylveon, huh? I think it's a perfect fit for you. Sylveon has style, grace, a pretty good Ponymon for battle. Plus, it's very cute and beautiful." He says as he saw the hotel was within their sights.

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet smiles as she listens "I can imagine you snuggling up to the Alolan Vulpix" she smiles and nods "Well of course, Sylveon is a very stylish and graceful Pokemon. I don't often battle with her though, mostly I do all the competitions with her" she wags her tail gently as they walked towards the hotel "So who's room? Mine or yours, I'd say mine just as it'll be bigger and has more to offer, but I'll leave it up to you" she smiles, hugging her plushie, and the truth was, she was still feeling the shock of how she was bullied and shoved by the stallion, and was barely holding in her tears, and the fact she was also starting to feel the pang of homesickness as well.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo chuckled at Scarlet's joke, before nodding in agreement. "I could imagine snuggling up to an Alolan Vulpix. Although, I can see an Alolan Vulpix snuggling up on my stomach. If we are going with Ponymon, then I can see you snuggling up to a Sylveon. I think that would be cute if they used their ribbons to wrap around you and hold you close. In case there was a sort of bad dream, or something along those lines." At the mention of using Sylveon for competitions, he nods. "So, you mean contest or performance battles? If so, then I can definitely see that. Seeing how Sylveon has style and grace." He says as the two reached the hotel. He hummed in thought as she brought up the choices on where to stay. He was about to answer, but he thought he saw a worried look in her eyes. He wanted to ask if something was wrong, but he didn't want to pressure her into saying anything she didn't want to talk about. "I'll go with your room. You said the room is bigger and has more to offer. This way, we can have an awesome video game marathon." He says, placing a calm and comforting hand upon her shoulder.

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@Dynamo Pad

She smiles and nods "Yes, the contests and performance battles" she says "I've won a couple already as well" she smiles at him a bit more, and blushes as she felt him place his hand on her shoulder "Alright, my room it is then" she says, wagging her tail and making their way to the hotel and up to her room, and as she opens the door, she smiles "Order anything you'd like, I can imagine that all that gaming back at the arcade has worked up an appetite for the both of us, and the gaming we will be doing here will as well" she says "So, Switch, WiiU, Gamecube..Xbox One, Playstation 4 or 3DS first? or a mix of 3DS and one of the others?" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiles and nods at her remark. "I can imagine. The way you describe how you care about Sylveon shows how great of a trainer you are. It's how I truly care about my team when it comes to Ponymon. In fact, I think I have a picture of when I took the Hall of Fame. I can show you the picture, if that's okay." He says, making their way to her room as she opened the door. "Hmm...maybe we can order a box or two of pizza." He says, looking through the menu at her suggestion of ordering. "I agree that we worked up an appetite when we played those games at the arcade. I sometimes lose track of time and forget that I get hungry when I'm in the zone." He chuckles, shaking his head, before continuing. "That, and we'll need the fuel necessary to go on this gaming marathon." He looks at all the assortment of gaming consoles the female wolf had. He whistles in astonishment. "You have a really good collection here. I don't even have half of the consoles you've got. Well, I do have the Wii U, but I don't play that much anymore. Seeing how I have the Odyssey version of the Switch. If I had to pick, I would say a mix of the 3DS and the Switch. There's a Smash Bros. Ultimate tournament tomorrow, so I want to be at my best. That, and I'm looking for some mains to use in the tourney." He smiles sheepishly, jumping and landing on the available bed.

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet nods with a smile "Pizza it is, order whichever you want, I'll have the one with the Lot with extra cashew nuts, please" she says as she hands him her card and then starts setting up the Switch "I actually have all the vintage consoles, but most of them are back home, I'll get my folks to bring them over when they come to the house warming party, those were just the ones that I brought with me" she says and then smiles at what he said about her and her Sylveon "That's right, how your Ponymon behave depends on how well you raise them. I know they're just internet stories, but the ones that are about trainers who had abandoned or killed their Ponymon, give me drive to never mistreat my team" she says, smiling at him "And sure we can play some Smash Bros. Ultimate. You can train up before the tournament tomorrow"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo nods and smiles at the order choice. "You've got it. One box of plain pizza and another with the Lot and extra cashew nuts. To be honest, I've never heard of a topping like that before. Granted, I've always been a plain and pepperoni kind of pony. I guess having something different every now and then isn't a bad thing." He says as he was handed the card and went to the phone. After placing the order, he hung up the phone and waited patiently for the knock on the door. "I called them and they said it would take around 20 minutes. So, we have plenty of time." He whistles once more in surprise on the amount of gaming consoles she had. "You even have the old vintage collections? That's pretty impressive. I remember my mom and dad had the old SNES, the Nintendo 64 and other consoles. They placed the consoles in the basement and they just disappeared." He shrugged his shoulders as he never knew where the consoles were at. "I think that's a good idea. We'll just have to let your parents know about where the house is. That way, they won't have to worry about getting lost." He says, his eyes widened in surprise, before nodding in agreement. "You listened to internet stories on Ponymon? I listened to some too, but some were pretty scary. Others were pretty sad, but it gave me the reason to be a caring trainer." He says, pulling up he picture of his team on his phone.

(Commission made by @StormBlaze

"These were the six Ponymon I brought together as my team. They are some of my best friends and a team that I could never turn my back on." He grins and gave the female wolf a grateful look. "Thank you for the help and I really appreciate it. I know I want to try and play as an Inkling. Based on how powerful and creative they can be. That, and maybe some other characters if some characters are banned." He chuckled as he didn't want to take any chances into account at the tournament.

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet smiles and nods "20 minutes? Sounds good to me, and yeah, I was just looking up some strategies online, when the stories popped up and so I read them. Abandon Loneliness and the Lavender Town ones were the ones that got to me the most" she explains "But there are also the episodes as well, remember the one where Ash found an abandoned Charmander? Then there's the one with the Squirtle" she asks and shakes her head somewhat sadly "I mean, it's like in the theme song it self "You are my best friend", you don't abandon or kill your friends, especially your best friend"  she then looks at him "also that picture is awesome, I see you chose Rowlette as your starter, and you also have a Lycanroc and a Ninetails" she smiles a little "I've always thought that Rockruff was so adorable" she gets up after switching her Switch on and goes to her bedside table to get her remote, but as she does so, she looks at the photo of herself and her adopted little sister, she then just feels a rush of emotion wash over her and she just slumps to the floor in a mess of tears.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiles and nods at her remark. At the mention of stories that popped up, he couldn't help, but nod in agreement. "I know what you mean. I think there was a Ponymon yellow story and I remember Lost Silver. Those were sad, but it felt important when it came to the characters and the Ponymon." He says, before continuing. "The Charmander was a pretty sad story. I remember that dealt with such a huge loss in the series. There was a Litten and a Stoutland in the Sun and Moon anime. The Stoutland was old and was gone by old age. I never thought the anime would go that far, but it felt like such a huge lesson and a big deal." He shakes his head as a had a saddened look upon his face. "It's always good to have a bond with a certain Pokemon or a team. When you work together, you have that sort of connection that can never go away. They literally become your best friends, or a family of sorts." He smiles and nods at the mention of his team.

"Thank you and those are some of my absolute favorites. Each one has an interesting story to tell. Chimchar will always be one of my favorite starters. That, and I love the Lycanroc and Ninetales evlutionary lines." He says as she got up to turn on the Nintendo Switch. As she sad on her bedside to grab the remote, he was caught off guard as she slumped to the floor and broke down in a fit of tears. "Scar!" He called out as he got off the bed and rushed around the bed and over to his friend. He kneeled down and placed a comforting hand upon her shoulder. "Scarlet! Are you okay? What's wrong? You can tell me. You're my friend and I'm right here for you. I promise." He says in a soft, yet soothing tone. 


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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet could barely hear what Dynamo was saying about the Ponymon as she was in her fit of tears, but when she felt him sit next to her and place a hand on her shoulder, she looks up at him through her tears "I-I'm sorry Dynamo, its just..the event today at the arcade, and then seeing the photo of my sister Tabitha..I just..felt a rush of emotions hit me" she says, resting her head on his shoulder, her tail twitching a little "I just..guess I really needed to let go of it all" she smiles weakly at him "Thank you for worrying though Dynamo" she hugs him tightly and then smiles "It's just as well that it happened now rather than when the pizza delivery comes" she chuckles as she hugs him again and stands up "Also, sorry, but through my breakdown, I couldn't really hear anything about what you said about Ponymon, save for the names Yellow and Lost Silver. Both I am familiar with, so uhm..if you'd like to tell me again. I'm all ears" she says as she flicks her wolf ears cutely "and this time I should be able to hear what you are saying"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

As Scarlet had looked up to him, he felt his heart ache at the tears the female wolf had in her eyes. "Hey. It's okay and you don't need to apologize. What that creep at the arcade had no right to treat you like that. I also don't blame you about being emotional when it came to seeing your photos of your sister. You must have felt homesick for the past few days. We all feel homesick from time to time. I've felt sad when I moved to Ponyville. I do miss my home in Fillydelphia, but I know I'll be able to go back and visit. It's just like you told me. You're parents can visit when we have the housewarming party. Your parent and sister can all stop by." He says, feeling the female wolf rest her head upon his shoulder. He returns the smile with a soft, yet caring smile. "You're welcome and like I said, it's no problem. You're my friend and I'll always worry about you, Scarlet." He says, returning the hug, rubbing her back in a soothing manner and rocking her gently back and forth. After a few moments, he pulled away from the hug and chuckled in agreement. "That's true. It would be pretty awkward to just leave the hug to grab the pizza. Then put the food back and return the hug." He says, standing up as she stood up.

As he listened intently to her remark, he nods in understanding. "That's okay and I'm glad you know of those stories. Those were actually my first Pokemon stories that I heard from the internet." He says, before continuing. "I was mentioning a sad story from the Ponymon anime. It involved a Litten and a Stoutland. This took place from the Sun and Moon anime, where the Stoutland was old and not doing well. They showed a lesson and loss and I never thought the anime would go that far. Usually, the show tries to tip toe on certain subjects, but it was a heartbreaking scene. That, and I was describing how each Ponymon on my team had meant a lot to me. I also said that Chimchar is probably one of my favorite starters and that I love the Rockruff and Alolan Vulpix evolutionary lines."

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