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private New Girl in Town (1x1 with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet smiles and nods as she gets the controller "I remember that episode, I was watching it with my sister. We both cried our hearts out" she says and turns the television on, where the Switch menu was already up "I know there were some episodes that were banned due to parents complaining, and there was that one episode, Electric Porygon, which triggered seizures in children or something" she shrugs "Chimchar is a nice starter, but my favorite would always be Eevee" she giggles "And you are right the Alolan Vulpix and Rockruff evolutionary lines are pretty cool. I love how with the Rockruff, it depends on how you raise it and the time of day or night it evolves, you could get a Day, Dusk or Night Lycanroc, and with how the Night one, it's almost anthro" she says "Alright, shall we play some Ponymon first or have a couple of rounds of smash?" she asks as she gets up to answer the door and get the two pizzas, giving the delivery person a tip.


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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo frowns softly and nodded in agreement. "I was just surprised how the show just went to that sort of moment. I'm guessing the audience were old enough to understand, but they wanted to tackle such a difficult subject. I'm glad that the anime decided to do that. It really shows that they want others to understand such a thing." He says, before nodding in agreement. "I remembered those banned episodes! Especially the Porygon one. I heard about it and every time someone brings it up on a video, I just look away. I'm always afraid the same thing will happen to me. It's one of those things that I just cannot ever watch, you know? Some of the other banned episodes were shocking, yet understanding." He chuckles, while shaking his head with a smirk. "I remember there's a game called Let's Go, Eevee, where you can have Eevee as a starter. I think that was everyone's dream coming true when that game was announced. Although, that evolution for Rockruff was almost unbearable. I've seen other chat the time so that they could get the Lycanroc that they wanted. However, I didn't. I actually waited on the exact time on both the clock in real time, as well as the clock in the 3DS. It wasn't easy, but I managed to get the Dusk form on my first try. I was just thankful that I didn't have to reset a couple of times." He shuddered at the thought of having to reset multiple times to get the right Ponymon. He pondered on the choices, before smiling. "Ponymon will be first, since we are discussing it right now." He chuckles, before continuing. "Then we can play some Smash Brothers. Perhaps we can try to catch some Ponymon's as a team, or something along those lines." He says, before hearing a knock at the door. He noticed the female wolf got up to answer the door and got the two pizza's they ordered.

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet shakes her head at the mention of people cheating the time and smiles "That just takes the fun out of all it" she says "Plus I've heard stories of how doing that can actually harm the game or even the console itself" she says as she gets out her Eevee 3DS XL and her Ponymon games "I sometimes look up locations to a Ponymon that is being elusive and making it difficult for me to find, but that's as far as cheating I will ever go" she says, after opening her pizza box and licking her muzzle "And I like the idea of that, we can collaborate on making a team together for each of our games" she looks at him "And you are lucky, I'd love the Dusk Lycanroc" 


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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo chuckles at Scarlet's remark, while nodding in agreement. "Thank you. Finally! Someone actually understands. Everyone I know has done that trick, in order to get that version of Lycanroc. I also remember that can harm the game and console itself. I remember it was the same thing for Diamond, Pearl and Platinum. I think it was when someone tried to hack the game, so they could get the right moment to find and catch Darkrai, or even Arceus." He says, shaking his head in disbelief, before continuing. "I guess they couldn't get the special key to get into the building to activate the event. That, or I guess they just couldn't earn the Ponymon the legit way. Oh, well. It's their loss in the end." He whistles in surprise at the Eevee 3DS XL. "That's a pretty cool 3DS. I don't have a Ponymon hand held, but I do have this." He says, bringing out an Ocarina of Time 3DS. "I remember getting this when the 3DS first came out. I think it was for the remake of Zelda and I knew I had to get it." He chuckled with a smile. Sure, it was the original and probably out of date. However, to him, it was a special treasure, in a way. 

The gaming unicorn shook his head at the mention of her way of cheating a game. "I wouldn't call it cheating. It's actually smart strategy if someone picks up a game and doesn't know which is version exclusive. I should have learned when I found out that Alolan Vulpix was in Sun version." He snickers at the memory as he opened his pizza box. He could smell the deliciousness of the food, before sighing. "No matter how many times I eat pizza, it'll always smell so good." He says as he nods in agreement to her idea. "I like that. I'm not the best at building a team, so I think it would be pretty cool to work together. Plus, we'll probably run into crazy encounters. Maybe even shiny Pokemon." He says, chuckling at her Lycanroc comment. "I'm glad you and I agree on that. I really like the orange design. That, and I like how the Dusk form is a combination of both day and night forms." He says, taking a slice from his box onto a plate. He took the piece of pizza and took a bite and hummed in delight. "Oh, man. This is really good." 

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet smiles and nods "I know what you mean, also this is the best tasting pizza I've had in a looong time" she says, swallowing a bite "I got this custom made back home for a birthday gift" she smiles as she shows him how the back even has the Eevee's tail imprinted on it, and of course it was the female, as  the pattern of the tip was of a heart. She giggles "I just love it" she giggles then looks to him and nods "I've heard those rumors about Darkrai and Arceus as well, I never tried it, I always just saved before encountering them and if i fail, I load the save." she says and smiles "I wouldn't be surprised, it certainly looks like it'd be one of the limited edition ones for the remake. The remake was actually pretty good, Twilight Princess would always be my favorite though" 

She smiles and listens to him, nodding in agreement about the Dusk Lycanrock "You are right there, with how it's a mix of both the Day and Night form" she says and then listens "I used to be like that too, but then I figured out a strategy. I figured the best way to do it, is to check which type the gym in the area I am in is, and focus on gathering a team suitable for going against that gym type, train them up, go against the gym, and repeat for each different area and gym" she suggests "So I kind of actually have more than one team, really, though I have my favorites, for when I go against the Elite Four" she then nods "And I agree, I mean Nintendo wouldn't print and sell the strategy guides and Pokedex with locations if it was cheating. I'm pretty sure Nintendo is very against cheating."


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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo chuckled at Scarlet's remark, before nodding in agreement. "I know what you mean. Although, I like any kind of pizza. My mom and dad never liked one specific pizza parlor. Yet I like it regardless. I know there are some pizza's make me sick when I go to a convention. I guess it might be the sauce, cheese, or the way it's the pizza is handled." He says, shrugging his shoulders in confusion. "You got a custom made pizza for your birthday? That must have been one of the best gifts ever. I once got a custom made brownie for my birthday. I finished the brownie in two days and had an upset stomach. It was worth it because it was so good!" He chuckles sheepishly with a grin. He placed his hand on the 3DS and traces the tail and heart. "I think this looks amazing. I really like how Nintendo can make interesting designs for both their consoles and handhelds." He grew silent as she explained her favorite games and events. He suddenly tackled her into a hug and smiled brightly. "You are truly awesome, you know that? Everyone I know either says Wind Waker or some other game is the best. I like those other Zelda games, but Twilight Princess will always be a favorite. I love the wolf form and Midna was an interesting teammate to tag along. Plus, the tone, color scheme, bosses and overall story was phenomenal."

He listens to her strategy and nods in agreement. "I like that idea. I would have done that too when I was younger. Nowadays, I try to pick Ponymon, who know a variety of moves. That way, the team is diverse and can handle other situations. I remember watching Chuggaaconroy play Platinum version. He had the same kind of idea, but he lost to Crasher Wake. The opponent had a Floatzel, who knew ice fang." He chuckled as he shook his head at the memory. "Still, your idea is a really good idea. Since some Ponymon of the same type can learn certain moves. It's nice to use your favorites for the final battles of the game. I only wish I could have saved my game, before doing the legendary encounters. I wasted too many ultra balls to catch any legends. At least I learned the lesson. Also, I admit that Nintendo isn't against cheating. That is, unless it's others rage quitting a game and/or leaking a game early. I remember hearing that some individuals leaked Smash Ultimate a few weeks early. I don't know why anyone can't be patient." He shook his head as he turned on his game of Ponymon.

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet giggles and chuckles "No, no,no not a pizza, though they did make me a custom pizza for my birthday, I was actually talking about my 3DS cover" she giggles, "A Pizza is a lot easier to make custom than a 3DS Cover plate" she says and then instantly eeps as she is tackled and her tail fluffs up but wags "Oh my, so forward" she teases and kisses his nose "I mean yeah I love the classics, and the newer ones, especially Breath of the Wild, but as for a favorite, Twilight Princess is mine as well, and for the same reason as yours"

Scarlet nods and smiles "Yeah, I can't tell you how many times I was defeated at gyms and of course by the rival before I figured out that strategy" she says with a chuckle, and turns on her own game "Shall we both start fresh?"


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"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo blinked a couple of times as Scarlet explained what she had originally talked about. "Oh, whoops. I thought you meant something else." He chuckled and shook his head. "I'm sorry about that, but I still think the 3DS cover is amazing. I'm surprised it was made for your birthday. I guess it was made pretty far in advance to make sure it would be completed in time." He blushed as he had realized what he was doing and instantly pulled back from the hug. "I guess I wasn't thinking. I was just so happy to hear that someone else appreciates an amazing game." He says, smiling softly as he felt the female wolf kiss his nose. "I have yet to play Breath of the Wild, but that's a game on my future list to play. Right now, I'm focusing on getting ready for Kingdom Hearts 3. I've waited years for that game and I will marathon that game until I complete said game." He says, a determined look was set upon his face. He snickered, before breaking out into a fit of laughter. "Okay. I know I couldn't keep that straight face going. Still, I can't believe that game is finally here. After years of the game being announced, it's finally going to be here."

Dynamo smiles and nods, while listening intently to her remark. "Oh, that's nothing. I had to get a strategy guide to help me out in Diamond version. The truth is, I got stuck in Hearthome city. I didn't know where to go or what to do. I almost gave up on the game. However, I picked up the strategy guide and figured out that I had to go to Veilstone City. After I got the third and fourth gym badges, I was able to battle the gym in Hearthome." He chuckled at the memory, but he was happy to complete the game back then. At the mention of starting a fresh, new game, his eyes widened. "A soul link! That's it!" He shouted out loud. He gave an apologetic look to Scarlet, who seemed to have been surprised by his actions. "I'm sorry about that, but what you said got me thinking. If we do a new game, then we can do a soul link. Have you heard of it?" He asks, pulling up the information of said soul link on his phone.

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet smiles as she defluffs her tail once Dynamo let go of the hug and kisses his nose once more "It is alright Dynamo, I probably would have been as excited as you if it hasn't been for the events during the day" she says with a chuckle and nodding "According to my parents, they had it ordered a few months before my birthday so it would be there in time" she says and listens to him "I know what you mean, I've loved the Kingdom Hearts series, both the originals and the remakes, and now that 3 is coming out, I cannot wait" she says and then snuggles next to him "Hearthome city was the worst" she giggles in agreement than looks to him and grins "Exactly what I was thinking, we could do the Soul Link Nuzlocke challenge together. I mean, we live together, so it shouldn't be too hard to make time to continue each time"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiles softly and nods as she kissed his nose again. "That's true when you think about it. Just know that if you ever feel sad, then I'm right here for you. It's never good to keep something upsetting to yourself." He says, chuckling at her explanation of the 3DS. "It sounds like your parents were really prepared. That, and they know you very well. Given that they are your parents, after all." He says, sticking his tongue out playfully and laughs. "It seems like you and I enjoy the fun and amazing video games. When that game comes out, we are definitely doing an all night gaming marathon. If we have to, then we can play all of the Kingdom Hearts games to prepare for 3." He says, blushing slightly as she snuggled up next to him. He didn't move for a few moments, but he soon wrapped an arm around her shoulder. He wanted to pull his arm away, but he found no resistant from the female wolf. "Then a Soul Link Nuzlocke it is, then. We don't live together, yet. Although, we'll be able to have a lot of time to continue the Soul Link journey." He grins as he went through the opening game with the female wolf. Just then, a thought had occurred to the blue unicorn. "Actually, is this a regular journey, or a randomized journey? I'm okay with either option. If we did try random, then how do you randomize the Ponymon? Is there a way to do that on the 3DS?" 

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@Dynamo Pad

"Well true, we don't live together..yet, but after the tournament and we move my stuff in, then we will be" she chuckles a little and winks at him "As for what we will do, I think we will stick with regular journey for now, and then maybe after this one is done, we can try a randomized journey" she says with a smile, snuggling closer, eating her pizza, "And I'd love the idea of that, a gaming marathon of the Kingdom Hearts games sounds awesome" she smiles and wags her tail. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

He chuckles with a blush, while nodding in agreement. "I can't argue with that form of logic. That's pretty much summing up what the plan for the next few days will be. It sounds like a busy few days, but it's worth it. I think you'll enjoy your stay in Ponyville. I just hope you don't mind the random and crazy moments the town can be." He chuckled and shook his head. He nods at the suggestion of their journey as he selected a new game. "Which starter were you planning on going with? I mostly go with Popplio, but I can go with someone else if you choose the water starter. I'm guessing that you have Sun version since I have Moon version." He says, taking another bite of his pizza, while laying his head against her's. He didn't know why, but it felt right sitting next to her. He glances down and shares a grin with the female wolf. "Maybe we can try that marathon sometime this week after you get settled into Ponyville. It depends on if we are busy on some days, but we'll figure out a schedule. I also have the 1.5 + 2.5 HD collection bundle. We'll have the entire library of the series on one disc, so we won't have to switch games so often." He smiles as he was all set to begin the journey. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet smiles and nods, thinking a bit "I usually go for Rowlett or Litten" she says with a smile "I mean yeah Popplio is rather cute, but I mean, come on, a literal cat for a starter, that's pretty awesome, and he learns moves like Bite pretty early on" she explains "and of course, with how most of the time in the games, the earliest Ponymon and the first gym is either flying or bug, flying or fire is great against bug types, not as good as going against grass types, but ya know" she smiles at him and nods "And that sounds great, it's great how they can do that on one disc now"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo nods with a smile as the female wolf described her choices in Ponymon starters. "It seems like you chose between one starter in one game and the other in the ultra games. I like that because it shows you like the diversity." He says, chuckling happily at her explanation. "Okay, you've got me there. I admit that when I saw the three starters, I was going to go along with Litten. I also remember that the Litten line could learn the move outrage. However, the moment I saw Popplio, I thought it was really cute and amazing. I like how Popplio was trying to do tricks like it was in the circus, or something like that. A Ponymon like that just stood out to me, in a way. Plus, I didn't like how a majority of the fans were being hateful to Popplio." He says, listening intently to her description of the gyms in the game. "I agree, but I was surprised for this game. It was a normal type, but the version exclusives changed all of that. I was glad that I had Moon version as I used Popplio. Ironically, I learned a lot about fairy types, while playing through the Sun and Moon games." He chuckles as he was at the starter options. "Hmm...I might actually try to go with Litten for once. Fire types are an interesting type and I like the move options he had. That, and he's in the Smash Ultimate game, so that's a plus." He grins, before continuing. "I like how games can have different series on one disc, as well. It's just odd how they can do that. I mean they have remakes at times, but it's so much on one disc. I guess it's all about learning how to make more memory space? That way, you can put more gaming content and everything on one disc." He shrugged his shoulders as he was unsure on how to describe the idea. "I know I'm going to try and make games in the future, along with being a gaming champion. So, it will give me some insight to learn new things as I go along."

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet nods "With the invention of the bluray disc, they are able to fit more information on the disc, meaning they can fit entire games on one disc" she smiles at him "Though, there are some cases where games would be only partially put on the disc and the rest is all downloaded from the servers" she sighs "Sometimes it is good for the  really large games, so that there isn't say eight discs, like there were for GTA 5 and L.A Noir" she chuckles and tilts her head "You are right, I chose Litten for the normal version, and Rowlett for the Ultra version" she smiles and nods "Oh yes, I had heard that Litten was in the Smash Ultimate game, have you ever played Ponnen?" she smiles, "And you're going to be a game developer? That's awesome!"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

"I would have been afraid if the bluray disc was invented many years ago. Could you imagine all the gaming series they could fit onto one disc? The Final Fantasy games would sell like hot cakes." Dynamo chuckled as he thought of the many different possibilities for other video games. He sighed along with the female wold, while nodding in agreement. "That is kind of ridiculous, if you ask me. I don't even like those games where you have to pay to win, or something along those lines. That, and I heard Kingdom Hearts 3 is getting a dlc ending. Seeing how some gamer's got the game early and releasing the cutscenes and gameplay. It's just not right. I don't get how anyone can't be patient. Yes, I'd like to know how the intro looks, but I can wait for the game." He shook his head, before continuing. "Although, I agree with what you mean. I remember Final Fantasy 13 needed two discs to get all the data together so you could play. I guess there's so much content that the info can't stay on one gaming disc."

At the mention of Ponnen, he nods happily. "I've played a bit of the game, but I could never get into it. Having to switch into two different game stages feels truly confusing. I do like Sceptile, Gengar and a couple of other characters in Ponnen. Do you play the game? If so, who do you like to play as, Scar?" He asks, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. "Thanks for the kind words. It's just a possibility if I ever want to try in the future. I don't expect to get into the business of a game developer. I probably would be more of a pro gamer. It's been my dream ever since my old gaming teacher told me about video game tournaments." He says, running into his first encounter, a Pikipek. It wasn't exactly what he was looking for, but it was better than having no Ponymon at all. "It's a shame that there aren't that many good Ponymon to start with. I am looking forward to the later routes. I remember there's a Noibat in the Normal island trial."

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet smiles softly and shakes her head "I do my best to stay away from spoilers for games and movies, even tv shows that I like" she says "Patience is a rare thing these days, its pretty sad" she says and then chuckles "As for the DLC ending? that's just.. like why? I mean if it was like an alternate ending, then maybe, but to have to buy a DLC just to finish it normally, that's wrong" she sighs "And you are right, pay to win are just..ugh, you can tell who are the paying players too, the system is usually rather unbalanced" she says then bites into her pizza some more "I play Ponnen sometimes yeah, it's a mix of Lucario, Gardevoir or Suicune" she smiles and then looks at him, "Pikipek are still a good Ponymon when you train it up right" she says and looks "Who catches it though?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo nods in agreement, but chuckles slightly. "I try to do the same thing, but there are times where curiosity gets the better of me. I guess I don't mind spoilers in video games, movies or TV. I know I'll either play the game and I'll watch the show and/or movie. However, if it's a pretty crazy spoiler, then I'll have to pass." He says, nodding in agreement to her remark. "It's kind of sad that it has to be that way sometimes. I just don't understand why DLC has to be what it is. Even when it comes to remaking a game and then paying for that DLC all over again. It just doesn't feel worth it, in my opinion. It's also worse when you paid for the DLC, but then the data corrupts and you lose everything. That happened once to me and all that hard work was gone. I was upset, but disappointed that the company couldn't have any fail safe, or something along those lines." He shook his head and sighs. "I always try to stay away from those games. I can be possible to win at the game, but it's always hit or miss. It's not worth taking a chance like that, if you ask me." He says, finishing his pizza, before taking another slice. "Those are some pretty awesome Ponymon to play as. I love Suicune as that's one of my favorite legendary Ponymon." He says, nodding at her remark, before continuing. "That's true and I can't argue with you there. I haven't seen a lot of YouTube players catch a Pikipek. I think Pikipek have a great attack stat upon final evolution. For me, my favorite has and always will be the Starly line. I like how awesome Staraptor looks and I like how it learns the move Close Combat. It's interesting to see how not a lot of flying types can learn a move like that."

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet smiles and nods "Heh, I remember when it wasn't called DLC but expansion packs" she laughs a little "Those were the days, where you could get a full game, and  if you wanted to continue the story, you could buy the expansion packs" she says, "Games like Half Life, Diablo 1 and 2, uh..you know, games like those..those were the days..Now, it's all either cosmetic things that can cost 100 dollars and up, and those games have become pay to win.." she shakes her head and then listens to him about the Ponymon he liked "Gardevoir is one of my favorite Fairy type Ponymon, and like you, Suicine is one of my favorite legendary Ponymon as well" she then listens to why he likes the Starly line "I like the Starly line too, I mean the Starly is just so cute, and reminds me of the bird Starling."


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo chuckles with a nod at the mention of expansion packs. "Oh, I know what you mean all too well. I remember because it was the same for me when it came to World of Warcraft. I loved played that game when I was growing up. I fell out of the series, but I'll admit I am interesting in the Vanilla version. Apparently, they are going to release the old version of the game. Meaning there will only be four races from the Alliance and Horde." He grins with glee, before the grin turned into a sheepish smile. "The only problem is that I'm not sure who to play as. I'm up to playing on either side. For good I would be the Nightelf and for the bad I would be a Tauren. You're right about those being the days. Old games like that feel pretty nostalgic, in my opinion." He shook his head in disbelief, while nodding in agreement. "I guess some companies just want to do whatever they can to sell their games. I just hope that can change one day in the future." 

At the mention of Gardevoir being her favorite fairy type, he smiles. "I have to agree, but Ninetales has to be my favorite Fairy type. It was surprising to hear that the Alolan version turns into an Ice and Fairy type Ponymon upon evolution. Even the mention of an ice stone to evolve is pretty rare and interesting. Gardevoir might be my favorite Psychic type, if you ask me. I also like the other evolution, Gallade." He says, before continuing. "Starly is pretty cute when you think about it. I also didn't know he was based off of the actual Starling. I guess that's why it's known as the Starling Ponymon. I remember on my first adventure in Sinnoh I got Staraptor up to level 100. I completely trained up Infernape and Staraptor to level 100 without hacks or anything like that. It was all legit and I beat the elite 4 and champion with just those two."

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet smiles "Well then, shall we begin our gaming and junk food marathon?" She asks with a wide grin "You catch the Starly and  I'll catch whichever Ponymon we come across next" she says, picking up a plush Litten and cuddling it, while nomming on some more of her pizza and sipping on her soda "This is going to be quite interesting, I've wanted to try the nuzlocke challenge, but it always seemed so daunting to me..but with you, I think we can do it" she then listens "I don't know..World of Warcraft has been so..hit and miss lately. One thing they did since Pandaren, is they pretty much made everything cross realm, and they've changed zone levels"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo grins with excitement and nods at Scarlet's question. "You know I am! I'm really looking forward to this junk food and gaming marathon!" He says, chuckling with glee. "That sounds like a good plan to me, but I already caught a Yungoos. Unfortunately, the first encounter in route 1 is 100% catch rate. I think that always happens since the time of the X and Y games." He says, looking over to the female wolf, who was cuddling a Litten plush. "That's a really cute plush. I have a plush Popplio at home. It seems like we have a favorite starter in plush form. Although, I have a plush Piplup, as well. You can't go wrong with a cute and awesome water penguin." He chuckles, taking a sip of his soda. "I know what you mean. I've tried to do a nuzlocke challenge for X version, but I've always become so nervous. Just the thought of losing a Ponymon on the run is just heartbreaking to me." He says, before looking to Scarlet and giving his friend a reassuring smile. "You're right, though. I know that if we work together, then we'll be able to succeed. Plus, we'll also work together on Smash Ultimate right afterwards." He says, raising an eyebrow in surprise about World of Warcraft. "Seriously? I didn't know that they changed it that much. I know that they came out with the expansion of Battle for Azeroth. However, I didn't know they changed things about cross realms and zone levels. I guess they wanted to make things more modern and easier for players." He wondered, placing a hand under his chin.

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet nods "I know what you mean about the thought of losing a Ponymon. To most they're just little pixels on a screen, but to me, they're family, my bestfriends" she says, wagging her tail "so it's very nice to find someone else who feels the same way" she then takes a bite of her pizza before listening to him about the plush, she smiles "Another birthday present from my parents" she says with a small smile "Tabitha, my adopted sister saved up all her pocket money to buy it for me" she smiles. She then tilts her head when it came to the newest World of Warcraft expansion "It was after they just released Battle for Azeroth, when they changed the zone levels" she says "I tried it, but I just couldn't enjoy it as much as I could"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

"I can say the exact same thing. I'm glad to know that someone thinks of Ponymon as friends and family. To others, it's just finding the best team of six to win a match. Sure, it's cool and all, but they're missing the point." He shook his head, before taking another bite of his food. He smiles as she explained how she got her plush Ponymon. "I think that's very sweet of them." He says, chuckling slightly at the mention of her sister helping to get the present. "I guess you can say that she used her pocket money to help get you a great pocket monster." He grins, wiggling his eyebrows, before erupting into a fit of laughter. "Okay. I'm so sorry, but you set the joke up so easily." He says, holding his sides as he was laughing too much. He panted as he tried to get the air back into his lungs, while also calming down from his joke. "Whew. Now that was my joke of the year. Also, that's kind of sad in regards to World of Warcraft. I guess that's why Blizzard wanted to try and release the original Warcraft. Maybe it was because they want to get new players into what it once was, before having them try the bigger expansions." He says, shrugging his shoulders as he wasn't entirely sure.

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@Dynamo Pad

--Time Skip--

After hours of digging into junkfood, playing Smash Ultimate and going through the beginning of their nuzlocke challenge on Ponymon, Scarlet stretches as she looks at the town "Oh wow, it's 11 pm already? Seems like it was just 6pm" she says and looks over to Dynamo "Man that was fun, I honestly cannot wait to do this more often, but you probably should go to your room and get some sleep. Get some good rest before the tournament tomorrow" she hugs him "This really was so much fun" she says and then kisses his cheek before getting up and bringing the rubbish to the kitchen and throwing it out and putting the left overs in the fridge. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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