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open [RP] Fallout: Equestria - Balefire Blues


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"Helloooooooo, Wasteland!  How's the weather out there?  Heh, probably just as overcast as usual, but hey, don't let that getcha down!  It's your all-time favorite pone, with a nose for the news and the tunes to shake those blues... and hey, if there's anything worth tellin', you'd better believe that good ol' DJ Pon3 has the latest word on it!  And as long as I'm able, there'll be transmissions galore!"


"Now, for all you cats and kittens out there, we've got a lovely little number here from waaaaaaaay back in the day - y'know, when the sun was shining, the grass was green, and folks didn't keep trying to stare each other down over an ancient box of dehydrated apples!  And hey, this one goes out to that poor soul wandering the wastes without a friend in the world - might be you, might be someone you know, might be someone you meet tomorrow!  Who knows!  But still, even if you keep your hoof on your pistol, try to keep an open mind too..."

"After all... the one who doesn't shoot you today... just might save your flank tomorrow!"

Fallout : Equestria
Balefire Blues

Tacotue was just another shitty outpost, out in the middle of Bumblefuck, Equestria.  

It had its' shitty little ramshackle shacks, its' shitty little shambles-of-a-building that could laughably be called a store, its' shitty little townsfolk and its' shitty little sign that proclaimed the name of this Celestia-forsaken place.  The sign had once been something bigger, and the building it was in front of had the word 'cafeteria' on it... but it was the words on the sign, proclaiming 'TACO TUE-', with scorchmarks past the last word, that seemed to make this shitty little place even worth stopping into - they still lit up at night, as if irradiated or something, and could be seen over the flat plains for miles.

Luckily, one of these shitty little shacks was, more or less, a bar.  It was counted as such because of the elderly-looking mare behind the counter who apparently had some sort of illicit still hidden somewhere in town; it was warm and it was occasionally slightly irradiated, but there was most certainly alcohol available here.  The mare called it 'cider', but it had about as much apple in it as a plasma rifle clip - still, it did the job, and was occasionally somewhat tasty.

Other than that, there wasn't much else to look at.  A population of about twenty, a pile of refuse from before the war that smelled like burnt fur and wet feces, and a rusted-out hulk of what was once a train that now made up a semi-wall of almost-protection... and honestly?  That was about it.

Out front of the 'cafe' was one of the residents, an Earth Pony named Hot Seat, who had brought out his shitty little transistor radio and parked his flank on the front steps.  He'd managed to get his hooves on one of the 'cider' drinks, and was sipping at it while he idly listened to the tinny sound of the music belching from the single working speaker.

It was a dreary day... of course, with the constant cloud cover above, it was always a dreary day. 



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radiant blossom entered the outpost chewing on a peice of gum as she dragged a large bag behind her. she sighed as she looked around town looking for the pony she was asked to deliver the bag to. soon she finds herself outside of the 'cafe'.she looked at hot seat, "hey can you help me im looking for the man incharge around here."

  • Brohoof 1


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Hot Seat looked over the newcomer, then at the sack, spit between his teeth to one side, and pointed a hoof back at the 'cafe' behind him.

"You want Half Pint.  Right through there."

He started to sit back again... then, he paused, giving her another look before speaking up.  "Don't mention the height."

With that cryptic warning, he listed back against the wall again, losing himself in the radio's blare once more.

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Blossom rolled her eyes before entering. inside she set her bag down before loudly saying. "i am looking for some pony named half pint i need to speak with him." she stops waiting for a response from any pony inside.

  • Brohoof 1


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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7 minutes ago, Scare Effect said:

"i am looking for some pony named half pint i need to speak with him."

The diner was semi-clean, and smelled of chemical disinfectant and faintly of years-gone-by apple pie.  Most of the countertop space was as close to clean as Wasteland clean could be; grungy, stained, but not nasty.  Chrome sparkled (where it wasn't rusted) and Formica shined (where it wasn't covered in soot), giving an impression that SOMEpony was doing their best as a housekeeper, so to speak.

There were three pones inside:

A tall orange mare behind the counter, wearing what looked to be a piece-meal suit of numerous colors.  
A young colt with a bright pink coat and an eye patch.
A HEAVILY bandaged-up pegasus, sitting alone in the corner and drinking 'cider'.

All three glanced up at Blossom when she spoke up; only the mare in the suit replied.

"Pint's downstairs - you're either the requested courier, the requested chem dealer, or the requested whore."

She eyeballed Blossom's outfit.  "I take it you're not the hooker?"

The colt stared at Blossom as if she were something distasteful.  The pegasus in the corner gave a snort of a laugh at the hooker comment, then returned to his bottle.

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Blossom rolledher eyesat the hooker comment. "im not anything he requested as i got a package here someone gave me to bring here, now i dont know what it is but it seems to be alive. anyway take me to him so i can get the payment i was promised."

  • Brohoof 1


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Just now, Scare Effect said:

"im not anything he requested as i got a package here someone gave me to bring here, now i dont know what it is but it seems to be alive. anyway take me to him so i can get the payment i was promised."

To this, the mare's eyebrow raised.

"You're... not expected... but there's supposed to be some sort of payment..."

She lowered a frown onto Blossom.  "The payment, I take it, is from whomever sent you, then?  If that's the case, I need to get a look inside that bag before you see Pint - see, we're not in the habit of just allowing random ponies with live cargo to do whatever the Hell they want, regardless of who's paying them."

The colt now showed some actual interest... proven by the way he sat up in his seat, they may he focused on Blossom more attentively, and the way he placed his revolver on the countertop.  He didn't look like he was going to just start shooting, but he didn't look like he was going to allow any shenanigans, either.

A kid as a bouncer?  Yeah, life is TOUGH, sometimes.

Anyway, the mare took out what looked like some kind of small cannister, then she simply stood there, waiting for a response as she eyeballed the sack, trying to figure out what its' contents might possibly be.

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"ok i see you are a smart group of ponies, but i cant show you whats inside it would be a breach of contract." Radiant said with a smile. "now i dont need to get paid. just tell him i want to meet him and that i got his package."

  • Brohoof 1


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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5 hours ago, Scare Effect said:

"ok i see you are a smart group of ponies, but i cant show you whats inside it would be a breach of contract."

The colt now gave a snort of derision.

5 hours ago, Scare Effect said:

"now i dont need to get paid. just tell him i want to meet him and that i got his package."

"But you said you weren't expected.  And I thought this was all so you COULD get paid.  And by the look of your outfit, there," the mare popped the lid off the cannister and placed a wary hoof on top of the button underneath, "I don't think I like your attitu-"

"HEY.  'Nuff dat!"

From the 'kitchen' area of the diner came a gruff, low voice that sounded almost like gravel and breaking ice.  

"I goddit - chill da FUCK owt, Ersatz."

Hooves hit the cracked and dingy floor tiles, but Blossom didn't see anypony... at least, not until the owner of the voice in question came around and stepped out from behind the counter.

"Arrite dere - I'm Pint.  Whatcha want, hmmp?"

It was a pony... but his legs were short and stumpy, and he couldn't have stood but three feet high.  He had a dappled brown coat that was COVERED in scars, along with a few old bullet holes and one or two shiny patches from what must have been burns.  He wore what looked like a stitched-together sweater of various colors, and three belts across his barrel, each holding what looked like two guns each.  His eyes were a lilac color, and his mane and tail were a light blue shade that would've been the color of a NON-irradiated sky.  Amidst his scruffy mane and sunworn muzzle was the point of a horn.

He stopped right in front of Blossom, coming up to just above her knees.  He was short, alright... but he seemed more capable than any of the others in here.

Well... maybe not the pegasus, since she couldn't get a good look at him from her angle, but that was of little concern.

"Don' mind her nun - sheza bit snippy sometimez."

Pint looked her up and down (a long way up, to such a short pone), then gave a cocked grin.

"Too badja AIN'T da hookah - yer prolly afful kyoot under alladat dere stuff.  So, ya godda 'package' fer me?"

He spoke the word package clearly, as if he was making certain it was understood - the rest of his speech sounded somewhere between drunk and mushmouthed.  However, the glint in his eyes said he was anything BUT slow... and he smelled of grease and chemicals, not alcohol.

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"ok maybe not a package its more of a nasty creature that i was hired to capture and bring here," she looked at the taller mare. "see that is why i didnt want it to be open," she used her magic to move the bag which started growling.

  • Brohoof 1


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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2 hours ago, Scare Effect said:

"ok maybe not a package its more of a nasty creature that i was hired to capture and bring here,"

"Critter?  Ya godda critter in dere?"

Pint stepped forward and looked at the sack with redoubled interest.  "Wondah iffitz dat one's been givin' us shit ferda pas' few mont's?"

2 hours ago, Scare Effect said:

"see that is why i didnt want it to be open,"

The mare (Pint called her Ersatz, didn't he?) gave Blossom a sour look, but said nothing.  The cannister she'd been brandishing, however, was still at her hoof with its' cap off.

"Yes.  I see that.  Whoopee."

Pint waved a hoof at the uppity mare.  "Eh, coolyer hide - if dissis whaddeye think idiz, den dis might be just the RIGHT kinda surprise thing ta come up wid."

The small stallion made his way around Blossom and headed for the door.  "C'mon - we godda place we kin chegitowt, 'round backa dis place."

As he headed out the door, Ersatz narrowed her eyes at Blossom, but said nothing.  The colt put his weapon away in the saddlebag he wore, and got up to follow along.  The pegasus in the corner belched, then turned up his bottle again.

They made their way outside, Hot Seat being nowhere in sight, and the radio gone as well.  Pint and the colt trotted around the side of the diner, and the diminuitive stallion looked back at Blossom.

"So... hooah youse?  Godda name?"


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16 minutes ago, Randimaxis said:

"So... hooah youse?  Godda name?"

"I'm Radiant Blossom," she said spitting her gum out and pulled another piece out and popped it into her mouth. she grabbed the bag and followed half pint.

Edited by Scare Effect
  • Brohoof 1


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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9 minutes ago, Scare Effect said:

"I'm Radiant Blossom,"

The colt finally piped up, with a scratchy, reedy voice.  "What... like a balefire flower or somethin'?"

Pint gave the colt a look.  "Don'be rood, Chips - I figger's more lika really brite flowah; you ain't godda say it like itza curse."

He then sent a smile to Blossom.  "Ya 'parently know me... dat's Fission Chips.  Don'take whaddee sez pers'nally; he just don'know no bedda, s'all.  Tell ya dis, tho' - he's a helluva shot, an' DAMN quick onna draw."

The colt seemed to swell with pride at that, and kept walking along with them with a smile on his muzzle.

"Ersatz Mood's kinda touchy, f'ya know whaddi mean," he grinned lopsidedly, "but she's arrite - best stitcher in the area, tho'.  Made dis fer me."  He touched a hoof to his patchwork sweater, with was actually not too bad, craftwise; it looked as though, regardless of its' color scheme, it was well put together.

The three of them came to one of the more dilapidated houses outside, and Pint let them in through a cobbled-together metal doorway.  The interior had no interior walls - it was just an open pit into the basement, and down there were old bloodstains and a bleached bone or two.

"Las'time we used dis, some o' dem raiders from up the way lasted 'bout two weeks down dere... we'da fed 'em, but dey killed the drivah of our food caravan, so we figgered 's fair 'nuff dat dey felt whadditz like ta not have no food.  Eye fer a fuckin' eye, y'know?"

He motioned to the deep pit, which seemed to have been dug intentionally deeper to avoid letting anypony climb their way out; the barbed wire surrounding the edges drove that point home nicely.  

"Ledditowt down dere," Pint said, "an' lessee what we got."


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Radiant blossom tossed the bag into the pit and as it hit the ground the bag was shredded by the creature. it was a large wasp like creature with red eyes and spikes along its back. "this creature killed several ponies before i shot its wings off." she said with a sigh. "if you plan to keep it alive i will say is very poisonous so dont get near it."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/25/2019 at 11:13 AM, Scare Effect said:

"This creature killed several ponies before i shot its wings off; if you plan to keep it alive I will say is very poisonous, so don't get near it."

"Cooooooooooool..." Chips stared with a glassy-eyed wonder st the thing now pacing angry circles in the bottom of the pit.

Pint gave it one look and shuddered.  "CRIPES, I hate dose - usu'lly come in groups, don'dey?"  Turning to face her while Chips continued to gawk, the midget pony cast a concerned glance at the mare before him.

"So... gotta admit, itza heckuva thing, you takin' care o' dat bug.  You got skillz, dere.  Dem skills fer hire?"

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20 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

"So... gotta admit, itza heckuva thing, you takin' care o' dat bug.  You got skillz, dere.  Dem skills fer hire?"

"sure, their for hire what is it you need me to do?" The unicorn says with a smile happy to get a new job that didnt involve toting around a savage insect.

  • Brohoof 1


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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2 hours ago, Scare Effect said:

"Sure, they're for hire; what is it you need me to do?"

The nasty-looking insect began pacing the basement floor.  With its wings gone, they were safe where they were - and with that being obvious, Fission Chips gave a squee of delight as he began practicing his aim on the helpless critter while Half Pint motioned Blossom to the side.

"Arrite, okay, good stuff."  Pint reached into one of his many ammo pouches and brought forth a pack of cigarettes, lighting it from a small, metal spark-making device.

"Okay, so dere's a lil' burg updaway - namea' Shiny Station - dat we get a lotta trade wit'.  Only ishyuh is dere ain't been nopony from dat way fer a coupla' weeks now.  I'd send someone, but..."

He grinned lopsidedly.  "Oh yeah - I'm sendin' YOU."

"Shiny Station's folks should be ableta tellya what's goin' on out dere - should beeya population o' thirty, by now.  Dey ain't shy... but dey ain't d'fenseless, neither.  Still, if yer willin' ta let 'em pat ya down an' such, den dey ain't bad.  Don't be an ass, an' you'll come out arrite.  All I needcha ta do is check in widdum, see what's the holdup, den make yer way back here ta me.  Get ol' Mixer ovah dere ta sign ya a paper wit' his name, an' dat'll be proof'nuff dat yaz dunnit."

He puffed on his cigarette - from a pack labeled 'Coffin Nails', no less - then continued.

"Mayah Cement Mixer, he's in charge ovah dere, but he's a pers'nable fella; make surean' tellim Half Pint sentcha.  You check in, do dis fer me, an' I'll slap about fifty bits in yer hoof fer the trouble.  Whaddya say?"

There was a raspy squeal from the pit as Chips managed to take one of its' legs off with a single shot.


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On 2/5/2019 at 5:16 AM, Randimaxis said:

"Mayah Cement Mixer, he's in charge ovah dere, but he's a pers'nable fella; make surean' tellim Half Pint sentcha.  You check in, do dis fer me, an' I'll slap about fifty bits in yer hoof fer the trouble.  Whaddya say?"

"sounds simple enough ill head that way after i get resupplied," Radiant said before turning to walk away but stopped. "Hey instead of bits maybe information would be better pay for the task Half Pint."

  • Brohoof 1


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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On 2/8/2019 at 8:37 PM, Scare Effect said:

"Hey instead of bits maybe information would be better pay for the task Half Pint."

The small stallion stopped.

"Info?  Whatcha want dat for?"

He stopped himself, closing his eyes and putting on a smirk of infinite amusement.

"Nevah mind - fah beyit fer me ta ask questions dat don't need answerin', right?  Tell ya wat; if I know it, I'll tell ya... if not, chances are I know someone dat do.  'Course, alla dis depenze on whatcha lookin' for... so, dis info yer aftah?  Whatcha lookin' fer, so I can havvit ready byda time ya get back?"

Agitated chittering echoed up from the pit, as the young foal gleefully began to make short work of the mutant insect, taking his time by picking off a leg at a time.

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On 2/11/2019 at 5:26 AM, Randimaxis said:

Nevah mind - fah beyit fer me ta ask questions dat don't need answerin', right?  Tell ya wat; if I know it, I'll tell ya... if not, chances are I know someone dat do.  'Course, alla dis depenze on whatcha lookin' for... so, dis info yer aftah?  Whatcha lookin' fer, so I can havvit ready byda time ya get back?"


"i need info on a group of slavers who came from around the eastern area near the manehatten ruins."  Radiant said immediately. "I have a bit of Bone to pick with them."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/12/2019 at 6:00 PM, Scare Effect said:

"i need info on a group of slavers who came from around the eastern area near the Manehattan ruins... I have a bit of Bone to pick with them."

Pint gave Radiant another once-over, a small smirk forming on his muzzle as he took in her armaments and armor.

"Arrite... I knowza stally whose got th' skinny onna places ta avoid if ya ain't lookin' ta get collared - I'd hookya up widdim if ya get dat signed notice.  O'course," his jovial manner took a sudden backseat as hard concern slid into place, "dere's always th' idea dat dere's... somethin' else... wrong dere.  If dat looks like th' case, I don't needya ta be no hero 'r' nuttin - just scowpitt out an' getcher tail back here wit' news."

He glanced sideways at the colt, who had now gotten down into the makeshift fighting ring, and was laughing merrily as he lightly bucked the squirming, wing-and-legless insect back and forth across the floor, seemingly enjoying its' helpless struggles.  It was kinda morbid and cruel for such a young pony, but this was the Equestrian Wasteland; it twisted folks until they either broke, or warped along with it - in the cases of ghouls, quite literally.

"Y'lie about what's up?  I'll figger it out... den, I send Fisson Chips ta play witcha.  Goddit?"

He stepped forward and pointed towards the West, a short distance of flatland which abruptly ended in the blacks and browns of a once-mighty forest, now not much more than skeletal black husks, jutting up from the dirt in enough force to make it both thick and foreboding.

"Folla th' blue ribbons - you'll see 'em ashya go - an' you should get ta Shiny Station in... oh, 'bout haffaday 'r so.  Make sure an' tell Mixah I sentcha."

With that, he reached over his flank and, with a snap of his head, threw something shiny toward the center of the ring where Fission was having his fun.  The dagger sliced into the insect's thorax, and its death rattle petered out as thick, viscuous liquid rolled down from the wound.  

Chips said, "awwww" and pouted, cutely.

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On 2/23/2019 at 5:16 PM, Randimaxis said:

"Folla th' blue ribbons - you'll see 'em ashya go - an' you should get ta Shiny Station in... oh, 'bout haffaday 'r so.  Make sure an' tell Mixah I sentcha."

"Ok ill be off then." She turned and walked toward the door and paused but shook her head and left.outside she head to the local shop. needing to buy ammo for her weapons.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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  • 1 month later...
On 2/25/2019 at 5:17 AM, Scare Effect said:

Outside, she headed to the local shop, needing to buy ammo for her weapons.

Outside, the hulk of a rusted-out skywagon sat at the edge of the diner's cracked and weather worn parking lot.  In it, there was a LOT of salvage and gear, a funky reek of some chemically foul concoction, and a reedy stallion who wore what appeared to be Stable-Tec utility barding.  The blue and yellow outfit looked patched and slightly stained, and there was no way to discern any sort of identifying number for any stable they might have come from... if the suit itself hadn't been scavenged, that was.

When the stallion saw her headed in his direction, his eyes grew wide and slightly manic, and he began to shudder and twitch lightly as he leaned out of the wagon's open doorwy.

"Miss!?  MISS Looking for food?  Chems?  Ammo?  Armor?  Even just bits of fiddly junk?"

He swept his forleg in a grand fashion, motioning to the hulk of rust that served as his shop.  "Rattles has what you need!  He's been operating here for almost two whole years now, and Rattles simply c-can't WAIT to make a sale to you!"

Though he quivered and spasmed, the stallion looked earnest enough to seem harmless.

"What can Rattles get you?  Can he help you find what you're looking for?  Because Rattles LOVES connecting customers with things they need!  So, c'mon!  Let Rattles know what you're looking for!  Hell, he might have it in multiple colors, if you're lucky!"

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1 hour ago, Randimaxis said:

What can Rattles get you?  Can he help you find what you're looking for?  Because Rattles LOVES connecting customers with things they need!  So, c'mon!  Let Rattles know what you're looking for!  Hell, he might have it in multiple colors, if you're lucky!"

"Well thank you I do need some things, so I need some 9 mm ammo, .45 and .357 Magnum rounds." She reached into her jacket and pulled out a peice of gum popping it into her mouth. "I also need some magic cells if you have any."

  • Brohoof 1


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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On 3/29/2019 at 10:45 AM, Scare Effect said:

"Well thank you I do need some things, so I need some 9 mm ammo, .45 and .357 Magnum rounds."

The strange stallion gave a squeal that grated against Blossom's ears and danced a snappy little jig on the spot.  

"Rattles has those!  Yes he does!  YES he DOES!"

With that, he practically dove headfirst into the skywagon's pile of stuff, seeming to swim into it.  Like a gopher digging a hole, parts of the pile bulged and moved as he passed beneath.  After a few minutes, four different boxes dropped out of one paneless window, and Rattles followed suit as he pulled himself from the piled junk and took up the boxes in his magic, presenting them to Blossom with a manic smile.

Collectively, there was a total of 35 9mm bullets, 17 .45 bullets and 12 bullets (on speed loader drums) for the magnum.

"Rattles can give you a bulk price, if you're buying them all!  Rattles says-..."

He stared blankly into space for a moment, a small string of drool slowly dripping from his lip... then, just as quickly, he snapped back to reality and looked her right in the eye.

"... 80 caps even; he'll even throw in the speed loaders, no extra charge!"

On 3/29/2019 at 10:45 AM, Scare Effect said:

"I also need some magic cells if you have any."

"Spark batteries?  Ummmm..."

Rattles got a look on his muzzle like he'd been caught stealing candy from foals.  His ears drooped, and he gave her a mournful look.

"Sorry, miss - all Rattles' spark batteries got bought up this morning; the mummy in the diner gave Rattles a LOOOOOOOOT of caps, and Rattles is going to swim in them tonight!  Yes he WILL!  YES!  He WILL!"

He gave another spooky, fluting squee of delight as he contemplated his newly acquired fortune.

  • Brohoof 1

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