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private Love is Truly and Forever Sweet (1x1 between Dynamo Pad and Scarlet Rose)

Dynamo Pad

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@Scarlet Rose

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In the graceful city of Canterlot, it was your typical, average day in the wealthy city. A bell could soon be heard from across the town. The source of the bell was from Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Today was the final day for all classes as it was graduation day. As school was let out for the day, everyone had been exiting the building as fast as they could. A blue unicorn, known as Dynamo Pad, had burst through the front doors and rushed past the others students. Some had greeted him, but he managed to briefly wave as he passed them by. Since it was graduation day, he was hurrying home, so he could celebrate it with his friends. He remembered hanging out with his friend, Starlight Glimmer, the week before. They both agreed that after final exams had gone by and if they passed, then they would go out to celebrate for graduating. Seeing how the two of them had passed with flying colors, he knew it was time to finally enjoy the summer.

He pulled out his cell phone out of his pants pocket and looked up Starlight's number. As he set up a text message, he soon began to type a message to his friend. "Hey, Star. Sorry about rushing out of the classroom like that. I was in a rush to make it back home and get ready to hang out. We're still meeting by the candy and malt shop, right?" As he sent the text message, he soon looked up to find that his house was within his sights. He slowed down in his running to a calm walk, before making his way back into the house.

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@Dynamo Pad

Starlight was making her way to the bakery where the celebration was to be held with her other friends, Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer. She gets the notification of a text message to see that it was from Dynamo Pad. She smiles and texts back "Hey D-Pad, it's all good and yea we are, just about to get there with Twi and Sunset, also it looks as if Jaded is thereshe texts back and then puts her phone away "Alright girls, Dynamo will be here soon, he's just getting changed" she says as she and the others arrive at the candy and malt store.


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"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

As he entered his home, Dynamo looked around to see if his mom was around. "Hey, mom!? I just wanted to let you know that I'm home!" He called out, his ears perked as he heard his mother's voice. "Hey, honey! How was your last day of school?" The mother, known as Gentle Step, had walked from her room to the living room to greet her son. He smiled as he walked up and gave his mother a hug, who had returned the embrace. "It was not too bad. It was mostly all of our classes having one last word of advice, before they let us head towards the future. Most teachers let us talk, while others were playing movies in the classrooms." Gentle smiled and giggled as it was the same for her. "That's good, dear. I'm glad you had a good day." Dynamo looked to his phone, while he had received a new text message from Starlight. As he read the message over, he raised an eyebrow at the mention of Twilight, Sunset and someone named Jaded. 'I think I've heard of Twilight and Sunset. Those two, along with Starlight, are considered the highest ranked students in the school. I remember Starlight telling me that they are her friends and I think I've heard of Jaded's name before.' He thought as he went to reply towards the message. "Okay. I'm going to get ready and I'll be there in about five to ten minutes. I'll see you then." 

After sending the reply, he looked towards Gentle's direction. "Hey, mom. That was Starlight. She and I agreed that we would celebrate at the candy and malt shop if we passed our exams. Is it okay if I can go hang out with Starlight?" Gentle could only smile and nod at the request. "Of course you can, honey. You two have been best friends for over a year or two now, right? Besides, you've passed your exams and graduated. It's the summer time, so go and enjoy the evening. Are you planning to stop by the arcade later?" Dynamo thought for a moment, before nodding. "I'm going to ask Starlight if she and her friends want to join, but yeah. I might not be home for dinner." He says, giving his mother an apologetic look. "No need to worry and thanks for letting me know, dear. I have something in the fridge for me to have. So, go on and have a nice time." Dynamo nods as he made his way for the steps and climbed up towards his room.

After reaching his room, he placed his book bag down as he moved over to his closet. He ruffled through his closet of clothes and wonder what was the best outfit to wear. An idea had soon crossed his mind as he knew what outfit he would go with. He decided on a green anime shirt of Deku from My Hero Academia. Along with black pants, black and blue shoes, and his necklace he and Starlight bought. After making sure that he had everything, he made his way out of his room and down the steps. Once he reached the living room, he called out to his mother, while making his way towards the door. "I'm leaving mom! I'll text you when I'm on my way home!" As he opened the front door to leave, his ears perked as he heard Gentle calling out to him once more. "Okay! Have a nice time, honey!" Dynamo smiled with a nods as he closed the door behind him. He jumped off the top step of his stoop, before breaking out into a jog towards the candy and malt shop.

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@Dynamo Pad

At the malt and candy store, the girls were all at one table, drinking a malt each and discussing their plans for the future. "I know I'm going to go onto college" Twilight says, much to the non surprise of the others "I think I might start a band, or even go to college for music theory" Sunset puts in, while Starlight looked at her phone and smiled "I might go to college as well, I would love to study magic artifacts, so I might even become a archaeologists." Starlight says and then looks over to Jaded and sighs "Girls? Should we invite Jaded over? She looks lonely" Starlight asks, and Sunset knowing the feeling nods "Well, i know that feeling, but she does like to be left alone, let's wait until Dynamo gets here and ask what he thinks" she says as the others nod in agreement.


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"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

As Dynamo jogged towards the malt and candy store, he began to wonder about the name Jaded. If he recalled, she was a gray, unicorn mare. He seemed to recall that he had two to three classes with her, but she never really talked. They would occasionally greet each other or talk about something, but it was always brief. He could only shake his head as he would worry about everything later. At the moment, he smiled as he saw that the malt and candy store was coming into view. As he kept pace in his jog, he decided to sing a song to himself. "Don't stop me cause I'm having a good time. Don't stop me yes I'm having a...oh, that's a bad day." He stopped mid singing as he realized he was going slightly downhill. He tried to stop running, but he couldn't stop in worry of tripping and falling forward. 

As he reached the shop, he tripped in his step and smacked face first against the front door. There was a loud thud as he hit the front door. The front door soon opened as he and the door swung open to the side. He managed to peel himself from the door and landed on his back. His eyes were spinning as he could only stare up at the ceiling. "Did someone get the number of that bus? If so, cause that's it! Next time I'm driving." He threw his arm into the sky and pointed at the ceiling. As he hit the door, he didn't realize that he had cut himself on a part of the door. 

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@Dynamo Pad

The girls couldn't help but laugh a little at Dynamo, not necessarily at his trip and fall, but at his joke. Starlight just rolls her eyes and goes over to him after getting up from her seat. She helps him up "Come on you big dork" she says, "We were just discussing what we were going to do now that we graduated from school, and well we're all pretty much going to go to college for different reasons" she says, helping them to their table "We were also thinking about inviting Jaded over, she was looking kind of lonely before"


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"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

As he noticed Starlight standing over him, Dynamo shook his head to regain his composure. He chuckled as he accepted the helping hand and stood up. "Sorry about that, Star. I guess I was running too fast that I couldn't stop mid step. That, and I was singing an old classic song and I probably wasn't watching where I was going. I sometimes have a bad habit of doing that. I guess I was just psyched that we were all going to hang out. I hoped you all didn't start the celebrations without me." He says, nodding at the discussion as she helped him over to the table with Starlight, Twilight and Sunset. "That sounds pretty cool. I know you told me that you wanted to go into archaeology, as well as studying different kinds of magic. What are you going to be doing for college, Twilight and Sunset?" He says, realizing that this was the first time that he talked to either of them.

"Oh, forgive me about my rudeness. This is the first time that we talked to each other. My name is Dynamo Pad, but you can call me Dynamo. It's really nice to meet you." He bowed in respect, before smiling and continuing. "For me, I might not go to college. I was helping Pinball Wizard at the arcade and the told me about the video game tournament scene. I'm thinking about competing in tournaments and become a professional video game player." He says, listening as they talked about inviting Jaded to their table. He looked around, until he spotted the light grey mare sitting by herself. He frowns as she looked sort of sad as she sat by herself. He smiled as he got up from his seat and walked over to Jaded. "Excuse me. Is this seat taken? I'm sitting with some friends and I was hoping you could join us." He smiles and offers his hand to Jaded as he reached the table. 

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@Dynamo Pad

As she had lead him to the table, Starlight had noticed that her goofball of a friend had managed to cut himself when he hit the door head on. She shakes her head "It's alright, I guess your goofiness was one of the things that endeared you to me" she says to him and goes to get a bandaid from Jaded's parents. 

Jaded looks up as she hears Dynamo's voice "O-oh uhm, no it's fine you can take that seat if you really want to" she says "Dynamo Pad right? You're friends with Starlight?" she asks as  she takes his hand and shakes it, at least that is what she was hoping he was reaching his hound out for "I-I guess I could join you" she says, then standing up and following him to the table. She then smiles as she sees Starlight return.

"Here you go Dynamo, you somehow cut yourself, so I got you a bandaid, and hey Jaded, glad you could join us" Starlight says as Jaded smiles a little.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo chuckled as he listened to Starlight's remark. "Well, we did bump into each other as we were reading our magic books. I remember it was around our freshman year of school. After we bumped into each other, we apologized and exchanged our books. Only for us to realize we had the other's book. I remember searching up and down the hallways to find you. After we swapped our books back, we began talking to each other. It turned out that we both had a good amount in common." He says, frowning slightly, before continuing. "I remember when I lost my father a year or so later. It just felt like the world had suddenly stopped, but you helped to keep that world going. You didn't run away when I told you and I remember not running away when you told me about your past. It was then that I knew you and I would be best friends." He says as he smiled softly.

The gaming unicorn smiled as Jaded had accepted his handshake. "Eeyup. That's my name. You're also right that I'm friends with Starlight. I guess more along the lines of best friends." He chuckles, before nodding. "I'm guessing that you're also friends with Starlight, as well as Twilight and Sunset?" He asks, before grinning as she agreed to join him and the others at their table. "Awesome! We saw that you were by yourself and it's never fun for one to be on their own. It's always much better to sit with your friends. Come on!" He says, leading the way as the two walked back to the table.

He wondered where Starlight had gone off too, but smiled as he saw that she had returned. What he didn't understand was that she had a bandaid in her hand. At her explanation, he took out his phone to place it on photo mode. He soon saw the cut on the side of his head and winced slightly. "It's not serious, but I didn't think I hurt myself that badly. I guess I hit the front of the door, but not close enough to hit the glass thankfully." He sighed in relief, closing his eyes slightly as he felt Starlight place the bandaid over the cut. "Thanks for the help, Star. I really appreciate it."

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@Dynamo Pad

Starlight chuckles a little "I remember that day, it was both of our first day at school" she says and sits down "Also you're welcome, and you are right, I do want to go into archaeology and magical artifacts" she says but then when he mentioned how he lost his father, she frowns, she remembered how distressed and distraught he was "I remember that night. You called me up at about midnight and I came over straight away" she says, placing a gentle hand on his. 

Jaded listened as she sat down and begun to fiddle with a planchette "I can get you in touch with your father" she says softly, looking up as her mother gave her a mocha-chino "T-thank you mother" she says before returning to her planchette and fiddling with it. She looks up to Dynamo "A-and I normally eat alone, k-kind of how I..and the spirits like it"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo chuckled along with Starlight as he remembered that day well. As he brought Jaded over, he made sure to order a vanilla milkshake. "I even remembered you flipped out when you heard that I liked kites you do. Whenever there was a day off from school, we made sure to go kite flying." He says with a smile, before continuing. "Archaeology and magical artifacts seem to suit you very well. I remember you helped me in some of my magic studies. I was the worst when it came to using magic, but I managed to get better. That, and I know you always loved to practice and combine many different spells." He says, looking down to see her hand upon his. He looked to his friend with a kind smile. "I remember it a few days before the convention. I wasn't really sure if I wanted to go, but I had a little bit of advice." He says, remembering how Princess Luna had guided him through the nightmares after that night. "It's been around a year since that time happened. Thank you for always being there, Star." He says, pulling Starlight into a tight embrace.

As he pulled back from the hug, he looked over to Jaded, who was busy fiddling with a planchette. "Y-You can? How are you able to do that? If you don't mind me asking, that is." He says as her mother handed the drinks they ordered. "Oh, thank you very much, ma'am." He says, taking the milkshake as he looked back to the light grey mare. "Did you ever sit with Starlight and the others in the cafeteria during lunch break? I know some students like to normally eat by themselves, but I guess I think it's nice to eat with friends." He raised an eyebrow as she mentioned about spirits. "You said spirits, right? Are you able to see and/or talk to spirits in some way? If so, then that's pretty cool and interesting. My mom watches some shows that deal with ghosts and spirits. I do feel worried at times, but it's only because I know that there are angry spirits along with good spirits. So, I try not to anger or provoke anything."


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@Dynamo Pad

Jaded smiles a little, flipping her planchette into the air and catching it "With this" she says with a grin "Ever heard of a Ouija board?" she smiles "Some call it the gateway to the spirit world" she puts her planchette away "Though I don't really need it, spirits just seem to be drawn to me for some reason" she says and looks at him "So if you ever wanna get in touch with your dad, lemme know, I'll even do it for free" she says before sipping on her drink.

Starlight just shakes her head "Jaded you are so..ugh" she rolls her eyes "oh that's the word, incorrigible" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo watched as Jaded tossed her planchette in the air, before she caught it. He could only raise and eyebrow as he took a sip of his milkshake. At the mention of a Ouija board, Dynamo coughed and almost did a spit take. "A-A Ouija board?" He coughed as he tried to regain his breath. He sighed as he placed a calming hand over his heart. "I've heard of those before, but I was told never to use them. I know it's to talk to spirits, but sometimes you can get bad spirits. Not only that, but if you don't finish the rules correctly, then bad things can happen. My mother always told me never to go near one." He explained, before tilting his head as she explained how spirits would be near her. 

"So, a Ouija board is somewhat easier, but never really needed when you're there? That sounds pretty convenient, but how do you know which spirit is with you. What if it's someone you want to talk to, but it turns out to not be who it is?" He asks, smiling as she would try to get in touch with his dad. "I-I think I would like that. I really do appreciate that, Jaded." He says, taking another sip of his drink. His eyes glanced over to Starlight as she shook her head at Jaded. "What do you mean, Star? Why do you say that Jaded is Incorrigible?" He asks, placing the milkshake on the table in front of him. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Star looks at him "She wasn't always like this, once upon a time, she was a very soft-spoken and kind mare"  she says "Something happened, I don't know what, but something happened for her to completely change" she sighs and then smiles a little "but perhaps..if she spends more time with us, she can change back, so she isn't a total lost cause" she then looks to jaded who was just fiddling with her planchette.

"Listen, the Ouija board is a dangerous tool, especially as you say, if you don't know what you're doing and how to do things properly, but I'm a professional" Jaded says simply "So when do ya wanna do it?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo listened closely as he listened to Starlight's background knowledge for Jaded. He frowned as he heard something had happened to make the light grey unicorn change. "It's really sad to hear that. I don't know what happened that caused her to change, but I know the old Jaded is still in her heart. I know I've passed by her in the halls and I never got to know her personally. However, I know that she sounds like a great friend in my book." He says with a soft smile. "I think that's the best course of action. We seem like an awesome set of friends as a group. So, I have no doubt that she'll change back. Nopony is ever a lost cause. That is, unless they are unwilling to change for the better." He muttered the last part, while he remembered an old bully from his past.

Dynamo turned to Jaded and nodded at her response. "That's true and I have no doubt that you're a professional at using a Ouija board. I guess my mom can be a little overprotective. She always worries that something will happen to me. I guess she doesn't want to lose me since she lost my dad." He says, thinking for a moment on when he wanted to use the board. "Hmm...I guess maybe later on tonight. I was going to suggest if you all wanted to head to the arcade. Starlight and I were discussing plans and we both agreed on the arcade. Seeing how we finally graduated from the academy, I think it's time to party. What do you all think?" He asks, turning to each of them to see what they thought of the idea.

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@Dynamo Pad

Starlight nods "That's the plan girls, so we finish up here and head on over to the arcade?" she asks, as both Sunset Shimmer and Twilight both nod in agreement, while Jaded just looked up and then back to her planchette "I guess I can go, got nothing else on until the seance" she says and looks at the others who all smiled at her "A-alright" she says and finishes her mocha-chino.

Starlight smiles "awesome, I know you'll have lots of fun, Jaded"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo had a deadpanned expression as he heard Starlight's statement. "Uh...hello? I'm a guy, remember? I'm guessing it's because I have a long mane, right? I mean I could have spiked it up, but that look doesn't suit me." He rolled his eyes playfully, before laughing at the joke he and Starlight made. Upon seeing that Twilight and Sunset were in agreement, Dynamo smiled with a nod. "Awesome! It sounds like the arcade is going to have to watch out. If not, then they'll be missing the prizes after we win all the game rewards." He says, looking over to Jaded as he waited to see how she felt. As she was in agreement, Dynamo grinned, threw a fist in the air and cheered. "Alright! You won't regret this, Jaded. The arcade is a lot of fun with many old and new games. They even have their own dance machine too." He says, finishing the rest of his milkshake, before throwing his face into his hands. "Ow! Brain freeze!" He exclaimed as he slammed his face onto the table. "Okay...that wasn't the best thing I could have done. Ow..." He groaned as he sat up a few minutes later. "Okay. Two important things. One: never drink a cold beverage too quickly. Two: Never throw your face onto a wall or table. You might just end up getting hurt." He chuckled sheepishly as he placed his hands back onto the table.  

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@Dynamo Pad

Starlight just  rolls her eyes "you're such a goof, Dynamo" she says "I was addressing the girls, I know you're a guy" she chuckles a little and then as Dynamo downs the rest of his milkshake and then bangs his head on the table due to the resulting brain freeze, she just rolls her eyes once more "What did I just say Dynamo? You are such a goof" she says but then notices that Jaded had smiled and giggled just a tiny bit, "But, it would seem, you may be making Jaded smile a little, so that's good"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo chuckled and nods at Starlight's explanation. "I may be a goof, but I'm a proud goof. Maybe even the goofy goober." He wondered, shrugging his shoulders and nods. "You know me, Star. We've been best friends since the start of the academy. So, that's about five years and five years that I don't regret." He grins, before taking notice of Jaded giggling slightly. He raised an eyebrow as he thought the giggle was cute. He didn't understand why, but it's how he felt. He looked to Starlight, before turning back to Jaded. "You can say that again. I guess that's a good thing, so far. It must mean she'll be talking to us more and being closer to who she used to be." He says, getting out of his seat and pushing the chair in. "So, what do you say, gang? Ready to go and have ourselves an arcade marathon?"

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@Dynamo Pad

The others all got up and paid for their drinks "Let us raid the arcade of their prizes!" Sunset cheers happily as Twilight and Starlight just smile and giggle, while Jaded just got up and packed up her planchette "Alright then, I guess I can see if the skeetball and hoops games are finally working" she says softly, as they were her two favorite games. She waves to her parents as she then proceeds to follow the other girls and Dynamo.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

As Dynamo paid for his milkshake, he grinned with enthusiasm at the cheer. "That's the spirit! Knowing the five of us, we'll take all of their prizes at the end of the night." He says, chuckling along with Starlight and Twilight. He turned to Jaded, while listening to her comment about the skeeball and hoop games were fixed. "I think they are. I work at the arcade from time to time, so all of us have been working hard to make sure everything is in order. I think some punks came in and tried to reset everything. I don't get why, but we had to make sure to add some security features. Pinball Wizard, Button Prompt, a few others and myself take great pride in making sure the arcade is taken care of for everyone." He says, placing a comforting hand upon Jade's shoulder. After Jaded had waved to her parents, the group of five began to leave the shop and head towards the arcade. 

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@Dynamo Pad

The girls all smile as they go with Dynamo to the Arcade. Starlight thinks for a moment "I remember that day, wasn't it Cheat Code and his goons?" she asks "They even tried to cheat the claw machines, but I think Button Prompt caught them in the act" she says to Dynamo as Jaded mutters something like "Damn cheaters, I hope they got kicked out and banned, ruining the fun for everyone else." she then looks up, so that she wouldn't accidentally walk into anyone, a wall or a pole. "I believe they did Jaded, don't worry" Twilight says reassuringly, "T-though some bans are only temporary" Sunset chimes in.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

As the group was making their way towards the arcade, Dynamo turned to Starlight and nods at her assumption. "It sure was Cheat Code. I was off that day, but I got called in by Pinball Wizard. I had never seen him look so furious before. The last time was when he was dealing with Cosmic and his team." He shook his head as he remembered Cosmic had given him such a headache. "Button was there and he did catch them cheat the claw machine. He went so far as to get a metal bat to chase Cheat Code away. Seeing how Cheat was tough and wouldn't follow the guidelines of the arcade." He looked to Jaded, who he thought had heard her muttering about her dislike for cheaters. "Cheat Code and his goons were banned from the arcade. Master Pinball made sure to make a list of ponies who would never be allowed to enter the arcade." He says in agreement to Twilight's statement.

As Sunset had chimed in, Dynamo had frowned with a nod. "Unfortunately, that's right. Button and I have seen Cheat around the arcade. He thinks he has some sort of special privilege to be at the arcade. Always going on about cheating the system, in order to get what he wants. It's a bunch of nonsense, if you ask me. He'll get what's coming to him one of these days. Cheaters never win and will never get away with what they've done." He says as the arcade was coming into view. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Starlight nods "I remember seeing that. Not a whole lot frightens me, but that certainly did" she says and then looks around "Ah well, hopefully he won't bother us today, did he even graduate?" she asks, as they soon arrive at the arcade. "I don't think so, Starlight." Twilight says "I heard about them from Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna, apparently his grades were really low and he had been caught cheating on tests, or altering scores" she says.

Jaded just looks down, she was one of the ponies who was effected by Cheat Code's cheating and illegal changing of test scores, she had begun to sniffle, as she was reliving the day she got a F on her favorite subject. Sunset hugs her "Hey, I got an F in music as well, remember?" she asks "That's how the Principal and Vice Principal found out, as I had approached our teacher about it, and she then approached Celestia and Luna" she smiles at her "Don't worry, if they do come to the arcade, Jaded, we will be here for you, right everyone?" she asks, as both Twilight and Starlight nod and put in that they'll help if she needs any.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo looked over to Starlight, raising an eyebrow as he listened to her statement. "Which one are you talking about Star? The whole Mr. Pinball being angry, Button using a metal baseball bat, or both? Either way, I don't blame you for being frightened. I nearly freaked out as those things happened. Nobody gets on Mr. Pinball's bad side and gets away to tell the tale." He says as they arrived at the arcade. He was about to answer her question, until Twilight confirmed their suspicions. "Seriously? That does sound like him. I guess he couldn't just work hard and study like the rest of us. I even remember some teachers trying to help him in his lessons. Maybe he thought he can get through the academy by lying and cheating." He says, turning to Jaded, who began to sniffle.

Dynamo frowned as he felt his heart ache as the light grey mare was in tears. He smiled slightly as Sunset was there for Jaded, but he soon frowned once more upon hearing what Cheat Code had done. "I'm really sorry to hear he had done that. I remember hearing he did that to a lot of other students. I admit that I was included. He had a sort of vendetta against me and some other students. You've got me on the reason, but karma will catch up to him." He says, nodding with no doubt that he'd be there for Jaded and the others. As they walked up to the arcade, Dynamo opened and held the door open for the group to enter.

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