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Ask Gallus and Silverstream [CLOSED]


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36 minutes ago, Woohoo said:

Shouldn't she get detention too?


Why would a Professor get detention? :mlp_confused:


37 minutes ago, Woohoo said:

How did Rarity even find out?


*Whistles innocently* :ooh:


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12 minutes ago, Sparklefan1234 said:


Why would a Professor get detention? :mlp_confused:



*Whistles innocently* :ooh:


Whoops, why did I say that? Professors don't get detention, they get far worse: suspension, or even termination. Yes, even at the friendliest school in Equestria, professors can get suspended or fired. How do I know this? Headmare Twilight made me read the whole rule book as punishment for something I don't remember and I was surprised that was in the rule book. Ugh, this whole thing is confusing. I hate seeing Silver get punished but I don't want to see Rarity punished either. What do I do?!


Also, please stop whistling. It's really annoying. :okiedokieloki:

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2 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said:


Why don't you ask Rarity? I'm sure she's calmed down by now. :twi:

*sigh* I'm not sure if she'll even listen to my, or in this case, Silver's side of the story. But if it means clearing Silver's name, I better take that risk. Wish me luck.

* one awkward transition later *

So I told Rarity, as calmly as I could, Silver's side of the story with all the contradictions with Rarity's side. I was expecting a full-on furious response from her, but instead, I got a confused one. Also, Rarity claimed that Silver's impression of her was much more exaggerated and offensive. I then told her that Silver's impression was just 'Bwah, my mane is ruined, faint' and that managed to make Rarity chuckle a little. So we were both very confused by this whole situation and wondered how did it start. I suggested to Rarity that somepony might have been eavesdropping on my dorm and then the rumors got spread and twisted around. Now Prof. Rarity and I are going to talk to Headmare Twilight to see if we can clear Silver's name.

* another awkward transition later *

Woohoo! Silver has been cleared! Twilight and Rarity feel really foolish about jumping to conclusions, though I can't really blame 'em. That's what happens with rumors. Twilight is currently planning an anti-rumor assembly sometime in the future. Whew, what a day. Now, I need to tell Silver the news. *flies off*

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14 hours ago, Woohoo said:

*sigh* I'm not sure if she'll even listen to my, or in this case, Silver's side of the story. But if it means clearing Silver's name, I better take that risk. Wish me luck.

* one awkward transition later *

So I told Rarity, as calmly as I could, Silver's side of the story with all the contradictions with Rarity's side. I was expecting a full-on furious response from her, but instead, I got a confused one. Also, Rarity claimed that Silver's impression of her was much more exaggerated and offensive. I then told her that Silver's impression was just 'Bwah, my mane is ruined, faint' and that managed to make Rarity chuckle a little. So we were both very confused by this whole situation and wondered how did it start. I suggested to Rarity that somepony might have been eavesdropping on my dorm and then the rumors got spread and twisted around. Now Prof. Rarity and I are going to talk to Headmare Twilight to see if we can clear Silver's name.

* another awkward transition later *

Woohoo! Silver has been cleared! Twilight and Rarity feel really foolish about jumping to conclusions, though I can't really blame 'em. That's what happens with rumors. Twilight is currently planning an anti-rumor assembly sometime in the future. Whew, what a day. Now, I need to tell Silver the news. *flies off*


How can that be?

I was with Rarity the whole weekend helping her organize her floppy hat collection. :mlp_confused:

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7 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

How can that be?

I was with Rarity the whole weekend helping her organize her floppy hat collection. :mlp_confused:

*sighs* Gallus, I think it's time.

Time for what?

It's time to tell the truth... and I mean the whole truth.

Oh... should I go get the professors?

Not just them, we need every creature, and I mean every creature.

You mean... the entire world? :o

*sighs* Yes, but don't worry. We both know a certain creature that can gather every creature. 

* sometime later, every pony, dragon, griffon, hippogriff, changeling, yak, and other creatures in the world are gathered in a large stadium *

Wow, that was easy. Good thing Discord was in a good mood today.

Well, today is his favorite holiday.

You better start giving your speech, Silver. Good luck.

*steps up to the podium and taps the microphone* Testing 1, 2, 3. May I have every creature's attention please? I have something very horrible to say. *sigh* I've been living a lie for my entire life. My name is not Silverstream. I'm not really bubbly pink hippogriff who loves stairs and plumbing. This isn't the real me! So now, in front of every creature in the whole world, I will reveal my true form! *suddenly explodes in a big cloud of smoke, the smoke clears and Silverstream appears to be...*




Aw, son of a 'griff!


*confused birb noises* What if... *steps up to the podium* Attention, every creature. I will now reveal my true form! *also explodes in a cloud of smoke, which clears and Gallus appears to be...*

Image result for stone cold steve austin

*gasps* STONE COLD?!




 OH NO YOU DON'T! *shoots beams at Austin*

* the two beams combine, becoming so powerful they destroy all forms of matter, leaving only a white empty space. However, one creature survived... *

*laughing uproariously* Discord, old boy, you've really outdone yourself! *continues laughing until he notices Celestia behind him* :umad:

Yes, Discord, you've really outdone yourself. You destroyed the entire universe! :sunbutt:

 C'mon, Celly. don't be such a buzzkill.

I'll show you a buzzkill! *turns into Daybreaker*

 *gasps in terror*

Hi, Discord! Want to see me supernova? *begins to glow*

 NO! I'll make everything back to normal! *snaps claw, restoring the entire universe*

* the universe has been restored. Meanwhile, Gallus and Silverstream are sleeping in his dorm *

*groggily awakens* Ugh, I feel like I've been hit by a train. Silver, you okay?

*continues sleeping, occasionally moaning adorably*

*sigh* She looks so precious. I better carry her back to her dorm. *gently picks up Silver and flies her back to her dorm*

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*yawns* Good morning, Silver.

Morning, Gallus. I had like the craziest dream ever.

Me too. My dream was we turned into... uh, hairless bipedal gorillas and we destroyed the universe.

*gasps dramatically* That's what I dreamt about, too! I wonder if any creature is asking about it...

10 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

"Why were you Vince McMahon in your dream, Silver Stream?" :confused:

So that's what I turned into? A hairless gorilla named... Vin-See Mick-Mah-Hone? What was the name of the hairless gorilla you turned into, Gallus?

I don't really remember. I think it was Scone Gold Steam Awesome or something... I find it really bizarre we had the exact same dream.

I know... I think it'd be best if we never talk about it again.

Agreed. Shall we Pinkie Promise?

Good idea! Cross our hearts and hope to fly.

Stick a cupcake in our eyes. Oh, look at the time. We better get to class! *flies off*

Wait for me! *flies off*

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On 4/2/2019 at 4:07 PM, Sparklefan1234 said:

"In my opinion, seaponies are better than griffons, what do you think?" :dash:


Well, if you feel that way, I have no problem with your opinion. Since coming here to the School of Friendship, I've learned to respect other creatures opinions, whether I agree with them or not.

That's really mature of you, Gallus. You've come a long way since the first day of school.

Thanks, Silver. Oh, speaking of other creatures, Headmare Twilight will be introducing a new student tomorrow.

*squeals* I wonder what creature it'll be? Another hippogriff? Griffon? Changeling? Maybe another dragon or yak? :love:

Actually, none of those. Twilight said the new student will be a Kirin... which I've never heard of. :mlp_confused:

A Kirin? Oh, I think I've heard of them. Professor AJ and Fluttershy told me all about their friendship mission in the Kirin Grove.

I'm a little curious about this Kirin student. I guess I'll find out tomorrow. Goodnight, Silver.

Night, Gallus. See ya in the morning.

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14 hours ago, Woohoo said:

I'm a little curious about this Kirin student. I guess I'll find out tomorrow. Goodnight, Silver.


"I've heard Kirin are even more talkative than Silverstream, what do you think about that?" :love:

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Hello, Gallus and Silverstream! :pinkie:

I hope you've been fine. :rarity: As for my question, it's quite a silly one. :twismile: I've always found it interesting how ponies (and other creatures too!) get their names. Do you know why you were given the names Gallus and Silverstream? :ooh: Is there a particular story behind these names, or were they just chosen because they sounded good? Or maybe both? :orly:

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*exhausted sigh* What a day. I tell you what, Silver, I was not expecting much with the new Kirin student, but I wasn't expecting... this.

Me neither. I wonder if any creature is asking about the new student.

On 4/3/2019 at 11:18 AM, Sparklefan1234 said:


"I've heard Kirin are even more talkative than Silverstream, what do you think about that?" :love:

You have no idea... and that's the short answer. As for the long answer, maybe we should start from the beginning. Why don't you start, Silver.

Sure thing. So early this morning, Headmare Twilight introduced the new Kirin student to our school. Her name is Autumn Blaze and she is already friends with Professors AJ and Fluttershy. who helped her break the vow of silence in the Kirin Grove.


She's soooooo cute!

Yeah, cute. I don't know about you Silver, but do you think she's a little too old to be attending school? She looks the same age as our professors.

It doesn't bother me. Friendship has no age limit.

You're probably right. As for how our day went with Autumn... it's complicated. I'll start with the negatives. First off, she's really, no, extremely talkative. She's more talkative than every creature in the school combined! I couldn't hear myself think with her constant blabbering and she drove all of us crazy.

I gotta agree with you there, Gallus. I thought I was most chatty creature here. Not anymore. Autumn was so chatty, she even made Ocellus snap and say "shut up!" I've never heard Ocellus say that before.

Another negative, and I don't know why Twilight never mentioned this, but whenever Autumn got angry, she turned into a fiery monster! 

I think when that happens, she becomes a Nirik. Hey, I just noticed Nirik is Kirin backwards. Tee hee.

She became a Nirik like six times today! Even a few of my feathers were singed! Sheesh, and I thought I had anger problems.

Oh, one more negative thing. When I told Autumn that you are my boyfriend, she said "He's your boyfriend? Girl, you can do so much better." That was kinda mean.

I felt a little bit hurt by her comment but she did apologize. I think she was trying to be sarcastic. Anyways, as the day rolled on, despite her negatives, Autumn Blaze has really grown on us. We even invited her to watch the sunset with us. I hope she'll be better behaved tomorrow.

Maybe we can do something with her this weekend. Ooh, one more question!

On 4/3/2019 at 11:34 AM, Tacodidra said:

Hello, Gallus and Silverstream! :pinkie:

I hope you've been fine. :rarity: As for my question, it's quite a silly one. :twismile: I've always found it interesting how ponies (and other creatures too!) get their names. Do you know why you were given the names Gallus and Silverstream? :ooh: Is there a particular story behind these names, or were they just chosen because they sounded good? Or maybe both? :orly:

You know, I've never really known why I was named "Silverstream." I mean, my mane is kinda silver-ish, but it's much more blue than silver. Next time I see my parents, I'll ask them why I was named that.

As for me, I don't even know how I got that name "Gallus." I know it's Griffonstone tradition to be have a name that starts with G, but why "Gallus?" What does it even mean, anyway?

Do you think maybe Gabby named you that? She did find you in the alleyway when you were a hatchling.

Possibly. I'll ask her the next time I see her. *yawns* I'm tired.

Me too. It's been a crazy day. *kisses Gallus* Night, Gallus.

Night, Silver.

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Woohoo! It's finally the weekend! It's been a crazy week, Silver.

Totally, Gallus. We really need to unwind after so much chaos.

Plus, we have Hinny of the Hills this Sunday.

Oh yeah! Almost forgot about that. Ooh, we got a question!

2 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

"What do you both hope to accomplish during the next school year?" 

Wow... that's a hard question. Questions like this always make me lock up.

Same here. I always prefer crossing bridges when I get there. However, we do have one goal next year.

What's that?

Graduating, you silly griffon! :P 

I knew that. I just didn't my answer to sound... cliched. *sigh* I overthink too much. What do you have planned for tomorrow, Silver?

The girls and I are taking Autumn to the Ponyville spa. How about you, Gallus?

Well you have your "girl time," I guess Sandy and I will have our "guy time." *yawns* Night, Silver.

Night, Gallus. See ya in the morning.

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*takes a deep breath* Ahhh, what a beautiful day.

Yeah, too beautiful to just lay around the dorm. Oh, Silver, you have a question.

Hmm, my spa appointment with the girls is in a half hour. I got time for a quickie.

54 minutes ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

"SilverStream, are all seaponies as exuberant as you are?" 

Well, almost all hippogriffs/seaponies are quite exuberant. I think the most exuberant ones are me and Skystar.


OK, who would be the least exuberant?

Not to sound mean but Auntie Novo. I love her and all, but sometimes she can be a stick in the sand.

Well, she is the Queen after all. If she was as exuberant as you, I don't think anyone would take her seriously.

You're probably right, Gallus. Oh, I better get ready. See ya, Gallus. *kisses him then flies off*

See ya, Silver. *flies off*

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Hello Gallus and Silverstream! You both make a great duo together.

Question, what are your plans after you graduated?

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*yawns* Good morning, Gallus.

Morning, Silver. How was your spa day yesterday?

Very refreshing. I feel like a new hippogriff. Maybe next time, I'll take you with.

Just the two of us, maybe. Also, did Autumn behave?

Mostly, yeah. She did become a Nirik only once, but for a good reason. The hot tub was broken so Autumn made it hot again.

Wow... impressive. I guess being a Nirik can be useful for something.

Now I could ask you about your "guy time" with Sandbar, but we have a question from yesterday missed.

We were gone that long? Wow.

On 4/6/2019 at 11:21 AM, Photon Jet said:

Hello Gallus and Silverstream! You both make a great duo together.

Question, what are your plans after you graduated?

Silver, didn't we already answer this question like a month ago?

I think we did. Has your mind changed since then?

KInda, but not really. I still don't know what I'm going to do for work, especially with a friendship degree. However, I did think of one future plan for us.

Really?! What is it, Gallus!? Tell me, tell me, tell me!

*gulps* It's probably way too early to be thinking about this but... Silver, maybe we should get married.

*overly excited birb noises*


You wanna get married?! Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh! I can't wait to tell every creature!

Whoa, Silver, calm down! We're not getting married right away!

*calms down* Sorry. I got just a little over excited.

Yeah, a little. Anyways, we are way too young to even be thinking about marriage. I mean, I'm only 15 years old and you're 16.

Going on 17 this summer.

Oh, right. Your birthday's coming in a few months. Any plans for that?

Nothing yet, but I think my parents could be planning something. *stomach grumbles* Wow, all this future talk is making me hungry.

Me too. Let's go get lunch. *flies off*

Wait for me, Gallus. *flies off*

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*groans* I'm soooooo booooored!

Same here, Silver. I've never been so bored in my life. Why can't Spring Break come sooner?!

Plus, we haven't received any new questions in three days! That's enough time to make a potato salad.

Who takes that long to make a potato salad? Wait, is that a new question?

*happy birb noises* Finally! Let's answer it!

1 hour ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

"What is the lowest grade you've ever received in school?"

*sighs* All of us, aside from Ocellus, have received the lowest of the low: F... And for different reasons. In my case, I get frustrated really easily, especially during our first few months here. I constantly got D's and F's, which made me even more frustrated. I think my frustration stems from the fact that I have never ever attended school before. Over time, with the help of all of you, my frustration has eased and my grades went up to B's and A's. How about you, Silver?

In my case, I'm easily distracted. I don't know why but the world around just fascinates me. Maybe it's because I spent most of my life underwater. Like you, the first few months of school were pretty difficult for me. Thankfully, Ocellus taught me how to stay focused. 

Speaking of Ocellus, do you know the lowest grade she received?

There was one time she got a C and got really upset about it. Probably because she's to getting straight A's and the occasional B's.

At least she didn't go crazy like Twilight once did. *sighs* Six more days until Las Pegasus.

I know! It's getting so close. 

So... what are we going to do there?

Ah, it's a surprise. You'll find out when we get there.

*grumbles for a bit* Well, I need to go finish my homework. Night, Silver. *kisses her*

Night, Gallus. See ya in the morning. 

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Yes, finally! Spring Break is here!

Woohoo! Only three more days until Las Pegasus! Are you excited for your surprise?

Yeah, could you at least give me a hint?

Nope, my beak is sealed. You just have to be patient, Gallus.

*grumbles a bit* Oh look, a question.

On 4/12/2019 at 3:52 PM, PawelS said:

Anything interesting happening in Griffonstone lately? Is there a chance it will become a better place?

Wow, it's been a while since I got a Griffonstone related question. I don't know of anything interesting happening in Griffonstone. I haven't been there since... who knows who long?!

What about Gabby? Would she know?

I'm not sure. I don't see Gabby too often because she's too busy delivering for EPS or volunteering somewhere. Maybe I'll ask her the next time I see her... as well as why I'm named 'Gallus.' Also, I don't think Griffonstone will ever become a better place. It's been a dismal place since the Idol of Boreas was lost over a century ago.

Gallus... do you think maybe you could take me there one day?

*takes a deep breath* Some day, Silver... some day. Anyways, have you begun packing for Las Pegasus yet?

Not yet. Have you?

No, mainly because I don't have any clothes to pack. What if we go somewhere dressy for dinner?

You might be right. Thankfully, I already have a dress. I think maybe you should go see Professor Rarity. I'm sure she can make you a suit.

Maybe I should. See ya, Silver *flies off*

See ya, Gallus.

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Just two more days. *happy birb noises*

Wow, Gallus, you're even more excited than I am. 

I'm more excited than you? Never thought I'd achieve that. I don't know if I can last another two days.

Maybe answering a question might help ease your impatience.

2 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

"How will you be spending your spring break in Las Pegasus?"

Well, we're not going to gamble since neither of us are 21. I don't know why they picked that age. All I know is there's a surprise for me there, but Silver has her beak sealed.

*pretends to zip up her beak*

However, since it's probably gonna be pretty warm there, there's probably gonna be a lot of pool time. Speaking of which, do you know which hotel we're staying at?

*shakes her head* Uh-uh. Not telling.

You won't even tell me the name of the hotel, either?! *frustrated groan*

*giggles* Gotcha, didn't I? We are staying at The Astrologican Resort. They have this ginormous pool with these super-duper crazy water slides.

Awesome! Is that my surprise?

Nope, silly.

*grumbles a bit, then kisses Silver* Well, goodnight. I don't know if I can sleep these next couple nights.

Night, Gallus.

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