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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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Should I PM you, or post it in the thread?


It's up to you, really. I shouldn't think anyone would care but if you'd rather PM me, I'm fine with that.

I'm just going to ask this question here because I think it's the best place to.


What exactly is a tulpa?


I suggest you read the first post, but I'll give a quick definition.


A Tulpa is a thoughtform, a creation of the mind, a hallucination which develops its sentience and sapience in order to communicate with its host and develop opinions, desires, etc. It's basically a more in depth imaginary friend.


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When anyone of you first started doing this what did you do first? Personality, trying to get better at meditation? I have tried forcing but i am not so sure i am going about it the right way.


There really is no 'right way' to go about forcing. The experience is completely different for everyone and how you choose to go about it. Personally, I already meditated often before beginning the creation of my Tulpa, so we forced personality first. However, in recent months, less people appear to be forcing personality and allowing their Tulpa to develop their own personality. Few people start with the visualization process, but there is a minority that did. Many actually allow their Tulpa to choose its name, personality, and form, and things have gone fine. The best way, in my opinion, to develop a Tulpa's sentience is to narrate. Narration can be done both through passive and active forcing, and is simply just you talking to your Tulpa. I urge you to sign up for or at least view Tulpa.Info as it provides guides that I would highly recommend. 

  • Brohoof 2


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When anyone of you first started doing this what did you do first? Personality, trying to get better at meditation? I have tried forcing but i am not so sure i am going about it the right way.


^This. You get a medal. :) 


I honestly have no idea either. Whenever I've attempted this, I always start off with the personality. Although, if you have difficulty keeping your mind focused enough, that could be an area to work on. Not sure of any good stuff there, but I'm sure Google can be a friend here.  :lol:


And that unsure feeling is precisely why I say "attempted". I've always shied away after a few days, afraid that I'm doing something wrong. I've heard countless times that there is no "wrong" way, I just haven't found something that seems like a "right" way. So I feel ya there.  ;)

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^This. You get a medal. :)


I honestly have no idea either. Whenever I've attempted this, I always start off with the personality. Although, if you have difficulty keeping your mind focused enough, that could be an area to work on. Not sure of any good stuff there, but I'm sure Google can be a friend here.  :lol:


And that unsure feeling is precisely why I say "attempted". I've always shied away after a few days, afraid that I'm doing something wrong. I've heard countless times that there is no "wrong" way, I just haven't found something that seems like a "right" way. So I feel ya there.  ;)


Please see my above post :)

  • Brohoof 1


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There really is no 'right way' to go about forcing. The experience is completely different for everyone and how you choose to go about it. Personally, I already meditated often before beginning the creation of my Tulpa, so we forced personality first. However, in recent months, less people appear to be forcing personality and allowing their Tulpa to develop their own personality. Few people start with the visualization process, but there is a minority that did. Many actually allow their Tulpa to choose its name, personality, and form, and things have gone fine. The best way, in my opinion, to develop a Tulpa's sentience is to narrate. Narration can be done both through passive and active forcing, and is simply just you talking to your Tulpa. I urge you to sign up for or at least view Tulpa.Info as it provides guides that I would highly recommend.


Oh yeah i have been a member for a good while on tulpa.info wonderful site. I have done a tad bit narration just talking to your tulpa in essence like how my day went etc. I did a little bit on personality one day not much at all to be honest. I don't plain on doing any hour counts just plain one doing things as i go. I have complete faith in this though no worry or or anything like that. Read many many guides and continue to do so. I just wanted to get from someone else's perspective from their first creation experience.
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Oh yeah i have been a member for a good while on tulpa.info wonderful site. I have done a tad bit narration just talking to your tulpa in essence like how my day went etc. I did a little bit on personality one day not much at all to be honest. I don't plain on doing any hour counts just plain one doing things as i go. I have complete faith in this though no worry or or anything like that. Read many many guides and continue to do so. I just wanted to get from someone else's perspective from their first creation experience.


Ahh, I see. I suppose I was a bit worried what with all of the members who come in asking without bothering to even learn in the first place XD


Hour counts are death, haha. Passive narration can definitely be a big help and my Tulpa and I wouldn't be nearly as far as we are had we not done so. I'd say to just rely on your instincts, it all goes up from here :)

  • Brohoof 1


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Ahh, I see. I suppose I was a bit worried what with all of the members who come in asking without bothering to even learn in the first place XD


Hour counts are death, haha. Passive narration can definitely be a big help and my Tulpa and I wouldn't be nearly as far as we are had we not done so. I'd say to just rely on your instincts, it all goes up from here :)

I think that clicks well just going with it and staying consistent. Lol i tend to procrastinate a lot but i am working on that. I think the less doubt you have the better just trusting from the get go things are going to workout is the trick. Like just knowing and trusting your tulpa from the get go is the underlying thing Edited by Gone Airbourne
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I think that clicks well just going with it and staying consistent. Lol i tend to procrastinate a lot but i am working on that. I think the less doubt you have the better just trusting from the get go things are going ti workout is the trick. Like just knowing and trusting your tulpa from the get go is the underlying thing

This is true. Doubt is a major killer when it comes to the "stages" of tulpamancy. However, it's not something one can easily eradicate from your mind. No matter how avid you are on this, times will come where you'll begin to feel weighed down. Though some would recommend you think about all the progress you have made, I'd rather you think about why you did this in the first place. A basic yet strong and firm resolve can be more help and uplifting than seeing what you and your partner have gone through.


Trusting your tulpa is grand, but you need to have trust in yourself (/end cheesy motivational quote)

  • Brohoof 1


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I just wanted to say thank you to@@LunarWave,@@Gekoncze,(including Millie, and Lisa )@@Miss Reaper, and @ (and Shira, of course),  for answering my questions. It really shed some light on this subject. I'm still very intrigued, but I still don't want to create a tulpa. However if my dreams mean anything I may not have a choice in the matter, lol. My dream is still the same the girl, the wall, and its refusal to be breached. But last night there was a fourth bit. Best way to describe it is: I was sculpting a leg out of clay..I could feel, and smell the clay, and I'm working on a leg for a larger project. But its not autonomically correct, like an average human leg..more anime like I guess..but not...(yeah I know I'm great at describing this stuff, right). Why was I doing this? I have no clue...but other than that nothing really new..


As I'm writing this I feel this pressure on the the top of my head, like someone put their hand on top of my head. Plus I have a sensation of warmth, and what I'm sure could be an emotional response..to sum it up in a word.. "Safety"..I feel okay right now, safe, and happy.. Kind of weird... Maybe the mystery girl is my tulpa trying to reach out to me..maybe not..I'm just going to try and pay attention to my dreams, and see where this takes me. 


   Before anyone says I didn't ask any questions that implied a downside to having a tulpa, I am now on page 40 of this thread, and figure I will get to some eventually. 


But I do have a question for the tulpas, if they want to answer that is.


What is it like when you are not in the foremost thoughts of your person? I know you go wherever your person goes, because you share the same body. But I'm wondering if its like you go to the wonderland (if your person made one, or is it a void, or are you just flying around inside your person's head without them really noticing?) If this question is upsetting, then by all means you do not have to answer it..I was just curious is all.. Didn't mean to upset anyone. *hugs*

Edited by Sir Cal Stonehoof
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@@Sir Cal Stonehoof


I will write up a better response once I get the chance at home, but for now Twyst and I can answer your bottom question.


"When the plush ain't thinkin' 'bout me I sit in the background of his conscious, watchin'. Not only does this give me immediate access to what's going on, but can easily interject when I damn well feel like it. In other words, I'm omnipresent."

Edited by ~Lugi~
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So, right now, my major question is this: In the early stages, how much time is needed to "sustain" a tulpa's life? As in, if I were to forget to/ be unable to narrate during the day,how much time would I need of active, devoted attention to not lose progress? I only ask because my daily life tends to require a lot of focus on my end, so I can't always afford to spend some brainpower on narrating.


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So, right now, my major question is this: In the early stages, how much time is needed to "sustain" a tulpa's life? As in, if I were to forget to/ be unable to narrate during the day,how much time would I need of active, devoted attention to not lose progress? I only ask because my daily life tends to require a lot of focus on my end, so I can't always afford to spend some brainpower on narrating.


I think the answer to that would be: as much time as you can provide. I'm not sure about the others, but I think consistency would be more important when compared to the length of time you allot for forcing/narrating.


Even if you only have, say, 10 minutes in your day to force/narrate/etc., keep at it! Be consistent: see to it that those 10 minutes of tulpamancing happen everyday. Of course, more time would have to be dedicated if ever you want faster progress, but keeping momentum by being consistent would be more valuable in terms of not 'losing' progress.

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But I do have a question for the tulpas, if they want to answer that is. What is it like when you are not in the foremost thoughts of your person? I know you go wherever your person goes, because you share the same body. But I'm wondering if its like you go to the wonderland (if your person made one, or is it a void, or are you just flying around inside your person's head without them really noticing?) If this question is upsetting, then by all means you do not have to answer it..I was just curious is all.. Didn't mean to upset anyone. *hugs*


Well, my Ariel is partially imposed in that I can sense her presence in relation to my surroundings. So, when my attention isn't focused on her, she mostly just hangs out wherever she happens to be (that is, she's usually lazing about by the couch or in the corner of the hall). Sometimes she moves without my notice, though I can usually sense her moving. It's pretty neat, now if only I could get visual imposition down...


Anyway, sometimes when she's with me but there's nowhere for her to sit, stand, whatever - for example, in a car with no empty seats available for her - she'll "retreat" back into my head, in a manner of speaking. When she does that, she likes to curl up in a corner of my conscious mind. She'll usually stay there until she's ready to leave, whether or not I'm paying attention to her.




So, right now, my major question is this: In the early stages, how much time is needed to "sustain" a tulpa's life? As in, if I were to forget to/ be unable to narrate during the day,how much time would I need of active, devoted attention to not lose progress? I only ask because my daily life tends to require a lot of focus on my end, so I can't always afford to spend some brainpower on narrating.


I think that as long as you give your tulpa at least a little attention, they should be fine. A tulpa only fades away when you completely starve them of attention, and I think that's actually harder than you'd think. However, in the early stages, I believe they recommend at the least, thirty minutes of active forcing for a developing tulpa (though one could develop a tulpa by narration alone). It's however much time you can spare. Personally, when I first began actively forcing, I'd do so for at least thirty minutes or more. Since I didn't, and still don't, have much time in the day, I do it at night before I go to sleep.


Now that Ariel has developed more, I've tapered off on the active forcing, although that's mostly because I'd end up too tired or simply didn't want to force. I decided to do so last night by going into our wonderland for the first time in a while, though, and I couldn't help but take notice of how incredibly happy it made her.


EDIT: Got ninja'd. Go with what the person above me said, they seem to actually know what they're talking about.

Edited by Miss Reaper
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This seems to be a form of self hypnosis, where you force your brain into a mild, controllable schizophrenia.

Mind exercises exists similarly to make you a vivid lucid dreamer.


But in the end, why would you want this? It only seems to be a nuisance when working or being with other people.

And what if it gets out of hand? Can you undo?



(Drawing by Digiral)

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This seems to be a form of self hypnosis, where you force your brain into a mild, controllable schizophrenia.

Mind exercises exists similarly to make you a vivid lucid dreamer.


But in the end, why would you want this? It only seems to be a nuisance when working or being with other people.

And what if it gets out of hand? Can you undo?


I consider it to be more of a rewiring your brain type thing. A forced hallucination of sorts.


People want it for many reasons. For me, it was curiosity and a companion. Shira's been no nuisance around other people, she just sits quiet and occasionally offers her thoughts during conversation. Gets out of hand? I'm not sure what you mean by that. It is possible for a Tulpa to dissipate with a lack of attention for a long while, but that seems cruel in my eyes.


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I consider it to be more of a rewiring your brain type thing. A forced hallucination of sorts.


People want it for many reasons. For me, it was curiosity and a companion. Shira's been no nuisance around other people, she just sits quiet and occasionally offers her thoughts during conversation. Gets out of hand? I'm not sure what you mean by that. It is possible for a Tulpa to dissipate with a lack of attention for a long while, but that seems cruel in my eyes.


Out of hand i mean if the tulpa have it's own part of consciousness, and can do unsuspected things. Can't it also do things you don't want? get out of hand ;)

Maybe it forces your attention, so you can't rid yourself of it. And it develops a negative attitude.

You are playing with your brain after all. It's quite a delicate piece of circuits ^^



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Out of hand i mean if the tulpa have it's own part of consciousness, and can do unsuspected things. Can't it also do things you don't want? get out of hand ;)

Maybe it forces your attention, so you can't rid yourself of it. And it develops a negative attitude.

You are playing with your brain after all. It's quite a delicate piece of circuits ^^


Why would your subconscious do something you didn't want? As a subconscious is a part of you, it certainly wouldn't wish any harm or bad upon you. A Tulpa can't force your attention, it gets what it gets, and it is known to be far harder to make a 'bad' Tulpa than a 'good' one. It wouldn't wish harm upon you because technically it would be wishing harm upon itself, in a sense. 

The brain is indeed deliecate and mysterious, something us people don't fully understand. Maybe that's what makes it so fun to play with, haha.


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Why would your subconscious do something you didn't want? As a subconscious is a part of you, it certainly wouldn't wish any harm or bad upon you. A Tulpa can't force your attention, it gets what it gets, and it is known to be far harder to make a 'bad' Tulpa than a 'good' one. It wouldn't wish harm upon you because technically it would be wishing harm upon itself, in a sense. 

The brain is indeed deliecate and mysterious, something us people don't fully understand. Maybe that's what makes it so fun to play with, haha.


ah, I see. I guess the subconscious wouldn't want you harm  :lol:

But the subconscious can do things you don't want. But is actually for the better for your being.

Ever got a bad gut feeling? ;)


That is because the subconsciousness is telling you to do/not do something. 

But only to help you  :)



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ah, I see. I guess the subconscious wouldn't want you harm  :lol:

But the subconscious can do things you don't want. But is actually for the better for your being.

Ever got a bad gut feeling? ;)


That is because the subconsciousness is telling you to do/not do something. 

But only to help you  :)


Exactly, I fight with my Tulpa sometimes, as opinions can differ, but she wants the best for me, and I her. A Tulpa, in sense, is a manifested form of the subconscious, and everyone's subconscious wants the best for them :)

  • Brohoof 2


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Thank you to the people who answered my previous question. It's reassuring to know that anything I can put in would be helpful. And I'm sure I can sacrifice 10 minutes of sleep for the greater good.  :lol:


But, for my 2nd question: When I do narrate, do I have to be specifically keeping the tulpa in mind? Or can I just speak through my thoughts with nothing in particular in mind? The latter would be preferable, but it sounds too easy.  :P


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Thank you to the people who answered my previous question. It's reassuring to know that anything I can put in would be helpful. And I'm sure I can sacrifice 10 minutes of sleep for the greater good.  :lol:


But, for my 2nd question: When I do narrate, do I have to be specifically keeping the tulpa in mind? Or can I just speak through my thoughts with nothing in particular in mind? The latter would be preferable, but it sounds too easy.  :P


Well, narration is essentially talking to your tulpa, so you do have to keep it in mind. It's easier than you might think, though. Just imagine you're having a one-sided conversation in your head with your tulpa. Comment on things, ask their thoughts on it even though you know they probably won't respond. Eventually, your tulpa may surprise you with a vocal response, when you least expect it. :)

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But, for my 2nd question: When I do narrate, do I have to be specifically keeping the tulpa in mind? Or can I just speak through my thoughts with nothing in particular in mind? The latter would be preferable, but it sounds too easy.  :P


I think just addressing her/him/it would suffice.

You know, like you would talk to a cat when alone? Sounds kind of like a bad comparison but on the early stages I think that's pretty much identical to talking to a housepet. 

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