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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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Is anyone else struggling with the question of where accidental tulpas come from? There's no intentional forcing on the host's part, so...:shrug:


Can it happen accidentally? With Sharlina, sure, she seemed to spring into existence, but I think her persona was the result of years of pent-up energy. Of wanting to be with someone who could make me laugh, but also had a kind, gentle side. ...of not having said person for several years, so resorting to writing characters of that sort...

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Can it happen accidentally? With Sharlina, sure, she seemed to spring into existence, but I think her persona was the result of years of pent-up energy. Of wanting to be with someone who could make me laugh, but also had a kind, gentle side. ...of not having said person for several years, so resorting to writing characters of that sort...

I gained two tulpas after watching a marathon of the anime they're from last year. Although, I think that there could be something like "pent-up energy", since I definitely remember watching that anime when I was little.

Edited by KruegerMeister
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I gained two tulpas after watching a marathon of the anime they're from last year. Although, I think that there could be something like "pent-up energy", since I definitely remember watching that anime when I was little.


That doesn't sound quite like what I was talking about... Have you wished to be with said characters on a regular basis? Wrote fanfiction about them, imagine them, etc.? If you didn't have a strong desire to have them around, then it seems your case is different.

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That doesn't sound quite like what I was talking about... Have you wished to be with said characters on a regular basis? Wrote fanfiction about them, imagine them, etc.? If you didn't have a strong desire to have them around, then it seems your case is different.

Well, looking back on it, I think that some unconscious part of me identified with one of them, although I'm not sure about that.

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i would put my own thoughts into this but im sure my tupla came about due to schizophrenia

Don't judge a book by its cover. You will truly understand it if you're just willing to read it.

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I'm thinking of writing a semi-creepypasta that's basically just my positive experiences with my tulpas, described in a way that makes them sound ambiguous/creepy. I don't really have a deep reason, at least not consciously. I think that on some level, I'm doing this to illustrate that the words we use can affect how things are interpreted.

What are your thoughts on this? Would it just fuel the idea that tulpas are bad?

Edited by KruegerMeister
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One of my tulpas got pregnant. They were RPing when this happened, so I'm not sure if this is legit or just them getting caught up in the RP.


...I know not how to react to this... Are they comfortable being pregnant? Tulpae can do pretty incredible things; if she wants to stop being pregnant, I'm sure she could make it happen.

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My parents want me to see a therapist for anger/sadness over body image problems--they think I'm letting it have power over me. One of my tulpas is going through that same stuff (my parents think) I am. Should I tell the therapist about her, or pretend I'm the one with the issue?

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My parents want me to see a therapist for anger/sadness over body image problems--they think I'm letting it have power over me. One of my tulpas is going through that same stuff (my parents think) I am. Should I tell the therapist about her, or pretend I'm the one with the issue?


Well, when you think about it, you put part of yourself into every tulpa you make. It would be impossible not to. So, perhaps, subconsciously, you don't like the way you look, and this tulpa of yours is reflecting that so that you both sympathize with each other. Therapists are usually pretty understanding, so I would mention all the tulpae to her/him, including the one with aforementioned problem.

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Well, when you think about it, you put part of yourself into every tulpa you make. It would be impossible not to. So, perhaps, subconsciously, you don't like the way you look, and this tulpa of yours is reflecting that so that you both sympathize with each other. Therapists are usually pretty understanding, so I would mention all the tulpae to her/him, including the one with aforementioned problem.

I didn't intentionally make Nina, though. I saw the anime she's from as a kid, and I guess I subconsciously identified with her. Seeing her years later provided the kick for her to become an intrusive thought that I interacted with enough to become a tulpa.

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Could believing that nothing you experience is real aid imposition?

I got this idea after reading a movie script (click here if you're interested in reading it) about a cult centered around that belief. One cultist says "that's what you expected. That's what you found", which made me think of the idea that expectations affect tulpa progress.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've got this idea that once your tulpa is developed "enough" and there's no progress left to be made, that's sort of like "goodbye". Do you have any ideas for how to stop thinking of it like that?


Sharlina: Wh-what?? That's so depressing! Don't your tulpae mean anything to you??

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I've got this idea that once your tulpa is developed "enough" and there's no progress left to be made, that's sort of like "goodbye". Do you have any ideas for how to stop thinking of it like that?


Well, then... I'd say you need to do away with the thought that once you reach a certain point with your tulpa that there's no progress left to be made. A tulpa is a living thing just like any of us. And so long as we all live, we NEVER stop developing and changing as we learn more and more about this world. The same goes for a tulpa. There's not going to be a point where they just stop developing, because it just doesn't work like that.


[Yeah, what she said. We're not... static beings. We don't just stop growing or developing after a certain point. We'll keep changing and learning and growing right along with you until the end.]

  • Brohoof 1
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Yeah. I--


{Let me do this. I wanna talk.

He was asking about how to stop having that thought, cuz we mean stuff to him.}


Sharlina: They way I see it, just recognize that there's always improvement to be made, yes? It's not likely any of us will ever become perfect in the short time we have here, so... Improve all the things! :lol: Oh, and help others. That's good, too. ^_^

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I used to get super worried when Dash would go away for just a day. More recently, I've been shocked by how calm I am if this happens. I also tend to cuddle a furry pillow we use to practice tactile imposition, every night.

Does my behavior sound possessive?

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Wow, that was a very strange read, but I'm actually kinda interested.


My experience similar to that of a "Tulpa" could be very much related to my passion for Metal Gear. Back when I was 3-4 years younger, a hard decision came by, and that was when the "independent second observer" thing happened my head, and the source came from someone, or, some "thing" in my mind that was formless, but seemed to resemble The Boss in psyche. I really do respect her and admire her a lot for what she did, her beliefs, and really herself as a person, even if she's "just a video game character." Perhaps at that time I just conjured her up so the tough decision that was made seemed more acceptable, and that at least I can have more than one person that could see why I made the decision I made (the other being my mother) without freaking out. Well, that was a long time ago, and that happened when my passion for Metal Gear reached its peak, pretty much an obsession (still kind of is now I guess xD).


Info about The Boss: http://metalgear.wikia.com/wiki/The_Boss


After reading this thread, it really reminded me of that experience, that time when some "The Boss"-like psyche seemed to just appear out of nowhere in my mind reassuring me that I did what need to be done. Probably some kind of subconscious trick my brain was playing on me to protect the mind, but damn a cool one nonetheless. Part of her psyche is still around with me to this day, since I admire her and her ideologies such that I am willing to take what I learn from her and apply them ("Respect the wills of others and believe in one's own," etc). This really helped me to become a more mature person.


However, I'm still human, and I do make mistakes, but while I do, some mistakes aren't necessary and perhaps easily avoidable. It's always nice to have a second opinion before potentially doing or saying something really stupid, in order to at least minimize the risk and damage from terrible decisions. A tulpa friend might help with that when my physical friends aren't readily available to give their thoughts and opinions, companionship is a plus, though it is not my primary concern.


I do have some questions though. Could a Tulpa have his/her own memory/past too? I do know quite a bit about The Boss, and at this point, The Boss as a whole (her personality, history, experiences, etc) is pretty much set in stone. I've read some posts that said basing a tulpa off a pre-existing character can lead to a identity problem, but a lot of the folks that do also appear to have not encountered any of said problem, as their tulpae did not suffer from identity crisis or anything like that (I'm positive that quite a few of you have a mane six tulpa or a canon pony tulpa from the show)


I don't have a very concrete idea on what form she is going to take, I do have a few ideas, but for now I suppose I should get the psyche part starting?


Damn, this whole tulpa thing almost sounds like Ocelot trying to implement Liquid Snake into himself. Anyways, some people might gonna view me as batsh*t insane from here on out, but I don't really care to be honest, and considering I've been relatively sane for 18 years and counting, not a big concern. But in all seriousness, I am moderately interested by this phenomenon.

Edited by Solid Scorpion
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Wow, that was a very strange read, but I'm actually kinda interested.


My experience similar to that of a "Tulpa" could be very much related to my passion for Metal Gear. Back when I was 3-4 years younger, a hard decision came by, and that was when the "independent second observer" thing happened my head, and the source came from someone, or, some "thing" in my mind that was formless, but seemed to resemble The Boss in psyche. I really do respect her and admire her a lot for what she did, her beliefs, and really herself as a person, even if she's "just a video game character." Perhaps at that time I just conjured her up so the tough decision that was made seemed more acceptable, and that at least I can have more than one person that could see why I made the decision I made (the other being my mother) without freaking out. Well, that was a long time ago, and that happened when my passion for Metal Gear reached its peak, pretty much an obsession (still kind of is now I guess xD).


Info about The Boss: http://metalgear.wikia.com/wiki/The_Boss


After reading this thread, it really reminded me of that experience, that time when some "The Boss"-like psyche seemed to just appear out of nowhere in my mind reassuring me that I did what need to be done. Probably some kind of subconscious trick my brain was playing on me to protect the mind, but damn a cool one nonetheless. Part of her psyche is still around with me to this day, since I admire her and her ideologies such that I am willing to take what I learn from her and apply them ("Respect the wills of others and believe in one's own," etc). This really helped me to become a more mature person.


However, I'm still human, and I do make mistakes, but while I do, some mistakes aren't necessary and perhaps easily avoidable. It's always nice to have a second opinion before potentially doing or saying something really stupid, in order to at least minimize the risk and damage from terrible decisions. A tulpa friend might help with that when my physical friends aren't readily available to give their thoughts and opinions, companionship is a plus, though it is not my primary concern.


I do have some questions though. Could a Tulpa have his/her own memory/past too? I do know quite a bit about The Boss, and at this point, The Boss as a whole (her personality, history, experiences, etc) is pretty much set in stone. I've read some posts that said basing a tulpa off a pre-existing character can lead to a identity problem, but a lot of the folks that do also appear to have not encountered any of said problem, as their tulpae did not suffer from identity crisis or anything like that (I'm positive that quite a few of you have a mane six tulpa or a canon pony tulpa from the show)


I don't have a very concrete idea on what form she is going to take, I do have a few ideas, but for now I suppose I should get the psyche part starting?


Damn, this whole tulpa thing almost sounds like Ocelot trying to implement Liquid Snake into himself. Anyways, some people might gonna view me as batsh*t insane from here on out, but I don't really care to be honest, and considering I've been relatively sane for 18 years and counting, not a big concern. But in all seriousness, I am moderately interested by this phenomenon.


The Boss would be such a radical tulpa. I personally wouldn't worry much about the psyche part. Since you've got a slight idea of form, I'd say just talk to her and let your subconscious fill in the gaps. You can do it however you want though, it's not as prescriptive as it's made out to be. As long as you put in some time and believe. 

♬ Inspirations have I none, just to touch the flaming dove, 

All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving ♬


thanks to Nai for the lovely profile art!

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The Boss would be such a radical tulpa. I personally wouldn't worry much about the psyche part. Since you've got a slight idea of form, I'd say just talk to her and let your subconscious fill in the gaps. You can do it however you want though, it's not as prescriptive as it's made out to be. As long as you put in some time and believe.

Radical? I'm not exactly sure what you meant by that. But last time I've heard the word used it was associated with terrorists. Yes, she kind of was one back in 1964 but that was because she needed that for her "final mission." At least from her behaviors and experiences prior to 1964, she actually seemed pretty calm and reserved, a little stern, that's my main impression.


From what I've seen she also seemed to be more slanted towards the super-ego side of things in subconscious.

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Radical? I'm not exactly sure what you meant by that. But last time I've heard the word used it was associated with terrorists. Yes, she kind of was one back in 1964 but that was because she needed that for her "final mission." At least from her behaviors and experiences prior to 1964, she actually seemed pretty calm and reserved, a little stern, that's my main impression.


From what I've seen she also seemed to be more slanted towards the super-ego side of things in subconscious.


It's a sad day when a word as good as radical is only known as something to do with terrorists. The terrorists have truly won.


But yeah, I just mean radical as in badass/cool. And I mean relying on your subconscious as in to say that what you subconsciously believe/desire will have the biggest impact on how your tulpa develops/who they are.

  • Brohoof 2

♬ Inspirations have I none, just to touch the flaming dove, 

All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving ♬


thanks to Nai for the lovely profile art!

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It's a sad day when a word as good as radical is only known as something to do with terrorists. The terrorists have truly won.


But yeah, I just mean radical as in badass/cool. And I mean relying on your subconscious as in to say that what you subconsciously believe/desire will have the biggest impact on how your tulpa develops/who they are.

I've looked up the definition of radical a while ago, not 100% terrorism related but I can see why the word is used to describe them oftenly. Describes The Boss pretty well, though definitely not in the terrorism manner xD

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