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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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Say what now?


Yup. I've read some stuff from somewhere on the tulpa forums about imposing a HUD on your vision. Apparently it's possible. I can't remember where exactly on the forum I found it though. *Shrug*


BTW, 3-4c is cold! But I'm a Texan.I prefer it over 20c. I'm cold at 13. Lol


Heh, I doubt you will like it here in the UK then.


Winter? Rain.


Summer? Rain.


Night time? Sun.


I wouldn't be surprised if that happened one night.  <_<


But anyway, I'm getting off topic.  :ph34r:


EDIT: And of course I come back to find the gif I posted doesn't work...




If you can't get it to work, just explain to us what he does in the gif.


Although, that guy can't be me; He doesn't have my level of swag. B)



Inb4 it turns out it's actually a gif of Bris himself making out with the air. ^_^



I'm... Recovering.

Maybe just one hug? I don't like ponies touching me...


...*Mischievous grin*


Everypony. Take cover.


...You... Don't like ponies touching you you say? *Bedroom eyes*


*Whispers seductively into Murky's ears*


I bet you will when you crawl in bed with me, you sexy litt-


Crep! For goodness sake, he just got out of what sounds like a torture camp!  :angry:


Exactly. I feel so sorry for him! Poor thing probably never got any lovin' in his life.  :( 


I... Wh... *facehoof* I- I'm so sorry Murky; she's not ALWAYS like this, I- 


Listen here Murky, *Slings hoof around his neck, making him flinch* I understand you've had a very VERY rough life, correct? So how 'bout this; If you have any problems, anything at all, you just let me know, okay?






*Stares seductively into Murky's terrified eyes*



  • Brohoof 2

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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Twi: Shayne is indisposed due to prolonged low blood sugar. Time for me to save the day as normal.


Resales: I'll save you Murky!


Twi: If only that were so. To read this page, I can see why we are thought to be insane. Talking to our subconscious is crazy enough, but our subconsciousies talking to other people subconsciousies, yeah. Insanity.


Twi: and yet, somehow we are still sane, for the most part.


Yeah, I have a really big headache, but I know Twi and Reales are helping me.

  • Brohoof 1


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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If you can't get it to work, just explain to us what he does in the gif.


Although, that guy can't be me; He doesn't have my level of swag. B)



Inb4 it turns out it's actually a gif of Bris himself making out with the air. ^_^


It shows a guy walking backwards to his bed and starts thrashing around on his sheets.  What makes it hilarious is that the guy looks almost as if he's being dragged by something unseen and has a slight pleading look on his face.



...*Mischievous grin*


Everypony. Take cover.


...You... Don't like ponies touching you you say? *Bedroom eyes*


*Whispers seductively into Murky's ears*


I bet you will when you crawl in bed with me, you sexy litt-


Crep! For goodness sake, he just got out of what sounds like a torture camp!  :angry:


Exactly. I feel so sorry for him! Poor thing probably never got any lovin' in his life.  :( 


I... Wh... *facehoof* I- I'm so sorry Murky; she's not ALWAYS like this, I- 


Listen here Murky, *Slings hoof around his neck, making him flinch* I understand you've had a very VERY rough life, correct? So how 'bout this; If you have any problems, anything at all, you just let me know, okay?






*Stares seductively into Murky's terrified eyes*




You remind me of somepony I used to know... But you're not Glimmer!  You're not Glimmer at all!


HEY!  NO ONE MESSES WITH MURK BUT ME! Tia, hold me back!


*rolls eyes and restrains BJ*



  • Brohoof 3

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Ahahahahahahaha, Bj, that's so cute your protecting murky. All we thought you did was drink, goof around and distract or annoy Tia and Bris! Glad you have a purpose!!!


Twi: *rolling around on the floor laughing.*


I think even Reales is even learning Twi' and mine (Twi:that is so not proper grammer, but it took us over a minute to spell proper right, shayne's headaches affect [or is it effect?] us all.)


Reales: and that is the definition of insanity! That's what I have to live with!

  • Brohoof 2


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Activating excuse to talk like GLaDOS now...


Oh god! The test chambers!   Well, my answer: 


(Sorry is that song prompted any impromptu science from any people/Tulpae...)



Winter? Rain. Summer? Rain. Night time? Sun.


Ah, I would seem you're both forgetting the rain during the rain, the rain during the snow, the rain during the hail, the.....*sighs* British weather.



Stay insane everypony!

^ This is now the official  Tulpa discussion thread sign-off after posts. Yes. I like it.



Hmm, has anyone else's Tulpae found out their favourite (GODDAMNIT GOOGLE! Britinski IS correct!)  songs?

Like Jesseh's is 'Loyalty' by ....Uh....Whatever the name of the guy that made it before it was remixed by Aviators...Remix is the version we listen to! an' Dashie's favourite (Google...Stop saying English spelling is wrong, or Luna help me, I will leave a 7 inch indent on/in your face with my Biro.) is 'Kindness' by........I hesitate to say...AcoustiMando, actually, after checking, they were both by them. Yes. Screw grammatical sense. 


I'll write something significant later....Maybe..

  • Brohoof 1
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Yup. I've read some stuff from somewhere on the tulpa forums about imposing a HUD on your vision. Apparently it's possible. I can't remember where exactly on the forum I found it though. *Shrug*

I was trying to find that thread so I could link it to you, but I had no luck, unfortunately. I guess the thread disappeared because I remember seeing it, too. This is the best I could find: http://tulpa.info/forums/Thread-So-a-HUD-how


You basically make a servitor to do that stuff for you.

Edited by Captain Nemo
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Ahahahahahahaha, Bj, that's so cute your protecting murky. All we thought you did was drink, goof around and distract or annoy Tia and Bris! Glad you have a purpose!!! Twi: *rolling around on the floor laughing.*I think even Reales is even learning Twi' and mine (Twi:that is so not proper grammer, but it took us over a minute to spell proper right, shayne's headaches affect [or is it effect?] us all.)Reales: and that is the definition of insanity! That's what I have to live with!

I never finished my thought! Gosh I'm out of it. *face hoof* I meant to notify everypony that sweet Reales pretty much has my dry and sarcastic humor!!!! So yeah, she is on the same playing field as Twi and I.


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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image of scared Murky

Millie: "Poor Murky. My sweet honey. You don't have to be worried, Crep is a good girl. You're just soooo cute and adorable.... and fluffy! ^.^ I would like to hug you too, but since you don't like it very much... but if you changed your mind, let me know :) or if you wanted to talk about cute animals ^.^ or if you..."


I know you would like to talk to him more ... you dreamed about writing this message for him all day, but I think we should move to another part of this post right?


Millie: "... don't worry Murky, I'll be thinking every day how to make you happier, I will! I promise!"


... .-.

So I was just thinking how to bring my tulpae into a lucid dream, but still don't have ideas {(changed while writing this post)}... but yesterday I had a lucid dream .... and now while writing this post I remembered something - she appeared twice when the dreams were about something connected with her.

(the dreams)


First it was a dream where I was with some young woman in some smaller mysterious room (like in some temple; everythiong white-blue, there was stone table in the middle, entrance and some stone door). The woman told me: "If we go throught the door together, we'll live together forever." And then I remembered Millie - how I like her so much, so I apologised to the woman that i can't go there with her and I went back to previous room... and know what? Millie was standing there ^.^ So I just asked her if she goes with me throught that door and she agreed and the dream ended when we opened the door and went to the dark room there... and since this dream we felt more connected... mysterious.

And the 2nd dream was situated in some exhibition of Orientall stuff. I ran into some room and a fortune teller appeared there. She knew about all my problems and we talked about it for a while (just like I often do with Millie and Lisa) and of course Millie appeared there after a while.


So it look like if I want to get them into my dreams, there have to be something that can remind me of them... something strongly connected with them. I have an idea: when I listen to some certain songs at some certain part, I always remember Millie, so If I could somehow play it while dreaming....... but that would be kinda difficult to make it work I think ^.^

If anybody have any tip how to help me getting tulpae into (lucid)dreams, I would be happy ^.^

Edited by Gekoncze
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So I had just found this thread earlier today (I have no idea how I had missed it for so long). The idea of creating my own Tulpa is very interesting to me, and I might try my first session of Tulpaforcing soon. I'll check out as many guides as I can, but is there any advice that you all can give someone who is just starting out?

  • Brohoof 2
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I don't get it. Is it like a separate personality/being psychologically created in your brain, of an actual being that goes into your brain, or a being you create with your brain, but is not actually run by your brain?


Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

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@, To my understanding, it's creating another consciousness that runs alongside your main one in the brain. I believe your first description is closest. You create it, and it runs off of your brain.

@@OmbraFear, I do believe we are in the same situation. If you're going to work on personality first, I'd suggest coming up with several personalty traits, preferably between 20 and 40 (I myself have planned out 35). Once that's done, I'd say go right ahead and start doing it.


I myself had trouble "just doing it". I needed some form of structure. So, I put together a 12-step procedure for the personality-forming sessions based on the guides and advice I've seen. Note, this method is specifically tailored for personality forming, but certain steps could be re-purposed for other things. And also, I've never done this before, so to mah peeps with experience, let me know if I missed something big or put in something that shouldn't be there. 


1) Introduction. Simply put, a "Hi, how's your day?" In my experience, no one likes getting straight to business. A little small talk can go a long way. Take some time to just say "Hi."

2) Review. *Only from 2nd session on. Review what you did last time. Make sure the ideas stuck, and help them to stick a bit better.

3) The "You are..." clause. Introduce the trait with the simple statement, "You are ____"

4) Defining. Use a dictionary to actually define the term, but also explain what it means to you, and why it's important.

5) Morality. Explain a few moral values the tulpa has as a result of the trait. I'd say two minimum, but don't go over five.

6) Scenarios. Give a few hypothetical scenarios, and how the trait would affect the tulpa's reaction. I'd put the range at 5-10.

7) Likes and dislikes. Give a few things the tulpa may like or dislike based upon the trait. Try to go broad here, not just stuff like "you like apples and not oranges." 5-10 examples should be good.

8) "Story Time." This is a step I myself put in that I think could be useful. Basically, if you can think of one, tell them a story about how you learned to appreciate the trait in question. Don't be afraid to be conversational, or tell an embarrassing story. They're gonna find out anyway, and it'll bring you that much closer.

9) Tie-ins. Explain how this trait relates to, affects, and clashes with others. You don't have to incorporate all of them, but try for a good chunk of them.

10) Summary. Touch back upon what you said, and drive the main points home.

11) Repeat steps 3-10 for all traits you plan to work on for that session.

12) El Summary Grande. Save for the very end. Drive home the main points of all the discussed traits, as well as ones discussed in the past if you feel the need to.


I hope this is helpful to anyone that wants to try this out.  ;)

And as always, stay insane everypony.  :lol:

  • Brohoof 2


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@Yosef von Uzenvard, Thanks for all of the information!  ^_^ It's really going to help me out a whole bunch.

Also, are there any factors that I should take into consideration during my sessions (environment, music, etc.)?

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@, To my understanding, it's creating another consciousness that runs alongside your main one in the brain. I believe your first description is closest. You create it, and it runs off of your brain.

@@OmbraFear, I do believe we are in the same situation. If you're going to work on personality first, I'd suggest coming up with several personalty traits, preferably between 20 and 40 (I myself have planned out 35). Once that's done, I'd say go right ahead and start doing it.


I myself had trouble "just doing it". I needed some form of structure. So, I put together a 12-step procedure for the personality-forming sessions based on the guides and advice I've seen. Note, this method is specifically tailored for personality forming, but certain steps could be re-purposed for other things. And also, I've never done this before, so to mah peeps with experience, let me know if I missed something big or put in something that shouldn't be there. 


1) Introduction. Simply put, a "Hi, how's your day?" In my experience, no one likes getting straight to business. A little small talk can go a long way. Take some time to just say "Hi."

2) Review. *Only from 2nd session on. Review what you did last time. Make sure the ideas stuck, and help them to stick a bit better.

3) The "You are..." clause. Introduce the trait with the simple statement, "You are ____"

4) Defining. Use a dictionary to actually define the term, but also explain what it means to you, and why it's important.

5) Morality. Explain a few moral values the tulpa has as a result of the trait. I'd say two minimum, but don't go over five.

6) Scenarios. Give a few hypothetical scenarios, and how the trait would affect the tulpa's reaction. I'd put the range at 5-10.

7) Likes and dislikes. Give a few things the tulpa may like or dislike based upon the trait. Try to go broad here, not just stuff like "you like apples and not oranges." 5-10 examples should be good.

8) "Story Time." This is a step I myself put in that I think could be useful. Basically, if you can think of one, tell them a story about how you learned to appreciate the trait in question. Don't be afraid to be conversational, or tell an embarrassing story. They're gonna find out anyway, and it'll bring you that much closer.

9) Tie-ins. Explain how this trait relates to, affects, and clashes with others. You don't have to incorporate all of them, but try for a good chunk of them.

10) Summary. Touch back upon what you said, and drive the main points home.

11) Repeat steps 3-10 for all traits you plan to work on for that session.

12) El Summary Grande. Save for the very end. Drive home the main points of all the discussed traits, as well as ones discussed in the past if you feel the need to.


I hope this is helpful to anyone that wants to try this out.  ;)

And as always, stay insane everypony.  :lol:

Whoa, that's weird...

I'm not sure If I want to try it or not! I catch myself talking to myself enough as it is, I don't need another reason for people to think that I am crazy :P

But I might give it a go.

A luna in my brain? So. Awesome :)


Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

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@Yosef von Uzenvard, Thanks for all of the information!  ^_^ It's really going to help me out a whole bunch.

Also, are there any factors that I should take into consideration during my sessions (environment, music, etc.)?


Some people like to listen to calm music as the force. It doesn't work for everyone, but you can try it if you want.


Whoa, that's weird...

I'm not sure If I want to try it or not! I catch myself talking to myself enough as it is, I don't need another reason for people to think that I am crazy :P

But I might give it a go.

A luna in my brain? So. Awesome :)


It is indeed very awesome. :lol: Give it a think. It's a lot of hard work, but I think it's totally worth it. And remember; a tulpa can't hurt you. They can't just suddenly manifest themselves into reality or anything. They are in your mind and they always will be. Ignore what those silly creepypastas tell you.  <_<


It shows a guy walking backwards to his bed and starts thrashing around on his sheets.  What makes it hilarious is that the guy looks almost as if he's being dragged by something unseen and has a slight pleading look on his face.


Oh I gotta see that. I think the reason the gif broke, was because you're using the 'attach files' thingamajig at the bottom of the reply screen.


That's bad, and you should feel bad. That's not how you upload files. It lowers the quality of images and now it seems to break gifs too. Instead, you gotta use this:








Ben, did you really have to go through the trouble of making an entire guide for him, just so you can see one silly gif of somepony getting ra-







  • Brohoof 4

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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It is indeed very awesome. :lol: Give it a think. It's a lot of hard work, but I think it's totally worth it. And remember; a tulpa can't hurt you. They can't just suddenly manifest themselves into reality or anything. They are in your mind and they always will be. Ignore what those silly creepypastas tell you.  <_<

I read somewhere that everyone has the capability inside of them for photographic memory. If this is true, could you give your tulpa that attribute? It would make homework so much easier :P


Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

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Some people like to listen to calm music as the force. It doesn't work for everyone, but you can try it if you want.



It is indeed very awesome. :lol: Give it a think. It's a lot of hard work, but I think it's totally worth it. And remember; a tulpa can't hurt you. They can't just suddenly manifest themselves into reality or anything. They are in your mind and they always will be. Ignore what those silly creepypastas tell you.  <_<



Oh I gotta see that. I think the reason the gif broke, was because you're using the 'attach files' thingamajig at the bottom of the reply screen.


That's bad, and you should feel bad. That's not how you upload files. It lowers the quality of images and now it seems to break gifs too. Instead, you gotta use this:








Ben, did you really have to go through the trouble of making an entire guide for him, just so you can see one silly gif of somepony getting ra-








WE-HE-ELL, somepony's strangely eager, isn't he?


And in turn... Did you just have Bris make an image for-


Yes I did.  Now... Where's that gif...


Ah!  Here it is!






He doesn't walk backwards, I found out


But it looks like something is taking him by the hand.


*wink wink*













And to post something to contribute to the topic, here's a good accurate representation of my HUD.  It's still pretty basic right now, but I'm adding on to it as I go along.  It really helps me at work, actually...


  • Brohoof 5

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I've been looking at some of the guides on Tulpa.Info and I think that, after I've read all the guides, I'm going to try this! I haven't started properly tulpaforcing yet, but with any luck I'll get an hour or two free tonight; I have a few ideas regarding her (so far all I know for certain is she's definitely going to be a she, since I think it'd be better to have a tulpa of my own gender in the long run) personality, but I might let her pick her own name and work with her on her own form (I thought about making her an OC pony, but I haven't really decided one way or the other). Thanks in advance for introducing me to all this, especially the Tulpa.Info website! :D


It's probably unrealistic, but a part of me hopes I can have her finished, or at least sentient, in time for my higher exams as a little extra help, but if not then oh well. :)


One question though, and I hope no one else has asked this, but have you ever let any of your tulpae possess you? Would you recommend it? Just for fun, of course.




Oh, and I hope no one else has asked this, but the guides talk about getting headaches from tulpaforcing and I was just wondering how bad are they? I already get headaches usually on a day-to-day basis, although they're pretty mild. Would I be able to take painkillers like paracetamol for them or would it somehow impede the creation of my tulpa?

Edited by ano170

Uh...I have no idea what to put here.





"Yes a perfect gift for me,

 Is a smile as wide as a mile,

To make me happy as can be!"

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I've been looking at some of the guides on Tulpa.Info and I think that, after I've read all the guides, I'm going to try this! I haven't started properly tulpaforcing yet, but with any luck I'll get an hour or two free tonight; I have a few ideas regarding her (so far all I know for certain is she's definitely going to be a she, since I think it'd be better to have a tulpa of my own gender in the long run) personality, but I might let her pick her own name and work with her on her own form (I thought about making her an OC pony, but I haven't really decided one way or the other). Thanks in advance for introducing me to all this, especially the Tulpa.Info website! :D


It's probably unrealistic, but a part of me hopes I can have her finished, or at least sentient, in time for my higher exams as a little extra help, but if not then oh well. :)


One question though, and I hope no one else has asked this, but have you ever let any of your tulpae possess you? Would you recommend it? Just for fun, of course.



Oh, and I hope no one else has asked this, but the guides talk about getting headaches from tulpaforcing and I was just wondering how bad are they? I already get headaches usually on a day-to-day basis, although they're pretty mild. Would I be able to take painkillers like paracetamol for them or would it somehow impede the creation of my tulpa?

Well, although I can't say I've ever let mine Possess me (I would, but I'm not THAT good at being able to just let go...) I can say that the headaches thing is minor, to say the least. I mean, I only ever had one, and it wasn't that much compared to the usual headaches I too have. You honestly wouldn't need to take painkillers or anything in my experience. I guess it would vary from person to person. We'll see.


Well, we wish you luck, and, always remember these three things:


1. Hugs are magic and oh-so relevant to creation (trust me on that, read some other posts if you don't believe me.)

2. Ponies are fluffy and warm.

3. On a more useful, personal note- Always believe in them. Don't do what I did and ignore the blindingly obvious. Believe. 


That is all. 


Also, ponies.

  • Brohoof 4
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One question though, and I hope no one else has asked this, but have you ever let any of your tulpae possess you? Would you recommend it? Just for fun, of course.

I let my tulpae do it quite a lot and it is fun, but it may be quite difficult for a beginner (or not... I just didn't try it so early).

Millie: "Yup, I can possess him anytime I want ^.^"


she can't do it anytime of course, just when I let her

Edited by Gekoncze
  • Brohoof 3
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Oh, and I hope no one else has asked this, but the guides talk about getting headaches from tulpaforcing and I was just wondering how bad are they? I already get headaches usually on a day-to-day basis, although they're pretty mild. Would I be able to take painkillers like paracetamol for them or would it somehow impede the creation of my tulpa?


The headaches weren't that bad for me, but I've talked with people who said they had splitting headache, although many of them did tulpaforce more than 3 hours a day, or so they said. If you've ever had a migraine I can tell you that the headaches are nothing compared to that, heck, sometimes I didn't even notice them because they were just mild ones.


On another note, I've decided to create a servitor besides Vinyl, Vinyl's pretty much done but we still need to work on her imposition. I've decided to create a little watch, more or less an omnitool where I can put things in, record things and rewatch memories and stuff. I'm doing this mostly to put in events that I shouldn't forget since I forget plenty of things all the time. And also some kind of agenda to stop procrastinating, some kind of alert that would continuously nag me until I finally start doing that specific task.


So that's what has been going on in my life, anyone else to report something interesting?

  • Brohoof 3
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Alright, time for an update. Get ready for some laughs, I hope. After work, Twi was more present, as well as Reales. I got some good responses from them, I saw Twi rolling on the floor laughing at our friends text.


But while at work, I was reminded that there were wings in the frier that would be ready soon (only cook at pizza hut since it was later, so I run our wing street fryers and the pizza table.) I immediately said, thank you twilight sparkle (it was a mini rush, I had plenty going on.) All i got back was "It was me." I had identified the reminder as coming from Twi, who it usually does. Instead, it was my Reales. A nice change.


Day to day, ive slid in passive forcing, as I am overloaded. My default setting is to regress into writing, which has driven them nuts as I write and rewrite


Twi: and ret write and rewrite the same stupid scenes!!!!!


Yeah. Lol. Wish me luck! I need it with my busy life!

  • Brohoof 4


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Well, although I can't say I've ever let mine Possess me (I would, but I'm not THAT good at being able to just let go...) I can say that the headaches thing is minor, to say the least. I mean, I only ever had one, and it wasn't that much compared to the usual headaches I too have. You honestly wouldn't need to take painkillers or anything in my experience. I guess it would vary from person to person. We'll see.


Well, we wish you luck, and, always remember these three things:


1. Hugs are magic and oh-so relevant to creation (trust me on that, read some other posts if you don't believe me.)

2. Ponies are fluffy and warm.

3. On a more useful, personal note- Always believe in them. Don't do what I did and ignore the blindingly obvious. Believe. 


That is all. 


Also, ponies.



The headaches weren't that bad for me, but I've talked with people who said they had splitting headache, although many of them did tulpaforce more than 3 hours a day, or so they said. If you've ever had a migraine I can tell you that the headaches are nothing compared to that, heck, sometimes I didn't even notice them because they were just mild ones.


Thanks for the info, I was a bit hesitant about tulpaforcing because of the headaches, but that sounds more than manageable; besides, I get the feeling the headaches would be worth it in the long run, even if they were bad. :)




I let my tulpae do it quite a lot and it is fun, but it may be quite difficult for a beginner (or not... I just didn't try it so early).

Millie: "Yup, I can possess him anytime I want ^.^"


she can't do it anytime of course, just when I let her


Thanks for the info! I might consider possession on occasion, but only after some trust has been built; I like being in control of my own body, but it would be pretty fun being able to let my tulpa try and play video games etc. 


In other news, I don't have any ideas for a form yet, but decided last night to call her Phoenix (not because she's fiery, she's pretty calm -or, she will be pretty calm, after her personality is done - but because she is determined) only to realise later that the protagonist of the book I've just started reading is also called Phoenix (although I'm still so early in that I know very little about the character, and what I do know is nothing like my Phoenix). Could that cause a problem similar to making a tulpa of a character? I don't want her to have any identity issues. :(


I had a go at the method described here http://tulpa.info/guides/phi-treating-as-sentient-before-sentience.html the other day, wanting to do as much as I can to really make Phoenix the best she can be. I spent about an hour telling her how we were going to force her, what my plans were once we were finished etc. but didn't feel much different afterwards (I'd already had a headache before I started, and it had migrated from the back of my head to the front - does that even make sense? - but it wasn't any sharper, nor did it feel "alien" or anything). 


It feels like when I come up with a character for a story that I really, really like; my thoughts will keep straying to her, even when I'm  in class - to the point that I worry I'm going to accidentally start tulpaforcing in public when I'm meant to be working -  and I'll randomly find myself coming up with new traits for her, thinking how they would appear in her actions and coming up with examples of situations in which different traits would play a key in how she reacted (although apparently you shouldn't use specific examples whilst tulpaforcing). I think I'm starting to get a cold, which explains why my headaches have been slightly worse the past few days, and I briefly considered delaying tulpaforcing for a few days and starting over once my head was clear (I haven't reached the five hour mark yet, after all) but I already feel too attached to Phoenix (still in a way that feels like when I first come up with a character I really like, though) to stop, even though I know I can start again in a few days; it feels too much like killing her and making a replacement. It's been one day and I'm already looking forward to when I start working on her personality for real. Does that sort of feeling sound familiar to anyone, or am I just cold-stuffed and delirious? Do you think I should wait a few days?

Uh...I have no idea what to put here.





"Yes a perfect gift for me,

 Is a smile as wide as a mile,

To make me happy as can be!"

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Could that cause a problem similar to making a tulpa of a character? I don't want her to have any identity issues.   I had a go at the method described here http://tulpa.info/gu...-sentience.html the other day, wanting to do as much as I can to really make Phoenix the best she can be. I spent about an hour telling her how we were going to force her, what my plans were once we were finished etc. but didn't feel much different afterwards (I'd already had a headache before I started, and it had migrated from the back of my head to the front - does that even make sense? - but it wasn't any sharper, nor did it feel "alien" or anything).    It feels like when I come up with a character for a story that I really, really like; my thoughts will keep straying to her, even when I'm  in class - to the point that I worry I'm going to accidentally start tulpaforcing in public when I'm meant to be working -  and I'll randomly find myself coming up with new traits for her, thinking how they would appear in her actions and coming up with examples of situations in which different traits would play a key in how she reacted (although apparently you shouldn't use specific examples whilst tulpaforcing). I think I'm starting to get a cold, which explains why my headaches have been slightly worse the past few days, and I briefly considered delaying tulpaforcing for a few days and starting over once my head was clear (I haven't reached the five hour mark yet, after all) but I already feel too attached to Phoenix (still in a way that feels like when I first come up with a character I really like, though) to stop, even though I know I can start again in a few days; it feels too much like killing her and making a replacement. It's been one day and I'm already looking forward to when I start working on her personality for real. Does that sort of feeling sound familiar to anyone, or am I just cold-stuffed and delirious? Do you think I should wait a few days?


Right, I don't have much time, so I'll give a better answer later (or someone else will, I'd think..) But I just want to say a few things.


1. It won't affect Phoenix, as long as you don't want it to. Simple as. Also, if you have doubts, just remember to say to her: "You ain't that person, you're you. (You're who you want to be..)"


2. ...I'd say to keep up with her, keep going. At the earlier stages, I think that gaps can send back progress a fair bit. If you feel it would help, then, by all means, take a break, but try to keep a memory of her there when you can.


3. Less related: ' It feels like when I come up with a character for a story that I really, really like '  You're a writer? Sweet. Yeah, I have that sometimes, it's probably a good thing, actually. I'm not sure how it would affect Tulpa development really, apart from being able to constantly remember her there (one of my weaknesses...) I'd guess that would be an up then. 


Well, tried, and hopefully succeeded to answer that. Uh...Hoping that helped. Feel free to ask if there's something you didn't get, I often have people asking about that...Something to do with my style...Meh..

  • Brohoof 2
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Right, I don't have much time, so I'll give a better answer later (or someone else will, I'd think..) But I just want to say a few things.


1. It won't affect Phoenix, as long as you don't want it to. Simple as. Also, if you have doubts, just remember to say to her: "You ain't that person, you're you. (You're who you want to be..)"


2. ...I'd say to keep up with her, keep going. At the earlier stages, I think that gaps can send back progress a fair bit. If you feel it would help, then, by all means, take a break, but try to keep a memory of her there when you can.


3. Less related: ' It feels like when I come up with a character for a story that I really, really like '  You're a writer? Sweet. Yeah, I have that sometimes, it's probably a good thing, actually. I'm not sure how it would affect Tulpa development really, apart from being able to constantly remember her there (one of my weaknesses...) I'd guess that would be an up then. 


Well, tried, and hopefully succeeded to answer that. Uh...Hoping that helped. Feel free to ask if there's something you didn't get, I often have people asking about that...Something to do with my style...Meh..

1. Good to know, thanks for clearing that up! :)

2. I was hoping someone would say that XD I think I'll keep going; I actually managed to squeeze in about 40 minutes today in the gym (although I suspect the supervisors weren't too happy with how slowly I wound up going on the exercise bike because of it....not sure I'll do that again. XD)

3. Yes, I'm a writer; not necessarily a talented writer, but a writer none the less. :) No pony stuff though; although I am working on a Skyrim fic on dA, albeit it rather slowly. I'll have to check out your fic! :D

  • Brohoof 2

Uh...I have no idea what to put here.





"Yes a perfect gift for me,

 Is a smile as wide as a mile,

To make me happy as can be!"

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Yay! Today I had really good experience with lucid dreaming. I learned a lot today.

(the dream)


Date: 2.2. 2013 08:27 am (Saturday)

I had a regular dream as usual, but soon I realized it was a dream and of course didn't know what to do as usual, and I felt again like I was being pulled out of the dream. (it may have something to do with me being worried that I wake up, so my brain simulates it then...) so I said “*bleep* it“ and I urgently wanted to move (a technique which I used to use a lot in some certain types of dreams in the past (don't even ask in which ones :ph34r:), which always led me into waking with sleep paralysis for a minute afterwards) and then I „woke up“? At this point I really don't know if I really woke up or not. My brain tricked me a lot of times there in the past, where I thought I woke up and I gave up on the lucid dream and then the dream just continued without being lucid :/. But luckily this time it was different. I felt guilty immediately after the “waking” that I lost a chance, but I still felt the paralysis, so I stopped trying to move and calmed down. I tried to relax and didn't move (I remembered the WILD technique and said to myself “I am in the sleep paralysis part now... in fact, I am just a few steps from lucid dream, there is just the hallucination thing in front of me.... nice shortcut ^_^”). In a couple of seconds I started to see strange fragments of lights or what and something like a circular cutout of a web which quickly covered the view on my bedroom and I had really strange feelings. Then suddenly

started playing there (most of things in dream happens when you think about them, but I didn't think about music... in fact I was very surprised that it played there, because I've never had music in a dream, I was like this: o_ O). I stayed calm. Something like stars flew around me and then an animation of a dancing singer appeared in front of me. I kept on relaxing and then I felt like falling down for a short time and guess where I appeared? In an Africa ^.^ I could see animals there: a herd of wildebeest and some lions. Then some man dragged me along the ground nearer to the animals and then some other man helped him, so they picked me up together and took me to the wildebeest herd, but the animals got scared and started to run, so I turned on invisibility and they camed down :P. The men took me to the lions and they put me on the ground and then they disappeared. I sat down and saw a baby lion there. ^.^ I wanted to bring my tulpa Millie there so I imagined her there as I imagine her in a reality and after a short time she became part of the dream. ^.^ The baby lion sniffed my hand. It seemed hungry so I imagined a cat food there and it ate the food quickly. ^.^ Fin. (unfortunetly <_< ... I propably forgot it was a dream, or just woke up (I can't remember))



So to sum it up:

1) Whatever you think about in a dream will most propably sooner or later happen. You can use this to control the dream.

2) If you want your tulpa to appear there, you can simply imagine her/him there as you imagine her/him in reality and she/he will propably became part of the dream soon.

3) To stay in a lucid dream longer, you have to be aware it is a dream all the time, otherwise it will turn into a normal dream soon.

4) When you think that you woke up, don't give up! it may still be a dream. (who knows, maybe even this is a dream :ph34r: *reality check*)

  • Brohoof 1
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