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private The Mental Rehabilitation Center


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I Love you.

I Love you.

I Love you.


Those words cut into his soul deeper than any knife could. Who was this admirer? Why did they confess now? Misha NEEDED answers, and he needed them soon.

Edited by One Fine Djentleman
  • Brohoof 1


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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Sylvester sat at an empty part of the cafeteria, where the patients were getting ready to go into the oh-so-useless group therapy. He kept his eye on Gale, who had been talking a little more often with Michelle now. This made him furrow his brow, as he contemplated his options. Who could he turn to for ideas, in order to figure out who and what's worth associating himself with and what's not worth the time to deal with. Vester closed his eyes and racked his brain a little until it had hit him as if it was obvious.


"I need to rely on someone else..." Vester muttered in awe. "...while at the same time, rely on myself only... I need an imaginary friend..."

  • Brohoof 1


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Zach got his lunch and sat near a corner of the room alone away from everyone else as usual. He saw that a few of the other patients were actually trying to make friends. Zach had often secretely wanted to have at least a single friend in the mental center, but he always ignored the thought. He once again wondered how insane the new patients must think he is. He continued eating.

Sorry about the temporary lack of signature, I have changed my name, so I need a new one.

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Randy stared at his plate, Thinking about what Charles had said. "That's not even what a quarantine is, dumbass. It's a hospital, not a prison. I don't want to hear another word from you." He muttered his thoughts, "Quarantine used to keep sickness from spreading. Locked away. Mental illness feared. Misunderstood. Dangerous. Contagious. One madman can make world mad. Contagious. This is a hospital. He is right. Also prison. They put us here. Ignore us. Pretend we don't exist. Cannot let that happen."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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John groaned slightly in pain as the voices became louder and more jumbled. He grabbed his hair and gritted his teeth, "Make it stop" he whispered. A drip took his attention and looked down to see a spot of blood on the table, his nose had begun to bleed.

Edited by Strong Hooves


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Randy formulated a mental list. He thought of all the patents he had met: Randal, Charles, John, and

Randal: Can trust him. Innocent, ignorant as well.

Charles: Should keep an eye him. Too outspoken, also wrong in his assumptions. Bad combination.

John: Cannot trust. Too unpredictable. Multiple personalities. Too many variables.

Michelle: Not sure of her. Seems to be very irritable. Not necessarily a bad thing.

He knew nothing about the other patients. He would need to observe them more.

  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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As Emma got her lunch, she sat at an empty spot and ate, she now hates most of the people in here, she decided to try talking to the boys, but it will take all her courage to even speak a single word to them because she couldn't stand talking to the opposite sex. Michelle came back into her mind, "That bitch, she had to be mean when I left her group, being too possessive huh, fucking bitch," And then Katie crossed her mind next, "And Katie, kicking my leg like that, wait till I kick yours and break your face you fucking retard!"


OCs: Flow / Love Bloom

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Charles continued eating then said, "You know, I don't blame you for beating that guy. The last thing someone at a mental hospital should do is scare the patients; you're not going to be here forever. I've been released several times, I just bring myself back to another hospital on my own will. I feel it's for my own good, and every time I come back, my disorder becomes a little more vague."

Edited by Pilot (Croaks)
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Nurse Flo returned from the infirmary and gathered up the patients. She lead them into the white therapy room, the patients sat around in a circle. Samuel and Misha both weren't there. Nurse Flo took out the pink baggie. "Welcome Randal and Randy to group therapy. The rules of the circle are simple. You can only speak if you are holding the speaking bag. When you're done speaking you toss the bag to another member of the circle. If you get the ball and having nothing to share, that's okay, just toss the ball to another member." Nurse Flo smiled and passed the speaking sack to Emma.


(remember to pass the sack to someone online.)

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Emma had nothing worth to say from her mind, so she said "I have nothing to talk about today so I'll pass, here's the sack bitch." She threw the sack to Michelle.

Edited by Narutardedscum!!


OCs: Flow / Love Bloom

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Michelle, grabbed the sack and mocked throwing it hard back at Emma. Emma flinched and Michelle laughed. "A little jumpy still Emma? As usual the mindless have nothing on their minds. I wanted to talk about suicide. We've all thoughts about it. Created intricate plans on how we'd do it. What would you put in your letter? Who would miss you if you died?" Michelle paused and watched the other patients become uncomfortable. "Notice how we haven't be given any information about Samuel.'

How could someone not fit in? The community was so meticulously ordered, the choices so carefully made.'

" Michelle smiled and passed the sack to Sylvester.

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Sylvester caught the bag, and stared at it before inhaling. His plan to create a new friend would require total isolation, and in order to get into total isolation, he had to prepare for when the time comes. Vester let out a breath and turned to Nurse Flo. "What do I have to do to get into solitary confinement?"


He tossed the ball to Charles, patiently waiting for his question to get answered.


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Katie walked away from the now bleeding Emma. It was time for bathing, but Michelle had to stay back. Good. Katie needed time to think about what she'd done. Katie had never hurt another patient before, and she felt so guilty for kicking Emma. While Katie showered, Emma was shooting her weird looks. Oh god, what is she gonna do to me? She thought to herself, nervous. Katie then got out of the shower, dried off and got dressed, not bothering to wash her teeth. She left the room.


Katie went straight back to her room, and laid down on her bed.The words going through her mind were: Emma's gonna kill me. Before Katie had the time to devise a plan, Nurse Flo gathered her and the other patients up for group therapy. Katie sat down, and patiently waited for the sack.


(Sorry for the laziness, my posts will go up in quality when summer starts.)

  • Brohoof 2

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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Charles caught the bag, and said, "Well, I'd say you'd have to do what Skylar did. I bet you'd have to try to escape," Charlie wondered why Vester would ask such a question. Maybe he wanted to be alone. That was his disorder, right?

Anyways, Charles continued, "As for Michelle's question, I'd guess I don't know. Maybe hang myself, even though that'd be hard, since all of our stuff that seemed dangerous was taken away. I don't know what I miss, though. The world is pretty fucked up. It may sound crazy, but I'd guess I'd miss this place."

Charles smiled and tossed the ball to Randy.

Edited by Pilot (Croaks)
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Samuel awoke in a dazed state. He could make out the silhouette of a familiar figure -- Head Nurse Flo.

"Trying to escape... Michelle put you up... know better than to listen to her..." her words were barely audible. Samuel's head hurt and he tried to rub it. His hands were tied. Well... alrighty then. Samuel craned his neck backwards and shook his head a few times. He blinked rapidly for a few seconds, took a deep breath, and surveyed the room he was in. It was dark and bare. As Nurse Flo approached the doorway, Samuel decided to shake things up for Michelle. Hopefully his bluff would attract some attention away from the nurses in the ward -- they needed to focus on another person.


"Nurse," she stopped, "watch out for Michelle. She and her group of followers are planning something."

Nurse Flo left. Samuel grinned. Take the bait -- it will make things easier for my next stage if you're concerned with empty threats.


Samuel spent his time burning out on exercise. They had taken all of his goods -- even his watch. It was meant to make him reflect on his actions; instead, he continued to devise his plan. This facility lacks authority, he thought. I could have escaped if I had wanted to, and all that earned me was a trip to solitary. Honestly, this isn't even too bad. Samuel didn't mind being by himself -- it was peaceful. It rather irritated him not knowing the time, but his plan took priority over the center's schedule.


Samuel recalled the clipboard he'd secured before entering the stairwell. What was the deal with that single pill, anyway? He remembered the fact that, regardless of a patient's disorder, they were all issued one pill in common in addition to their regular medication. They're testing the effects of a new medicine, Samuel thought. We're human variables! His mind was sent spinning. A multitude of explanations, theories, and ideas rushed through his head. They want to see how we react when stimulated with their novel drug -- this is fucked up. None of the patients were allowed to know what purpose their medications served -- only that they were to take them with regular meals. Everyone had assumed they were either beneficial or poisonous. <Looks like you've got this sorted out, haven't you, punkass?> Samuel froze. The hairs on his neck straightened.


He lifted his head and looked around the room. <Well, from what you've learned so far, that is!>

Samuel stood. No... Shit, NO!

<Bitch, be grateful that you have someone to converse with now. Gawd -- everyone always reacts like it's a bad thing to have cracked> Cracked. That word pissed Samuel off.

"Who the fuck is this?" Samuel said, still searching around the room.

<I'm your Guardian Angel -- who else?> The voice sneered.

So you're inside my head... Samuel thought.

<Isn't it obvious? You created me, after all!> The voice replied, in a playful tone.

Well... Is that a good or a bad thing? Samuel responded, not quite understanding the situation his brain was placing him in.

<I am your instinct. I am your conscience. I am your morals, your ideals, your inspirations and aspirations. I am your savior. I am your executioner. I am your joy and your despair. I am everything that makes you, you.> The voice chuckled.

Don't respond to me with philosophical bullshit -- give me a solid answer! Samuel snapped at himself.

<A solid answer, huh?> The voice made a click-of-the-tongue inside his head. <Seeing as how I only exist within you, I can't exactly do that. Just think of me as a... symbiotic partner -- call me Holmes.>

Why Holm- wait... fuck you.

The voice snickered. <Don't blame me, you're the one whose subconscious made the connection. Ain't that right, Sherrrlock?>


Samuel Raymond Sherlock was Samuel's full name.

So... Holmes. Samuel thought in an irritated tone. Why would you decide to throw a spoke in my plans now? Why didn't you pop up earlier or something of the sort?

<Like I said, I'm your guardian angel! You brought me here yourself -- you've been in this place long enough. I'm surprised you didn't call me sooner, to be honest.>

Like hell I would call upon myself for help -- that's just strange. I never asked for you, anyways!

<We wouldn't be having this conversation if that was the case, would we Sherlock? Face it -- you're a nut. You don't even know what you want. Look on the bright side, buddy. Now you have something in common with these people; however, you also have something they don't have.>

What would that be? Samuel questioned, still skeptical of his newly obtained "Guardian Angel".

<Me! You've crammed your brain with tons of material on various different subjects. You also know that some of what you've retained slips away from you every now and again. I am able to access that forgotten knowledge for you. Seeing as I am also your voice of reason, I can guide you in the right direction if ever I should deem you in need of my assistance.>


"Well, if you're in my head, I suppose I can just shut you off like this, right?" Samuel said aloud.

There was no response, and Samuel's voice rebounded through the eerily silent cell.

Huh. Looks like I can maintain my sanity with social interaction.

<Nope. I'm just settling down until I decide to pop up again. Believe me -- you're insane now; though, fortunate for you, I am a beneficial asset to have by one's side. You'll be hearing from me again, Sherlock!>

... Fuck off, Holmes.


Samuel paused. Had he just told himself to fuck off? Did he just refer to himself as Holmes?

"GODDAMMIT! FUCK UNPREDICTED FACTORS!" Samuel screamed, as he began to smash his fists into his room's steel door.

"Keep quiet in there, 003!" a voice said from outside.

003? Samuel thought, ignoring the blood flowing from his torn knuckles. What is that -- a room number? Are the solitary confinement cells on the building's lowest level?

<Correct you are, Sammy-boy!> Holmes retorted, hurting Samuel's head. Samuel smashed his right fist into the door and let it rest against the cool metal. I don't need this shit, Holmes. If you're going to lurk in my thoughts, you'll respect my right to think.

<Do I need to remind you that I am your right to think?>

Samuel remained silent. This was too much.


He walked over to the mat that was laid out on the floor and sprawled across it. He needed sleep -- everything was fuzzy.



There was no reply.


Still no reply.

...I'm going to sleep. Wake me up when they come to release me -- I'm sure you know how problematical things would be if everything doesn't go according to plan.

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Randy stood up with the bag. "Some things I need to say. Need to tell you. Have a chance now." He held the bag to his chest. "This is not a hospital. Hospitals are meant to help. No one is helped here. Hurt instead. Those of us who have left before always come back. Never cured. Believe I will need to get to know you well. Will always be here. Can't leave. Have to stay. They have nowhere to put us. They put us here. A way to forget us." He took a deep breath, "One madman can make the world mad. We are contagious. They keep us here..." He peered at Nurse Flo. "...Quarantine."


He threw the sack to Katie, and sat down.

Edited by Snails


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Michelle sighed, "you think you're so smart huh Vester? If anyone's gunna get released it's Charles. Nurse Flo obvious likes him the best, he doesn't cause trouble and he always shares his feelings. Don't you know that's how you get out? By doing what they want. I should know, I've been here six years."

Nurse Flo was swallowed in thoughts of what Samuel and said earlie. Katie and the other girls were not capable of keeping a secret or huge plan on the downlow, so that was an obvious decoy lie. Michelle though, was very capable of teaming up with Samuel and causing some problems. Nurse Flo hushed Michelle as she spoke.

"This is boring." Michelle stood up and walked out of the room.

"Let her go." Nurse Flo spoke as the other patients watched Michelle leave, "it'd be better if she wasn't here. Bothering the other patients and whatnot."


A stream of light shined on Samuel's face, waking him up. Was it morning already? A thin female silhouette stood in the door way of the dark room. "How's it going Sammy?" Samuel recognized that voice anywhere. The light quickly disappeared behind the girl's body. Did she leave already. Samuel skin crawled as he felt a small hand with long fingernails run up his exposed leg. "Did you miss me?" The voice spoke from the darkness. "I know what you're up to. You can fool Flo, but not me." Samuel reached out his limbs, trying to feel a body, nothing. "Let's talk later Sammy, you need your rest." A quick flash of light, then silence and darkness again.

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Skyler had zoned out for a while, and hadn't heard anything anyone else had said.

In her mind, she kept imagining the solitary room, the dark, the whispering, the faces..

Everything that had ever scared her had been in that room, hunting her- and she hadn't had anywhere to go.

They'd let her out just in time. She felt that if she had not been let out when she was, she would surely have been murdered.

No one else would believe her- but at night, she heard things whisper to her, and she couldn't turn her back to the room for fear that the things in the dark, the whisperers- would get her..

She'd seen too many horror movies, for sure, but still..

Her eyes teared up at the thought of being alone again, and she made a vow to never disobey the rules again.

She wouldn't be able to stand it if she was left alone again..

She sat nervously in her chair, waiting for her time to share.


Andrea sighed. This group stuff was so boring.

Everyone should be paying attention to her.

But no one was- even when it was her turn to talk, no one liked to really listen.

No one really cared here.

She hated it.

Back at home, she was used to being the center of attention.

And it aggrivated her to no end that people here couldn't care less about her.

She bit at her lip, but stopped herself.

She didn't want any marks on her beautiful face, did she?


Examining her nails, she wished she could leave and go with Michelle.

She'd never tell anyone but she was sure that she had a crush on her.

In some sick twisted way- she liked Michelle because she liked Andrea. Because she always complimented her and she was the only one who did so.

It turned her on, to know that someone else thought she was attractive.

And Michelle wasn't too bad looking either.

Goosebumps spread across Andrea's skin, and she shivered.

She wished she could get Michelle alone.

Maybe she'd ditch this group stuff and go find her.

Eh, but her turn would probably be soon.

She needed that moment of attention.

Any attention was good attention.

  • Brohoof 1


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"And I've been here for a year, your point?" Vester responded calmly. "Just like you, they know my disorder but unlike you, they don't force me to do stuff I care little about."


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John looked up, his head throbbed in the light and his nose bled again, "Stop arguing... both of you" he managed to force out before he put his fingers to his temples again. He gave a small grunt in pain, all of these voices, at the same time... so loud... so painful... make it stop...


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