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private Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Secret of Victini


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"Uhhhhh wherever a Pokemon would go research?" Munchlax replied. He obviously had no clue where to look but they continued searching. Soon they found themselves in the mouth of a cave. By the bedroll set up a few feet in next to a burned out fire, somethibg told them someone had been here. "Uh guys, I think Solosis might be somewhere in here. Or at least something lives here." Munchlax called from a few feet in the cave.

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Charmander wandered deeper into the cave. Maybe he could find him on his own... But before he knew it, he became lost in the darkness.

What have I gotten myself into now?

He cautiously crept forward in his current path. In this alien environment, he could never know what lay ahead of him.

Without any mishaps so far, he thought things might be safe. But then, he heard rustling sounds in the distance. "I gotta man up and go see what that is," he told himself as he walked towards the source of noise.

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Shinx looked nervously around her as the other members of the team split up in the cave. The flame ablaze from Charmander's tail was the only real source of light that they had, and as Charmander moved away, presumably to try to find the missing Pokemon, Shinx naturally followed.

Well, that didn't go too well. As Shinx attempted to follow Charmander around a corner, she stumbled, tripping over a jagged rock formation and falling to the ground. Annoyed with herself, she hastily rolled off of the dusty ground and looked up expectanly, only to be greeted with pitch-black darkness. Charmander had gone ahead, and the flickering fire with him. Shinx was in total darkness as she blundered around, trying to find the exit.

"Hey, guys!" she called nervously, trying to find something in the darkness. "Where are you?"

I probably shouldn't have done that, she thought anxoiusly to herself as something skittered across the ground, causing fear to rapidly build up in her stomach.

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To their amazement, Team Extreme located the missing Solosis. Deep within the cave, after fighting or scaring away several Zubats, was the Pokemon. Apparently he had been studying the recent hostility of all of the local Krabby. "I thank you kindly," said the odd Pokemon. "However, I am onto something and need a few samples. I refuse to leave until my research is complete!"

"Sorry to break it to you but you're currently cowering in a cave. That doesn't seem like research to me..." said Munchlax, nibbling on an undescribable berry of some sort that he found on the cave's floor. "What do you guys think?" asked Munchlax."Should we help him or drag him out of here? Charmander, Shinx? Answer me!"

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"I-I got lost," stammered Shinx, embarrassed, but glad to have Charmader's light source illuminating the cave again. "Sorry..."

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"Charmander, Shinx! Get over here, I found Solosis! C'mon, stop messing around, we have WORK to do!" called Munchlax, kind of fed-up at how his team couldn't even stick together in a simple cave and that he had finished his berry.

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Mewtwo was sitting in base was hundreds of Pokemon were in tubes ready to be cloned. As he was going over the next step of his plan Dusknoir comes in. "Master, Ghastly has been defeated by the Rescue Guild" he reportst o his master. "Who killed him?" Mewtwo asks. "A rookie squad. Our spays have reported they were called Team Hope." Dusknoir says. "Hmm...Keep an eye on them. As for now how as the search for Victini gone?" Mewtwo askes Dusknoir. "Not good. He took out two of our soldiers and then escaped into Treeshroud Forest." Dusknoir says. "If we don't get Victini we won't have the power to make our clones super strong!!" Mewtwo says irritated. "Oh..yes but we did find this master." Dusknoir shows Mewtwo the Red Orb. "The Red Orb? Well you at least got that. Once we get the Blue and Jade orbs we shall awaken Weather trio. Until then make sure those Rescue Squads stay out of our way." Mewtwo says. "Yes master" Dusknoir then leaves.

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Munchlax grabbed the Solosis and started yanking him away. "We get out this way!" called Munchlax. "And stop fidgeting, Solosis, you're research is worthless right now." They began to make their way back to the entrance, except that Solosis was freaking out about his wasted research and how he could have helped all the Krabby.

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Shinx paused after a second and then followed the other two as they made their way out of the cave. She kept an eye out for any items on the ground as she followed them, but found nothing of interst other than a few Poke.

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  • 1 month later...

Team Extreme dragged the pleading Solosis out of the cave. To their surprise, a Wailmer was awaiting them. "I am a friend of Blastiose," he said slowly "I am here to pick you up." The team, now less afraid of riding on Pokemon's backs, hopped on and rode the slow (yet quite peaceful) Wailmer all the way back to the beach where Blastoise originally was.


(Anyone wanna continue RPing?)

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