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Ask Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis


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Hello again, esteemed visitors of the MLPForums!

Today your hostess, ShadO of the Babes, brings to you, for your interviewing pleasure, the very best the Canterlot high society has to offer... Sir Fancy Pants and Lady Fleur de Lis! Give them a hoof, ladies and gentle colts!


Fancy Pants: *chuckles* Thank you for the introduction, my dear. I think they quite got it. Icon_Fancy_Aww.png.fce6b7c39497800f65a738f47c6fbed4.png

Fleur de Lis: Bonjour, darlings. Icon_Fleur_Content.png.e90fee432733cbd1f3731e56c63baced.png

Fancy Pants: Indeed. Welcome, my friends. Icon_Fancy_Pleasant.png.f71688fb5f40c6eec979ff2ca5b19c8a.png



You can ask either or both of them a question

- Try not to spam all your questions in one post, you can always ask again!

- Please don't keep asking the same question repeatedly trying to get a different answer

- Please try not to add more characters to the thread, this is exclusively for Fancy and Fleur

Annnnd... go!


Edited by JingLBabe
  • Brohoof 2



Check out my artwork any time: http://shadobabe.deviantart.com/
"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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First question for both of you: how'd you two meet?

For Fancy: Is Canterlot society a sort of aristocratic bureaucracy?

For Fleur: What is your "day job", as it were?

Edited by Renegade the Unicorn
  • Brohoof 1


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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21 hours ago, Renegade the Unicorn said:

First question for both of you: how'd you two meet?

Fancy Pants: Canterlot Academy, dear boy. I was a senior when Fleur was a freshman. Icon_Fancy_Smile.png.1fd61ee9ac782e0262efae960cb28308.png

Fleur de Lis: Almost twenty years ago now. Icon_Fleur_Content.png.e90fee432733cbd1f3731e56c63baced.png

Fancy Pants: My word, has it been that long? Time certainly flies doesn't it? Anyway, I was part of the student coucil and I met Fleur during her freshman orientation. Icon_Fancy_Hmm.png.292368f551779bfcd0b51bd9fb122453.png

Fleur de Lis: Or "Fish Camp", as I remember. Icon_Fleur_Smile.png.0b6a91d18828cc7f4bac8d035b6c028b.png

Fancy Pants: Ah, that's right. Fleur turned out to be an "angelfish". Icon_Fancy_Fond.png.a647836d5cd66286b66e0b72e82b9fb3.png

Fleur de Lis: Icon_Fleur_Giggle.png.fc51c14c8a49c2c89c99be124cd84e50.png


21 hours ago, Renegade the Unicorn said:

For Fancy: Is Canterlot society a sort of aristocratic bureaucracy?

Fancy Pants: In the simplest words, yes. There is of course a bit more complexity to it. Canterlot, along with the Equestrian nation as a whole, is run by the Princesses, who make high end discisions regarding things like foreign policy, war, etcetera. Then come the elected and appointed officials, like governers and mayors, then the aristocracy and representatives such as myself, who use diplomacy and influence to steer decisions in ways we think best. Icon_Fancy_Talking.png.f91bd6e6f5a6abfa65516d559f8f78d9.png


21 hours ago, Renegade the Unicorn said:

For Fleur: What is your "day job", as it were?

Fleur de Lis: Fashion model, dearheart. In between the management of my various brands of course. Icon_Fleur_Pride.png.717cd07c1a119b80ffc66dc3406f5570.png

Edited by JingLBabe
  • Brohoof 2



Check out my artwork any time: http://shadobabe.deviantart.com/
"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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18 minutes ago, PawelS said:

Could you both share your cutie mark stories with us? These designs make it far from obvious what your special talents are.

Fancy Pants: Ladies first. Icon_Fancy_Look.png.7044bb2b83b80e5b772c4afd4aa7ee6e.png

Fleur de Lis: Happy to share, mon frere. Icon_Fleur_Happy.png.43dc120d8821eca4b2a6f45a8701db10.png I am originally from Prance, and got my cutie mark whilst still living there. I had done a little modeling for smaller brand advertisements, and while I loved it, my cutie mark never appeared. But then one year, my papa surpised me by pulling every string he could to get me into Fashion Week Maris as one of the child models. And it was incredible. When the show came around, I strutted down that runway like I'd never strut before, and when I got to the end, a light flashed and I got my cutie mark. So many cheers, all for moi. Icon_Fleur_Giggle.png.fc51c14c8a49c2c89c99be124cd84e50.png

Fancy Pants: Just as is should be, my dear. As for me, I'm afraid my cutie mark story isn't quite as interesting. Icon_Fancy_Pleasant.png.f71688fb5f40c6eec979ff2ca5b19c8a.png

Fleur de Lis: It is very adorable. Icon_Fleur_Smile.png.4c0612916957fc8ba7e7453504a4dc9e.png

Fancy Pants: *chuckles* Thank you, Fleur. But it is very simple as well. I got my cutie mark very early on. I suppose leadership has simply always been a part of who I am. I wasn't just part of student council at Canterlot Academy. I was also part of my primary school's student leadership. One year I discovered that the school board was intending to make cuts to several after school programs that my friends and I enjoyed, as well as cuts to the number of feild trips. I immediately rallied the student body, who then rallied their parents, and a fundraiser was held. We got our feild trips and after school activities, and I got my cutie mark. Icon_Fancy_Smile_2.png.dfef6c7181fd1b3ad0b37a5bd2b1f126.png

Fleur de Lis: As I said, adorable. Icon_Fleur_Content.png.e90fee432733cbd1f3731e56c63baced.png

Fancy Pants: Mm, if it had only stayed that way. Icon_Fancy_Solemn.png.4fe3a6605be21e9e0ea35187d85da591.png Years later I found out that some of the members of the school board had been embezzling funds, and that's why there was a shortage on funding to begin with. They were dealt with by the justice system, but I've made it my goal to wipe out that sort of nonsense wherever I can. Utterly disgraceful. Icon_Fancy_Hmph.png.3a0c2dcaa08c8d48784c0bf40ecfb24e.png

  • Brohoof 1



Check out my artwork any time: http://shadobabe.deviantart.com/
"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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26 minutes ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

"Fancy Pants, why is your name "Fancy Pants" when you do not in fact wear pants?" :mlp_wat:

Fancy Pants: *chuckles* Part family name, part my parents having a sense of humor. I had a great-aunt named Haute Pants on my father's side. And before you say anything, yes, I'm very aware of the pun. Icon_Fancy_Fond.png.a647836d5cd66286b66e0b72e82b9fb3.png 

Fleur de Lis: Icon_Fleur_Giggle.png.fc51c14c8a49c2c89c99be124cd84e50.png

Fancy Pants: My parents wanted to give me a name that was befitting of stature, but a bit more whimsical than is custom. So, Fancy Pants it was. Icon_Fancy_Laugh.png.0db6664f799547757502197d198bc47c.png

Edited by JingLBabe
  • Brohoof 2



Check out my artwork any time: http://shadobabe.deviantart.com/
"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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Fancy Pants, have you been knighted or recognized in any official way by royalty? Just want to know whether or not I should call you "Sir Fancy Pants" or not.

And since I have your attention, how much does one's status in life matter to you? I know there are plenty of rich and elite families in Equestria, many of which wouldn't give a second glance to commoners or the poor. However, I get the feeling you have a different view of such citizens.

Lastly, to Mrs. Fleur, favorite beverage?


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12 hours ago, Anti-Villain said:

Dear Fancy Pants,

Is your monocle custom-made?

Fancy Pants: Indeed it is, old boy. Icon_Fancy_Look.png.7044bb2b83b80e5b772c4afd4aa7ee6e.png *adjusts monocle* Icon_Fancy_Adjust.png.3bd614c44d3ff1ad1de13876bd47a43d.png


12 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

"Did you apologize to Rarity for your rudeness during the preparations for the The Royal Swanifying Ceremony, Fancy Pants?"

Fancy Pants: Hmm...Icon_Fancy_Solemn.png.4fe3a6605be21e9e0ea35187d85da591.png My intent was not to be rude, but in my irritation at having my expertise offhoofedly dismissed, I did allow myself to be less tactful than I should have. I will certainly consider apolgizing for that, though honestly, I'm still unsure what Rarity was thinking. Her decor reminded me of my neice's birthday parties. She's typically so much more refined and in-tune with fashion trends. Even the little yellow dress she made for Princess Twilight the first time we met had a simple elegance to it... Icon_Fancy_Hmm.png.292368f551779bfcd0b51bd9fb122453.png

Fleur de Lis: Hmhmhm! Well all artists have off-days, Fancy. In fact, you might have missed it, but look at this design of Rarity's that passed through the grapevine a couple years ago... Icon_Fleur_Smile.png.4c0612916957fc8ba7e7453504a4dc9e.png



Fancy Pants: Good lord, Fleur... You're not serious? Icon_Fancy_Inspect.png.92a5dbb8d433515f991b7b06ff54ca33.png

Fleur de Lis: As the plague, I'm afraid... Icon_Fleur_Nod.png.d3768827899f7a881d9ce110359d346a.png


2 hours ago, Toshigami Equine said:

Fancy Pants, have you been knighted or recognized in any official way by royalty? Just want to know whether or not I should call you "Sir Fancy Pants" or not.

Fancy Pants: Oh no, nothing like that. I've heard multiple comments and murmurings of me being nominated for the honor, but it's never happened. My peers and associates with more flattering inclinations sometimes teasingly refer to me as "a prince in all but title", which is very sweet, but a touch dramatic if I'm being honest. Icon_Fancy_Smile_2.png.dfef6c7181fd1b3ad0b37a5bd2b1f126.png


2 hours ago, Toshigami Equine said:

And since I have your attention, how much does one's status in life matter to you? I know there are plenty of rich and elite families in Equestria, many of which wouldn't give a second glance to commoners or the poor. However, I get the feeling you have a different view of such citizens.

Fancy Pants: Money and status are simply tools, my friend, and not the only tools life has to offer. What's more important is what a pony does with those tools. It is only by chance that I was blessed to be born into money and status, and myself and all my peers would do well to remember that we could have been born into any number of different circumstances. Best not waste it. Icon_Fancy_Pleasant.png.f71688fb5f40c6eec979ff2ca5b19c8a.png


2 hours ago, Toshigami Equine said:

Lastly, to Mrs. Fleur, favorite beverage?

Fleur de Lis: I enjoy a good rosé myself. Icon_Fleur_Side.png.26e959fc8e7fad744944d4a3a600d12f.png


2 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

"Have either of you ever tried a quesadilla?" :mlp_toldya: :lostit: 

Fleur de Lis: I have not. But I'm getting the distinct feeling it would not be good for my figure. Icon_Fleur_Interest.png.e671333f13d82dc3773fa07576c61b03.png

Fancy Pants: *chuckles* They most certainly are not good for mine. Icon_Fancy_Helpful.png.c1a0ff9813111a7f26b7261a26851632.png

Fleur de Lis: For the best I don't know what I'm missing then. Icon_Fleur_Concern.png.8b304696f2fe9ea09e00bf2d6bbd8bfb.png

Fancy Pants: Oh, pish posh, my dear. Your beauty is unassailable. Icon_Fancy_Fond.png.a647836d5cd66286b66e0b72e82b9fb3.png

Fleur de Lis: Merci, Fancy. You are a grand flatterer. Icon_Fleur_Content.png.e90fee432733cbd1f3731e56c63baced.png

Fancy Pants: Flattery! How dare you, miss. Icon_Fancy_Calm.png.304a8a0ca62e37a83d68f55e637d3061.png

Fleur de Lis: Regardless, if I'm going to cheat, I'd prefer it to be something sweet. Icon_Fleur_Giggle.png.fc51c14c8a49c2c89c99be124cd84e50.png

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Check out my artwork any time: http://shadobabe.deviantart.com/
"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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7 hours ago, PawelS said:

@Fleur de Lis

Why did you leave Prance?

Fleur de Lis: Papa opened a new headquarters for his Prench Imports business here in Canterlot, and wanted to be closer in order to oversee it's management better. This was just before I was to enter secondary school, so I ended up being enrolled in Canterlot Academy. Fortunately, my parents had me learning Equish for years prior. So while my accent was still very thick, I was able to communicate well enough. Icon_Fleur_Happy.png.43dc120d8821eca4b2a6f45a8701db10.png


7 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

"Fleur de Lis I don't think I've ever heard her utter a single word, is this due to some sort of anxiety that you feel when you're in public?". 

Fleur de Lis: Oh no, dear, I don't suffer from anxiety. I simply prefer to watch and listen. Admittedly, there are those who think my silence indicates vapidity, but that's their mistake to make. It is sweet that you were concerned, however. Icon_Fleur_Smile.png.0a8a1c0045c2443cc47d715fb861a202.png

  • Brohoof 2



Check out my artwork any time: http://shadobabe.deviantart.com/
"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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3 hours ago, ggg-2 said:

Do you two know the Sparkle family well?  They have their own claims to fame after all.

Fancy Pants: I did not have the pleasure of meeting any of the Sparkle family until the children of the family began to make waves of their own within Equestria. Icon_Fancy_Hmm.png.292368f551779bfcd0b51bd9fb122453.png

Fleur de Lis: Twilight Velvet and Night Light were relatively well-to-do from what I've gathered, but didn't quite run within the upper echelons of Canterlot high society. Icon_Fleur_Nod.png.d3768827899f7a881d9ce110359d346a.png

Fancy Pants: But then Shining Armor became captain of the Royal Guard and Miss Twilight Sparkle became the Element of Magic - Icon_Fancy_Adjust.png.3bd614c44d3ff1ad1de13876bd47a43d.png

Fleur de Lis: Then came the marriage between Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza - Icon_Fleur_Content.png.e90fee432733cbd1f3731e56c63baced.png

Fancy Pants: And then Twilight Sparkle was appointed to the position of Princess, and so on. Those children are certainly movers and shakers in their own right. We're still not much more than aquaintences with them, but with Twilight becoming the sole princess of Equestria proper, I imagine will get to know each other much better over time. Icon_Fancy_Pleasant.png.f71688fb5f40c6eec979ff2ca5b19c8a.png


2 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

"Have either of you ever donated to the Zotl Protection Foundation?"

Fleur de Lis: I have not heard of that particular organization. Fancy? Icon_Fleur_Concern.png.8b304696f2fe9ea09e00bf2d6bbd8bfb.png

Fancy Pants: Neither have I, I'm afraid. Might have to look into it. We're always keeping an eye out for noble causes. Icon_Fancy_Smile.png.1fd61ee9ac782e0262efae960cb28308.png

  • Brohoof 2



Check out my artwork any time: http://shadobabe.deviantart.com/
"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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On 12/8/2019 at 2:43 AM, PawelS said:

@Fancy Pants

How was the Monocle and Top Hat Appreciation Society soiree?

Fancy Pants: It was lovely, old boy! You know they sell the very best top hats the fashion industry has to offer at the event, and I've been meaning to get one of my own. I came away with the perfect top hat for my needs. Icon_Fancy_Helpful.png.c1a0ff9813111a7f26b7261a26851632.png

  • Brohoof 1



Check out my artwork any time: http://shadobabe.deviantart.com/
"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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2 minutes ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

"Are monocles uncomfortable, Fancy Pants?"

Fancy Pants: Oh, not anymore than any other corrective lenses once you get used to them. But just like glasses, you have to make sure they're the right fit. Icon_Fancy_Adjust.png.3bd614c44d3ff1ad1de13876bd47a43d.png

  • Brohoof 1



Check out my artwork any time: http://shadobabe.deviantart.com/
"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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2 minutes ago, PawelS said:

Any comments on this?

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Fleur de Lis: GAASP!! Where did you get that?? Icon_Fleur_Shock.png.1ea49fc806936b691e86895c9a376404.png

Fancy Pants: Oh my goodness, that's precious. Icon_Fancy_Smile_2.png.dfef6c7181fd1b3ad0b37a5bd2b1f126.png

Fleur de Lis: Nooo, Fancy don't look... *huffs and mumbles under her breath* I thought I burned those... Icon_Fleur_Annoyed.png.de7c63314f905e5c4835f460d3bc6e09.png

  • Brohoof 2



Check out my artwork any time: http://shadobabe.deviantart.com/
"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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