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Pony Master Quest (Development progress)


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Hello there all!

Explaining and typing is difficult, but I will try.

This is the spot where I will post information and updates regularly about this pony game we are creating.

With we I mean myself and a group of artists and testers.

About the game: 
It is playable in the browser. 
You can create charachters and form groups with other players to compete against mobs and bosses in Dungeons to earn rewards and exp.
Each charachter has unique stats, skills and has their own weaknesses and strengths.

As of now: 
> Charachters can be made: Unicorn, Pegasus, Earth Pony, Dragon, Changeling, Yak, Gryphon, Hippogryf, Buffallo and Kirin
These basic charachters have 3 basic skills unique to their race. 
Charachters can equip a weapon and armor piece and up to 5 items such as potions.

> Charachters can advance to a next Rank. This gives them a dedicated role.
Damage: These charachters specialise in dealing damage.
Tank: These charachters specialise in absorbing damage for the team. 
Healer: These charachters secialise in healing their friends. 
Tricks: These charachters use special effects and tricks.
Charachters have 1 to 4 advancements. Each advancement has 4 new skills.

> Crafting can now be done. You can craft weapons and armor and even boost the stats if you have a forging manual.

> You can upgrade weapons and armor to make them stronger, or reduce their required level. 

> You can watch your inventory and discard things or put them in your store for sale.

> You can visit the school shop to buy potions and some other goodies.

> The Library is a Work In Progress (WIP) and already can show enemy data and charachters data.

> Dungeons can be started, and if your level is too high, your level will be automaticaly alterd to match the dungeon, making it replayable with new friends and new charachters. The battle system is the next big point on the agenda.

What is on the to do list as of now?
Finishing the battle system and library.
Two quite big projects.

Making the art.
Two of my sweet friends are on this. One of them will draw the playable charachters, one of them is going to make the skill icons.

For people attending Heartswarming Con the end of this month, they will give everypony a card with a unique code for this game.
The code unlocks a unique playable charachter not available otherwise in game. This charachter is Ember, the HWCon mascot.

I will post updates regularly down here.

Edited by Sunamena
  • Brohoof 4

Pony Master Quest.
Goes into open beta on 10-10-2020

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Do you have a website or any gameplay videos? Because it's not entirely clear what sort of game this is meant to be.

You tagged your topic with RPG, but the description sounds like a rogue-like or maybe a dungeon crawler. But then you mention a 'School Shop' and a Library. Does the game world consist of a town and dungeons? Is there any kind of background story/lore to provide context? What on earth are all these pony and ungulates fighting in a dungeon for? Is there any objective besides grinding for experience (XP) to get tho the next level/better equipment then rinse and repeat?

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Updates this weekend

I am working on the combat system.
This will take a long long while!
Two of my friends are currently making some artsies (Skill Icons and Charachters)

Answering Time! *nervous shy pony noises*
Do you have a website or any gameplay videos?Because it's not entirely clear what sort of game this is meant to be.
It will be playable in the browser. It is currently a work in progress. No design or art has been made as of now. We are using placeholders, those are images that give a visual of where things will be. The design is also coming later. Long story short, we have no videos, or gameplay examples yet.

Webpage: https://www.bronies.be/spelletjes/pmq.php

You tagged your topic with RPG, but the description sounds like a rogue-like or maybe a dungeon crawler.
Yes, it is a Dungeon Crawler, you and your charachters, and your friends and their charachters can enter a dungeon and defeat mobs and monsters.
Yes, it is an RPG, you can choose how youre chrachters progress, what your priorities are.

But then you mention a 'School Shop' and a Library. Does the game world consist of a 
town and dungeons? 
Dungeons are found on the world map. The shop and Library will be found in the Accademy of Friendship, where your charachters are students.

Is there any kind of background story/lore to provide context? What on earth are all these pony and ungulates fighting in a dungeon for? 
Ungulates is a new word for me. I am not a native english speaking person. So I just looked it up! That aside.
There is a small story written for the game. Every dungeon has a small back story, that should hint about a bigger scheme. Something that you will learn later in the game. And then you will figure out why a big part of the world was, or rather is, off limits. 

Is there any objective besides grinding for experience (XP) to get tho the next level/better equipment then rinse and repeat?
There won't be overly much need to grind for exp. Getting better equipment can be grindy depending on how Picky you are. 
I think the most fun part of the game will come from the dungeons being challenging.
Next to the main story line, you will be able to do some side quests as well. 
The game is rewarding team play.
Exp, Bits (the currency) and the chanche of rare, well, any drops is increased depending on the number of players.


I hope I have answerd some of your questions! =D
If you have any more, or have any follow up questions, fire away!

  • Brohoof 1

Pony Master Quest.
Goes into open beta on 10-10-2020

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I look forward to seeing the final product. That's pretty much it on questions for now.



English has lots of words, many of which are borrowed (directly or indirectly) from Latin and other languages.

Regarding your website:

Charachters should be spelled this way: characters. Also in my experience 'turn based' is often hyphenated as turn-based and 'open beta' is left as is, probably as a matter of grammar although it could just be convention. There is no danger of being misunderstood in either case. You also have a few other minor typos (typographical errors) on your website.


Thousands of years have passed, but the accademy of friendship still lingers on! Now more then every, we need brave students to bring ballance to this world... Friendship is magic! So you are never alone!

academy. then every -> than everbalance.


linger -- stay in a place longer than necessary because of a reluctance to leave; be slow to disappear or die

Is this what you meant? That word has a connotation of a something or someone being expected to have left, diminished, disappeared, died, etc. I take it that you mean it survived or has continued to exist in a neutral sense.


Edited by StormyVenture
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  • 2 weeks later...

Currently working on the Charachter Skills.

Applying damage and paying energy works. Healing works.
Effects can be applied, but do not yet take effect.

Building the skills for 
Uniconrs > Check
Pegasi > Check

To do: 
Earth Ponies

> Making the effects work
> Make the enemies do things
> Enable to finish the dungeons
> Testing (Open Beta)
> Refurbish design and looks.
> Release

  • Brohoof 2

Pony Master Quest.
Goes into open beta on 10-10-2020

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  • 4 weeks later...

Alright, I am very far on the functionality part.

Right now all I have to do is.

> Allow the use of items
> Fix 2 glitches
> Make the Changelings work
> Tweak the skill selection menu
> Make the battles end.
> Implement quests

I think all will be sorta done the end of the month, so beta testing can start on April the first!

  • Brohoof 1

Pony Master Quest.
Goes into open beta on 10-10-2020

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am extremely close to let it go into CLOSED BETA phase.

That means that design, art, animation and things to provide more clarity to what is going on still need to be added. We will also encounter some bugs, and am fixing a few ones before letting people test the game in the closed state.

A peak into a few details now, please NOTE that most of the images are placeholders at the moment and will not actually be used in the finished product, but I needed some placeholders to see if it actually works.. 

Pegasi and skill icons are as is. The enemies and background are placeholders, and ofcourse, design will need major tweaks. 

The Pegasus knight is attacking all it's opponents, missing both Flashbees, dealing a normal hit to the Vampire fruitbat and a critical hit to the Twittermite.

A basic overview of some charachter data.
This Pegasus is ours! YAY!

Durring the course of next week, testing and desing tweaks will be ongoing! Hopefully!

Keeping you guys updated again in the near future!

  • Brohoof 1

Pony Master Quest.
Goes into open beta on 10-10-2020

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  • 1 month later...


Design was a bit alterd.

The pegasi ponies are made, Kirin and Changeling, and the mobs are still placeholders, as is the background.

Icons are already partly finished!

People can already watch the fights live (and GameMasters can lend assistance).

There is still lots to do, and we did find some bugs, typos and spelling errors >-<

Would you realy like to do that for us? =D
I think we can use a beta tester. 
It is not super lots of work, but we can use someone for sure =3

  • Brohoof 1

Pony Master Quest.
Goes into open beta on 10-10-2020

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  • 1 month later...

You can now compare equips, icons and a few characters have icons now.

Open beta will start at 10/10/2020

As of now, we are still looking for good names for the following classes, all suggestions are welcome, currently they have the following names as seen below, but I am not yet happy with all of them.
You may give suggestions. Names in green is what I am somewhat happy with, red means id like to have another name for them. Blue text is a note for the character above it.

- Fire element
> Uses fire spells, focusses on damage.
- Air element
> Uses air spells, uses status effects.
- Earth element
> Uses earth spells, uses defensive effects.
- Water element
> Uses water spells, uses healing effects.

- Bandit
- Knight

- Defending 
> Is the shield of a group, great at taking damage for its friends.
- Farming
> It uses plants to cure, recover and heal its friends.

- Rage
> Dragon that focusses on dealing damage, it gets stronger the lower its HP gets.
- Guardian
> Dragon that focusses on defending its friends. Totally fearless!

- Hero
- Palladin

- Advanced

- Rogue
- Warrior

- Alchemist
> Hippogryf that focusses on inducing special effects on enemies, like instant KO, poison, confuse. It can also reset cooldown on their friends their abilities.
- Healing
> Hippogryf that focusses on healing their friends.

- Flare
> Buffalo that focusses on dealing damage, and also improves the effectiveness of their friends.
- Assassin
> This buffalo is good at dealing damage, it has higher damage, but all it's skills have a cooldown.

- Calm
> This Kirin focusses on healing their friends. Their skills get weaker or stronger depending on it's rage level (unique Kirin mechanism).
- Enraged
> This Kirin focusses on damage. They have more control over their rage, and know how to use their rage to use their power without losing control over their rage.

Any ideas are very welcome!!!!

~ Suna

  • Brohoof 1

Pony Master Quest.
Goes into open beta on 10-10-2020

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Some of these really sound to me more like specializations than classes.

For example all of the stuff under Unicorn could be Mage/Wizard/? in any other system with the exception that healing is usually relegated to a separate class. GW2 has a single Elementalist class that combines the same four elements chosen above.

One possible naming scheme is this: Aeromancer, Pyromancer, Geomancer, and Aquamancer. It's not quite correct usage given that the greek word which the ending comes from refers to divination... You could also choose to combine some word for each element with any number of active verbs, though they'll be fluff unless you come up with some lore that defines practicing that sort of magic.

With regard to the Kirin it seems like rage is a mechanic rather than something distinct to a class, albeit the way it is used could be considered a specialization as above


Is there a reason you need a different name for damage dealing / support roles for every single race/species?



Your website page for the game makes some confusing statements that you might want to update. It indicates that Open Beta would start on January 16, 2021, but then at the bottom says you expect to do that in June/July of whatever year it was at the time... And of course you just told us in the thread that October 10, 2020 is the current date...

Edited by StormyVenture
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And yes, they are more specialisations.

Traditionally, fire represents damage and power. Water represents healing. Earth represents defense and wind represents special effects and tricks. =3

  • Brohoof 1

Pony Master Quest.
Goes into open beta on 10-10-2020

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As things go now, on October the 10th, 2020 we will have an Open Beta.

What does this mean?
You can PLAY the game then, but it will not be (far from) finished.
But hey, it is something.

A game in development takes a while. Allowing people to play, will help us pin point issues and confusions. Do not expect greatness. We are simply a group of fans, making this for you to enjoy for free.
Once it is finished... well.... any game is actually always a work in progress, but once it is finished I mean when it is both fully functional, appealing and mostly free of spelling and grammar errors and bugs, we hope it will be a small pony gem!

Anyway, my dear friend has made this cute image for us!


This logo and these characters are made by our cute little team!

Want to know more about these updates? 
Check spoilers.

Hey! Thanks for reading this far!

By e-mail
If you have an account on the bronies.be website, simply click add me to the mail list here: https://www.bronies.be/spelletjes/pmq.php
You must be logged in first!

Alternatively, mail: "gamemaster@bronies.be".
Subject: "PMQ"
Message: "I wish to be informed about future updates of Pony Master Quest."

By Discord
Join our Discord server ( x ) and under the #roles section, you select PMQ, it is the Scootaloo icon! =D

Or follow this thread.

Pony Master Quest.
Goes into open beta on 10-10-2020

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  • 5 weeks later...
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  • 4 weeks later...

I am nervous for the release, it is next saturday.


Ten years after MLP.

At that date, the game goes into open beta.
This means the game is playable, but not yet finished, both functionally nor graphically!
The purpose is to let dedicated people play, and guide us into the right direction. Giving feedback, reporting bugs and issues, or genuinely want to play the game and support it as much as they can!
Do not expect a finishjed product at this time.

  • Brohoof 1

Pony Master Quest.
Goes into open beta on 10-10-2020

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Ladies and Gentlecolts,

The game is now in open beta!



PMQ (Pony Master Quest) open beta


Fillies and gentlecolts! Finally! We are happy to announce that today, october 10th of 2020, exactly 10 years after the innitial release of the FiM pilot, our game is going into open beta.
What to expect?
It is open beta, this means you should not expect a finished product, finishing this game is a big undertaking, and to finish it, will take more time.
However, now you can play the game, help test it with us, and steer us into the right direction by giving us feedback. Your opinion matters. Your help truly makes a difference to us. This community is what makes this fandom what it is today. Yes you, you and your contribution to our project, and any other project in the fandom is what makes our community the one we adore and love!
You can already experience basic gameplay as of now.


Char img Some of you have been to a convention this year known as Heartswarming Con. You received a card there, in which many of you have already redeemed (or still need to redeem) this special character. You can play with her! 
Aside from Ember, there are 10 species with unique specialisations to play with!
Check it out here: https://pmq.bronies.be 

For support, check out our Discords:
Bronies @ Belgium Discord Server: https://discord.gg/5qSHY56 
Pony Master Quest (PMQ) Discord Server: https://discord.gg/HnVYq2r 


Pony Master Quest.
Goes into open beta on 10-10-2020

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  • 3 months later...
On 2020-12-04 at 7:20 AM, Jesse Terrence said:

Hrm... I mean, I might be able to help... but...

Well, you are free to do so! We would love it! Any help is welcome! 

Talking about help, the person that needs to come up with names and stuff and needs to shape the story could use a hoof, claw, paw or hand in doing so.
So if anyone reading this has a creative fantasy mind , please let us/me know! If you know such a person, please reccomend them to use!




  • Brohoof 2

Pony Master Quest.
Goes into open beta on 10-10-2020

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ooof! Big oof!

It was a very productive weekend!

The first group quest can now be played!
In contrast to regular dungeons, that reduce the level of characters that are too high in level, the group quest excludes these characters.

It MUST be played with 2 players, no more and no less. 
It contains a small, unfinished story which mostly tells you what is happening in the next (combat) room.

Room 1
This room has a limit of 2 characters. So each group member will need to play exactly 1 character. 

Room 2
Two enemies will have the effect: "Can not be damaged by Player 1." and the other two will have the effect: "Can not be damaged by Player 2."
Player 1 is the one who started the quest, player 2 is the one who joined the quest. Each player will have 2 enemies assigned to them. Please note that they are immune to damage, so status effects, buffs and debuffs still work on those enemies.

Room 3
The first round in this room, everyone can act. Starting from the second round, ALL characters of a random player will be stunned (for the duration of a single turn). If luck* is not on your side, it can be the same player being stunned yet another time.
* this randomness is in no way affected by the characters Luck stat.

Room 4
An Ursa Minor, Bear Bug and Zebra Warrior combine forces against you!

Room 5
This room contains a closed treasure chest (it has 9 HP). Destroy it to claim rewards! It can attack you if you'd wonder what it is capable off. It will deal 1 damage if it does not miss. Treasure chests are known for courage, not speed!

Group Quests can be found where one usually finds the Dungeons. 

This quest is very challenging. Be well prepared, have decent equips, items, and maybe try to have a character of atleast level 5 or 6.

This game is obviously still in development, but we have made huge progress, thanks to our amazing assistant ponies!
This includes the artists, testers, musicians.
I can not thank them enough.

If you'd want to play, this is the link: https://pmq.bronies.be/
If you'd like to join us on Discord, this is the link: https://discord.gg/HnVYq2r

You will need a (free!) account to play!
Keep in mind that this game/project is still in development, so do not yet expect a fully finished product.

~ Sunamena

Pony Master Quest.
Goes into open beta on 10-10-2020

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sunamena feels excited! 

We now have a Patreon page where people can support us!

I am excited and a bit anxious as this is the first time I have done something like this.

In exchange people can get coins to spend in the game.

Now I am wondering... which name sounds better.... the Cashshop or the Wishshop?

Pony Master Quest.
Goes into open beta on 10-10-2020

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