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private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with Sherem

Illiad Easle

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Celestia would look at them and said "the lost of somepony or somebody precious is indeed a crime we cannot deny we have committed against the Kingdom of Cevridas, me and Princess luna would have expected that this would have it's repercussions. To no take anybody's time more I will go directly to the point we can only fufill one of the demands, that would be the compensation and memorial of the bucks that gave their lives and never returned to their herds, for the others would mean that equestria would enter an economical crisis that would not recover, is that your intention, to make the ponies of equestria suffered as the deers suffered?" she asked firmly at her.


He decided to play her game for now, in the end he finally had nothing to loose but he didn't expect much of his interactions and the results of tonight and then said "Sherem, pleased to meet you my lady, and sorry for the old fashion way of speaking, then again I have the excuse to have been raised a really long time ago" he raised the bottle to her with his magic as a gesture of friendly meet and greet.

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"I'd like nothing more."

Many in the Council, including Sir, were shocked by her response. She continued, her hard gaze back on Celestia, "Don't bring Princess Luna into this either. She was on the moon when you sent MY PARENTS TO THEIR DEATHS!"

The deer ambassador was shaking with anger as tears rolled down her face. She looked like she was about to jump over her desk at Celestia before she disappeared with a flash of magic cast by the buck at her side who stood to take her place, "I apologize for my colleague's behaviour. We are more than willing to accept your more than generous offer."

Nightshade seemed eager to end the meeting at this point before the rising tensions of the delegates boiled over into something with larger consequences, as it nearly just had. "If there's no further business then, this meeting is hereby adjourned. Princess Celestia, the Council awaits the submission of your duly selected representatives for ongoing participation in the Council. Unless another emergency summit needs to be called, this Council will reconvene in one month."

[Provided Celestia does not add anything]

Nightshade would give the gavel a final hit, and the delegates would begin to file out of the room, many looked toward Celestia as they left, most of them had positive or hopeful expressions, the rest had nothing worse than suspicion, none of them were openly hostile as they exited.

Magpie rejoined Celestia's side, a worried expression on her face, "They really gave it to you there. Shall I escort you to your quarters or back to your airship?"


The mare giggled at the attention and scooted closer until she could rest her head on his withers. The mares at her table were starting to look jealous as she gained courage. "I don't mind, I actually like how you talk. It makes me feel so special. I'm Pink Magnolia by the way. What do you say if we take this somewhere more comfortable? Maybe, um..." her confidence wavered, "Maybe my, err, my house?"

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Celestia then shaked her head and said "well that went as I hoped, I knew that things would be difficult, but is all for a better process and a better future, I can tell a lot of them don't belive in my predisposition or my words, but I will do what I must for equestria and those we have wronged in the past" she then said "yeah I would like an escort to the room, I will return to equestria after tomorrow. I will work on formalizing more of this before breaking the news to the other princesses" She followed her


Sherem asked for another drink and said "woah easy there speedy" he said smiling and laughing "before we get to know us that way, better to know us as who we really are" he said as he finished the last bottle and then to even tease her a little he got really close to her so much she could feel his body touching her

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Magpie nodded and led the way back through the hallways to the room Celestia had prepared herself in, "I wouldn't worry too much, no nation gets into the council easily. While yours was the most aggressive that I've seen or read of, it wasn't too much more so than when the Queens' Council joined in the wake of the royal wedding."

Once they arrived at the room Magpie bowed, "If you or your guard need anything at all, I or a member of the castle staff will be willing to assist. Further, we'll make sure to keep any angry delegates keep their distance from your room so as not to disturb your rest."

If Celestia didn't ask anything of her Magpie would depart to her other duties in the castle.


The barkeep set another bottle of Sunset Sarsaparilla in front of Sherem, "Since you're a knight and all we'll run up a tab for you, so you don't need to go paying each time, keep in mind though it's ten bits a bottle."

Magnolia was very receptive to Sherem's affection, rubbing her side against Sherem's wing, "Ooh, I'd like that. Snuggled up to a warm strong stallion like you... what do you want to know? I'm an open book for your perusal."

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Celestia bowed slightly to her and said "thank you for your assistance to day ambassador, I will not keep you further and I bid you a good night" she looked at her until she left the chambers and then turned to see the window contemplating the panoramic view of the kingdom of archback. She was deep in thought about what happened today and yet something didn't felt right and she was fearing for the worst


Sherem hearing the bar tender said that he said "well the word on archback really flies fast, I thank you for giving me a consideration. I will pay it on time but to show you that you can trust my coin I will pay all I cosume tonight and right now, you said 10 bits the bottle here" he took out a bag with 50 bits inside it and gave it to her

Sherem thought he had indulged Pink Magnolia enough he would now try to scare her a bit so she would back down and said "well tell me what was the dare that your friends at the table put up to try this" he first joked and then "no secrets" he said a bit more serious tone but not sounding unfriendly or menacing.

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There would be no outside interference with Celestia that night.


The bartender simply stowed the bag under the bar and made a note of how much Sherem had prepaid before returning to her other duties.

Pink looked like she was about to say something before Sherem got serious, then she hesitated a moment before speaking, "Um, it's just..." she sighed, "I was running my mouth off to my friends, said I could get any stallion in the bar to come home with me, they got one look at you and decided I needed to put my bits where my mouth was. So here I am, trying to convince you to leave the bar with me." She looked down at her drink on the bar, no longer sitting quite so close to him.

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Sherem then chuckled a bit and took another sip of his drink and said "seems you bit off more than you could chew. Look, I'm flattered that you gave me a shot but perhaps that beauty and that eagerness to prove would be better in something else that trying to pick up a random stallion that, let's be honest, is not that good looking and is pretty much and old pony like me" he then took another sip

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Magnolia blushed a little as she brushed a bit of her mane out of her face, "Y-you think I'm beautiful? Coming from an alicorn that really means something." She gave Sherem an affectionate nuzzle before she continued, "You don't need to be humble you know, You're one of the most handsome stallions I've seen! I mean, Midnight has you beat, but he managed to seduce Princess Luna, so it's not like anyone could compete with that. Besides, your age hopefully gave you some maturity, something most of the stallions here lack."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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he laughed again and said "I think a lot have me beat on that department, and I would like to think that my lots of years on my have made me seen things that I really didn't want to see" he said as he looked at the table "some of these I believe, would have make my life better if I hadn't seen them" he would take the last sip and said "next drink please" he signaled the bar tender and then looked again at Magnolia "My apologies I'm rambling on too uncomfortable topics, while I believe you won't get me to your place tonight, I would like to hear about what are you and what you like. In other words my question is "Who is pink Magnolia?" he asked

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The bartender was quick to send him his next drink.

Magnolia looked introspective at his question, "I don't know if I've ever given that much thought. My mother names me after the lyrics to a song she heard once: Pink magnolia blushing and coy, savors the sun while she shines, you've got yours and I've got mine, Together we glide through the blue-velvet dark and stars." She shrugged, "I guess I was destined to be an incorrigible flirt and a tease. But I do try, you know, to find someone that fits the second half. I figure if I go out with enough I'll finally find the one who fits."

She looked over at Sherem, "I suppose you wouldn't fit the bill would you? Who might you be? To return your question."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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he Softly smiled and said "I would not fit the bill of anypony or anybody in the world" he opened the bottle with his magic and started drinking again "one piece of advice, if you would take it. Is okay to have your wild night and flirt around with other ponies. But one night you will find you might regret it big time, Trust me I have seen enough mares and stallions over the years that came to regret that kind of lifestyle and now they have a burden they never asked. My old stallion used to say "for every party there is a consequence the next day"" he kept his soft smile and assuming she would not speak to him again he turned to the bar to keep drinking looking at the table.

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Magnolia wanted to respond, but she was thwarted by his words and so she returned to the table her friends were at, much to their amusement, "He's too old for me anyhow, despite being an alicorn."

Sherem would remain undisturbed at the bar for some time before a guard came in looking for him, "Knight Sherem, Midnight is looking for you. Shall I escort you to him? Or should I tell him you're here?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Sherem would nod and said at the Bar Tender "I will take those two last drinks for the way" he said and then he turned to the guard "Tell our grace, I will be meeting him at once" he said with a bit of a tipsy demeanor but yet he managed to keep his formal stance and coherence when talking to the guard and to the Bartender, he would have wished to keep staying in his loneliness of drinking. But he made an oath and he took vows to archback, to Midnight his new lord and superior and to Sir his new second ruler, but it seemed odd that he would call him so  late at night, nonetheless he would answer.

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The guard didn't have a hurried pace as he led the way back up to the castle. The sun having fully set Sherem could now see, if he looked out at the forest, a large cluster of lights near the edge by the zebra, and deeper in a larger cluster. The forest itself had a light blue glow to it as if the trees themselves were enchanted.

It was quiet in the castle when they entered, hardly anyone in the halls as they made their way into the audience chamber. Midnight stood from his place beside Sir when they entered. He and Sir exchanged a nod before he went over to greet them with a smile. "I'm glad to find you safe, when I heard you had left the archive I had begun to worry, especially when no one had seen you in the castle for some time. I had thought you would have no end to interest in the archives, is everything alright?"

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"I apologize for any inconveniences your grace, I just felt that I needed some air and some relax after I Saw the Snow falling" he bowed in a way of apologizing to both Sir and Midnight "and besides I didn't want to take my teacher's time more than I should for she seemed to have something else to do" he then rises looking both at Midnight and Sir

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Midnight waved off his apology, "No need to bow among equals. I had hoped you would have come back to me when you finished in the Archives, your Princess would likely have appreciated your support as she presented to the Council. They did not go easy on her, but that was to be expected." He sighed as he looked back at the line of petitioners looking to make their case before Sir, "One can only hope this is the start of something good, some real positive change, but we'll see."

He turned back to Sherem, "I suggest you get some rest, there are some things I'd like to show you tomorrow that can only be done early. I'll come by your room when it's time to depart." With that he returned to his place beside Sir, answering his own line of petitioners.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"I would hardly consider myself your equal my lord" he said then after hearing Midnight, he would say he would have thought about celestia and Sherem said "despite my loyalties and debts I have with Princess Celestia, In politics I would be useless nor fitted to sit at a hearing with matters of politics my lord. Besides Princess Celestia is more than old enough to take care of herself. And as for the changes, it is always a matter that both parties want to achieve something instead of just distrust and back-stabbing, I should not say the obvious but the fact to carry a title or a charge of political leadership means take a burden and an oath to help everybody that is in need"

he would nod at his command "of course, I will get to my room, as soon as I can find it and I will meet you tomorrow early my lord" he would have to make a map at this rate to find his way around the castle and the city to know where he was going. 

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On 9/4/2020 at 7:47 PM, Sherem said:

Besides Princess Celestia is more than old enough to take care of herself

Midnight snorted at that, "Nonetheless, it wouldn't've hurt to have a friendly face in the chambers."

On 9/4/2020 at 7:47 PM, Sherem said:

he would have to make a map at this rate to find his way around the castle and the city to know where he was going.

The layout of the main floor of the castle was easy enough. There were only two hallways after all, one that went around the castle and one that connected the first to the stairway into the mountain. all the rooms on the main floor were connected to the first hallway, so if he followed it enough he'd find the room marked Equestria that he had been staying in.

Still, he wouldn't be wandering the hall long before he would encounter a zebra mare that he might recognize as one of the delegates at his hearing. She looked a mix between cross and saddened as she turned to approach him, "Knight Sherem? I have need of you if you would be so kind." She would motion for him to follow before stepping through a door into the central courtyard.

If Sherem chose to follow he'd find her sitting on a bench staring at the foliage, "Your Princess spoke some... harsh words... to me in the Council. What is your opinion on slavery Knight Sherem?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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49 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

If Sherem chose to follow he'd find her sitting on a bench staring at the foliage, "Your Princess spoke some... harsh words... to me in the Council. What is your opinion on slavery Knight Sherem?"

Sherem followed her and once he heard what he Zebra said he raised his hoof "before I give you my answer my lady, let me ask first, what exactly did she said that you consider harsh?" he asked respectful to her. He felt something bad went down at the council but he also had faith in the diplomatic abilities of Princess Celestia, But he would need to see two different perspectives of the matter to reach a conclusion, however he could give a true answer to his opinion on the matter of slavery and the situation that he didn't knew that happened at the council, he still carried his bottles in a bag that clinked every now and then when he moved.

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The zebra's breath caught at Sherem's question, "S-She..." she shook her head, "If I tell you, it might influence your answer." She sighed, "But, I suppose that warning alone tells you enough about what she said."

She wiped away a tear before continuing, "She said, in full view of the Council, and without remorse, that the enslavement, the murder, the destruction of my ancestors, my kith and kin, was a necessary evil. That our suffering and death somehow served some more important goal, that the comfort of her ponies was more important than our lives."

The tears flowed a bit more freely as she turned to Sherem, "I thought... thought she was more removed, thought she was actually as kind and loving as the Equestrians say, that somehow she didn't know what happened. I was naive, the Trojans were right. She'll just as soon do it again if it serves her."

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Sherem pondered a bit on the matter of what the zebra said "when she said that it was "necessary evil" did she say it like in an arrogant tone or did she bowed for forgiveness? when she said all of this?" he asked as he took the bottles he had out and offered one to her "if you wish to have a more private setting to talk, I offer you we go to my room and I promise to keep a good distance at all times we talk" he said as he offered with his magic at her the bottle, should she take it or not he would only hope she would not throw it at the wall and make a mess with the contents of the bottle.

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The zebra representative looked surprised at the offer, and graciously accepted the offered bottle. She simply held it for now though, not opening it yet. "I'm alright sitting out here, hardly anyone comes out here at night and it's not like what we're discussing is secret."

She sighed, "While she acted remorseful, the fact remains that she considered our subjugation necessary. Most of the Council agrees that slavery is never necessary, it further only condones it as a supreme punishment alternative to the death penalty. I don't consider it a necessary evil, I know it to be wholly unnecessary malevolence."

Despite the slight fire in her voice her expression was simply sadness, she turned back to Sherem, "I asked your opinion on slavery, I want to know if she stands alone in her view, or if all Equestria shares her ideal that the subjugation of others can be justified."

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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As he looked out the window and then looked back at her he said "no, I do not condone nor approve slavery, nor would anypony in equestria would condone it anymore. And I would know better  as well all the Crystal empire and crystal ponies we where once slaves of King Sombra. We know what is to be chained to another pony and work under the lash of a evil master. But we managed to get out of it thanks to princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends. We stopped being slaves not only because we were freed, it's because we stop thinking as slaves and victims. While it is true that what the princess Celestia condoned in the past was wrong, don't loose sight of that little word, it is the past. Your people like mine where freed in the end and now you and every zebra is free to pursuit their own destinies and choose your own paths. I'm sure princess Celestia is willing to make amends as much as she can and what the kingdom of equestria can offer. For no kingdom has unlimited resources and unlimited time. Nothing is eternal, not even alicorns."

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The zebra gave a sigh of relief at that, "It is good to hear. She wouldn't dare go against her ponies." It was only then that she popped open the bottle that Sherem had given her to take a sip, "Hmm, had you pegged as a stronger brew. No problems though."

10 hours ago, Sherem said:

Your people like mine where freed in the end and now you and every zebra is free to pursuit their own destinies and choose your own paths.

She looked over at that, "Speaking of, now that Equestria has presented themselves and it is very likely that they will submit a delegate pair soon enough, do you think Empress Cadenza or Emperor Armor will present themselves as well? They haven't responded yet as far as I know." She chuckled, "They'll certainly get a warmer welcome than Celestia did."

10 hours ago, Sherem said:

Nothing is eternal, not even alicorns."

She took another swig, "Thank the earth for that."

If Sherem didn't have anything to ask of her she would get up from the bench and give a modest bow, "Thank you for taking the time to speak with me Knight Sherem, if your constituents are half as willing as you are it will be a pleasure to work with Equestria and the Empire going forward."

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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He just smiled and bowed a bit at her and left the place back to his room and got to his bed, he looked at the window for a while then went to sleep, hoping tomorrow would not be cruel on him now that Sheoreth was sealed and now he rested his head and slept.

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