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private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with Sherem

Illiad Easle

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Picotee seemed disappointed that Sherem wanted to leave, but didn't stop him with anything more than a farewell: "The stars light your path." before going to join her partner in the thestral section of the archives.

The next day.

Depending on how early a riser Sherem was, he would either be awoken by a light knocking, the smell of baking bread, or a heavier knock followed by Midnight entering the room if Sherem didn't answer the knock himself.

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Sherem managed to sleep seven hours but woke up around to the 7:23 am and he got the smell of the bread and by instict he got the source of it not really thinking of his actions. But he though he was doing no wrong and that he had some measure of freedom he could enjoy as a knight as long he didn't hurt anypony in any way. He followed the scent, it was nostalgic and kind of hypnotizing for him and hos nose.

-In canterlot-

Celestia got early as usual to raise the sun and got on the way for the trip to Archback, she went with a small company of guards. As soon all was in order and taken care off, she departed on route to archback. Hoping things would go smoothly with the matter of Sherem and Sheoreth, the last thing she wanted is problems with that kingdom after all the story she and Sir and Midnight have during the days of slavery.

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He'd certainly get a number of odd looks as he followed the scent to it's source, but no one would stop his progress.

Sherem would find the source of the baking bread at what appeared to be a larger version of the dining area he and Midnight had visited the previous night, among the tables were a number of different creatures eating typical breakfast foods, except for Attachè (Who he recognized from the security council the previous night) who was eating what would more commonly be called dinner.

Sherem himself would, when he was no longer entranced by the smell, find himself face to face with a confused and worried looking cook on the other side of the open window to the kitchen. She'd look a bit relieved to see that Sherem was no longer entranced by the smell, "So... can I get you something?"


If Celestia and her guards traveled by air (Chariot) following the most direct air route they'd be met on the edge of the Shimmerwood Forest's airspace by a pair of thestral guards who would direct their course over the forest so as to avoid getting too close to the cities, similar to how Sherem had been guided when he came. The thestrals would pull off when they crossed out of their territory, to be replaced by a pair of pegasi guards from Archback and Magpie, twelfth of her name, herself, to guide them in to land outside the gates of Castle Archback.

If she came by airship she'd follow the air route through Manehatten and pass by the Shimmerwood Forest without crossing over it. Once they were near enough to the mountain itself they'd be greeted by the pegasi guards and Magpie to be guided up towards the back side of the mountain where there were docking platforms for airships, where they would then be led to the back gates of the castle.

If she came by land, she'd travel by rail to Manehatten, to then be carried by ferry to the Archback Port, where they'd be met by a pair of earth pony guards and Magpie. They'd be led up the main street of Archback Mountain, the crowds giving the whole procession a wide and quiet berth as they passed, up to the front gates of Castle Archback.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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he then realized in that he was in a most uncomfortable situation and said "OH MY...I'm so sorry I was just entranced by the smell it I swear to the sun I wasn't trying to do anything!!" he then slapped himself and said "I'm sorry I lost my composure there. I was just..." he took a deep breath "I was just following a great smell that I haven't smelled in a lot of time. I apologize for any caused problems Ma'am" he bowed a bit.


She had decided to go on airship, since this matter of sheoreth should be taken care as quick as possible. If the sealing was incomplete, not only Archback would be at risk but all of equestria. The dream of the Umbrums was getting her on edge, though she decided to ignore it for the most part. She felt that something else was at work. So she boarded the airship and quickly departed in route to Archback, only hoping that the reception for Sherem and her would be comfortable enough.

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The mare giggled, "No worries sir, Dozen's bread does tend to have that effect on the newcomers. I assume you're hungry? I can get you some of that bread along with some locally grown jam if you like. We've got huckleberry, mulberry, elderberry, strawberry, blueberry, and blackberry."


Celestia's airship would be met on the Archback border by a smaller airship flying the Archback flag: Black background with a white circle in the middle, six white stars to either side of the circle. Within the circle a relief of the mountain itself with the bundle of lightning (Just like what Sherem received on his sword) behind the mountain. The smaller ship signaled for her ship to stop and allow boarders.

Should her airship comply, a pair of pegasi Archback guards would cross the gangplank, requesting documentation on the ship itself, crew manifest, and intention & duration of stay within Archback. 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Shierem smiled and sighed relieved that she let it slide and that she was offering some of that bread "I would love to have blueberries with it, coming form a snow covered region of equestria, I'm most familiar with it and the smell, reminded me of home, I can tell you put care and work on that Bach of bread" he looked at the mare and then said "oh but I'm forgetting my manners, Sherem, recently appointed Knight of Archback" he bowed a little form the other side of the window.


She gave permission for them to be boarded and got her guard ready to receive the authorities of Archback on her ship. She stood on the other side of the gankplank  and waited for the ponies that would come to speak. Hopefully this would be over quick and there was no inconveniences for any party. But she still was on a hurry to see what happened to Sherem.

(sorry I took So long, Things are only getting worse here with the pandemic) 

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The mare nodded, "Of course, I'll get you that food right away Knight Sherem." With that the mare turned away from the window to head deeper into the kitchen while another set about slicing one of the cooled loafs of bread.

It was then that Midnight himself entered the dining area, looking surprised and relieved to find Sherem there, "I see you've found breakfast, and just in time too. I just got word that Celestia's airship is approaching, she'll likely want to see us as soon as she arrives, which won't be long now."

The mare returned to the window with the bread and some blueberry jam as well as fresh blueberries on a plate for him. "Here you are sir, I do hope you enjoy it."


So long as all the paperwork was in order the guards would finish their inspection quickly, "Alright then, Princess Celestia, you're expected and welcomed to Archback. We'll guide your ship into the air docks if you'll follow our ship in."

They'd return to their ship and it would pull away, slowly at first so her ship could get moving, then at a reasonable cruising speed as it circled around to the back side of the mountain where a sizable airship docking yard had been carved into and built out from the face of the mountain. A number of creatures on the docks would guide them in, flying up some tethering ropes once they got close enough to pull the ship in manually once they were close enough.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Sherem took the chance to have a breakfast outside and use the window as a table as long as the baking mare din't had any problem with it he just took his time. But another part of him knew he had to rush, meeting Celestia was something important, with or without the matter of Sheoreth to deal with. But as soon as he took the first bite he got submerged on the nostalgia of his home, he could see his younger self, the memory of his mother doing bread like this and even his father calling him "wussy" was nostalgic. He laughed a bit, softly, and sit on the grass near the window and looked at the sky. He started to match the shapes of the clouds with things he knew, like he was somewhat of a colt again.


Celestia had all the papers in order and as they landed, she was wary in her mind. This was a kingdom that was founded by those that were slaves under her rule, even if she didn't want it that way. She also knew that Archback was out of those days as well, but Sir and Midnight would not forget. That cloud loomed over her and this kingdom somehow, but she didn't feel any against anypony in Archback, but she knew she was afraid that somepony here besides those two, hold something against her. 

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3 hours ago, Sherem said:

Sherem took the chance to have a breakfast outside and use the window as a table

(Windows can be interior, which is the window I mentioned, being a window from the dining area to the kitchen. But rather than make you change it I'm going to say there's another window that looks out on the courtyard and by extension allows Sherem to see the clouds.)

Midnight would follow Sherem out of the dining area and into the courtyard, as early as it was they were alone there. Midnight was hesitant to interrupt what looked like fond musings, but it was important, "So," he sighed, "I can't say I've interacted with Celestia in a long time. The last time I saw her I was a slave to Princess Luna by Celestia's orders. Provided things go civilly today it will be the first civil discussion we've ever had. Sir too, though he may count her laments to his petrified body as civil enough."

He sighed again, "Any advice? You've interacted with her the most out of anyone on this mountain, what's a good way to talk with her?"


Upon landing the gangplank was extended to allow Celestia and her accompaniment to disembark, they'd be met at the other end of the plank by an equal number of Archback guards as well as Magpie, twelfth of her name, dressed as an ambassador. She would bow regally to Celestia when she disembarked. "We are honored to receive your honorable presence, Princess Celestia, while we prepared a space for you in the castle we were not expecting so many guards to join you, as such their accommodations may not be to the same level of quality as they might otherwise expect. The castle is not used to hosting such a large number of guests at once."

Nonetheless she turned to lead the way into the castle itself, "If it pleases her highness, you are expected within."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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(ah no...what Meant was the stool that the window would have so he could put the plate and the drink, since this would be the same window that Sherem spoke with the cooking mare I imagine it would have some kind of stool where she put any cakes, bread, or likeness to cool down with the air, and Sherem would remain on the outside of the kitchen while speaking to the mare that was inside of the kitchen)

Sherem sighed as he took another bite and said "as long as all of us keep an open mind all should go without trouble, but one thing you must know is that She and Princess Luna have some serious issues with Sheoreth, I didn't mention this before but in the past Sheoreth managed to go against both of them while they were also taking down Sombra. Of course he lost, but part of the matter was luck" he said


She nodded and said "don't worry, my royal guard will stay with the airship, we will depart as soon as businesses here are done, they will escort me during the day routine, but the airship will be where they rest. I hope this won't be a problem at all" she smiled warmly at the mare

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(Ahh, that doesn't explain the clouds or grass though. It's not too important regardless.)

8 hours ago, Sherem said:

I didn't mention this before but in the past Sheoreth managed to go against both of them while they were also taking down Sombra. Of course he lost, but part of the matter was luck"

Midnight didn't look to surprised, "Was this before the time when he put the whole city to sleep? Because he appeared to have the princesses well trounced then." But he nodded, "I'll keep that in mind. Having a common enemy is a quick but short term way to make a friend. Hopefully this will be a first step towards more open cooperation, but given the list that Council has for her... I don't envy her position."

One of the castle staff entered the courtyard, relieved to find Midnight, "She's arrived."

Midnight nodded, moving towards the exit, "Well then, we shouldn't keep her waiting long."


Magpie nodded, "That will also work, they will of course be free to avail themselves of the castle's hospitality nonetheless. I realize you are not familiar with myself like the other dignitaries, I apologize for not introducing myself sooner, I am chief ambassador Magpie, twelfth of my name, and I will be your guide and liaison for the duration of your stay here. Anything you might need, do feel free to ask."

Magpie would lead the way in to the castle, the doors opened by the Archback guards as they approached. No doubt there would be a bit of silent comparison between the guards of both sides, each sizing the other up. Nonetheless, Magpie led on, "Sir and Lord would like this matter resolved as quickly as possible, so I do hope you forgive that we are not going first to your accommodations. Sir and Lord desire to meet with you at the earliest possible convenience."

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Sherem finished his breakfast and left the plate on the window and then thanked the cook mare with a "thank you for the breakfast" and small bow, it was clear that he was too stuck up into matters of etiquete. Then he looked at Midnight and said "of course my lord, let us meet princess Celestia" he sighed but with a light smile and he followed him as close as he could and arranged himself as best as he could.

20 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

"Was this before the time when he put the whole city to sleep? Because he appeared to have the princesses well trounced then."

Sherem replied to his question saying "this was when the two sisters came to the empire, 1000 years ago to free it form the tyranny of Sombra, they fought him and Sheoreth as well, it was then that I was sealed away with the empire"


"We all thank you for your kindness Ambassador Magpie" she bowed slightly to her as a sing of respect and the guards also bowed to her in gratitude, then only 3 of her guards accompanied her and the escort of Ambassador Magpie to the meeting "I understand the situation as well, we both want this matter settled quickly. Now that you are present here, would you give me in detail the matter of what happened with My Vice-captain and the damages that he might have caused, of course not that he did it intentionally" 

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3 hours ago, Sherem said:

"thank you for the breakfast" and small bow,

The mare looked surprised by the compliment, but gave a cheery smile and wave back as he left with Midnight.

3 hours ago, Sherem said:

"this was when the two sisters came to the empire, 1000 years ago to free it form the tyranny of Sombra, they fought him and Sheoreth as well, it was then that I was sealed away with the empire"

Midnight rolled his eyes, "I spoke mostly in jest, referring to the fact that just last week he managed to nearly take down Canterlot were it not for my intervention. Nonetheless, I'm sure the element of surprise played strongly in his favor then."


3 hours ago, Sherem said:

would you give me in detail the matter of what happened with My Vice-captain and the damages that he might have caused, of course not that he did it intentionally"

Magpie nodded, "I'm not wholly privy to the information, and I'm sure that Sir and Lord and give the full story, but from what I'm aware there have been no incidents with Sheoreth since Knight Sherem's arrival here. Pertaining to before," she paused "My brother Nightshade, twelfth of his name, was cursed by a letter sent to Midnight by Sheoreth, and spent several days in recuperation afterwards. When Lord fought Sheoreth he suffered a number of physical injuries, with a few days recuperation, they were not severe enough to prevent his return to the castle, and he holds no ill will towards Sherem."

With that they had arrived at a large set of doors, at which Magpie stepped aside and motioned for Celestia to enter. "Sir and Lord await within, I shall wait without until your meeting has finished."


Midnight and Sherem would arrive at the room from the other side, and moments before Celestia. Midnight would simply enter and expect Sherem to follow.

Within the room was a central table bearing a map of the Equestrian Continent, four large chairs sat around the table, with rows of smaller chairs forming circles outside those four. In one chair sat Sir, imposing as ever in his armor as he looked though a number of documents before him. He nodded to Midnight and Sherem as they entered, adopting a more relaxed pose as he turned his gaze to the doors through which Celestia would enter. Midnight would take an adjacent seat to Sir, and would motion for Sherem to sit on Sir's other side, which would leave the only open chair for Celestia to sit exactly opposite Sir, with Sherem and Midnight to either side.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Celestia would take her place on the table and for the first time in a long time Celestia looked with Midnight and Sir and she said "Gentlecolts" she nodded "it's being a long time since last we met" she looked at the documents on the table "Let me start by saying, thank you for keeping my Vice Captain safe despite all the the problems his...other self had caused" she had courteous smile on her face.

Sherem looked at Celestia and said "thank you for coming your highness" he then looked at Sir "your grace, please let us proceed with the meeting" he asked humbly at Sir "and let me get me to say, I will agree as knight of Archback and guard of Equestira to any agreements that come in this reunion" he said 

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Midnight and Sir didn't immediately respond to their opening statements, sharing a look between them, but Sir was the first to speak, directed at Sherem, "While your willingness to cooperate is commendable, it is also required by both. Nonetheless," he turned to Celestia, "The safety of all creatures is a pillar of our nation, we made no exception for Knight Sherem. However, This is not an issue of his 'other self' as to my knowledge no such condition exists. It is an issue of him being hostilely possessed, and the steps we must take to ensure no harm comes to others."

Midnight continued, "Normally we would not step in on such matters, given Equestria's track record of causing and solving its own problems without affecting the surrounding nations. However, when one of our own was cursed by this possessing entity, and further it managed to hold all of the city of Canterlot hostage, we decided to take action."

Sir continued, "It was clear that this entity was beyond your ability to contain, and posed a threat to more than just Equestria. Sherem was invited here for his own safety, as well as the safety of all others. After my intervention, the possessing entity is now contained within a mental cage of my own design, utilizing the same crystals embedded within Knight Sherem which bind the two together to bind the entity to the cage. So long as the cage is renewed every so often and the crystals not disturbed via magic or trauma, the cage should hold the entity secure for the rest of Knight Sherem's existence. To this end, the EGPC has requested that Knight Sherem be required to return here no more than yearly and no less than once every two years, that he be watched by Fastar and Changeling guards stationed within the Equestrian military, and, should the containment be breached, he be required to return here and be held until a new containment be implemented. Knight Sherem has already agreed to this arrangement. What say you?"

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Celestia adopted a more cold demeanor but keeping respect in her words "after the empire was freed we did managed to seal a bit of Sheoreth inside Sherem, the problem was that we didn't had any other way to complete the seal due to our lack of knowledge of Shadow ponies. But my guess would be that you know more than us in Canterlot" then she said "I will need proof that the prison is indeed made inside the mind of the Vice-captain Sherem. As you rightfully pointed Sheoreth is dangerous, even yet a dangerous umbrum, to all of equestria"

Sherem nodded but remained silent to the hole matter after after his first statement and looked at Midnight and Sir, and then turn his attention to the map


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Sir's and Midnight's countenances seemed colder as well, Midnight spoke first, "How do you propose that we give you this proof? Given you are disinclined to take us at our word. Do you perchance have in your employ one skilled in mental magics? A sorcerer of the dark arts? They likely could delve in and see the mental cage for themselves."

Sir continued, "If that is the case, they ought to be wary. The cage is such that any who draw too near, who try to open or weaken it, will be trapped within as well. It is such that even I cannot open it. The strongest cages are the ones you never intend to open again after all." It was a bit of a reference to his own time encased in stone, specifically to when she could have freed him, but didn't.

Midnight steered to keep the discourse civil, "Perhaps if our word is not enough, Knight Sherem was of course present in the mental plane when the cage was constructed, no doubt he could assure you of its existence?"

The map Sherem was looking at was a map of the two major continents, the Equestrian and Cervidian, along with the political borders of all the nations that were named in the archives. Some of the borders were firm, while others overlapped, the notable overlaps included Cervidas and West Cervidas, where the latter was almost wholly overshadowed by the former, Archback and Fastar, which seemed to have shared territory along the edge of the Shimmerwood forest, and, perhaps most notably, there was a segment of Equestria that stuck out profoundly into the territory of the Trojan Empire, namely the city of Appaloosa.

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Then sherem said "well if I may interject" he said with a formal tone "there is a way to check on the state of the sealing without risking opening it and showing the "unwanted host" inside my head" then looked at Midnight "we can check on it by using my horn as an conduit to my subconscious and using a spell that would transform what I see in my mind would give princess Celestia proof of the sealing. And if you agree with it, Your grace, my lord you can explain the complete process in detail of the sealing"

Celestia was bit taken aback, this was the first time she heard Sherem say something without giving formal permission or somepony asked him , of course this was not because she had some hold on him or that he was forbidden to speak in her presence, it was just surprising to see speak on his own will, but before giving her opinion she waited for Midnight and Sir to give their thoughts about sherem's idea.

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Sir and Midnight nodded, Sir spoke, "That seems reasonable, while I may not be the most clear on how the spellwork would visualize itself I suppose I could explain what it should be doing, and that should line up with what we see."

Midnight would continue, looking to Sherem, "The table is enchanted to display magical images, if you run your visualization spell through the table's matrix it will give us a clear picture without you having to do as much mental work, allowing you to more easily traverse your own mind."

Sir would turn to Celestia, "Would this satisfy you?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Celestia would nod "yes that would be proof enough, as long is safe for everypony in the room and around it" she was still shocked that Sherem came out of that cocoon of depression, but she could still felt that something was bothering him deeply. But for the sake of the reunion she remained this fact into her own mind.

Sherem nodded and said "since this all is agreeable for all, I suggest we proceed immediately" he stood up form his chair and got to the other side of the table, in this position his superiors would have more use of the room for any spell they want to use for this process

-In the mind-

Sheoreth was way to far away to even thinking of escaping and he lay down in the darkness of the prison, first getting consumed by his madness and anger to lost to Sir. But he would not give up easily as he banged against anything he could find, slowly and angrily at it.

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(Assuming he casts the spell through the table.)

The mindscape presented by the spell was reminiscent of a war scarred wasteland, more than likely due to the intense mental trauma Sherem had endured under Sheoreth, but there were instances of new life springing forth, indicating the slow but present healing that Sherem had begun. Among the landscape were crystal spires, representative of the binding crystals implanted within him, all but one shining with a white internal light and a focused beam towards the central spire.

If Sherem approached the central spire, all would see that it was contained within an intricately carved cube of ever shifting material and patterns, guarded by a number of silhouettes equal to the number of spires with while lights. Each of these shadow creatures looked vaguely like Sir, each wore a set of armor, but each was also distinct both from Sir and the others.

Sir would describe the protection, "As part of the binding of Sheoreth, I seized control of all but one of the crystals implanted in Sherem's body, it was by these that Sheoreth could control Sherem, and now he cannot. In turn, each crystal was given energy to power the cage, so long as at least half of them remain the cage will remain strong, and each can hold enough energy to last two to three years. As such yearly rejuvenation of the crystals is recommended. Furthermore, he motioned to the shadows, I placed in each crystal a shadow specter, remnants of the force I used to fight Sheoreth back, the generals if you will, each based on myself, with my memories and skills, but each unique given their different experiences in battle and other outside factors. As such they have become distinct from me and therefore the reason why even I cannot break the cage. As with the crystals so long as half remain true, and I must say I find it unlikely that even one would falter, the cage cannot be opened. They will only continue to strengthen it over time."

If Sherem approached closer they'd be able to hear the faint banging Sheoreth made from within the cage, two of the closest of the shadow knights would approach, saluting to Sherem. "Lord, we would advise that you not approach further. We don't want to have to hurt you in order to protect you."

Midnight seemed fascinated by the presentation, but turned to Celestia, "Any particular questions you have? Or are you satisfied with this demonstration?"

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Sherem would say "don't worry honorable guard, I have not come to interrupt your duty. I have come to make sure and to see the monster you guard is still in custody. For the sake of us all" he said as he would speak to other ponies in his care while he acts as the Vice-captain.

Sheoreth on the other hoof would scream in rage and bang against the walls of his prison and yelled "YOU BASTARDS WILL ALL DROWN IN YOUR OWN BLOOD WHEN I'M OUT OF HERE!! AND I WILL TURN YOUR HIDES INTO A HAT! oh one of those arrow catchers, I love those hats!" he was clearly more mad than before

Sherem would simple glance at it.

-back at the room-

Celestia observed the magical properties of the prison and said "this seems strong to hold him, but I must ask how did you got to emulate the magical properties of an umbrum crystal? that is one component we could not get to complete the prison"

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The guard nodded, "He is contained, and shall remain so until there is nothing left to contain."

2 minutes ago, Sherem said:

"this seems strong to hold him, but I must ask how did you got to emulate the magical properties of an umbrum crystal? that is one component we could not get to complete the prison"

Sir nodded, "The umbrum magic is not too different from that of a specter, likely they shared a common ancestor and split by climate. Specters feed off heat after all but given how specters seem to be more common in the frozen north they must have adapted differently. Nonetheless, it isn't a perfect control, otherwise the whole crystal would be white, but the guards will continue to improve, and should they eventually discover the secrets they likely wouldn't need rejuvenating anymore. But that's something for the future."

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Celestia though it for a while "and you said this prison has to be rejuvenated, or restored, correct? how often must the process of renovation must be?"

-inside the mind-

Sherem looked at Sheoreth and Sheoreth stared back and banged his body against the wall, and soon they saw eye to eye where Sheoreht say "enjoy these moments of freedom for I will return! and you know it. I fought over 1000 years for this and nopony, not you nor celestia nor Sir WILL STOP ME AND DENY MY WILL!" then Sherem replied "no, the thing that you don't understand is, you where never meant to be. No matter how powerful how old you be"

Sheoreth's eyes narrowed and said to him "cling to hope all you want, but I will have my body again. I might not be able to haunt your dreams or your thoughts, for now. But when this little plan fails like all you have done in your entire life. You will sucumb to madness and I the shivering isles will claim your head as well as mine and the shadows shall raise to cover this kingdom of light into MY PLAYGROUND!" he said

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4 hours ago, Sherem said:

"and you said this prison has to be rejuvenated, or restored, correct? how often must the process of renovation must be?"


6 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

As such yearly rejuvenation of the crystals is recommended.


The shadow guards would encourage Sherem to withdraw, "Sir, you're agitating the captive. It will be easier to maintain containment without your presence, if you would please step back."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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