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private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with Sherem

Illiad Easle

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Sherem would Step back and closed his eyes ending the spell connection with the table and looked at his superiors knowing Sheoreth was contained inside his mind. Then he aproached them and said "I believe this is proof enough, your majesty" he said at Celestia. Then Celestia would ponder about this for a while before saying "indeed, it does. I apologize for the coldness of my words. But I had to be completely sure the prision was complete or at least strong enough to keep the umbrum at bay"

Sheoreth on the other hoof would then resign to be in the prison that was made for him, but he knew that in time he would be able to fully corrupt the crystal and make his release complete, but this would take time.

(on your first quote of the previous comment I think you wanted to write something but it doesn't appear)

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(I intended the double quote, the forums doesn't let me remove the line between the quotes)

Midnight and Sir nodded, "I suppose then that this issue is fully resolved then? Or is there another matter you'd like discussed in this private setting? Otherwise, news of your arrival is not secret, not that we could have hidden your airship's arrival, no doubt there are a number of national delegates who would like a word with you before you depart."

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Celestia would look at them and said "well there is this mater of Sherem being part of the kingdom of Archback. Does this mean he is to leave his post as Vice captain of The solar guard?" she asked now on a more diplomatic tone at Sir and Midnight. Sherem was about to speak, but then he stopped himself and let the bigger authorities discuss first, for he knew that was not how the agreement was.


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Sir shook his head, "The title is more honorary than anything, it's a signal to the citizens that he is to be trusted, the only requirement I bestow is that he return when I summon him, provided said summons not interfere with your orders so long as said orders do not prevent him from returning within two years of his last rejuvenation."

Midnight continued, "Furthermore, and I don't think you'd disagree, he's been given the objective to complete his presently started cultural exchange with myself, though that is not a formal requirement."

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"oh yea, the exchange program, that is how I found out where he went after the attack on canterlot" she said and then she though for a while "I see no harm to give him time here, this is a choice he made for himself, one of the very few he dares to make, but now that Sheoreth is contained I think that can now change and he can heal a bit more" she said warmly now in her tone of voice. Sherem bowed to her and said "thank you your highness for allowing me this" then Celestia replied "you are still on a leave for the overwork you did around the guard, so I see no harm." then she turned formal again and asked "now what is this about other dignitaries wanting to meet whit me?" she asked.

Then Sherem said "I think this is a more private matter for Prncess Celestia, I think I should leave you for this discussion now" he suggested at the presents on the table

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Midnight and Sir nodded, excusing Sherem at his request, Midnight stood to show him out, "I believe Magpie is waiting without, she should be able to guide you to Moondancer who's expecting you today to help you learn about the nations of the world. I'll catch up with you once this is done."

Turning back to the matter at hoof, Sir addressed Celestia, "I'm sure it has not escaped your notice that some of your actions and decisions have consequences that extend beyond your borders. Some of those actions have worried, angered, or hurt other nations, and they would like those addressed, hopefully for the sake of the council and the world they can be resolved amicably. Your presence is a major step, but actions speak louder than words. If you find it agreeable, I could call a council together so that these representatives can submit directly to you their concerns."


Outside the room were two pair of guards, a pair of Archback and a pair of Equestrian, both guarding the same doorway, seemingly from each other. Magpie was there as well, relaxing in a nearby chair though she rose to attention when Sherem exited the room, both pairs of guards doing the same. Magpie nodded to Sherem, "All goes well within I hope? Have they made a decision?"

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Sherem nodded at Magpie and said "yes they reached an agreement, and hopefully things won't escalate to a bad level my lady" he said as he signaled her to lead the way to Moondancer "so my lady, what advice can you give me for meeting Lady Moondancer" he asked as he walked behind her as Magpie lead the way he was nervous to meet one the children of Luna and Midnight, but he needed all the help he could get.


"and what would the representatives would like to talk about? I'm willing to take steps to improve relations between the kingdoms, but I need to know what will be facing in this occasion" she asked respectfully looking at Midnight and Sir 

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Magpie smiled, "Then it is better than I had dared hope for their first meeting. One can only hope the mood remains so positive."

1 hour ago, Sherem said:

"so my lady, what advice can you give me for meeting Lady Moondancer"

Magpie gave him a bit of an odd look, but chuckled, "First off would be to dispense with the formalities, we aren't royalty and you don't answer to us. The only exception to that is Gari, she's the only one who enjoys such things. As to Moondancer in particular, she enjoys curiosity and loves to answer questions. Do try to be specific with your questions as she can and will take advantage of an open ended question to go on and on about something if you let her. Do be polite though, she's sensitive and will sooner run off than wait for an apology. Usually she thinks it's her fault."

With that they were back at the archives, Magpie motioning for Sherem to enter, "I should be getting back to my post, hopefully Celestia hasn't decided to leave already. The longer she's here the more likely a positive outcome emerges from their deliberations."

Having shown Sherem the door she would turn to return to where Sherem had found her.

Inside the archives was just as quiet as it had been when he and Midnight had visited, at one desk surrounded by books was a pearl colored unicorn mare with a pink mane with a light purple stripe through it. Her mark was a lavender crescent moon with two stars. She'd look over at Sherem when he entered, "Ah, you must be Knight Sherem then? How shall we begin?"


Sir snapped his fingers, Celestia could tell he had used a bit of his specter magic, and a moment later Slend entered the room. It would be obvious to Celestia that Slend was a specter as well, piloting what was essentially a ponnequin. He passed Sir a roll of parchment before bowing out of the room. Sir looked to read off the scroll, "The grievances as they were last collected: The Trojan Empire wants the trade embargo against them removed, they take offence at the constant and persistent intrusion on their borders by Equestrian civilians and military, most specifically they refer to the founding of Appaloosa which falls well within their established borders. They also take offence to the aggression of Equestrian civilians and military against their protectorates, namely the incident involving Appaloosa and the surrounding buffalo tribes, and finally they take offence to not having been recognized as an independent nation following their separation and declared independence from Equestria."

"The TrUST requests more information on the reported disappearance of notable Equestrian scientists on the brink of discovery, namely the team studying anti-magic."

"The Griffon Kingdoms take offence to a recent misinformation campaign that portrays their race and kingdoms as 'Uncivilized Carnivorous Brutes Incapable of Self Rule', as well as disrespect towards their established borders."

"The Thestral Clan Fastar takes offence to the subjugation of other Thestral clans within Equestrian territory by the propensity of Equestrian rule making it impossible for them to live independently in Equestrian forests, as well as the destruction and dilution of the thestral race and culture through Equestrian naturalization."

"The United Herds of Zebrica takes offence to their enslavement by Equestrians as well as the involved destruction of their cities, infrastructure, and culture. Furthermore the lack of aid after slavery was officially discontinued."

"Cervidas takes offence to the failure of Equestria to maintain their half of Eternity's bridge, causing its destruction, as well as the conscription of deer machinists into the Equestrian military without reciprocated protection."

"The Changeling Queens' Council takes offence to the denouncement of their race for the actions of one hive, as well as the ongoing persecution of their race by Equestrian citizens including but not limited to assault, battery, maiming, torture, attempted murder, and murder."

Sir looked over at Celestia, "This is of course not a recent list, so some offences may have been stricken already and other may have presented themselves. There's no way to have an official count without appearing yourself or a designated representative to have the offences declared officially."

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Celestia lisetned to all the problematics, and thought about them in deep, but it was clear that it would not be an easy matter to deal with, even with some of these already solved, the others sound complicated enough, she would need more info and the version of each kingdoms and clans to know the full extent of the matters then she formaly asked "when shall the meeting be held?" as she looked at both Sir And Midnight.


"your grace" Sherem said "I thank you for taking the time to help me with my studies" he bowed at her, but tired to be more casual, since magpie told him that she is not royalty, but then again he was a 1000 year pony that was trapped in the old ways of the empire so some of those formalities he could not avoid

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The pair were surprised at Celestia's response, sharing a look before responding, "Well, provided it pleases you, we could present you at the meeting later this evening, it should start in about two hours if you'd like to retire to your quarters to prepare yourself in the mean time."

Both Sir and Midnight rose from the table, Midnight leaving the room to make the necessary preparations for the meeting. Sir took a moment to simply look at Celestia, "You've changed since last we met, you're not the prideful mare you used to be. The Celestia I knew would have demanded the nations apologize for their offence. Let us see if this change is as profound as it appears."

If Celestia did not stop him, Sir would leave out the door opposite the one Celestia had entered from, leaving her alone in the room. Magpie would be waiting outside for Celestia to exit, and when she did so would say: "I hope the meeting went well, shall I take you to your quarters now? or will you be departing already?"

(The Library)

Moondancer waved him off, "It's no problem really, I would have been here anyway so I'm glad to have the company and opportunity to share rather than just learn. So, what would you like to learn about first?"

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"I will be staying for a meeting with the clans, so I would say I would need to prepare and get refreshed" she said politely at Magpie as she walked with her "I have agreed to meet some demands that have arisen with our kingdom and archback that I would rather seen tended and fail than never addressed at all" she looked out the window at the sun. She had her insecurities about all of this, but she was deep inside the matter now and stepping out of it would be only cowardice and as ruler of equestria that is a luxury she could not afford to have.

(The library)

"well yesterday I managed to study the beginings of the kingdom, however I'm having issues grasping some matters of how the other clans decided to join the archback kingdom, that would be a good start" he said with a smile as he walked towards her but stopping at a respectable distance of her as he looked at the shelves and the empty desks "and again I thank you for taking your time to help me, I appreciate it"

(Sorry I have been slower with my replies, new job, and political changes in my country are kicking me down. But don't ever think I loose interest for the RP at any given time)

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Magpie looked surprised, "Indeed? That is quite unexpected your grace, but a most welcome development. It would certainly make my job much easier if I don't have to deal with as many complaints from the other nations. Nonetheless, let us head to your room so you can ensure your presentable-ity before the council."

The associated guards of course would file in behind the pair as they made their way down the hall to one of the rooms, Magpie stuck her head in first, giving it a quick look before she opened the door for the princess, "Here we are, I hope it pleases you."

The room was about similar in layout to Sherem's room if not a bit larger, the bed would more than accommodate the princess's size and the bathroom was fully equipped to take care of any cosmetic need or other she may need. Where there would typically be a window there was a magical projection of the view from the exterior of the mountain, Celestia would be able to understand the enchantment and even adjust it to show any direction of a view from the top of the mountain.

Magpie would bow before leaving, "If it pleases you, I will return when the time comes for the meeting such that you are not late."


Moondancer looked thoughtful, "Hmm, the other clans joining Archback. I assume you refer to how Mohotma City and the Fastar Clan work so closely with Archabck? Mohotma itself is most easily understood as both Archback and they share a figurehead in Midnight Star, on our part because of being our father, and on their part because he was instrumental in their liberation from slavery, he gave them the will, the hope to fight back, and so they decided to remain by his side as repayment. The Fastar Clan is a bit more complex, even I don't fully understand why they work with us so openly given most Thestral clans pride themselves on their independence and isolation from other races. We only first encountered them when they built their second city on the edge of the Shimmerwood Forest about two decades ago, so they're a rather recent addition to the Archback Coalition and still mostly operate independently from us, but they are fiercely loyal and as such we agreed to a mutual defensive pact."

Moondancer shook herself back to the present moment, "Sorry, I do tend to ramble. Did that answer your question? Or did it just confuse you further?"

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Celestia would nod and say "that would please me and help me greatly Abassador" she said as she got inside her room and walked to the window and saw that she would soon have to lower the sun so that Luna could enter work, even though she was not that far from Canterlot and the kingdom of equestria, she always thought of her sister and Twilight.


Sherem was already writing all what she said like he was a log writer from a court on the paper and with ink, he read it again "so the reasons the Fastar Clan are not really that clear, I see, gotta handle that matter with delicacy then. But yet I find it quite interesting to see proud kin be that fierce loyal, what other elements make the Fastar Clan are also a complex case?"

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(We'll give Celestia a moment to prepare herself, I'll collect her for the meeting in my next post.)

Moondancer looked pleased that Sherem was taking notes on what she had to say, "It isn't too surprising that they'd be loyal, I'd say that their trust is hard to gain, but once gained they honor it with their full strength. They are so proud of their honor that they'd rather die than be dishonored by such an action as going back on their word or hurting their own clan or allies. Nonetheless, we can also guarantee that if they had to choose between their clan and us they would choose their clan every time." She looked thoughtful, "Other peculiarities to them... They do have a rather interesting history, according to their historians they were founded when a mysterious creature named Fastar saved a thestral filly from creatures of the forest after her own parents had perished. This was about two or three centuries ago. Fastar cared for the filly like their own foal, training her to defend herself. Also this Fastar was said to posses a unique type of magic in the form of a special staff that it used to change the world around them. With this power many weaker clans joined together under their banner and leadership until they became the strong unified force they are today. When Fastar died about twenty years after they saved the filly their body was laid to rest in a mausoleum Fastar had constructed for this purpose. Perhaps what is more interesting than this is that even after their death Fastar's ideals and unity continued on, leading to an unbroken line of succession from the filly he saved's descendants."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Sherem kept writing down everything that Moondancer explained and he open some books he got with his magic and crossed referenced it with the things he wrote form the explanation of Moondancer then he commented "that an interesting story, almost would seem that fate's hand had a play on that event, and of all ponies I should know that fate has really mysterious ways to work on our world, sometimes sweet, sometimes cruel, like sombra himself" he said as he kept writing the info that Moondancer conveyed on him

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Moondancer nodded, "That is a prevailing theme in the clan's history, according to their scholars Fastar often talked about how he was guided to do certain things, to fulfill certain events, but he also spoke that while certain things may be up to fate, there are also many things that we can change through our own effort. One quote attributed to him is: It need not happen the same way again. Which is used today as a mantra to escape bad habits or behavioral patterns."

Moondancer looked back towards the library, at some point during their discussion the two thestrals from the previous night had arrived again, Picotee waved at Sherem when she noticed him. Moondancer waved back before turning her attention back to Sherem. "Is there something else you wanted to know about the Fastar Clan? Or would you like to move on to another nation or race?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Sherem smirked a bit after the last about the Fastar clan and said "I get history lesson and a bit of info on the profile of Fastar himself, this is good indeed" he kept writing when he noticed the wave at him he waved back with a soft smile and looked at Moondancer again ans said "I was hoping we could do the same for the rest of the Clans of course if you have the time to spare and I don't make it too heavy on you Ma'am" he said as he rolled one of the scrolls he wrote and put it aside on the table

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Moondancer nodded with a smile, "Of course! It's no trouble, I love teaching those who are as passionate to learn as you. Now, by 'the rest of the clans' do you mean the other Thestral clans of the world? Or are you referring to the other groups here? If you mean the former then we'll be here a while as they are many, but if you mean the latter it won't take nearly as long, Mohotma has an interesting story after all." It seemed like she had a clear preference for Sherem to pick.


There was a knock on Celestia's door before Magpie's voice called in, "Princess Celestia? The council will begin it's meeting soon. Are you ready to meet them?"

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"I mean of course the other clans that have their allegiance with the Archback kingdom" he said "if I am to even serve a litte to my lords and the lands they care so much, I ought to know all that I can" he looked out the window and realized that winter was getting near, and it would not be long before the snow covered equestria. He then looked again at Moondancer and found her pretty atractive, but he kept that to himself, he might have Sheoreth under control now, but he knew that something like romance or family of his own was out of the question for him after all, he felt he was not allowed to have such thoughts or delusions


From inside the room Celestia who was ready with another regalia of jewelry and her usual crown she said "yes I am ready, you can come in if you wish" she said as she looked at the mirror 

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(Not to mention that Moondancer is already spoken for, and culturally untouchable in that regard, but Sherem wouldn't know that.)

Moondancer nodded, "Of course, I should have supposed. I don't know what you've already been told, but Mohotma city started after either the second or third caravan raid by Sir and Midnight. On their first raid Mohotma, a zebra colt at the time, was the only one of the group who stayed with them as the rest fled in the chaos. His parents' deaths had spurred their first assault, and subsequently Mohotma desired nothing more than to join them in freeing others. On the second raid Mohotma was able to coordinate the escaping slaves to better their chances of escape and prevent recapture, a few of the zebra stallions staying with Lord and Sir to aid in future attacks. On the third strike the whole group did not want to return to Zebrica, and as such Mohotma convinced Lord and Sir that they should establish a community where they could live in peace and learn to protect themselves. Together they found Archback mountain and the fertile valley that sits between it and the forest. Mohotma was given charge of those who desired to remain, becoming their first and only war-chief. This was of course long before the Fastar Clan was founded and even before the children first were adopted, though we were not long behind them, the first refugees came about five to ten years before Nightmare Moon, or just over one thousand years ago. Mohotma continued to assist Lord and Sir in their attacks until their defeat at the hooves of the Equestrian Princesses, then leading his own attacks from his much more sizable population. By the time of his death some eighty years later slavery had nearly been eradicated from the surrounding area, remaining prevalent only in the far north lands and the larger cities. Ever since their head chief bears the title of Mohotma in honor of their first chief, assisted by six fellow elders to manage and direct the affairs of the valley. Since the full eradication of slavery in Equestria they have turned to a more peaceful society, promoting the reintegration of zebra and zebrican culture into Equestria as well as ensuring their histories are maintained. They keep a stable population here in the valley, made easier by the tradition of first born zebra leaving home to seek new lands and start new herds with their fellows. Many of them returning to the zebrican isles and greater Cervidas to promote the return and resurgence of their culture in their ancestral homeland. They are welcoming of outsiders within reason, but many strive to maintain a purity of bloodline with similar vigor to the thestrals. As such many of those in relations outside of other zebras move out of Mohotma to Archback, Troy, or Equestria."


Magpie entered with a short bow, "Might I say that you look radiant your highness, I am sure at least some of the council will be impressed. Let us be off then, if it pleases you, I will lead the way and present you myself to the council."

Provided Celestia did not object, Magpie would lead the way, Celestia following either behind or beside her while their respective guards trailed behind. As they approached the central meeting hall they could hear the sounds of dozens of voices talking, but at a low enough volume that they could not distinguish what they were saying. It sounded amicable enough. When the guards opened the doors for Magpie a few turned their heads, and slowly conversation between those in the room died out as more and more took notice of Celestia's presence. The conversations grew more hushed, many moving to take their seats, and almost all eyes were on her. There were nearly four dozen assorted creatures in total, including at least two of just about every race of intelligent life on Equis including even cows and camels. Magpie directed Celestia over to a seat on one side of the room while the rest filed into their assorted desks.

Complete List of attendees in no particular order:


A small dragon and a magic mirror depicting a large dragon representing dragons.

A golden colored unicorn and a teal pegasus representing The Queens' Council

A grey unicorn and a sand colored pegasus representing Troy

A pair of griffons for the Griffon Kingdoms

A pair of empty desks for Equestria and the Crystal Empire

A pair of diamond dogs representing diamond dogs

A pair of cows representing Glascow

A pair of camels representing Camelu

A pair of buffalo representing the buffalo tribes

A pair of reindeer representing Cervidas

A pair of deer representing West Cervidas

A llama and an alpaca representing Himillama

A pair of zebra representing Zebrica

Another pair of zebra representing the Zebrican Isles

Another pair of zebra representing Mohotma

A pair of thestrals representing the Fastar Clan

A pair of thestrals representing other thestral clans

A pair of earth ponies representing Germaney

A unicorn and an earth pony representing Archback

A pair of Minotaur representing Minostralia

(Maybe more, but I doubt it.)


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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Sherem kept writting down as he listened to her and kept pilling scrolls on his desk with each one he finished with the information and cross referencing, every now and then making questions about some of the actual living ways of the clans, he was just immersed in it and so much that he had around 10 scrolls fully loaded with info and no ink left to keep writting. At the same time, the desk was clean, no sloppy witting or wasted ink or any drop of it anywhere but the scrolls.


Celestia nodded and followed her to the meeting, she look at every single one of the ones attending the meeting, but she did so discreetly, she had a lot of experience with all these kinds of meetings so she had to read the room and knew that she would be in a bit of disadvantage considering of what Midnight and Sir told her, but she was ready she was not one to be intimidated by anything, her mental gears where always working and this would not be any exception at all.  

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Moondancer continued unprompted, seemingly enthralled at having such an attentive student, "I suppose next is to talk about Archback itself, Midnight did mention that you had studied us when you first came to the archives, so perhaps rather than just going over the history again and risk repeating what you already know, I could clarify any points of the history you found confusing or that the book didn't talk about?"

(/\ Where the book was that he read)


They wouldn't be waiting long before Sir entered the room, at which point all of the delegates fell quiet and took their seats. Sir took his seat at the head chair, situated in the middle of the arc of desks. His desk was reminiscent of a judge's desk in a court.

Nightshade took the speaker's desk, tapping a gavel to draw the attention of the delegates away from Celestia. "This meeting of the Equis Global Council is now called to order with the Head Judge Sir Black Knight presiding."

Nightshade set about taking attendance of the assembled delegates, calling out the name of each nation and noting down that they were in attendance, notably he did not ask if the Crystal Empire or Equestria were in attendance.

Once attendance was concluded Nightshade continued, "The recorder finds that a full quorum is present. Decisions made at this meeting will be binding with the full weight of the council." He nodded, finally looking over at Celestia and Magpie, "The recorder finds that a guest is present in the council chambers. Does any nation present them before the council?" All eyes turned to Celestia, Magpie indicated that she should remain silent for the moment.

Sir tapped his desk, instantly drawing all eyes towards him, "The Court presents Princess Celestia, Diarch of Equestria, come to approach the Council in answer of the grievances presented against her by the Council to the Court."

Nightshade nodded, "The Council hereby calls Princess Celestia to take the stand and present herself to the Council."

Nightshade retreated from the speaker's stand (Which was situated in front of Sir's chair in the arc of desks.) Magpie motioned for Celestia to take her place at another stand, this one situated in the center of the room such that every desk in the room faced it directly (The speaker's stand is then between Celestia's stand and Sir's chair). 


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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Soon Sherem looked at the book but soon realized that it was getting late "before we continue we should consider the time My lady Moondancer" he said as he pointed with his hoof at the window showing it was getting late "I would not like to keep you from your duties further my lady" he said as he started to clean up the table where he was writing and getting things in order "but if you would help me in the near future, I would certainly appreciate it my lady Moondancer" he said as he finished getting all in order. As he also looked at the window he saw that winter was going to fall on Archback soon


Celestia steped up to stand and said "I am princess Celestia, co ruler with Princess Luna my sister, we look out for equestria I take a stand here in the council of archback for the frist time" she said keeping her regal presence as she looked at everypony and everybody in the reunion that was attending.

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Moondancer looked a bit disappointed, "Oh, I didn't realize you had other obligations, or that so much time had passed. I'm here most days if you want to continue our discussions at a later date."

Moondancer would go back to the writing she was doing when Sherem had first entered. As Sherem left the Archives he'd be passed by a light blue pegasus with blond hair who'd go over and share an affectionate nuzzle with Moondancer before collecting a scroll from a nearby shelf and leaving the archives.


Nightshade nodded, "The Council recognizes the presence of Princess Celestia on the stand. The Council also recognizes that there are stated grievances submitted both against said Princess Celestia as well as the nation of Equestria." He looked over at Celestia while the gathered members murmured amongst themselves. "Is there something you'd like to bring before the Council, or say to them, before these grievances are brought before you?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Sherem walked on his own, not minding he would be lost in the halls of the castle, he would enjoy walking around, but then again was the matter he was carring a lot of scrolls on him of his notes he took with his lesson with Lady Moondancer, after a struck of luck he found his room and left the scrolls there but then he went out again, finding and making his way to the outside of the caslte and looking at the night sky he smiled as he thought of those nights of his foalhood at the empire, he could finally allow himself to be more melancholic now that sheoreth was being taken care of.


Celestia took another stand as she looked at everypony and everybody in the room  and said "I have come here to look after one of our knights, but these grievances need to be addressed as well as long as it remains in the rational side of things, if we want to make progress between archback we all have to put a hoof or a paw or a claw in the direction where we can find common ground" she said in her regal attitude.

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