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private An Unexpected Guest with Scar

Illiad Easle

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(Here it comes.)

Blu unlocked the door for them so Cali could bring Princess Sparkle in. He had changed his disguise from before, this time he looked almost made of shadows swirling around him.

He was silent until Cali pinned the princess to the map table. At which point he stabbed a certain part of the floor to complete the chamber spanning rune.

To Twilight and Cali, it was as if gravity had increased tenfold, as the rune lit up Cali might recognize it as a massive nullification rune, draining all of the magic in the area, combined with several smaller runes of varying types. Shadows descended upon them at blinding speed taking advantage of their surprise to render them unconscious, trapped in a dream like the elements had been.


In the darkness of the dream, they would hear a voice, unmistakably Blu's, "I'm sorry, but in order to be sure that the trap would work, it had to be strong, maybe stronger than I intended. I can't get one of you out without releasing the other, at least for now. As a consolation, you've got each other in there, maybe you'll work out your differences, maybe you'll find a way out? I wouldn't recommend it. Things are in motion to ensure peace returns, and it is in the best interest of that plan if you two wait patiently."


Blu sighed, not having magic was a strange feeling, he decided that being a pony without magic was worse than being a human, but he took solace that it would be over soon.

He dispatched a spector to revive the two captive elements from the library and direct them to the same rune he had taken to get here. He'd need their help for the next crucial steps.

(I hope it came as a surprise, feel free to select what characters you'd like to control/would like me to control.)

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

When all of the magic was drained Cali's whole form vanished and Cali, in her normal human form hit the floor. Realizing what had just happened it had hit her like a truck. More so than some of the events from her past. All she could really feel was hate, rage and confusion. She had been betrayed. The whole fight with Twilight was lost in her mind now and she had looked towards Blu, in his shadow form.

"LIAR! YOU ARE A DISGRACE!"  Cali had screamed in absolute hate and rage. If there was good and evil now, the whole dual sense of it seemed to set within her mind. Maybe Twilight was right...maybe there IS good and evil. And to Cali, Blu was on the level of the Snarl and the other enemies she had faced before. Cali's face had a look to it...that he had not seen from anyone before in his entire life. It was pure hate. Pure hate, yes. It was exactly that. And the way she had screamed had likely sent some sort of emotional 'wave' throughout Twilight and Blu. They hadn't heard someone say something in a manner like that in their entire lives. It was not something that Cali took lightly in the least.

She had been betrayed and it hurt her very much. While Cali wasn't really one for...friendship in general she had considered Blu a friend and for what? To be left to rot in a plan that she herself had planned with Blu. It made her feel sick and vile. 

Upon being in the dream, Twilight would see Cali faced away from her in the darkness. Upon realizing it was a dream, the scene of the darkness changed. She herself had changed it to a scene all too familiar to her. The city. 

Such a city was something that Twilight had never seen or recognized before, it was highly futuristic yet beyond the city itself layed a massive expanse of forests and fields. Not unlike that of the real city that she had found herself in. Yet as it was created it seemed to change as well. Partially because of Cali's emotions. Black oil slick and rivers filled the canals. The scene changed to a destroyed and demolished ruins of a city with a pale orange sky with black clouds of soot and ash.

Cali then turned to Twilight. Her expression was one of pure and utter hate. Yet one not directed at Twilight. Then finally Cali had spoke. "I will...rip him apart...I will gouge him apart like the animal he is! I will cut him piece to piece! His screams will be heard! He will pay for this betrayal....the instant I trust someone...they THEIR BACK ON ME!?" with a powerful bolt of lighting from her hand she flicked a spark off into the distance that caused a ruined building to simply collapse. "Oh how could I be so FUCKING stupid to trust anyone in this pathetic reality! SO MUCH FOR A FRIENDSHIP!" she growled in rage before sitting back down. She didn't exactly care what Twilight would do, Cali seemed to act in a blind rage that Twilight had not seen before. Not from Tirek, not from anyone she had seen. At least to this extent. It might be terrifying to her. For Twilight, for all her run ins with others and solving friendship problems she could see something out of Cali - Pain, and hurt. 

Yet despite her rage...she began to think. In a dream, she could do whatever she wanted. Plan whatever plan, she would use this time...to a T and she would create said plan to a degree that Blu would not even conceive of, or so she had hoped. But for now, Twilight were left with Cali...in this strange environment Cali had conscious created. Cali was sure that Blu would learn everything in that libray.

"Look where GENORISITY HAS GOTTEN ME! LOOK AT WHAT HAPPENED TO ME, TO YOU! I WILL NEVER BE GENEROUS TO ANYONE EVER AGAIN! NO MORE!" she said with a bolt of rage in her voice that was beyond feeling, beyond comprehension. Though Twilight would get the reference of Generosity. 

After her tantrum she would sigh and fall to the ground. "...How could I have been so blindsighted....this is all my fault! Like usual..." she said in more of a saddened, yet guilty tone.

(Interesting. I had expected him to let someone else of your characters into the reality through a portal and then they would fight Cali and Twilight. I expected something like this to happen but not of this variation, and I am 100% on board with the new 'setting' for this if you get what I mean. Although for RD and Flutters I do think I am not good at all with portraying with them so maybe we can just focus on Twilight and Cali for now, if you are okay with that.)

  • Brohoof 2



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Cali's rage only served to cement his own resolve, "This relationship was purely transactional, you would have done the same if you though I'd threaten your goals." The amount of power she had demonstrated in the fight, Blu shuddered. He wasn't surprised though, very few humans maintained their morals and mind when presented with limitless power. He silently praised his limited casting potential for keeping his ambitions grounded.

As it stood, the rune would last a week before the castle was charged to full capacity, the whole city sitting in the influence of the rune, at least above the map room, in the basements there would still be access to the magic field, like where the Assembler was working. Depending on how much power it took to run the foresight glasses he may have more than a week to pinpoint the portal destination.

A specter notified him that the captive elements were revived and would arrive shortly, he dispatched three others to collect the other three, peacefully if possible. He'd need their cooperation if this were to go over smoothly.


Twilight took a bit longer to get her bearings than Cali, having less of an opportunity to foresee Blu's trap, and having her magic drained being a far more traumatic experience for her.

She waited for Cali to let out most of her steam before approaching, she briefly considered taking another jab, but decided against it. It would be best for both of them to work together, they didn't know how long they'd be trapped here.

Seeing as Cali was a human, Twilight decided it might be best to relate to her if she were also in her human form. Taking advantage of the dream she changed her form to the one she had had when she went through the portal in the Crystal Empire. "Trust is never a weakness, were it so no civilization could ever be possible. We both stand potentially betrayed here, I know I wasn't the best caregiver, so I can understand why he did what he did to me. Do you know why he might have betrayed you? Did he give you any indication that he didn't trust you?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Cali got up from the ground and had noted upon how the dream had changed. She looked to her human form, more or less slightly bewildered by what she had been seeing. She took a step back and summoned a large scythe in her hand. "...I gave him access to an ancient library that I had located...it has all knowledge of spells that surpasses the knowledge of most Unicorns on this planet. I was generous enough to let him in and let him take a look around...study what he had wanted. He preferred rune and shadow magic...I seemed to take it too quickly in trusting him." she slammed the scythe's staff on the ground to make the dream shake to emphasize her point.

"Yet I also made the grave mistake in not learning all I could in my time here. I was far too focused on my own...adrenaline rushes." Cali spat and turned away. "Trust only sets you up for loss. No attachment or trust. No loss. No pain. Especially when you trust someone with everything and then they... stab you in the back." she would proceed to charge at Twilight and then would strike her with the scythe...before stopping just before the scythe would hit Twilight's arm.

"How do I know you are any different, from that? I could make this a living hell for you if I so wished. But I am not that kind of person...unless if it is...Blu are talking about..." her eyes would pierce Twilight's soul with rage, although it were not directed at her. "We had planned to hold you against your map table. To use your energy as a fuel source for a portal, to research other dimensions. I gave him special glasses that allow him to see into the future, provided that he powers them up with raw magic that is." she sat down, as if defeated.

"You think love or friendship will fix this? Think again. This is an act that cannot be forgotten or forgiven." Cali spat. "Everyone has a plan, an agenda. Sometimes that is throwing others to the side should they prove...an obstacle to their personal success." Cali shook her head. 


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Twilight didn't flinch When Cali came at her, yet she had a caring expression on her face, "You've clearly been betrayed before, many times, which is why you assume you were betrayed when you were caught in this trap with me. Yes, there are creatures out there that only seek their own interests, but there are those that seek the interests of others over their own, even when it goes against their own interest."

She sighed, "I offered to help you build a portal to take you wherever you wanted to go, I would have helped you peacefully and willingly had you asked. But you were so convinced that I might betray you that you ended up betraying yourself. You could have gotten what you wanted, but instead you lost everything."

She took a seat, "Why don't we talk about what you really want? Put away all the facades and charades, all the grandstanding and showboating, and see what you really truly want? You may not want to admit it, but I think you're lonely, you've gone so long not trusting anyone that you can't bring yourself to get close, out of fear that they'll leave you."

(I'm seeing a number of parallels with Lord Dominator in Cali)

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

(Oh really?)

Cali's eyes turned from a scowl to more of a sadder look. With a sort of twirling motion the scythe vanished. "I was already planning on building a portal with Blu. I wasn't willing to throw our plan and friendship away, but he was the one to do just that." Cali said with more of an enraged expression on her face as her eyes met Twilight. "You couldn't even begin to understand the prices I've paid..." she said as a red gem was summoned in the air and dropped in her hand.

Cali held out her hand. "All for this. I never understood it." Cali said as she took a seat. "I don't know where it came from or who build it. But I found it in the bottom of this lake..." the dream changed to them sitting on a bench seat together at a small lake. Twilight could see houses and docks about, boats and people about this lake. The construction of the houses themselves she was unfamiliar with. "This is my home, Twilight. Welcome to Black Lake." Cali looked on the surface of the lake. It was black just like she had said.

"When you absorb the power of something that grants you all this power, you lose everything you had previously. For a long long time I've hidden what I truly wanted with my powers. My powers aren't worth anything to me anymore. It's second nature to me. Long since lost its flare. They are the source of my pain, yet also of my grandest dreams." Cali skipped a rock across the lake. 6 times. 6 times she managed.

"It has been years, decades even. I have lost track of who I am. I have lost track of how old I even am. I found that gem when I was...16 or 17...I like to believe I am 24 now but, its been far longer since then. I don't know exactly how I started traveling into other worlds and dimensions. Yet in doing so, I trapped myself unwillingly. I can gather up my power..." Cali said with an arm motion, a hazy vague shape of a red portal appearing in front of them like a doorway. "To go into other worlds, a one way trip at the cost of all that I have for quite some time...and not knowing where I'd end up. I was so foolish!" Cali scolded herself.

"When you are granted with this power, it gives you all you want but in the end you are never satisfied with anything. You lose your old life for a new blank slate thats entirely up to you and you have no guide or anyone to teach you about your own power." Cali frowned. "I had a friend once. A true friend. Thats part of the reason why I wanted to create a portal...this will sound really strange to you Twilight....I wanted to find her again. We got separated when the dimensional beacon we created along with others went wrong and we were flung across all points in reality. It's impossible to find them again." Cali said before sighing a long sigh.

"To be entirely honest I just want to...settle down in your world, Twilight. Your world doesn't have what mine has. Wars. Politics. Death over the simplest things..." Cali summoned a globe in her hand. On it was the spheres of influence between the United States, Imperial Japan, and Greater Germany. The eagle, the rising sun, and the iron cross marked over the respective areas. She set the globe in Twilight's lap for her to over-look.

"Due to...my homeworld's nations...millions have died in the pursuit of territory. Wealth. Power...over all else when not realizing that every war was fought, humanity was closer to extinction." Cali shuddered as a sort of TV like screen appeared near them, and on it in a thick German accent, the first atomic bomb was tested in the Kongo desert. Such an explosion Twilight hadn't seen before.

"We stockpiled hundreds, thousands of these bombs in what is called an arms race. It was a careful balance, and tipping it would mean these bombs would be launched on rockets and my world would be destroyed in a nuclear hellfire. All because of some damned territory in the colonies or proxy wars!" Cali scowled in disgust.

"Truth be told in my world, there is no magic. Only nature...the human mind and it's wonderful dreams, but yet it's most horrible nightmares. Humans can be as loving as ponies are, and our destructive side is as destructive as our love is for those we truly care about." 

Cali sighed with a defeated look on her face as she looked to Twilight in utter shame.


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Twilight listened patiently to everything Cali had to say, and watched intently whenever Cali showed her something.

She thought for a moment before responding, "I'm sure you know how Blu is, or was, also a human. I've... overheard him say many of the same things you have. He expressed a disappointment with your kind, though he was twice orphaned at a young age, and said he only first experienced love here in Equestria. Maybe he feared that you would turn out the same as the other humans he has encountered? He knows all the horrors of your kind, and little of the wonders. The machine he always carries around with him, it was designed as an instrument of war, something that would be able to win any conflict."

She sighed, "Had we known this earlier... arrangements could have been made... perhaps they could still be made. If Blu gives us the opportunity, I would be willing to argue your case, try to convince him that you be allowed to stay. That you aren't as dangerous as he might think you are. Then we can work together on that portal, I'm sure between the three of us we could think of something. I could devote the researchers at the school to this issue as well. You made it here, so it stands to reason that you could get back to where you came from, and then to wherever your friends went. Would you like that?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Cali seemed to look at her almost with a paranoid or mistrustful look as she said that. "Blu never told me of that...he just told me that was a human from the human world stuck here in pony form and how you weren't exactly the best...caregiver towards him. That leads me to my next issue. My enemies....you see they can travel through time and space. They are never truly dead or gone. I fear that if we make a portal it will allow them access to this world and the others. They work beyond reality itself and they seem to follow me wherever I go, except here...." the dream shifted to there being what seemed to be...a Dodge Hellcat of all things, yes, the car. However it also was transformed into a fearsome dragonfly like beast and had a weird marking on its hood. 

Cali got up. "This is Bayonet. He is a machine without mercy. He can recover from any strike you put on him no matter what eventually. Even if you rip him apart and destroy him, he manages to rebuild himself in time. He has access to something I don't...I am not going to tell you of that since I don't trust you." Cali frowned and pointed to the hood. The marking resembled a chicken but more of like a graffiti artist drew it. "Thats the 'Snarl' or as they go by the other name the 'Huntsman', they are the incarnation of rage...." Cali said in a little bit of fear.

"You know how Discord is the Spirit of Chaos? That is what the Snarl is. They are the incarnation of rage manifested into a form that can assume damn near any form like I have. They have one goal. My death. I have no idea how they came about or where they originally come from or what exactly happened between me and them since it has been so long. They seem to act like a...custodian of reality if that makes sense...they perform a pre-determined role and are almost used like a puppet of some larger being..." Cali said and with a hand wave, a battle scene but frozen in time was created infront of them.

It was the same city from before, Cali looked different, as if slightly. She were facing off against Bayonet and the Snarl, in the form of a hulking chicken like metallic beast form. There were plenty of lasers and damage. "I offended them at some point, triggering their mindless rage towards me. These 2 beings work together, they can even combine into one larger form but that has never actually happened...it is IMPOSSIBLE to kill them forever...seal them away...they always find a way...some have said they were created by the universe it self." Cali shudders. "There is more to this but thats all you need to know for now..." Cali spoke. 

"Even so it is impossible to return. The multiverse is infinite in nature. It is impossible to return to the same point or even theorize as to where my friend ended up. And even so, we would run the risk of my enemies coming into this world or to the next. They don't conform to the laws of any reality. They make them." Cali said in an almost bold way. 
"I could never seem to avoid them for long. They would always hunt me down wherever I went, but in this reality, I have not seen any sign of them whatsoever...something is up with them..." Cali stated.


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Twilight thought a moment, "I would be hesitant to tell you that you're safe here, I wouldn't want to give you a false hope only for them to finally come around to you. This universe already has portals, though I can't confirm whether they are inter- or intra- versal. This world has Discord, as well as a spirit of Fury. If they are on the same level, perhaps they could provide assistance in keeping you safe? Or perhaps get to the bottom of why you are so pursued."

She didn't look sure, "Did you tell Blu of this? Perhaps fear that these monsters would come here looking for you is part of why he would want to be rid of you? Regardless, I would be willing to help you speak to Chaos and Fury if it would bring you peace. As to finding things across the multiverse, there's no reason to think it is truly infinite, with enough effort and testing I'm sure we could eventually discover a way to reliably and replicably, a given if Blu is involved."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Cali rose an eyebrow at that. "Wait, spirit of Fury? Thats...concerning. What if they are the same thing as the Incarnation of Rage, the Snarl? Fury and Rage are the same thing are they not? I never heard of Fury. I can confirm however, that my enemies are interdimensional in nature, they are beyond time and space as far as I have come to understand it. I don't know why they wouldn't have come here and trackd me down. Usually they would have done so by now." Cali had stated.

"I have told him some information about this, they would certainly come here and wreck anyone associated with me. They also have a love for violence and ripping people apart and I am sure they would do the same to you and him if they found out anyone is associated with me. I don't understand them. And as for Blu himself...I'm not forgiving him for this..." Cali had said with an angered expression on her face. 

"I refuse to work with him on anything further. I don't want to associate with him. God knows what he will do with that library I so trustfully granted him access to..." Cali sighed in a defeated tone. 

  • Brohoof 2



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Twilight sighed, "I can't ask you to forgive him either, I would only ask you to understand what might have been his motives. Fury and Rage, while similar, are not exactly the same. Rage, like you said, is a mindless pursuit, a hot burning passion, while Fury is mindful, calculating, a much colder passion. If anything could temper or dissuade Rage, it would be Fury."

"As to the library, Blu is nothing is not respectful towards knowledge. I'm sure he'll treat it with the proper care and respect it deserves. But I think you don't want to hear anything else about Blu for the moment. Why don't you tell me about your friends? You seem to care about them quite a bit."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Cali pondered that. "Mindless pursuit is exactly that the Snarl is. They pursue without real plans, they just want to kill and kill.  They hated me for... a strange reason. They claimed that I don't have a personality, and that I am not my own person. That is why they hate me and any attempt to make them think otherwise is met with extreme violence and devastation.." Cali inhaled at the idea of her friends.

"Well there is Gina, my best friend. Her and I were from the same origin world. The specifics of how we met is unimportant however, she also found a gem like I, although it granted her to control gravity and velocity of events. And fall without damage. She and I battled against the Snarl and the other enemies we faced. I don't have any other real 'friends' besides....Blu...who betrayed me. The others were more of temporary alliances rather than actual friendship."

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Twilight raised an eyebrow, "Not having a personality? That sounds rather pedantic, not being your own person though... Would you consider yourself easily manipulated? Maybe that's what they meant?" She shrugged, "There is often no reasoning with rage."

Twilight thought as Cali spoke of Gina, "A quick question, why did you consider Blu a friend rather than a temporary ally? What did he do differently to earn that honor?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Cali sighs at Twilight's statement. "There is no reasoning with them, period. Whatever 'logic' they had I have no idea. They wanted to kill me for not having a 'personality' and they called me a 'shell', a husk without a personality or desire." she shook her head and sat there silently for a bit upon Twilight's next question.

"He sort of uhh...worked with me, yes. We made a plan together and we helped each other out with stuff. Isn't that what friendship is? I felt like I could trust him..." she sighed shamefully.

  • Brohoof 1



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Twilight sighed as well. "Blu has never been one to trust easily. He lived here in Ponyville for years, and I think there are only two or three ponies in this whole town he considers friends, two of them saved his life. The other is Spike. He never even really trusted me, so I heard most of this from his friends, but when he was a human he was all but abandoned by his parents until they went missing. Then the human who adopted him, his parent's boss, was similarly absent from his life until he too went missing. I wouldn't be surprised if his first friend was made here in Equestria. While you may have been quick to consider him a friend, I don't think enough time has passed for him to consider you more than an acquaintance, and a reminder of all the trauma he experienced as a human." She signed again, "Again, I'm not trying to defend his actions, just... if we are to convince him that you should be allowed to stay, not threatening his life is a good strategy."

She thought a moment, "Suppose you thought Gina were in danger, would you not do anything in your power to protect her? Even if it put yourself at risk?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Cali shot Twilight a glare. "Then maybe its time for him to see that he did the same to me, to you. While his past isn't...one that I find great it's no excuse to betray me like that." Cali huffed in anger there. Before sighing. "I really want to overpower him. Show him who is boss. Show him how he hurt me. And to show him that he has no right to do such things." Cali shook her head before pausing at the question.

"I damn well would. There are very...few that I would do such things for...but those who do have mostly certainly earned it. I don't know what you are getting at although we need to come up with a plan to escape where were currently. I better hope you aren't lying to me or planning on betraying me, or else there will be hell to pay." Cali said with an enraged thought, she couldn't stand another betrayal. She didn't know what lengths she would go to in her rage and hurt, and its not something she wanted to do.

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Twilight shook her head, "I've no doubt you could overpower him, he isn't anywhere near your raw strength, the issue is whether you'd be able to outwit him long enough to bring your power to bear. This trap he constructed, rather ingeniously, brought us all down to his level, he leveled the playing field and we were found lacking."

22 hours ago, Califorum said:

"I damn well would. There are very...few that I would do such things for...but those who do have mostly certainly earned it. I don't know what you are getting at

Twilight nodded, "That's exactly what I'm getting at! Just like you would do anything to protect your friends, so to would he. I've seen a number of reasons why he would consider you a real threat to the few ponies here he genuinely considers friends, hence why he would do anything, including what he did, to ensure their safety."

She sighed as she got up from the ground. "We're trapped in a dream aren't we? There's certainly a level of trust in what I'm going to suggest, but there's one thing that has never failed to wake me up from a dream. Unfortunately, I think it will only get one of us out, and who knows for how long until the shades overpower us again? I've no doubt he's prepared for us escaping somehow. We may not even still be in the map room. Further, you know how time flows differently in a dream, who knows how long we've been asleep?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Cali simply looked at Twilight. The dream started to change into that of the library that Cali had so graciously granted Blu access to earlier on. "Then it is time for me to use my brain, rather than my abilities. For far too long, I have relied upon this..." Cali fired a laser from her eyes at the wall, revealing a sort of sculpture of a brain behind it. "Instead of this." she said, with her hands behind her back.

She opened a book and showed it to Twilight. Since it was a dream, it was impossible for Cali to replicate its contents. "Either way, this is a dream. We can plan whatever we want here. And for that I say....I..." Cali spoke with great hesitation. "That I will trust you. I have nothing left to lose at this point. We could have been asleep for hours, days or longer. However...one thing I need to know is, how do I know you aren't a delusion of my own mind?" Cali said, shooting a strange look to Twilight. 

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Twilight shrugged, "I don't think there's a way we could be fully sure I wasn't a figment of your imagination. You don't know me well enough to ask me something only I would know, and there's little of that anyway that Blu wouldn't also know. But you could deduce, you have no reason to think of me as a friendly figure, so if I was a figment of your mind I don't think I would have manifested so friendly. Further, since you seem convinced that Blu has betrayed you, why would I be a figment of his mind to help you? Either I'm real, or Blu put me here. Regardless, The way I know that always wakes from a dream is the real fear of death. Both of us are too powerful for simply falling or the like to convince us we were in danger. So I think... you have to think, to really believe that you're in danger, to escape."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

"That is...reasonable although we need to come up with a more cohesive plan here. I highly doubt Blu just left us in the map room and probably restrained us somewhere. In the library here..." she said, walking to the halls where the 'cells' her and Blu had made are, she points to them and opens to them. "This is where we kept your friends. We took the 2 of them since they were easy targets and we didn't want the elements of harmony to be used against us. 2 missing, then the rest can't work. Using this, he created an anti-magic and dampening field to stop magic from being used within these cells and sealed the doors. So this is where we likely are. What should we do if this is the case?"

  • Brohoof 2



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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Twilight didn't look so sure, "How far away is this library? He can't have taken us out of the trap or we would have worn through the specters by now. He wouldn't be able to teleport us there without removing the dampening field and we would have easily escaped then.So I suspect we are still in the castle. Especially if you think his plan is to build the portal. Ponyville has all the resources he needs to do just that."

She looked about the model of what Cali described, "If somehow we are in this library... or wherever we may be, we should try and discover where he is and what exactly his plan is, without being discovered if at all possible."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Cali nodded to that. "Well that is entirely possible, what you say is easy to deduce even be my standards however, how would we get out of a dream? It depends on how deep he made us sleep." Cali spoke before showing her a map of the library's location and surrounding area, although it was a dream so some details would surely be off. Twilight would be able to get a general understanding there in all likelihood. 

"Now suppose we do find a way out of this dream, what do we do then? Attack Blu suddenly and restrain him?" Cali shrugged.

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MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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Twilight shook her head, "He'd expect that surely, set up a decoy and be able to recapture us with it. No, we should try and escape, get as far away as possible so we could watch him from without, then we'd be able to figure out the best way forward. Perhaps even bring him to us."

"As to getting out of the dream however... I learned some tricks from Princess Luna that might help."

Twilight would summon a book, her far more analytical mind able to conjure up words to accompany it. "Here, let's see what she's taught me."

(I don't know why, but I've been able to read in dreams, so it's not unreasonable to think Twilight might be able to as well.)

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Cali took a few steps closer and looked at what the book said there. "So we'll run and get as far from here as possible. Got it. I hope he doesn't have a way to track us down. Perhaps we could seek...help from Princess Luna and Celestia in defeating him. If not, we hunker down somewhere, get as far from here as possible. We aren't going to be able to use magic until we get a certain distance away." Cali spoke as she read the book Twilight had. 

(I have always been able to read in dreams. the knowledge that is contained in my dreams is literally reality shattering and I can never seem to recall it when I wake up...so disappointing) 

  • Brohoof 2



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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Twilight nodded, "Good, except for the we part. I can push you out of the dream, but I can't get both of us out."

Cali would likely be quite shocked by the blade that suddenly stuck through her, the book had been a distraction!

Though as she turned the room around her shifted, by the walls around her they seemed to still be in Twilight's castle, likely in some sort of dungeon. Twilight herself sat in one corner of the dungeon, in her unicorn form. She rolled her eyes when she saw Cali, "Took you long enough, thought I'd have to get out of here myself. Just like him to put an extra layer to it."

(Here comes the second twist.)

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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