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private An Unexpected Guest with Scar

Illiad Easle

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On 11/6/2020 at 8:42 PM, Califorum said:

Given the writing, its possible he would mess up the understanding of what was said in this book.

As Blu read over the text his smile grew, slowly at first, then wider. He didn't need to understand it. That was what the compiler was for, all he had to do was transfer the rune diagrams and spell forms into the compiler, and it would break it down into the components for specific testing. It would definitely still take some time to fully compile, but in the end he would have a blueprint to build a nullifying construct.

Given it had a time limit, it likely had a max on how much magic it could drain before it was filled. If wired correctly the nullifier could produce a fully charged gem battery of immense proportions, enough to effectively power the glasses for precise viewing if his cursory calculations were correct.

He also took note of the rune that had attracted the detector, as it seemed to have at least a dulling effect on the magic field which could be used to potentially make a shied that not only blocked magic attacks, but partially absorbed them. That would require further research.

He would go and recover his briefcase before then looking for the shadow magic section. Once he found the section and set himself up on a table he would first scan in the diagrams and notes from the nullification book, then let it sit and compile while he studied shadow magic.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

It seemed to take longer for the scan to scan this book than usual. Maybe it was just the properties of the book, its material, or something of that regard. It would take a long time for him to be fully completed with the scans and his notes on this book. His shadow magic books however, were just like all the others more or less that he was able to learn through with ease.

Meanwhile Cali was learning Solar Magic. She had flipped through the pages. She put the books down every now and then and practiced. She started out by forming fire balls in her hands and getting a feel for the magic itself. The fireballs seemed to not burn her skin, whether that was because of her ability with the magic now, or her bodily manipulation as to not burn, who knows. She read and practiced more, then forming barriers around herself using the Sun's energy, but the magic she was using in this library was fairly week because she was not in direct line of sight. More of weakly using the Sun's ambient energy. Then she practiced forming beams, lasers, and constructs out of the glowing orange energy she had started to be able to use. She practiced, and practiced and then read and read. Each time becoming more proficient in this form of magic however her ability was still meager as of yet. It would take time. 

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It was unexpected that the compiler was having difficulty with the nullification runes and spells, but not wholly unreasonable. Perhaps iot had found a number of useful connections among the new and existing runes in the database? It was certainly a whole new field of magic to add to the set.

As it came to his studies of shadow magic he focused first on the spells and runes that would let him see in the dark, and soon a new rune was added to the lenses of his glasses that would allow him to see clearly in any level of light.

That finished he turned to applications for the staff he now possessed. Following the instructions from the books on shadowmancy and the notes on the staff itself, he was able to summon a weak, fledgling specter, not bearing enough intelligence to make decisions or think for itself, perfect for being directed by the staff. It's limited intelligence made it easy to control, but limited what orders it was capable of understanding. It was a good start, but he wanted a good deal of practice before he considered summoning a shadow creature of greater intelligence.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Cali continued to study and practice Solar Magic. She focused more on her aura, and the fire balls. Making them larger, brighter but still the supply was limited. They weren't too impressive. She needed to go outside into the daylight and practice, however she would focus on learning as much as she can before. Getting a feel for it. She seemed to get more and more precise with the magic as time went on, eventually she felt like she had studied enough of it and stood up. It was time to go outside.

She put the books back and walked up to Blu who was studying or practicing at the time. It had probably been a few hours at the very least. She smirks. "So, hows your shadow magic? I believe I have...mastered Solar Magic so far. But in order to truly test that, I have to be in the Sun's rays." she stated, smirking pridefully. Even with the limited magic she had studied, she felt powerful and prideful. Another form of magic put into her ability list. Less advantages for her enemies. 

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On 11/8/2020 at 8:56 PM, Califorum said:

"So, hows your shadow magic? I believe I have...mastered Solar Magic so far. But in order to truly test that, I have to be in the Sun's rays."

Blu looked skeptical as he dismissed the small specter he had been practicing on before looking at his watch, "Mastered? Really? It's a bit generous to say that. Hasn't even been a day. Speaking of, I don't know where you're going to get sunlight in the middle of the night."

He paused in thought, "I should be hungry or tired by now, I guess that restorative potion really worked. Anyway, Shadows are going well, it'll take some time to fully master controlling them, but there's a number of things I can do with them already."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Cali looked at her wrist as if checking a watch that wasn't there. "Middle of the night? Has that much time really passed?" she scratched her head a little bit, pacing about. "Guess you do have a point there. Maybe 'mastered' is a bit of an over-statement...I don't need sleep, technically. But sleep is nice to have. Not now, though." she states and crosses her arms as if a little amused. 

She sat down in one of the chairs and crossed her legs, looking to him intently. "I'll show you what I've learned." she stated somewhat blankly, her eyes wandering a bit as she focused. She formed 2 orange hot glowing orbs in her hands. She expanded and contacted them with her breathing - still far from mastery and needing a good deal of focus. Then they vanished and she stood up, doing a sort of spin as a column of golden light enveloped her as well as some orange-ish flames, yet she was not affected. She smirked to him, as she did another sort of gesture forming a barrier of solar magic around her, and combined it with her own, forming a weird 2-tone color before dropping the barrier and sitting back down, wondering what he thought.

  • Brohoof 2



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23 hours ago, Califorum said:

she states and crosses her arms as if a little amused. 

Blu rolled his eyes, "Do you ever tire to talk of your superiority?"

23 hours ago, Califorum said:

She smirked to him, as she did another sort of gesture forming a barrier of solar magic around her, and combined it with her own, forming a weird 2-tone color before dropping the barrier and sitting back down, wondering what he thought.

To her credit, Blu did look impressed by her demonstration, "Perhaps mastery isn't so far off as I had thought. At this rate you'll be ready to take on Princess Sparkle in no time."

He looked back to the book he had been studying from, "It looks like most of what I've been studying is the opposite, Shadow magic is a consuming force, draining energy from the surroundings to power their effects rather than from the caster, though it mostly absorbs heat rather than light, so it pairs well with fire magic. It'll be a while before I'm practiced enough to demonstrate as impressively as you have though."

He closed the book, "Anyway, does this place have sleeping arrangements? Or should I find lodging in town?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

She scoffed at his first comment there, she was superior and would always be. No matter what. No matter what anyone says, at least in that mind of hers. She simply nodded to his talk about shadow Magic, not as much impressed with that. "Your magic will come in handy, no doubt, but just imagine what it will be like once I am back...to my normal magic." she stated to him and stood up. 

Then she lead him down a hallway off to the left side of the library, one that had not been seen before. It is lined  with the same color torches as they entered in. "As you can see, there are sleeping arrangements here. Kinda like...hotel rooms in a way if I've noticed. Very spartan and basic, though I have to say." she commented gesturing towards the doors that were of an old construction he was unfamiliar with. 

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23 hours ago, Califorum said:

"Your magic will come in handy, no doubt, but just imagine what it will be like once I am back...to my normal magic." she stated to him and stood up. 

He just rolled his eyes at that as he closed up his briefcase. The scanning would be long done by then, so all it needed to do was compile, and it didn't need to be open to do that. No doubt come morning they would have a number of new runic combinations to try out.

23 hours ago, Califorum said:

"As you can see, there are sleeping arrangements here. Kinda like...hotel rooms in a way if I've noticed. Very spartan and basic, though I have to say."

Blu simply shrugged, "Looks like the builders were a practical sort then, not too caught up with needless things. No doubt it will be a good deal better than what I had in that house."

He would look to claim the first bed he found, "If it's all the same to you, let's resume this in the morning. Though if you want to go out and find some more clear gems that would be a big help for my designs tomorrow."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Cali smirked to his last sentence. "Challenge accepted, good night...and sleep well. I will go out and find some clear gems myself...I'll go have a little fun out in the night and then I'll return and take a nice sleep myself." said Cali, who waved him off as he went into his room to go lay down to sleep.

Then she did a slight sprint down the hall, her body seemingly floating up off of the floor as she ran and slowly faded away into a red cloud of sparkling mist - one that he would see if he chose to watch her leave. The red mist flew down the hall, and she turned back into her normal self and waved, the big door opening at the front, she flew out rather fast and over the trees. The wind rushed by her calmly as her eyes adjusted to the night. The door shut behind her with a loud thud - one that he would also hear echo and resound through the halls.

Her body faded away into a small red bird, which then flew up and up into the sky, looking into the full moon's light. No pegasi were flying in the night, she saw town lights in the distance and like an un-natural rocket sprung forth at a jarring speed - intent on her target and nothing else. The red bird soared through the clouds and sky, zipping by. Eventually, slowing down outside town limits.

She scanned the town's design, seeing if anyone was out, or not. Spotting the shops and stores in due time. "This is the best part..." she said to herself as the bird, in a red flash turned into a diamond gorilla. Although she had the mask among other things in her inventory, she didn't want to use it. She wanted to do this raw and with full on adrenaline rushing through her. The gorilla plunged through the air and careened down onto a roof of one of the jewelry stores.

With a loud BANG it smashed through the roof, several alarms sounding. The diamond gorilla smashed away the debris with ease, and punched through the glass cases, a red portal swallowing up all of the precious gems and trinkets. There was a sort of barrier that came up infront of her, like a magical barrier. The gorilla turned into a large drill of sorts and smashed into it, the barrier soon shattering. However, police ponies would already be there quite confused, shocked and horrified.

The drill lurched forth at them, they tried to subdue it and completely failed. Then, turning into the gorilla again she proceeded to raid every shop in town, leaving the town with no precious valuables or trinkets to be sold. She would then fly up into the sky, turning into her normal self as she put the mask on. The police found it extremely difficult to look at her, and so she flew back to the library as her normal self, immensely satisfied. The town was left confused and horrified at what had just happened and with no clues as to who did it whatsoever.

She turned into the weird key-shape and entered the door lock, it unlocked and then she proceeded in. By then he would be sleeping anyways and would walk in, taking the mask off and sliding it in her pocket. The door shut with a loud thud again, but if he was decently asleep he wouldn't have heard it. With the portal, she emptied out a whole pile of the stolen items inone of the other bedroms, one that was across from him. She left the door open so he could see it as soon as he walked out.

Then she proceeded into one of the other bedrooms, layed down and closed her eyes. Soon to fall asleep. He would be the first to awaken in the morning - seeing a massive pile of trinkets, gems and such, in a massive unorganized pile in the room directly in front of him.

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Blu did sleep much better than he had the previous night, a combination of both a hard day's study and the far superior bed. I had no doubt been enchanted for comfort and rejuvenating sleep, he felt the best he had in a long time when he got up, though his good mood dipped when he saw the extent of the pile that Cali had displayed, no doubt the spoils of her raid the previous night. He sighed to himself as he started to pick out the gems with sufficient clarity, the ones from the jewelry store were all good quality, but small. "No doubt the town will be on the lookout for suspicious activity for a good long while, if her raid doesn't attract the attention of Princess Sparkle or her friends."

Nonetheless, he gathered up the good gems and his briefcase and set out to the library proper, ready to start the careful process of carving in the designs that the compiler had resolved during the night. He would attempt a nullification rune first, paired with an activator rune he could likely turn it into a grenade or mine of sorts, the small gems wouldn't be able to hold much magic before being filled, but they should be enough of a surprise to give him the upper hoof if it came to that. Otherwise he could attach an explosive rune on the reverse, turning it into a live grenade once the nullifier exhausted the capacity of the gem.

His process for carving the gems was first to put the gem in a holder so it remained still above the table, then with a trio of needles he focused three beams of weak energy, where the three beams met inside the gem it started the carving, hence why he needed clear gems. It was slow work carefully following the plan laid out by the compiler, he had never been quite as good at it as his marefriend was.

He wouldn't test the nullification grenade just yet, once he had finished the first one he would store it away and look into more practical defences, carving shield runes as he waited for Cali to wake up and join him.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

The gems themselves were nothing of great interest. Some of them were smaller, some of them larger. The largest one was about the size of your average quarter, no more. Everything with his plans and runic acts went smoothly as he wanted it to be. Though due to the nature of nullification magic, the process seemed slower than he would like.

Cali had walked out and stretched. She had a few interesting dreams, but none too note worthy. It had been a very long time since she had actually slept and enjoyed it just as well as he did, more or less. She looked at what he was doing with tired eyes and then joined him. She yawned and looked him in the eyes.

"Went smoothly last night. A few police ponies spotted me but they couldn't do anything against me. I decided to be more bold this time instead of stealthy. We won't be going anywhere near that town as a result, just in case. I took everything they had to offer." she said to him, smirking proudly at him and then looking over at his work. "Looks like you are already getting to work. It should be day time now...you know what the means." she said with an almost crazed, malevolent smile at the thought of her performing Solar Magic.

"Unless you have any other...plans?" she asked with a leering, almost seductive grin. 

  • Brohoof 2



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On 11/12/2020 at 10:24 PM, Califorum said:

We won't be going anywhere near that town as a result, just in case. I took everything they had to offer."

Blu sighed, "Except, of course, food. I can't eat coins or gems you know. Now we've either got to find a way to get food in here, or go to the next town to get food."

On 11/12/2020 at 10:24 PM, Califorum said:

"Looks like you are already getting to work. It should be day time now...you know what the means." 

He looked at his watch, "That you've still got until about mid afternoon for the effects of the chalice to wear off?" He chuckled, "I took down the time when you drank it, you've got a few hours left yet, but I'm sure you'll know when you're back to normal."

On 11/12/2020 at 10:24 PM, Califorum said:

"Unless you have any other...plans?" she asked with a leering, almost seductive grin. 

He shook his head, "Do you have an expression that isn't subtly malevolent? Outside of finding some sort of food summoning magic, my only plans are to start testing out these runes and combinations and see what will give us the best results. These small gems aren't good for too much in a permanent set, but I could fashion them into a sort of grenade, definitely not something they'll be ready for. If we can find some portal magic that could solve our food problem and perhaps your problem of moving on."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle (Figured out how to do quotes now)


Blu sighed, "Except, of course, food. I can't eat coins or gems you know. Now we've either got to find a way to get food in here, or go to the next town to get food."

"Then we'll go to a town and then eat something there. Maybe we could sneak into the town that I just went to and see what sort of things they are doing there after I raided it, or we could avoid it all together and be entirely safe and find another place to eat at." Cali replied. She didn't mind going somewhere to eat. "But after of course, I test out my magic."


He looked at his watch, "That you've still got until about mid afternoon for the effects of the chalice to wear off?" He chuckled, "I took down the time when you drank it, you've got a few hours left yet, but I'm sure you'll know when you're back to normal."


She smirked. "I really do wonder what the difference will be between the magic I have learned here, under the influence of Equestrian magic as opposed to my magic. We will find out." 


He shook his head, "Do you have an expression that isn't subtly malevolent? Outside of finding some sort of food summoning magic, my only plans are to start testing out these runes and combinations and see what will give us the best results. These small gems aren't good for too much in a permanent set, but I could fashion them into a sort of grenade, definitely not something they'll be ready for. If we can find some portal magic that could solve our food problem and perhaps your problem of moving on."

Cali simply shrugged and got up from the chair. "Then perhaps I'll look for a much larger gem at some point in the future, one that would fit your requirements, but as for now...let's go outside and test my magic out, then we'll go somewhere to find something to eat." she said and proceeded to walk outside. In a red flash she turned back into her pony form, just in case they would be spotted from a distance.

She lead him down the hallway they used to enter, and with the wave of a hoof, she door opened and they walked outside. Her eyes adjusted to the sunlight and she felt an almost surge of power washing through her. She closed her eyes and was clearly finding it hard to control. The door closed behind them. She walked up the hill and onto the largely flat plane ontop of it and stood roughly in the middle of it.

She charged up a fairly large orb of solar energy before firing it off. It exploded silently in the air above them with a wave of heat. She smirked evily and practiced her Solar Aura, the sun's energy enveloping her in a rather bright orange-yellow glow, before testing out the shield and barrier spells that were much thicker and much more effective then the ones inside. 

Edited by Califorum
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Once they got outside Blu preemptively switched the enchantment on his glasses to shading, he had a feeling things were about to get very bright. In all he was impressed by her abilities in the sun, she would be a tough opponent to beat if they ever became foes. He'd have to attack at night when his shadow abilities were at their strongest, "Quite impressive, if not a bit flashy. There's certainly no hint of subtlety to you is there?" He chuckled, "With a display like that though, Princess Sparkle would have quite the time trying to beat you. Still, we'll only have one shot, so there's no harm in gaining every advantage we can before we try."

He looked over towards the town that Cali had raided, switching the enchantment to magnification to see the distant town in greater detail, "You certainly did a number on that town, wouldn't be surprised if most of them move away. Ponies are typically quick to flee when threatened after all."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Once she was done practicing she looked off in the general direction of the town. "When you find that no matter how subtle you are, but yet you were still pursued by the same entities that wished for your death, it is easy to throw the subtly away and face it head on. You can't run from everything but in a way, me coming here is just another way of doing so. I hope those entities are gone...gone forever!" she snapped, though not directed at him. A few seconds passed and she looked back at him as if sorry for snapping like that, yet she just brisked it off.

"I feel sorry for those ponies, yet they chose to live there and put so much value in a possession...possessions rule the lives of most, instead of pursuing one's dreams and being truly free above all else. Twilight is nothing different from the villains of the past, while she saved Equestria, she also doomed it under her influence and rule some day. Perhaps I should learn more subtle magic when we get back...so we can STRIKE when they least expect us." she said, feeling quite satisfied with that idea and plan.

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On 11/14/2020 at 10:30 PM, Califorum said:

"I feel sorry for those ponies, yet they chose to live there and put so much value in a possession...possessions rule the lives of most, instead of pursuing one's dreams and being truly free above all else. Twilight is nothing different from the villains of the past, while she saved Equestria, she also doomed it under her influence and rule some day. Perhaps I should learn more subtle magic when we get back...so we can STRIKE when they least expect us."

Blu looked taken aback, "What? The ponies I've seen would gladly give just about anything if you needed it, they're nothing like humans, so it's unfair to judge them against human nature. I can assure you they are less worried about what you stole than the fact that you demolished their town. You presented a threat to their lives, and if you're not careful then Princess Sparkle will be coming to us, rather than us to her, although..."

He seemed to get an idea, "She is rarely the first one to investigate, if we caused enough of a stir, but not too overtly dangerous, she would eventually send one or two of her friends, the Elements, to investigate. Any one or two of them would be leagues easier to capture than the Princess. Having a hostage would put us in a position that would seriously disadvantage her, not in the least case that she wouldn't be able to use the elements against us if we have one of them captive."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Cali thought to herself for a bit. “Could work...You could use your runic knowledge to research the element of harmony they have...maybe find a nullifer for that magic if the worst came to pass. Although destroying the elements of harmony would be a permanent solution...although we wouldn’t get much out of it ourselves. What if we freed a villain from Tartarus and used them as a distraction?” Cali pondered, putting a hoof to that chin of hers. 

“I am sure we can find the entrance of it some way...” she thought. A thought popped into her mind. “Likely a full world map is in that library... I wonder what the full manifest of prisoners there is...the more help the merrier...although if we capture one of them, we'd have to somehow control them...and for one of the Elements of harmony, we'd have to basically jail them here, feed them, all that sorts of stuff...” she says to him, but seeming on board with that idea. 

"Maybe we could even...get one of them to BETRAY the others...and work for us instead!" she said, bursting with enthusiasm with a cackle.

Edited by Califorum
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23 hours ago, Califorum said:

What if we freed a villain from Tartarus and used them as a distraction?”

Blu shook his head, "Anything that big they'd all go together, we need to get them by themselves if we're to have any chance of success."

23 hours ago, Califorum said:

and for one of the Elements of harmony, we'd have to basically jail them here, feed them, all that sorts of stuff...

Blu shrugged, "Really holding them would be a minor concern after managing to capture them. I'm sure there's some magic here that could hold them in a sort of stasis, then we wouldn't even have to feed them, but even lacking that, depending on which one gets sent it may not be all that difficult to contain them."

23 hours ago, Califorum said:

"Maybe we could even...get one of them to BETRAY the others...and work for us instead!"

He shook his head again, "Even Discord couldn't get them to really fight each other, so I doubt we'd be able to manage that even if we did find some sort of mind control here."

"Though, speaking of mind control, one aspect of shadow magic is dream magic, it would be possible to induce a deep sleep in a sleeping subject, bordering on inducing a coma, so really we need only really hold them until they fall asleep, then it gets easier."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Blu shook his head, "Anything that big they'd all go together, we need to get them by themselves if we're to have any chance of success."

"As much as I'd want to disagree, you have a point. If even just one of them is gone, the elements can't be used against us..." Cali smirked widely at the thought. It was quite true after all, and the two of them knew it.



Blu shrugged, "Really holding them would be a minor concern after managing to capture them. I'm sure there's some magic here that could hold them in a sort of stasis, then we wouldn't even have to feed them, but even lacking that, depending on which one gets sent it may not be all that difficult to contain them."

"Doesn't matter who is sent, although I doubt if one of them or two of them are sent they'd have their elements with them...if one of them was sent to that town we better act quick before they leave...if they are even there. The question is, how would we even grab one of them without anyone noticing? My mask and your shadow magic would definitely help but, they will surely know that one of them is gone....hmmm..." Cali thought to herself, clearly malovently in nature.

 "I could shape shift into the one that gets stolen...try to act like them...you take them back here and do what you need to do, although you'd have to have a way to open up the lock yourself...unless I leave the door open and then you close it once you get in...perfect plan, am I right?" she was clearly confident in her plan, maybe overly so. She would like to toy, play with, and fool with those ponies that seemed to be the center of attention of it all.



He shook his head again, "Even Discord couldn't get them to really fight each other, so I doubt we'd be able to manage that even if we did find some sort of mind control here."

"Though, speaking of mind control, one aspect of shadow magic is dream magic, it would be possible to induce a deep sleep in a sleeping subject, bordering on inducing a coma, so really we need only really hold them until they fall asleep, then it gets easier."

"You see, that is where my plan comes in. I masquerade as one of them and try to instigate and get them to fight...hell I could even bring one or 2 of the others back with me and we could have 3 or 4 of them but...that would draw un-needed attention to us...I'd like the Fluttershy one to be ours...she seems the weakest from what I heard...kindness can't get you everywhere especially when your out-matched, and have no place to run." Cali smirks evily at that, laughing again at the thought.

"You can do what you need to do with the dream magic...or shall I learn for myself and do it? I could make these ponies have waking nightmares they can't even comprehend...make them fearful to even step outside! In that state of mind, they will be powerless...." she looks to him, satisfied with her plan.

“I do have one last idea though...never tried it...I turn into mist and the one we capture breathes it in... my mist merges with their cells and then I get access to their bodies and mind...I never tried this before so who knows what can happen...” Cali grins much wider.

(You can decide who arrives at that town or if, if we do the dream magic thing I'll do my best to rp them in the dream, but in turn you play the others Cali would go with as masquerading, if you would be fine with that, if not, it's ok.)

Edited by Califorum
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21 hours ago, Califorum said:

"I could shape shift into the one that gets stolen...try to act like them...you take them back here and do what you need to do, although you'd have to have a way to open up the lock yourself...unless I leave the door open and then you close it once you get in...perfect plan, am I right?"

Blu looked a bit incredulous, but shrugged, "If you think you could replace one of them, more power to you. As to the key, I should be able to get a specter to open it the same way you do, they have similarly amorphous bodies. It's be even easier if you could demonstrate the shape of the key, train a shade to take that shape. Beyond that I could set up a teleport rune inside, then just make a rune out here for a guided teleport, bypassing the door entirely."

21 hours ago, Califorum said:

"You see, that is where my plan comes in. I masquerade as one of them and try to instigate and get them to fight...hell I could even bring one or 2 of the others back with me and we could have 3 or 4 of them but...that would draw un-needed attention to us...I'd like the Fluttershy one to be ours...she seems the weakest from what I heard...kindness can't get you everywhere especially when your out-matched, and have no place to run." Cali smirks evily at that, laughing again at the thought.

"You can do what you need to do with the dream magic...or shall I learn for myself and do it? I could make these ponies have waking nightmares they can't even comprehend...make them fearful to even step outside! In that state of mind, they will be powerless...." she looks to him, satisfied with her plan.

“I do have one last idea though...never tried it...I turn into mist and the one we capture breathes it in... my mist merges with their cells and then I get access to their bodies and mind...I never tried this before so who knows what can happen...” Cali grins much wider.

Blu thought over the plan she had concocted, "Perhaps, if her friends could be convinced that Princess Sparkle were... unwell mentally, they might be more easily convinced to help stop her. Perhaps if they were convinced she were possessed or turning evil? I could likely implant those sorts of ideas in their heads, making her normal idiosyncrasies seem all the more suspicious."

"As to your last idea however, you could just as easily be trapped within their bodies, destroyed by their internal magics, obliterated by the elements, or caught halfway. Perhaps some combination of the above. Lets stick to less risky maneuvers for now."

He turned his attention back to the town, "You attacked last night, if someone went out to inform her right after you left, they'd get to Ponyville... an hour ago at best. In another hour yet at worst. Unless her magic map told her about the event. Regardless, whoever she sends will come by train, unless it's Captain Dash by herself. Given the nature of your destruction seems the most likely. Brash, a bit reckless," He cast a sidelong glance at Cali, "Not unlike yourself. She'd be the hardest to capture and restrain, but the easiest for you to impersonate."

He shook his head, "Regardless, the soonest they'd arrive is tonight, likely not going to investigate until morning. If they don't come tonight... then I would suggest we do something to attract their attention. Something flashy, but not destructive, you've broken enough of the town already. And if they have arrived, something flashy would make them all the easier to capture in the morning, give us an example of their style so we can counter it before they report back to the princess, allowing you to take their place." 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Blu looked a bit incredulous, but shrugged, "If you think you could replace one of them, more power to you. As to the key, I should be able to get a specter to open it the same way you do, they have similarly amorphous bodies. It's be even easier if you could demonstrate the shape of the key, train a shade to take that shape. Beyond that I could set up a teleport rune inside, then just make a rune out here for a guided teleport, bypassing the door entirely."

With a flash of red light, she had shapeshifted into the key right before his eyes, the key was positioned upright. It was a bit larger than his body. It had a vague W shape with various interconnected circles seemingly done random, with an arrow shape at the middle of the W. "First things first, let's get this key issue solved. I assume you can manipulate the shadows into the shape of this key and do your best to memorize it. Shadow magic is similar to shape shifting after all, so even if it isn't perfect at first you can manipulate the shadow to the exact shape of the key-slot within the door. But your second point is easier to do for you. Go set up a teleport rune inside the door way, it seems easier and simpler." she said, still maintaining the form of the key for him to look at if he wanted. If he were to go set up the runes, Cali in her key form would float in the air and 'watch' over what he was doing.



Blu thought over the plan she had concocted, "Perhaps, if her friends could be convinced that Princess Sparkle were... unwell mentally, they might be more easily convinced to help stop her. Perhaps if they were convinced she were possessed or turning evil? I could likely implant those sorts of ideas in their heads, making her normal idiosyncrasies seem all the more suspicious."

As to your last idea however, you could just as easily be trapped within their bodies, destroyed by their internal magics, obliterated by the elements, or caught halfway. Perhaps some combination of the above. Lets stick to less risky maneuvers for now."

He turned his attention back to the town, "You attacked last night, if someone went out to inform her right after you left, they'd get to Ponyville... an hour ago at best. In another hour yet at worst. Unless her magic map told her about the event. Regardless, whoever she sends will come by train, unless it's Captain Dash by herself. Given the nature of your destruction seems the most likely. Brash, a bit reckless," He cast a sidelong glance at Cali, "Not unlike yourself. She'd be the hardest to capture and restrain, but the easiest for you to impersonate."

He shook his head, "Regardless, the soonest they'd arrive is tonight, likely not going to investigate until morning. If they don't come tonight... then I would suggest we do something to attract their attention. Something flashy, but not destructive, you've broken enough of the town already. And if they have arrived, something flashy would make them all the easier to capture in the morning, give us an example of their style so we can counter it before they report back to the princess, allowing you to take their place." 

The key did a slight spin in the air as he finished. "Less risky moves it is. After we are done with this...key issue we will head off. So all in all, we will go to that town and see whats up with it." she smirked a bit at his comment about Rainbow Dash. "I can see why you'd think that, unlike her, I am not limited by wings or my blind desires to merely be the fastest...she is fairly short sighted from what I have read, meaning that she rarely thinks outside the box." she said, the key doing another spin in the air. 

"My idea for sneaking into that town is that I hide as a necklace around your neck and you sort of go into town casually. Although that leads the possible point of them not recognizing you as one of them, but due to the whole confusion of what I did there, I'd be willing to bet the ponies there would be more focused on what had just happened. If everything goes to plan and I manage to replace one of them we'll have to have a way to communicate. Maybe like a rune that would allow us to communicate much like a phone or something of the sort? I would take the form of one of them, hand the restrained and real one to you, and then you do what you deem needed.

She thought for a few seconds about Princess Sparkle. "You could learn dream magic while I am away, and implant those thoughts in Princess Sparkle. Do the best to corrupt her mind and make her mentally disturbed. I'm not sure how long I'll be able to masquerade as one of them but in doing so I'll be able to gather intel, and hopefully find the elements of harmony and steal them." she laughs at that thought, almost a bit too much. 


  • Brohoof 2



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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On 11/17/2020 at 8:54 PM, Califorum said:

"First things first, let's get this key issue solved. I assume you can manipulate the shadows into the shape of this key and do your best to memorize it. Shadow magic is similar to shape shifting after all, so even if it isn't perfect at first you can manipulate the shadow to the exact shape of the key-slot within the door. But your second point is easier to do for you. Go set up a teleport rune inside the door way, it seems easier and simpler." she said, still maintaining the form of the key for him to look at if he wanted. If he were to go set up the runes, Cali in her key form would float in the air and 'watch' over what he was doing.

Blu spun the staff and stabbed it into his shadow, which grew darker for a moment before a specter rose out of his shadow and started to slowly take the form of the key that Cali was demonstrating, "Always best to have options, no reason why we can't have the key and the rune, the rune would need to be reset between uses anyway."

It would take a few minutes for the specter to take the form of the key, at which point Blu had it practice forming the key a few times before dismissing it. Then he would set about prepping the receiver rune a short distance past the doorway to one side of the hallway. Similar to how he carved the gems, he used a trio of magic beams to crave the rune into the floor, it was a circle, just wider than he was long. It would take about half an hour to finish the rune, but given the nature of the library it would be powered as soon as it was finished.

On 11/17/2020 at 8:54 PM, Califorum said:

"My idea for sneaking into that town is that I hide as a necklace around your neck and you sort of go into town casually. Although that leads the possible point of them not recognizing you as one of them, but due to the whole confusion of what I did there, I'd be willing to bet the ponies there would be more focused on what had just happened. If everything goes to plan and I manage to replace one of them we'll have to have a way to communicate. Maybe like a rune that would allow us to communicate much like a phone or something of the sort? I would take the form of one of them, hand the restrained and real one to you, and then you do what you deem needed."

Blu thought for a moment on her plan, "No reason why you can't just go as a pony, but having a way to communicate will certainly be useful, let's look into that before we go into town, that way we can go separately and not be seen together if anyone there is suspicious. We should also prepare the library to hold them, perhaps securing one or two of the bedrooms to be holding cells. That shouldn't take too long, then we can go into town about when whichever element gets sent should arrive, about early evening or so."

On 11/17/2020 at 8:54 PM, Califorum said:

She thought for a few seconds about Princess Sparkle. "You could learn dream magic while I am away, and implant those thoughts in Princess Sparkle. Do the best to corrupt her mind and make her mentally disturbed. I'm not sure how long I'll be able to masquerade as one of them but in doing so I'll be able to gather intel, and hopefully find the elements of harmony and steal them." she laughs at that thought, almost a bit too much. 

He shook his head, "I'm not Princess Luna, I'd have to be pretty close to influence anyone's dreams, so I could get into the heads of whoever we capture, but I'd have to be in her castle at the furthest is I were to have any hope of influencing her directly."

He thought again, then drew out the receiver rune on a sheet of paper, "I assume you'll want some backup when you do go against Princess Sparkle, find some secluded place in the castle once your inside to make the rune, then you can signal to me through our communicator when you're ready for me to come through and join the fight."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Blu spun the staff and stabbed it into his shadow, which grew darker for a moment before a specter rose out of his shadow and started to slowly take the form of the key that Cali was demonstrating, "Always best to have options, no reason why we can't have the key and the rune, the rune would need to be reset between uses anyway."

It would take a few minutes for the specter to take the form of the key, at which point Blu had it practice forming the key a few times before dismissing it. Then he would set about prepping the receiver rune a short distance past the doorway to one side of the hallway. Similar to how he carved the gems, he used a trio of magic beams to crave the rune into the floor, it was a circle, just wider than he was long. It would take about half an hour to finish the rune, but given the nature of the library it would be powered as soon as it was finished.

Blu thought for a moment on her plan, "No reason why you can't just go as a pony, but having a way to communicate will certainly be useful, let's look into that before we go into town, that way we can go separately and not be seen together if anyone there is suspicious. We should also prepare the library to hold them, perhaps securing one or two of the bedrooms to be holding cells. That shouldn't take too long, then we can go into town about when whichever element gets sent should arrive, about early evening or so."

When all was said and done with the construction of the runes and the 'shadow cloning' of the key, Cali reverted to her normal human form and just observed what he had set up. "Alright, that is done. One step out of the way." she said and was quite satisfied with his work. She began to walk down the hall again, once they were inside the door closes. "Lets prepare some of the bedrooms to be holding cells. We should create some runes to create some sort of magical barrier around the door way so they can't escape. Maybe wearable runes for us so we are immune to this barrier and we can go through it whenever we please." she said, walking to the rooms.

She observed the room she had piled the gems into and simply laughs at the sight of it and points to the 2 bedrooms on the same side, next to it. "Those 2 will do just fine, for now."  and then she looked to him. "Lets create this communication rune next. Your idea is what I was going to do. I'd like to have back up during the fight itself, and I am sure you'd like to join in after the effort we have done so far." she paced about. "Before the fight, I can activate it, you can come and influence her dreams to weaken her before the fight itself even begins." 

  • Brohoof 2



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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Blu examined the entry to the bedrooms closely, then nodded, "It'll be easy enough to seal the doors with runes, but I think making the barrier permeable adds too many risks. It they overpowered us inside the room they could leave and we'd be trapped inside. Better if we made a door just large enough to pass food through, I don't think we'd need to have direct interaction with them otherwise."

He stepped back from the doorway, "I'll start engraving the barrier rune if you want to look into long distance communication. If not a rune you might be able to find a spell or enchantment. I know Princess Sparkle had an enchanted book at one point that was paired with another book such that anything written in one appeared in the other. Perhaps we could find a pair of those books?"

Blu would set up his briefcase to look up a combination of runes for the barrier, getting started once the program had resolved a solution.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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