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private The Æther Project

Illiad Easle

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@Illiad Easle

The two of them would accept the statements they were given. Trixie felt a bit humbled by the doctor's word but it would likely take more than one pony's humbling word to get her back on her hooves. Not only that, she entirely relied upon Spiral's presence due to the nature of affairs. Spiral knew this and likely had taken pleasure in that. Both because she could help her, and having someone so loyal to her was pleasing to her to say the least.

"I am quite pleased that the state of affairs has turned to our favor and that nobody got hurt, nor found themselves suspicious in the process. I notice that my cutie mark has yet to come into existence on this body. I am going to have to mask that somehow. I feel like that will be suspicious to say the least. I wouldn't mind getting this new body used to eating however I would like to get on with our future proceedings soon enough. However, we will do just that and come back tomorrow more adapted to what we are now. Thank you for your time." Spiral got up from the seat.

Trixie agreed with Spiral and nodded. "Trixie thinks that is a good idea to get used to our bodies before we get serious. We will be back here tomorrow." she said with a bit of a parting bow there. Trixie still had her stage persona with her after all. They soon left.

Upon leaving Spiral and Trixie would hold quiet conversations as they would proceed to the cafeteria to get food. They would have sat down with the other ponies there as to not be suspicious and to blend in with the lot of them as to not appear out of place or suspicious. As this time period passed, Trixie would find herself with greater understanding of the world up to this point. Trixie found herself sickened by Discord and the state of affairs, and was more than happy to join the rebel cause. While as naive Trixie was with Spiral, she believed her word and didn't question it. After all Spiral knew best.

If interrupted them, they would have proceeded back to their designated location in the morning in order to meet with Tower.

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@Illiad Easle


“I've been a wonderbolt before this all happened” Windy felt nostalgic about the topic, she miss everypony; her friends, her teammates, and Spitfire.

“I had a wonderful life back then” she continued, “It took me a lot of struggles, learning, support, and hard work to finally get to the top when I was just a cadet. I never once lost hope thanks to the cheers of my friends. Our captain, Spitfire happened to be my roommate when I was working in Neighpon years before I settle in Equestria" her smile dropped when thinking about Shadow. She did not know much of her Shadowbolt companion; the mare always been a mystery to her, “Shadow was not open of her personal life, only that she once been one of Nightmare Moon's loyal followers. Whatever the reason why she went to the Wonderbolts Academy is...we will never know unless Shadow tells us”

@Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom


(Yes, Serene is in the same place as Shadow)

Serene, who had been staying behind the conversation had a respect for Molotov and his noble act of staying behind to aid those who are still at ground. Are there are other ponies like Molotov throughout what remains of the lands below them? It was a glimmer of hope, a sign Equestria would soon be repaired to it's former image despite the damage Discord had done.

Shadow's thoughts are just the same as Serene's, but she had doubts about how his decisions affected Blitz's behavior in the Æther. Without his guidance and discipline, the filly's joyful attitude would become too erratic.

“Have you done something which has upset the grown-ups here at some point” she approached the filly.

Edited by Zombie Breeze
I mistaken Loud Opinion for Illiad Easle XD
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@Illiad Easle

"dang.... I guess I should use a tracking spell." Light mumbled. as he starts to cast his spell. he then turned his attention to the mechanic.

"thank you for you assistance my lady, now I'ma go track this foot prints and it might lead me to danger... I would be heart broken if I endanger you in anyway."

but if the mechanic would insist on joining him, why would light decline a mare's conpany?

Light would of course see multiple footsteps, but one track looks like it was being chased and has heavy impressions. and also lead to a cut wire.

" hmmm I guess this is the foot print of the one who cut the power supply of the hospital..... I guess.... welp let's follow this footprint then."

Light would continue on following the footsteps, while maintaining his guard up. you'd never know what might pop out of them pipes...


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@Windy Breeze @Illiad Easle

"A little bit, but sometimes, there's just too much work, and no fun. So I wander off and try to find some fun. Then Grump, or one of the others tries to find me, and we have a fun game of catch, before it's back to work, hehe."

"Sometimes, we can keep her focused on a project for weeks on end. Other times, she lasts for an hour, then starts something else, before we get her back on track. She's beyond expectations when she does work properly, but she's young, bored, and have far too much energy for her own good."

"Some stuff are also just really boring, even if it's important. Like yesterday, right? They had me working on t-"

Grump would stomp down, making Blitz stop, and put her hooves up in front of her mouth.

"That is classified. And you're done eating, I see. It's time we get you back to work."

"Awh, okay. See you another time, funny friends! Next time I'll bring some pretty fireworks, and see if we can turn that frown, upside down."

She'd grin happily at Brittle, and then, go over with her tray, before her and Grump would get on their way. They'd probably see her again some other day.

(this leaves Blitz up for use elsewhere)

Meanwhile, Briar would lick around his lips, getting the last bit of fish juices and salad shreds cleaned from his mouth. Brittle were done too, but she didn't make a mess when she ate, so her plate were simply just empty, and she sat and looked like she really wanted to get out of here soon. It might be getting a little too crowded with all the attention she had suddenly gotten before, from the odd filly.

"Such peculiar creatures we encounter today. Delightfully quirky, though that last one did smell of burnt materials. It makes me somewhat concerned, considering my flammable state.

IN any case though,., when you are done eating, perhaps there is something else you may want to go and do? I feel Brittle would like some air from this place, so if you do not mind, we would like to accompany you there. If it is not too much trouble, of course."

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Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Rd smiled as Maud took her leave, changing into a nondescript mare to go another direction before adopting another disguise to follow after Maud without even Maud noticing that it was Red who was following.

Maud would be able to find Apollo in his office, the hole caused by when he held Light out over the edge mostly repaired already. When Maud spoke he seemed intrigued if not a little smug, "Oh? And what brought about this 'change of heart'? As I recall you said I was 'using you' and should 'do it myself'." He leaned over his desk, "So why come back? Do you think me incapable of doing it myself? Or do you recognize that asking you to do your part to keep this project safe is not in fact 'using you'?"

He sat back in his chair, waiting for her response.


(Spiral & Trixie)

(We'll let the rest get caught up to the next morning before continuing this thread)


@Zombie Breeze


Plein looked a bit confused, "Nightmare Moon? I wasn't aware she was around long enough to have followers, especially not ones who wouldn't go along when she went back to being Princess Luna." She looked down, "Play says my father really looked up to her, was friends with her before they both..." she shook her head, "I never really knew her personally, though Play says we were introduced when I was a foal."

She thought a moment before continuing, "So the two of you didn't really know each other before the whole incident then? A lot of ponies who come up here are like that, making unlikely friendships out of necessity and a common enemy. Do you think the two of you would have been friends if it weren't for what happened?"



The mechanic did indicate that she needed to get back to work, and so took her leave, leaving Light to examine the tracks by himself.

His scan showed a good number of hoof prints in the area, no doubt from all the guards who had come through and around the area, making it nearly impossible to find any specific paths at first. However, if he looked close enough he would find a set of parallel lines, no doubt the  cart that had been stolen, heading straight towards the dead end, and seemingly passing through it, lending credence to the claim that there was, in fact, a secret passage through that wall.

How he was to discover it was another question entirely.


@Blitz Boom

(If you want Blitz to be involved in the action going forward, let me know the next time she evades her watchers and I'll see about getting her recruited by a team.)


@Blitz Boom @Zombie Breeze

(Go ahead and put out a trajectory and I'll steer you guys back into the main narrative.)

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Maud proceeded into Apollo's office completely unaware that Red was following her. In fact, Maud didn't even acknowledge the mare following behind her and just assumed that she was part of the office workers or something of that sort. It wasn't her concern to delve into the affairs of others. Upon seeing the damage in the area he was in she wanted to inquire upon that but didn't have the interest considering the gravity of the situation. 

Upon Apollo's smug attitude she found herself quite disgusted by his attitude. This was a temporary setback for her to say the least and one that she wasn't pleased in the least. Oh well, time to get this over with. With no hesitation she would answer, "I realized that you were correct in your assessments. I should be doing my part to ensure the safety of this project. I was wrong to doubt you in that manner and I have a...reputation I am not willing to lose by taking you up on your offer." she would do a slight bow. "I offer you my apologies, and I am prepared to do whatever I have to do to ensure the safety of those aboard this ship, and to ensure the security of the card itself. I will find the stolen materials for you." she spoke to him in an apologetic manner. It would be considered monotone, but he could hear a slight apologetic undertone in her voice indicating that she was truly sorry for what she did.

Of course, she kept her thoughts under control if there was any way for those around to monitor her thoughts. Maud wasn't going to let her true thoughts be discovered and certainly not Apollo. 

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@Illiad Easle

"....." Light would then ponder Infront of the secret passage.

" hmmmm...." Light checked the footprints again for impressions or sudden shifts and movements to imply anything if they reached out to something or pressed a hidden lever and what not.

so Light tried pressing anything from the floor the walls and ceiling.

and if nothing happens, Light would use X ray vision too look into the mechanisms of the hidden passage wall.

if it was magical then Light would've accidentally destroyed the hidden walls mechanism and have loosened it, or has completely shut it down forever.

remember Light has similar abilities as Chrysalis's Thrown crystals, for those materials where implanted within him.

and if worse comes to worse he'd just phase through it, teleport, or blast his way through.

Edited by Kujamih
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  • 2 weeks later...


Apollo was silent for a few moments, reclined in his chair with his eyes focused on Maud, the smug expression gone. Eventually he gave a slight, almost imperceptible, nod. "Good. I'm glad you've come to see the bigger picture. This project can hardly survive without the cooperation of everyone aboard."

He turned away to interact with a safe set in the back wall, opening it to pull out the card he had previously offered Maud, and closing it immediately to prevent her from seeing what else was inside. He turned back to face her and held out the card, attached to a lanyard, for her to accept. "I have every confidence in your abilities. I look forward to your speedy success."



Using X-ray he'd see that the pipes all had something flowing through them, so trying to cut or blast through them would likely be bad for the project and get him the same treatment as the previous ex-guard who had tried. Looking to the sides he saw a very complicated mechanism, far more so than had any right being there, clearly there was something going on there, the question was how he would figure out how to work it?

He could also see that the catwalk continued on the other side of the wall, so he could teleport through to the other side if he wanted.

Once he had done so, but before he could scan for hoofprints again, he'd hear a voice as though someone were standing beside him speaking softly into his ear, but would find no one if he turned to look. "Such an inquisitive pony, succeeding where others failed, why are you looking so hard? What are you hoping to find?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Maud took the card in her hoof. Internally she was quite proud of what she had done. She had managed to manipulate Apollo in getting what she was wanted. Once she was out of sight from Apollo she had free reign of the entire ship without restrictions - that also applied to Red as well. That was most pleasing and she found herself having well deserved pride welling up inside of her. It had been a while since she had felt this inside of her. The last time she did was when she managed to successfully terminate the lives of various spawn and loyalists in that cave, when she was with Raze. Unfortunately, that took her back to the realization that Raze was a loyalist all along. 

The safe was a very interesting part. Perhaps if Apollo was away, Red could shapeshift and become Apollo. If that was possible than perhaps all the other contents in that safe could belong to her. The card however would do well for now. "It is a pleasure to organize a beneficial relationship with you. I will scour every single area of this vessel if I have to in order to find what was stolen from us. Once I find it, I will return and inform you. It may take a while for me to find it, but rest assured I will do my best to locate the stolen materials." she spoke and did a parting gesture. Her eyes remained calm. "Thank you for this opportunity. Time is of the essence. I will depart now." she spoke and turned to leave.

If there were no interruptions on the way out Maud would locate an isolated spot of the ship to meet Red at. Once she had met Red she would present the card. "Success. I have the card. What will we do now? Go anywhere in the ship and find something that could be of value to us?" Maud asked calmly but kept the card close to her. No doubt she was fond of it.

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@Illiad Easle

as the words echo yet no source to find. but in some way, light is excited for this events. "Ohoo.... a ghost or a god? to which honor should I grant thee?."

as light ends his sentences. he immediately cast a barrier with a 1km radius surrounding him. trapping anything within it may it be air, spirits, beings, and magic. meaning that his barrier can only last as long as he doesn't get poisoned by the lack of oxygen.

he then quickly scanned his surroundings for traces of magic, signs of life, malice and emotions, movements and radiation.

" I wonder what you are?" 

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@Blitz Boom

Later on in the day, Blitz would be approached in her work area by a tired looking Silver, "Hey Blitz, have you seen Plein around lately?"



Before Maud reached a secluded area she became aware of another mare walking very close to her, keeping pace. She may have started to grow hesitant before the mare looked at her and her eyes flashed red with a faint smile, indicating that it was Red beside her. She spoke softly as they walked, so as to not be overheard by those around them, "I take it things went well?"

Upon hearing that Maud had the card Red smiled, "Well, our best bet may just be attempting to recover the Minostralium. I'm sure Apollo will be watching you closely for a bit anyway, may as well show some effort and partial results to start, then if you do manage to find out where it is, we can take it for ourselves."

She started to distance herself a bit as the crowd thinned, "I'll keep an eye on you as well, ready to swoop in if you need help. Good luck."

With that she'd drift back into the crowd and escape her view.



The voice chuckled, "Were I either, your barrier would be trivial to pass through. Even as I am, I could escape were I inclined."

Per his scan for magics, Light would find that there were several magical nodes scattered about, some were integrated parts of the pipeworks, and some were acting as speakers for the voice, giving it a sort of omnipresent feeling despite not actually being so.

"Still, you didn't answer my question, and I asked first. Why are you looking so hard? What are you hoping to find?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Maud had noticed the out of place mare before Red's flashing eyes and statements had reassured her. In her mind she knew exactly where to start. Right where she had last seen the Minostraulium and the spot where they vanished. Looking to one of the maps on the wall in her mind she would calculate where the best route to get there would be, and if there were any other routes that could take her behind that area or to any previously unknown areas around it she would head there, walking alongside Red.

"Agreed, the most logical choice of action is to follow the map to see where the most likely trajectory of the thieves journeys were if at all possible." she spoke. Her eyes glinted slightly upon the mention of taking it for themselves. That is what she wanted the most. "Good thinking. But once we have it, I think we should stock up on it in secret and train ourselves. But for what? We are only two." Maud spoke rater prophetically before Red went into the crowd. 

Like that, she would proceed to where she was before (if there were no other areas she could get to behind the wall where she was before), or she would end up going to a previously unknown area.

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@Illiad Easle

On 2021-11-03 at 4:54 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Later on in the day, Blitz would be approached in her work area by a tired looking Silver, "Hey Blitz, have you seen Plein around lately?"

Blitz would pop her head out of the machine she were doing some maintenance on, and looked over at Silver. She still had a wrench in her muzzle, since despite her being a unicorn, she still liked getting up close and personal quite often. It made her feel more in tune with the work, and this one were unlikely to set her on fire. The prototype weaponry they had her assist on was another matter, but there, fire had sort of been the point in the first place. As she were pretty inventive in how to make things explode, even if they shouldn't realistically be able to do it, she were at times tasked with helping on sorting something out, they could use in the weaponry. IN that other case, a small rocket. Had a smiley face on and everything, and were small enough to fit like a feather in a hat.

Was just a prototype for a larger version, that's have to be put in a large container, that's then be able to fire off multiples, but it were ready for testing. If the mixture were right, it'd cause a chain explosion, with an acid-based liquid included. If it weren't, it'd probably end up fizzling out, and imploding. Happened a few times with some other things. None of them were really sure how though.

Anyway, to get back on point, she'd float out the wrench, and have it laid out on her workbench, before shaking her head to get some of the dust out of her mane, and then responded to essentially her boss.

"Plein? Uhm... Don't think so? Been a busy day, and the one time I went to have some lunch, I can't recall seeing her. Saw a funny looking plant pony though. That was pretty neat.

Need a hoof to find her? Maybe I should go, and then you can have a nap? You're looking really tired again. It's not good for your health. The doctors say it to me, and I'm pretty sure that counts for you too."

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Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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On 2021-11-02 at 10:25 PM, Kujamih said:

Light would then pause and ponder for a bit, just to shrug off the voice he heard and scanned the hoof prints and continued his search.

The voice simply snorted at being ignored, "Fine then, be that way."

Light would be able to follow the hoofprints around a few bends, then a few more, hadn't he already passed that pipe? And that next crossroad looked familiar, he couldn't have looped back on himself... could he? Yet, as he continued to follow the hoofprints he'd keep passing a rather distinctive looking pipe.



On 2021-11-02 at 10:30 PM, Maud Pie said:

But for what? We are only two."

Red smirked, "It only took six to bring down Discord, and Apollo is nothing compared to Discord. The number is far less important than the quality. The two of us will be more than sufficient."

On 2021-11-02 at 10:30 PM, Maud Pie said:

Like that, she would proceed to where she was before

The local area maps posted every so often in the upper layers only indicated where someone might access the pipeworks, and not the layout of the pipeworks themselves, likely to discourage creatures from trying to use them as a shortcut. The last place she had seen the Minostralium was fairly close to one of the accesses, so that would likely be a safe bet.

There were guards by the access, but she only needed to show them her new card and they stood aside to let her pass by herself. Eventually she'd be standing in front of the wall of pipes that Raze had attacked, it still looked perfectly sound.


@Blitz Boom

Silver shook her head, "No, no, I'm fine, I'll rest in a bit. I'm sure Plein will turn up eventually, she always does, though I would appreciate it if you could keep an eye out for her, make sure she's alright when you see her." She sighed, then looked around to make sure they were alone before leaning in to speak softly, "How would you like to work on a super secret, extra special project?"

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Maud kept what Red had in mind and had shown her card to the guards and proceed onwards. She had told the guards what she was here for and told them to inspect the area where Raze had attacked alongside her, telling them about what had happened. Upon inspecting the wall she would move close to it and run her hoof alongside it to see if there were any secret entrances into the wall or anything of that sort. If not, than it was likely they used some kind of magical spell to get through this wall. Perhaps it had been activated in some manner. Hopefully her investigations would prove fruitful. 

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@Illiad Easle

" impressive.... I was sure Chrysalis's throne(the artifacts imbedded in his body) would absorb and cancel out non changeling magic... not even discord is safe from its power..... and yet here I am stuck in this loop. I believe this is your doing, Voice in my head?" light questioned.

"...sorry for being rude. I was simply just trying to get to know you a little, voice in the wind. at least I know you aren't hostile when disrespected... just mischievous..."

Light paused.

" to answer your question...... well I guess it's my job?"

" does that suffice your question? if not, what else is there you want to ask?"




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@Illiad Easle


“Well, we did kinda become companions because we had to...no, probably not, but there's still some chance we can be friends without the conflict” Windy wasn't sure of her own words, a made-up assumption she made just to hide the truth that without the presence of hostile unnatural enemies, a truce will never be formed between a follower of one of Equestria's greatest enemies and a member of Equestria's protectors and entertainers. It's difficult to accept that kind of results, she even find it inexplicable when Shadow did not decided to go after Luna and end her loyalty with Nightmare Moon. She understood Shadow being a Nightmare Moon sympathizer, but there's still a lot about her that she don't understand.

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@Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom

Shadow would wordlessly wave a wing as Briar, Blitz, and Brittle parted ways, leaving her with Serene who would say goodbye with more energy “See you next time, guys!”

Now, left alone with nothing to do, Shadow was about to separate from the young stallion. On the other hoof, Serene wanted to get to know her, having no interactions with her before they were rescued, “That filly is so energetic, isn't she” he looks at Shadow, expecting a positive answer.


“She spells trouble to me” unfortunately, Shadow's reply was too gloomy and cold, pushing him away from her emotionally. He frowned.

“You should warm up sometimes, Shadow. Getting stuck inside the freezer too long may freeze you internally” he sarcastically told her, eyes bored Into her, “I mean, seriously, get yourself a coffee or something. There's no need to act sleepy”

“Blitz is obviously not well-mannered” she shot at him a reply, “being free-spirited is a strength but overusing it too much may turn into a flaw. It's obvious her and parents either gave her too much independence, died early, or too busy to prioritize her; same goes for her brother, Molotov”

“She came in the Æther 'alone'.Of course she'll run around the place” he tried to defend Blitz, but only added another flame to Shadow.

“And the security in Æther is bad then? Allowing a foal to run around. What if she turns out to be a loyalist” deciding to end the conversation with no conclusion, Shadow turns around and strolls out of the cafeteria, leaving a frustrated Serene to ponder to himself, wondering what's wrong with Shadow lately.

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@Illiad Easle

"Awh, of course I will, silly. She's a fun little bundle, and it's always a treat to see her. Buuuut you're still gonna need to take a reeeest. Don't think you can distra- Wait, secret project? Oooooh. What kind? Is it another carpet bomb?"

She hadn't meant to be diverted with such ease, but then Silver started to speak about a secret project, and well... Blitz were easy to drag along with things like that, and Silver knew it. After all the time she had spend here, the mare would know every trick in the book to make Blitz steered in the right direction. And it worked. Except for the times she got bored, and wandered off to seek adventure. That's what the tacking device were for. Along with the spare, since Blitz had one time, managed to get hold of the tracker, and caused it to malfunction, so they could track her down.

Thankfully she had gotten spotted by someone who knew her down at the reapair shops, and they had distracted her with a project for long enough to be recaptured.

As for why it were important she were recaptured? There were many reasons, but a popular one, amongst those who knew her, were to point at one of several scorch marks around the place, and then let out a deep sigh. That usually explained things, without going into too many details.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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The guards at the entrance denied her request for their assistance, indicating that they were tasked with guarding the doorway, and besides, they were guards, not detectives. While her Omni-card gave her free access anywhere on the project, it did not, apparently, give her control over the guards.

While examining the pipe with her hoof she'd notice something, or rather, notice a lack of something: vibration. This pipe did not have anything running through it, and it wasn't marked as an electrical conduit. Feeling around there were a number of pipes that were suspiciously inert, and the only pipes that weren't appeared to be full of steam or some other gas.

Closer examination would reveal that most, if not all, of these steam pipes were connected, or rather it was one continuous pipe running back and forth on the wall to make it look like a large number of pipes.



The voice chuckled, "Thestralium isn't hard to avoid, when you're prepared for it. I'd advise keeping your distance from Minostralium, I've heard the reaction between the two metals is rather... implosive."

"Still, your job? Last I heard, you and Apollo had something of a falling out. You think finding the Minostralium will gain you his favor? Or do you, like others, have your own motives for it?"

"As to the loop, well... there's no trick. You are actually walking in circles, or rather a slightly curved octagon. I simply helped my agents escape at the perfect moment such that their hoofsteps would complete the loop, then erased the entering steps before you came all the way around. You're free to leave any time if you can find your way out. Otherwise, perhaps it's better if we talked."

"So, what do you intend with the Minostralium?"


@Thunder Light

"Hmm..." Plein nodded at Windy's words, "I guess that means you think she's worth being friends with, even now that you don't have to be. I think so too, which is why I've been spending time with her. She's... different from the others. More like the Trojans than the Equestrians, she saves her respect for those that earn it."

She sighed, looking bored, "You think she'll take much longer to get here?"


(Got nothing for Shadow and Serene just yet, though Plein is waiting for Shadow back at Shadow's room. Serene just needs a destination so he can get caught up in things.)

(Also, glad to see you here again!)


@Blitz Boom

Silver shook her head, "No no... not any explosives, not this time. Did you or your brother ever work with Minostralium? Euclid and Dell are working on something special with it, and I was wondering if you could help them?" She looked about, "You know, why don't I just show you? Even if you don't know, you might have some good ideas for them as you learn."

With that she would lead Blitz out of her workshop, discretely disabling the tracker so that her minders wouldn't be able to follow them, but in such a way that it would appear as though she were still in the workshop. She had told the minders she'd be occupying Blitz for a while, so they shouldn't be looking too closely anyway.

She led her down to the pipeworks where Silver's office as the head engineer was, only she moved past it to another, somewhat hidden room, immaculately clean compared to the pipeworks outside, where Euclid, Dinky, and Dell were all gathered at a workbench hunched over something. On the other tables there were a number of large gems and small piles of Minostralium.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Upon inspecting the pipes further she would move closer to the pipe that wasn't vibrating. While the others she had checked as well she could tell that the others were filled with steam while there were others that were inert. She would move her hooves over the inert ones in various motions. Perhaps to activate some secret doorway or find a way to access inside of the pipes. While accessing these pipes would prove dangerous if she had a way to enter inside of them, she would weigh the risks when and if she was able to actually get access inside of them. 

Maud would do everything she realistically could to examine these pipes such as looking at them from various angles, feeling along for any unusual textures or any other such thing. Even walking forward and pressing herself up against the area of the inert pipes. Perhaps it was a pressure activated door or something of the sort. Her heart was beating fast, as well as her adrenaline was flowing. She enjoyed the sensation of mystery, and was quite pleased with herself at the moment. 

  • Brohoof 1

Maud Pie signature

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@Illiad Easle

".... minostralium?.... I'm actually just here to poke my nose around stuff... I didn't know about that though.... hmm good to know.... and I'm guessing the heist was a success, no?"

Light then went to a corner and finds a place to sit, readying himself for a long talk.

" falling out with Apollo? now where did you here that from?.. I guess the walls do have ears?" Light smirked.

" hehe... but seriously anyone who tries to meet that griffon is either attempting to kill him now or killed by him already. seriously.... what's up with your world?"

" anyway... you can keep what you stole for all I care. I just want to meet and talk to people and learn about the world they leave in. so I can move the plot properly.

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@Illiad Easle

On 2021-11-18 at 7:03 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Silver shook her head, "No no... not any explosives, not this time. Did you or your brother ever work with Minostralium? Euclid and Dell are working on something special with it, and I was wondering if you could help them?" She looked about, "You know, why don't I just show you? Even if you don't know, you might have some good ideas for them as you learn."

"Minostralum... Oooh, I heard that before. Big bro one time, he showed me a mechanical parrot in a cage he had made. He said he had made it back in Center Zero, to try and make me happy with songs when I was really tiny. He said there were a little piece of that in there, that he had snuck out of the prime vault in town, where all the rare stuff were.

I can't remember if it made me any happier then, but I liked the few times he turned it on in the time I do remember. It had a very pretty voice."

It had been over three years, but Blitz still hadn't gotten her memories back, of the time before, and during, Center Zero getting attacked. She were the apparent sole survivor of the ones that had been there during the incident, but still there were nothing.

It wasn't certain if it was a trauma, that made her brain just refuse to bring it up, or if something had actually leeches the memories out of her head though. They might find answers if they tried to scour into her head, with a mixture of hypnosis, and a mind meddler, such as a strong changeling, that'd be able to get deep down there, but if it had been thought of so far, it hadn't been done at least. On one hoof, she'd like to know, but on the other, it might make her sad too, to remember her family, that was all gone now. Except her big brother. She were sure he were still going at it down there, helping out the poor ponies who had to stick in the bad situation.

Someday, she'd come down there again, and she'd tell him of all the things she had seen and done up here. Maybe she'd have a family too when that were, that she could introduce him to? She didn't even have a coltfriend right now though. Lots of work to do. Buuuut she had started to get an eye for a few colts around the place, that she ran into when she snuck off. So far they seemed to ignore her, be worried about her presence, or not think about it too hard. Though it wasn't like she had said anything to any of them, beyond that she liked seeing them. Noone really stuck out to her more than the rest so far though.

On 2021-11-18 at 7:03 AM, Illiad Easle said:

With that she would lead Blitz out of her workshop, discretely disabling the tracker so that her minders wouldn't be able to follow them, but in such a way that it would appear as though she were still in the workshop. She had told the minders she'd be occupying Blitz for a while, so they shouldn't be looking too closely anyway.

She led her down to the pipeworks where Silver's office as the head engineer was, only she moved past it to another, somewhat hidden room, immaculately clean compared to the pipeworks outside, where Euclid, Dinky, and Dell were all gathered at a workbench hunched over something. On the other tables there were a number of large gems and small piles of Minostralium.

Blitz really wish she knew how to turn off the tracker too sometimes, but thankfully, noone had been dumb enough to teach her how to do it herself so far. Best she could do, were to confuse it a bit, but outright mislead it like this, were still a mystery to Blitz. And as were normal, she learned nothing from this either, and just had to shrug it off, and bounce after Silver.

Wouldn't be long before they got to the secret, special place, beyond Silver's lab. A place she had been before, obviously. Hush hush things went here sometimes, and they sometimes made her work on that, and then Pinkie Promise not to tell anyone about it. Which she didn't do either. A Pinkie Promise was sacred. So those things she were sworn in on there, were super secret, and never to be told about.

"Hello! What're you working on?"

She'd raise her voice, and give a grin towards the three in here. Hard workers right now it seemed, but still fun to say something, instead of just ignoring them. Though they may ignore her. It varied who still were under the false assumption that such a tactic worked on her.

"Hehe. So what is this used for then, Silver? Why is it special? *gasp* Is it magic metal?"

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Illiad Easle


Windy's smile slightly widened, pleased by Plein's statement. While Shadow's true intention is unknown, she's still a mare with a good heart. She seems to be a busy mare, however, as she had not arrived yet since being dismissed. Was she trying to be in-duty during her day off? Even though barely knowing about Shadow, Windy knew she is a hard-working mare.

“She might return for minutes by now" she wasn't sure when Shadow would arrive, but the lie was just there to stop Plein from throwing a possible tantrum.

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