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Is Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy related?


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Actually they're the same people, what I mean by that is that they have the same voice actor.

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I don't believe that they are related in any way, first of all, they are not even the same species, earth pony =//= pegasus, though that in itself is not proof enough. We also know about Pinkie's past, about her life on the rockfarm and about her actual family. We also know about Fluttershy's past, about her life in cloudsdale on in flight school. From this alone we can conclude that before Twilight came to Ponyville, they have had very little interaction with each other.


Though, we also know that Pinkie knows about everypony in Ponyville, so I presume they have met each other at some point, since Pinkie seems to greet all new ponies in their village.

They're also two very different types of ponies, and all ponies have some common traits, what the OP alone says they have in common is like saying that Twilight and Fluttershy is related because they both have and episode where they snap completely.


We lack knowledge to conclude that they're related somehow, and currently more proof is against it than for it.


No, they're not related in any way.


Rarity and Vinyl Scratch being related


Why? Because they're both white unicorns?


Then Rarity might as well be related to Fancy Pants or Shining Armor.

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Why? Because they're both white unicorns?


Then Rarity might as well be related to Fancy Pants or Shining Armor.


It was a joke, people have told me before that they think they are related. I don't really get it either.
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I don't think they are related, we would have probably seen Fluttershy at the rock farm in Pinkie's flashback.

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  • 3 years later...

Yes. Since the show sorta states that Pinkie is related to Applejack, we can use the apple coloring scheme. Reasons why, I could say the are sisters, but they could be cousins. Watch the episode where Spike turns into a giant dragon for example. You see a Wonderbolt with Pinkies hair and tail. But, her mane is Yellow and body is gold. Watch Twilight's coronation for ex., the singers have Fluttershy's mane, and Surprise Pie(a wonder bolt)'s coloring. So that would explain why Fluttershy is so bad at flying, like how Twilights family is full unicorns, which makes he magic very strong in the family. My friend pointed out to me how Fluttershy's mane is pinkies body coloring, which is what I got the apple coloring scheme from. ;) And, going even further into the bloodline, how about how Fluttershy saying she was a year older than Pinkie Pie, as in the way big mac is with Applejack (i.e. Equestrian Girls{Same Grade, and B.M. seams smartish.}) So that means they could have a younger sister, but Fluttershy could have fallen out before then. And the reason Fluttershy is a bad flyer, her mom was never home, and her dad was an earth pony. So now your like, how could Pinkie live with her Pie family. She lives with her aunt and uncle, because Earth Ponies can't live in Cloudsdale. PROVE ME WRONG :pinkie:

I don't think they are related, we would have probably seen Fluttershy at the rock farm in Pinkie's flashback.

If Fluttershy was from Cloudsdale, how would that be possible, Pinkie would've had to be lifted down herself.

Edited by Savory Smiles
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I'm just gonna come out and say it- it's stupid to assume X person is related to Y person due to similar personalities, eye, mane/hair, or skin/coat color


There's bilions of people on earth for at least millions of completely unrelated people to have similar pesonalities


Same for Equestria. Ponies can hav matching color palettes or similar personalities, but that doesn't mean that they are related.

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Yes they are related.




They're voiced by the same voice actress.


Other than that, no, they're just friends.

Edited by Blobulle
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Personality has nothing to do with family. Just look at Pinkie and Maud.

It is my headcanon (vaguely supported by the show) that Pinkie and AJ are cousins though.

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