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open Into Limbo: Worlds Collide

Evil Pink One

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@Evil Pink One


Blu would spin when Alpha suddenly appeared behind him, likely striking her with the end of his rifle in the process.

Once she seemed to be in control of herself again he nodded, "And don't you forget it."

He'd motion for her to lead the way back to the tower, on the one hand because he didn't want to let her out of his sight, and on the other because he didn't know the way back to the tower. But he wasn't about to admit to that.



Fuoco's expression softened, slightly. "I consider her escape an inexcusable failure, but the fault is not entirely yours. I should have seen her betrayal coming, been ready for it. I won't be so easily defeated a second time."

Her expression hardened at the commotion. She would move to investigate, "Anyone in this party dies, I'll hold her personally responsible. Keep this group moving, but be safe about it. I've no doubt we're walking into a trap."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 2024-01-25 at 5:15 AM, Illiad Easle said:

@Evil Pink One


Blu would spin when Alpha suddenly appeared behind him, likely striking her with the end of his rifle in the process.

Once she seemed to be in control of herself again he nodded, "And don't you forget it."

He'd motion for her to lead the way back to the tower, on the one hand because he didn't want to let her out of his sight, and on the other because he didn't know the way back to the tower. But he wasn't about to admit to that.



Fuoco's expression softened, slightly. "I consider her escape an inexcusable failure, but the fault is not entirely yours. I should have seen her betrayal coming, been ready for it. I won't be so easily defeated a second time."

Her expression hardened at the commotion. She would move to investigate, "Anyone in this party dies, I'll hold her personally responsible. Keep this group moving, but be safe about it. I've no doubt we're walking into a trap."

@Illiad Easle

 he would end up hitting Alpha on the cheek. Her head would only tilt a little and some blood would trickle off her mouth. But this didn't faze her and easily shrugged it off.

Probably helped her get back into her senses quicker.

" I won't..." she replied with a calmer than she usually speak.

Alpha would lead them both back to the tower, in a hurry. It seems she's worried.

Both of you easily maneuvered through the forest and back the tower, noticing that Alpha also had healed up and regained her strength.

There half of the already worn down tower is in rubble. There Alpha quickly went to and began digging out sum rubble. Perhaps thats where the fight between Shallow and Alpha took place.

Alpha can easily pick up rubble twice his weight, and push off 4x her weight.

Sooner or later she'd find Shallow, asleep and well.

She'd give a sigh of relief.

"Thank Celestia she's alive..."



As Fuoco investigates she sees the one causing the commotion.

A yellow furred, wavey pink maned mare, has blue and red eyes and a scar running down her cheek being noisy and is a bother.

Just by looking at the crowd, one can easily segregate her. And Fuoco could definitely distinguish this mare not part of their group.

Both would gaze upon each other, and seeing her smile shows a villainous intent as you look deeper into her abyss.

" YES MA'AM!" She replied.



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@Evil Pink One


1 hour ago, Evil Pink One said:

She'd give a sigh of relief.

"Thank Celestia she's alive..."

Blu didn't have the physical or raw magical strength to be much use moving rubble, so he stayed out of the way as Alpha worked.

"And Cozy? Or is she dead?"

There wasn't any of Blu's normal accusatory tone in that question, it was simply asking if they needed to search for her too, or if it was time to move on.


If Alpha said that Cozy still needed searching for, then Blu would wait. If instead she said she was dead or had run away Blu would simply nod, "Let's get moving then. You know where we ought to go next?"



The pony's throat node was unlikely to have been developed beyond the magic necessary to participate in the shared song and dance ponies did on occasion, so Fuoco would have no difficulty disabling it with a simple command:


The pony would be instantly silenced, "Keep moving everyone." She would motion for the others to continue, but would keep her focus on the pony.

"Take a step forward, and die."

Fuoco's earlier attacks, her hesitation, were due to her wanting to be accepted by the ponies around her, but that had only gotten her betrayed. These ponies would learn to fear her instead, to respect her as a relentless defender that they ought not offend.

When it came to ponies, the size of the eyes left the brain more exposed than in other creatures. Against a single opponent, her voice would be enough to burn through the eyes directly into the brain. And Fuoco would not hesitate if this pony stepped forward.

Fuoco was done showing mercy, the warmth she once had replaced by a cold blue flame.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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6 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Blu didn't have the physical or raw magical strength to be much use moving rubble, so he stayed out of the way as Alpha worked.

"And Cozy? Or is she dead?"

 This left Alpha a bit confused.

" ...i have no recollection of her when i was going berserk. Im sure i haven't seen her when i went rogue."

She then looked at Shallow then to you.

" wasn't she with Shallow?"

Alpha tried to wake her up gently, but she'd just mumble and enjoy her sleep. 

" theres no way she'd.... Eat her right? Even though she transformed she was able to control it longer than me."

As the dust settled,

On the other side of the tower where the place is still intact and was not destroyed by the battle. A Shine of Light can be seen sparkling out from one of the door's window.

" thats where they were supposed to gather food." Alpha said.



[Madeline pie is one of the numbers. She is seven but she likes to call herself 13.]

[Original(prime) Light is 10 hence he has an X for a cutie mark. They are one of original experiments. Hence not as powerful as white Light but still she's implanted with Chrysalis' crystal which absorbs non changeling magic.

She can 4th wall and use it in a brutal way but your brutality would spark her insanity on liking you. She hates white light, so seeing your white light might make her grin and plot. You can see her lore on one of the links of Fail safe.]


7 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:


The pony would be instantly silenced, "Keep moving everyone." She would motion for the others to continue, but would keep her focus on the pony.

"Take a step forward, and die."

She would just Smile widely.

As Fuoco in any point would turn away and move to follow her people. 

"Caesura?" She said mockingly.

[ a high chance that Fuoco would retaliate or probably be curious to look or flinch. Or probably try to ignore it and see what her next move is.]

She'd end up at your back and whisper in her ear.

" so if i didn't make a step forward you wont kill me then? But it looks like you still will. I know that killing intent... It makes me turned on hihihi...what would an earth pony do to me? Kick me? You gotta learn how to break rocks first." Her grin widens.



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@Evil Pink One


On 2024-01-28 at 1:19 AM, Evil Pink One said:

" thats where they were supposed to gather food." Alpha said.

Blu nodded, pistol at the ready, "I'll go check it out then."

Blu would look for a way in, then call out, "Cozy? You in there?"

He would wait for a response. If none came he would enter gun first, cautiously checking all angles as he searched for any sign of her.

If she did respond, his reaction would depend on what her response was.



Fuoco felt the magic fail, seeing as she hadn't been able to grip the throat node with her command. This gave her pause, as she had not yet met anyone immune to her sort of magic. This one was obviously protected somehow, perhaps the enemy had learned something from her attack on the alicorn before.

Still, this pony seemed to understand, as it remained where it ought to while she watched.

Fuoco waited for the group to gain some distance before turning to follow.

On 2024-01-28 at 1:19 AM, Evil Pink One said:

"Caesura?" She said mockingly.

Fuoco spun, a burning hoof ready to strike,

On 2024-01-28 at 1:19 AM, Evil Pink One said:

She'd end up at your back and whisper in her ear.

She spun again, but figured this enemy was simply toying with her as she extinguished her hoof. "It means be quiet, but I'm not surprised you never learned."

On 2024-01-28 at 1:19 AM, Evil Pink One said:

" so if i didn't make a step forward you wont kill me then? But it looks like you still will. I know that killing intent... It makes me turned on hihihi...what would an earth pony do to me? Kick me? You gotta learn how to break rocks first." Her grin widens.

Fuoco didn't try to face the pony, taking a moment to feel her surroundings as she started to head in the direction the group was traveling. So long as this pony's attention was on her, the group would be safe.

"Kick you? How crude. Your teachers failed you if you think that's all an earth pony can do."

Eyes closed, she could focus enough to feel the sounds around her. It wasn't radar or anything, but it gave her the general direction to travel to follow the group, and would let her keep track of about where this pony was without constantly turning to try and face her.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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15 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

spun again, but figured this enemy was simply toying with her as she extinguished her hoof. "It means be quiet, but I'm not surprised you never

Her second spin would connect, but she does not feel a connect or contact on her Hoof.

" OUUUFFF ..." 

" OOO THE PAIN!" she dramatically shouted. Her acting was flawed, but it seems she's doing it on purpose.

" I haven't even finished what i said yet.... How rude."

[ swapping with someone is impossible at this point as the group has moved quite far, away from their scene. Cannot 4th wall to something that does not exist or is not inside a story panel.]


( Continues)

15 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Fuoco didn't try to face the pony, taking a moment to feel her surroundings as she started to head in the direction the group was traveling. So long as this pony's attention was on her, the group would be safe.

"Kick you? How crude. Your teachers failed you if you think that's all an earth pony can do."

Eyes closed, she could focus enough to feel the sounds around her. It wasn't radar or anything, but it gave her the general direction to travel to follow the group, and would let her keep track of about where this pony was without constantly turning to try and face her.

" ahahhaa they easily kick the bucket? Thats also kicking, you know? On my side that is."

Fuoco increased her senses.

She can sense the group further away from her. But it seems there are three of them heading back to you in a hurry. Two of them are Flying and one was galloping.

Fuoco also sensed a leaf falling down from you.... But there is no tree near enough to even shade you?

As soon as it gets near her it starts to vibrate.



No answer was given

Alpha would insist on him that she'll be infront and guard him. 

" let me be infront of you. I can easily block or dodge  anything waiting for us At that door." ( if not Alpha would still be curious to see what's in there, so she'd be tagging along at his back.)

As the door opens there they see Cozy glow shinning. 

" what in tartarus!?" Alpha shouted out of no where.

Cozy's shine vanishes and revealed to everyone that she has a horn now.

" why dear Celestia why? Why her...." Alpha seemingly lost all will.

"... she's an alicorn... Great."


@Illiad Easle

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@Evil Pink One


Blu didn't know about the significance of this so simply turned back to leave the tower, "Well, she's alive at least. Possibly infected given the sudden transformation. Let's get moving, more of your ponies die the longer we wait."



5 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

" ahahhaa they easily kick the bucket? Thats also kicking, you know? On my side that is."

"Then do so, or are you incapable?"

5 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

Fuoco also sensed a leaf falling down from you

Fuoco's senses weren't nearly that strong, nor were they strong enough to know how many and in what form ponies were coming towards her. She only even hoped to know which was the group was by the rumbling of several dozen hooves in a concentrated area. Her ears were not so well tuned as to detect a single pony walking any further away than beside her, much less a pony flapping.

So she was unaware of the creatures approaching and the leaf falling, nor would she notice it vibrating unless it made a sound, and even then she would assume it was a large bug.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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23 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Eyes closed, she could focus enough to feel the sounds around her. It wasn't radar or anything, but it gave her the general direction to travel to follow the group, and would let her keep track of about where this pony was without constantly turning to try and face her.

[ i meant this effect]{ can this not detect any of those?}( i mean it can aid her where the group is and keep track Madeline?shouldn't she be able to hear it? Sense it in a way? )

2 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Then do so, or are you incapable?"

" why would i do that? That wont be fun now would it?"



2 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Blu didn't know about the significance of this so simply turned back to leave the tower, "Well, she's alive at least. Possibly infected given the sudden transformation. Let's get moving, more of your ponies die the longer we wait."

" w- but! Hey!...." she said while looking at Blu confused.

" don't shrug this off! You've been here long enough to know that Cozy glow turning into an alicorn is a big deal!"

reluctantly Alpha had to check on Cozy glow's body.

" well ... You might be right...." she sighed.

She ended up carrying Cozy Glow and dragging Shallow by the tail as the group tried to travel. It would only take a few seconds for shallow to wake up and cry about how she was handled.

" Damn it!" Shallow yelped as her forehead hit a rock.

" hey you. What happened to her? She wasnt like this when she was with you." Alpha nonchalantly asked Shallow.

" oh that? She began transforming like me and you remember? Although I've gotten used to it and can control that form of mine, while you went berserk and Cozy went to a comma after the purple thing on her neck started to spread." She explained.

" NO i mean why did she become an alicorn!? Tsk! No no ..it would be insane if youd know how one turns into an alicorn in the first place." 

"...HEY why did you carry her and i got dragged by the rail!?"

" shes lighter than you and an alicorn. Don't expect me to carry you...plus i dug you out didnt i?" 

"....! Yeah you did! You but you also killed me back there!!"

" you're not dead!"

"......STILL! "

" HEY! You tore my neck wide open!"

" i ... I had too!"

@Illiad Easle

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@Evil Pink One


14 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

" don't shrug this off! You've been here long enough to know that Cozy glow turning into an alicorn is a big deal!"

Blu shook his head, "No, I haven't. You act like this changes something, it doesn't. Unless her sudden transformation suddenly means we don't need to go warn the others and find where Starlight went, then the only thing that has changed is they she is more of a liability now than before. Not only is she now a bigger target, both literally and figuratively, but she's unconscious."

"Also, in case you've forgotten, I've killed an alicorn before, they're not that special. They didn't save the ponies back in my world, and they didn't save the ponies here."

14 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

" HEY! You tore my neck wide open!"

" i ... I had too!"


He didn't want to waste another bullet on these two bickering, "We're leaving, so get a move on. We can discuss this never, or when we're all safe. Looks like I'm the only one not infected then, so likely best if I kept my distance since this just seems to be spreading."

He turned to Alpha, "You know where we ought to go next? Lead the way."



(Fuoco can tell what direction the large group is, and about where 7 is when 7 is speaking or walking. If 7 stops making noise or gets more than a few lengths away from her then Fuoco won't know where she is. Fuoco won't know about pretty much anyone else unless they get close enough for her to hear them)

14 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

" why would i do that? That wont be fun now would it?"

"Then why bring it up? Sounds like you don't know what you want, or aren't capable of achieving it, otherwise you would have done something by now."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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35 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

Blu shook his head, "No, I haven't. You act like this changes something, it doesn't. Unless her sudden transformation suddenly means we don't need to go warn the others and find where Starlight went, then the only thing that has changed is they she is more of a liability now than before. Not only is she now a bigger target, both literally and figuratively, but she's unconscious."

"Also, in case you've forgotten, I've killed an alicorn before, they're not that special. They didn't save the ponies back in my world, and they didn't save the ponies here."

"....YEAH THAT IS A BIG DEAL, right!" Alpha replied with a hint of confusion and frustration. 

" you better be on our side..." she told the sleeping Cozy.

39 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:


He didn't want to waste another bullet on these two bickering, "We're leaving, so get a move on. We can discuss this never, or when we're all safe. Looks like I'm the only one not infected then, so likely best if I kept my distance since this just seems to be spreading."

He turned to Alpha, "You know where we ought to go next? Lead the way."

Alpha would give a deep breath.

"North... We head north." Alpha would lead the way.

" i think its best you ride on Shallow while i carry Cozy and Fly. This way we can reach the base at nightfall. That is if Shallow can keep up." Alpha said while stretching her body.

" .....hey! You may be fast but that....doesn't mean... Sure im slower than you but you're the exception! You achieved Eris mode ya cheater! And your not supposed to even learn that! You Ma'am are more of an anomaly than i am!"

" pfftt. Just keep up!"( during the said travel[ either by doing what Alpha asked or slowly going there] they'd just end up facing lost Infected wandering about finding their next victim. The nearer they got the fewer they've seen.)

( outcome of getting there at nightfall. Y'all be able ta meet Apple Bloom.)

( by tomorrow probably Fuoco?)




41 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

Then why bring it up? Sounds like you don't know what you want, or aren't capable of achieving it, otherwise you would have done something by now."

As Fuoco said those words, Madeline Pie was already sneaking behind the fallen leaf.

But Fuoco's question distracted her and stopped mid attempt of punching her and questioned.

"..... wait, what are we talking about again?"

( probably at this point Fuoco would hear the back up coming.)

@Illiad Easle

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@Evil Pink One


7 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

"....YEAH THAT IS A BIG DEAL, right!" Alpha replied with a hint of confusion and frustration. 

Blu snorted as he gathered his things for traveling, "I guess we'll see."

He was a bit surprised she didn't comment on his statement: 'They didn't save the ponies back in my world, and they didn't save the ponies here.' But he figured she had other things in mind and had likely missed it given her apparent devotion to this new alicorn.

Blu did not object to riding on Shallow if it meant traveling faster, though he made sure to use his coat, which was a bit worse for wear at this point, to not come into direct contact with her in case the infection tried to spread.



7 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

"..... wait, what are we talking about again?"

Fuoco opened her eyes when she heard others approaching, "You've already forgotten? No wonder you haven't done anything, can't stay focused long enough."

She would stop moving to let the others approach.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

He was a bit surprised she didn't comment on his statement: 'They didn't save the ponies back in my world, and they didn't save the ponies here.' But he figured she had other things in mind and had likely missed it given her apparent devotion to this new alicorn.

[ she'd probably missed it and i think Alpha wouldn't pry much or care about that part. Even for Shallow to have somethingto say about it is quite low. But Cozy might have more interest in it.]

( but when i read that line it really gave me  a pause and thought of things .... Which, curious i can be, should put that on hold and not get side tract. Is blu really human to begin with? Is this not his first Isekai then? Hmmmm)

1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

Blu did not object to riding on Shallow if it meant traveling faster, though he made sure to use his coat, which was a bit worse for wear at this point, to not come into direct contact with her in case the infection tried to spread

Shallow would whimper.

" heyyyyy.... I- I'm not that disgusting am i? I mean im sure the infection only spread through puncture through the skin." Although Shallow does have purple spots on her, it doesnt seem to be bulging or oozing out of her. More like part of her skin changed by pigmentation only.

( btw Alpha and Shallow reverted back to how they were, except thepurple stuff on them spreaded a bit. Or maybe a small part of the mutated a bit, so they can look cool. Like alpha having small airfoils or a more aerodynamic figure than usual. And Shallow is more silky smooth than usual and looks more hydrodynamic and her fins seems to have grown a bit. )


1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

@Evil Pink One


Blu snorted as he gathered his things for traveling, "I guess we'll see."

He was a bit surprised she didn't comment on his statement: 'They didn't save the ponies back in my world, and they didn't save the ponies here.' But he figured she had other things in mind and had likely missed it given her apparent devotion to this new alicorn.

Blu did not object to riding on Shallow if it meant traveling faster, though he made sure to use his coat, which was a bit worse for wear at this point, to not come into direct contact with her in case the infection tried to spread.



Fuoco opened her eyes when she heard others approaching, "You've already forgotten? No wonder you haven't done anything, can't stay focused long enough."

She would stop moving to let the others approach.

She'd stare at you blankly as if her curiosity was lost from you.

".... Hey... Something just came up."

For some unknown reason fear began to creep from inside Fuoco.

She then calmly prepares a hoof punch to her stomach, but it was abnormally slow and has barely any wind up.

 it may be slow but she can see incredible weight on that hoof of the insane pony. Even blocking it might break her bones.

" Here comes a giant HOOF!"

from above can be seen griff and Basher ready to dive bomb her and White dashing behind Fuoco readying his sword.

The Mad Pie's eyes widen furiously as she spotted someone from Fuoco's back.

This momentarily halted her movement. Which is enough for Fuoco to either evade or follow up an attack with them.

@Illiad Easle

Edited by Evil Pink One
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@Evil Pink One


On 2024-02-01 at 12:44 AM, Evil Pink One said:

Is blu really human to begin with?


On 2024-02-01 at 12:44 AM, Evil Pink One said:

Is this not his first Isekai then?

(No, this is his first time leaving his home world. Last time the ponies came to his world.)

On 2024-02-01 at 12:44 AM, Evil Pink One said:

" heyyyyy.... I- I'm not that disgusting am i? I mean im sure the infection only spread through puncture through the skin." Although Shallow does have purple spots on her, it doesnt seem to be bulging or oozing out of her. More like part of her skin changed by pigmentation only.

Blu rolled his eyes, "I'm not taking any risks. I don't want to imagine what could happen were I infected, or lost control."

He would otherwise be quiet for the journey, studying whatever he could from the Kernel to fill the time and prepare for their destination.



On 2024-02-01 at 12:44 AM, Evil Pink One said:

but she can see incredible weight on that hoof

No she couldn't, (What would that even look like? Unless the hoof actually got bigger she would have no way to tell it got more dense.) And besides, at slow enough speeds, even super massive weights would not do damage. It would just push her out of the way, or lift her up in this case since a stomach punch would have to come from below.

Fuoco would not dodge the pony's slow attach so much as she would get out of the way of the oncoming creatures to let them take care of it. She knew she was out of her depth when it came to this enemy, and she was confused as to why she had lasted this long by simply not engaging her. Clearly this pony wanted more than a fight out of her, and Fuoco wasn't going to oblige.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 2024-02-04 at 6:15 AM, Illiad Easle said:

@Evil Pink One



(No, this is his first time leaving his home world. Last time the ponies came to his world.)

Blu rolled his eyes, "I'm not taking any risks. I don't want to imagine what could happen were I infected, or lost control."

He would otherwise be quiet for the journey, studying whatever he could from the Kernel to fill the time and prepare for their destination.



No she couldn't, (What would that even look like? Unless the hoof actually got bigger she would have no way to tell it got more dense.) And besides, at slow enough speeds, even super massive weights would not do damage. It would just push her out of the way, or lift her up in this case since a stomach punch would have to come from below.

Fuoco would not dodge the pony's slow attach so much as she would get out of the way of the oncoming creatures to let them take care of it. She knew she was out of her depth when it came to this enemy, and she was confused as to why she had lasted this long by simply not engaging her. Clearly this pony wanted more than a fight out of her, and Fuoco wasn't going to oblige.

( sry busy going to be active again around feb 20)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2024-02-04 at 6:15 AM, Illiad Easle said:

No she couldn't, (What would that even look like? Unless the hoof actually got bigger she would have no way to tell it got more dense.) And besides, at slow enough speeds, even super massive weights would not do damage. It would just push her out of the way, or lift her up in this case since a stomach punch would have to come from below.

( oh yeah .. what i meant about abnormally slow doesn't mean like its as slow as a snail... Like you know that a heavy weight boxers punch is not as fast as a feather weight does? And one can see through movement for example a truck moves slow but that thing has force in it like the disturbance in the air? For example like the killing intent of one punch man? When he tried to seriously punch  this guy and he sensed death as his small fist became visually as big as a mountain and sh!t got real kinda moment. Then he obliterated the mountain from behind...)

Madeline was easily pummeled to the ground by Griff and Basher while Light hurries to the front of Fuoco.

"Lady Fuoco, are you alright?" A momentary distraction from Light, but a moment she only needs. Out from where she fell she charges towards Light, her fist at the ready. Light would instinctively block her hoof with the flat of his blade and noticed a mistake on his side. Her fist was heavy. He can feel his strength is no match to hers. And a moment was all he needed to see her face was distorted with hatred towards him  which sends chills to his very core.

Contact met and Light was sent flying off to the distance. Breaking tree branches and bouncing off of trees, until he lies unconscious on the mud.

Upon seeing this Basher would dice bomb once again towards Madeline, but before Basher could make contact, madeline switched places with griff. Upon seeing this Basher would try to cancel her attack and would end up colliding with griff, giving a momentary confusion on what just happened?

Griff would remember his training with pinkie pie and so too would Basher.

" Fuoco! Watch out she teleports!" Griff shouted.

The two would put their backs on one another and begins to defend each other. While Madeline who switched places with Griff is falling from the air.

She seems amused at the position the two made, but as soon as she lands she began to move to the direction where she punched Light to. And it seems she is after the sword.



As they dash towards north,it would take about nightfall before they could reach they're destination but they're afternoon would be eventful. it seems Alpha has noticed someone who is running towards their destination as well.

" Blu, it appears to be that someone as fast as us is heading the same destination. in about a minute or so we'll be merging to it's path."

Alpha would stare and keep guard where the supposed target is.

@Illiad Easle

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@Evil Pink One


11 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

" Blu, it appears to be that someone as fast as us is heading the same destination. in about a minute or so we'll be merging to it's path."

Blu nodded, readying his pistol since he couldn't properly brace the rifle while riding on Shallow's back.



11 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

"Lady Fuoco, are you alright?"

Fuoco simply nodded, and took that opportunity to try and get away. She wasn't going to be of much use in this fight, she'd only get in the way by sticking around, and with most of the convoy's defenders here she'd be of more use defending the convoy rather than trying to deal with what was obviously a distraction for an ambush.

She wouldn't pay the rest of the fight much mind as she ran full tilt towards the convoy, which was hopefully still moving.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle


3 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Blu nodded, readying his pistol since he couldn't properly brace the rifle while riding on Shallow's back.

As they made contact with the unknown both stopped on their tracks and checked each other out.

It was Apple Bloom  the blindfolded earth pony you once met on the school of friendship.

" Are you friend or foe! Speak!" The Blind mare shouted.



3 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

wouldn't pay the rest of the fight much mind as she ran full tilt towards the convoy, which was hopefully still moving.

She was able to reach her destination and they weren't that far away from the battle. They seems to be moving in a slow pace heading north, probably waiting for your group to return.

If she heads further at the front, she'll meet Gruit Ale leading the way.

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@Evil Pink One


On 2024-02-20 at 3:14 PM, Evil Pink One said:

" Are you friend or foe! Speak!" The Blind mare shouted.

Blu snorted, "You first, but even if you are who I think you are it's hard to tell if you've been infected. They didn't exactly give me any signs or countersigns when I joined up."

He turned to Alpha, "You'd know her better than I would, is she who I think she is?"



On 2024-02-20 at 3:14 PM, Evil Pink One said:

If she heads further at the front, she'll meet Gruit Ale leading the way.

She would keep moving to the front, "They're more than capable of catching up, lets keep moving with all due pace. We don't want to be caught in an ambush. I'll admit I don't know where we're going, or how far of a journey we have. How far do we have still to go?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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55 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

Blu snorted, "You first, but even if you are who I think you are it's hard to tell if you've been infected. They didn't exactly give me any signs or countersigns when I joined up."

"!?" Apple bloom was taken aback as she did not expect the young heroes voice.

" Blu?"

57 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

He turned to Alpha, "You'd know her better than I would, is she who I think she is?

"It's definitely her." She replied with a hint of joy on her voice, but would try to hide it.

"I mean... Ahm with a mare like her, she'd be the last earth pony to get infected. Or get married." She haughtily added.

"Scootaloo." Apple bloom replied with disappointment.

" Your wings aint the only thing that got big i recken." She replied.

Their banter seems to be a weird way of greeting, one usually see in old good friends. but in this situation, it's confusing if it really was just a friendly banter to each other or they meant what they said to each other. Was it a friendly jest or a challenge? No body knows.

" anyway the communications we had wasn't that much clear to me, and im havin a hard time believen it. I mean, I'd believe it if it was you though, but Sweetie bell? Please..."

Alpha would stay silent on that, but her expression changed to anger.

" stayin silent so i wont be able to know where ya at?" Weirdly enough these supposed two friends doesn't look like good friends at all, as one keeps on egging each other.

Although she'd scoff at what she'd say.

" please... Whatever you'd hear from me, would be too late for you."

It seems nothing's gonna happen if these two keeps on talking and Shark is more confused at the situation as it is, while Cozy glow would stay silent so that Apple Bloom wouldn't know she's there.



1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

@Evil Pink One


Blu snorted, "You first, but even if you are who I think you are it's hard to tell if you've been infected. They didn't exactly give me any signs or countersigns when I joined up."

He turned to Alpha, "You'd know her better than I would, is she who I think she is?"



She would keep moving to the front, "They're more than capable of catching up, lets keep moving with all due pace. We don't want to be caught in an ambush. I'll admit I don't know where we're going, or how far of a journey we have. How far do we have still to go?"

" with the usual phase? Half a day... Probably sun down where theres a clearing we can camp and another day to reach Crystal Empire." Grout ale replied with worry.

(Possible outcome)

If they follow through. They'd reach the clearing without trouble, although the ones she left behind would not follow.

Gruit Ale would be at the back of the camp waitin band guarding with Kuya and some guards incase something comes up, while the rest would sleep.

" what of our friends we left behind... Did we made the right choice?" Gruite ale mumbled to himself, although Kuya heard him, he pays no mind and continue his guard.

@Illiad Easle

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@Evil Pink One


On 2024-02-24 at 8:55 PM, Evil Pink One said:

" please... Whatever you'd hear from me, would be too late for you."

It seems nothing's gonna happen if these two keeps on talking and Shark is more confused at the situation as it is, while Cozy glow would stay silent so that Apple Bloom wouldn't know she's there.

Blu scoffed, "No wonder it all fell apart so fast. If you two are supposed to be among the best and you can't put your past behind you to get the mission done."

He turned towards Apple Bloom, "Even if our intel is false, it's better to err on the side of caution than ignore it. Whether she was infected, replaced, or coerced is irrelevant. Her potentially being compromised means we have to be cautious."

He turned towards Alpha, "Let's keep moving, we aren't accomplishing anything standing around here."



On 2024-02-24 at 8:55 PM, Evil Pink One said:

" what of our friends we left behind... Did we made the right choice?" Gruite ale mumbled to himself, although Kuya heard him, he pays no mind and continue his guard.

Fuoco also kept watch, "If they fell they fell defending the group, and we'll honor them when it is safe to. If they survived then we'll see them again. We can't afford to dwell on the possibilities, we have to focus on the now and what comes next." She looked to Gruite as he seemed to be leading more than Diamond seemed inclined to, "So, we get to this haven, what comes next? Do we know that our destination is secure? Or should we prepare to find it besieged and need an alternate route? Should we send scouts ahead to ensure the route is clear?"

If he seemed non-committal then Fuoco would take charge, "Send scouts ahead, see what lies in wait for us. If we're heading into a trap or towards ruins I'd rather adjust our course sooner. We can't afford the hit to morale of having the group see their hopes were in vain." 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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22 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

Blu scoffed, "No wonder it all fell apart so fast. If you two are supposed to be among the best and you can't put your past behind you to get the mission done."

He turned towards Apple Bloom, "Even if our intel is false, it's better to err on the side of caution than ignore it. Whether she was infected, replaced, or coerced is irrelevant. Her potentially being compromised means we have to be cautious."

He turned towards Alpha, "Let's keep moving, we aren't accomplishing anything standing around here."

"Hehe ya hear that scootaloo?" She scoffed.

" oh im already retired due to me goin blind... Thanks to somepony. So all the blames on you ALPHA, maybe i should take that title back, since even me goin blind might do a better job. You may have grown your wings, but it seems its all just fer show huh."

"And dont think i don't sense you traitor."

It seems that she has already noticed Cozy Glow.

"... You good with her now?" She asked Alpha.

"The world has truly gone mad."


Even though Blu has asked to part ways with Apple bloom,  Scootaloo could not help but listen  to her. She wanted to say something back. But would hold it for now as she does not want to part ways with Blu and the others.

Shallow on the other hand would follow your que and try to leave as soon as possible as she hated how the atmosphere between the two become bitter.

And especially Cozy Glow. Her life depends on Blu. Left without him, she would be surely killed by the two.

Weirdly enough, Apple Bloom would follow your group from behind.

" ummm should we speed up?" Shallow asked.



Gruite ale sighs heavily but Fuoco's words ring true.

" after the haeven, i suppose we head to the Crystal Empire. And as you suggest. We send scouts there first. A body of two should suffice?" Gruit suggested.

Diamond Tiara would interrupt as she stepped forward to your plans.

" So we really have to leave them?" She asked them both.

" i too am troubled from this." Kuya gave his two cents of the matter.

Mean while Misty can be seen from afar trying to reach the group. It seems she'll be late and be left from the topic at hand.




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@Evil Pink One


1 hour ago, Evil Pink One said:

"And dont think i don't sense you traitor."

"Hold up." Blu spoke up, "How do you know that? I didn't mention Cozy at any point in my report, on what grounds are you calling her a traitor? Also, now that I think about it, you're acting quite suspicious, not at all like you did when we contacted you. And not at all like I remember you."

He trained his pistol on her, "I think you better get explaining, and fast. No sudden moves."



1 hour ago, Evil Pink One said:

And as you suggest. We send scouts there first. A body of two should suffice?"

Fuoco nods at that, "That should be enough. if we can spare two who can fly even better since they'll be able to travel faster and see more."

1 hour ago, Evil Pink One said:

Diamond Tiara would interrupt as she stepped forward to your plans.

" So we really have to leave them?" She asked them both.

" i too am troubled from this." Kuya gave his two cents of the matter.

Fuoco's expression was cold in that it lacked feeling, not in a hostile way, as she answered, "If we wait, we risk the enemy that defeated them catching up to us, and if it defeated them we have no chance. If we move then we escape. If they survived they'll be able to catch up, or survive on their own until the rest of the group is safe. I'm not willing to risk the safety of everyone here for them. We get these ponies to safety first, then if they have not returned to us we can search for them once it is safe to do so."

2 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

Mean while Misty can be seen from afar trying to reach the group. It seems she'll be late and be left from the topic at hand.

Given the group wasn't presently moving, Misty would be able to reach them.

(As I am under the impression that they have stopped for the night. Even if they are still traveling, them being at the back means that Misty will catch up to them. She wasn't in the group that Fuoco left behind was she?)

(If she was, then Fuoco would wait for her.)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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2 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Hold up." Blu spoke up, "How do you know that? I didn't mention Cozy at any point in my report, on what grounds are you calling her a traitor? Also, now that I think about it, you're acting quite suspicious, not at all like you did when we contacted you. And not at all like I remember you."

He trained his pistol on her, "I think you better get explaining, and fast. No sudden moves."

"!?" Alpha was alarmed. She readies her knife and put on a defensive stand.

" Apple bloom is blind and focuses on her other senses to get by. But her senses arent that strong." She sweats as she prepares for a fight, a rare sight to behold.

" i have troubles fighting the real Applebloom before. hopefully this ones a fake." She adds.

"Well then wayward sister, you're gonna have a harder time if you cross me now."

She removes the bandage from her eyes.

A dark void surrounds the edges of her eyes as if it was tampered by magic, as dark mists comes out of it.

" i happen ta meet one of my cuzin who was willing to give me an eye... I guess blood is thicker than water."

" you fool! You know better than to make a deal with an ODT!" Alpha shouted, but would soon be shocked at the mistakes of her words as she look at Blu.

" no, no! I didn't mean it that way!" She adds.

"Hypocrite!" Apple bloom pointed at Alpha's wings.

"You we're able to get your wings in exchange for my eyes and Sweetie bells back! And i was happy for you back then! I was willing to give up those for you! But what did i get back in return!? Betrayal! The both of you suit each other...."

" Blu... Pick a side! Surely you know by now how bad of a pony the lot of them are!"

" Thats not what it's like! Apple bloom!" Alpha exclaimed.

" Words are cheap!" She begins to stomp the ground which caused a bit of a quake and deformed the ground a bit.

It seems she has soften the ground at which point it is easier to manipulate the ground from bellow.

Cozy Glow and Shallow was shocked at the events that perspire and is ready to pounce out of there.

" The ground is not our friend! Avoid the ground as much as possible!"

"Please, let's talk..." she cried.

"You know... I can tell if a person's lying... But now that i have this eye's and the heart ache i have these past years... I couldn't tell no more... I have become numb." She stares down Alpha.



2 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

As I am under the impression that they have stopped for the night. Even if they are still traveling, them being at the back means that Misty will catch up to them. She wasn't in the group that Fuoco left behind was she?)

(If she was, then Fuoco would wait for her.)

( oh she was unaware at where you guys were so she was late at the conversation. She has no idea whats going on as she was busy probably healing or talking to someone. Hence her far away from where the group is talking and is just about to join you.)( note the group is already resting for the night.)

Gruit would interrupt and add

"Then its settled. All who are able bodied should rest. The weak shall stay awake for the night and the strong should continue for the morning. We will wake you up if trouble is a foot."

Meanwhile Misty was able to reach them.

" any sine of them yet?" She asked.

" Nope!" Kuya replied.

" but WE need to take a rest, sleep for the night. We are needed in the morning."

Kuya was first to leave and rested somewhere in the crowd.

Gruit would request Tiara to rest as well.

" i believe we'll need you in the morning. Same to you too." Gruit specifically pointed this out to Fuoco.

" what's going on?" The confused misty asked.

Tiara would guide Misty. " I'll explain on the way."

" oh... Okay."

Misty had a sad face on her as she followed Tiara.

"You coming Fuoco?"

She invited her.


Stay for a bit with Gruit, or join Tiara and Misty?

@Illiad Easle

Edited by Evil Pink One
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@Evil Pink One


11 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

" Blu... Pick a side! Surely you know by now how bad of a pony the lot of them are!"

Blu didn't hesitate to fire on Apple Bloom. And at this range she didn't have much chance of dodging. Especially considering that, as an earth pony, her center of mass was far less mobile than Alpha's.

And he had hit Alpha before.

He wouldn't just fire once though, he had a full magazine to drop on what was obviously an imposter. She hadn't even tried to defend herself.

As he was still on Shallow's back he hoped that she had the sense to move if this fake Apple Bloom went on the offensive to give him a chance to reload if somehow she wasn't put down by twelve bullets at close range.



11 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

Misty had a sad face on her as she followed Tiara.

"You coming Fuoco?"

She invited her.

Fuoco nodded and followed along. It wasn't ideal as she didn't trust anyone present to keep her safe, but she couldn't keep herself safe if she were too tired to play effectively. She'd encourage them to find a place near the center of the group to rest, maximizing the chance that they'd be woken up before an attack reached them.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle


Blu Would notice that before he could pull the trigger, Apple bloom began to predictively dodge.

Even though with Apple bloom's skills she could not completely dodge the bullets.

She would roll out dodge into the trees and rocks.

The first bullet took her by surprise and hit her. While the rest would graze her and hit less valuable spots.

Black blood would drip out of her. Not purple.

" di nt expect that you'd side with em hero. I guess yer more blind than me." She said while wiping the blood out of her mouth.

She looks at it.

"I dont recall blood lookin like this... Heh."

Alpha was shocked.

She looks at Blu in confusion. She'd expected that whatever they've gone through he would surely have shot her down.

She'd nod to blu as thanks. 

"Blu... I made the mistake of blindly following the cause and aimed to kill you. I don't want to do the same mistake anymore."

She'd begin to yell towards Apple bloom.


( Copy pasted, but some parts are edited.)

Thats not what it's like! Apple bloom! Please listen to me... Sister..." 

" .... Don't.....dont you dare call me that!" She begins to stomp the ground which caused a bit of a quake and deformed the ground a bit.

It seems she has soften the ground at which point it is easier to manipulate the ground from bellow.

Cozy Glow and Shallow was shocked at the events that perspire and is ready to pounce out of there.

" The ground is not our friend! Avoid the ground as much as possible!"

"Please, let's talk..." she cried.

"You know... I can tell if a person's lying... But now that i have this eye's and the heart ache i have these past years... I couldn't tell no more... I have become numb." She stare blankly to the sky.

" over clock "

Her eyes begins to drip black blood and the mist surrounding her eyes intensifies.

(She could see the future for a few seconds ahead, but that doesnt mean she can out run the bullets, as proven the many holes she have on her body.)

She began to raise the ground infront of her and began bucking the ground towards the group, causing shrapnel of rocks and dust to assault them.

Shark would bounce away from it and climb the trees.

"Bro you okay? You, suddenly shooting her took me by surprise!..... Why'd you shoot her though?"

Cozy, was on Shallow's tail holding for her dear life.

"Blu, if you're confident on beating Alpha, well. Thats Apple Bloom! NOT Scootaloo!" 

" Cozy! Leave for now if you aren't going to help."

She then looked at Shallow.

" whats done is done. And Blu.... If its not much to ask... Can we... Save her?"

She readies her blade and charges toward Apple bloom.

Alpha would position herself where Blu can have a clear shot.

But Apple Bloom sees through this tactics and would hide from the dust ,rocks and trees.

" why can't she sonic rainboom her already and be done with it?" Shallow asked in frustration.

" I've seen them fight before... She didn't do that back then... I think its because of the dust."

Apple bloom begins to dance, but with it the earth begins to shake and crumble busts and loose rocks begins to rise.

While on Alpha's side, she dances for her life, and Sings for forgiveness.



They agreed to Fuoco's plan.

Tiara would explain the situation, and would soon reach the center.

Misty would scoot near you and begin to ask.

" Since we've met, i got curious about they way you use magic. One specific creature cought my attention about it. The sirens.

They use their songs for magic to control their victims or absorb them. But i dont want that, but i further studied that some sirens would assist their own kind by absorbing specific energy that causes stress from the body or calming one to put to sleep. Applying that to what i see on how you do your magic. I'd like to try and help everyone here, like what you do."

" I'll try to sing a spell that can calm others and put to a relaxing sleep. Mix it up with my healing magic, and maybe i can do a wide range healing through song. I'd love to help the others to sleep well and heal them all together. You wouldn't mind seeing my performance that is?"

(Adjustable depending on Fuoco's actions.)

She would begin to sing. 

At first her hum has nervousness and she would choke a bit. But in the middle of her performance she'd get it right. Her song is more of a lullaby. More on humming than lyrical.

A sweet lulling voice that can put children to sleep. With the added magic and supposed guidance of Fuoco. She may have or have not pulled of an area of effect healing magic and gave everyone a nice sleep. Of course not affecting the ones who are on guard.


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