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open Into Limbo: Worlds Collide

Evil Pink One

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Equestria’s silence was broken as every S.M.I.L.E. agent’s devices would make an alarm.

From Manehattan to Las Pegasus, and Klugetown to Crystal Empire. Every agent would receive their mission. 

 To apprehend every Other Dimensional Trespassers or ODT (oddity) for short. May they be alive or none living, they will be contained and delivered to the Galloping Gorge Headquarters.

This mission is top priority.

Equestria is in threat level 10.

As soon as the agents received their mission , they immediately took action and prepare to defend Equestria.

At first the ODT that appeared in the first day where some materials that they have never have seen before, like rock materials that float or cloth that weighs a ton. A magical hammer that no one could carry and fruits with a weird design. 

Nevertheless the mission for them where to contain the ODT and be transported to Galloping Gorge Headquarters.

The agents were able to accomplish their mission even with the unmovable objects.

But the following days, the ODT became more ridiculous and unheard off.

Unworldly creatures starts to appear and ponies from the past starts to show up.

The mission became more dangerous and teams are made to properly accomplish the quest.


Present day.....

Meanwhile, in Ponyville. Agent Sweetie Drops is preparing to travel with Agent Lyra Heartstrings to Canterlot, to meet Princess Twilight.

“ FINALLY! Twilight acknowledged our letter for a meeting. For somepony who’s a close friend of yours, she sure took her time meeting us.” Sweetie Drops a.k.a. bonbon grumbled.

“Don’t be like that sweetie, Twilight is just busy is all. What’s important is we can finally meet her and finish our mission.” Lyra Heartstrings lovingly said to her partner.

“Fine… But she better not hold us when we get there… Anyway, are you done with your things Lyra? Our train is about to leave in about an hour.”

“ I’m Done shall we head to the train station?”


As Lyra and bonbon head to the train station. A tear appeared out of no where and spat out a pony.

“ Lyra! Prepare the equipment for extraction and containment!” bonbon said while posing into a battle stance.

“auuuu but it’s just a pony. I don’t think it’ll hurt us? We should help instead.” Lyra replied.

“ Are you nuts, Lyra!? You don’t know what that thing really is!” Bonbon angrily retort.

“pshhh silly pony!” she replied back. 

She then turned her attention to the pony who just dropped from the tear.

“ Hello there friend? Do you need any help?” 

@Illiad Easle

Edited by Kujamih
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Meanwhile, while the two agents were arguing on what to do with the ODT In front of them, another event is happening within Ponyville Library, where the Golden Oak Library once stood.
Underneath the new Library, seems to have an abandoned research laboratory.
Suddenly a gust of wind and sparks disturbed the quiet, old, dusty, laboratory. Soon after a portal appeared out of nowhere. And from the other side, a unicorn appeared and exited the portal and entered the abandoned laboratory…

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@Kujamih @Illiad Easle

Twilight enters the abandoned laboratory and finds that the portal behind her was closing. Her options to leave now were gone once the portal had officially closed. Looking around the place she was quiet, already convinced that the place she ended up in was abandoned. Either way, it was a one way trip that she was prepared to take. In the world she came from there was a massive drought that had lasted at least a year for unknown reasons - so she wanted to escape that. Now that she was here, she looks around in the laboratory for anything of note. What will she find?

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the place was quite dim. The only thing lighting the place up, was the seams through a door leading upstairs. 

Further exploration of the place would only find what you usually see in an abandoned laboratory. Beakers, Tubes, some small to medium sized machineries and an unusually large amount of books stacked together, all collecting dusts.

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Twilight looks to the books and walks up to them. She grabs them in her magic and wipes the dust off with a magic spell to revert them to their original clean state. Perhaps the books may provide a clue to where she ended up at.

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Blu Baseplate.

That was the code name he had been given, he had been chosen to deliver the Kernel Project, the life's work of all three of his missing, presumed deceased, parents, to be combined with other inventions for some grand purpose.

That, at least, had been the plan. Blu had contributed no small amount of effort to the Kernel himself, and despite agreeing with his father's goals, he did not agree with his methods, and had been planning to take the Kernel to another destination. However, en-route to the rendezvous point he had been ambushed, pushed through some sort of hole, to find himself in a strange and colorful world.

He went to rub his head, discovering that his hands were now hooves, just like the unicorn he had worked close to for some time. Still, it was quite a shock, followed by the shock of a rather aggressive looking earth pony paired with a calmer unicorn, "Wha- What did you do to me?" He was relieved to see that he still had the Kernel with him, as well as his jacket, the latter seemingly having been morphed to fit his new frame by whatever force had morphed him. Inwardly he knew that the radio was useless, but it still gave him some comfort to whisper-shout into it, "I've been compromised! The Kernel is unsecured! I need backup!"

He knew no backup was coming, and he had little hope of defending himself in this form, he could barely stand up much less run away like this. Nor could he hope to operate the gun he had hidden inside his jacket. He had no fingers to pull the trigger.

Still, he did his best to back away from the approaching mares, "S-Stay back! Or I- I'll..."

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

The unicorn tries to be friendly with the ODT that seems to be panicking.

"No no no no me friend, me help you." Lyra spoke to the ODT like it was a toddler having difficulty to understand languages.

But Bonbon was a bit on edge as she did not like this ODT's way of moving.

" Lyra! stay away from that ODT now! I don't like the way he moves!" Bonbon worriedly yelled toward Lyra.

" Oh please... Why are you always so up tight with strangers?" Lyra then put her attention towards the ODT.

" Look at him? He's like a wi'L(little) foal learning to walk." Lyra seemed to notice that this ODT wobbles as it tries to stand up with it's back hooves.

" Uuuhhhh it's trying to stand Bonbon! I like him already! Don't be scared. My name is Lyra heart strings! And that grumpy old earth pony over there is Sweetie Drops. We are good ponies, we  will take good care of you." Lyra lovingly said towards the ODT Blu Baseplate.

" Why did you give out my real name!? You ODT! You are to call me by my alias Bonbon, and not with my real name understood!? And don't make any sudden movements if you don't want any trouble, ODT!" The grumpy earth pony angrily demanded towards the ODT.



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Blu's eyes darted between the pair as they spoke to each other and him, but he didn't respond. Frankly, he was insulted that they talked down him like he... was... He spared a glance down at his body, and true enough, he was a decent bit shorter than the mares. Not only had he been turned into a pony, he'd been turned into a young pony. Still, they didn't seem to be immediately hostile, he tried to remember what Dancer had taught him about how magic worked, having noticed that he had a horn protruding from his head soon after noticing his hooves.

He'd continue backing up as they approached , trying inwardly to feel the magic flowing within and around him, and nearly managed to grasp it before he backed right off the end of the platform, landing square on his back with the heavy case containing the Kernel hitting him on the head and knocking him out cold.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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   @Illiad Easle @Starforce

" Uu! Watch ou- Ouch..." Lyra tried to warn the overly cautious pony but was too late. "Are you okay?" She asked the fainted unicorn.

"Well that's easy... It's time to ship it to Galloping Gorge Headquarters and let them help it I guess?"  Bonbon said, while acting coy.

Lyra pouted at Bonbon's remarks, which seems to be her greatest weakness, as it seems to be working quite well against her.

"W-why are you looking at me like that?" She gulped as she tried to avoid Lyra's eyes. But she would soon cave in none the less.

" FINE! But you better explain everything to the Chief about this..." Bonbon then remembers their train ride to Canterlot, which was about to leave in about 10 minutes.

" Lyra what about the princess? We can't just ditch our mission just for that ODT. Even if we don't weigh in the mission, we shouldn't be forgetting our meeting with the princess." 

At that point, Lyra is already tending the fainted pony. But she seems to have stopped and looked up at the sky and pointed, "looks like we don't need to go to Canterlot anymore... The princess herself made a visit here in Ponyville."

Bon bon followed Lyra's hoof in disbelief, which in the end was proven true.

" What? Why? Did we make an error in our letter or something?" Bonbon pondered.

" Well Sweetie, you better go and talk to Twilight while I put this young colt to bed." Lyra suggested towards Bonbon.

" Me?" She then analyzed the situation and would prefer to talk to the princess than carry the ODT to their home.

" Fine, that thing better not touch my stuff. And for Celestia's sake please have something to protect yourself from it." She then kissed Lyra good-bye as she traveled towards where the princess has landed, at the new Ponyville Library.

"Don't worry about me sweetie, I can handle things on my own here." She would then carry The fainted unicorn and it's belongings to her house.




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8 hours ago, Twilight Sparkle said:


Twilight looks to the books and walks up to them. She grabs them in her magic and wipes the dust off with a magic spell to revert them to their original clean state. Perhaps the books may provide a clue to where she ended up at.

The books she picked up and cleaned where mostly random knowledge, from cook books to history, from how to, to autobiographies.

One thing she would notice, is that even at a dusty state, the books seems well kept and undamaged. Unlike the world she leaved in, where books have little to no value and survival of the fittest rules all.

As she continues to analyze the books inside the dim lit Laboratory, she would notice that a commotion is starting to happen above her. At first she would've mistaken that she was alone in the whole building for being silent, but now that a commotion is happening right above her, it would be quite hard to not notice it, that she wasn't alone. She would be distracted by loud murmurs from above and plenty of movements, as dusts seems to fall from the seams of the floor from above. Truly a commotion.

Even though it were murmurs, she seems to understand the language as well.

The dusty laboratory would start to become unbearable, as the dust starts to fall from above and make the place more cloudy and hard to see and breath. The books she have just cleaned already have gathered dust once more, showing how the place is more dusty as it would have seem.

And the only thing that could guide her was the Light coming out from the seam of the door, that largely illuminated the dim place.

If she would attempt to open the door. It would be slightly hard to open, as it seems to be blocked by a table. A little bit more effort  can push the table away. But forcing it open could cause the table and anything on it to fall and cause a larger commotion on that room, which already was.

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@Kujamih @Illiad Easle

Twilight realized rather quickly that she wasn't alone here. Looking over the books quickly she would ignore the cookbooks and focus on the history books. It was likely that for a time, she could stay here and go undetected since she made no sound when she had entered into this place from the portal. Twilight would open multiple history books at once with her magic and begin flipping through them all to find some clues about this world.

First off, there was a lot of conflicts in the past she did not recognize such as the early trials of Equestria. In her Equestria, those conflicts didn't happen in the same manner as this one. The Unicorns and the Pegasi were the first to form a united Equestria, while it took the Earth Ponies nearly a century later to join the unified Equestria. These books also described creatures called 'windigoes', which she didn't recognize either. Since the founding of Equestria, she would read on in a rather brisk context and realize that there was an 'elements' of harmony, something else that didn't exist in her world. 

Looking further, she would realize the banishment of Nightmare Moon to the Moon by Celestia with the elements of harmony. Nightmare Moon never existed in her world, and it was Celestia who turned into Coronal Flare and got banished to the sun. Instead of that being 1000 years ago, it was 10 years ago, so it was much more of a recent memory. That gets into why her world was experiencing the drought. Queen Luna couldn't stop her older sister from effecting the Sun, even when she was banished to it. As a last ditch effort from Coronal Flare's part, she moved the sun a bit closer to the planet - this lengthened the summer seasons by an extra month and resulted in less rain. Since those 10 years, Equestria had experienced an economic collapse as the farmlands slowly dried up.

Upon seeing the mentions of the mane 6 in the books her heart would stop upon seeing her alternate self being Celestia's protege. She couldn't bear to imagine being the student of Celestia! Let alone Coronal Flare, the mare of the sun! But unfortunately, it was getting too dusty in here. She'd close the history books and stuff them into her saddlebags and look to the door that lay ahead. 

With her magic she would push the door open slowly instead of forcing it open all at once. The table blocking it would skid on the floor slowly instead of falling over, allowing her to slip through the door without causing too much of a ruckus. Time for figure out what was going on, she thought.

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Blu would come to, mostly, when he was picked up by Lyra, but wouldn't put up much resistance to being moved. He figured it was better to let them think he was at their mercy, that he was harmless, while he got a better grasp on where he was and what had happened to him. The fact that he was groggy from the experience lent a strong credence to his act. He would wait to see where he would be taken.

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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The mare was able to quietly open the door without any pony noticing.

Who would? As it was, every pony seemed to be busy, crowding at the entrance of the building, as if a celebrity has showed up. As her eyes started to adjust from the sudden brightness of the room she just entered. She'd notice that this place was a Library.

A noisy one.

It seems she can easily blend in with the rest of the crowd, as long as she isn't wearing anything that would distinct that she isn't from around here, and slowly make her way to the exit. Or she could easily exit through the window. It might be eye catchy but it seems that this act will still go unnoticed, because of the commotion still happening outside.

Teleporting can be an option. But in doing so might put her in danger and cause more trouble than it's worth.

She could stay and just read there, if she doesn't mind the noise that is.


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Twilight looked about the place in silent shock at all the various ponies she was seeing in the library. Already seeing the way everything was oriented and constructed it was clear that this library wasn't her own. It felt a lot larger, for whatever reason. She couldn't put a word to it but it felt so strange to see it all in this manner. For around a minute or so she basically strode around, mentally processing everything she was seeing. Was quite a lot to take in. She knew that she would be undertaking something that likely very few have done before, so that's something she also had to consider. 

It wasn't time to read now, because there was simply too much going on in order for her to really focus on it all properly. Seeing as everyone was distracted she located a window that was close enough to the ground and peeked outside, making sure that nobody would see if she slipped out. Provided if nobody was looking at the window of that time, she'd quickly open the window and sneak out of the library to get a good look at what was going on outside. 

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@Illiad Easle

She would put the ODT at her back and lift his belongings with her magic. " Stay right there and enjoy the ride, my house ain't that far from here." She would continue to make small talk to the groggy unicorn until they reached her home. She would point out land marks and tell him a brief summary of the buildings she pointed out, like where this road leads to a farm, the hospital, a school, the town hall, a bakery and a castle. As they pass by houses the groggy unicorn may notice that the buildings designs seems quite... Old school and unique. Like some houses are still made from wood or cement, while others are literally made from a tree.

As they reached Lyra's home, she would introduce it quite proudly.

" Welcome to my home sweet home. You may treat it as your own." She would then enter her home and be introduced to a colorful and quirky arrays of furnitures and equipment fit for ponies.

she would then place Blu Baseplates belongings beside the stairs and go straight up the stairs, to a room, where there is a large window, a small table with a lamp shade on top that's beside a bed and a closet. 

"You can rest up here while I cook you something good to cheer your body up okay." Lyra charmingly assured the cautious unicorn as she left the room.

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The unicorn would be awed by the beautiful, lush, colorful world she has set upon.

The sky is clear blue. The breeze, inviting to the touch. The soft grassy ground lovingly massages her hooves. The sun's rays warmly embraces her skin. All quite opposite to the world she left.

As she marvels this new world. She would accidentally collide at some pony.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry." The pony you collided with said.

You would look to the pony and notice she is twice your size, has wings and a horn, her fur is purple, and her mane flows to the wind and is as black as the void of space, with a strip of purple, to accent her mane.

You've noticed that you have bumped with none other than the Twilight of this world, the Princess of Friendship.

" I suppose you know who I am already." She smiled at her younger self.

" But by the looks of it... I have no right to say that I know who you are..." She says as she looks at the young Twilight's Cutie Mark.

"It does not matter." She assured the young pony.

" By the looks of it, I assume you aren't the mischievous type, and more of the curious one such as myself... I presume?" She gleefully said to her.

" I see that you have much to ask of me as well. But I suppose finding a much more private spot for us to talk would be quite nice. You see I was able to give the crowds on the library a good slip, and I assume that my illusion won't be able to distract the crowds... So shall we go to one of my castles?" 

Their conversation would continue on as they trot towards one of the princess's castle, if the young Twilight would agree.

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Upon looking at her surroundings her jaw would drop and she would smile. It was so peaceful, and it looked a lot like the land when she was young. How desperately she wished to return to her youth when her family life, and her life was normal and going good. Looking at everything it was like her wish was granted. So natural, just like the land should be. However that moment of peace would end when she was bumped into by someone, and who it was? Well, that was quite shocking to her.

Twilight looked to the other Twilight in shock, and took a few moments to compose herself as she took in the form that was before her. Twilight, as an alicorn? She would have never thought nor imagined that in any context. It was jaw dropping to say the least. For sure, she agreed to follow Twilight along but was a bit skeptical. "I find myself at a loss at what I am seeing, both looking at you - and all that lies around me. I have so many questions. I bet you do as well. Suffice to say, I am thankful that I arrived here. But I hope my eyes, nor you - deceive me." she spoke in a composed manner, keeping her cool and displaying a good deal of emotional control. Her voice sounded almost exactly the same as the other Twilight's. Two peas in a pod after all.

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Blu remained silent as Lyra chatted away, being sat on her back he didn't have to worry as much about acting like he was semi-conscious, she'd have to turn to look at him after all, and he could keep his head turned away from hers. Still, he was keeping track of what she was saying, it would make planning his escape easier knowing what was around.

He was grateful to be put in a bed, the rift and brief stint into unconsciousness had taken more out of him than he thought, but he knew that he needed to stay awake, he had a concussion after all, you're not supposed to sleep so soon after a concussion, especially when he still had trouble walking. He'd have to self-assess once he had the chance.

He'd take the time alone to better asses the situation. While Lyra had taken the Kernel, he wasn't concerned, it had several locking mechanisms and fail safes to keep the contents secure, plus he didn't figure they had the technology to interface with it in any meaningful way even if they did get it open, not with the buildings he had seen on the way there. Still, he had his coat and the stuff hidden inside it, though they wouldn't be too useful at the moment.

He sat himself up on the bed, trying to mimic the sitting position Dancer had always used, finding it surprisingly more comfortable than he had previously thought, and did his best to focus again on the magic. It would take about half an hour to get his horn to glow, following what Dancer had taught him proved somewhat easier than he had feared, but less intuitive than he had hoped. Still, with enough practice he figured he'd have at least basic telekinesis by the end of the day, depending on how often he was interrupted by his captors.

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

As Blu was busy pondering and practicing his magic. He didn't notice Lyra watching him, smiling and feeling proud like a mother witnessing her foal doing incredible achievements from the door, while hoofing a tray of food to deliver to the cautious yet adorably studious unicorn. 

At some point Blu would notice the creepy pony stalking him.

" Uhh I'm so sorry to disturb you. I was so fascinated at the way you sit and try to do your magic, that I couldn't bare to disturb you." She lovingly said like a mother.

" Oh by the way I brought you something to eat." 

She placed the tray of food beside you and sits beside you, mimicking the way you sit.

She then looks closely at you, filled with anticipation.

" What's your name?" 

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" I am glad you like the place..." 

They would continue to stroll down the path towards her castle in Ponyville, trotting with poise and grace, elegance and dignity. Truly, one that shows power and royal in her radiance, yet still approachable and has a warm and loving kindness when spoken too.

" I see that you aren't content from the world you came from, I assume? I wouldn't force you to leave this place young one, nor would I recommend you to stay. But if you must, then we should make a rule between you and me, is that alright with you?"

She would say to the young Twilight as if she was the loving big sister.

"If you will stay, i suppose you wouldn't like to be compared to me or be troubled by others involving me. So a well thought out story for you would be helpful. If asked we can say that you are a close relative to me, I suppose an alias for your name would be proper as well." She smiled towards the young one.

The Princess also noticed strange behavior coming from her, that a usual pony in her world wouldn't act.

" If you don't mind Twilight, we should also accustom you to this world. I'm sorry if I offend you but, you are quite tense and overly cautious for a pony who lives in a peaceful world." She said while giggling towards her.

" So if you don't mind, you should attend to one of my school here in Ponyville. The head mare of that school is one of my best student and friend. Her name is Starlight Glimmer. I assure you that both of you would get along quite nicely and you will learn more about this new world you will be residing." She lovingly smiled towards her, while sweating.

" Oh and one more thing."

The princess used her horns to conjure a magical book out of thin air.

" This journal will send messages to me. So please, if you have the time or need for me, don't be shy and write to me. I would also appreciate it if you would write your experiences in this world. For being the princess, I have little time to experience the beauty and experience this world has to offer. Consider it a favor for me will you?" She winked towards the young one.

" Oh and just by showing this journal, everyone would easily know that you are affiliated with me. So be wise when showing this journal to any pony, young one. You arent holding just a journal but my name as well."

Even though the sun was about to set, it seems the princess is sweating a lot.

There is no cold breeze given from the apparent rise of the moon. 

The young Twilight would hardly notice since she was used to a hot weather.

But the heavy atmosphere forming around them is quite noticeable and paranormal.

" Something is not right..." The Princess worriedly said.

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@Kujamih @Illiad Easle

Twilight took in the words that the other one had spoke of. It was a lot to take in and she definitely seemed a bit offput by all the words that she was spoken to. Her mind weighed it all and thought it was best to not involve herself too much at this point. But her words did have an aura of logic to them that she could respect to say the least. Even so, she had her reasons to be cautious, not noticing much of the changes around her at the moment. Already she had some answers.

"You speak too much at once to the point where your words will lose value. I can say that my name is Charoite Sparkle. I can be your cousin, sure. That I am fine with. I prefer that I do my own studies. I am not like you. I never graduated because the school in Canterlot was destroyed by the battle between Queen Luna and Coronal Flare. Since then I took it upon myself to study at my own pace and I am not going to give that up. I respect your request, but you must also respect my boundaries especially when granted the nature of this world that I do not know of yet. I need time to acclimate, perhaps then I will consider." she spoke, taking the book into her magic and smiled back slightly.

"I will write to you about things. Thank you for your time and not instantly berating me for my appearance. We are not the same. I am not as young as you think. I am 23. Perhaps I may be slightly older than  you?" she jested in a slighty playful manner but that look faded when she looks out to the rise of the Moon. "What's wrong?" she asked in a concerned fashion.

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Plot flow changing.


The princess was happy that she has agreed upon their plan of family ties. But was a bit disheartened by her choice to learn and go to her school.

" I understand, such a shame. My school does have the finest books and intellectuals. I could say that Starlight is as powerful as an alicorn." She boasted as she tried to lure the young Twilight to her school.

It seems she still has her old habits, on promoting her school, since the flim and flam brothers have challenged her school.

"Oh and another thing"

The princess proceeds to give the journal...



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Blu sighed as his concentration was disturbed by Lyra's intrusion, the item he had been trying to lift settling back down on the floor softly, as he had only managed to lift it a few millimeters.

He eyed the food that had been prepared for him suspiciously, not knowing what to make of it, though it did remind him of the sort of thing that Dancer and the others like her would eat.

He turned his skeptical expression towards Lyra when she came to sit by him and asked his name, he was silent for a moment before responding, "Blu. B, L, U, not the color, despite my being that color."

He didn't want to volunteer anything, especially ignorance, as he didn't fully trust this mare who held him captive to tell the truth. He simply kept his eyes on her as he waited for whatever she'd do next.

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Plot flow Collapse.


The unicorn would be awed by the beautiful, lush, colorful world she has set upon.


The sky is clear blue. The breeze, inviting to the touch. The soft grassy ground lovingly massages her hooves. The sun's rays warmly embraces her skin. All quite opposite to the world she left.


As she marvels this new world. And

a clear path was set upon her...


Meanwhile the Princess who was stuck at the entrance was some how put to a trance and would snap out of it immediately.

" Ugh... My head... Something feels wrong." The princess worriedly said.

She would become cautious of her surroundings, trying to spot the cause of this anomaly.

But soon after, a mish mash of creature parts crawled towards the princess. It has a head of a goat with weird horns, a body of an eastern dragon, paws of a tiger paired with a hoof. And wings that barely has any purpose.

It was quite long and when standing up would be a bit higher than the princess.

" Your majesty..." The creature spoke with respect.

" I have come to aid in your escape, for I sense something quite dangerous just happened to you."


" Thank you Discord, might I ask a favor as well." The Princess asked.

" I'm already way ahead of you. The elements of harmony is already waiting for you at Canterlot Castle. As well as for the other Princesses. You'd be surprised at who else decided to pop by and visit."

" Thank you Discord..." she would then turn to the crowd that she has gathered. " Ponies of Ponyville, i regret to inform you that my visit will be cut short and must leave for an emergency. For the time being, please stay safe." Her final words to her citizens, before Discord teleports them both away to Canterlot.

The crowd would disperse and all that remains from the crowd is Bonbon. Her mouth would give a forced smile and her left eye would twitch in anger.

"AAAAA!! " The pony would scream in frustration, as she had just missed her chance to talk to the princess about the impending doom the S.M.I.L.E. has discovered.

"... Me and my rotten luck."  Bonbon sighed.

But one of her saddle bags suddenly starts to vibrate and emit a faint red bleep.

She takes the device out, which looks like a tracking device. The device is trying to lead Bonbon to the Library.

" Looks like my luck just got turned... Hopefully not for the worst..." 


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@Kujamih @Illiad Easle

Upon looking at her surroundings her jaw would drop and she would smile. It was so peaceful, and it looked a lot like the land when she was young. How desperately she wished to return to her youth when her family life, and her life was normal and going good. Looking at everything it was like her wish was granted. So natural, just like the land should be. However for now she decided her best course of action was to leave the area and collect her thoughts. Turning away from the town, she would begin heading for the forest nearby. 

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