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2 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:


As a point of order, Blu only told Lyra that his name was "Blu" He didn't say anything about baseplate.

But that's a minor thing. I'll need some description of what's around where Blu is so I can respond.

Ohhh let me edit that.

And just posted your event.

Edited by Kujamih
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This way I can keep tabs on what your ponies are good at.

For example.

Line 2: is Twilight's skills.

She has lv.2 chemical magic since she used acid spray before when fighting an ODT. AND PURE MAGIC at lv.3 since she used a laser. Not sure what kinda laser she used, so I just assume it as pure energy laser.

Then she tries to learn fire magic and wind magic through a book so I'm giving her lv 1 for that.

I forgot to put skills about books. Gonna update that.


Then at line 3: is Blu Baseplate.

He is from the military but being a pony lessened his skills in it.

He tried using levitation. So he at least has pure magic skill, but at level zero.

And you can add some skills if you want @Illiad Easle that need my attention.

4 line is Bonbon 

5 line is Lyra.

so this way, we can see our characters grow and have reason to do such things. What you guys think?

for example.

Lyra is hiding from twilight.

twilight tries to find Lyra using her magic.

twilight has level 3 pure magic and Lyra has level 4 stealth arts.

this way I know that twilight would really have a hard time finding lyra, unless she uses her heat seeking spells which will become pure magic plus fire magic= 4, meaning she'll be able to find Lyra.

BUT, if Lyra uses her fade into shadow spell, shell have stealth arts+ pure magic+ shadow magic= at a woping 9.

This just shows, you do not mess with Lyra.








Edited by Kujamih
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Blu was taught how to use magic in theory by a unicorn, so he'll be able to improve his magic skills faster than usual until he reaches proficiency (So up to level 3)

Blu is very skilled at programming (lv 5), which will translate to a skill in Rune-mancy (lv 3) once he is able to learn it.

Blu is skilled at deception (lv 3), and insight (lv 4) which gives him a strong sense of when he is being lied to, but also makes him highly suspicious around new creatures. It can help him with diplomacy.

We can probably split Military arts to Survivalist (Lv 2) and Trigger Discipline (Lv 2) which correspond to a bonus while in uncivilized territory and a bonus to aim, both with the gun and magic, respectively.

Not to outshine Twilight we can say Blu is a Lv 2 Thinker.



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Your character is good at programing in your dimension. Who's to say that this dimension has similar programmings in yours though?

Runemancy would be  artifact based magic. then so artificer  would be magic based thinker. While thinkers are more of a mechanic then.

Once you get introduced to it I'll add it on your list of skills.

You have some basic knowledge on magic, so once you get a teacher or proper training on it you'll get more level in it.

About the deception thing.

You are good at knowing how your people deceive one another but the culture and how one acts here in this dimension is different. So I'ma add some but not as high. Since you are just suspicious to a fault and even suspect Lyra who just actually wants to recruit you. Don't worry she'll try to save you.

And I'ma go edit it now and see if my edit is satisfactory.

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2 minutes ago, Kujamih said:

Who's to say that this dimension has similar programmings in yours though?

Programming, at it's core, is problem solving. Combining lesser parts into a greater whole. I have no preconceptions that he has any practical use of his programming skill outside of his interactions with the Kernel, but though my experience in the CS world, skill in programming is often easily transferred to other logic based disciplines. A good programmer is not restricted to a language.

I say he'd then be skilled with runes as I've always seen runes like little programs: Symbols that do one thing by themselves, and can be combined to do other things. Sounds like a program to me. But if you view runes differently in your universe that's simply something I'll have to deal with. You set the rules for magic in your world after all.

7 minutes ago, Kujamih said:

You are good at knowing how your people deceive one another but the culture and how one acts here in this dimension is different.

Fair enough, though his insight skill would help him figure out the differences with enough practice. He'll get better at it over time.

8 minutes ago, Kujamih said:

Lyra who just actually wants to recruit you.

Lyra clearly wants to adopt Blu. She sees the young exterior and not the true interior. I wouldn't be surprised if her idea of recruiting is locking him away somewhere safe.


9 minutes ago, Kujamih said:

And I'ma go edit it now and see if my edit is satisfactory.

Edit what? The document? Or a previous post?

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6 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Programming, at it's core, is problem solving. Combining lesser parts into a greater whole. I have no preconceptions that he has any practical use of his programming skill outside of his interactions with the Kernel, but though my experience in the CS world, skill in programming is often easily transferred to other logic based disciplines. A good programmer is not restricted to a language.

I say he'd then be skilled with runes as I've always seen runes like little programs: Symbols that do one thing by themselves, and can be combined to do other things. Sounds like a program to me. But if you view runes differently in your universe that's simply something I'll have to deal with. You set the rules for magic in your world after all.

Ah yes that is true. I'm just saying that if In your world his stats would be... let's say programing lv5. But you are in this world now, it will become lv 3 or 2 because some of your knowledge can or may apply here and some won't, and you are adjusting  since some programing requires knowledge in magic where your character has only hear say knowledge and not much application. Is what I'm trying to say.

6 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Fair enough, though his insight skill would help him figure out the differences with enough practice. He'll get better at it over time.

Yes so I'll adjust it's level.

6 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Lyra clearly wants to adopt Blu. She sees the young exterior and not the true interior. I wouldn't be surprised if her idea of recruiting is locking him away somewhere safe.

Hahahaha yeah.... I have no idea why I made her that way:okiedokieloki:....

6 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Edit what? The document? Or a previous post?

Edit the stats.

Even @Starforce and the other NPC. MIGHT BUMP UP AND ADD SOME STATS! 

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@Illiad Easle

I placed your programming into knowledge.

Intuition, problem solving to your Detective Arts... Maybe I should increase detective arts.....

Aim a bit low since you can't use your body parts properly yet.

Please tell me if you do not like one of the stats level. We can collaborate and get the right level we both can agree.



Please also tell if you have anything you deem unacceptable or a change is in order on the stats. 

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Pure magic: inherent to unicorns. This is basic magic widely used by unicorns, like levitate stuff and shoot lasers.

Helps well with other skills involving magic.


Sturdiness: inherent to earth ponies. This is based on. How resilient, and unflinching one is.

Helps with Martial Arts.

And other skills involving strength.

Swiftness: inherent to Unicorns. This based on how fast one is.

Helps with Stealth Arts and other skills involving Agility.

Knowledge: very broad but involves smarts.

Detective Arts: involve problem solving, detection. And intuition.

Martial Arts: fighting and self defence.

Aim: accuracy.( Magic users usually cast wide spells that aiming isn't a must. Usually) mostly for throwing stuff and catching things, using long range weapons.


Stealth arts: evasion and hiding.



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Doesn't bother me, really. She will practice anyway in time. Word of saying, that Twilight doesn't trust the Smile organization and that she only joined to get access to its perks. She isn't loyal, nor cares about it. She would help Blu in an instant.

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@Illiad Easle

sorry! I was actually planning for Lyra to save you before you fall... I thought that if I did that you'd think it would be too predictable. And I thought that you or Blu didn't like Lyra very much so maybe if I put Blu in a very bad situation or get a very big wake up call, THEN gets saved by Lyra, so that way blu will see how Lyra actually cares for him.

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