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ooc Welcome! To: Into Limbo: Worlds Collide (open)

Evil Pink One

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Equestria #364.

One of the worlds that started to experience the catastrophic events of "Event Collision." 

Where rifts from other dimension appears and throws random stuff from their dimension. May it be a harmless rock or an unworldly abomination. Truly a chaotic event for this world...

Now it is up to you to save this world...or to twist it into chaos...




Blu, Fuoco, the clown, story line.


Windy's story line


anyone can join may you be pro, amateur or just starting your RP.

You can do anything you want in this chaos filled world. But eventually it's up to you if you guys want to save this world.

The ones who would like to join please right your character's profile here and how you wish to enter this world. May it be solo or with a companion.

You may enter anytime may it be late or in the middle of the story or just right about to end... Who knows? You might be the missing peace for this RP to save this Equestria? And who said that saving this Equestria would be the end of it? We might just end up going deeper...





No god modding of other OOC.... You can't control other players OOC.... if it's an NPC it depends, you may make events of your own if you wish, as long as it melds well with the story or needed for the story to move forward.

Respect each other's decision and work a way to meld each other's story as much as possible. This way it'll be fun for everyone.

It's up to you if you wanna venture in this world solo or with others.

You can communicate with the world in anyway you want. May it be like you're in a game or telling a story. Etc. As long as everyone gets what you're trying to say.

Edited by Kujamih
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  • The title was changed to Into Limbo: Worlds Collide (open)

You can do any kind of entrance if you'd like though? Since you're "Friendless Twilight." And focused on magic and studies.... You could've accidentally made tore a portal into Equestria #364?

Or one of your experiments successfully teleported you to this dimension.

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@Starforce god mod. Allowed.


This is the god modding I was talking about that we could freely allow to every player. Not too much and not too noticable.

You god mod. the history of Equestria#364. I never said that Luna was banished into the moon or the twilight here was a student of Celestia.

And this god mod. you did was a nice touch. It also gave way to your lore and more context to your character. Noice...B).

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@Kujamih @Starforce

I don't know if I'd count what @Starforce did as God-Modding. When doing an RP in this setting it is assumed that, unless the DM says otherwise, the lore of the world follows the lore of the show. Given you did not indicate that your world wasn't following show canon in regards to the past, it is normal to assume that it did/does.

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Sorry I didn't intend for princess twilight to bombard your character with questions and request. It's like a back and forth conversation. I just poured in what she would like to tell you, so we won't have to wait with each other replying. 

Anyway the reason she wanted you to meet starlight and study there is so that you can get accustomed to the world you are in, since you don't quite fit in to this world and what not. So yeah I'm just gonna point out that you rejected the princess's help for you to get accustomed to this world. And would like to learn what this world has to offer the hard way... 

Is that's what you were implying? If so that's okay with me.

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Do not bombard me like that. It takes a lot of effort to think that all through - more than I am willing to give. Do not assume actions of my character in your posts either. You do not play other peoples characters for them, even as the DM. 

I am implying she accepts the help at a later time. This has happened too fast.

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10 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

@Kujamih @Starforce

I don't know if I'd count what @Starforce did as God-Modding. When doing an RP in this setting it is assumed that, unless the DM says otherwise, the lore of the world follows the lore of the show. Given you did not indicate that your world wasn't following show canon in regards to the past, it is normal to assume that it did/does.

True, but I also didn't say anything about this world... But she was able to manipulate it in a way since she did read the book and was able to manipulate it there that THIS Equestria did this and that. And again this is Equestria 364... Not the Equestria we know and love. So in a way @Starforce did a god mod.... 

Right?..... Well this world is gonna be a Mish mash and a little god mod. like maybe Blu would tackle down Lyra per say. 

you don't have to wait for my permission if Lyra was successfully tackled. You can god mod her right here and there and proceed with the story.

BUT if it's @Starforce character you'd be tackling.... You and starforce should have a discussion about that and what would happen and if you both agree upon it.

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7 minutes ago, Starforce said:


Do not bombard me like that. It takes a lot of effort to think that all through - more than I am willing to give. Do not assume actions of my character in your posts either. You do not play other peoples characters for them, even as the DM. 

I am implying she accepts the help at a later time. This has happened too fast.

Ah sorry those where just there if you where to agree and my assumptions where correct, but if you do not agree to some of the terms there I will edit some of them. And adapt to your story.

So since that is how your twilight will answer some of those things I wrote would be edited.

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I simply implied that this world once had the original canon history, I am not going to god mod anything. You also didn’t see what I said. I feel you moved my character too fast and I have to ask for you to slow down a bit. We go from her getting out of a library to all of a sudden meeting the other Twilight. Too fast.

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21 minutes ago, Starforce said:


I simply implied that this world once had the original canon history, I am not going to god mod anything. You also didn’t see what I said. I feel you moved my character too fast and I have to ask for you to slow down a bit. We go from her getting out of a library to all of a sudden meeting the other Twilight. Too fast.

I see... Hmmm.

Well the reason why you instantly meet this Twilight is because she knows you entered her world, showing how powerful she is by sensing you already what. That's why she flew from Canterlot to Ponyville just to meet you. She was curious on what your intent in this world.

And just by talking to you back and forth she is actually getting information from you if she needs to be worried about you if you are bad or good, and because you guys are having this nice conversation, she has nothing to worry and gave you some gifts. ( The journal, and introduction to Starlight.)

And if you read Blu Baseplate story line. I'm planning for Bonbon to meet with you since she saw Twilight heading to the library, and cancelling their meeting in Canterlot in a way.

Oh and the meteor is about to come so.... You might miss Twilight's pestering:oh_golly:



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I have decided that I am quitting this RP. I let things slide a bit more than I felt I needed to. I don’t have it in me to constantly have to adjust things or ask for changes. Just say my character returned to her world and thought it was a dream. That is all. Good luck.

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24 minutes ago, Starforce said:

I have decided that I am quitting this RP. I let things slide a bit more than I felt I needed to. I don’t have it in me to constantly have to adjust things or ask for changes. Just say my character returned to her world and thought it was a dream. That is all. Good luck.

I understand, and sorry if couldn't reach your expectations.:worry:

I thought I fixed the problems, and I am willing to adjust. 

Thanks for playing and taking the chance from this RP. @Starforce^_^

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We can possibly attempt to salvage this by not having her meet Twilight and reverting it back to where she was leaving the library. I wanted her to explore the town a bit on her own, then perhaps you can have her run into Blu. If we do that, then I can join back in and not have her meet the other Twilight so early on. That seems like a fair compromise to me.

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