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open Into Limbo: Worlds Collide

Evil Pink One

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@Illiad Easle

Lyra would introduce herself again as her reply to Blu giving his name.

" My name is Lyra Heartstrings. You can just call me Lyra. The grumpy earth pony...

 well, we'll just call her Bonbon. Don't let her attitude fool you though, she's actually a softy."

Lyra would smile at Blu, and notice that he isn't touching the food she has brought.

"You don't like the food?" She curiously asked.

The food that was presented to him are some fruits and veggies salad, a beautifully stacked hay and an orange juice on the side.

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As the unicorn trots her way to the forest some pony passerbys would stare at her curiously.

As she nears the entrance of the forest a sign on a pole reads, "Entering Everfree Forest.


Meanwhile on Bonbon's side, she has conducted her own investigation and questioned everyone in the library.

Her questionings where unfruitful, as all the ponies here are just talking about Princess Twilight.

But her tracker would lead her to an entrance leading to a hidden laboratory downstairs. She'd noticed dust trails leading to a window. There she finds a purple hair stuck to it.

" Gotcha..." She would point her tracker to the hair and the gages from it would go hay wire.

" Definitely an ODT." Bonbon begins to act covert and wore her detective gear out of nowhere.

"You can run... But you can't hide..."

She placed the hair inside her tracker and indicators would start to point in a direction where she soon follows.


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Blu spared a glance at the food before returning his gaze to Lyra, "It's... not what I'm used to." He paused a moment, contemplating his next move, before fixing his gaze back on Lyra, "I don't know you, I have no reason to trust you, I have no reason to believe that it isn't your fault that I'm here. Under normal circumstances I would be appreciative of the gesture, but I hope you can understand why I would be... cautious..."

He gently pushed the food back towards Lyra, "Have some, or is it too drugged for your liking?"

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Twilight heads away from the ponies. It was best that she get away from any major population centers for the time being and just proceeded to walk along the edge of the forest, wanting to see herself away from anything or anyone up to this point. After a few minutes of walking she would stop and sit down quietly, and begin to read more of the books.

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@Illiad Easle

" It's drugged with love, that's for sure!" She giggled as she levitates some of the fruits and veggies of the plate and in to her mouth one by one.

"I guess you have a point." She pondered.

Then an idea came into mind.

" Then how about this? I tell you one of my secrets?" She excitedly said to Blu.

" I AM A SECRET AGENT OF S.M.I.L.E.!" She boastfully proclaims.

" Don't tell anyone about it okay?" She then whispered to Blu.

" You see we have a mission to contain any ODT we find in Equestria... It stands for other Dimensional trespassers... That's you by the way... BUT do not fear for I will take care of you and treat you as my foal, I mean colt, i mean family! You're safe with your Aunt Lyra." She winked towards him.

"You know?... You're like Bonbon...

 "So cautious to others... I guess I can't blame her or you now... Since to tell you the truth... We don't know either how you got here. That's why the agency is gung ho on capturing any ODT they find." She then casually sip a glass of juice.

" Oh but I broke protocol. I think it's best to befriend the ODT rather than capture them and put into cages."

As Lyra blabbered on and on she eventually finished all the food that she was supposed to prepare for him.

" Oops, sorry..." She smiled at him.


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@Starforce the pony would notice that the Everfree Forest is no ordinary place. She can sense eerieness within the forest and a smart move to observe the place from outside.

As she wonder at the edge of the forest. She'd be able to find what seems to be a bench in a small garden. It has good ambience and quite inviting to stay. A good place to read.

Now what books have she dug out from that old laboratory?


Meanwhile Bonbon is still having a hard time finding the ODT she is tracking down.

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The book Twilight managed to get inside the laboratory had a beautifully decorated purple alicorn on the cover. And was titled The Reign of Friendship. 

It tells the early reign of the princess of friendship. How she was a unicorn who was able to defeat Nightmare Moon and unite the two Royal sisters. Gained friends and became the element of magic. Stopped a mighty draconicous named Discord and an invasion of changelings ruled by Queen Chrysalis. Saved an empire and freed it from it's past emperor, named Sombra. Solved an ancient spell of Star Swirl the Bearded and finally became an alicorn. And for the final hype of the book, it finally named this special unicorn. Her name was Twilight Sparkle.

Her reign as an alicorn was not the end of her trials.

She has banished a tyrant named Tirek from stealing all of pony magic, stopped an all powerful unicorn named Starlight Glimmer from tampering time and space, destroyed the monster from the past named shadow of ponies, united Equestria through the knowledge of friendship to other creatures building the school of friendship. Stopped a power hungry pegasi named Cozy Glow and has finally quelled the Windigoes.


You noticed that each of her achievements and duels has its own page and indept information.

But you noticed some chunks of the book on Starlight Glimmer is Missing.



" This ODT is quite elusive... And tricky... Why would it head to Everfree Forest?" Bonbon ponders.



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Twilight flipped throughout the pages and found herself awestruck at what she had just read. Her other counterpart here ended up becoming a great princess who defeated all these horrible villains. None of the names in the book were familiar to her on any points except for one. Queen Chrysalis and the Changelings had their own nation that bordered Equestria. While the Changelings were never well liked, there was peace between Chrysalis and Queen Luna after all. Chrysalis even offered to help Equestria somewhat, if Twilight remembered correctly. All the other names though? All of that she found herself quite unfamiliar with. The Crystal Empire in her world never existed, and the lands that comprised it were made up of a seperate pony Kingdom that bordered Equestria named Thalemare.

Twilight never thought that she would be a princess in another dimension. Despite everything else it seemed like Celestia was a good ruler here. That was a far cry from what was familiar to her, but that is what she expected in such a different world after all. Some of the information was missing, but oh well. At least she got that much. Closing the book, she'd stand up and continue on. 

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As she explores around the Forest. she'd pass bye a clocktower, and further down the road she'll see a cottage that seems to be full of animals living by. She'd also notice that beyond that cottage, the forest becomes less spooky and more inviting. And another path going in the forest seems to be well maintained and used.


Meanwhile, detective Bonbon was lead to the entrance of the Everfree Forest.

" Hmm I'm gonna need back up for this."

She then pressed a tracking device on her.

" My location is set, you better find me Lyra.... Now off to Everfree forest!"

The mare charged in the Everfree forest.

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Twilight headed past the cottage before walking down the path for a little while. Then she turned and began to head off into the forest. She could spend a few hours there and think things over, before going back out into the town. She had to find a way to hide her real identity, and parted her mane in a different manner with her magic to make her mane look different, and did the same for her tail. 

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Blu was not impressed that Lyra ate all of the food that she had presented him with, but he supposed it proved that the food was not likely drugged. He listened intently to what Lyra said, though with an expression of clear skepticism.

He thought a moment once she had finished, before shaking his head, "Everything you just said could be a lie. I mean, sure, it sounds like a fun story, but you haven't shown me anything that would make me believe you."

He thought a moment, "How about this: a good faith action on your part. You give me my stuff back, and then I'll be more inclined to trust you."

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

"Make you believe huh?" 

 " I have my own brief case full of spy stuff?" She opens a hidden drawer beneath the bed. And pulled out a brief case a size of a filly.

" I call this my bag of SMILE. Ain't it cool?" The briefcase was quite colorful and not so serious to look at. For it has a flowery design and colored pink.

" You're not the only one who has a cool bag!" She haughtily showed off her briefcase. 

" These here is top secret equipment and no one's allowed to see what's inside it... Even you. But if you say please three times I might let you have a try on one of my spy equipments." She smiled and winked at Blu.

Blu then mentions his stuff which Lyra immediately replied.


  " your stuff? It's down stairs, at the side of the stairs. You know what? Since you're up and runnin... Wanna go downstairs so you can grab your stuff and have lunch? that way you can prepare your own food and won't be so suspicious of me." She smiled.

She'd leave Blu from his side and go to the exit of the room to lead the way downstairs.

"Shall we?" 


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As Twilight enters the forest

It won't be long before a signage would grab her attention.

It reads," Animal Sanctuary."

She would see a waterfall, two stories high, creating a small river leading back to the village, a tree with a wheel swing, some small pen houses and some shelters.

there are wild animals leaving within the sanctuary, but you notice these creatures to be quite docile and tamed for some odd reason.

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Twilight walks about in awe of such a beautiful place such as this. Such things in her world, didn't really exist. She could remember that the ponyville in her world was actually far larger thanks to all the refugees, living in makeshift houses that dotted the outskirts of Ponyville. But thanks to the drought, she knew that the area this sanctuary was in - in her world, it was all deserted. She takes a few moments to appreciate what she sees as she proceeds through. 

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Blu was suspicious of Lyra's willingness to comply with his request. In fact, she seemed genuinely friendly? Which didn't seem to match at all with the secret agent she claimed to be. Still, even if this was a trap, he was already at the mercy of whoever was in control here.

He'd do his best to get his hooves under him and make his way towards the door, his lack of coordination plainly obvious, but he would get the hang of it eventually, well enough to make it to and most of the way down the stairs before tripping himself up and tumbling the rest of the way down.

Unless Lyra righted him with her magic he'd brush any attempt of hers to help him up, picking himself up before heading over to inspect his things, making sure they had not been tampered with while they were no within his sight.

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Lyra would guide Blu, Like a mother teaching her young one how to walk. She was especially careful and attentive when guiding Blu through the stairs.

" Watch your step now."

She would do anything to help Blu out.

She'd show you your stuff beside the stairs. And would guide you through the kitchen.

"Just over here is where the living room and at the other side, the kitchen."

Lyra would then be distracted by an alarm in her hoof that looks like a small bracelet with a red flashing Light.

"Oh no... Please excuse me sweetie!" Her horn suddenly glow and her big, flowery briefcase flew down the stairs, passing him and into the living room. She then soon followed, sat at their couch and opened her briefcase.

Meanwhile at the opposite side where Lyra is, is the door, wide open, tempting you to see outside.

A choice was open to Blu.

Explore the outside and see the world what it has to offer or stay inside and see what that lovable mare is up to. 




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As she cross the center of the sanctuary, the animals in it seems to be unafraid of Twilight. Some would look cautiously though, but the rest would slowly try to approach her.

The nimble ones would eventually be the one who would quickly approach twilight and greet her.

Some squirrels would playfully go around her as to invite to chase play with them, while some birds would go near and sing to her. A big bear would sluggishly go close to her and offer honey as well.

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Twilight was curious at how tame the animals were, and went to the bear slowly and took some of the honey it offered. She smiled at all the animals, seemingly thankful of all their kindness towards her. She reached out to gently pet some of the squirrels, unsure of how to really handle herself here but it was astonishingly beautiful. 

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Then a rustling from the bushes cought the attention of everyone from the sanctuary.

The noise is coming from back side of the sanctuary, which leads deeper to the forest, the creepy part.

But soon after you'd notice that it was just a deer, a calf limping towards the sanctuary in distress. As soon as it showed itself it would sit down and rest and lick it's wounds. A blood trail can be seen.

The other animals soon became distressed.

Others would flee and go to their borrows, while the rest would try to help the injured calf. 

The bear seemed angry and is slowly preparing to move forward and follow the blood tracks, before checking the calf's condition.

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Twilight looked to the calf and the deer. She found herself concerned at what she was seeing. Twilight stood up, knowing that she had the most magic out of anywhere in the area - and so she was confident that she would be able to deal with it. Like that, she would proceed to follow the blood tracks to see where it lead. She was prepared to deal with whatever it was. It made her enraged, in all reality. 

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The bear was quite happy to see that he has a companion with his journey. He would try to lead the way for you. 

As the bear sniffs the sent of the trail, the deeper you went into the forest. The forest slowly became thicker and creepier, the path became narrow and dim, while the bear plows through the forest, giving you a better route.

This way, Twilight can easily run back to the sanctuary without getting lost.

But not long after, the bear starts to become worried and scared, it's just looking straight out into the distance.

Soon after you'd hear a struggle happening just infront.

You'd hear some pony yelling and struggling to fight something.

It seems you aren't the only pony in the forest.

The bear would snap out of it's fear and charge towards the distressed pony.


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Twilight charged towards the distressed pony. "Tell me what's going on here, what are you fighting against it?" she asked quickly in a concerned manner, already charging up a few spells in case she had to fight against someone or something.

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While the prospect of escape was tempting, there was no way he could make a break for it while she was so close. He could hardly walk, much less run, and he didn't have the magical prowess nor coordination to carry the Kernel. He'd have to wait for a better opening, though for what it was worth, foregoing this obvious opportunity might ensure that better ones presented themselves. If he tried for this one, and failed, no doubt he would not get a second chance.

He'd take his time ensuring that his stuff had not been tampered with. Maybe Lyra would leave to capture someone else, giving him the opening he needed.

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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 @Illiad Easle 

" Bonbon is in trouble!"

The unicorn would run towards the stairs and click a secret button on one of the stairs post knobs.

"Sorry Blu it's kinda hard to explain but we gotta go now!"

The house starts to vibrate and the lower floor near the stairs opens up and reveals a contraption that looks like a capsule.

Lyra levitates her Bag of Smile and Blu inside it. And she soon follows in.

" Okay ,there's a sit belt right over there. Well be taking off in 10 seconds."

The stairs starts to transform and turns into a slide, while the roof starts to open up.

Lyra then closed the hatchet and grabs what seems to be a joystick to control the device.

"Sorry for forcing you in. But we really need to go save Bonbon. She pressed the red button, which mean it's life threatening. And we might need all the hoof we need." 

When the 10 seconds reach a giant spring would propel the capsule up the slide and lunch to the opening of the roof.

The capsule would reach free fall and  springs out it's wings, causing it to glide.

Lyra's horn would glow indicating she is using magic to use the flying contraption.

Lyra would look  back at Blu and gloat, "still don't believe me?" 

looking out the hatchet window. Blu would see the beautiful land of Equestria, filled with fertile land and clean sky.

but judging by the descent of the aircraft, it seems to be going through a forest near this village.

" Wait for us Bonbon." 


Meanwhile on Bonbon's side.


she tells as she crashes through a bush.

She rises up and evades a thrown rock the size of a pony, towards her.

" I think I've bitten more than I can chew..."

And right Infront of her, a giant hairy purple one eyed fluff ball with four tentacles, the size of a watermelon is levitating above her.

" Where are you Lyra?" She desperately cried.

But luckily...


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