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Evil Pink One

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Predictable doesn't necessarily mean bad, but that's a fair enough point. I was more worried that you wanted Blu dead but didn't want to outright tell me.

For the record,  I love Lyra as a character and I think you're portraying her very well. 

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Well I'm cooking up a plot right now while at the park. Give me a bit of time and I'll start replying 😁. Work was a bit hectic so I'ma get some fresh air.

I ended up making another mistake of god modding, sorry again @Starforce :laugh:.

And now that Blu has a cool action packed opening for her character. It's time to CRANK IT UP MORE!!! nah just kidding:derp:

Still brainstorming on how Dusk and Blu would meld together properly... But the plot is flowing towards becoming a room mate and saving this world. And who knows who might end up showing up in this Limbo. 

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1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:


I mean, I shot at her 10 times at close(ish) range, so I'll be satisfied if she's at least meaningfully injured for now. 

This is what confused me though? I recall Alpha on top of a tree watching you drown from a net she threw at you.

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How bout due to adrenaline Blu grabbed a hold of Alpha and shot her. She tries to struggle and dodge your shots. You try to aim as much as you could but could you where able to shoot her at the front hooves and grazed her. Furious, she won't wait for you to drown and instead kill you right there and then, then Lyra butts in:laugh:

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I can accept her dodging to an extent, but simply grazing her seems impossibly lucky on her part. If she takes a bullet to the leg, such that she has a limp going forward, I'd be satisfied.


As to killing Alpha, it doesn't have to happen now, but Blu is determined to do it as soon as he can. She tried to murder a young colt after all. Monsters like that deserve to die before they can hurt others. 

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@Illiad Easle

Yeah she takes a hit at the leg.and again a net is on you, you are injured, adreneline is kicking in, your magic is surging as your survival instincts kick in, she is in quite a distance, she has high  stealth arts, she has swiftness, you have decent aim skills, plus she is in a relax state. She already thinks you're done with and just trying to enjoy the show, she becomes bored and complacent. then you got her at the leg, at that point she is in a state of shock and panic so her stats would go down, but never the less she is still a skilled member/ highly feared member of smile. So some of the shots would graze her, actually makes her excited and happy...

Why did I make Scootaloo like this....:ButtercupLaugh: gotta make sure Alpha's back story is good for this one... Or else she'd just end up a crazy pony.

Oh and Alpha is killing you because you're an ODT.  As long as you're not an ODT she won't kill you. 

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18 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:


Let's not forget that Blu's physical appearance is that of a young colt, no older than the CMC were portrayed to be in the first few seasons of the show.

As they say: "Cool motive, still murder."

Tell that to the ants cockroaches cows chicken pigs shrimp trees vegetables fruits grass fish plants. Maybe people who I killed and might've killed or indirectly killed hahaha:laugh:.....wait.

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Have you watched goblin slayer?

The goblin slayer kills even baby goblins. Because he consider everyone a goblin a threat.

Same mindset for Alpha... Every ODT is a threat.

Sure in goblin slayer you'd be dumb to trust a goblin....but what makes you sure that all goblins are evil? And I think the goblin slayer has thought that and I believe he had a very compelling reason. I forgot but he was damn cool.

Yeah I think I made alpa into the goblin slayer...except she's an ODT slayer.

I ain't saying she's right though... She needs quite a big discipline. :ButtercupLaugh:

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Btw did I end up making your character into a foal because of how Lyra acted @Illiad Easle? Or that was your plan all along? Because Lyra is just clingy and just spoils you. But him being a filly is quite okay.

Lyra is at the middle of season 9 and last episode so somewhere in her 30s?

or 25? Let's just say this is season 11 or something :laugh:

Season 20............

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@Kujamih @Starforce

No rush on getting the story to where I can interact again, just send me a message once we get there.


Before you go and destroy Canterlot though, I have an idea I'd like to suggest:

You've hinted that you want to hit it with an asteroid and destroy it. But, what if instead you had Canterlot fall through a rift into a different dimension? It follows that if things can enter this world through rifts that they could also leave, and having Canterlot taken this way gives everyone an incentive to find a way to control the rifts, so they can find Canterlot and get back whoever survived, rather than it simply being destroyed. Plus it also adds the moral quandary to all the Smile agents: Given how poorly they've treated the ODTs they've encountered, how well do they think those who were in Canterlot will be treated by whoever finds them? Suddenly they may not be so gung-ho about "Every ODT deserves to die."

Just a thought, It's your story.

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@Illiad Easle @Kujamih

Yeah lets do that instead. That makes far more sense and sounds more enjoyable. Once again, you keep godmodding my posts. Do not control my character, you are also dumping too much on me at once. Something you really need to keep in mind, Kujamih.

Edited by Starforce
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