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open Into Limbo: Worlds Collide

Evil Pink One

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The mission was a success the attack stopped. 

Blitz and Kuya was readying their selves, but the time has not come for them. They all retreated down the sewers, the ones that could fit that is. While the others scurried away.

The two ended up hugging each other in their survival and success.

" We did it!" Both ponies yelled for joy.

They'd also quickly realized the actions they made with each other and quickly shoved of each other.

" Pervert!" Blitz yelled in embarrassment.

" Young Mare, i would never stoop low yo your level." Kuya replied.

This only pissed Blitz and gave Kuya a sucker punch to the gut.

" Oufff!! You sly mare...urg."

" HMPHF!" Blitz walked away trying to hold her pried and embarrassment.

The two were able to trot back the base but...


The pegasi team was able to bring the heart back to the base.

They placed it at the center and began to celebrate with joy.

" The heart is back!"

" Long live the crystal empire!"

Ponys began to gather and started to bring out joy to one another.

Everyone congratulated the heroes who brought the heart 

" You have done us proud!" 

But the pegasi would stand tall beside the heart and would not respond.

The ponys at first thought that they would be more excited, but i guess that's just show how professional they are. So they continued to celebrate infront of the heart.

"Is the heart this dark in color?"

" Probably just the lighting."


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@Evil Pink One

3 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

But the pegasi would stand tall beside the heart and would not respond.

The ponys at first thought that they would be more excited, but i guess that's just show how professional they are. So they continued to celebrate infront of the heart.

"Is the heart this dark in color?"

" Probably just the lighting."

Both Blu and Fuoco found this odd, given how much decorum the ponies here had lacked up until this point. While in their respective worlds this might be expected, it wasn't here.

Blu also thought that this had been too easy, especially when the attack had died down, rather than build up, as they got closer to securing the heart.

Fuoco called down from her perch, "Do we have some ponies who know about the heart who could examine it? Maybe some of the locals or the crystal guards? This could be a fake, tampered with, corrupted, or " she shuddered " cursed."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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4 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

@Evil Pink One

Both Blu and Fuoco found this odd, given how much decorum the ponies here had lacked up until this point. While in their respective worlds this might be expected, it wasn't here.

Blu also thought that this had been too easy, especially when the attack had died down, rather than build up, as they got closer to securing the heart.

Fuoco called down from her perch, "Do we have some ponies who know about the heart who could examine it? Maybe some of the locals or the crystal guards? This could be a fake, tampered with, corrupted, or " she shuddered " cursed."

Gruit Ale was beside them and gave a report.

" Tiara went and checked it for us."

From the distance they can see Tiara somewhat near the heart but not moving at all. It seems she is struggling for some reason.

And for some reason the ponys near the heart seems to be dancing in silent around it.

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@Evil Pink One

Fuoco's expression grew more concerned, "I assume falling silent around the heart isn't normal?"

Fuoco let out a low whistle, conjuring a small ball of fire like she had before, and moving it towards the ponies by the heart. She would move it it front of whoever was closest, so they could see it, then move it steadily closer to them to see if they would move or respond. If they didn't, she would let the ball burn a small bit of their mane before dispelling it. If they still did not respond at that point she would call out: "The heart is cursed! Everyone get away from it!"

She would look for Cozy, and, assuming she wasn't also in its thrall, would shout, "Pull them away with your magic, don't try and get close." 

Blu would train his rifle on the heart, but he wouldn't try and shoot it yet as he had no reason to think the curse would be dispelled by breaking it. Rather he was preparing to shoot those affected if they turned violent.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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The ponies around the heart began moving in close to block Fuoco, may they be burnt or not.

Their expressions are as blank and void. No pain no nothing.


1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

She would look for Cozy, and, assuming she wasn't also in its thrall, would shout, "Pull them away with your magic, don't try and get close." 

"I-im on it!" She was able to pull some even Tiara. But there was still alot she could not.

" They're!.... They're stuck! I feel like if i pulled them they'll get strangled!"

And with those words, Fuoco felt something cold and invisible crawling towards her neck.

It has the same creepy embrace when she was being infected by the amalgamation of an alicorn.

The mindless ponies began to cling to her slowly and chanting.

"Sing for us..."

"We need you..."

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@Evil Pink One

23 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

And with those words, Fuoco felt something cold and invisible crawling towards her neck.

Fuoco shook, and slapped the sensation with a hoof. If she felt something there she'd cast a bit of fire at it, likely singeing her own coat in the spot in the process.

23 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

The mindless ponies began to cling to her

(They're on the ground while Fuoco is up on a building. They wouldn't be able to get that close to her like that.)

23 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

"Sing for us..."

"We need you..."

Fuoco had an idea, one that she didn't much like, but she hoped it would work.

She called out to the colt with the thunderous instrument, "Break the heart, it should stop the curse!"

That said, she prepared to do something she hoped she wouldn't have to. The song she was going to play... it haunted her, it had almost claimed her before, but these ponies were already enthralled...

She started to play, it was a repeating melody, 

-do do doo do, do dah doo do, do dah-

The last song she had heard before she came here. The one that controlled the hoard that attacked her family's estate. Their leader relied on his voice to power the song, but she had her flute to refine and empower the tune.

Here she had the advantage that the ponies approaching her were looking at her, which made the eye contact easy to accomplish, which was an important part of the control, and would limit the effect rather than all who heard the song joining in.

This song leveraged the old magic, the magic that told all ponies how to join in the song and sing together. It spoke to something primal in ponies, affecting the herd instinct directly.

If she was successful, any pony she looked in the eyes while playing the song would find themselves singing it as well, and moving in a simple step pattern: four hooves to the right, four to the left, then a two beat 90 degree turn, then repeating so long as the song played. She didn't include the part that would propagate the song, but there was a chance that those close to the affected ponies would find themselves drawn into it.


Blu wasn't sure about the order to attack the heart, but figured that this leader figure had a better idea as to these things than he did. So he took aim, trying to find a faucet perpendicular to him to minimize the chance of a ricochet, and maximize the fracturing power of the shot. Given the concave cut of the heart, that shouldn't be too hard, so he just needed a clear shot, and he would take it as soon as one was clear.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

They're on the ground while Fuoco is up on a building. They wouldn't be able to get that close to her like that.)


On 2024-05-09 at 9:46 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Fuoco let out a low whistle, conjuring a small ball of fire like she had before, and moving it towards the ponies by the heart. She

( Oh i thought she was moving it so i thought she too went close... So it was just the spell okay got it.)

2 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

she was successful, any pony she looked in the eyes while playing the song would find themselves singing it as well, and moving in a simple step pattern: four hooves to the right, four to the left, then a two beat 90 degree turn, then repeating so long as the song played. She didn't include the part that would propagate the song, but there was a chance that those close to the affected ponies would find themselves drawn into it.

It was successful in a different way.

The control on the mindless ponies was in error. They started jolting and chocking, confused and not knowing which command to follow.

This gave an opening for Blu as the puppets were not blocking his line of fire.

BANG! The fake heart shattered and out came Beta with her new grotesque suit. Her lower half was attached to an octopus like machine that also connects a tube to her head. There multiple fibers can be seen shinning and wrapping itself to the puppets.

Her movements with the machine made her fluid and quick on her motions.

She stares at Fuoco and gave her greeting.

"Fuoco... It's nice to finally meet you. Mother... She would bot shut up about you... Now i know... You... I also want you now..."her strangle towards the puppets became stronger and forcefully yanked them out of  Fuoco's grasp.

Some of the puppets began bleeding because of that.

She began surrounding herself with the puppets( the ponies) 

She stared at Blu and waved her hooves, mocking him.

" No no little one. You behave. You'll be next i promise.

She began to slither towards Fuoco with the meat shields near her.

Some of the tentacles began to slither and assault her mind.

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@Evil Pink One

14 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

She stares at Fuoco and gave her greeting.

Fuoco smirked, clearly this pony wasn't all that bright, as she had missed the part where eye contact was important to Fuoco's control.

Fuoco hadn't stopped playing the song, and now that it was clear that there was no alicorn present, she played louder, eyes fixed on this pony.

But she played a different song now, a much quieter one, with a sharp piercing note that one would hear right behind their eyes. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, but more accurately they're an easy target and an easy avenue to the brain.

It was a similar version to the song she had played for the dragon back at the second village, the fire from within. Focused through Beta's own eyes. The first effect would be blindness, followed by searing pain.


(Assuming the above doesn't immediately kill her or stop her from acknowledging Blu)

Blu wasn't going to wait though, as Beta had made a big mistake by not blocking or distracting him.

14 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

She stared at Blu and waved her hooves, mocking him.

Eye contact worked well in Blu's favor too, as it meant a clear line of sight. And at this distance, with Blu's rifle already trained on her and charged... She had exactly 1/10th of a second to move out of the way, and he wasn't going to wait for her to stop talking.


(Really, given the damage Blu has done before, he should have been Beta's first target once she was aware of him, or she should have done something to stop him from immediately firing.)

(Still, I guess she'll dodge or something, but between Blu and Fuoco directly attacking her I don't favor her chances in this encounter.)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 2024-05-11 at 4:29 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Fuoco hadn't stopped playing the song, and now that it was clear that there was no alicorn present, she played louder, eyes fixed on this pony.

Fixed it was. And she was happy. 

She slowly felt the pain and intrusion on her mind.

"... So beautiful."

She then placed a puppet between both their gaze and the poor puppet was the one taking the damage.

She started bleeding through her nose eyes and mouth, with the puppet. 

Since she was doing the mind control, she too would still be affected by the burn a bit.

" Would you sacrifice this pony just to get through me? The chances are yes you would... Then what use are they as walls?"

She began launching the puppets towards Blu and Fuoco.

Fear coursed through Cozy, Gruite ale, Tiara and the rest who were not infected.

But one took action at this dire situation.

Cozy glow released her powers to save the projectile ponies.

Beta was shocked at Cozy Glow, she didn't realize that she turned into an alicorn.

" ...you? Of all ponies became an Alicorn!?... Preposterous!"

Gruit Ale shout a warning to the rest.

"Everyone away from her! Don't give her any leverage what so ever!

Tiara would quickly aide the rest that are near Beta, as it seems she is not easily affected by the mind control.

Beta, now with fewer puppets returned back to defensive.

"Mother! I require your aide!" 

The ground began to rumble.

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@Evil Pink One

On 2024-05-13 at 5:04 PM, Evil Pink One said:

She slowly felt the pain and intrusion on her mind.

"... So beautiful."

She then placed a puppet between both their gaze and the poor puppet was the one taking the damage.

Only it didn't, as Fuoco only needed eye contact for control music, and even then, only to get it started. Once the fire was lit in Beta's head Fuoco could maintain it regardless of the vision obstructions. Besides, she was skilled enough a musician to not be tricked into collateral damage that easily. 

Speaking of vision, that would be the first thing to go for Beta once the infection failed to keep up with the damage, followed quickly by traumatic brain damage. Maybe Fuoco would be able to cut off the song in time, but it would depend on if Beta made it clear once the infection was burned out of her.


When it came to thrown ponies though Fuoco would need to dodge a bit, wavering the song a bit as she did, which would momentarily lower its effectiveness until she could steady herself again.


Blu on the other hoof from his prone position on a roof, was fairly well shielded from the unwitting projectiles as they would either strike the side of the building below him or fly over his prone form. He could easily pull back a bit if one came right for him though. Beta would do better to just hold one in the way. Especially since, without a clear headshot, Blu would look for any other target on Beta that was not covered.

On 2024-05-13 at 5:04 PM, Evil Pink One said:

Beta, now with fewer puppets returned back to defensive.

"Mother! I require your aide!" 

The ground began to rumble.

That would change things for Blu though, as he would then go for a shot even through a puppet if he had to.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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41 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

Only it didn't, as Fuoco only needed eye contact for control music, and even then, only to get it started. Once the fire was lit in Beta's head Fuoco could maintain it regardless of the vision obstructions. Besides, she was skilled enough a musician to not be tricked into collateral damage that easily. 

Speaking of vision, that would be the first thing to go for Beta once the infection failed to keep up with the damage, followed quickly by traumatic brain damage. Maybe Fuoco would be able to cut off the song in time, but it would depend on if Beta made it clear once the infection was burned out of her.

[ Deviation/ change]

Her eyes and brain continued to burn.

" Incredible...." Her infection began to counter act the effects fighting off the damage by compensating with regenerating her body. Slowly but surely the regenerating can maintain and keep up to Fuoco's damage, but with a cost. She became sluggish and drained, yet excited and thrilled.

Her attacks and movement has become sluggish causing her to miss and take damage. Some bullets would hit  the exposed parts of Beta.

Even though she is thrilled by this, it still worries her, as the alicorn countered her projectiles.

( Continue to the part where she noticed Cozy, and became defensive.)

In a desperate attempt a shot was fired.


  Both Blu and Beta was shocked that a magical force field had blocked the bullet that was supposed to hit the puppet through Beta.

( Spoiler)


It was....


Cozy Glow ( because she knows Blu would do it.)


The ground bellow started to collapse and beneath it a wormhole of some sort that seems to cause of it all.

There Beta rushes in but would end up collapsing on the ground. 

Her lower part was badly damaged. When?

She would not know.

Beta desperately crawls to the portal but ended up burning from Fuoco's spell.

The regenerating had failed her.

" So this is how i die..."

The intrusive thoughts and control of the infection has vanished and Beta fell into a deep sleep.

The portal at the bottom would violently react as it began spewing an artifact that Blu quite recognized it's similarities to the ones at the Ghastly Gorge. 

Cozy in a panic began to push the artifact back in with her magic.

" Master! Run!" 

Smash! the ground beside Cozy crumbled and off balanced her, dropping in all fours.

"!" Cozy looked up and saw the cause of her topple.

It was Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom then threw a porous black pebble in the wormhole. It began to close in on itself ending up cutting the tip of the artifact, and cancelling it's protrusion.

" Nice work everypony." Apple Bloom smiled.

The rest who are unaware of who truly Apple Bloom is began to celebrate, while the rest who knows her well, became wary.

@Illiad Easle

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@Evil Pink One

Blu snorted when his shot was deflected, but he didn't think it was anyone but Beta doing it.


22 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

" So this is how i die..."

The intrusive thoughts and control of the infection has vanished and Beta fell into a deep sleep.

Fuoco would stop the fire spell there, turning her attention to the bigger threat, albeit unnecessarily. 


22 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

Apple Bloom then threw a porous black pebble in the wormhole. It began to close in on itself ending up cutting the tip of the artifact, and cancelling it's protrusion.

" Nice work everypony." Apple Bloom smiled.

The rest who are unaware of who truly Apple Bloom is began to celebrate, while the rest who knows her well, became wary.

(Everyone from Fuoco's group should know about how Apple Bloom attacked Fuoco and escaped, so only the locals here wouldn't know.)

Fuoco would cut the celebration short with a painful note, though it didn't have any spell attached, it was just to get everyone's attention.

"You have one chance to explain why I shouldn't deafen you to match your blindness."


Blu turned his rifle on Apple Bloom too, though he didn't call out to her, Apple Bloom's answer would have to be good enough for the both of them. "Cozy, lock her in place, don't let her move."


(So, Gruit, Tiara, and those from Fuoco's group know that Apple Bloom attacked Fuoco and ran away after being informed about Beta and refused to explain herself, which is why Fuoco is giving her a chance at all now. Cozy and Blu were attacked by Apple Bloom previously, and so have less of a reason to trust her.)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

Everyone from Fuoco's group should know about how Apple Bloom attacked Fuoco and escaped, so only the locals here wouldn't know.)

( Yup)

1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

Fuoco would cut the celebration short with a painful note, though it didn't have any spell attached, it was just to get everyone's attention.

"You have one chance to explain why I shouldn't deafen you to match your blindness."


Blu turned his rifle on Apple Bloom too, though he didn't call out to her, Apple Bloom's answer would have to be good enough for the both of them. "Cozy, lock her in place, don't let her move."

Confusion and concern struck the hearts of everypony as the stare off of the two former allies met. Which was oddly enough for Fuoco to noticed, her staring at her since she was blind folded and... Well, blind.

" I never wanted you fellas to get involved in my problems, so i had to do what i have to do."

She picked up Beta's slumbering body.

" And yet here you are... Well whats left of the team that is." 

"Since you saved her and still ended up coming here, you pretty much made it pointless on what i did."

" So i guess saving you here would call us even perhaps? Or was that punch in the gut too much for ya Fuoco? I did hold backcyaknow..."

She then stared down at Blu and Cozy. 

" Where is she? She usually doesn't take this long to show up, or did she left her friends again? Typical."

Cozy on the other hand would try to follow Blu's command and readied herself; she shakes in fear and guilt.

Fuoco would try and calm things down and try to talk to them both.

But she would do it at Fuoco's side, showing that even though she's trying to calm both of them; she is beside Fuoco and has not left her.

" Well if you havent left our side, maybe we could've all made it here and the situation would've been a lot better. But what's done is done right? We freed Sweetie bell and the Crystal Empire."


" Not only that, but you also blew up their base which was spectacular!" A pink pony yelled beside Blu. Her arms( front hooves) already around Blu. Both of them looked at each other, her evil grin was unavoidable to watch.

" Don't be scared! we good now! Don't want aunti hot pants over there getting mad again." She quickly let go of Blu and raised her hands up.

" Yoyoyoyo personal space shheeesh i get it. You shy types are always like this... So fun to tease." Her grin still there, mocking Blu.


Apple Bloom would give out a heavy sigh and disappointment.

"Well that went south quick. No wonder you aint got no friends."

" Says who? You?" Madeline replied.

" Fffffff just behave... I'm sure you've met her before... Seeing that Misty was healing the rest of the team on a cell." She told Fuoco and Tiara.

"Heeeyyyy~ we had a deal~~~" her grin slowly going down.

" Yeah so you better behave."

" No fun.... No wonder you ended up growing old and single." Her muttering could only be heard by Blu. She'd then look at him once more and winked at him.

" You too." She giggled.

" You can change that you know... Ya still young." She grinned.

" With me around, it'll be fun little one."



" I hope her silence is a good thing..." Apple bloom still wary.


"Okay... I see that... Then what's your plan now... Why carry her?" Tiara asked.

"Oh... Nut much... Still the same... Save Equestria, hopefully. A lot of things are happenin now... Real big. And her... Yeah she's coming with me... I need her.

"Also Scootaloo... Where in the hay are ya chicken?"






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@Evil Pink One

Both Fuoco and Blu had a bit of trouble following what the two newcomers were saying, the fact that they seemed rather nonchalant about the threats on their lives made the two of them uneasy.

They didn't interject, their gaze focused on Apple Bloom despite Madeline's attempt to distract Blu.


When they finally stopped talking, Blu would answer.

On 2024-05-17 at 5:00 PM, Evil Pink One said:

"Also Scootaloo... Where in the hay are ya chicken?"

"She's dead. And you will be too soon if you don't start talking sense. Why don't you go ahead and take off that blindfold, show everyone the truth?"


Fuoco didn't know what Blu was talking about, but figured he had a good reason to make such a request. But she followed his request, "You betrayed me, that's not something I can forgive easily."

A sharp note, and Apple Bloom would be deafened in one ear, "It's temporary, I warned you. If you don't want it permanent you'll answer the question. Why should any of us trust you after what you did? How do we know this isn't another betrayal?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 2024-05-19 at 1:40 PM, Illiad Easle said:

She's dead. And you will be too soon if you don't start talking sense. Why don't you go ahead and take off that blindfold, show everyone the truth?"

Madeline whistled in surprise. She was watching things take place from the same window or wherever Blu was sniping at.

" You killed her? About time! I knew you ponys would do something crazy eventually. Now no one can stop her. Heh, tried forcing her to join me but.... Mmm things happened." She shrugged.

" I shouldn't have given her that eye..."

On 2024-05-19 at 1:40 PM, Illiad Easle said:

sharp note, and Apple Bloom would be deafened in one ear, "It's temporary, I warned you. If you don't want it permanent you'll answer the question. Why should any of us trust you after what you did? How do we know this isn't another betrayal?"

She flung a piece of rock at the ground where fuoco stands near to grab her attention and stop her with her actions. Then she cut in saying,

" Hey there sweetie, i didn't come here to fight. And i dont need to remove this bandage. This heres for a special occasion."


"Ooohh look at her show off!" She said while putting an apple on top of Blu's head. She noticed that she was being ignored by Blu, and made the best of it by doing things to the colt.

" You think you'd need an eye patch to match your hat? You know them eye patches can be real handy  when night time comes... Who knew it wasnt used to cover their missing eye?" She said while preparing an eye patch for Blu.

" This one is special, since i stole this from planet zorkon. Apparently this eye patch is cursed."


Back at fuoco

Gruit and Tiara are sweating bullets.

They just got out of a big problem and into another one.


" Look here, i dont want to fight ya. If i did i would've let that thing come through and killed everyone here. Infact we can actually help each other now. 

" Inside the castle, the hidden door that leads to another realm is opened. Thats where they based themselves. Pretty sure anyone there is dead but, can't be sure with them critters though."

" Look i aint saying you should trust me... But im goin there and checkin if they survived whatever that was... If not i guess we wipe them out now before they could recover.


Meanwhile Kuya and Blitz just got in the base. Blitz was assisting the limping Kuya that shouted in excitement,

"The heroes have returned!"

He was greeted with silence.

"... Well this is awkward." Kuya saddened from his welcome.

" I think we got in at a bad time." Blitz pointed out.


"Welcome back Kuya." Apple bloom greeted him though, which he was not happy. Infact it made him jump in shock.

"Oh SHIP! hide me Blitz!" Kuya cower at her sight. While Blitz still confused at what just happened.


Meanwhile Scootaloo's wings sank into its own shadow.


@Illiad Easle




Edited by Evil Pink One
Shock wave thing was too much.
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@Evil Pink One

On 2024-05-19 at 2:56 AM, Evil Pink One said:

" You killed her? About time! I knew you ponys would do something crazy eventually. Now no one can stop her. Heh, tried forcing her to join me but.... Mmm things happened." She shrugged.

" I shouldn't have given her that eye..."

Blu looked sideways at Madeline, "I didn't say that, but I'm not surprised you interacted with her too, probably while she was in the facility I'd guess."

He returned his attention to Apple Bloom


On 2024-05-19 at 2:56 AM, Evil Pink One said:

She clapped her hooves to counter the note. A shockwave occured. The blast of wind isn't  strong enough to blow anyone  but it was sure loud and impactful that one might flinch.

" Hey there sweetie, i didn't come here to fight. And i dont need to remove this bandage. This heres for a special occasion."

(Unclear who "she" refers to here, did Apple Bloom try and counter the note? (Which wouldn't work because Apple Bloom has no way of knowing how to counter the note) Or did Madeline counter the note? Because then why would Madeline answer the question directed at Apple Bloom?)

Fuoco wasn't mad that the spell had not hit, it was meant as a final warning after all. One that apparently went unheeded. 


On 2024-05-19 at 2:56 AM, Evil Pink One said:

"Ooohh look at her show off!" She said while putting an apple on top of Blu's head. She noticed that she was being ignored by Blu, and made the best of it by doing things to the colt.

" You think you'd need an eye patch to match your hat? You know them eye patches can be real handy  when night time comes... Who knew it wasnt used to cover their missing eye?" She said while preparing an eye patch for Blu.

" This one is special, since i stole this from planet zorkon. Apparently this eye patch is cursed."

"You so much as breathe my air I swear I will find a way to hurt you permanently. You seem to know the future, you know I will succeed or die trying, so back off."

Madeline would find Blu's pistol aimed at her, held in one of his gloves, and it would move to follow her wherever she moved without Blu even needing to look.

The apple would get tossed off the rooftop by another bit of Blu's magic.


On 2024-05-19 at 2:56 AM, Evil Pink One said:

" Look here, i dont want to fight ya. If i did i would've let that thing come through and killed everyone here. Infact we can actually help each other now. 

" Inside the castle, the hidden door that leads to another realm is opened. Thats where they based themselves. Pretty sure anyone there is dead but, can't be sure with them critters though."

" Look i aint saying you should trust me... But im goin there and checkin if they survived whatever that was... If not i guess we wipe them out now before they could recover.


Fuoco was not convinced, "This has all the hallmarks of a trap, it's all too convenient. This is a setup, and we're not falling for it. You want us to trust you? After what you did? First, you're putting that pony down and stepping away. Second, you're removing that blindfold like Blu asked you to. Third, I'm going to implant a spell in your head that will kill you instantaneously should I lose concentration. Fourth, you're going to explain everything, slowly, and in great detail. Those are the terms, and I will accept no negotiation."

"Alternatively, you leave. The white one stays and the pink one goes with you. And if I ever see you again I will burn you alive."

She fixed Apple Bloom with a hard gaze, the fire in her eyes clear. She didn't actually know an instant kill spell, but that wasn't something Apple Bloom needed to know, besides, Fuoco was plenty deadly on her own terms anyway.

"Choose, or we kill you now."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 2024-05-19 at 1:40 PM, Illiad Easle said:

When they finally stopped talking, Blu would answer.

On 2024-05-18 at 7:00 AM, Evil Pink One said:

"Also Scootaloo... Where in the hay are ya chicken?"

"She's dead. And you will be too soon if you don't start talking sense. Why don't you go ahead and take off that blindfold, show everyone the truth?"

(I thought blu said that line? hence madeline was the closest so she answered...?)

3 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Unclear who "she" refers to here, did Apple Bloom try and counter the note? (Which wouldn't work because Apple Bloom has no way of knowing how to counter the note) Or did Madeline counter the note? Because then why would Madeline answer the question directed at Apple Bloom?)

( Sorry if i didn't make it clear, but she did say about not needing to remove the bandage hence applebloom. Also she has the eye of future sight, i think she has 7 seconds of future sight back then? With that she had the foresight to see what would and would not work. Hence before Fuoco can toot his flute the blast would've cancelled the note or stop her from playing the flute, since I've tried that before... Playing a flute on a windy day.... Imagine a blast of air.... We were forced to play the flute in elementary schools...outside... In the scorching heat... Infront of our flag. May tha flag burn as we have... Anyway...)

3 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

You so much as breathe my air I swear I will find a way to hurt you permanently. You seem to know the future, you know I will succeed or die trying, so back off."

Madeline was already sniffing hard in his vicinity before she could react on what Blu has said.

"OH!... my bad...  And i can't see the future, silly pony! Predict maybe...but her... She can....probably 12 seconds...so in what way are ya gonna hurt me?" She winked.

3 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Madeline would find Blu's pistol aimed at her, held in one of his gloves, and it would move to follow her wherever she moved without Blu even needing to look.

The apple would get tossed off the rooftop by another bit of Blu's magic.

Madeline starts to tease the gun by moving side to side, amused that it follows and points at her.

" Is this how you flirt huh? Threatening to kill someone in their first date? Not bad. I like your style kid."

Meanwhile the apple falls and a splosh can be heard.

"... Hey! That was one good apple..."

3 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Fuoco was not convinced, "This has all the hallmarks of a trap, it's all too convenient. This is a setup, and we're not falling for it. You want us to trust you? After what you did? First, you're putting that pony down and stepping away. Second, you're removing that blindfold like Blu asked you to. Third, I'm going to implant a spell in your head that will kill you instantaneously should I lose concentration. Fourth, you're going to explain everything, slowly, and in great detail. Those are the terms, and I will accept no negotiation."

"Alternatively, you leave. The white one stays and the pink one goes with you. And if I ever see you again I will burn you alive."

She fixed Apple Bloom with a hard gaze, the fire in her eyes clear. She didn't actually know an instant kill spell, but that wasn't something Apple Bloom needed to know, besides, Fuoco was plenty deadly on her own terms anyway.

"Choose, or we kill you now."

"Hmmm... Well can we do that later though? I still have to beat the living hell out of them ODTs.

So first I'm gonna go and put Sweetie bell on Madeline's care, go to the castle, check the basement and into the hidden chambers of the castle. Beat the living hell out of anyone still there come back for you and make that deal. Hows that sound? Surely o can keep sweetie bell for what i did right?"....

" Well if you want it that way, you can surely try though..."

@Illiad Easle

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Evil Pink One

On 2024-05-21 at 2:10 AM, Evil Pink One said:

"OH!... my bad...  And i can't see the future, silly pony! Predict maybe...but her... She can....probably 12 seconds...so in what way are ya gonna hurt me?" She winked.

"Only 12 seconds? Good to know."

On 2024-05-21 at 2:10 AM, Evil Pink One said:

Meanwhile the apple falls and a splosh can be heard.

"... Hey! That was one good apple..."

"Clearly rotten, far too soft. We're not that high up."


On 2024-05-21 at 2:10 AM, Evil Pink One said:

"Hmmm... Well can we do that later though? I still have to beat the living hell out of them ODTs.

That comment didn't sit well with Fuoco nor Blu, both of whom were, as Apple Bloom was no doubt aware, ODTs.

Fuoco spoke coldly, but loud enough for those present to hear, "Kill them."

Remembering the earlier rock, Fuoco would take cover before playing a song to bolster everyone nearby, letting a bit of her anger slip into the song, so everyone would feel the betrayal, the fury, that Fuoco felt towards Apple Bloom.


Blu would take the shot he'd been lining up this whole time, but it wasn't a shot on Apple Bloom particularly, but rather aimed such that she would have to drop Beta in order to dodge it, or take the bullet in a direct hit.

Simultaneously, his pistol fired three times, but he wasn't deciding where to aim it. As before, he hadn't been watching Madeline, but the gun had tracked her position all the while regardless. Could Madeline predict the outcome of an entity she wasn't aware of? 

Blu didn't have much hope in hitting her, but hoped the situation would be enough to get her to just escape rather than stick around for his pistol to have more attempts to hit her. He was more focused on the fight on the ground anyway, Fuoco's angry song pushing him to go for more painful targets, rather than lethal, and his newly gained knowledge as to her abilities allowing him to better plan his shots.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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