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open Into Limbo: Worlds Collide

Evil Pink One

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"Is that so...?" he thought to himself. This denial inmediately put him on alert. The enemy must be within the castle walls, and it could be anyone as far as he knew. It could even be multiple ponies (or shapeshifting entities) working within the ranks of the castle.

Shamrock waited for the mage to exit the room and close the door, he had made up a quick plan to gain some time.

"So be it" he juggled the thought for a moment. He drew a circle of salt around where he was going to read the book, leaving the book inside the circle. He also put salt on the entrance, in front of the door from his side of the room. This should disrupt most black magic, hex casting and even stop demons from entering without his invitation. After this, he silently proceeded to trap the knob with a chair and use a night table to barricade it without doing too much noise. He didn't want the possible enemies to hear him.

"It's a shame I'm all on my own again..." he sighed quietly and proceeded to enter the circle and start reading. He devoured the book quickly, page after page, diagram after diagram. The laylanes of this universe were slightly different on some parts, but in general he could easily recalculate the geometry for his transmutation circles. After half an hour, he was ready to make a small alchemy lab within the room.

He picked up a mirror and bit off the scab from one of his recently closed wounds, and proceeded to draw a circuit on the mirror using his blood. He took an almost blank page from the book and ripped it off, and then drew another circuit to connect to the mirror. He tapped the mirror on an edge and it started to resonate in a high, almost inaudible pitch. It flashed for a moment and, just as calculated, the silver from the back of the mirror had separated from the sand of the crystal of the same, one of each circuit.

After a few more transmutations, he had a few flasks and a small silver blade which he would use to cut himself for more blood. Alchemy in such circumstances was anything but fun nor comfortable. He had to feed enough vital energy as well as heat to start the transmutations, and at the lack of alchemic compounds to provide both, he had to use rather rudimentary techniques such as blood feeding and resonances.

He looked at the food and picked the nuts and put them into a flask with some water from a flower pot. Using a piece of wood from the frame of the mirror he had transmutated, he did a small fire on top of some crystal and proceeded to brew the nuts. Afterwards, he transmutated the broth into a cyanide solution, just for the worst case scenario.

Finally, he drew a small circuit on the almost inexistent handle of the blade he made before. With a buzz and a few sparks, the marks were engraved on it.

"All ready... I won't be unnarmed if I'm took into another delusion and I'll be aware if I'm unconcious in any way" he thought. All he had to do was... wait for an assault. And so, he did.

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@Jesse Terrence 

As Shamrock brew his stuff the pony outside would be curious as what the stallion is up to.

The guard would try to eavesdrop at the door.

" What is he up to? I was hoping he'd get a good night's rest but he seems to be doing something other than resting with that book and.....salt."

The mage on the other hand wants nothing to do with the creepy stallion.

" As long as im far away from that creepy guy.... Ughhhh... That pony has no manners. Next time White don't get me involved with creeps like that. This is the only time id be  helping you out....? Somethings happening inside though?"

The mage noticed your alchemy and layline manipulation.

" .... I knew something's weird with that pony...."

The guard would pester the mage to check out whats happening inside but the mage would just get angry at the guard, so hed just let it be. 

The guard's shift would end and inevitably leave the mage and his colleague to guard their visitor.

As soon as Shamrock finishes his defenses, he waits for the enemy in his dreams.

A few minutes and the room would vibrate. It seems something wants to enter your room... But not from the door.

A familiar voice could be heard, whispering:

" Let me in~ let me in...."

It seems to try even harder to enter your room as the room quakes for a while.

" You're no fun.... No matter..... Someone inside the castle has taken my interest.... We'll meet again eventually...."

It seems the nightmare has found another pony to invade in someones dreams.

The mage and guard outside would feel the quake, but the mage wants no part on investigating whats inside.

The new guard would ask the mage whats happening but the mage would suggest to pay it no mind.

It seems for now that Shamrock is safe in his dreams. But someone else is in danger.



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On 2023-04-13 at 2:01 AM, Kujamih said:

" Usually a much more powerful magic than the magical shield would do the trick. But i believe thats not the answer you are looking for." She ponders a bit, as to what magic would be useful.

" Wither teleport the bullet or gravity magic. Luckily those two magic have the same wavelength and laylines. It closely linked to lightning magic, magnetism and earth magic. Are you good in any of those? If so it'll be easy for you to grasp it with my help... But if not then Lightning or magnetism.... Which are linked closely to fire  and basic dark magic like levitation and what not."

Blu took Starlight's suggestions into consideration, passing them through the Kernel for analysis, when he got an idea: "Forgive me if this would obviously not work, but what if the bullet had an uncharged rune on it? Would it be able to charge itself once in contact with the magical shield? We could use a rune to make the bullet sticky, then an uncharged rune that would take a lot of energy, preferably something that would make subsequent shots easier. For instance, a gravity rune that would weigh the target down until the shield ran out of energy, at which point it would fall off but the target would be unshielded."

He looked over towards her, "Would that work? Or do I misunderstand the concept?"



On 2023-04-13 at 2:01 AM, Kujamih said:

It seems that Fuoco is forced to do it on her own as the rest are reluctant to fight the monstrous alicorn.

She would be able to find a knife and charge outside. But the unexpected has happened.

The alicorn has stopped singing and the infected pony she holds as a shield is the one who is singing.

The Eldritch horror of an alicorn starts to speak with a deep stallion voice.

" NiCe tRicK... I aLso haVE a trIcK or twO..."

It appears that the alicorn swapped its vocal cords with the infected pony she took hostage.

The alicorn slowly walks towards you as it reaches out its free hoof towards you.

" FEar mE..."

The atmosphere she releases causes dread to who ever touches sees or hear her. Even her own infected army feels it. Hence the background music of the place is off ponies screaming and moaning of dread.

Fuoco had not anticipated that the alicorn would tear out their own throat node, nor that such a thing were possible. Nonetheless, she could tell that the song had been interrupted, and thus had lost it's infectious quality now that it had been moved to one untrained and lacking power.

Still though, she was in no position to pull out her flute and play now, not so close to the enemy. She'd have to rely on her voice alone, and herself alone a no one had come to her aid.

Then the alicorn used her fear magic...

Most ponies had a strong flight response when it came to fight or flight.

Most ponies had grown up in a herd, and were taught safety in numbers.

Fuoco was not most ponies.

The fear and dread that washed over her only pushed her further to lash out, pushing past her boundaries in desperation. As she rushed towards the alicorn with her knife in hoof she screamed, allowing her fear and dread to enter her song along with everything she had, redoubling the effect of the fear and dread to everyone who heard her scream, on top of a stream of blue fire flowing violently towards the alicorn from her mouth as though she were a dragon.

She would then leap, trying to get close enough to the alicorn to stab her. Anywhere would do now, and as terrified as she was she wouldn't be able to really plan attacks other than stabbing at anything she could reach.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 


"...oh a reactive rune? Hmmmm your ideas are good... But it would cost you a lot of magic..." She ponders a bit and ended up cooking a great idea.

" What if the rune DOESN'T charge itself?.... What if when activated, it absorbs the magic that activated it's runes OR since you have a low amount of magic, transfer it to you? .. although theres a risk of curse infection. I think its best that the rune leaches off from its target and casts a Gravity spell or something similar to a taxing or draining magic spell. Not only would it drain it's targets magic energy but also activate the runes without you draining too much of your energy. Two birds with one massive stone. Of course it wouldn't be as effective if the target knows or has the same alignment as the spell you casted, Or has an unbelievable amount of magic, but i guess the chances for that is slim... A great deal of care should still be implemented though."



Her song would reverberate through the whole town everyone would stop in their place and tears would drizzle down who ever hears her voice. Some would fall down from where they stand.

Fuoco would see this opening and proceed to stab the alicorn, as it lies motionless and starring at you, burning and shocked in aww. 


A thick purple liquid would gush out of the alicorn as her blade sinks into its skin.

But before Fuoco could make another move, the alicorn has hugged her. She would lift the pony gently and starts to slowly rock her like a baby. Fuoco would be in a hard and awkward position to repeatedly stab the alicorn while carried since the position of her arms is locked up by the hug. She may struggle, but the strength of the alicorn was unmatched.

" It was beautiful...." The alicorn told Fuoco.

It proceeds to cough out its purple blood to you.

" Do not resist my child... You are mine now... Your voice is beautiful... Oh how I've longed to feel the fears embrace... Only you where able to make me.... Uuuu feel this way! I want you more than ever... You shall be my voice! You shall sing for me the joys of FEAAAR!!" The Alicorn proceeds to forcefully dance with you.

" You Shall call me Mother my child."

The infection slowly clouds your mind. You start to hear faint voices, forcing you to call yer mother. 

But another surprise would hit the both of you.

The Alicorn was shocked as she saw a royal guard leaping towards them in blinding speed. 

White Light would give a heavy exhale as he slashes down the alicorn.

It sees that getting hit by the blade would be fatal. Hence letting go of Fuoco is the only choice she could have.


" Gyaaaaahhh!!!!" The alicorn screamed as her hands were cut off. White had a serious face and a killing intent on him, while crying. It seems that White has heard Fuoco's song. Fear had not caused this pony to flee... But to fight.

Surpisingly, not only was White seemed to be able to move freely, and fight.  Apple Bloom too, was in on the action as well.

The Alicorn shocked once more as she sees the earth pony's back side ready to give her a bucking of a life time.

" Leave." Apple Bloom gave a tone of order.

As her back hooves made contact with the alicorn's flesh cracks could be heard before it was sent flying off from the distance. Her body would crash through some houses before her momentum stops.

" That kick was enough to turn boulders into sand. If that thing survived that then its best we ran away."

As the alicorn was sent of quite far. The voices inside Fuoco's head was gone and it seems the infection of your body stopped. 

The other infected pony started to collapse as well.

The Royal Guard, White Light approaches Fuoco and kneels down.

" Forgive me... I have failed in my duties." He said, while trying stop himself from crying. Apple Bloom would approach and comfort both of them. 

" Am sorry too, it took me awhile to come back to mah senses... seeing someone fightin and the pain in mah heart made me realize... I was scared.... And i hate it." 

She'd reached down her hooves towards fuoco.

" Thanks..."

Diamond Tiara though was trying to stand. It seems that fear had shown her something. She was a coward.

" .... I'm sorry..." She replied with a voice of a defeated pony. Her body shakes from the presence of fear and the realization of what she really is.... She has seen herself in the mirror with no mask. And she hated it. Her scar was the only thing that made her beautiful.

" Anyway... If that thing is still alive we need to get out of here." Diamond Tiara suggested.

White on the other hand has something else in mind.

" We can't just leave the infected here! We can save them now. And besides. No one can survive The Apple family's kick."

" I wouldn't be sure by that" Apple bloom added while showing her foot limping.

"White Light, on your guard! Misty come here and heal Apple Bloom now!" Diamond Tiara demanded.

They followed her command immediately. 

" Fuoco, how about you are you good? Anything happened to you?" She asked and quickly tried to analyze your body. 





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6 hours ago, Kujamih said:

I think its best that the rune leaches off from its target and casts a Gravity spell or something similar to a taxing or draining magic spell.

Blu nodded, "Yeah, that's what I had in mind: Something that would both drain their magic and apply some sort of effect that would make them easier to fight. Can you show me those runes then?"



But Fuoco didn't respond. She just laid where she had fallen when the alicorn had dropped her, still covered in the alicorn's strange blood. Her breathing was shallow, and while her eyes were open, they just stared straight ahead.

Inside, she was still reeling from the encounter. Losing control of herself, even as temporarily as the alicorn had managed, TERRIFIED Fuoco like nothing else. What was worse, is that the alicorn had told her things that she had wished her mother had said, that her voice was beautiful, that she was wanted...

If one of the creatures from the group touched her, physically or magically, she would tense up, clenching her eyes shut and curling into a ball. She started to hum, but the tone was panicked, and for a short while she was engulfed in fire, burning off the blood on her, and leaving her only lightly singed.

Once she was cleaned, she struggled to her hooves, and she would bat away any attempts to help her up. She had given her all in that fight, and it hadn't been enough.

Her breathing was ragged now, her voice rough from the fiery scream, "You let her get away." There were tears in her eyes as she looked over the rest of the group, there were lots of things that she wanted to say to them, to hurt them even half as badly as they had hurt her when they ran away and left her to stand alone for the second time in under an hour. But she couldn't find the words to express her disappointment, her disillusionment.

It was clear from her expression that they had hurt her deeply.

She turned to head back inside the structure, but a small rock in her path proved too much for her to overcome and she collapsed again, too drained to fight or move any more.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 2023-04-13 at 5:17 AM, Kujamih said:

It seems to try even harder to enter your room as the room quakes for a while.

The quake would alert Shamrock, making him wake up even if he didn't desire to.

On 2023-04-13 at 5:17 AM, Kujamih said:

" You're no fun.... No matter..... Someone inside the castle has taken my interest.... We'll meet again eventually...."

He could hear the unlikely whisper resounding in his head, though not on his ears as he opened his eyes. His whack defenses seemed to have worked, meaning the aggressor was far weaker than he expected.

"Perhaps it's time to swap roles" he would say to himself as a violent emotion filled his heart. An adrenaline rush started to take him over. He got up and picked the blade he had made. In no time, he pushed the barricade from the door away and broke the salt line on the entrance, while leaving the circle intact. The carving on the blade's handle was glimmering with a soft carmine light, indicating there was a source of evil energy contaminating the laylines.

Shamrock opened the door and walked out of the room. "Don't bother me and don't get in my way" he said to the guard and the mage who were outside. The excitement on him crooked his smile as his presence filled the hallway with a tense and eerie sensation. It was a tangible bloodlust. His mane looked far more messy and his feathers were puffed.

He held the blade for a moment and looked around, looking for a reaction on it. Finally, the glimmer became stronger and he trotted in such direction. A few turns here and there, until the handle was giving a bright red response. Perhaps he had finally reached the enemy, but this time he was no longer the prey. He let out a chuckle in delight.

"I invite thy to negotiations, lower one. Come forth through the looking glass so we might deal. Resist and you shall be anihillated" he demmanded, waiting for a response, ready to engage with the entity.

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@Illiad Easle 


" Thats easy." Starlight would give you a scroll that teaches about, The runes of contract.

" Within the scroll teaches you the in-depth mechanism of how a rune works. from switch runes, trap runes, chain runes, command runes, activation and the arts of lining. You might need a magnifying glass as the text is quite small... And don't damage it... Its um... Vintage and part of my collection." She added.



As she dropped once more, everyone panicked.

" Lady Fuoco, please... Let me assist you. Please ride at my back and rest." White Light quickly went to her side, and presented his back.

Meanwhile the infected starts to rise up and move towards the whole where they're mother was flung into.

Diamond Tiara sees this and dosn't like where this is headed.

" Umm we better get out of here or we'll have another round with that monster. Misty! Change of plans! Go grab the injured infected pegasi! White, you take care of Fuoco and lead us to the rest of the group, while i carry Apple Bloom!" She shouted and commanded.

 White Light would once more offer his hoof to fuoco." please let me help you in anyway. If you want me to fight by your side i will." He said with conviction.

" Wait what!? White!" Tiara would hear this and violently object.

White would raise his sword and point it to the direction of where the infected pony are heading.

" I wont be leavin Fuoco no more... No more doubts.... No more regrets." Apple bloom would shake off of Misty and limp a bit at White and Fuoco's side.

" Are w-we staying?" Misty stuttered.

" .... Its up to them..." Diamond tiara would grab the knife ( either from Fuoco's hand or where she might have dropped it.)

" Dear Celestia.... Save our soul. Is this what you want Fuoco? To fight?" Tiara readies herself while Misty still waits at the back, scared and confused. 

 A faint shadow would slowly show itself from the whole where the Alicorn was flung into.

" It aint too late to back out from this." Tiara informed the others.


Edited by Kujamih
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@Jesse Terrence 

" The moment you left the room and broke your salt barrier was the time you already intruded into my domain. And now. We are in another ponies dream. Make sure not to damage anything in here as this may affect her, even in the real world. Who knows memory lose? Severe headache? Permanent brain damage? Be careful~ 🎶" she giggles as the room echoes and slowly collapse. Sending Shamrock to a beautiful green field, and its background, a burning castle.

" Isn't this beautiful... This heroine's dream is full of nightmares." A mare who was also on the fields spoke.

This was the same mare that you keep on seeing in your other irritating dreams.

The oranged furred blue maned unicorn.

" What is it that you wished too.... What was it again?.... Negotiate with me?"

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3 hours ago, Kujamih said:

" The moment you left the room and broke your salt barrier was the time you already intruded into my domain. And now. We are in another ponies dream. Make sure not to damage anything in here as this may affect her, even in the real world. Who knows memory lose? Severe headache? Permanent brain damage? Be careful~ 🎶"

"Collateral damage. Not that I care of anyway" he said with a smirk.

4 hours ago, Kujamih said:

" What is it that you wished too.... What was it again?.... Negotiate with me?"

"Yes, negotiate. I wouldn't be negotiating with you if I didn't have the upper hoof in this situation. I'll get straight to the point, demon. You either pledge loyalty to me and become my servant, or get dismantled into alchemic compounds which I'll need later on. Either way, I will benefit even if you decline the offer. You're too weak to break a salt barrier by yourself, meaning you're not a big one but a little stray grunt having fun with this chaos" he explained with a smile. He was confident at the situaiton, since the silver blade and the engraving had locked his real body safely and would prevent it from moving until he decided to wake up.

"So, what do you think, eh? I seal you within my grimoire and you serve me, or I use the grimoire to destroy you and butcher you up. Who knows, maybe I'd let you have fun every now and then with whoever I consider a nuance. Just give me your name and we'll be done with this. You'll make it through unharmed... or you can let your pride get you killed" he chuckled. He was ready to spring forward and attack viciously, even desiring to do so.

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@Jesse Terrence

"Hmm are you even that strong?" The pony proceeds to ignore you and starts to move towards you. 

" Prove to me that you are worthy of becoming my master... Or drown in eternal slumber." 

The grass beneath Shamrock's hooves became water. Making him sink to the soil.

" I may be weak outside my realm, but we are in the sleeping realm, fool." 

The mist starts to to cover the area and faint shadows within the mist starts to appear. 

" Surprise me pony..." The many shadows in the mist  had spoken.

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Blu glanced over the scroll before taking over to the Kernel to scan it in. The Kernel's cameras were more than sufficient to read the small font, and now whatever Blu needed to know from the scroll could just be displayed on his glasses.

Once the Kernel confirmed a successful scan and integration of the knowledge within Blu nodded, "Alright then." he gently passed the scroll back, "Undamaged. Now, I had asked for bedding when I thought I would be by myself here, but as that is apparently not the case, I think we're done here, and I'd like to go somewhere private to rest before I leave on the mission."



Fuoco was hardly in a position to gloat that her act of heroism had gained her the leadership role of the group, though the thought that these cowardly ponies now looked to her for guidance...

Fuoco had never been in a leadership role before, but she knew that good leaders didn't let their followers die for nothing, and these ponies were poorly suited to combat as they were. They hadn't come prepared to fight an alicorn, so it would be best to retreat, regroup, and come better equipped the second time.

She would accept White's hoof to get up, and move to climb on his back, but she would need help in her weakened state. "We retreat. But first..." She mustered up the last of her strength for a low whistle, lighting a flame inside the throat of the pony who had been given the alicorn's throat node. He'd find it painful to breathe, and would probably never speak again, but the node would be destroyed, or at least damaged beyond usefulness, just to make sure that the alicorn wouldn't be able to use melodimancy against her in the future.

Once it was finished she sagged further on White's back. "Go now, until we are safe."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

- Blu - 

Starlight Glimmer was impressed by the machine's ability to be at par with an intellectual mage unicorn.

" Truly that machine is outstanding...but of course not as outstanding as me." She gloated.

" It's function rivals a veteran mage at best....hmmm....

But i will take into account what you have warned me of this technology and further research it before i plan on making an original version of your machinery."

8 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Alright then." he gently passed the scroll back, "Undamaged. Now, I had asked for bedding when I thought I would be by myself here, but as that is apparently not the case, I think we're done here, and I'd like to go somewhere private to rest before I leave on the mission."

" Well that was fun. It's nice to get out from work once in a while... You know what colt? Thanks... I kinda needed that change of phase." Shed then pat Blu's head ever so gently.

Blu would notice a hint of magic coursing through his body, then vanishing within him. He felt the stress in him relieved. As in a heavy weight has been lifted upon him.

" I guess that was enough magic transferring. Now let us exit and set you off to bed."

As they exit the portal, Lyra would immediately comment.

" What happened? Is it broken? Why'd you exited?" Lyra said in a confused state.

" That's just how the portal works, agent Lyra. To us they just took less than a second. But they've been there probably more than a year." Alpha answered.

" Oh that reminds me... You'll feel a bit feverish since it was your first time in the portal. And have been absorbing my magic since who knows when... But don't worry... Thats pretty much it...  sooo you can take a bath if you want..." Starlight added.



8 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Once it was finished she sagged further on White's back. "Go now, until we are safe."

Tiara was listening in and was relieved to hear her whispers.

" We proceed to what we have planned! Now go!" 

Everyone galloped carrying the ones they're responsible to.

But before they could distance themselves. The alicorn would appear, carried by her infected minions. But she was heavily injured. Her front hooves cut off and bleeding. Her body smashed and cracked.

" My VoIce... DoNt LeAve me!!! Cough..." Her final yell as she coughs out more blood.

" Damn that thang is heck of a fortress." Apple Bloom was surprised to see the alicorn still standing even though it didn't use any magic to defend itself.

" Hey, watch your tongue Apple Bloom." Tiara lectured.

" Parden mah french..."

White Light would place his sword near Fuoco and explain.

"This sword will absorb any unwanted magic that might attack you and also absorb strains that is caused by magic. Or magic fatigue. All you need to do now is rest my lady... Leave everything to us... No ...to me." 

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On 2023-04-17 at 4:16 AM, Kujamih said:

" Oh that reminds me... You'll feel a bit feverish since it was your first time in the portal. And have been absorbing my magic since who knows when... But don't worry... Thats pretty much it...  sooo you can take a bath if you want..." Starlight added.

Blu thought about that and shrugged, "I guess I could, but I'll need to put my things somewhere safe first."

He'd follow wherever he was directed to go in order to rest.



Fuoco wasn't going to fully rest until they were safe. So long as she was conscious she could whistle up a fireball if things got dire. So as long as they were being pursued she'd stay awake.

Once they got somewhere safe though, she'd gladly pass out.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Starlight would conjure up a Dimensional bag and give it to Blu. 

" You may keep this. Its a bag that shrinks anything you put inside it. I suggest you be careful with your hands, and don't put anything alive in there. There is only a limit where the size could be shrunked. like for example: an ant wont shrink inside the bag."

Starlight, Lyra, Alpha and Blu would be escorted by guards toward the bath area. 

Inside was a mix of a luxurious, post apocalyptic bathing house. Where statues of beheaded ponies spout out water, the tiles cracked and the ceiling has an open view of the moon and stars. The mares would remove their belongings and deep into the pool.

" Come on in Blu before you burn up and have a fever." You were invited by Starlight Glimmer.

Lyra would play a bit on the pool while Alpha dips herself at a corner and slowly sink within. Releasing bubbles until none came out.



- fuoco-

The group was able to gallop away and seems no chase was given. Fuoco fades into slumber. (You may dream with no interference or proceed to wake up if you wish to skip a dream scene.)


-the two overlords-

" YoU wiLl nOt ...." The creature could not continue as blood would come out of its mouth. It would grab one of her underlings and replace with its vocal body parts.

As the creature was on the process of changing parts. A warp would appear and within it another grotesque pony would appear. Purple fur and light Blue mane. A unicorn with multiple eyes covered around her body.

"What happened to you Asthenia?"

" I've found the voice that will complete me... This is a small price to pay.... And you? What brings you here in my domain, Mara?"

" I brought a gift." 

Mara would pull out a corpse of a black dragon.

" You wanted a dragon wing correct?" 

Asthenia was shocked to see one of their comrades have fallen.

".... What is the meaning of this Lady Mara?" Asthenia was alarmed and worried. 

" The great dragonlord onix....dead? Only one of our ranks can pull off such a stunt... Is there a betrayal!?"

" No Asthenia, he is just...weak. anyway, let us not waste his body and put it to good use."

Asthenia would decline." Sorry Lady Mara but my foals are more important... I must save my child who has my voice... I wish to sing with her the terrors of the world."

Mara would block her path though.

"... You may be stronger than me, but our light do not fancy betrayal." Asthenia warned Mara.

" No but you shall follow ranks... And besides a troublesome mare would appear... Even if both of us would fight her off, one of us or even both would not come out alive... The light does not wish to waste his resources... And the consequence of disobedience is a corpse." She then proceeds to look at the lifeless black dragon.

" Fine.... Then i shall take the dragons wings and arms and call it a day.. my voice can wait..."

"Oh Asthenia, may i request you replace one of my injured eyes with the dragon?"

" If you wish... What caused that?" She asked.

" It appears i underestimated a pegasi."(Shamrock @Jesse Terrence)



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Blu considered objecting to putting the items in the bag, but given the others didn't voice any concerns he went ahead with it, putting everything but the Kernel inside. He was sued to carrying the Kernel around by itself anyway and he didn't want to risk the shrinking having any unintended consequences with the specialized electronics and software. When the Kernels case was closed it was waterproof anyway.

Once at the bathhouse Blu would find a shallow portion to sit in, as he did not know how to swim in his current form, and would wait out whatever effects were coming his way. "For the record, I'm not happy that you waited until afterwards to tell me that there would be side-effects."



(If you have a dream scene planned then go for it, otherwise we'll skip it.)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle


" I know... Thats why I didn't tell, cuz you'd outright reject it. You have potential. Not your body, and magic though... But your mind... A being without a mind is just a weapon....

And besides, i can easily cool down your body and lessen the stress while we are in the pool." Starlight would cast something on the pool and the water around Blu would shine a bit.

" One minute is all it takes see?" 

" I actually want to stay longer in the pool though." Lyra replied as she floats by.

Meanwhile Alpha sits quietly under the pool unfazed.

( Blu may interact with the others more or continue to bed if he wishes too.) 



- Fuoco-

Fuoco would wake up in a dazed state. Still tired and in pain. She hears shouting. As her visions clears it seams everyone is inside an abandoned building once more, but a different one. It has ornaments of a very unique tribal design. Big masks and potions in display. A giant cauldron at the center. 

Basher, Griff and White are fighting at the corner. Diamond Tiara and Applebloom is beside the unconscious, infected pegasi. And Misty is casting healing magic on you.

The fight would get worse between the three but the rest would just watch and not stop them.


Edited by Kujamih
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On 2023-04-15 at 7:12 PM, Kujamih said:

The grass beneath Shamrock's hooves became water. Making him sink to the soil.

"Wrong choice" the pegasus said calmly as he stood on top of the liquid soil.

"Most pegasi are unaware of our true power. We don't just move clouds. We can manipulate matter to an extend" he explained as he slowly walked towards the monster, stepping on the water as if it was solid under his hooves.

"It took me a good 500 loops to understand how pegasi weather manipulation works. We don't merely move clouds or stand on top of them, we control the molecular bonds through laylines" he added as the liquid soil started to frost.

"You'll need better tricks if you intend to kill me. Keep in mind I'm not limited by the layline polution of my universe. In this universe, I have the full set of pegasi perks at my disposition, meaning not only can I walk on water, fly, move clouds or practice cryomancy. And right here, I'm free of my physical handicaps. I'm essensce and mind". He chuckled for a moment. He had never felt such freedom as he was feeling right now. "You'd be surprised of the interesting tricks we can do if we know enough chemistry and physics. But alas, most pegasi ignore our true potential" he continued as he approached his oponent. He was calm and collected, listening to his surroundings. Aware of everything around him. He expected an attack soon. He seemed happy at the situation, ready to go with the flow.

"I'll give you one more chance to give up and save yourself. Give me your name and we'll be through with this. Nopony has to be harmed" he offered, hoping to persuade the demon and save himself from the upcoming exahusting battle.

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@Jesse Terrence

The demon was shocked at what the pony can do. 

"!?" The demon cannot manipulate anything on the dream that she herself could not understand or is new to her. Especially when facts are set within the dream.

" .... I knew my interest in you was not wrong... And where's the fun in just giving myself to you, I'm no ordinary pony who you could just hook up you know. What if you join me instead?" The demon would remove the fog and reveal multiple beautiful ponies surrounding him closing in and trying to seduce him.

" I can make your dreams come true..." It echoes throughout the field as the legions of beautiful ponies close in on him.

" Be mine.... Your mind.... Is so... Beautiful." The pony alluringly said.

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8 hours ago, Kujamih said:

" I can make your dreams come true..." It echoes throughout the field as the legions of beautiful ponies close in on him.

"So you're a succubus, eh? I expected something else" the pegasus stated as he kept closing onto the mare.

"It's a shame you declined my offer, but I guess there's nothing I can do about it" he complained. He seemed to have lost interest on the recruiting.

Without warning, he bolted towards the demon, and just before reaching her, there was a huge splash in front of her. Shamrock was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, a hoof came from bellow and dragged the mare into the watery soil. Just as fast as that happened, the water surrounding her started to boil as the pegasus kicked her even deeper to impulse himself and dart out the water. He was clenching the silver blade on his teeth, in an attempt to break away from the multi-pony illusion.

Edited by Jesse Terrence
Modified the paragraph a bit
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@Jesse Terrence 

-Critical event-

1 hour ago, Jesse Terrence said:

Suddenly, a hoof came from bellow and dragged the mare into the watery soil. Just as fast as that happened, the water surrounding her started to boil as the pegasus kicked her even deeper to impulse himself and dart out the water.

But before he could kick her even deeper the unicorn would grab his legs with her demonic sharp clawed hands and pull him under as well. Shed hug him and look at him in his eyes and began to kiss him, Sucking his energy ever so slowly. Mara was confident enough that Shamrock would be stunned at what happened and didn't bother locking up his front hooves. 

Magic would simultaneously drain and apply her magic on to him slowly replacing his magic with hers. Making it easier to control him.

" Let us sink at the bottom of the abyss where we can remain in pRiVAtE....." They would slowly sink down.

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Blu sighed at Starlight's comments. "This... co-operation will only succeed if we can have mutual respect. Lying to me does not show or earn respect, neither does continually putting me down. I also find it distressing that you would tell a young body that they lack potential. This body is young and inexperienced, if anything it is full of potential. It just needs a teacher that sees that."

That said he would get out of the water, "Don't stop on my account, but I need some rest so I'll be in the proper frame of mind to be informed about the mission before we leave."



Basher and Griff, the ones that ran and did not come back for her. Fuoco would not forget their betrayal. Unless White seemed to be losing whatever the fight was, she wouldn't intervene. Instead she'd turn her attention towards Misty, "How long was I out? Are we going to the next location soon?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 


"Come on, its just little details that i can easily fix."

" You know what i meant about your potential. Sure your body has it... But there's no denying that your mind surpasses all." 

As Blu heads out Lyra would join you.

" Off to bed then." 

Starlight and Alpha would stay at the pool a bit longer.

One of the guards would assist you to your room.

The halls are much more quieter as the moon has already risen at its peak.

" Here are your rooms ma'am." 

It seems Blu and Lyra would share a room.

The bed is wide enough for two to comfortably sleep in. A wide window at the side to let the cool breeze in and side tables to hold a lamp and huge closets to hide their belongings in. 

Lyra would jump in and bury her face on one of the pillows.

Soon after Blu hears snoring.


- Fuoco- 

Misty was happy and surprised that you woke up. She gently hugged you. Soon realizing to not discomfort the patient.

" Ohh right... Well you've been out for quite a while... Maybe eight or ten hours... Sorry "-she yawns widely and clumsily drifts from wake to sleep-" anyway what's important is you're awake and well. And next location?... That depends on the head mistress Starlight as she finishes her investigation in this town."

Apple bloom would be the first to notice Misty's conversation with fuoco and join in. 

" Well looky here now...top of the mornin to ya sleepin beauty!" She gleefully greeted Fuoco.

White would halt his bickering with the two and focus on greeting you as well.

" Good morning lady Fuoco."

The two would remain silent and avoid eye contact with you. Shame could be easily seen in bashers eyes while Griff was frustrated. Diamond tiara would try to smile at you but would quickly try to hide her face. 

Tiara would then order White Light.

" White prepare a food for lady Fuoco would you?"

" Certainly" White replied and quickly went out to prepare the kitchen.

The room grew silent once more.





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Shamrock was, indeed, shocked. He had put himself in disadvantage. He was in a pickle, isolated, and at the grasp of his enemy. His mind rushed to picture all possible movements. Most seemed like a death sentence. So he made a last gamble in a desperate attempt to break free.

Instead of trying to push her away or attack her, he started to make out, shuffling a hoof through her mane while moving the other closer to her back. He softly put his left hoof on her cheek and hoped she was too invested on absorbing his energy at that moment. He reached for the silver blade he had hid between the feathers of one of his wings, and used his wings to embrace her. He carefully raised the right hoof towards the back of her head, caressing her mane, and then, slowly, shifted the blade along her temple, carefully not touching her skin with it so she wouldn't notice, and keeping it out of her sight.

He was really weakened and starting to give into her seduction, and, in what seemed to be his last moment of brightness, he swiftly stabed the eye of the mare with the silver blade, cutting a chunk of the white and leaving her eye in a bit half, taking away the cornea and iris as if it was butter on the side of the knife. The blade was glimmering in a hot white light as the bit of the eye he removed burned in an eerie blue fire disregard the surrounding water.

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On 2023-04-24 at 1:34 PM, Kujamih said:

The bed is wide enough for two to comfortably sleep in. A wide window at the side to let the cool breeze in and side tables to hold a lamp and huge closets to hide their belongings in. 

Lyra would jump in and bury her face on one of the pillows.

Soon after Blu hears snoring.

Blu raised an eyebrow at the arrangement, did they really think it was acceptable for a full grown mare to share a bed with a colt she had no familial relationship with? Well, maybe in this world that was fully acceptable, but that didn't mean that Blu was comfortable with it. He was a bit miffed that Lyra hadn't even bothered to check first, and had seemingly claimed the bed for herself.

Still though, he needed rest, and so long as the place was secure even the floor would be better than nothing.

As he wasn't planning on staying more than the one night he didn't move anything into the closet, electing to keep everything close to himself as he slept with his back against the wall such that he could see both the door and the window, or against the perpendicular wall if the door and window were on opposite sides.



On 2023-04-24 at 1:34 PM, Kujamih said:

" Ohh right... Well you've been out for quite a while... Maybe eight or ten hours... Sorry "-she yawns widely and clumsily drifts from wake to sleep-" anyway what's important is you're awake and well. And next location?... That depends on the head mistress Starlight as she finishes her investigation in this town."

Fuoco sighed, "I hope you didn't break my flute to summon her. Maybe next time we'll have a team that works together, and trusts each other."

On 2023-04-24 at 1:34 PM, Kujamih said:

" Certainly" White replied and quickly went out to prepare the kitchen.

The room grew silent once more.

Fuoco simply nodded at those who addressed her, keeping her gaze on the two who had most betrayed her. She decided that they would be given a chance to apologize, to admit their cowardice and attempt to earn her forgiveness. If they were too much cowards to speak to her, then they wouldn't deserve her trust going forward.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



As the night passes by, Blu end up hearing someone murmuring. The chances are that it just might be Lyra sleep talking.

A few minutes would pass and you'd here something outside opening a door loudly, more like slamming it wide open.

( @Jesse Terrence event.)

A commotion outside can be heard as well. 



8 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Fuoco sighed, "I hope you didn't break my flute to summon her. Maybe next time we'll have a team that works together, and trusts each other."

" Hehe... We did.... But the head mistress fixed it... So thats good... Right?"

8 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Fuoco simply nodded at those who addressed her, keeping her gaze on the two who had most betrayed her. She decided that they would be given a chance to apologize, to admit their cowardice and attempt to earn her forgiveness. If they were too much cowards to speak to her, then they wouldn't deserve her trust going forward.


Basher would start to sniffle and cry once more.

Griff would get irritated and tap Basher.

" Hey stop that!"

Basher would sniffle once more and clumsily head towards Fuoco and Misty.

" Sniff... Im sorry I couldn't properly do my role in this team...sniff" she said with teary eyes.

Griff would click his tongue in frustration and cross his arms and look away from them.

" Well i did nothing wrong! I actually did good by saving white back there! Buuuutt eeeeveryone think its suuuch a cowardly move! Not even a thank you was given to me, Even from the one i saved.... Pshh im headin outside and help the headmistress instead... Maybe she'd understand me and praise me from my heroics than you lot..." Griff leaves out the window and flew off.


@Jesse Terrence 

( Potential merge. Awaiting Blu's response. Priority: Blu.)

As of timeline wise

Blu is behind, followed by shamrock who is probably ahead one hour then fuoco who is one day ahead of them.

Edited by Kujamih
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