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open Into Limbo: Worlds Collide

Evil Pink One

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@StrawberryMilk Simp


"Noted, I'll try to leave her alive. Finish what you're doing and pull out, her presence means our mission might be compromised. I'll wait as long as I can, but if either of the other two try to leave I'm taking the shot."

He'd keep his aim on the six winged one, Cozy would be dealt with later, and the unicorn had portaled in, so might be able to escape faster than her could hit her. The winged one had flown in, so would likely fly away if not given reason to not to.

As soon as any of the three moved to leave, he'd take the shot.



Fuoco played a note on her flute, and everyone nearby had their fear reduced. "Alright, everyone stay calm. These guards seem to know what they're doing, so lets cooperate, okay? They want to help us, let them."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 


It seems that the quarrel between the three is getting worse.

The alicorn begins to grab Cozy glow by the neck, chocking her. Tears begin to drop as Cozy Glow starts to pale.

The alicorn begins to open her mouth abnormally wide, while the Eldritch Unicorn laughs and watch hanging from the portal she's in.



The notes would react differently to everyone. Misty would start to become perky, Tiara would become sleepy, Basher would start to tear up, Apple Bloom seems to be unaffected but Griff would drop down to his knees and cry heavily.

White Light didn't much feel the effect, because of his sword absorbing the magic. He didnt tried to break out of Basher's hold though. He saw everyone worried for him that he couldn't stay panicked.

"...." White remained silent.

 A mage and a doctor would be seen galloping towards them from the village.

" You! mare with the flute! You're the leader correct? Please make sure that no harm would come upon our medic and mage. They are very important to our village's survival. And we are allowing them to help you. We only wish for your full cooperation to us when you enter our village. If you agree then we can proceed to go inside and continue to tend your friends wounds there." The guard would give his hooves to shake upon in agreement.

" If not then we'd like you all to leave."


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@StrawberryMilk Simp


That's as good a shot as any

Blu would take the shot, aiming for the neck of the alicorn. Her mouth open like that made for a large target of interior flesh. If her head wasn't wholly obliterated by the force, it should at least be removed from her body.

He wouldn't wait to line up a second shot, if the unicorn didn't leave immediately he'd try to take a shot at her too before hiding.



12 hours ago, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

" If not then we'd like you all to leave."

Fuoco nodded, her expression serious, "Of course, we've been nothing but cooperative up until now, and we've no intention of changing that now."

She'd shake the offered hoof, then motion for the others to move, "Let them work, give them room."

Fuoco would comply with their requests.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle


A Bullet silently sliced the head off of the alicorn.

Cozy glow and the unicorn didn't even have time to react.

The headless body collapses, while Cozy still shocked at what just happened collapsed with the body.

Soon enough she'd return to her senses and break free from the lifeless corpse. She is in a panic to run away.

Luckily she is headed straight to you. It seems she dosnt know where you are, but judging where she is headed, it seems she is returning to Ponyville.

A few seconds Blu's line to Alpha would open.

" I think you did something to upset the infected... Not sure if that was wise or not... But it did give me an opening i needed... You still good there?"

She asked.

Meanwhile the unicorn retreats to her portal.



 A firm shake of the hooves was given to each other and the guards would quickly assist White.

" We gotta strap him down for both of our safety. bring him to the clinic and there we make our next action."

One of the guards would quickly grab a stretcher inside the tower and place White On it. The other would tie him up before pulling him to town.

Another guard would come up to the group, but this one is a bit unique. This one is holding a weird metal barrel. it looks light and wouldn't be an effective weapon to hit someone with.

" Okay the rest of you come with me to the inn, there our mayor-ell talk to ya." 

" Wait! What about White." Basher asked?

" Again, dont worry. Once Doc and AL have taken a look and see with yer friend, yeu can visit em... But for now you folks need to talk to the mayer."

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@StrawberryMilk Simp


Clean hit.

Blu didn't linger on the kill, seeing as no one seemed to know where the shot came from, he felt safe prepping another shot, aiming for the unicorn, or more accurately her portal, he hoped to get a shot through before it closed. Even if it wouldn't kill her, he hoped to do some damage, send the message that whatever these creatures were, they were in danger.

After firing he'd respond to Alpha, "I think I took out one of the leaders, we'll need to retrieve the body for study. The infected bowed to it when it arrived, that's worth investigation. All clear here, but we should prep to leave. Cozy's fleeing, if you're fast enough you can catch her first."



17 hours ago, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

" Again, dont worry. Once Doc and AL have taken a look and see with yer friend, yeu can visit em... But for now you folks need to talk to the mayer."

Fuoco raised an eyebrow, "Surely there's no harm in Basher staying close to White? It will ease their worries considerably if they aren't separated. We can fill them in later what the mayor has to say, if that wouldn't be too much trouble?"

Fuoco wouldn't put up a fight if they denied that request, and would follow along.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle


The portal Blu shot at stopped from closing. Instead it did the opposite...

It started to grow faster at the speed it spreads it'll take 5 minutes before it reaches him. At first it looks impossible too reach him since he is so far away... but it seems like underestimating this enemy might not be the wisest choice. If he still tried to observe, anything on its path starts to sink in it. Trees, giant rocks, other infected and even the alicorn he just shot. And soon him. 



"... As long as the dragon doesn't get in the way and follow the doctors orders then why not." The guard replied.

Basher would nod ahead and look at Fuoco. " Thanks..."

Some of the guards would go ahead and guide White and Basher to the town towards the clinic.

While the guard with the weird rod assists them towards the town but on a different direction, probably to the inn. 

And the village seems like it wasnt affected by the invasion one bit. No broken windows, damaged structures, ponies on the streets and disarray in sight.

Misty and Diamond Tiara was shocked in awe.

" so strangers, hows the invasion treaten(treating) ya?" The guard asked.

" Worse than here i recon." Replied Apple Bloom.

" Did the invasion not reach you here?" Diamond Tiara asked.

" Oh it did alright. But luckly Me and a friend of mine wr able to kick sum inffection butt! POW!" He proudly claimed.

".... Well... Mostly my friend.. i was back up... At the back shootin the stragglers...BUT there wr lots of em i tells ya. Damn stallion took an army with just him and a sword... And i thought i was unique in this world... Damn he totally outclassed me."

Soon enough youd reach the inn and there the guard points you to the bartender.

" That there is the mayer. His a nice fella so just go up ahead and greet em." The guard would then wait outside and guard there.



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@StrawberryMilk Simp


(That seems retaliatory and unlikely, but alright.)

Blu frowned at the development, but wasn't fully surprised. He had planned to take on magical opponents after all.

He pulled out a set of special rounds he had prepared, the same explosive ones he had wanted to use on the alicorn, which were designed to absorb magic, then explode with all the energy they had absorbed after a set delay. He quickly set the runes to explode after they passed through the portal, waited for it to get close enough, then threw them in. Given the immense power it would take to make a portal that big, there was no doubt that the explosions on the other side would be absolutely devastating on top of the magic drain they would cause.

Then Blu would wrap himself in the magic nullifying cloak he had been given. It stood to reason that it would prevent him from passing through the portal.



Fuoco was suspicious when the bartender was pointed out as the mayor, but she supposed he was the mayor now, and likely hadn't been the mayor before this all happened.

Regardless she went up to see what the mayor had to say, on the way she turned to Diamond, "I'll let you take the lead here, negotiations and communication seem to be more your strong suit than mine anyway."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle


But before Blu could execute his plan the portal stopped creeping. Soon after a giant peace of rock starts to come out of the humongous portal. Slowly but surely the size of the rock is at par with the portal's width and would revel its true form. A gigantic tip of a sword. Soon after something would radiate out of the sword. It looks harmful as the trees and grass around it starts to wither and die. Luckily Blu has the cloak in hand.

And was able to fend off of it.

The chaos the sword produce would end as the swords tip starts to sinks back in the portal while shrinks and vanishes.

The Ghastly gorge is now more hunting than ever.



"I'd actually want a sip of cider first." She patted the back of Fuoco.

She'd move towards the mayor and sit infront of him.

Apple Bloom would follow suit and invite the rest.

" Cmon fellas. We all could use a drink er two."

Griff was a bit messed up and would just follow along, While Misty would shyly reply:

" cider doesn't bode well for me."

" I heard your the mayor of this town good sir. I would say you've done well than ponyville... I could barely keep my town afloat because of the infection. The gentlemen seems to want us travelers to greet the mayor before we could wonder your village here. So here we are. We don't  mind talking and sharing information, but can we do it with  a round of some cider for me and my friends here.

The bartender would nod and reply.

" Diamond Tiara correct?" He said while cleaning one of the mugs.

" I'm a close friend of your pops, spoiled rich. Cider's on me... So i see that yer  village is still up and running. Hows the apple farm?"

Apple Bloom would perk up her ears as she hears her home.

" Well the apple family wont let no vermin touch our apples... So it still standin..." 


" Haha! Good... We've been saving our ciders since the invasion and about to run out of stock. I better get some privilege on the next harvest ya hear lady?" The mayor replied.

" Better make us VIPs then if ya know what im sayin." Apple Bloom then presents hoof. Which the Mayor shook hoofs with.

" Ya heard her boys... If you want cider, ya best be treaten them proper."

The crowd heard and was cheerin quite  bit.

" What just happened?" Misty asked. 

" How the apples usually does with their business. That's what happened. I say cheers to that. Thanks Apps." Diamond Tiara sid to apple Bloom.

" No probs Tiara." She said and took a drink.

The bartender would give each and everyone a key of their own. " You guys sleep here  on the second floor. This spot here's the safest to be. Enjoy for a while and make yerselves at home. We can have some more business talk tumorrow." He too drank some cider.



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@StrawberryMilk Simp


(Some details changed in the OOC)

Blu paused his preparations when he saw the portal start to slow in it's growth, recording what he was seeing for later analysis.

When the sword started to emerge the Kernel, through his glasses, warned him of the harmful effects radiating off of it, and Blu covered himself in the cloak to protect himself, waiting until things calmed down to peak out again, seeing how the area had been changed by the sword's effect.

He'd try to reach out to Alpha with the comms, "Alpha, come in. The whole area's taken a turn for the worse, but I've got an unconfirmed kill on one of their leaders. If we can find Cozy we'll have some more information. I'm going to pull back to a safe distance."

Blu would then pack up his gear and start moving back towards Ponyville.



On 2023-08-05 at 6:59 AM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

The bartender would give each and everyone a key of their own. " You guys sleep here  on the second floor. This spot here's the safest to be. Enjoy for a while and make yerselves at home. We can have some more business talk tumorrow." He too drank some cider.

Fuoco was even more suspicious as the bartender drank on the job, but she didn't show it. "If it's all the same to you, and not to disparage your hospitality, but since I was a filly I was taught not to sleep in a stranger's house. Any chance you'd allow us to get better acquainted before we put our safety in your hooves? How about a name? I'm Fuoco Cantabile."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

No reply was given to him.

As he packed up and moved. A few minutes in and a loud sonic boom can be heard and its projectile passing you by, but would soon halt and reveal itself.

It was Alpha covered in blood and wounds. She was carrying two bodies. One was Cozy Glow. And the other Shallow Shade.

As soon as Alpha saw you, she halted and begin to land. Soon after, collapsing to her knees. She'd place both of them at the ground as gently as she can, before tending to her wounds.

She'd drink some potions and bandage her self up. A closer look shows a weird grin on her face.



" If a name is all it takes, then a name you shall have. Gruit Ale. Some call me real al, but mostly mayer for short." The mayor would look at the mug of cider that was given to her before.

" Not much of a drinker? I wont force ya but... It would be nice if you could drink with us. To better know one another." The mayor would lift his mug towards you.


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  • 2 weeks later...

@StrawberryMilk Simp


Blu had his pistol ready and trained on Alpha as she approached without notice, and continued to not speak, "Alpha? Are you alright? Are you infected?" If she made a sudden movement he wouldn't hesitate to fire. He wouldn't go for something lethal to start, but if she attacked him he would.



When the mayor introduced himself she nodded, "It is a pleasure to meet you."

When the beverage was offered to her she shook her head, "Sorry, but I'd prefer just water if that's alright. I've had... bad experiences with cider in the past."

Provided the mayor was amicable to her request she'd toast him with the water, after she checked it to make sure it was pure and untampered. "Cheers."


(Apparently the content threshold is more than 750 characters now?)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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3 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

@StrawberryMilk Simp


Blu had his pistol ready and trained on Alpha as she approached without notice, and continued to not speak, "Alpha? Are you alright? Are you infected?" If she made a sudden movement he wouldn't hesitate to fire. He wouldn't go for something lethal to start, but if she attacked him he would.



When the mayor introduced himself she nodded, "It is a pleasure to meet you."

When the beverage was offered to her she shook her head, "Sorry, but I'd prefer just water if that's alright. I've had... bad experiences with cider in the past."

Provided the mayor was amicable to her request she'd toast him with the water, after she checked it to make sure it was pure and untampered. "Cheers."


(Apparently the content threshold is more than 750 characters now?)

( yeah and it says 20.... What a scam!:laugh: if its short just quote to add to the numbers.)


@Illiad Easle



Alpha would raise her hoof towards your face as to signal you to stop. Her hooves and body visibly shakes infront of you as she tries to chug down some sort of potion.she messily finishes it and ifs effect can be slowly seen as his shaking slows down. Her heavy breathing starts to slow down.

"... it's still me, im okay... Well barely." She said while she sat down to rest.

" i barely got out of that dimension that creature trapped me in. These two extra weights didn't help either." She looked at Cozy Glow and Shallow Shade.

" You sure pissed them off good..."

Meanwhile Cozy Glow would be the first to wake up.

It seems like she has woken up from a nightmare. She would stare blankly to the ground.





" is that so?"

The bartender would shrug and give you your water.

The cheers would commence 

"Probably someday, you'll have your good experience with cider, then hopefully you visit us and have a drink or two here."

The room would get chatty, as ponies tend to hang around at this inn to drink and chatter.

Some ponies would come up to the team and give a greet or two as they pass by.

" so is there anything more i can do to make you feel at home?" Gruit Ale asked.


Edited by StrawberryMilk Simp
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@StrawberryMilk Simp


Blu lowered his pistol once Alpha started acting a bit more normally.

19 hours ago, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

" You sure pissed them off good..."

He snorted at that, "That was the point, almost got both of them, hopefully this puts them on the back foot for a bit. I'll be quicker next time."

19 hours ago, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

It seems like she has woken up from a nightmare. She would stare blankly to the ground.

Blu kept his distance, but kept his pistol ready, "What's the matter? Fraternizing with the enemy not work out like you hoped?" His tone was distinctly sarcastic.



19 hours ago, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

"Probably someday, you'll have your good experience with cider, then hopefully you visit us and have a drink or two here."

Fuoco's expression darkened, remembering the experience in question she shuddered before softly speaking, "There's no coming back from that."

20 hours ago, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

" so is there anything more i can do to make you feel at home?" Gruit Ale asked.

Fuoco shook her head as she watched the crowd, "Home for me is far away and burned to ashes. I'll get comfortable when the war's over, and no sooner. The sooner we can finish up here and move on the better, but when it comes to diplomacy and negotiations Tiara is in charge. So what we do here is up to her."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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  • 3 weeks later...

@Illiad Easle



She began to cry and scream to the sky.

" NO IT DIDN'T!!" She continues to bawl. Her body begins to feel heavy as guilt starts to strangle her.

This somehow pissed off Alpha and begins to slap her on the face.

Cozy's bawling would stop but her tears and heavy breathing did not.

Alpha would begin to pin her down and slapped her some more.

"You!..." she sternly said.

" with all the love that was given to you ... you still havent changed!"

She continues to beat her up.

" You where forgiven."


Cozy would not resist and would just let Alpha continue her assault.

"Why were you forgiven!?"

Alpha dropped a tear on Cozy. She would feel it, and leave her stunned.

This also made Alpha shocked and stunned.

They both became still and unmoving.

" tsk." Alpha looks away and wipes her tears.

" what am i doing..." she sighed.

" im sorry Blu... I didn't mean to beat up a foal infront of you..." she gave of a sad face.

She would look at you and give off a weird yet calm smile, a smile that says, im such an idiot.

But these scene would not last as something out of the blue would ram and pin Alpha onto the ground.

A clearer view would be seen that it was Shallow shade in a feral State who has attacked Alpha.

Her jaws can be seen slowly sinking into Alphas hooves. Blood starts to paint the grass they're on. 


a shout of pain can be heard from Alpha while Shallow growls as she sinks her teeth and ram her hooves on Alpha's face.

In a panic, Cozy glow could only stare in disbelief and shiver.

" S-sc- SCOOTALOO!!"

She would clumsily run towards Alpha's rescue and weakly pound on Shallow.

In response, Shallow would loosen her bite and also become confused.

It was a mess of a scene.





Tiara would hear that and pat Fuoco at the back.

" thanks, but you still play an important roll in our group, and i will still be needing your input on all of this. Without you... i dont think we would be able to be here." 

It seems Apple bloom is also listening and would give a nod to what Tiara has said.

" you have some fine friends miss." Gruit ale spoke.

" i don't mean to pry, but the horrors of your past is written all over your face. And i think yer friends can see it and is tryin to help."

He'd take a sip and continue.

" i ain't sayin you should let them in yer life or what not... but at least you should give em a smile for em tryin, plus it'll help the mood."

Tiara and AB would be seen being a bit bashful as Gruit said his peace.

" wha? Nahh that aint what wer train ta do." AB trying to cover up.

" whaaaa? Painted on her face? Thats how she always looks like right?" She Snickers.

" but... if she does wanna say something...i mean... we don't mind listening, right Apple Bloom?"

"Well all i can do is listen really, plus im good at it too." AB sarcastically replied to Tiara, seeing that she's blind.( forgive the pun.)

Tiara would smack AB's back and laugh.

Meanwhile Misty is dancing and making a crowd. They were all cheering her performance.

Her face was flushed red, same as griff who is filled with embarrassment.







Edited by StrawberryMilk Simp
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@StrawberryMilk Simp


On 2023-09-10 at 4:28 AM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

" im sorry Blu... I didn't mean to beat up a foal infront of you..." she gave of a sad face.

Blu was taken aback at Alpha's sudden attack on Cozy, sure he didn't much like the filly, but she was still a filly.

He didn't move to stop her though, and when she stopped he only fixed her with a cold expression, "But you did mean to beat up a foal. Meant to kill one too. Get ahold of yourself al-"

On 2023-09-10 at 4:28 AM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

But these scene would not last as something out of the blue would ram and pin Alpha onto the ground.

Blu's pistol was up and ready as soon as Alpha hit the ground.

On 2023-09-10 at 4:28 AM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

A clearer view would be seen that it was Shallow shade in a feral State who has attacked Alpha.

Her jaws can be seen slowly sinking into Alphas hooves. Blood starts to paint the grass they're on. 

Blu didn't hesitate to open fire, doing his best not to hit Alpha through the attacker, which at this range would be easy. Given how close it was to Alpha he wouldn't go for the head, so his shots would likely not be immediately fatal, but they would no doubt be painful as he fired on Shallow's center of mass.

(This likely changes the rest of your post for Blu, so I'll stop there.)



Fuoco sighed, "The tale I have to tell is far too somber for this place and time. It would only serve to hinder the mood. Another time, maybe, once I've had time to fully understand it myself, or somewhere more private."

She'd turn her attention out to Misty as she danced, idly wondering how long it had been since she'd done anything like that... had she ever done something like that? Fuoco's foalhood had always been about training, the second daughter was there to cement lesser political alliances and be ready to stand in for the first, when something horrible happened. Then the training was even more rigorous, and she found the public engagements that she had previously been jealous of were nightmares all their own.

She could not remember ever dancing for fun, or really doing anything for fun. Maybe, when this fight was over, she could try and learn fun, if the fire didn't consume her first. But for now, she would wait, recover her strength, and prepare for tomorrow.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle


The pistol was shot and a moment of silence erupt.

Shallow was stunned and her body felt heavy. Strength from her jaw was lost and soon after would let go.

Alpha too was shocked. She thought that she was shot, but the crushing pain on her hoof was lost, answering her question.

Shallow stood up a bit shakingly and touched the part where it was numb.

Something warm on her body, then on her hooves.

Blood was on her hooves.

" why...." she cried towards Blu.

She would try to go near you but as soon as she made one step she drops on the ground.

The shot woke Cozy from her shocked state and began to run towards Cozy, to check up on her.

" Scootaloo! You okay! Where!? Where are you bleeding!?"

She wasnt aware that it was just her hoof and nothing that severe.

" please dont leave me!"

This shocked Alpha. What in the hay is she spouting?

Then she remembers about Shallow.

She sees her lying down bleeding.

The shot was not for her.


Alpha quickly took one of the potion and lightly shoved Cozy to the side. And quickly went to Shallow's side and gave her one of her potions.

She looked at Blu alarmed.

" did you kill her!? It wasn't fatal right!?"

She began to check on Shallow's body. It seems two holes are on her body. It went through. But her blood...

It was purple.

Cozy on the other hand who was shoved seemed confused and stunned at Alpha. Her crying stopped, but her eyes were staring at Alpha, out of focused and dead.

It seems she is in a depressed state.




" hehe"

Gruit gave out a snicker rather than a laugh.

" that would be a good story to be heard. But another time i guess. I'll be waitin for that story of yours miss." She gives another cheers to you.

While AB and Tiara would just give a friendly smile towards her.

The day and atmosphere was lively as ponies and creatures of this town enjoyed the day, celebrating the arrival of their very first visitor since the invasion.

Although one griffon was sulking and would leave the inn.

As the day would pass, griff would come back to rest eventually, but it would be late in the night.

The three drunk mares would not even reach their rooms and would sleep on the floor. Gruit would laugh and snicker at them and shake his head. He'd leave them be where they're at and call it a day for him.

Griff would just face palm and would go to his room. He'd rather avoid carrying them drunkards.

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@StrawberryMilk Simp


Blu lowered his pistol once it seemed clear that the threat was neutralized, he wasn't concerned with Cozy's antics as he also moved to take better stock of the situation. 

22 hours ago, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

Alpha quickly took one of the potion and lightly shoved Cozy to the side. And quickly went to Shallow's side and gave her one of her potions.

She looked at Blu alarmed.

" did you kill her!? It wasn't fatal right!?"

He was taken aback by that, "She attacked you, out of nowhere, and you're more worried about her than yourself?" He shook his head, "I wasn't aiming for anything vital, and it looks like a clean shot. I would guess some intestinal damage, nothing more."

22 hours ago, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

She began to check on Shallow's body. It seems two holes are on her body. It went through. But her blood...

It was purple.

He raised an eyebrow at that, "That doesn't look normal. Is this a new form of infection? That would explain why she attacked you."



Fuoco would remain watchful, inwardly disappointed that her team would let their guard down so easily. Sure these ponies had given them no reason to suspect them of any wrongdoing, so far, but it only took one mistake for a clever ruse to come to ruin or fruition.

Still, once the mares passed out on the floor she moved to carry them to the safety of their rooms. Inwardly proud that she had remained sober to care for them.

The others cared for she would retire to her own room, and after sweeping it for any sort of hidden magic, would enter into a meditative trance rather than sleep. Sure she'd still be tired tomorrow, but if anything happened during the night she'd be ready to defend her team. If anything, she could sleep in the cart while the others were awake while they traveled tomorrow. Or she'd push through if they didn't understand.

She wished that there was someone here to watch her back, so she could sleep.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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9 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

He was taken aback by that, "She attacked you, out of nowhere, and you're more worried about her than yourself?" He shook his head, "I wasn't aiming for anything vital, and it looks lik0of1oqe a clean shot. I would guess some intestinal damage, nothing more."

"WELL YEAH SHE DID.... but... isn't she your friend?... well... thank you."

9 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

raised an eyebrow at that, "That doesn't look normal. Is this a new form of infection? That would explain why she attacked you

" probably..." no sooner than later the purple blood reacted and began to move.

This made Alpha jolt away from Shallow's body. Dropping it in the process.


She replied as her skull dropped to the ground.

Her blood began to move back inside the hole on her body and began to regenerate. 

In a matter of seconds the hole was gone.

Shallow shade would stare at Blu.

It seems she is pouting at you.

" what the HAY! BLU! You were suppossed to shoot the bad guy! The Evil Mare who wants to kill all of us ODTs remember?"

She'd clumsily try to stand up.

"That really hurts BAD BLU!"

Alpha would prepare her dagger.

 Seeing this Shallow would snarl towards Alpha.

" you must've brainwashed BLU! Wait for me bro. I'll save you from this witch!"

"HEY YOU STUPID SHARK PONY! im the one who saved you from that laboratory in the first place!"

The two deadly mares prepared to pounce on one another.




She carried the heavy drunk mares to their room. But half way through she'd noticed that the load she carries became light. As she look for the cause, it was Griff carrying the other side.

"....think nothing of it... i didn't came here to help you specifically."

As the deed was done Griff would wave goodnight towards Fuoco and call it a day.



And the next day would come and another problem arises.

A knock on the door would disturb Fuoco.

It was Misty on the other side of the door.

"Good morning Fuoco. It seems were going to have our morning meeting today. We'll be waiting downstairs at the bar."


Edited by StrawberryMilk Simp
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@StrawberryMilk Simp


18 hours ago, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

The two deadly mares prepared to pounce on one another.

Blu snorted before firing another shot into the ground in an effort to regain their attention.

"Both of you calm down, we're not getting anywhere fighting each other."

He turned towards Shallow, "Since you haven't noticed, a lot has changed. As much as I want to shoot Alpha right now, she's far more valuable to me alive than dead, so she gets to live until such a time as that is no longer true."

He sighed, "I'm sorry for shooting you, but you appeared to, and still appear to, be infected with whatever has turned the world on its end. Or did you always have purple blood and a remarkable healing ability?"



Fuoco didn't comment on Griff's change of heart, as either he was lying and did respect her enough to help her help the team, or he didn't want to get shown up by her helping the team when he didn't, either case were favorable to the team's success.

When Misty knocked, rousing Fuoco from her trance, Fuoco yawned deeply. While she was a bit more energized than the night before, it was only as though she had taken a short nap and not a full night's rest. She pulled out her flute as she responded, "I'll be out in a minute, I just need to practice a bit."

She would play, softly, an energizing tune. Something to get her going that would hopefully last until she could properly rest. Two minutes later she exited her room, hoping that the meeting would not be hard to find, or that someone would be waiting to guide her there.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 


The loud shot got their attention.

12 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

turned towards Shallow, "Since you haven't noticed, a lot has changed. As much as I want to shoot Alpha right now, she's far more valuable to me alive than dead, so she gets to live until such a time as that is no longer true."

After hearing his words Shallow would immaturely pull out her tongue on Alpha.

She'd just give out a heavy sigh and look at Blu. She'd look away as soon as you'd lock eyes woth each other.

12 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

sighed, "I'm sorry for shooting you, but you appeared to, and still appear to, be infected with whatever has turned the world on its end. Or did you always have purple blood and a remarkable healing ability?"

" about that... i didnt tell you but me and Silver got infected..."

And at that momment she remembered.


She looks panicked.

"You! Where is he!"

Alpha would shrug.

" you and Cozy are the ones i can save at that momment, the only one who is normal there.... somewhat normal. Other than you two, the place was littered with brain dead infected. Creatures."

Shallow proceeds to pound the ground.

" no!! Silver!! I was supposed to bring you to safety!... i..i failed." She whimpered and cried.

"... im a failure..."

Those words somehow reached Cozy's heart and was crushed on the process.

She begins to vomit.



There Misty waits at the door humming and happy.

" such a wonderful tune." She gleefully add.

Shed then lead you where the team is.

It seems White and basher is with them at the table with the rest of the group.

Tiara would wave towards you while White nods at you.

Also two ponies seems to be guarding White. One was the pony who guided you to the inn and the other a new face. A brown earth pony stallion full of light scars on his face.

"Good morning everyone. It looks like everyone is here." Tiara announced and looked at each and everyone.

" todays adventure is a bit more favorable than the last time... well except for White that is." She gave a smile towards him.

".... im fine... although having another eye is quite... disturbing, this is much more better than our team almost getting killed."

" even though White says he's okay, i think we should still be more careful about it. I suggest we report back to starlight about this before continuing our quest. Do you agree Fuoco?" She asked.


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@StrawberryMilk Simp


Blu sighed, "We can't dwell on that right now, after I shot that weird creature that seemed to be controlling the infected they're no doubt going to be swarming around here soon. We need to move on to the next location." He turned towards Alpha, "Is there a convenient way to get these two back to Ponyville? Or are we going to need to go back and report before we move on?"



Fuoco nodded, "Of course, given this isn't usual we'll want to make sure it isn't a sign of worse things to come. I don't think White would be a very strong defender if he turned the rest of the way into a fish. Not so long as we're out of the water that is. We'll also want to tell her of the status of this town, since they did so much better than Ponyville did, surely there's something to be gained by getting her in contact with the mayor here."

She looked around the table, "Speaking of, weren't we supposed to meet with the mayor? Where are they?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 2023-09-18 at 5:37 AM, Illiad Easle said:

sighed, "We can't dwell on that right now, after I shot that weird creature that seemed to be controlling the infected they're no doubt going to be swarming around here soon. We need to move on to the next location." He turned towards Alpha, "Is there a convenient way to get these two back to Ponyville? Or are we going to need to go back and report before we move on?"



Hearing this, Cozy Glow became still and silent. Her crying stopped.

Alpha on the other hand is stomped at what to do next. And Shallow still cautious towards the two of you.

A bit of pondering was given before Alpha would speak.

She gave a big sigh,"... we best get back to ponyville. Although the plan was to head to every location of the SMILE headquarters, the situation we had here has changed that."

She then raced her bloody hoof.

" as everyone can see... im definitely infected by your friend, Blu. Although weirdly enough the infection rate is somewhat slow or non existent. Must be because Shallow might have a different or unique variant of the infection."

Her wounds on her hoof slowly heals itself and her veins in it is starting to go purple.

"... i feel no strain or fatigue. Possession... negative. Although, Shallow's presence is... hard to go un noticed... weird. Anyway, thats not the only problem. I ran out of potions and some stuff from my escape. Surely you too have used some ammos."

She then nods.

" and i do not want to stick to these ungrateful bunch. Especially you, Traitor." She pointed at Cozy.

" life can never be easy for me, can it. I know you scorn my actions Blu, but that filly is the same age as me. Don't be fooled by her tears. If you must shoot her, shoot her."

" so we really need to head back to ponyville. We have to strategize, restock, and put this wench to justice... or else i might end up doing the justice." She stared coldly towards Cozy.

While she dreads and shake in fear.



Griff would jest. " i don't mind eating a three eyed white fish."

White would roll his eyes and snicker.

As per the mayor.

The one with the gun would reply.

"Aw he'd be here in a jiffy. He was needed in the hospital and apparently at the tower as well."

"Then i guess we call the Head Mare then. You dont mind do you?"  She asked the guards.

" call?... By magic? Wait a sek." Hed approach the scarred stallion and whispered something, while the other would just nod in agreement.

Then the scarred stallion would move as far away from everyone. He made a very wide gap of distance.

" sorry. my partner ther is easily spooked bah magic. You dont want em to be spooked unless ye want yer head popped off. Okay do yer thing." He gave his approval.

" ...O kaaaayyy?... so lets find a wide area for Starlight to teleport." Tiara announced.

The rest would move the table and chairs to make space.

" okay Misty brake the flute." Tiara ordered.



" ahmm... give it some time." Tiara replied.

Misty began to sweat.

"... you think... i did something wrong?" She began to question her actions, while she observed the flute like a curious toddler.

" maybe i have to trip on it like last time?"

".... d-dont be silly Misty... lets just wait."

An hour would pass and still nothing.

The other onlookers who were curious began to diminish. 

Tiara would begin to sweat in embarrassment. While the rest would yawn once in a while.

She would then look at fuoco...puzzled.


@Illiad Easle

Edited by StrawberryMilk Simp
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  • 2 weeks later...

@StrawberryMilk Simp


On 2023-09-19 at 2:29 AM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

" as everyone can see... im definitely infected by your friend, Blu. Although weirdly enough the infection rate is somewhat slow or non existent. Must be because Shallow might have a different or unique variant of the infection."

Her wounds on her hoof slowly heals itself and her veins in it is starting to go purple.

"... i feel no strain or fatigue. Possession... negative. Although, Shallow's presence is... hard to go un noticed... weird. Anyway, thats not the only problem. I ran out of potions and some stuff from my escape. Surely you too have used some ammos."

Blu didn't seem too interested as he gathered his items for travel, "Or the effect is lessened because I killed the one in charge? That being said, there's no guarantee that something else won't take control later. So best to keep an eye on it, rather than being out on a mission miles away from help."

On 2023-09-19 at 2:29 AM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

" life can never be easy for me, can it. I know you scorn my actions Blu, but that filly is the same age as me. Don't be fooled by her tears. If you must shoot her, shoot her."

" so we really need to head back to ponyville. We have to strategize, restock, and put this wench to justice... or else i might end up doing the justice." She stared coldly towards Cozy.

While she dreads and shake in fear.

Blu did raise an eyebrow at that, "I'd say I'm surprised, but I'm in the same boat. Still, it makes Starlight's actions against me all the less forgivable since she didn't believe I had the same condition."

He'd turn towards the path they had taken to get there, "Let's get moving then."



Fuoco wouldn't wait longer than fifteen minutes after the flute was broken to move on, "Looks like she's either unavailable, or incapacitated. In either case we're better off moving forward while we wait, rather than sitting around doing nothing. Which is irrelevant because your mayor isn't here either."

She sighed, looking about the room for someone who lived in the town, "Since it hasn't been answered yet, would someone mind explaining how this town has managed to hold off the infection so well when so many other towns have fallen completely?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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2 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

did raise an eyebrow at that, "I'd say I'm surprised, but I'm in the same boat. Still, it makes Starlight's actions against me all the less forgivable since she didn't believe I had the same condition."

He'd turn towards the path they had taken to get there, "Let's get moving then."

" hehe could you blame her? To her you were the first who ever treated her differently. To what she has told me about you... I'd never dreamed of doing what you did. Plus, she has her suspicions about you already." She commented.

She then stretched a bit.

" you're right. We need to head back. But first... im just going to temporarily clip Cozy glows wings. Its gonna hurt, but don't worry its not permanent." 

Before Cozy could talk Alpha is already at her back.

" wait wha AAAA!"

Cozy crouched a bit from the pain.

Her wings has no visible damage. But it seems she could not move it and just twitches when she tries to.

" ...." cozy could only look down in defeat. 

Shade meanwhile was a bit shock at how fast can Alpha still move in her situation.

She would slowly close up to Blu and whisper.

" you know what you're doing here bro? Im still scared about her."



2 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Fuoco wouldn't wait longer than fifteen minutes after the flute was broken to move on, "Looks like she's either unavailable, or incapacitated. In either case we're better off moving forward while we wait, rather than sitting around doing nothing. Which is irrelevant because your mayor isn't here either."

".... incapacitated!? No one can touch her thats for sure." Griff commented.

While the rest would be troubled and looked at each other with worry.

"..... right?" Now griff seems to doubt what he said.

2 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

She sighed, looking about the room for someone who lived in the town, "Since it hasn't been answered yet, would someone mind explaining how this town has managed to hold off the infection so well when so many other towns have fallen completely?"



"Oh! That'd be me miss." The stallion with a scar spoke.

He brags and flexes his muscle once in a while, while he speaks.

" with my aid and of course with some help with the others... I KUYA, from the islands of BLADES, easily outdone the purple invasion. I lift and throw and WHAM with my hooves.." and bla bla he goes.

The other guard with a metal pipe would sigh, As Kuya goes on.

"He may be a show off, but his words are true... so best let him be him... it's a small price to pay when he's saving our butts."

Tiara, Basher, Griff and Light would try to applaud to him and give a bad poker face of wow and excitement, except for Misty. She genuinely was wowed and excited, while Apple Bloom was a bit interested in his story.

 Meanwhile the mayor would quickly enter and see Kuya flexing and lifting stuff to flex.

" KUYA! whad ayd told ya about ya flexin in mah inn! Ya gonna break another table and make a fool out of yourself.... scratched that i think you already did that." He said as he looks at the group.

" sorry about him. His a good lad.... but.... eh." He shrugged.

He then grabs a chair and sits close to them.

" well, i had to attend to my ponies. Sorry for the delay."

He paused and collected himself for a bit before continuing.

" good news... White Light. You arent infected by the purple things, wadever they be. Bad news. You have something entirely diffrnt infectinya."

" so i had to double check mah town if you were able to infect anyone. So the first place ya visited near was the watchtower."

" good news.... mah men there is good. It seems ya havent infected anyone...YET."

He gave White a curious look.

" bad news..... another wave of infection is comen and it looks quite big. About a hundred of em. It seems theyr lost in the woods and is scattered but it seems they're movin in groups lookin for somethen... probably our town... or you fellas." He looked at the group of Fuoco.

Everyone in the room was shocked, even Kuya.

"H-ha! So what if they doubled in numbers.... i-i can still handle them!" He gulped.

"Dont worry for KUYA will protect all of you!" He then winked at the group.

It seems that Misty is the only one who was head over heels over kuya while the rest is worried.

" well, we cant just leave this place be right? Do we defend? Do we flee or do we attack?" Tiara asked both Fuoco and Gruit Ale.

@Illiad Easle






Edited by StrawberryMilk Simp
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@StrawberryMilk Simp


On 2023-09-29 at 4:42 PM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

" hehe could you blame her? To her you were the first who ever treated her differently. To what she has told me about you... I'd never dreamed of doing what you did. Plus, she has her suspicions about you already." She commented.

Blu gave her a side-eye, "I can and do. Few in positions of power are blameless."

On 2023-09-29 at 4:42 PM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

" you know what you're doing here bro? Im still scared about her."

Blu shrugged, "One of us will kill the other, and the other won't be around to worry about it. I either get my revenge, am avenged, or perhaps will finally reunite with everyone I've lost."

He looked at Shade, "I know that's not comforting. But you're looking at a pony with nothing to lose, and ever less to gain."


Blu wouldn't have much else to say until they got back to Ponyville, or unless something happened during their travels.



On 2023-09-29 at 4:42 PM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

" well, we cant just leave this place be right? Do we defend? Do we flee or do we attack?" Tiara asked both Fuoco and Gruit Ale.

Fuoco raised an eyebrow, "Only a hundred? And this is double what you fought before? No wonder this town survived. It's been wholly ignored."

She turned to the mayor, "If I light the forest on fire, will your ponies be able to put it out? I think a wall of flames will be more than enough to dissuade them from advancing, at least those on hoof."

She would get up and retrieve her flute before starting to move, "Well? No time to waste. There will be magic involved though, as a warning to that one guard."

  • Shocked 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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